CHRONICLE 2014 Front cover images from artsPACes 2014. Thank you to those who helped in the production of the Chronicle 2014: Festival City Photography, Richard Lyons and James Elsby for the photography. To view and purchase College photographs of major events, class groups or images of co-curricular sports and music, please visit We are grateful to Elena Toskas, Co-ordinator, Margaret Gleaves, Editor, and Sally O’Connor, Graphic Designer, for their commitment to inspire excellence in this production. INSPIRING EXCELLENCE Our Vision Inspiring excellence Our Purpose develops young men who will engage in the world with confidence and compassion. We are a community that seeks to challenge and inspire students and maximise every boy’s potential. Our Values ‡ :HYDOXHDFDGHPLFH[FHOOHQFHSHUVRQDOGHYHORSPHQW and achievement. ‡ :HEHOLHYHLQH[FHOOHQFHLQWHDFKLQJOHDGHUVKLSDQG teamwork and an appreciation of Christian principles. ‡ :HDSSUHFLDWHDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOFRQFHSWRIFXUULFXOXP and a sense of citizenship. ‡ :HPDNHHYHU\HIIRUWWRGHYHORSZHOOURXQGHG\RXQJ PHQE\QXUWXULQJWKHLULQWHOOHFWXDOSK\VLFDOVRFLDO emotional and spiritual capabilities. ‡ :HHQFRXUDJHER\VWRJURZLQWRFRQILGHQWDQG FRPSDVVLRQDWHPHQE\IRVWHULQJWKHLULQGHSHQGHQFH VHOIGLVFLSOLQHLQWHJULW\DQGVRFLDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\ ‡ :HUHFRJQLVHWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKH&ROOHJHDVD FRPPXQLW\ZLWKVKDUHGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVLQFOXGLQJ VWXGHQWVSDUHQWVVWDIIROGVFKRODUVDQGIULHQGVRI Princes. Contents

Prince Alfred College 2

Early Learning Centre 19

The Preparatory School 24

The Middle School 49

The Senior School 62

Friends of PAC 128

Foundation 129

Old Collegians 131

The School List 164

Jacob Lucey Year 10 The College Council


The College Council 2013 Prince Alfred College Foundation Moderator of the Uniting Church ,Q$XVWUDOLD3UHVE\WHU\DQG Dr D Palmer President Dr J L Young Synod of SA 0U.57XWW 7HUP Chairman 0U-6.HHYHV Mr N D Andary $FWLQJ+HDGPDVWHU Headmaster Deputy Chairman Mr R F Hockney 7HUPVDQG 0U%7)HQQHU Treasurer Mr D T Sanders 6HSWHPEHU 0U.57XWW 7HUP Treasurer Mr C Tasborski 0U1'$QGDU\ $FWLQJ Headmaster Executive Mr D F Cornish +HDGPDVWHU7HUPVDQG Officer 0U%7)HQQHU 6HSWHPEHU Allocations Dr J L Young

PAOCA Dr R J Hall Members 3URIHVVRU1*%HDQ Governors Dr C F A Dibden 'U%-7LGVZHOO and Trustee 0V.*UDPS Fellows Mr H G P Chapman Mrs J Fox Dr D Lesicar Minute Secretary Mrs M Gleaves

Members Ms L La Forgia Mr N Heard 2 Executive List

Headmaster 0U%7)HQQHU Deputy Head of School Mr M Dell’Oro 6HSWHPEHU  %$ +RQV %(G 0HOERXUQH  — Senior  'LS7%(G0(G 8:$ 0$&(/ 0$&()$,0 Deputy Head of School Mr M Oomens Headmaster 0U.57XWW — Middle  %$*UDG'LS(G $GHODLGH 06F WRHQG7HUP  %$*UDG'LS(G &XUWLQ *UDG 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\1HZ

3 Headmaster’s Report

%UDGOH\7)HQQHU Headmaster

In providing some reflections on even greater appreciation of his my short time so far at Prince contribution to the good fortune $OIUHG&ROOHJH,ZRXOGILUVWO\ of this fine school. Prince Alfred like to acknowledge the two College is a school in good shape gentlemen who have preceded and also in good heart. And this me in the role this year and have can be contributed in no small between them been in charge part to a number of initiatives and for the majority of the year. developments that have taken ,QWKHILUVWLQVWDQFH,ZLVKWR ,KDYHNQRZQ.HYLQZHOODQG SODFHGXULQJ.HYLQ·VWHQXUHRYHU DFNQRZOHGJH.HYLQ7XWWZKR have worked closely with him on the last ten years. served Prince Alfred College in VRPHVKDUHGSURMHFWVRYHUWKH RXWVWDQGLQJIDVKLRQRYHU\HDUV ODVW\HDUV6LQFHWDNLQJRYHU $PRQJVWRWKHUWKLQJVWKHFRQFHSW including ten years as Headmaster. IURPKLPDW3$&,KDYHJDLQHGDQ of the Princes Man draws has EXLOWRQWKHWUDGLWLRQVYDOXHVDQG KHULWDJHRIWKH&ROOHJHDVZHOODV providing an inspirational message for our students. The development RIWKHDFDGHPLFSURJUDP particularly through embedding WKH6$&(DQG,%GXDOSDWKZD\ the upgrading of our facilities including the outstanding RED &HQWUHDQGWKHUHFHQWLQQRYDWLRQ RIWKH(DUO\/HDUQLQJ&HQWUHZLOO all remain as significant legacies of the Tutt Headship. I would also like to acknowledge the Deputy Headmaster and +HDGRI6FKRROV1HLO$QGDU\ particularly for his work as Acting Headmaster during Second and Third Terms. As anyone associated ZLWK3ULQFHVNQRZV1HLOLVDPDQ RIJUHDWZLVGRPFRPPRQVHQVH and good humour. I have enjoyed getting to know him and have IHOWZHOOSUHSDUHGIRUWDNLQJ RYHUEHFDXVHRIKLVWKRXJKWIXO briefings on a range of issues. We are fortunate to have an educator of his calibre in this key role and I am thoroughly enjoying working with him. In making a few observations about my time at Prince Alfred &ROOHJHVRIDU,GRQRWZLVKVLPSO\ to repeat the list of achievements which are reported elsewhere in this publication. Whilst I have enjoyed attending some ZRQGHUIXOHYHQWVDQGVHHLQJ some impressive achievements E\RXUVWXGHQWV,ZLOOFRQILQHP\ remarks to some brief reflections and observations. 4 Headmaster’s Report


$WP\LQGXFWLRQZKLFKLVUHSRUWHG HOVHZKHUH,VSRNHDERXWWKH importance of pride. One of the things which has come through to me very clearly is the pride that members of our community have in their association with Prince Alfred College. This can be seen in the wonderful support IRU2OG6FKRODUHYHQWVWKH passion of our students in their Intercollegiate sporting events and the commitment of our staff. This is an exciting time to be part of Prince Alfred College. We have a solid interest in places at PAC and have had steady growth in recent years to achieve a record enrolment this year of close to 1100 students. Whilst we do not wish to grow the school VLJQLILFDQWO\ZHDQWLFLSDWHWKDW these has been the death of have made my family and me feel over the next few years we will RQHRIRXUWHDFKHUV0UV0DULH very welcome during our first fill up the remaining places and 0LOLFHYLFGXULQJ)RXUWK7HUPDV term and a half at Prince Alfred achieve our capacity. We have a result of cancer. This came as College. This has reinforced to me some significant plans for the a great shock for many in the the image of a welcoming and further development of our VFKRROFRPPXQLW\EXWZHKDYH LQFOXVLYHFRPPXQLW\ZKLFKLVRI facilities and we are also looking been pleased to have had the course exactly the kind of school forward greatly to an exciting opportunity to pay tribute to this that we should aspire to be. WLPHOHDGLQJXSWRRXUWK fine teacher and gracious woman. anniversary in 2019. %UDGOH\)HQQHU ,QFRQFOXVLRQ,ZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN Headmaster This year has not been without all the members of the Prince its sad occasions and one of Alfred College community who  Headmaster’s Report

And mana does not exist only Headmaster’s LQLQGLYLGXDOVLWLVDOVRSUHVHQW ZLWKLQJURXSVRUJDQLVDWLRQVDQG Induction institutions. Prince Alfred College has mana within the educational September 2014 FRPPXQLW\ZLWKLQWKLVFLW\DQG VWDWHDQGHYHQIXUWKHUDILHOG It gives me great pleasure to commence as the 11th It has the standing which comes Headmaster of Prince Alfred ZLWK\HDUVRIWKHSXUVXLWRI College. All that I have seen of excellence in the education of Prince Alfred College over many P\SUHYLRXVVFKRRO,ZDVZHOO ER\VDQG\RXQJPHQ%XWZKDWLV \HDUVDQGDOOWKDW,KDYHOHDUQW aware of the Maori tradition that really significant is that the mana LQUHFHQWPRQWKVDQGZHHNV when someone moves from one of the institution is also increased and enhanced by the actions of has given me the highest regard FRPPXQLW\WRDQRWKHUPHPEHUV DQGUHVSHFWIRUWKLVVFKRROLWV of the first community go with the individuals who make up that LGHDOVDQGWUDGLWLRQVDQGPRVW the person who is leaving to community. That wonderful gallery importantly the education that it hand them over to their new displayed on the walls of our continues to provide. community. I think that rites of VFKRRORXU3ULQFHV0HQFHOHEUDWHV passage are important to mark the the achievements and lives of 7KHUH·VDORWWROLNHDERXW3ULQFHV individuals who have not only PDMRUWUDQVLWLRQVLQRXUOLYHVDV ‡ 7KHFRPPLWPHQWDQGHIIRUWV we leave one phase and move on made a great contribution to the wider community in their chosen of hundreds and thousands WRWKHQH[W)RUPHWKLVKDVKHOSHG of members of the Princes to mark the completion of one ILHOGEXWKDYHDOVRLQFUHDVHGWKH FRPPXQLW\RYHU\HDUV chapter and the commencement of mana of their school. to make their own individual the next. There are two concepts linked contribution to the rich WRPDQDZKLFKDUHSDUWRIP\ tapestry that makes up the And I want to use a Maori concept as the starting point for some expectations of our students. The KLVWRU\RIWKLVVFKRROQRWMXVW first is pride. I have seen pride on through their work at and for FRPPHQWVSDUWLFXODUO\IRUWKH students of PAC. display in a very positive way over WKLV&ROOHJHEXWDOVRLQWKHLU the last few weeks associated with contribution to the wider Mana: ,VWKHVWDWXVVWDQGLQJ RQHRIRXUHQGXULQJWUDGLWLRQVDQG community. authority or power of an individual. one of the great school rivalries ‡ ,DPLPSUHVVHGE\WKHZD\LQ 0DQDLVDVSLULWXDOTXDOLW\ZKLFK LQWKHZRUOGRXULQWHUFROOHJLDWH which the enduring principles comes with the position that you competition with St Peter’s of PAC have been interpreted KROGZLWKLQ\RXUFRPPXQLW\%XW College. and developed in the current PDQDLVQRWIL[HG\RXDOVRKDYHWR earn it to maintain it. You increase ,VDZSULGHTXLWHULJKWO\RQERWK environment. The messages VLGHV$QG,VD\WR\RXQRZ%H that I have seen displayed and \RXUPDQDE\\RXUDFKLHYHPHQWV your conduct and the way you SURXG%HSURXGRIZKR\RXDUH expressed around the College DQGZKDW\RXDUH%HSURXGRI OLYHDQGFRQYHUVHO\\RXFDQORVH all speak of a school with a the things and institutions that or reduce your mana through your clear understanding of what it \RXEHORQJWR\RXUKHULWDJH\RXU is trying to achieve. Inspiring actions as well. Lincoln and Te Raukura both possess considerable IDPLOLHV\RXUVFKRRO\RXUODQG H[FHOOHQFH:RUNKDUGEHNLQG %HSURXGRIZKDW\RXGRDQG\RX PDQDZLWKLQWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV the concept of the Princes Man. will do it well and to the best of Lincoln as a leading Maori educator This is a school committed to its your ability. Pride in this sense is and Te Raukura as a Maori student mission and prepared to commit leader. QRWDVLQEXWUDWKHURQHRIWKH its resources and efforts to NH\IDFWRUVLQDFKLHYLQJDKDSS\ achieving those goals. UHZDUGLQJDQGIXOILOOLQJOLIH6REH proud. It was very important to me that Lincoln and Te Raukura The second relates to passion. I IURP.LQJV&ROOHJHLQ$XFNODQG spoke to staff when I commenced two gentlemen for whom I have about the importance of passion JUHDWUHVSHFWZHUHKHUHWRGD\ in what we are doing. To the to hand me over to Prince Alfred students I say that there would College. Having been extensively not be an adult present at PAC involved in Maori education at who did not discover at least 6 Headmaster’s Report

