2 chemin de Kergroas, 22500 - TEL : CÔTES D'ARMOR

The Côtes d'Armor are, above all, emblematic sites, singular atmospheres, inspiring atmospheres, both energetic and soothing. By their central position, the Côtes d'Armor are the ideal destination to discover all the magic of . Starting from the various ports scattered on the Breton coast, discover the Grand Site de Cap d' - Cap Fréhel and the Bay of Saint-Brieuc.

Not to be missed, the Pink Granite Coast is the place to visit in Brittany as is the Brehat Island opposite Paimpol in the waters of the bordering the north coast of Brittany. To discover Brittany and its history, a stopover is mandatory in to see a Breton town in the Middle-Ages. Finally, the Breton coast does not have the monopoly of attractiveness in North Brittany. Indeed, the Valley of the Saints and the Guerledan Lake will immerse you in the myths and legends of Brittany.

© TORRUBIA Bruno PINK GRANITE COAST Defying the laws of balance, huge blocks of granite create a unique setting. On the moor as well as in the sea, the coast becomes coppery and as if sculpted by the elements. Welcome to the paradise of the Côtes d'Armor. THE FRENCH'S FAVORITE VILLAGE

If there are sites that are the pride of the Côtes d'Armor, Ploumanac'h is one of those places that, by its atmosphere, its particularity, leave its visitors the simple desire to come back. By taking the Customs Officers' Path from the village's port or the beach of Trestaou in Perros-Guirec, you discover a natural jewel containing secrets and legends worn by spectacular architectural buildings.

THE LIGHTHOUSE OF PLOUMANAC'H OR MEAN RUZ, emblematic figure of the Pink Granite Coast, is perched on a huge block of granite and blends perfectly into this curious landscape where granite rocks offer strange and spectacular forms. From the lighthouse, the walker has a direct view of the castle of Costaéres, the Renote Islands and the 7 Islands.

Saint-Guirec Oratory is located at the bottom of Anse Saint-Guirec and is surrounded by water at high tide. Legend has it that unmarried girls would come and poke a needle in the Saint's nose. If the needle remained planted, the marriage vow was granted within a year. If you want to relax or daydream in a heavenly environment, take a break on the beach opposite the castle of Costaéres and let yourself imagine for each rock an unlikely resemblance... AT THE HEART OF PINK GRANITE

The Pink Granite Coast extends from Perros-Guirec to Trebeurden, on 4 communes with each its assets.

PERROS-GUIREC, A renowned seaside resort equipped with marine thermal baths, is recognized as a city of history with the Musée de l'Histoire et des Traditions de Bretagne and the church of Saint-Jacque-le-Majeur built in the 11thcentury was a crossing point to Saint-Jacque-de-Compostelle for pilgrims from the British isles. The town is also a former fishing port now a marina that regularly hosts a stage of La Solitaire Urgo le Figaro.

TRÉGASTEL is the paradise for lovers of idleness by the sea ! With 12 beaches on its territory, it will satisfy all tastes. If you're looking for something to discover, head to the marine aquarium to enter the turquoise waters of the Breton coast.

Two worlds oppose PLEUMEUR-BODOU ! You can follow the first human traces of the Lower Palaeolithic in Brittany, admire the many menhirs including that of Saint-Uzec and even visit a Gaulish village. If you prefer the new technologies, head to the Cité des Télécoms and its Radôme, place of the first televised transmission via satellite. Finally, if you are too seasick to go to the 7 Islands, head for the LPO ornithological station on Île Grande.

At TRÉBEURDEN, set a course for the islands, Milliau and Molène are full of history where magic takes place on the surface as well as underwater, indeed an underwater outing is necessary to discover the seabed of the Pink Granite Coast. On land, go hiking on the trails through the marsh of Quellen and its Camargue horses, the wood of Lan ar Waremm and the Valley of Goas Lagorn.


The archipelago of the 7 Islands, composed of Rouzic, Malban, Les Costans, Bono, Île aux Moines, Île Plate and Le Cerf, is a protected natural site classified as a Nature Reserve. The archipelago is home to 27 species of breeding birds, including 12 species of seabirds.

