Groups Split on Profs' March

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Groups Split on Profs' March Candy Apple Sale O.T. Majors Candy apples and sno-cones will lw sold tomorrow In front All retinal ion.i I therapy of Spartan Bookstore f r majors are re ded that they 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mem- should see their adilsers be- bers of Angel Flight, coed tueen now and May 21, kW- auxilary of the I LY cording to Mary D. Booth, AFROTC, DA will PA RTAN be selling the crunching and ehairman of the Occupational cooling ref reshments. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Therapy Department. Vol. 52 1111110 is SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1965 No. Rally Tonight Groups Split on Profs' March I.ate yesterday afternoon the Dr. Clark said that he does not A SEE spokesman indicated two wind through the campus from the the dance, Spardi statue to the south end of ipre-idents of four of the five believe the demonstration on bands will perform at Thursday will hinder the efforts of designed to show student support Seventh St., starting at 10:45. lauuliv organizations issued a the faculty to get legislative sup- for the faculty demonstrations on The procession will end with an statement regarding the faculty port for salary increases. campus and the steps of the capi- 11:15 rally. demonstration tomorrow. "Nor do I believe that other leg- tol tomorrow, At 12:30 buses will leave for The statement says, "Our non- islators would take vindictive ac- The SEE rally scheduled for Sacramento. Space remains for 20 support for this form of demon- tion against the great majority of 2:30 yesterday afternoon was can- faculty members and 20 students. stration does not mean that we the faculty who will take no part celled because one of the members 1117S SIGN-UP are happy with the existing situa- in the demonstration," President of the band scheduled to perform Sign-ups for the buses continue PUSSY GALORE SUPER ZIT MISS TIPARILLO '65 tion. Clark continued, was sick, according to SEE spokes- today for students and faculty . Sigma Alpha Mu . Kappa Delta . Delta Zeta "It simply means that we are The president said, "Our prob- men. members in front of the cafeteria. not convinced that the demonstra- lem is getting adequate funds." Dr. Sperling, an associate pro- After a 3:15 rally on the steps tion is an effective or desirable ACTIVITY TONIGHT fessor of humanities and Dr. John of the eapilol student -faculty way to persuade the legislature to "If the public is genuinely con- Calm, statewide secretary of the groups will iisit key legislators. provide adequate support for the cerned over the plight of the col- AFT College Council, will address One bus will return to San Jose state colleges." leges, the legislature will provide the rally-dance. about 5:30, the other about 8:30 AFT ANSWERS the support." The Co-Rec dance tonight has according to AFT spokesmen. Dr. John Sperling, president of Tonight between 8 and 10 p.m. been cancelled so all students can Assemblyman Alfred E. Alquist SJS Local 1362 of the American Students for Excellence in Edu- attend the SEE dance. (D-San Jose) and Assemblyman Federation of Teachers (AFT), cation (SEE) will be host for a Tomorrow about 200 professors William Stanton (D-San Jose) are said, "The presidents of the or- dance, open to all students, be- are expected to wear academic re- scheduled to speak to the group ganizations voted to recommend to tween the menu' and womens' galia throughout the day. during the rdly on the capitol the SJS Academic Council that dorms. A procession of the faculty will i steps. this demonstration be held, but when the Academic Council voted against supporting it they with- drew their support. "Presumably not because the Classes Cancelled at 10:30 demonstration was a bad idea." The American Association of University Professors, the Associa- tion of California State College Professors, the California State ROCKY ROTGUT PROF. = 19 SQUEAKY Employees and the California In Convocation Observance Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Sigma . Phi Sigma Kappa . Markham Hall Teachers Association affirmed that The fourth annual Honors fessor of business, will preside. with a 3.5 or better GPA. DIMES ARE A GHOUL'S BEST FRIEND Sigma Phi Epsilon; Barf, Allen Hall; Dr. Queer. only the AFT was sponsoring the Convocation will begin this morn- The SJS Symphonic Band will Vice President William J, Dusel Each of these monsters and ten other candi- love, Delta Upsilon; Mean Ugly Troll, Moulder "so-called faculty demonstration." ing at 10:30 in the patio area be- open the ceremony with "Pro- will conduct the commendation of dates for the Ugliest Man on Campus title, Hall; Reincarnation, Alpha Tau Omega; Saman- DOLLARS PROBLEM hind the Home Economics Build- cessional March," opus 144 by the honor students, followed by sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega, are seeking tha, Chi Omega; Slempf, Kappa Kappa SJS President Robert D. Clark ing, and classes meeting at that Beethoven, followed by the pres- the a cappella choir. performing donations by their pictures posted outside the Gamma; The Zit, Delta Sirjrna Phi; Willy was joined by AAUP President hour have been cancelled. entation of honor students by Dr. "Gaudete Omnes" by Sweelink. cafeteria. Votes at a penny a piece may be Wipeout, Phi Mu; Young Conservative, Young C. M. Larsen in defending the Pres. Robert D. Clark will be Zidnak. President Clark will then de- cast at the booth until 3 p.m. Friday. Other Americans for Freedom. right of the AFT and other faculty the guest speaker for the cere- This year, there are 347 honor liver his convocation address. candidates include Amazing Beuked Ogre, members to demonstrate, mony and Dr. Pete Zidnak, pro- students, 26 of whom are on the The Symphonic Band will close President's Scholars List. These the ceremony with the "Homage students have maintained a March" by Wagner. 'Overwhelming Response' straight 4.0 GPA. The remaining The Honors Convocation is 321 are listed as Deans' Scholars sponsored by Phi Kappa Phi, James Noah Named Sigma Xi, the Phi Beta Kappa Faculty Club and the College Honors Committee. Also supporting the event are the Spartan Foun- High Sales for 'List' dation and the Associated Stu- Publications Manager dents. Tomorrow is the final day for issue was made available, accord- devoted to Dr. Robert B. Clarke, The exercises are open to fac- James E. Noah, SJS assistant magazine writing and publicity at on-campus sales of the Tower List, ing to Tom Ferrito, chairman of assistant professor of psychology, ulty, students and the general publications manager, has been ap- SJS. the collection of faculty ratings, the Tower List committee. who was recently named "Profes- public. pointed publications manager by Noah has been sports writer for produced and being sold by mem- More than 900 copies were sold sor of the Year" by Tau Delta Phi, At 4 p.m. Phi Kappa Phi will Pres. Robert D. Clark. the Bloomington, Ill., Pantagraph bers of Tau Delta Phi, men's hon- yesterday. initiate Pres. Clark and more than and has done public relations work Noah will succeed Lowell C. orary scholastic fraternity. The publication will continue on 150 outstnading students in Con- June 11 for the Wurlitzer Organ Company Pratt, who will retire More than 5,000 copies of the sale in front of the Bookstore and Dietetic Majors cert Hall. SJS. Noah's of DeKalb, Ill. after 18 years at handbook-size booklet were sold on in front of the Education Building A banquet will follow in the is effective Sept. 1, appointment Monday, the first day the new from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. tonight. cafeteria A and B at 6 p.m. though he will handle publicity for The annual Initiation Banquet Nearly 400 professors are rated Intern for Year the summer sessions. of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa In the main text of the issue, and his B.S. and Phi wil feature Dr. Peter Koesten- Noah, who received Newman, Wife 700 others are listed in the front. MS. degrees at Illinois State Nor- Throughout U.S. baum, associate professor of phil- at Normal, Ill., "The response has been simply osophy, speaking on "Et in Arcadio mal University In Friday Flicks joined the SJS faculty three years overwhelming," Fer ri to corn- Ten senior SJS dietetic majors Ego." 12- ago. "From the Terrace" will be the mented. have recently received their Dr. Koestenbaum was recently month internship appointments in Previously an English instructor featured filin this Friday night at Tower List will continue on sale named the 1965 Distinguished at two local off-campus stores, various parts of the United States. Scholar by the SJS chapter of at Northern Illinois University 7 and 9:30, when Friday Flicks DR. WILLIAM H. VATCHER Noah is an assistant professor of California Bookstore and Robert's Upon satisfactory completion of Phi Kappa Phi presents Paul Newman for the . prof improving journalism, teaching newswriting. Bookstore, throughout the sum- the internship, they will become - -- third week in a row. mer, according to Ferrito. The members of the American Dietetic The Hollywood actor stars with publication is being sold "at cost," Association. Miss SJS Pageant his real-life wife, Joanne Wood- 50 cents each, the Tower List com- Appointments include Ellen Ben- Dr. Vatcher Improves Slowly Tickets on Sale ward, in the story of a marriage mittee chairman pointed out. son. Massachusetts General Hos- that deteriorates over the years The committee hopes to reach a pital; Kathleen Buckley, St. Luke's due to misunderstanding and neg- Hospital of Cleveland; Joanne At Student Affairs goal of 7,000 copies sold this Assailants Still Unknown lect.
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