one of their passions during their nothing and they can have an majority of the young men who own schooldays. You will learn extraordinarily positive impact attend the school come from the about some of mine as time goes on the way you are viewed by poorest families from throughout by. To fulfill your potential as a RWKHUVDQGKRZ\RXJHWRQLQ .HQ\D0DQ\DUHLQIDFWRUSKDQV KXPDQEHLQJWRDFKLHYH\RXURZQ the world. Providing a positive who have been identified as FRPSOHWHQHVVDVDQLQGLYLGXDO ILUVWLPSUHVVLRQDQGWUHDWLQJ talented and worthy candidates you need to find the things that all those we meet with equal and have been accepted for TXLFNHQ\RXUSXOVHWKDWVWLU\RXU UHVSHFWDQGFRXUWHV\ZLOOVHUYHXV sponsored places. VRXODQGWKDWZLOOXOWLPDWHO\ well throughout our lives. Good enrich and fulfill your life. Whether manners are really a way that we They arrive at the school with WKDWEHIRXQGLQWKHFODVVURRPRQ show the respect to others that we YLUWXDOO\QRWKLQJDQG\HWHYHQ WKHVSRUWVILHOGLQWKHSHUIRUPLQJ would like to receive ourselves. DWWKDWSRLQWRIDUULYDOWKHZRUGV DUWVLQWKH&KDSHOGRQ·WMXVWGULIW above the entrance are telling When I visited Princes a few engage. them that much is expected of PRQWKVDJRDQGVSRNHLQ them. And that is because they :LWKSDVVLRQ\RXZLOODFKLHYH $VVHPEO\,DVNHGWKDWZKHQZH JUHDWWKLQJVQRWMXVWLQWKH PHHW,ZDQWHG\RXWRJUHHWPH KDYHEHHQEOHVVHGILUVWO\LQKDYLQJ REYLRXVVHQVHRISUL]HVDZDUGVDQG ORRNPHLQWKHH\HJLYHPHD VRPHWDOHQWDQGVHFRQGO\LQEHLQJ GLVWLQFWLRQVEXWDOVRSHUVRQDOO\LQ firm handshake and introduce given the priceless gift of a quality the way that you develop. Passions yourself. I said that that will get education. It is now up to them will give you a sense of direction our individual interactions off to to make the most of this. And if for your future life. And note that the best possible start and will much can be expected of those I use the plural: passions. A single also serve as a model for how I VWXGHQWVLVLWQRWUHDVRQDEOHIRUXV passion does not do justice to our hope you would greet anyone you in our environment to expect the PXOWLIDFHWHGQDWXUHDVKXPDQ PHHWKHUHDWVFKRRORUHOVHZKHUH, VDPHRUHYHQPRUHRIRXUV"0\ EHLQJVWKHUHLVPRUHWRXVWKDQ want you to know that I have been final expectation of you students that. A single focus can lead to a impressed with the greetings and therefore is simply that: much. ODFNRIEDODQFHDQGSHUVSHFWLYH KDQGVKDNHVVRIDUNHHSLWXS Much is expected of you. and to losing your way if that )LQDOO\WKHUHLVDVFKRRO,NQRZRI particular pursuit or pathway I thank you all again for the LQ1DLURELLQ.HQ\DZKLFKKDVD is lost for whatever reason. My warmth of welcome that has YHUVHIURPWKH%LEOHZULWWHQDERYH second expectation or charge to been offered to my family and the entrance to the School. This \RXWKHUHIRUHLVWRVHHNRXW\RXU me during our first weeks at is Jesus’ powerful directive to his passions. Prince Alfred College and look disciples: “Of those to whom much forward with great excitement and My third expectation may sound LVJLYHQPXFKZLOOEHH[SHFWHGµ anticipation to our shared journey. OLNHDPRUHPXQGDQHRQHEXW, The interesting thing is that this believe it to be no less important. particular school is not a school for %UDGOH\)HQQHU Good manners. They cost you WKRVHZKRDUHZHOORII,QIDFWWKH Headmaster  Headmaster’s Report

Wambana have complemented Reflections an exceptional curriculum. The New SACE has been effectively implemented. Our active involvement in the International 10 years of %R\V·6FKRROV&RDOLWLRQ ,%6&  reinforces our commitment to headmastering single sex education for boys. at Prince Alfred The Wellbeing Framework being implemented in 2014 is College reinforcing our purpose and vision for inspired excellence and the It has been a privilege and honour DOOURXQGGHYHORSPHQWRIWKH to be the tenth Headmaster of Princes Man. This is based around 3ULQFH$OIUHG&ROOHJHEHJLQQLQJDV six elements of wellbeing – Acting Headmaster in April 2004. of the current boarding house site. FKDUDFWHUFRQQHFWLRQFRPSHWHQFH The College is distinctively a great Scotts Creek is an exceptional FRQILGHQFHFRXUDJHDQG VFKRROIRUER\VZHOOUHJDUGHGLQ outdoor education facility and FRPSDVVLRQ¶:RUN+DUG%H.LQG·LV $GHODLGH6RXWK$XVWUDOLDDQGRXU :DPEDQDHVWDEOLVKHGDVWKH our simplistic but highly effective Nation and increasingly on the first Extended Stay Experiential DSSURDFKDFURVVWKHVFKRRO global stage. The heritage and /HDUQLQJIDFLOLW\LQWKH6WDWHKDV and applicable to all members tradition of the College is balanced added significant value to our of the College community. Our with innovative and cutting edge education program. The learning community service and service approaches to education. The VSDFHVIRU3UHSDUDWRU\0LGGOHDQG learning programs are broad and College is blessed with an excellent Senior School students have been diverse and we are engaging well in VWDIIOR\DOROGFROOHJLDQVDQGD fully upgraded. The ‘space’ of PAC is the global community. committed community. Its greatest among the best in . Prince Alfred College has an gift is the boys who endeavour in exceptional sporting tradition every way to fulfil our ambition for The level of achievement at PAC which has been strengthened them to be Princes Men. LQDFDGHPLFVSRUWLQJDQGFXOWXUDO pursuits is well acknowledged. in recent years. Our success $IWHUDGHFDGHDV+HDGPDVWHU, The College can hold its’ head up UDQNVDW,QWHUFRO6WDWH1DWLRQDO leave knowing that I hand over an high’ with respect to exceeding and International levels. A third H[FHOOHQWVFKRROWR%UDGOH\)HQQHU national standards of academic consecutive win in the Head of I am thrilled with his appointment SHUIRUPDQFHIRUER\V·VFKRROV the River this year was a record and have great confidence in his DQGPRVWVLJQLILFDQWO\DVDQRQ EUHDNLQJDFKLHYHPHQW)RRWEDOO ability to sustain the culture and VHOHFWLYHVFKRRO7KHXVHRI,%2 WHQQLVURZLQJDQGFULFNHWUHPDLQ IRFXVRQDFKLHYHPHQWDQGFDSDEO\ curriculum has seen a significant our most successful sports. OHDGWKHVFKRROWRZDUGVLWVWK improvement in teaching Technology at Prince Alfred College anniversary in 2019. PHWKRGRORJ\IURP(/&DQG is an essential feature of the Three important elements of a high offered our teaching staff access teaching and learning process. The quality education have guided my to some of the best professional LQWURGXFWLRQRIWKH¶RQHWRZRUOG· leadership – SHGDJRJ\WHFKQRORJ\ learning in the world. laptop program for students in and space. The Directorate of Teaching and the Middle and Senior schools has complemented our pedagogical I have been fortunate to oversee Learning established in 2009 is approach. Technology features and contribute to the significant having great impact with its focus DFURVVWKHVFKRROLQURERWLFV FDSLWDOLPSURYHPHQWRIWKH.HQW on communities of practice and HOHFWURQLFVILOPPDNLQJPXVLF Town campus facilities in the best practice in boys’ learning. The design and 3D photocopying. last ten years. Culminating in introduction of Princes Pedagogy 7KH,&7GHSDUWPHQWXQGHUWKH WKHRSHQLQJRIWKH5('&HQWUH in 2008 has provided a foundation leadership of Rob Sieben has Prince Alfred College now offers for teaching and learning and overseen significant improvements outstanding facilities for its enhanced this year with the in infrastructure and the network. comprehensive curriculum and determination of six elements of FRFXUULFXOXPSURJUDPV0\ZLVKLV OHDUQLQJ²LQYHVWLJDWHFUHDWHVROYH I have been guided by three to return to the opening of a new SUREOHPVUHIOHFWFROODERUDWHDQG 6WUDWHJLF3ODQVHDFKRQHEHWWHU %RDUGLQJ+RXVHDQGWROLYHORQJ communicate. Learning initiatives than the last. The current plan enough to see the redevelopment LQHGX.DUWHGX&RRNDQGDW sets a pathway for the College 8 Headmaster’s Report

WRWKHHQGRIZKLFKLVZHOO FXUULFXOXPFRFXUULFXOXP I have been privileged to work timed for the transition to a new and wellbeing programs. The with a dedicated and highly +HDGPDVWHU7KHYLVLRQSXUSRVH Executive is based on the major professional governing body. In and values of the College have IXQFWLRQVRIWKHVFKRRO(GXFDWLRQ SDUWLFXODU,H[SUHVVWKDQNVWRWKUHH remained firm. The strategic 2UJDQLVDWLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW &KDLUVRI&RXQFLO%UXFH6SDQJOHU plan includes the right blend of %RDUGLQJDQG6FKRRO2SHUDWLRQV %HQ7LGVZHOODQG-RKQ.HHYHV$OO continuous improvement and We are blessed with talented members of Council and Chairs of bold innovation to add value to leadership in these areas most Committees have supported me the high quality education we VLJQLILFDQWO\6WHYH%DFRQ1HLO completely in realizing the vision offer. The Communications review $QGDU\.HOYLQ6SDUNV'DUUHQ for Prince Alfred College. undertaken in 2013 is seeing Roylett and Terry Learmonth. )LQDOO\,SD\WULEXWHWR0DUJDUHW significant improvement in our Gleaves who has assisted me FRPPXQLFDWLRQVPDUNHWLQJ The Student Success Team each and every day for ten years. knowledge management and public allows all boys to be inspired to Margaret shares my passion for relations. excellence. The combination of learning support and counselling 3ULQFHVDSSUHFLDWHVWKHKDUGZRUN %RDUGLQJDW3ULQFHVLVD programs meets the academic LQYROYHGDQGLVDJDWHNHHSHU significant strength. The culture and psychological needs of every of standards. Her service to the of the boarding house is a fitting student. College and Council is beyond complement to the six elements of measure. our wellbeing framework. Darren The Preparatory and Senior .HYLQ7XWW Roylett leads an outstanding team. Parents and Friends Associations have provided great assistance to +HDGPDVWHU 3$&²7HUP The Early Learning Centre at PAC the College with both fund and is an exemplar of best practice. IULHQGUDLVLQJDFWLYLWLHVDQGWKH The outstanding facility is amalgamation of the two P&F matched by an exceptional play groups will no doubt strengthen based curriculum influenced by their effectiveness. The support WKH5HJJLR(PLOLDDQG,%23<3 of the Foundation over the years approaches to early childhood has been greatly appreciated as it learning. has assisted the College to move Prince Alfred College is well forward with the provision of structured and organized. The resources and with the building One College: Three Schools model program. The PAOCA remains one is catering well for the unique RIWKH&ROOHJH·VJUHDWHVWDVVHWV DJHEDVHGGHYHORSPHQWRIER\V and makes a diverse and broad and strengthened by distinctive contribution to PAC. 9 Deputy Headmaster/Head of Schools

Neil Andary Deputy Headmaster/Head of Schools

Thousands of minds and souls LQ:HZHUHIRUWXQDWHLQ wander through the prestigious ZHOFRPLQJ%LOO+DQVEHUU\DQG grounds during the week but Mark Le Messurier to speak with all of these people share one families during the year about connection. They are forever the demands of parenting and the growing awareness of learning and part of the Princes community… behaviour issues in our society. We all come from different upbringings from all corners of DQHDV\WDVN,QP\WHQ\HDUVDW It is not easy to capture the spirit WKHVWDWHFRXQWU\DQGJOREH the College I have seen and felt of a year at Princes. Every part of The more we know about each the change inherent in our boys. our College from ELC to Year 12 has been involved in an exciting RWKHUWKHPRUHFRQQHFWHGZH Technology has swept into their and thoughtful event at some can become through our shared OLYHVDQGIRUPDQ\HQJXOIHGWKHP For others it remains a happy SRLQW$VVHPEOLHV&KDSHOVHUYLFHV KXPDQLW\LQDQHYHULVRODWLQJ pastime. Our teaching has had to *UDQGLHVGD\VFDPSVFRRNLQJ modern social climate. change and so to our expectation DQGJRNDUWVPXVLFSHUIRUPDQFHV 1HOVRQ(OOLV


Neil Andary at the 2014 Prefect’s lunch


0HVGDPHV0DWWLQJOH\$QJZLQDQG Neil Andary congratulating recipients at the MS/SS Summer Honours and Colours Assembly :LONLQVZHUHRIILFLDOO\RSHQHG by our Chair of College Council in the presence of their families and ELC students. The new spaces have proved popular and our outstanding facility continues to grow under the watchful eye of a wonderful staff. Many outstanding things have taken place this year in the 3UHSDUDWRU\6FKRROQRWOHDVWRI which was artsPACes. This was truly DFHOHEUDWLRQRI7KH$UWVOHDUQLQJ and action by our boys and staff. Whilst it culminates on one night it is hours of effort and collaboration beforehand that truly reflect the art of learning. Education is a MRXUQH\RQHWKDWODVWVDOLIHWLPH ELC Expansion Official Opening and the confidence to embrace and enjoy learning is fostered through and wellbeing. They have taken As the year draws to a close we events such as this. RQDPRQJVWPDQ\RWKHUWKLQJV can be well proud of our collective 2XUVWXGHQWOHDGHUVFRPSULVLQJ the organisation and delivery of achievement. We said farewell &ROOHJH&DSWDLQ:LOOLDP9DQ'LVVHO WKH)RUPDO$VVHPEOLHV&KDSHO to our tenth Headmaster and 9LFH&DSWDLQ%HQ6LHEHOV3UHIHFWV WRXUVIXQGUDLVLQJDQGDZDUHQHVV ZHOFRPHGRXUHOHYHQWKZLWKD 3UHSDUDWRU\6FKRRO&DSWDLQ LQLWLDWLYHVVWXGHQWDQGVWDII VKRUWKLDWXVLQEHWZHHQDOOWKH $QJDV3DUNHU9LFH&DSWDLQ3DWULFN support and in the Middle School while maintaining our vision and 6LQJOHWRQ0LGGOH6FKRRO&DSWDLQ arranged for students to be heard belief in a Princes education. It -RUGDQ/HVLFDU9LFH&DSWDLQ+XJR via the online MS Suggestions has been a pleasure serving our %DUU\RXU&RPPXQLW\VHUYLFH %R[DQGWKH06:HOOEHLQJHPDLO FRPPXQLW\DVZHHPEDUNXSRQ $UWV/LEUDU\6WXGHQW6XFFHVV service. They have helped shape refine and rejoice in our personal %RDUGLQJDQG+RXVH/HDGHUVKDYH a vision for student leadership journeys. worked hard this year to foster DQGUHSUHVHQWDWLRQIRUDQG Neil Andary VWXGHQWYRLFHFRPPXQLW\VSLULW beyond. Deputy Headmaster/Head of Schools 11 Academic Report

