Suncor Energy Foundation – Finaical Statements 2014
Suncor Energy Foundation Financial Statements December 31, 2014 Sunco,r Energy Foundation Statement of Financial Position December 31, December 31 , 2014 2013 $ $ Assets Cash and cash equivalents 24,514,320 22,002,361 Interest receivable 30.445 467 Prepaid expense 39,800 GST and other receivable 13,371 10,827 Total assets 24,597,936 22,013,655 Liabilities Payable to Suncor Energy Serv1ces line, (Note 5) 202,997 152,938 Payable to Suncor Energy Inc. (Note· 5) 24,213 ,:,~ ,-,nc .JV -..)0~ 3 24,630 Total liabilities 236,382 201,781 Net Assets Unrestricted net assets 24,361,554 21,811,874 24,361,554 21,811,874 To~I liabilities and net assets 24,597,936 22,013,655 see accompanying notes 2 Suncor Energy Foundation Statements ofOperations and Changes in Net Assets December 31, December 31, 2014 2013 $ $ Revenues Contributions (Note 5) 19,530,000 19,740,000 Interest income 312,587 193,585 Total revenues 19,842,587 19,933,585 Donations Inspiring lnnovatfon 3,170,430 1,643,605 Building Skills & Knowledge 4,349,000 4,091 ,153 Collaborating for Our Energy Future 1,492,000 1,266,697 Engaging Citizens 2,896,032 3,952,991 Cultivating Community Leaders 3,286,500 3,094,207 Local Relationshie Investment 715,046 1,251 ,000 Total donations 15,909,008 15,299,653 Administration expenses (Note 5) Salaries and benefits 850,680 492,702 Professional services 101,494 198,072 Travel 99,542 117,591 Event projects 206,863 74,893 Communications 43,666 14,371 Rentals - office space and furniture 69,489 54,149 Miscellaneous 12,165 33,712 Total administration exeenses
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