Among these birds, with a wingspan of 1,70 m, the Northern Gannet is the largest seabird in Europe and offers tourists its majestic broom during the featured © PORIEL Thibault excursions, the best way to approach them. Nests in colonies from April to September. The archipelago of the 7 Islands is home to the largest French colony on Rouzic Island, where approximately 20.000 pairs breed each year.

Another unique species to discover : the famous puffins ! Threatened by overfishing and global warming, 400 calculots reproduce from April to July in the archipelago. Would you like to meet the inhabitants of the 7 Islands ? Book your cruise with Armor Navigation of Perros-Guirec, Tregastel and Ploumanac'h !

© PORIEL Thibault THE UNMISSABLES OF THE PINK GRANITE COAST Stroll along THE PATH FROM PLOUMANAC'H to Perros- Guirec. Embark on a cruise to THE 7 ISLANDS RESERVE Visit the CITÉ DES TÉLÉCOMS in the Radôme Park. Enjoy one of TRÉGASTEL's 12 beaches. Explore the seabed off TRÉBEURDEN. DINAN An unmissable medieval town in Brittany, Dinan overlooks the calm waters of the . Through its cobbled streets or along the river, the city and its surroundings is gently visited, on foot, by bike or by boat, to savour a nature and a heritage out of the ordinary.


It is this charm that has attracted so many artists in this city of Art and History known for its magnificent houses with colorful half-timbered. Protected by 3 kilometers of ramparts overlooking the Rance Valley, Dinan takes you through its small streets on a journey to the heart of Breton history.

Follow in the footsteps of Bertrand Duguesclin, the famous protector of the city against the English, from the Basilica of Saint-Sauveur of Orientalo-Byzantine influence to the castle. The centerpiece of the medieval enclosure that encircles the city, this princely residence invites you to plunge into everyday life and the art of living at the court of the Dukes of Brittany.


Every 2 years, on a July weekend, the city goes back in the time of the castles : fair maidens and valiant knights proudly display their period costumes to offer visitors a journey into history.

Created in 1983, LA FÊTE DES REMPARTS (Ramparts Festivity) offers knighthood tournaments, a large medieval market, a grand parade... This event rich in discoveries allows the inhabitants to share the daily life of their ancestors and through these animations to value the heritage of the city such as the Clock Tower and the Place des Merciers.

To get from the city centre to the ports on the banks of the Rance river, visitors must take the famous rue du Jerzual, known for its half-timbered houses and its numerous artists' workshops, a legacy of the city's industrial past, where weavers and tanners abounded.

But the specificity of this street lies in its height difference oscillating between 12 and 18% on 502 meters ! Every year, in September, running enthusiasts compete on the slopes of the street during the Défi du Jerzual and give the artery a Breton Alpe d'Huez vibe.


Below the city, join the port for a river getaway along the Rance. It is a Breton coastal river that originates in the Monts du Mené in Collinée and flows into the English Channel in Ille-et-Vilaine.

From the east bank to the west bank, you will enjoy the wealth of natural and cultural heritage and you can enjoy an authentic Breton crepe. Departing from the port, embark on a commented visit that will make you, not only, back up the current but also time and © LE GALL Yannick history. FROM A CITY TO ANOTHER... LÉHON

Continue your medieval journey by joining Léhon, Petite Cité de Caractère de Bretagne, located 2 kilometers from Dinan. Léhon has many heritage assets and the stone houses give it a lot of charm.

Do not hesitate to visit the old abbey, the cloister, the gardens of the abbey Saint- Magloire, founded in the 9th century, as well as the 12th century feudal castle's rebuilt towers and courtines. For hikers at heart, you can also take a stroll along the banks of the Rance to reach Léhon by towing from the port of Dinan.