.HOYLQ6SDUNV Director of Teaching and Learning: Years ELC–12 Teaching and Learning and interesting topics that demonstrate our young men’s Programme Developments ability for deep thought and 2014 has been a significant year commitment to a better world. with regard to our involvement 2014 has been the key year in our ZLWK,QWHUQDWLRQDO%DFFDODXUHDWH SURJUDPPHV2Q6HSWHPEHUWKH \HDUO\(YDOXDWLRQF\FOHIRUWKH College was officially authorized to ,%3ULPDU\


Year 9 boys returning from Wambana on the One & All

7ZR3ULQFH$OIUHG&ROOHJHVWXGHQWV 2014 Emeritus Assembly 7KHRGRUH6TXLUHVDQG+DQN/\ DFKLHYHGDQ$7$5RILQWKH ,%'LSORPDZKLOHVWXGHQWV including the Mathematics 6FLHQFH$ZDUGVZKLOHLQWKH,&$6 LQWKH6$&(DQGLQWKH,% DQG6FLHQFH2O\PSLDGV5R\DO 6FLHQFHFRPSHWLWLRQ2OLQ:DWWHUV '3 DFKLHYHGDQ$7$5RYHU Australian Chemical Institute received the University of NSW and joined the exclusive honour Chemistry Quiz and The Australian medal for being the top Year 3 roll of our ‘Over Ninety Five’ History Competition. student in and Club. Students in the Diploma The College’s tradition of excelling Northern Territory. Programme continued to produce in mathematics competitions outstanding results with the 7HDFKLQJDQG/HDUQLQJ/HDGHU0V was upheld. In the SA Schools cohort achieving a median ATAR of Christine Papanicolas once again 0DWKHPDWLFV&RPSHWLWLRQ'HQQ\  led ten Middle School boys in the Han in Year 8 placed tenth in annual Aurecon South Australian On the basis of these results the WKH6WDWHZKLOHLQWKH$XVWUDOLDQ %ULGJH%XLOGLQJFRPSHWLWLRQ following prizes were awarded: 0DWKHPDWLFV&RPSHWLWLRQ3$& LQYROYLQJRYHUVFKRROVDQG students from Years 3 to 12 won ‡ (GZDUG6SLFHU3UL]HDQG'X[RI 200 participants. After months WZRSUL]HV $OH[DQGHU(OL[

Will van Dissel 2014 College Captain

Student Leadership attend intercols to increase school SUHVHQFHFKDQWLQJDQGRYHUDOO at PAC pride. This made a clear impact on Student Leadership has yet the games and every athlete that again had a very strong year at competed said that it helped the Prince Alfred College. Captains of Reds. Preparatory and Middle School have shown great qualities There are also other leadership because of their hard work raised in leading their fellow men opportunities at the school which several thousands of dollars. throughout the academic year. LQFOXGH+RXVH&DSWDLQV6FKRRO This was also the case for the 20 Another prefect initiative was the Representative Council and SUHIHFWVRIWKH&ROOHJHZKRDUH FUHDWLRQRIWKH¶5HG$UP\·WKLV %RDUGLQJ+RXVH3UHIHFWV$OORI the pinnacle of student leadership. ZDVGRQHE\2OLYHU&ROOLVRQ1HG these positions have busy times of From the start of Term 4 to the 0XUGRFK:LOO%XUILHOGDQG0U7UR\ the year but display leadership and end of Term 3 the Prefect group 0F.LQQRQ7KLV¶DUP\·ZDVDNH\ the character to be a Princes Man. KDGRQHVLPSOHJRDODQGWKLVZDV group of supporters who would WRLPSURYHWKH&ROOHJH6LPSOH ,NQRZEXWWKLVHQWDLOVDVSHFWV of student life. This could be SK\VLFDOO\PHQWDOO\HPRWLRQDORU MXVWLPSURYLQJWKHVFKRROVHYHU growing reputation. This year’s prefect leadership team wanted to OHDYHD¶OHJDF\·IRU\HDUVWRFRPHD character for future leaders of the school to uphold. A significant prefect events was the ‘Pull Up Your Pink Socks Day’ ZKLFK%UD\GRQ&RUGLQJOH\DQG Jack Elsworthy organized. This involved a Saturday in the third Term in which every senior team would wear pink socks to raise awareness and funds for the McGrath Foundation. This was a highly successful event and

There were several highlights throughout the year and no one HYHQWVWDQGVRXWIURPWKHUHVW%XW the 2014 senior leadership team was one of the best group of young leaders I have been involved in. It was been so rewarding as a student of the College to be a part of this \HDUDQGORRNIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJ other young men graduate and prosper. Finally I would like to congratulate all school leaders present and in SDUWLFXODUWRWKHOHDGHUV There will be many challenges DKHDGWDNHWKHPLQ\RXUVWULGH don’t stray away from your goal and be proud of what you will and can achieve. 14 Farewells David de Lacy short time Peter became Manager the development of wellbeing Property Services and in 2009 SURJUDPVSROLFLHVDQGSURWRFROV David de Lacy ZDVDSSRLQWHG'LUHFWRU6FKRRO across the three schools and has joined Princes in Operations with responsibility been quietly at the center of any 2009. His impact in IRU*URXQGV0DLQWHQDQFHDQG crisis. JJV’s expertise in the areas of both teaching and Housekeeping services. 3V\FKRORJ\PHQWDOKHDOWKOHDUQLQJ learning and sport VXSSRUWVSRUWDQGJLIWHGH[WHQVLRQ Peter is a caring and supportive DQGFRFXUULFXODUZDVLPPHGLDWHO\ is a rare combination. She has been evident. member of the College community involved with PAC football and is and it is these attributes that has a great supporter of boys across 2YHUKLVWLPHDW3ULQFHV'DYLG enabled him to establish close taught Physical Education from the diverse range of interests the relationships with all staff. His ‘can College supports.



Reverend Mark Dickens College Chaplain +HUDFOLWXVDQDQFLHQW*UHHN SKLORVRSKHUVDLG´*RRGFKDUDFWHU is not formed in a week or a PRQWK,WLVFUHDWHGOLWWOHE\OLWWOH day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good FKDUDFWHUµ6RWKHQZKDWLVLW WKDWVKDSHVRXUFKDUDFWHU"2XU character is largely defined by the principles and values we live by and ascribe importance to. The place of chaplaincy and more specifically the role of the chaplain is to help articulate and reinforce the principles and values that we wish to develop and foster in the lives of students and staff at the College. Values that are reflected in but not limited to the Christian +HDGPDVWHU·V,QGXFWLRQ6HUYLFH'U'HLGUH3DOPHU0U-RKQ.HHYHV faith have been a focus for the 0U%UDGOH\)HQQHU0U1HLO$QGDU\:LOOLDPYDQ'LVVHO5HYHUHQG0DUN'LFNHQV chapel program throughout the year. One of the highlights of the ([3ULVRQHUVRI:DU$VVRFLDWLRQ In my role as Chaplain this year year was the induction of Mr of South Australia was to disband. I have taken on the additional %UDGOH\)HQQHULQWRWKHSRVLWLRQ The declining numbers of the responsibility of Community of Headmaster of Prince Alfred association due to members Service Coordinator across the College. This service included passing on and the age of those College. This has involved me participation from Dr Deidre still living was the primary factor working closely with students to 3DOPHU0RGHUDWRURIWKH8QLWLQJ in this decision. This being the encourage and develop initiatives &KXUFK6$DQG&ROOHJH&RXQFLO case the Association’s annual memorial service held here at PAC that benefit the wider community. &KDLUPDQ0U-RKQ.HHYHV A separate report details more was conducted for the last time in about the activities that have been Early this year we were saddened $XJXVW7KLVEULQJVWRDQHQG undertaken this year. to receive the news that the years of hosting the service.  Emeritus Awards

Trevor Adelson 2YHU Nicholas Marks Ray Smith Memorial Prize for Physics SL &KDUOHV%DNHU Colton Prize for Humanities and Languages 2YHU George Thorburn Melrose Prize for Thomas Miller College Prize for Music Ensemble English Studies Performance College Prize for Research Project College Prize for Music Solo 2YHU Performance +HQU\%DVHGRZ 2YHU 0DWWKHZ2·%ULHQ 2YHU 6LPRQ%URZQ Malpas Prize for Science Luke O’Connor College Prize for Workplace College Prize for Extended Essay Practices 2YHU -XQJ%LQ .XUW 3DUN &ROOHJH3UL]HIRU&KLQHVH%6/ +HQU\%XL Longbottom Prize for Mathematics College Prize for History SL H J Priest Memorial Prize for Nicholas Parletta ASH Gifford Prize for Economics Specialist Mathematics 6$&( 2YHU Paul Russo College Prize for Music Individual &DPHURQ%XUILHOG College Prize for Communication Study Products 2YHU 2YHU Jake Sandrini +REEV3UL]HIRU%LRORJ\ 6$&( Jiangxiang Chen College Prize for Chinese &RWWRQ3UL]HIRU&KHPLVWU\ 6$&( %DFNJURXQG6SHDNHUV .HQQHWK+DUOH\3UL]HIRU(QJOLVK Oliver Clarke .HQQHWK+DUOH\3UL]HIRU(QJOLVK Communications Communications College Prize for Mathematical 2YHU Methods 2YHU Christian Colombo 2YHU Hugh Schievenin (%&ROWRQ3UL]H 3UR[LPH$FFHVVLW Phillip Craig 2YHU WR'X[RI6FKRRO John Dongas College Prize for Mathematics SL J D Iliffe Memorial Prize for Physics 6LPRQ)DKH\6SDUNV 2YHU 6$&( College Prize for Mathematical Shaun Gerschwitz College Prize for English A: Literature 6WXGLHV 6$&( HL 2YHU College Prize for Spanish ab initio 2YHU Declan Sharp Smith Prize for Modern History 2YHU Jock Girvan College Prize for Film SL 2YHU Theodore Squires Edward Spicer Prize and Dux of School Charles Hall 3HWHU%DUUHWW3UL]HIRU$FFRXQWLQJ College Prize for Economics HL Studies College Prize for English A: Literature 2YHU SL %HQMDPLQ+HDVOLS College Prize for Mathematical 2YHU Applications Jared Vanmali 2YHU College Prize for Physical Education Xavier Warne College Prize for History HL Luke Janowski College Prize for Music Technology College Prize for Italian ab initio College Prize for Visual Arts – Design College Prize for Theory of 2YHU .QRZOHGJH Anthony Lai -DFNGH9LGDV3UL]HIRU%LRORJ\+/ College Prize for Visual Arts HL College Prize for Mathematics HL 2YHU 2YHU James Whitehead 2YHU Angus Lawrence College Prize for Music Ensemble Yunchang Xue 2YHU Performance

2OLYHU6WDFH2VFDU0LQLRQ1HG6KHSSDUG:LOOLDP+DONHWW and Lucy Selby explore how the body works through hospital role play

Isaac Campbell discovering his shadow Throughout the year we have been engaged in Chinese lessons. We Langley experimented with light using are so lucky to have Laoshi House DQRYHUKHDGSURMHFWWRUFKHVWKH come every Tuesday and Thursday As part of our Term 2 Unit of light table and even a dark tent to share the Chinese language and ,QTXLU\´+RPH6ZHHW+RPHµWKH with fairy lights above it. We also culture with us. We have learnt Langley children explored animal discussed differences between day about different colours and our environments and animal homes. and night. IDPLO\PHPEHUVZHSOD\JDPHV Children were very interested sing songs and share stories and in investigating sea creatures There’s no stars in the daytime — have even started learning and and were eager to share their Poppy recognising Chinese characters. knowledge of animals they knew The Moon — Sebastian A who lived underwater. Our unit of inquiry across the year has been around celebrations. $WLQJUD\ VWLQJUD\ ³Denver Wilkins We have engaged in lots of Jellyfish — Phoenix :HOFRPHWRWKH:LONLQV5RRP FHOHEUDWLRQVDVDFODVVJURXS\HDU We excitedly opened the doors to OHYHOJURXS(DUO\/HDUQLQJ&HQWUH A fishy — Harry the Wilkins room at the beginning and the whole school community. We created a colourful school of of this year as part of the Early We have celebrated Chinese ILVKPXUDOXVLQJRXUKDQGSULQWV /HDUQLQJ&HQWUHH[SDQVLRQ 1HZ

:LOOLDP3DQ+D\OH\5HGPDQ 6\ODV Wauchope finding their shadows on the hockey pitch

2OLYH'DZVRQ/LO\2·+DUD)LQQ\0DUVKDOO1HG0LEXVDQG$QQLH&KULVWRLQYHVWLJDWLQJWKH did is Ryka here. Dis is you Miss clues of spring by creating their own blossom tree Emily. You da big kid and dis is %LOO\GDWDGSROH²Scarlet Cooper My shadow dances with me — unit of inquiry about homes. We ,QWHUQDWLRQDO)ULHQGVKLS'D\  Denver discovered that homes have many purposes. My shadow on Lucas’ shadow — Cooper Zoe A home can keep us safe — %HUQLH The Cooper Room children have It’s for sleeping — Scarlett been busily exploring the overhead Mead projector and how it projects For playing — Harrison R shapes and colour onto the wall. The Mead Room began the year The children were fascinated at with an investigation into health 0\KRPHLVPDGHRIPHWDOEULFNV seeing their hands projected and and wellbeing. As a starting point plastic and wood — Sterling we discussed the nutritional and watching them grow in size. During Term 3 we explored light inviting meals that Miss Sue and We have also been exploring the Miss Robina create for us every DQGVKDGRZWKHGLIIHUHQFHV outdoor yard for shadows. Once day. We followed the children’s EHWZHHQQLJKWDQGGD\QRFWXUQDO we located them the children interests and found our inquiry DQLPDOVWKHSKDVHVRIWKHPRRQ Indigenous art and the clues of experimented with the different moved to our own amazing body. things they could get their shadow VSULQJ It began with the realisation by to do. We discovered that shadows Lachlan that we have a skeleton FDQGDQFHUXQZDONDQGMXPS:H Mattingley underneath our skin. also discovered that our shadows This year we have been on an can overlap when we’re standing With the help of Harrison T we amazing learning journey in the near another person. During GHFLGHGWRGLVFXVVRXUERG\SDUWV Mattingley Room. We started the this experience we also talked ZLWKWKHVNLQRQ DQGZKDWWKH\ \HDURIZLWKRXU´%RG\DQG0LQGµ about how our shadows follow us can do: LQTXLU\ZKLFKWRRNXVWRVRPH and also how they occasionally pretty fascinating places. We were There’s a brain in your head — disappear when the sun is blocked Harry lucky enough to have some of by the clouds. our talented parents come in to A mouth to eat — Annie teach us about their jobs and how We also read the book ‘Night Watch’ written by Phil Cummings. Eyes for looking — Nicolas WKH\ORRNDIWHUSHRSOH&KLQ3R The children thoroughly enjoyed ZKRLVD'RFWRUFRPHLQWRWDON A nose for smelling — Loukas with the children about going to finding the different shadows in see a doctor and showed us some the book and talking about their Our ears for listening — Olive of the instruments that she uses changing shapes. In Term 2 we enjoyed many rich to check our bodies when we are My shadow is chasing me — Anay conversations relating to our XQZHOO0DUVKD'D\FKZKRLVD 21 Early Learning Centre

