BrecksvilleBrecksville --BroadviewBroadview HeightsHeights HighHigh SchoolSchool BAND BOOSTERS October 2012 Director’sDirector’s All parents of band students are invited to attend WelcomeWelcome Jason Wyse 440-740-4792 Band Boosters Meetings
[email protected] the first Tuesday of every month. Dear Band Parents and Students, Hope to see you on Time has flown… with an early Homecom- ing and Senior Night this season, it seems Tuesday, as though we are ending just as quickly we have begun! I must Oct. 2nd, 7pm say that the 2012 edion of the Marching Bees has been truly in the special… from their powerful sound, to their posive atudes, to their enthusiasm, I have greatly enjoyed working with these High School Band Room fine students all season, and look forward to our connued collaboraon in music this year. Also, I hope that everyone realizes what an incredible staff that we have! Mrs. Astey, Ms. RJ7RJ7 M`71M`71 AA Sirey, Mr. Hall, Ms. Augusne, and Mr. Hanna have been TREMENDOUS in their reless YY S37`S37` efforts to do whatever is necessary to promote the success of our students. A--`!A--`! !! As you know, a marching band does not simply “happen.” It re- How about buying and selling fresh oranges and quires the combined efforts of many, many individuals. Please grapefruit to help pay for your student band ex- allow me to express my sincere GRATITUDE to all those who penses—and sup- have contributed – however much or lile – to this massive un- port the band too! dertaking. To any parent who has chaperoned a bus, carried a And this fruit makes piece of equipment, hemmed a uniform, chaired a commiee, or a great holiday gi ! simply supported your child in the art of music… please know For each box a stu- how much your efforts are valued, and greatly appreciated.