© LAMOUREUX Alexandre THE UNMISSABLES OF DINAN Get lost in the cobbled streets of the historic centre. Overlooking the Rance Valley from the ramparts. Take the Jerzual to reach port. Get to Léhon, PETITE CITÉ DE CARACTÈRE. BREHAT ISLAND & PAIMPOL A few kilometers from the fishing port of Paimpol, take the direction of ... you arrive at the tip of the Arcouëst and there, inevitably, the magic works ! AND AT THE END OF THE ARCOUËST... A MAGICAL ISLAND

You are transported in a few minutes of crossing on the island of flowers which banned cars to give its heritage all the opportunity to express itself. The archipelago of Brehat consists of the main island and 86 neighboring islets and reefs. On July 13th, 1907, Brehat was the first listed natural site in France !

This island is 3,5 kilometers long and 1,5 kilometers wide, and can be visited on foot from the landing area to the Paon lighthouse set on jagged pink granite rocks, passing by the Saint-Michel chapel mound. Let's go for a change of scenery.


As you travel through Brehat, you will discover a varied and rich heritage that is the imprint of a maritime but also military history that marked the island from the Middle-Ages.

Indeed, it provided the French Crown with numerous privateers who terrorized in the Atlantic. On land, we can find monuments such as the Pont ar Prad built by Vauban to connect the two islands forming Brehat and a citadel that had since changed use.

Like many Armorican ports, the Port of La Corderie was the point of departure for a fleet of Newfoundlanders (Terre-Neuvas) bound for the seas of and Newfoundland to fish cod and whales.

An emblematic symbol of this period is the Birlot Tidal Mill, which, as its name suggests, operated at the rhythm of the tides to produce flour. Now restored, it welcomes visitors in season to watch the process. In ancient times, it was used to grind wheat, barley and black wheat harvested in the archipelago to provide flour to the brazhatins.


All year round, the archipelago benefits from the influence of the Gulf Stream which ensures a particularly mild microclimate in winter. If the island is often nicknamed "THE ISLAND OF FLOWERS", it is not without reason...

Many varieties of flowers colour the island : exotic plants such as agave or echium; flowers such as hydrangea, mimosa, mulberry, eucalyptus, aloe, or camellia… But the flower that symbolizes Brehat is the agapanthus which blooms from April to September and brightens the paths with its soft shade of blue- mauve. TREASURES OF THE ISLAND

In 1998, Yves Neumager founded the Verreries de Bréhat in the abandoned citadel... Crazy bet to settle on this island off Paimpol by imposing the constraints of island life !

This challenge could obviously only be met out of passion, which also led the small craft company to develop and seduce the world of luxury thanks to its door handles, stair balls, faucet heads...


You cannot go to Bréhat without stopping at Paimpol. Although the city of Paimpol is famous for its maritime heritage and its history largely marked by the "Great Fishing", the city also has a remarkable natural heritage with in particular the maritime domain of the Beauport Abbey, site of the Conservatoire du Littoral, which has no less than 90 hectares. © BERTHIER Emmanuel At the western end of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, Paimpol is the most famous cod port, of the coast of the Goëlo were leaving for 6 months schooners filled with sailors in the sea of Iceland. These men inspired Pierre Loti in his novel "Sinner of Iceland" as well as Theodore Botrel for his song "La Paimpolaise".

The city has managed to preserve this maritime wealth that is its strength. Every year, in August, the Festival du Chant Marin and the Fête des Vieux Gréements punctuate the life of the port. THE UNMISSABLES OF BREHAT Going on a trip to the Island of Bréhat Visiting the CHÂTEAU DE LA ROCHE JAGU and its area. Discovering BEAUPORT ABBEY, now a cultural place. Venturing to the curious TALBERT TRAIL. Walking the streets of the port of Paimpol, home of the Icelanders. VALLEY OF THE SAINTS Brittany is a mystical land full of hidden treasures. For 11 years, sculptors have been bringing out the saints of Brittany. THE REBIRTH OF THE BRETON SAINTS

Between the lake of Guerldan and the Monts d'Arrée, stand one by one for 10 years, giants from the most hidden parts of history. On the side of a feudal clod located in the commune of Carnoët, the Valley of the Saints was born in July 2008.