Mattingley children enjoying Dancify classes GHQWLVWFDPHLQWRVSHDNZLWK the class about the importance of visiting the dentist. Using a large PRGHORIWHHWKVKHGHPRQVWUDWHG to the children how to brush their teeth properly to keep them clean. %RWKYLVLWVH[WHQGHGWKHFKLOGUHQ·V thinking and sparked their play in the dramatic hospital play area. In Term 2 we moved on to our ´+RPH6ZHHW+RPHµLQTXLU\WKDW began by look at our homes and where we live. While this was WKRXJKWSURYRNLQJIRUWKHFKLOGUHQ their interests soon turn to animals and where they lived. This led the children creating some fantastic KRPHVIRUDQLPDOVXVLQJER[HV Lego and whatever they could find. During Term 3 we began the ´6KDGRZ/DQGVµLQTXLU\ZKLFK has driven the children to become H[SHUWVLQWKHDUWRIILQGLQJ shadows and explaining the elements needed to crate shadows. We have begun to make shadow SXSSHWVZKLFKKDYHEHHQXVHGWR tell each other stories. 7KHUHLVQRVXQVRQRVKDGRZV³ Patrick You need the sun and I can see a blue sky — Angus &DLWO\Q6DP/LQJ-DDQDY$OZDUDSSDQ$QJHOLQD/LQGRS$QJXV5DZHV5\DQ6XMD\%DEX /RRNP\VKDGRZ,WVWRPSV,W and Leon Thorne observe their shadows on a walk around the school copies me — Leon 22 Early Learning Centre


Edgerley Chapple class after our Holi Festival Colour Run During Term 3 the Edgerley class has enjoyed lots of dramatic play in our class campsite. The children have enjoyed thinking about the sounds they would hear in the day time and night time when WKH\DUH´FDPSLQJµ2QHRIRXU GDGV0U%HUJLQFDPHLQWRVKDUH KLVFDPSLQJH[SHULHQFHVLQ1HSDO meeting real hippos and tigers. :HJRWWRVHHIROGXSEXFNHWV DUHDOVZDJDEDFNSDFNDQG HYHQDWUDQJLD DOFRKROEXUQLQJ SRUWDEOHVWRYH 7KHFKLOGUHQZHUH HQWKUDOOHG We even visited the boarders’ garden to toast marshmallows over a real campfire with Mr 1REOH7RE\·VGDG7KHFKLOGUHQ KDGVXFKDVHQVRU\H[SHULHQFH KHDULQJWKHFDPSILUHFUDFNOHWKH smoke and then even eating melty PDUVKPDOORZV2XUDUWV3$&HV efforts will include our campsite Angwin children painting blossoms along with sounds and images of XV´FDPSLQJµLQWKH&KDSHO great fun with construction and XQLWRXUFRORXUUXQKHOSHGGHYHORS Chapple our own version of The Three Little our understanding of the festival Pigs. of Holi. Shadowlands enabled us The Chapple Room began the year WRLQYHVWLJDWHOLJKWZKLFKOHDGXV ZLWK´%RG\DQG0LQGµLQTXLU\ $EHDUFDYHDQGVSLGHU·VZHELQWKH Although we became a lot more GRRUZD\KDYHPDGHJHWWLQJLQWR to explore the wonders of Outer interested in the bodies of animals the classroom interesting at times. Space. We even had our own rocket DVZHVHWXSRXURZQUROHSOD\ We have baked some amazing and and space cabin. We began to get vets. Term 2 unit of Inquiry was delicious creations such as Alien ready for school and began to have ´+RPH6ZHHW+RPHµ:HKDG cakes. As part of our Celebration fun learning our sounds. 23 Preparatory School Preparatory School Captain

Angus Parker Preparatory School Captain 2014

KDVEHHQDQDPD]LQJ for helping me with my role and exciting and fun year. I have guiding me to be the best I can be. GHILQLWHO\OHDUQWDORWDERXWP\VHOI leadership and about others. At Lastly I would like to thank all the the beginning of this year I had ER\VDQGZLVKWKHFXUUHQW

Rec H investigating and sketching the sculpture of the PAC boy


Developing the Learner Profile though Play In Reception this year we have 2SHQ0LQGHG learnt about being a learner :HZHUHOHDUQLQJWREHRSHQ through playful inquiry. We minded as we listened to our thought about ourselves as a friends talk and share about who learner in this world and reflected they are. upon what that means for each of Courageous us. Our philosophy is that “‘Play’ is We were being courageous as the vehicle by which our children we presented at Chapel and inquire and make sense of the Assemblies in front of an audience. ZRUOGDURXQGWKHPµ Caring This is how we developed our We were practicing being caring Learner Profile when we showed empathy for our Inquirers friends at recess and lunch time. We were inquirers as we walked Reflective around the SA Art Gallery looking We were being reflective as we at sculptures and exploring artists. recorded our ideas and set goals in Finn Wundenberg reading with his Thinkers our Learning Portfolios across the father Shane at Father Son Night in the We were being thinkers during our year. Preparatory Library Friendly Play time as we shared .QRZOHGJHDEOH resources and solved problems We used our knowledge in our together as a team. dramatic play and shared ideas Communicators with our friends. We were learning to be good %DODQFHG communicators as we shared our We were balanced as we listened personal stories through sculpture to our body’s cues to make good for our artsPACes installation. choices for our wellbeing and Principled taking care of our friendships. We were being principled everyday by playing fairly and showing that we can follow rules to keep games :LOOLDP:KLWHKRXVH-DPHV:LOOLDPVRQ  fun. Cooper Armstrong sketching themselves 26 Reception




1M making sushi


1W Piper Pavilion

1W ballroom blitz

Aston Green & Harry White reading in 1M exploring the Princes Community the library 28 Year 1

+HQU\%XUJHVV2OLYHU6PLWK /XNH :%RRN:HHN Economos creating puppet plays

George Marks & Samuel Commons +DUU\:KLWH0DWW1HOVRQ0D[6WDSOHWRQ Oliver Smith and Luke Economos taking their investigations outside Jamie Selvanayagam & Seth Rocca celebrate together exploring patterns

$SROORQ9HORQDNLV&KHZD5XQJWDUDUDW-DFN5HQ  *HRUJH0DUNV-RVKXD6WHYHQV  1M creating in The Shed Nichoals Mitchell making playdough Nicholas Mitchell enjoying the new library

6WHIDQ'UXVLDQ+DUU\:KLWH0DWW1HOVRQ  1W at work and play :$OH[+DPRRG%RRN:HHN Zach Henderson learning collaboratively 29 Year 2

%RRN:HHNGUHVVXSIXQZLWK: 5HDG%HWZHHQWKH/LQHV I enjoyed making the Claymation )RRG)XQDQG)LWQHVV Survivor Island figures for artsPACes. We went to the shop. There were We built awesome Survival Islands We learnt a lot about fables and so many kinds of foods. made of plaster. They were so IRONWDOHV:HPDGHRXURZQIDEOHV and it was fun. IDQWDVWLF )RRG)XQDQG)LWQHVVZDVVXSHU fun. We got to make pancakes. I loved writing my journal. It was It was super fun doing the really fun making the ideas. cartooning for artsPACes. We did Food Expos and went to the market. We built an island and watched ,OLNHG%RRN:HHNEHFDXVHWKHVXLWV Ray Mears videos on survival skills. were awesome. 7KHIRRG)XQDQG)LWQHVV([SRZDV fun because we got to sell stuff. We made a painted island. We We made stories with messages worked together and had fun. DQGGLGWKHPLQSXSSHWVFDUWRRQ We had to go to the Expo and it Claymation and acting. ZDVORWVRIIXQ,WZDVJUHDWIXQ We made plaster islands at art. We painted them. We made fables with a message in We went to the market and the it. My favourite was Aesop’s Fables. Chinese Restaurant. Top Gear ,HQMR\HGWKH%RRN:HHN3DUDGH We had an Expo where we ran It was really fun because we got to stalls and people would come :HPDGHSXSSHWV&OD\PDWLRQ make cars of all shapes and sizes. around. acting and cartoons. We made cars of cardboard and We gave people drinks and taught raced them. them to drink more water. I liked Top Gear because we got :HOHDUQWWREHILWKHDOWK\DQG to see old cars that were very VWURQJ6RZHGRQ·WKDYHEDGEXJV interesting. we need good bugs. My favourite part of Food Fun and 7KHPXVHXPZDVJUHDWIXQ Fitness was the Expo because loads The best part was the big race. of people came so we were very We went to the car museum and busy. we had to find little cars. We got to do an Expo. When you We went to the Clipsal and the JHWWRGRLW\RXZLOOORYHLW race. I liked creating the car. Mine was a Ferrari. 2T weighing and comparing fruit and vegetables collected on their Central Market excursion 30 Year 2

The Year 2 boys enjoying a special visit from the Navy helicopter and its crew

2W boys working hard on their Survivor Happy Valentine’s Day Island creations

Some of the boys from 2L lining up at the starting line for the car race 31 Year 3

Exploring one of the sculptures in the school

Hands on construction Indigenous Cultures A visit to the SA Museum built on the knowledge the boys had already acquired about traditional FXOWXUHVVSHFLILFDOO\RXU$XVWUDOLDQ Aboriginal Culture and that of the Pacific Islanders. Woodhouse Adventure Camp The boys spent three days and two nights at Woodhouse — Mount Lofty in early Term 3. Outdoor adventure activities were carefully planned and delivered by the PAC Outdoor Education team. In facing new challenges the boys moved outside their comfort zones On the move at the Woodhouse camp and proved to themselves that they were capable of showing Year 3 is a year of enormous create more complex machines. We LQGHSHQGHQFHDQGDEOHWRZRUN growth and development for used our skills of construction to collaboratively and positively in the boys. From Junior Primary to design and build our own complex teams. Middle Primary the transition is PDFKLQHVLQVSLUHGE\5XEH a big one. There have been many Goldberg. Art Mirrors Life highlights throughout the year. After some valuable inquiry :KDW·V2Q

Recording information on indigenous A complex machine invention cultures at the Museum


Engrossed in an online maths challenge The boys having fun at S.A. Mushrooms

Investigation the sounds of the digeridoo A waxwork pose during artsPACes 33 Year 4

‡ 2UJDQLVLQJIRUHQWHUWDLQPHQW Gathering on Granite Island to listen to Dreaming Stories events on the day Year 4 Camp deciding whether Australia was ‡ 9RWLQJRI0&DQGRUJDQLVHUV invaded or settled. Our guide ‡ &ROOHFWLRQRISDUHQWIHHGEDFN ,Q7HUP

Examining traditional tools at the Gathering around the ‘supermarket’ $GHODLGH%RWDQLFDO*DUGHQV

The 4L musicians share their Proud parents share with the Year 4 students Making camp at the Pt Elliot latest hits 6LPRQH3HUNVZLWK$UFKLH3HUNV(PPD0DF0DKRQ Caravan Park

Gearing up to look for the bricks of Seb and Liam get busy creating floral Team work: competing in the tallest tower activity relatives at the Migration Museum decorations

/WR51HG0DVRQ0DUNDQG$UFKLHSUHSDUHLQ Investigating marine life at the the kitchen Victor Harbor Whale Centre 




existing problems that need to be 2OOLH/XFD:LOO³7KHGHYHORSPHQWRIKXPDQVRQWKHHQYLURQPHQW resolved. )LQQ$OH[+HQU\*³%\ supporting each other we can create change. /DFKLH&)DELR-DPHV1³ Resolving conflict can improve social issues. 0D[1LF6-D[LQ³6WRSSLQJ:DU Stopping Homelessness = A better Life 1HOVRQ2OL((WKDQ³+HOSLQJ terrorist victims is important :LOO'&KDUOLH:'DQLHO0³ Gambling impacts our community +XJR0HVKDFK0D[*5\DQ — If we can improve medical NQRZOHGJHZHFDQKHOSLPSURYH Year 6 Exhibition 2014 shared the Central Ideas for their the function of the brain groups. The highlight of 2014 was the -RKQ&KULVWLDQ*(GPXQG³ Year 6 boys working together to :LOOD3DW-DFN:³+XPDQ Alternatives need to be developed experience the PYP Exhibition. The interactions impact the world. for the world’s finite resources Exhibition is a collaborative inquiry $QJXV-DFN.(GZDUG³$UWDQG 2OL&-DPHV&KULVWLDQ6³ process that involves students symbols impact our community. Pollution through water affects LQLGHQWLI\LQJLQYHVWLJDWLQJDQG many species RIIHULQJVROXWLRQVWRUHDOOLIHLVVXHV /HURQ$OH[-RVK³+XPDQ or problems. The central idea for decisions impact the natural world. :LOOLDP)/DFKODQ:R-RVKXD/³ this year was ‘Human spirit plus The Survival of Animals is Critical +DUU\6HE&KDUOLH³&KDQJHV action equals change’. This is firmly to our Future in our environment impacts on in keeping with the PYP belief that animal and human futures. 3UHVKDDQ*HRUJH96RORPRQ0³ thoughtful and responsible action Education can make change is a natural result of the inquiry 7KRPDV-DPHV%0LWFKHOO³ SURFHVV%HORZWKHER\VKDYH People find themselves expanding Phil — Endangered Animals 38 Year 6

The Exhibition opening cermenony

7KRPDV-DPHVDQG5\DQVKDULQJWKHLU knowledge 39 Preparatory Sport their skills and participation. Congratulations to Liam Greber who was selected in the State SAPSASA Team. Tennis also has grown in popularity LQUHFHQW\HDUVZLWKWKHJUHDWZRUN RIRXU'HYHORSPHQW&RDFK'HDQ Schipanski and his team. Many boys in the Preparatory School benefit from quality coaching during school time and also private lessons before and after school. 6DP%DUWRQRXUWHQQLVFRRUGLQDWRU LQWKH3UHSDUDWRU\6FKRROKDV put some very successful teams together for competition and they have enjoyed many wins during the \HDU$JDLQZLWKRXWRXUGHGLFDWHG staff who manage and coach these WHDPVWKHER\VZRXOGQRWHQMR\DV much success. Congratulations to -DVSHU%HQVRQZKRZDVVHOHFWHGLQ the State SAPSASA Team. 6RIWEDOODQG7%DOOKDVDJDLQ attracted many boys to the Friday afternoon fixtures. For many Year 4 boys this is their first taste of 7KHXQGHIHDWHG


Soccer numbers have also 2QHRIWKHWKUHH


This year Prince Alfred College their best at every debate. During fielded 32 boys in three A grade the season they debated on the DQGVL[%JUDGHGHEDWLQJWHDPV topics “That cigarettes should be This is more teams than the school banned “and “That Zoos do more has ever had before. KDUPWKDQJRRGµ%\WKHHQGRIWKH VHDVRQWKHLUVNLOOVKDGLQFUHDVHG The A grade teams were generally considerably and were well on their more experienced and were mostly way to becoming A grade debaters. comprised of Year 6s who had been debating for a year. They All teams competed well in all were extremely motivated and of their debates and have learnt showed exceptional skill. Some of many valuable new skills. Thank (GPXQG%ODFN(WKDQ+D\HVDQG3UHVKDDQ Thavarajah listening to the adjudication of the topics that they had to argue you to all the coaches for all their their A Grade Semi Final which they won were “That Community Service invaluable support throughout the VKRXOGEHFRPSXOVRU\µDQG´6KRXOG season. YLROHQWYLGHRJDPHVEHEDQQHGµ$OO Preshaan Thavarajah boys worked hard to come up with

An excellent number of boys )URPEDFNOHIWWRULJKW(WKDQ+D\HV0LWFKHOO:KLWHPDQ/HURQ5DWKQD\DNH'LQDQ3HUHUD*ULIILQ nominated to play chess in the %LHUOHLQ*LOHV$WNLQVRQ0D[*DOHWWLV1HOVRQ7KHQ Preparatory School and we were again fortunate to have the 0F*DYLQ0HVKDFK+HLQULFK+HQU\ coaching services of both Mr .QLJKWDQG(OLDV5DSWLVZKRZRQ Richard Thorne and Mr George most of their games throughout Howard. PAC Preparatory entered the year. seven teams into the Primary A number of boys competed in Interschool Competitions with the City of Adelaide and South WKUHH%DQG&*UDGHWHDPVPDNLQJ Australian Junior Championships the finals at season’s end. held during the April and July &DSWDLQHGE\3UHVKDDQ7KDYDUDMDK holidays. It was pleasing many the PAC Red finished third in A boys made effective use of Grade. Preshaan won most his SURYLGHGZHHNO\FRDFKLQJ-XO\ games and was ably supported by holiday coaching and tournament 6HUDQ3HUHUD(WKDQ+D\HV*HRUJH opportunities. Preparatory School 9DJLRQDV$OH[DQGHU(OL[DQG &KDPSLRQ3UHVKDDQ7KDYDUDMDK Mitchell Whiteman. again won the Under 12 City of Adelaide Junior Championship and 3$&:KLWHFDPHUXQQHUXSLQWKH% also the State U12 Championships *UDGHFRPSHWLWLRQQDUURZO\DKHDG with virtually perfect scores. of PAC Red. The team consisted PAC finished 3rd in the annual *ULIILQ%LHUOHLQDQG/HURQ5DWKQD\DNHSRQGHUWKHLU RI/HURQ5DWKQD\DNHWDOHQWHG SUHVWLJLRXV(.6KLHOG QHZFRPHU0D[*DOHWWLV*LOHV next chess moves Atkinson and Lachlan Moore. Good Thanks must go to Mrs Margit performances were also noted by +RVNLQJDQG0V0DQG\%HOO We are hopeful of further growth in the number of boys playing *ULIILQ%LHUOHLQDQG1HOVRQ7KHQ for their invaluable support throughout the season especially chess for PAC and continued 2014 has been another successful IRUFRRUGLQDWLQJ&*UDGHFKHVV improvement in next year’s year for C Grade chess with an Special mention goes to Peter competitions. enthusiastic group of boys ranging Gregoric and Jack Greenslade who Peter Serwan IURP

6DPXHO=DGRZ&KDUOLH*LEERQ6DPXHO5HDG5HJDQ1HOVRQ-DFN0LOOHU hours at the Adelaide Oval with the curator investigating the grass Prince Alfred College Preparatory Year 12. His model entry showed and turf and their management. Charlie Gibbon and Regan Nelson School was well represented a dinosaur fossil being extracted went one better this year with this year in the Oliphant Science from the ground but more a second in the Models and Awards. All entries from our LPSRUWDQWO\KLVDFFRPSDQ\LQJ Inventions category demonstrating students were of high quality and report focussed upon the role how centrifugal force can be used this was recognised by the results. of a paleontologist in this type to separate substances. It was Samuel Read took out the very of work. Jack Miller’s second marvellous to see the depth of SUHVWLJLRXV%HDFK(QHUJ\3UL]H place was highly deserved for UHVHDUFKWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRIWLPH which is only one of two awards the amount of research that he and effort and the pride which all given across the full age range conducted before submitting his the participating students put into of students from Reception to photographic entry. He spent their entries again this year.

The following students were presented with these awards this year:

2nd Jack Miller  Photography ‘Sky High View’

2nd Charlie Gibbon  Models/Inventions and Robotics ‘Centrifugal Force in Action’


The following students received Highly Commended Awards for their entries:

Samuel Read  Models/Inventions ‘The Magic of Discovering a Dinosaur

Regan Nelson  Posters ‘Carbon and its Amazing Molecules’

Samuel Zadow  Science Writing ‘The Power of Predicting’

André Roller OSA Coordinator

44 Preparatory Arts Jack de Vidas Prize Winners

We’ve had a very productive year in the Preparatory in both a 2D and 3D format. The Preparatory School School Creative Art room with the boys participating Jack de Vidas art show was judged by the Preparatory in both Visual and Dramatic art experiences. This year School Community during our artsPACes evening. the boys have created art works for both St Andrews Each person who came to view the art display had and Memorial hospitals. The boys created a variety the opportunity to fill in a voting form to record their of works both individually and as part of a group. The favourite pieces from each year level. works at St Andrews can be seen in the day surgery Congratulations to all of the winners and merit section and the ones at Memorial Hospital in the new recipients in the Preparatory School Jack de Vidas art FKLOGUHQ·VZDUG%HORZDUHFRSLHVRIWKHDUWZRUNVHQW prize and to all of the boys in the Preparatory School to Memorial Hospital. on another wonderful year in the creative arts room. This year for the Jack de Vidas art show the boys Wishing you all a wonderful summer break. showcased their favourite piece of art that they .HOOLH0F&DXOH\ created this year. They included a variety of artworks Preparatory School Creative Arts

Overall Jack de Vidas Winner in Year 6 George Vagionas  Preparatory Arts Jack de Vidas Prize Winners

Preparatory Arts There were also three Merit winners in each Jack de Vidas Prize year level. Winners Reception Year 3 Reception Sebastian Roccisano Jake Hamood Louis Fiorilli Finn Wundenberg Regan Nelson Jacob Miller Chester Ellery Year 1 Marco Wirth Year 1 Year 4 Seth Rocca 6KDH2OVVRQ-RQHV Year 2


Messages displayed in response to the Year 6 Exhibition

Year 1 students channel Charlie Chaplin

The ELC transformed the Chapel classroom into a black and white dance and tales of paintball and LQWR´6KDGRZODQGVµDEHDXWLIXO &KDSOLQLQVSLUHGVSDFHFRPSOHWH water pistol fun from the “Paintball and meditative space including with mini Charlie Chaplin’s and 6WXGLRµ a fairy light interpretation of Year 1 films.

48 Middle School Middle School Captain

Jordan Lesicar Middle School Captain

I want to start by talking about understanding of how learning something that affected me greatly is a life journey. The important at the beginning of this year and message that education in school the way I view my schooling. is merely the beginning of learning about the world is something the 1RWWKDWKHNQRZVLWEXWWKH Middle School does a fantastic job recent PAC graduate and Dux of of developing in its students. 6FKRRO7KHRGRUH6TXLUHVVDLG something that I took to heart. LWRIIHUV'RQ·WJHWPHZURQJ This year will be remembered for I cannot remember the entirety H[SHULHQFHVVXFKDVHGX&RRN the great times in Middle School. RIWKHVSHHFKEXW,UHPHPEHU HGX.DUWDQG:DPEDQDDUH :HKDYHDFKLHYHGOHDUQWDQG the important message he felt excellent and academic success is are changing towards a bright was worth sharing about his an important reason we are here. future for each student that experiences in education. He These allow us to develop new comes through the school. I am wanted to deliver a different skills and enjoy our time at school. thankful I got to try and make the message. He felt that learning The student leadership team of foundations of change. Another was a tool in life which helped us +RXVH&DSWDLQV9LFH&DSWDLQ mention of thanks should also grow and develop more as people. +XJR%DUU\DQGP\VHOIZRUNLQJ JRRXWWRP\SDUWQHU+XJR%DUU\ Education is not just a means to under the guidance of Mr Oomens $OWKRXJKKHLVNQRZQDVD9LFH JHWDMRELWLVDZD\WROLYH\RXUOLIH DQG5HYHUHQG0DUN'LFNHQVKDYH &DSWDLQKHUHDOO\GHVHUYHVWREH and learn about the world and all it tried to make the Middle School a considered Captain as much as I. has to offer to you. place defined by the people who I prefer to think that we are both I believe this message reflects are in it. equals and that we share the task changes in the Middle School and of leading the Middle School. He A love for learning and the drive has participated and contributed as the way the students and teachers to find out what knowledge and view education. Under new PXFKDV,KDYHDQGGHVHUYHVJUHDW LQIRUPDWLRQOLIHKROGVLVVRPHWKLQJ recognition for his service. leadership there has been great the Middle School already instills change in how the Middle School in its students. The passion of the I believe I have achieved what is defined and how we can leave a teachers and the commitment I wanted to after hearing legacy for those who will be in our they hold to help us grow and Theodore’s words. I have tried positions one day. explore the world of knowledge is to make a difference so that the The Middle School is changing so astounding. I have no doubt that Middle School of 2014 will be it does not just become the same each student would have been remembered for being a place SODFHHYHU\\HDUZLWKGLIIHUHQW motivated at least once by their where education means something students in it. Middle School is WHDFKHUVDQGDIWHUOHDYLQJWKH more in the schemes of our lives more than just the programs Middle School should grasp the than a means to a good job. I hope WKDWFKDQJHFRQWLQXHVDQGWKDW each year of the Middle School is remembered differently for what they leave behind. )LQDOO\,ZRXOGOLNHWRVKDUH one last message of my own. Whenever I am asked what my favorite thing about Prince Alfred &ROOHJHLV,DOZD\VUHSO\ZLWK ´7KHRSSRUWXQLWLHVµ,QWKLV\HDU alone I was Captain of the Middle 6FKRROH[SHULHQFHGWKH&KLQD &XOWXUDOWRXUZHQWWR:DPEDQD SDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH.LQJ·V6SHHFK put entries forward to the Shades RI5HGDQGWKH6FLHQFH-RXUQDO learnt guitar and played soccer and rowing. The Middle School is a placed filled with great 0LGGOH6FKRRO.LQJ·V6SHHFK opportunities. Take them. I promise participants you won’t regret it. 