It is a Breton collective project carried out by the association of the same name with the aim of "SAFEGUARDING, DISCOVERING AND PROMOTING THE BRETON POPULAR CULTURE LINKED TO THE BRETON SAINTS IN THE FORM OF ARTISTIC CREATION".

The association aims to implant 1.000 monumental sculptures carved in Breton granite in 100 years, a real Breton Easter Island ! Each year, visitors can attend the carving workshop organized from May to October.

Each project lasts 30 days and gives life to 5 to 7 sculptures throughout the season.

© L'oeil de Paco Among its 100 Saints, we find the 7 founding Saints of Brittany each turned towards his Basilica (Saint-Brieuc, Saint- Tugdual in Tréguier, Saint-Malo, Saint-Samson in Dol-de-Bretagne, Saint-Pol-Aurélien in Saint-Pol-de-Léon, Saint- Corentin in Quimper and Saint-Patern in Vannes).

Originating from Breton immigration from Wales and Cornwall in the 5th century, these members of the clergy each founded a community throughout Armorica that would become the 7 Breton dioceses.

Their stories, like those of the other Saints who accompany them to Carnoët, are a mixture of pagan and Christian legends and miracles. CROSSING OF THE GIANTS

In order to revive the epic of the first Saints who crossed the Channel to join the Armorica, the association launched "La Traversée des Géants".

Each year, a monumental statue, carved in one of the countries from which a large majority of the Breton Saints originate (British Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, Scotland), will cross the English Channel aboard an old rig to reach the site of the Valley of the Saints.


A few kilometers away, in the hollow of a wooded valley, Toul Goulic nestles. In this legendary site, the Blavet flows and disappears from 300m under a granite chaos, an amazing atmosphere.

Nature lovers will enjoy the 350 hectares wide of the Lande de , where © BOELLE Yvon Europe's tallest and tallest health ranges and woodlands follow each other. Nothing distrubs the flight of the Saint-Martin buzzard,emblem of the place.

Finally, do not miss the Gorge of the Corong, in this magical place close to the Landes de Locarn, the river disappears under a huge head of rocks that can be followed going upstream.

© COJEAN Carole THE UNMISSABLES OF THE VALLEY OF THE SAINTS Explore the site in search of a familiar saint. Observe the Saint-Martin buzzard above the LANDES DE LOCARN. Climb the granite chaos of the GORGES DU CORONG. CAPE FREHEL Le Grand Site de France Cap d'Erquy - Cap Fréhel is the largest in Brittany. You will be amazed by this breathtaking place and by the Fort-la-Latte overlooking the sea.


From the Cape of Erquy and its boat traffic in the harbour to Cape Frehel and its 70-meters- high cliffs, set off to discover a breathtaking natural space. Classified as a Natura 2000 site, the Grand Site Cap d'Erquy - Cap Fréhel unfolds at your feet 600 hectares of moors between cliffs of pink sandstone and emerald sea.

From Erquy, a human-sized seaside resort and the capital of the Scallop follow the GR34 trail along the coast to discover wild beaches and steep cliffs.

Along your walk, you will cross the ruins of the ditch of Catuelan and the ditch of Plaine Garenne, remains of barred spur, defense system of the first inhabitants of Armorica. The most famous Armoricans are, of course, and Obelix from a small village of indomitable Gauls located on the Cape of Erquy at the very site of these vestiges ! CAPE TO CAPE FOLLOWING GR34

After a swim on the beach of Lourtuais and a climb of the islet Saint-Michel by low tide, you will come across an amazing city : Sables-d'Or-les-Pins. If nowadays, it is a family resort, charming and quiet where the beaches of fine sands invite to idleness, it has not always been so.

In 1921, rich developers bought hectares of dunes in order to build a luxurious seaside resort. Sables-d'Or was born ! Very quickly, the resort attracted an affluent customership of Parisian and English financiers and industrialists and is now adorned with luxurious villas it became a trendy resort ! But the 1929 crisis hit Europe and stopped the development of the city immediately.