:LOOLDP6PDUW0DWWKHZ3HQKDOODQG Tom Arnold at Discovery Project display


I have really enjoyed the way we have been treated more like adults and been given more responsibility. Thomas Dodsworth 8GZH ,KDYHUHDOO\HQMR\HGWKH%R\ to World program when we participated in different activities in other classes. Daniel Sladojevic 8GZH HGX.DUWZDVDJUHDWH[SHULHQFH to have as it taught us about teamwork and the mechanics of cars while being fun. The fact that we have extension classes so there are better opportunities to strive for is also very good. Sam Erickson 8GZH Scotts Creek pushed me and challenged my limitations for the better. Edmario Lesi 8GZH I liked achieving the marks I wanted and being rewarded for my hard work. 0D[.LUNE\*=+

3%$SUHSDUHWRODXQFK7LWDQLF³ZLWKVLPLODUVXFFHVWRWKHILUVW7LWDQLF My highlight for the year would have to be the Cancer Council Fundraiser. I think the senior rowers Year 8 Reflections I really enjoyed the challenge that really put in a big effort to make ZDVHGX.DUWDQG,VD\WKLVEHFDXVH the day memorable. The best part of this great year has you get to learn how to use quite Harry Ramsey 8GZH DIHZWRROVDQG\RXDOVRJHWWKH EHHQIURPHGX.DUWDQDFWLYLW\WKDW I felt that this year was a great involves the making and driving ability to look at your kart and achievement for me both in of a cart. I found that the best say that you have built this. I also really enjoyed learning about the DFDGHPLFVWXGLHVDQGFRFXUULFXODU SDUWZDVRIFRXUVHWKHGULYLQJRI DFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVVSRUWFDPS the cart. I enjoyed the speed that best ways to take when driving the DQGHGX.DUW,KDYHOHDUQWORWVRI the car goes and also how I was NDUWOLNHWKHDSH[WXUQZKHQ\RX intriguing information in subjects in control of an actual vehicle. For go out wide and hug the line close and topics discussed and my many this would have been the when you make the turn. performance in sport has improved. first time that anyone had been in 1HG%DFKH3%$ 'DPRQ=\JRXULV%*, FRQWURORIDQ$&78$/YHKLFOHPH This year so far I have really included enjoyed the Scotts Creek camp as After having a slow start to the $QJDV0DUVKDOO3%$ I felt it was a great experience for year I have made friends and now really enjoy it. 7KLV\HDU,KDYHWUXO\HQMR\HGWKH PHLWZDVDOVRDORWRIIXQ$QRWKHU :LOO&RZOLQJ%*, Scotts Creek expedition. It was thing I enjoyed was the fundraiser something that was completely IRUFDQFHU,IHOWLWZHQWWRZDUGVD Throughout the year I have new to me but I felt I thrived in good cause and it was something experienced great things like both the kayaking and activities I didn’t mind spending my HGX.DUW6FRWWV&UHHNDQG*RROZD such as the high ropes course and money on. camps. I developed great friends rock climbing. I feel as though the &DOHE:DWVRQ3%$ from these experiences. I also Scotts Creek expedition has greatly I really enjoyed participating in the enjoyed the school sport and the increased my ability to do things high ropes course at Scotts Creek intercols. LQGHSHQGHQWO\DQGKDVWDXJKWPH for the first time. It was a great Noah Miles 8GZH to push myself. experience. ,HQMR\HGHGX.DUWHVSHFLDOO\WKH %HQ*H\HU3%$ (PPHWW:LOGPDQ3%$ part where we were able to drive During this year I have really This year my favourite activity that around fast without crashing. I enjoyed going to Scotts Creek as I have enjoyed was the Goolwa also enjoyed both camps because the class worked and bonded well camp. My favourite part of the they were a once in a lifetime and it was also good fun doing the camp was surfing at Middleton. I experience. kayaking trip and making our own was especially happy when I stood Denny Han 8GZH food and working as a team to get up for the first time and caught a 3HWHU%XEQHU through the trip. wave. Year 8 Coordinator  :LOO6WHLQKDUGW3%$ /XNH'·2UWHQ]LR3%$ Year 9

Joonky Nah and his mother Nina Guk at Sports Colours Awards

As another academic and school year draws to a close it is good to %R\VIURP:LOOLDPVLQWKHULJJLQJRIWKH2QHDQG$OO reflect on the achievements and successes of the year. House leadership from the following young men has been The highlight for the Year 9 boys is valuable at the Middle School the five week Wambana program Swimming Carnival and Athletics at Point Turton on the southern day this year. They have also tip of the Yorke Peninsula. This contributed to running House program challenges the boys and activities in the Year 9 homeroom WHDFKHVWKHPYDOXDEOHOLIHVNLOOV program. They have done a great outdoor persuits and introduces them to service and giving to job keeping House spirit alive and the community of the southern active in their year level. Yorke Peninsula. For many it is 3DWULFN*D\HQ-DNH/HGJDUG a life changing experience and &RWWRQ+RXVH 1LFN'HPLDQ\N WKH\UHWXUQKRPHILWWDQQHGDQG 7RP)XOFKHU 7D\ORU+RXVH  confident in their abilities to +DPLVK3RUWHU7RP*H\HU overcome challenges presented :DWHUKRXVH+RXVH 0D[(GZDUGV to them. As they sailed home on +DUU\+RFNQH\ :DWVIRUG+RXVH  the One and All it exemplified a rite of passage from boyhood to I would like to acknowledge the manhood. I would like to thank the time and effort the team of Year 9 VWDIIDW:DPEDQDOHGE\0U'DOH Homeroom teachers give to their +REEVIRUWKHZRQGHUIXOSURJUDP group of young men. Mr Jarrad +XJK*RZODQGDQG.DUDP0DVULRQ they have created and deliver each -DFNVRQ0U&KULV1LFKROOV0U6DP the One and All year to our students. Jordan and Mr Peter Williams have developed a wonderful rapport &DSWDLQRI0LGGOH6FKRRO-RUGDQ with their boys during morning /HVLFDUDQG9LFH&DSWDLQ+XJR administration sessions and the %DUU\KDYHGRQHDZRQGHUIXOMRE two homeroom lessons during LQOHDGLQJWKH0LGGOH6FKRRO the week. They also spent five both by their example of a young days with their boys whilst they Princes Man and in leading Middle were at Wambana. They offered a School Assemblies. I would like to congratulate both young men ZRQGHUIXOUROHPRGHODGYLFHDQG counsel to the boys in their care. for their assistance and support of the staff of the Middle School Philip McLaughlin Hamish Porter in boogie board race – Middle School Swimming Carnival throughout the year. Year 9 Coordinator  HGX.DUW

It is all thumbs for Ethan White in Miller eV #2


Sebastian Quaini and Sam May at work on the moncoque What the boys say )UDVHU%HYHULGJHHN 2014 was another successful year Throughout the week there are a (GX.DUWLVDSURJUDPVHWXSE\ IRUWKHHGX.DUWSURJUDP(YHU\ number of expectations boys must VHYHUDOKDUGZRUNLQJPHQZKR Year 8 boy had the opportunity PHHWDQGLIWKH\GRQRWWKHUHDUH deserve an applause. All these WRH[SHULHQFHDQHYHUHYROYLQJ FRQVHTXHQFHVEXWQRWLQDSXQLWLYH people gave us at the start program where they can further PDQQHUUDWKHULQWKHVHQVHRI were parts for the chassis and a develop many of the foundation positive actions leading to great finished kart. At first I thought to elements of being a learner. opportunities and negative or no myself how are my team and I action leading to a highly desired While many are aware that going to build this thing without opportunity no longer being on HGX.DUWLVEDVHGRQWKHSURGXFWLRQ instructions. In my head I kept on RIIHU%R\VDUHJLYHQFKRLFHVWR RIDXQLTXHHOHFWULFNDUWLWLVWKH DVNLQJP\VHOITXHVWLRQVOLNH+RZ PDNHDQGWKHFKRLFHVWKH\PDNH how the process is presented and am I supposed to know how all this often reflect a deficit or strength what is expected of the boys that works with only basic knowledge in a boy. The staff works with each makes it one of the most enjoyable RIEXLOGLQJHTXLSPHQW"$OWKRXJK boy over the week to help them and educational opportunities boys piece by piece and with help from grow. experience in the Middle School. my teammates I improved quite 2XUPRWWRLQHGX.DUWLV´JRRG drastically from when I first turned 7KHHGX.DUWVWDII0U3DXO WKLQJVWDNHWLPHµ up at the warehouse. %DOHVWULQ0U$QWKRQ\+DUUDGLQH 0U6KDQH5HLG\0U3HWHU6LOOHWW Thanks to the fast moving lives we $VK'DQQH. and Mr Joe Quinzi worked QRZOHDGPDQ\RIRXUER\VORRN Despite the arguments about ‘organically’ with each group this for maximum reward for minimum ZKRJRHVLQWKHNDUWILUVWDQG-RH \HDUDLPLQJWRLQVWLOWKHYDOXHV LQSXW7KHGD\VLQWKHZRUNVKRS PDNLQJVRPDQ\PLVWDNHVWKLVLV and life skills that each individual DQGDOVRWKHWUDFNWLPHVKRZVWKH WKHEHVWZHHNRIVFKRRO,KDYHKDG group needed to develop. Each boys that a complex task can be no not because of the free food or group is very different to each broken into smaller components 0U+KDYLQJWREX\XVDIUHHOXQFK other. Among the attributes and come together over time with but I have learnt so much and this developed while working with each JUHDWUHZDUGVQRWRQO\DWWKHHQG is something I will treasure for a RWKHURQWKHLUNDUWVDUHUHOLDELOLW\ but along the way too. ORQJWLPH+RSHIXOO\WKLV(GX.DUW SXQFWXDOLW\GHSHQGDELOLW\DQGVHOI program continues for a long time Sometimes those things that we discipline. so when I’m an old [bloke] I can work the hardest on are the most come back and see how far this :KLOHHGX.DUWLVDWUHPHQGRXV UHZDUGLQJ²LWVHHPVHGX.DUWLVD program has come. DPRXQWRIIXQIRUWKHER\VWKHUH very rewarding week for our boys. is a very serious side. It seems the $QJXV1DXJKWRQH. serious side adds to the fun. I think that I really excelled in ZRUNLQJZHOOZLWKDWHDP%HIRUH  HGX.DUW

$OOVPLOHVXQGHUWKDWKHOPHW'HQQ\+DQ at the wheel of Miller eV #4


WKLV,ZRXOGPXFKUDWKHUSUHIHUWR 7KHVWDUW'HQQ\+DQ/DFKODQ&UDZIRUGDQG(GPDULR/HVLVWDQGDWWKHUHDG\WREHJLQDVVHPEOLQJ work on my own whenever I could. Miller eV #4 %XWHGX.$57PDGHPHUHDOLVH that working as a team is both fun ‡ ,PSURYHGGULYLQJVNLOOV and rewarding. We finish things ‡ .QRZOHGJHRIYHKLFOHEXLOGLQJ 3 times faster that with just one ‡ 7HDPZRUN person. I became better mates with ‡ )ROORZLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV everyone in my class too. ‡ 7LPHPDQDJHPHQW $\R2ORUXQWREDH. ‡ 2UJDQLVDWLRQ Astonished. I was astonished at ‡ 8QGHUVWDQGLQJRIUDFLQJVNLOOV what my group and I accomplished. and techniques This is because none of us were ‡ 3HUVLVWHQFHWRJHWWKLQJVULJKW really that good at mechanics and and not settling for second best GLGQ·WNQRZDORWDERXWFDUVEXW results in not spending race days we still persisted. in the pits repairing things that weren’t done properly in the Tate Crowley 4.3.16 first place My brother who is now in Year 10 has told me many tales of his time The worst things about this DWHGX.DUW%HFDXVHRIWKLV,KDG program is the fact it only goes for a basic idea of whatI was walking one week and that we only had into but I was surprised at how two days of racing. much freedom we were given to experiment with each step. Most :LOO&RZOLQJH. The two best things were obviously Jack Heard and the completed of what we did today was different monocoque of Miller eV #6 to what I was expecting. The whole driving but looking back I think that I enjoyed the explanations VWUXFWXUHRIHGX.DUWIURPEXLOGLQJ the kart to talking in the classroom about how everything works and area was new. However I was what goes where and stuff like expecting the karts to be similar to that. I feel that these skills are what they are except in less pieces. very useful and I think learning by OLVWHQLQJGRLQJDQGVWXIILQJXSLVD -RVKXD+DUULVH. much more effective way to learn I feel so privilege that PAC students than sitting in a classroom falling have the opportunity to take part asleep. Life is a continual search for in this amazing program. discovery. I think I have benefited from the Anthony Harradine &RQQRU.LRXVVLVDQGDPRVWLPSRUWDQW tool program through: HGX.DUW  Scotts Creek

*LOFKULVWSRVHIRUDJURXSSKRWRDW6FRWWV&UHHN The Scotts Creek campus has also seen some significant upgrades :HEHJDQFRQGXFWLQJSUH For the first time in many years the over the course of the year with upgrades to the High Ropes facility program capsize training for boys

 Outdoor Education

Sunrise on the River Murray

Outreach 2013: Jack Mann with buddy Jonathon

1HZ=HDODQGUDIWLQJ/HIWVLGH1HOVRQ(OOLV+HQU\0F0XUUD\3KLO0F%ULGH group of 11 boys head off to face 5LJKW6LGH0LWFK&ODUNH'DQLHO*UHJJ3KLO1REOH%DFN+LUR some of the more challenging outdoor pursuits that we offer. Outdoor Education for 2014 The Year 11 program can either be 6WDUWLQJRIIWKHWULSZLWKDP has seen our first Year 12 class completed as a semester subject abseil into a four hour caving complete the Stage 2 SACE or full year course. This year we experience is a great way to program and both Year 10 MYP had two classes doing one of kick start the 10 days of travel. and Year 11 Stage 1 Classes. each course. The boys continue to Three days of rafting including The addition of Senior Outdoor develop their expedition planning WKHPGURSDQGDFKDQFHWRWU\ Education classes to complement skills looking into topics such as sledging are all part of the outdoor our Scotts Creek and Wambana PHQXSODQQLQJPLQLPDOLPSDFW extension program. Learning about programs has given opportunities camping and technical skills of the Maori culture and their love for for our boys to pursue their love of expeditions. They use these skills the outdoors also allows our boys the great outdoors and expedition to organize and complete a three insight into our close neighbour. based learning. day expedition. This year the students completed a three day The final day of activities sums Year 10 boys completing the MYP up the adventurous side of New Outdoor Pursuits subject have kayaking trip on the Murray River and a three day mountain biking Zealand with a morning jet boat a variety of different outdoor ULGHPEXQJ\MXPSDQGWKH activities to complete. Topics such trip through the Adelaide Hills. IWVN\GLYH DV:KDW·V&RRNLQJ 1XWULWLRQDQG Our first Year 12 class has really PHQXSODQQLQJ /RVW 1DYLJDWLRQ faced a lot of challenges this As we approach the end of another DQGPDSV DQG6\QFRU6ZLP year in preparation for their year our next group of leaders %URQ]H0HGDOOLRQ6\QFKURQL]HG VHOIGLUHFWHGH[SHGLWLRQDWWKH prepare to assist with the Outreach VZLPPLQJ NHHSWKHER\V HQGRIWKHFRXUVHZKHUHWKH\ program looking to volunteer their challenged and engaged. Students organize and complete a three day time to support students with also work on developing their expedition with no direct staff intellectual disabilities. This group leadership and skills through a interaction. The boys prepared with travels to Scotts Creek every year four day expedition heading down months of physical training as well to provide an opportunity for to Yorkes for a surfing trip or off DVWZRJURXSWULSV6HD.D\DNLQJ boys from other schools with no rock climbing in the Adelaide Hills. RQWKH