It will be necessary to wait for the post-war period to see the station develop again to welcome tourists in an environment still marked by the Roaring Twenties.


By walking across the 3 km of beachside Sables-d'Or, the Cape Frehel stands proudly before you ! Truly, a sight to behold.

In addition to the striking view of Jersey and the Channel Islands on a clear day,

Cape Frehel is also an ornithological reserve where northern fulmar, guillemot de © BERTHIER Emmanuel troïl, sea gulls and cormorants meet...

Near Cape Frehel, discover the Fort-la-Latte ! Its exceptional location and architecture makes it one of the largest Breton castles. Built in the 14th century, the castle was a strategic point since it dominates the Bay of Saint-Malo.

Today, classified as a Historic Monument, Fort-la-Latte is open to visitors in season and is the setting for many films including the famous "Vikings" (1958), with Kirk DOUGLAS.

© L'oeil de Paco THE UNMISSABLES OF THE GRAND SITE DU CAP D'ERQUY - CAP FRÉHEL Raid FORT LA LATTE. Discover SCALLOP FISHING in the port ofErquy. Survey the Natura 2000 site using the GR®34. Relax on the beaches of Sables-d'Or et d'Erquy. BAY OF SAINT-BRIEUC At 2h06 from Paris and 1h from Rennes, the Bay of Saint-Brieuc is the ideal place to spend a weekend or several days by the sea. THE SEA AT 2H06 FROM PARIS

Thanks to the extension of the High Speed Line, our friends in the capital only take 2h13 and even 2h06 on Friday everings to reach the Gare de Paris Montparnasse - Saint-Brieuc, gateway to the bay. This makes Saint-Brieuc the closest beach to Paris ! It is a great opportunity for Parisians to let the maritim air refill their batteries.

When you get off the train or when arriving by road, a stop in Saint-Brieuc, the active yet shy Costarmorican prefecture is necessary. Stroll through the pedestrian streets of the Episcopal City with its preserved ancient architecture, where the half- timbered houses flank the imposing Saint-Etienne fortress cathedral.

Then, go down the port of Légué, a new meeting place for briochins... And there in front of you, the sea awaits !


The Bay of Saint-Brieuc is bordered by small, human-sized seaside towns where mansions with eclectic architecture neighbour the homes of Newfoundland shipowners who used to fish cod in the Icelandic Sea and off the coast of Newfoundland.

Binic-Etables, Pléneuf-Val-André, Plérin and Saint-Quay-Portrieux offer a multitude of beaches for all tastes. Want to have an active stay ? There are plenty of activities in the nautical centres, golf courses and family leisure facilities.


Music will be featured during the summer Festival Art Rock, which takes place in the heart of Saint-Brieuc on the weekend of Pentecost. With its seaside scene, the Binie Blues Festival is a small event that rises at the end of July.

Finally, don't miss the traditional popular festivities of Cod and Scallop Shells which honor these local specialties in a family atmosphere.


The Bay of Saint-Brieuc is a diverse ecosystem. You will discover the cliffs of , 104- meters-high of Plouha and its atypical port of Gwin Zegal. The fine sands of the nature reserve provide a favorable environment for the development of many species and therefore a cornucopia for tens of thousands of migratory birds such as oystercatchers, tundra ducks, geese, curlew...

Other peculiarities of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc are its high tides ! Indeed, the amplitude of its tides is the fifth most extreme in the world. It then becomes the paradise for fishermen © PORIEL Thibault on foot at large coefficients that discover hundreds of hectares.

The best way to discover the Bay of Saint-Brieuc is to visit the Maison de la Baie in , classified Maison Nature. It values and makes this natural heritage live thanks to an educational approach in order to give visitor a better understranding of the importance of protecting the environment.