$OH[DQGHU(OLVHRDQG.ULVWLDQ%RUUHOOL take the time out to check the map and their location

Max Edwards at the entrance to Wambana UHDG\IRUWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHGD\ cycle tour

our students work together 7KHFUHZRI-RUGDQDQG´)RVVµDUHKDSS\ZLWKWKHLUZRUNRQWKHGXFNSRQG to achieve a common goal. Students begin to understand the importance of active listening and ´

Mitchell Moore helps prune the fruit trees as part of the Wambana Community Service Program

Tom Fenner and Mitchell Moore enjoy the 0LQODFRZLH%HDFK³OXQFKVWRSRQGD\ FRPSDQ\RIILYHZHHNROG.HOSLH3XSSLHV two of the cycle tour

Students reflect on their History Tour at An evening meal in Wardli 4 Sandlewood Park


1st XVIIIs raising awareness and funds for the McGrath Foundation

From the Early Learning Centre Reds splash out for cancer fundraiser ULJKWWKURXJKWRWKH

$W$PD'DEODP%DVHFDPS Nepal Father & Son Experience 2014 During the October School Taking fathers and their sons away +ROLGD\V$QGUHZ6WDFHDQG0LFKD from their busy lives for a couple Jensen led a group of seven fathers of weeks to spend quality time at and their sons on an adventure such an important point in their through the mighty Himalayas. lives was something that Andrew and Micha felt was important for people to experience. We all get caught up in the day to day of life and to step back and enjoy new sights and to go on a journey with family is an opportunity that might otherwise get skipped by. The highlight of the journey was The group spent a couple of days in getting a special blessing from the .DWKPDQGXEHIRUHWKHWULSWDNLQJ most important Monk in the region in important cultural and religious and then climbing over 800 vertical VLWHVGRLQJWKHLUODVWPLQXWH metres from Pangboche up to shopping and relaxing before $PD'DEODP%DVH&DPSIRUVRPH KHDGLQJWRWKHPRXQWDLQVIO\LQJ of the best views available of the 7KH

-R$QQH&XUWDLQIURP'XFHUH(GXFDWLRQ shares with students about their programs at the Careers Expo

Prince Alfred College recognises and celebrates Australia’s Indigenous culture


Nelson Ellis SST Student Mentor

The Preparatory School SST had a busy year working closely with classroom teachers and parents to support the diverse needs of Student Success Team our students. Support ranged It is difficult to describe the work I am honoured to serve the SST. from team teaching in classrooms of the Student Success Team in so ZLWKWHDFKHUVWRZRUNLQJZLWK As College Psychologist I was few words. As the team leader I smaller groups on particular able to increase the support have been amazed at the incredible skills to working with individual offered within the ELC to include passion and total commitment of students on intense programs FODVVURRPYLVLWVVWDIIDQGSDUHQW the whole team in their efforts to VXFKDV5HDGLQJ5HFRYHU\0,1,/,7 HYHQLQJVSDUHQWPHHWLQJVDQG nurture and develop our students. and MULTILIT Reading Tutorial some individual assessments. My From the Early Learning Centre Program. Numbers increased in day is always brighter for having /LWHUDF\3ODQHW ZHEEDVHGOLWHUDF\ (/& ULJKWWKURXJKWR


I proudly assert that PAC SST has present at a conference held at St VXFFHVVOLNHVXFFHVVDQGWKLV been a source of inspiration for Peter’s College to discuss the same. is what our team is all about. psychologists and counsellors from Just remember that success other independent schools. This %\IDUWKHPRVWVDWLVI\LQJDQG is measured very differently year we have received numerous rewarding part of 2014 has been depending on each person – UHTXHVWVIURPZHOOEHLQJDQG WRVHHER\VIORXULVKUHJDUGOHVVRI HPEUDFHGLIIHUHQFHUHVSHFWDQG OHDGHUVKLSWHDPVWRYLVLWXVWRJDLQ WKHLULQGLYLGXDOGLIIHUHQFHVDQGWR include all. insight into the ‘Against the Deficit hear from so many parents that Model’ we have developed. Janine their boy is happy and wanting to -DQLFH-DPHV9DOHQWLQH --9 Tuffery and I were also asked to come to school. Nothing builds College Psychologist

 Student Leadership


2014 has been another fantastic matches and the state knockout year for Prince Alfred College football Grand Final and supported that has been largely influenced our competitors with several by the student leadership that chants introduced by prefects Ned our Princes Men have shown. This 0XUGRFKDQG:LOOLDP%XUILHOG7KH year’s Prefect group consisted of Red Army became what we believe twenty young men who have all is the best supporting group in the had their own unique approach to state at high school level. This was leadership and all of whom have VWXGHQWVWROHDUQ,QVD\LQJWKLV one of the many highlights that performed admirably in the roles at the time of our induction each the 2014 prefects were able to DVOHDGHUVRIWKH&ROOHJH%XWWKH prefect was encouraged to work on provide the College this year. prefects were not the only leaders a unique ‘prefect goal’ that would The year of 2014 was a great that Prince Alfred College had ultimately add to the already year for student leadership at the WKLV\HDUZHZHUHOXFN\WRKDYH prestigious legacy that this great &ROOHJHZHZHUHDEOHWRXSKROG a variety of young men who were school has. Each prefect set out the traditions that previous willing to stick their hand up and with an eager mind to grasp this leaders had bestowed upon us OHDGIURPWKHIURQWWKHVH\RXQJ opportunity to give back to the whilst incorporating a few new PHQLQFOXGHGRXUKRXVHFDSWDLQV College that has given us so much. innovations of our own. We hope VSRUWLQJFDSWDLQVERDUGLQJ These prefect goals ranged from that the College has grown that SUHIHFWVVWXGHQWUHSUHVHQWDWLYH assisting sports teams of younger little bit extra from the input of council members and every other year levels that will grow to RXUVWXGHQWOHDGHUVDVZHNQRZ boy in between. This broad range of EHFRPHRXUQH[WVWXGHQWDWKOHWHV we have grown into Princes Men leadership was highlighted during running tours that help promote worthy of the roles entrusted to the Student Life awards assembly the College to a wider community us. The prefect group hopes that were the College recognised the and participating in charitable the foundations we have laid young men that loyally served fundraisers. One of the more down will continue to expand into the College with fine leadership prominent prefect goals that the legacies that will make the College and application within the College Prince Alfred College community a wonderful learning environment community. The recipients of the was able to witness this year was for young men. I would like to student life prizes included: a new initiative in the form of the Red Army. The Red Army was an thank every student who has

Jack Elsworthy .HLWK6ZDQQ0HPRULDO³%HVWDOO Cameron Pritchard Rev Charles Perry — All round round performance development in final year at Will van Dissel %LOO%XQGH\³&DSWDLQRI6FKRRO school %HQ6LHEHOV Public Schools Club Ian Hayward William Cheng PAC Prize for global citizenship ³&KDUDFWHUDQG6HUYLFH 9LFH Jack Dascombe Prefects Prize for effort and &DSWDLQ  application %UD\GRQ&RUGLQJOH\ Frank Hunter — Leadership in Vince Rocca Caltex All rounder Year 12 Nelson Ellis Long Tan prize for leadership .XUWLV:LOVRQ Max Wilson Prize — Character and 3KLOOLS0F%ULGH PAC Prize for leadership and Service to the School 6HUYLFHZLWKLQWKH%RDUGLQJ Eddie Thomas 'RQ6WHHOH&KDUDFWHUDQG6HUYLFH Community to the School Charles Marshall Pam Freeman Prize For Music :LOOLDP%XUILHOG P & F — Outstanding service to Leadership the school Rui Lin 0LFKDHO:LOOV3UL]HIRU%HVWLQ Lachlan McNamara 0RUOH\%DWK0HPRULDO³6HUYLFH Interschool Chess Competition to the School 3KLO0F%ULGH Rob Prest prize for Captain of %RDUGLQJ

The prefect group this year was idea brought forth by prefect Olly shown their leadership qualities RQHEOHVVHGZLWKPXFKGLYHUVLW\ Collison that became one of the throughout the year including my however we were all united under more significant contributions IHOORZSUHIHFWVDOORIZKRP,DP a common goal which was to to student leadership in recent sure would share the ideal that it enhance the College community years. The Red Army attended has been an honour to serve the and strive to make it the best various sporting events including school as leaders in 2012. possible environment for all a majority of intercollegiate 68 Student Representative Council




'LVSOD\RI5HJLRQVDQGFRXQWULHVIURPZKLFK%RDUGHUVOLYH UROHLQRXUDFWLYLWLHVSURJUDP FRRUGLQDWLQJWKHDQQXDO5HG A key component in the success When boys commence in the 6KLHOG$SSHDOUXQQLQJDQG of a boarding community is boarding community at Prince RUJDQLVLQJWKH5HOD\IRU/LIHWKH the leadership that the senior Alfred College they commence &LW\WR%D\DQGRWKHUZRUWK\ boys demonstrate throughout upon a journey towards leadership. causes. I would like to thank Philip their time at the College. At the The boys may not realise this at 0F%ULGHZKRKDVZRUNHGWLUHOHVVO\ commencement of 2014 I asked the time but it is evident in the LQKLVUROHDV&DSWDLQRI%RDUGLQJ the Year 12 boys what their various leadership opportunities throughout the year — he has legacy would be for the boarding ³EHLWDW:DPEDQD6FRWWV been an invaluable ally throughout community. Undoubtedly the boys Creek or through the myriad 2014. have shown through their actions of opportunities presented Many of our boarders will become throughout the College. Our aim that the 2014 Year 12 boys have leading members of smaller made a significant contribution is to develop young men who will communities. We know that the to enhancing the positive culture leave the College with both the boys will see value in organisations of the boarding community. This tools and the desire to contribute such as their local community year the boys have proven that to the wider community and I am success on the sporting field pleased to say that the 2014 boys EDVHGFOXEVDQGDVVRFLDWLRQV%\ developing leadership skills that can be combined with academic will make us proud. are life skills we believe they are VXFFHVV)XUWKHUZHKDYHVHHQWKH Leadership is not a right. It more likely to contribute actively HPHUJHQFHRIJHQXLQHOHDGHUVKLS is a privilege earned through embodied in boys taking time to do to keep the service organisations putting the interests of others the small things that matter. Many alive. Rural communities rely on EHIRUHVHOI%R\VQHHGWROHDUQWR H[DPSOHVDUHVHHQGDLO\DTXLFN goodwill and volunteers and this become leaders and we provide ´KHOORµWRDQHZ\RXQJHUERDUGHU is no more clearly demonstrated opportunities for them to mentor or a impromptu coaching session with the success of the various others and support this with with the football prior to dinner Field Days events at which I have leadership seminars throughout or perhaps a guiding hand with been fortunate to represent the the year. This approach enables the intricacies of understanding College. These communities and the boys to develop skills such algebraic equations. These are daily wider society need individuals who DVFRQVXOWDWLRQQHJRWLDWLRQDQG occurrences within our boarding are committed to being active mediation as well as a fair sense of community. A highlight for me this contributors to help facilitate justice and community spirit. year was witnessing the senior positive change and I know our football boys who took up roles Some of the ways our boarders boarders will contribute to this as Auskick coaches on Sunday have been active in developing SURFHVVHPERGLHGLQER\VWDNLQJ mornings — it was leadership their leadership skills include time to do “the small things that personified. participating and taking a lead PDWWHUµ  %RDUGHUV·'D\

%RDUGHUV·'D\ %RDUGHUVVHUYLQJXSDYDULHW\RIGLVKHVIRUOXQFK 7KLV\HDU·V%RDUGHUV·'D\KHOG on Friday 12 September was a highlight of the year for the boarding community. It provided the 138 boarders with a fantastic opportunity to share their life in the Princes boarding community ZLWKWKHLUSHHUVWHDFKHUVDQG QRQWHDFKLQJVWDIIPHPEHUVRI the College. The day provided a catalyst to bring together the many achievements of the boys who are from a wide and diverse background. $KLJKOLJKWRIWKH%RDUGHUV·'D\ was the early morning distribution RIWKLV\HDU·VDQQXDO%RDUGHUV· +HUDOG7KLV\HDU·VSDJH SXEOLFDWLRQ NLQGO\SULQWHGE\ Michael Ellis and his team at the

)RRWEDOOPDWFK)LGGLDQDJDLQVWWKHUHVWRIWKH%RDUGLQJ+RXVHSOD\LQJIRUWKH 2YHUDOOWKHGD\ZDVDPHPRUDEOH Ashton Cup RFFDVLRQUDLVLQJIXQGVIRU This game enabled the boys from WKH%RDUGLQJ+RXVHFKDULW\ Ronald McDonald House. Just as )LGGLDQDQG%D\O\+DUWOH\WR fiercely compete for bragging LPSRUWDQWO\WKHGD\VKRZFDVHG rights over the Rushton Cup in PDQ\RIWKHERDUGHUVWKHEUHDGWK and diversity of the activities they front of a great crowd. The country are involved in after school hours feel was also contributed to with DQGRQWKHZHHNHQGVDQGLWDOVR DPDJQLILFHQW%%4ZKLFKZDVD allowed members of the school fundraiser for our chosen charity of community to gain an insight into Ronald McDonald House. the diverse backgrounds of the I must thank the Catering Manager boys. Mr Darryl Attiwill and his team for )RUPDQ\ERDUGHUVKRPHLV providing the essential ingredients hundreds or even thousands of IRUDJUHDW%%4RQWKHGD\ZLWK kilometres from Prince Alfred the majority of ingredients kindly &ROOHJHIRUVRPHER\VLWLVHYHQLQ donated by some of the College’s another country. suppliers. Their support with the %%4SUHSDUDWLRQDQGWKHZRUNRI Despite some of the challenges the Housekeeping team in helping that are associated with living so us set up on the day was certainly far from home to attend school appreciated. KHUHDW3ULQFHVWKHERDUGHUVDUH DKDSS\HQWKXVLDVWLFDQGYHU\ &DSWDLQRI%RDUGLQJ3KLOLS0F%ULGH Special thanks must also be supportive group of young men. DGGUHVVLQJWKHVFKRRODW%RDUGHUV H[WHQGHGWR&DSWDLQRI%RDUGLQJ They share a unique way of life Assembly 3KLOLS0F%ULGHDQGWKHWHDP and are part of a community that of Prefects who oversaw the adds enormous value to the Princes his speech the significant impact production of the presentations Community. that boarding has had on his life at and videos for the assembly and Princes. Darren Roylett WKHFRRNLQJRIWKH%%4,ZRXOG +HDGRI%RDUGLQJ Following the assembly the also like to extend my appreciation whole school was invited to WRWKH%RDUGLQJ+RXVHVWDIIWKDW attend the annual Rushton Cup assisted with general organization Football match which was played of the day and the significant at lunchtime on the back oval in contributions in putting together a country football atmosphere. WKH%RDUGHUV·+HUDOGDQGWKHYLGHR  International Students