Furthermore, the Bay of Saint-Brieuc has its star : the SCALLOP SHELL. The largest natural deposit in France wth 150,000 hectares, the shell is found in all the stalls of the fishermen from October to April and in the menus of the Armorican chefs. Then go ahead and enjoy the shell in carpaccio, skewer or pan-fried with salted butter of course. © TORSET Pierre THE UNMISSABLES OF THE BAY OF SAINT-BRIEUC Rest on the beaches of Binic, Pléneuf-Val-André ou St- Quay-Portrieux. Take the GR34 along the PLOUHA CLIFFS to Gwin Zegal. Go fishing on foot during the HIGH TIDES. Visit the HARAS NATIONAL of Lamballe. GUERLEDAN LAKE & THE NANTES-BREST CANAL In the heart of Brittany, the Guerledan Lake streches in the Blavet Valley. Bordered by a forest, the 400-hectare-wide lake makes up a vast space for natural leisure.


On the boundary between the Côtes d'Armor and Morbihan, Lake Guerledan is the result of the construction between 1923 and 1930 on the Blavet river of a hydroelectric dam. It has an area of 304 hectares, it is 12 kilometers long and 45 meters deep at the foot of the dam, which makes it the largest artificial lake in Brittany.

The Nantes-Brest Canal, which was dug by convicts under Napoleon, is intimately linked to the lake. Indeed, the creation of the dam has especially ennobled the Valley of Blavet, cut the continuity of river traffic and swallowed 17 locks putting an end to its economic use...

With 360 km and 236 locks, it offers hikers the spectacle of a preserved nature and makes the joy of hikers thanks to the great routes that follow it like the Vélodyssée... To capture the spirit of this country, nothing beats the Green Lane V6 which leads on foot or by bike from one end of the Côtes d'Armor to the other. Along the water, the canal reveals the interior of Brittany.


At the heart of the Quenecan forest, the Forges des Salles bear witness to working life in the steel industry in the 18th and the 19th centuries. The old steel village has been preserved and left untouched since its closure in 1877. You can visit the workers' and overseers' quarters, the ironmaster's jouse, see the industrial facilities... in a pastoral setting, just a few kilometers from Lake Guerledan.


On the banks of the canal, this former Cistercian abbey founded by Alain III de Rohan hosts temporary art exhibitions as well as a virtual reality tour that immerses you in the history of central Brittany.

Attend the Sonds and Lights of Bon Repos during the first half of August ! A2-hour night show played by 350 extras and 30 riders on a 2-hectare stage. Punctuated by a bewitching musical score and pyrotechnic effects, illustrated by monumental projections on the abbey's facade, the scenes lead you into a breathtaking show, rich in emotions, where the unexpected awaits you.


Water skiing, mountain biking, horseback riding, hiking, rock climbing, coeing, kayaking and paddle boarding are just some of the things nature sports enthusiasts will love. You will be spoilt for choice whether you are at Beau Rivage, at the Anse de Guerledan, many possibilities will be open to you to enjoy this gigantic playground in the heart of Brittany.

Thanks to the MTB station, there are no less than 12 marked circuits that will allow beginners and the most seasoned to threat themselves to thrills. For fishermen, go to Landroenec, where the pontoon allows everyone to come and tease the perch or © BOURCIER Simon the pike. For the most motivated, don't hesitate to take a walk around the lake... well equipped, this walk promises you beautiful natural discoveries ! A CRUISE ON THE LAKE

The ideal way to discover the Lake Guerledan remains the speedboat : you will be rocked along the water by the roll of the cruise ship. Embark aboard the Duke of Guerledan II and enjoy an hour and a halk of commented cruise.

On the Duke of Guerledan I, during your 3-hour cruise, enjoy your lunch on board.... To discover this majestic place at the table, isn't this an original way of walking around ? © TORRUBIA Bruno THE UNMISSABLES OF THE GUERLEDAN LAKE DISCOVER THE LAKE ON FOOT, by mountain bike or canoe. Visit the ABBAYE DE BON REPOS, which has become a cultural place. Explore the former FORGES DES SALLES in the Quenecan forest. Stroll along the NANTES-BREST CANAL.