,QWHUQDWLRQDO6WXGHQWV International Students Transition Program camp/hike in the Mount Remarkable National 3DUN0U-HII(OOLV7RQ\/L$QG\&KHQ'DYLG/LX6DP+RX7RP+XDQJ)UHG=KDQJ The English for Academic Purposes to education in a single gender FXOWXUHDQGHQDEOHVWKHPWRVHWWOH VHWWLQJZHUHFRJQLVHWKDWWKHUH into school life smoothly. are benefits for international &RXUVH ($3& DQG Our international boys experience students who are new to Australia a very holistic education in PAC. International Student working together in a dynamic They are involved in the life of OHDUQLQJHQYLURQPHQWDVLWFDQ Transition Program the entire school from the first stimulate discussions and ease the GD\WKH\DUULYH%R\VDUHSODFHGLQ ,673 acculturation process. The overall aim of the EAPC is to KRPHURRP ZHOOEHLQJ FODVVHV and House teams. They attend advance the academic English and 7KURXJKWKH,673DQGWKH($3& we seek to create meaningful VFKRRODVVHPEOLHVSDUWLFLSDWHLQ learning skills of international experiences outside the classroom. activities alongside their local students in order for them Students sense of place is peers and are strongly encouraged successfully access the mainstream enhanced through tours of the city WRSDUWLFLSDWHLQFRFXUULFXODU FXUULFXOXP,QWKHLU(QJOLVKOHVVRQV DQGVXUURXQGLQJDUHDVZKLFKWDNH DFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGLQJPXVLFDQG students build confidence in using place in the first few weeks of each drama. Our international boys have the language and develop their VHPHVWHU,Q7HUPWZRWKLV\HDU also made us proud through their awareness of the expectations YLVLWVWRWKH0LJUDWLRQ0XVHXP involvement and achievement in a of an Australian classroom. They Haigh’s Chocolate Factory and variety of College sports including explore various topics from WKH$XVWUDOLDQ%URDGFDVWLQJ EDGPLQWRQEDVNHWEDOOVZLPPLQJ mainstream subjects including Corporation directly connected and tennis. Science and Humanities. They with units of work on Australian International students are valued SURGXFHHVVD\VDQGUHSRUWVGHOLYHU FXOWXUHVPDOOEXVLQHVVVXFFHVVDQG PHPEHUVRIWKHVFKRROFRPPXQLW\ oral presentations and participate the media. in group discussions. These and their presence is recognised activities improve their skills in Cultural transition is a very LQYDULRXVZD\V,Q7HUPRQH DUHDVVXFKDVUHVHDUFKHYDOXDWLRQ important part of the ISTP. There is ZHFHOHEUDWHG¶+DUPRQ\GD\· LQWHUSHUVRQDOFRPPXQLFDWLRQ an orientation day each semester when some of our international reflection and critical thinking. ZKHQQHZDUULYDOVWKHLUIULHQGV boys performed for the whole and families and homestay parents VFKRRODQGVSRNHRQEHKDOIRIDOO 7KLV\HDUZHKDYHVRIDUKDGRYHU are invited to participate in school international students at PAC. At VWXGHQWVLQWKHFRXUVHDQG tours. They meet with heads of WKHHQGRI7HUPVRPHRIRXU have welcomed the involvement VFKRROVWHDFKHUVDQGRWKHUVWDII boys took charge of the inaugural of girls from Wilderness and This allows our new students to EAPC completion ceremony. Seymour College. While PAC and develop a better understanding of Thanks to their assistance in the our sister schools are committed WKHFDPSXVFRPPXQLW\DQGVFKRRO organisation of the event and their  International Students

International Students Transition Program camp/hike in the Mount Remarkable National skills. International boys also have 3DUN7RQ\/L$QG\&KHQ'DYLG/LX6DP+RX7RP+XDQJ)UHG=KDQJ opportunities to associate with our sister schools through social DFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVWHQSLQERZOLQJ dancing and ice skating. ,Q7HUPQHZ

%LJ%DQG 2YHUWKHFRXUVHRIWKH3ULQFH Alfred College Music Program has GHYHORSHGJUHDWO\DQG,KDVEHHQ privileged to provide leadership over the each of the eight PAC bands. This year there has been a variety of achievements both locally and nationally. This includes the some outstanding results at this year’s Generations in Jazz competition including Division 2 %LJ%DQG³UG RXWRIEDQGV Division 3 %LJ%DQG$³VW RXWRI Division 3 %LJ%DQG%³WK RXWRI Division 4 %LJ%DQG³VW RXWRI 6HQLRU&RQFHUW%DQG VW5RZ-DFNVRQ0LOOHU$QJDV0DUVKDOO7KRPDV*H\HU$HGDQ7RZLH=DFKDU\:HLJROG 'LYLVLRQ $[HO+HLQULFK&DPHURQ




Another highlight of the year would have to be our performance RI´5LVLQJ'UDJRQVµDWRXUILQDO FRQFHUW´$OO7KDW-D]]µLQ7HUP This is an epic song which is a favorite for the few band members who have been around long enough to be playing it again. Playing DORQJVLGHWKH6HQLRU&RQFHUW%DQG from Wilderness doubled the size RIRXUEDQGIRUWKHQLJKWHQVXULQJ this piece was played with the shock and awe it deserved. This year has been a great year for WKH6HQLRU&RQFHUW%DQGEXWZLWK such a young band the ensemble KRSHVIRUDQHYHQEHWWHU Choir The year of 2014 has been a PHPRUDEOHDQGMDPSDFNHG ,QWHUPHGLDWH&RQFHUW%DQG H[SHULHQFHIRUDOOWKHFKRULVWHUV VW5RZ6DPXHO.QHHERQH%HQMDPLQ/H-DFNVRQ0LOOHU:LOOLDP+RZDUG7KRPDV$UQROG in both the Princes Choir and -DFN:X7KRPDV:RUWKOH\&KDUOHV.HHYHV6SDUVK7LZDUL7KRPDV'RGVZRUWK -D]]&KRLU7KLV\HDUWKHFKRLU Alexander Nind has seen an even larger increase QG5RZ7KRPDV=DGRZ$\RGLPHML2ORUXQWRED/DFKODQ+LVORS-RVKXD%HDQ6HUDQ3HUHUD LQQXPEHUVIURPSUHYLRXV\HDUV )L\LQIROX.RPRODIH/XNH%DUG\$OH[DQGHU(OL[:LOOLDP6WHLQKDUGW so that the Choir now sits at 30 UG5RZ/RJDQ6DUJHDQW6D[RQ6LQFODLU7\OHU*HUDUG(WKDQ%UHZHUWRQ:LOOLDP6PDUW ZLWKDOOSUHVHQW1HZFKRULVWHUV -DFN2·%ULHQ-XVWLQ7VDQJ$[HO+HLQULFK-DFNVRQ2·/HDU\3HWHU6NRWKRV IURPERWKSUHSDQGVHQLRUVFKRROV WK5RZ&KDUOLH$UFKHU-RHO/HH5DPL$QGDU\0LFKDHO6PLWK1LFKRODV'HPLDQ\N have allowed us to develop into /LDP*XJOLHOPR6DP(ULNVVRQ%ODNH/LQGQHU&RUPDF2·%ULHQ DVWURQJHU6$7%FKRLUE\IRFXVLQJ Staff: Andrew Newhouse on singing 3 and 4 part harmonies $EVHQW3DWULFN*D\HQ6HEDVWLDQ:DONHU1DWKDQ3\H and enabling us to present a more challenging repertoire. The boys the award winning TLA Quartet have enjoyed the new variety Strings and performing at All that Jazz RISLHFHVUDQJLQJIURPVDFUHG This year has been exceptional ZLWKIDPRXVMD]]PXVLFLDQ5RVV and classical pieces such as “Ave with an influx of talented new boys Irwin. 9HUXPµDQG´&RUDP'HRµWRSRS in the strings program. Everyone rock and jazz songs such as “Some ,QORRNLQJWRWKHIXWXUHWKHFKRLU has strived to achieve their very 1LJKWVµ´%RKHPLDQ5KDSVRG\µDQG aims to continue to strengthen best to perform at the highest ´6ZD\µ$QLQFUHDVLQJQXPEHURI their musical ability and standards and enjoy themselves. ER\VDUHUHFHLYLQJ\HDUPHGDOV SUHVHQWDWLRQVNLOOVDVZHOODVWR The strong foundation of the IRUWKHLUGHGLFDWLRQWRWKHFKRLU be able to feature more soloists Strings Program at PAC has created ZLWKDWRWDORIER\VWKLV\HDU DWSHUIRUPDQFHVWRVKRZFDVHWKH amazing performances across all LQFOXGLQJP\VHOI-RKQ0DLHOOR increasing talent within the choir. (GPXQG%ODFN(WKDQ+D\HV2OLYHU WKHHQVHPEOHVLQFOXGLQJ9LJRURVR (OLVHR-RUGDQ3\HDQG*HRUJH 2YHUDOOWKLV\HDUKDVVHHQPDQ\ 2USKHXV6LQIRQLDDQG&DPHUDWD Skothos. highs for the choristers which String Quartet. There was a huge would not have been possible variety of music from classical to This year’s calendar for both the ZLWKRXWWKHH[WHQVLYHVXSSRUW jazz that gave every student the Princes Choir and Jazz Choir has patience and guidance of the opportunity to perform and build been full with the choir performing &KRLUPDVWHU7DVVR%RX\HVVLV upon their own skills and talent. at various concerts and events DQGRXUDFFRPSDQLVW0DFDUHQD 7KURXJKRXWWKH\HDUWKHVHQLRU throughout the year including Zambrano. On behalf of the FKDSHOVHUYLFHVWKH2OG2OG%R\V VWULQJRUFKHVWUD 3$&6LQIRQLD ER\VLQWKHFKRLU,H[WHQGRXU HQVHPEOH ZHUHKRQRXUHGWR $VVHPEO\WKH([32:VHUYLFH appreciation and thanks to them just to name a few. Highlights for perform with several schools in ERWK3HUVRQDOO\,ZRXOGOLNHWR the Princes Choir included the various workshops and concerts. congratulate all of the boys for Strings and Choral Showcase and A highlight of the year was the their effort in developing their the Term 3 Choir Concert where Orchestra and Vocal Showcase in vocal skills and passion for singing. the choir was able to present their Term 2 featuring St Peter’s Girls We are certainly ready for another expanding repertoire as well as and Cabra Dominican College. feature soloists. Highlights for the JUHDW\HDUIRUWKHFKRLUVLQ Students showed off their skills Jazz Choir included singing at the &RQQRU2OVVRQ-RQHV both individually and within DQQXDO%DUEHUVKRS:RUNVKRSZLWK Head of Choirs an ensemble that delivered an  Senior School Arts entertaining evening. Another KLJKOLJKWZDVWKH´$OO7KDW-D]]µ concert where we invited girls from Wilderness School to perform a variety of pieces. In keeping with WKHWKHPHRIWKHQLJKWZHZHUH able to showcase our jazzy side through the piece ‘Jazz Suite’. %RWKFRQFHUWVOHIWPHPRUDEOH performances for the audience. The Strings Program has been a huge success all year round GXHWRWKHKDUGZRUNHIIRUW and dedication provided by the students. This would not be possible without the dedication RIWKH3$&6WLQJV&RRUGLQDWRU %HJLQQHU&RQFHUW%DQG 0UV(UQD%HUEHU\DQ,ZRXOGOLNH VW5RZ/DFKODQ$XVWHUEHUU\%HQMDPLQ:HEEHU0DWWKHZ9DQ*DDQV$QJDV0DUVKDOO to express my gratitude to Mrs &KDUOLH3DUNHU7DUXQ.DPDWK0LWFK3DUNHU/OR\G5DVPXVVHQ$UFKLH3HUNV0DVRQ5RVV %HUEHU\DQIRUWKHWLUHOHVVDPRXQW &KULVWR3VHYGRV6KDH2OVVRQ-RQHV of work she has put into the QG5RZ+DUU\'HHG-RUGDQ*RXJK/DFKODQ0DUWLQ/DFKODQ'LFNHQV/DFKODQ2ZOHU Strings program over the past years 3DWULFN0F*DYLQ$GDP%ODFN-RKQ1DSLHU



Alan McInnes Charles Marshall Thomas Lancione

It was again inspiring to see the Alan McInnes selected as section leader for both development of our 2014 student Alan has made a significant ensembles this year and has led leaders in the Arts Community. contribution to music at Prince WKHWURPERQHVZLWKGLVWLQFWLRQ ensuring they are always one Many thanks again to those boys Alfred College over a number of years. of the strongest sections in recognized below. The mentoring each rehearsal. Charles has also of younger students by almost all He began studying the flute in performed with the orchestra our senior players is one of the key WKH%HJLQQHU·V%DQGDQGZDV as well as arranging music for a differences in our Department and quickly promoted through the school trombone quartet that he one of the most significant factors UDQNVUHDFKLQJWKH6HQLRU&RQFHUW leads. in our success over the last 12 %DQGE\WKHWLPHKHZDVLQ

William Cooke Hugo Chapman &RQQRU2OVVRQ-RQHV

$WWKLV\HDU·V¶*HQHUDWLRQVLQ-D]]· $QH[FHSWLRQDOO\GLOLJHQWVWXGHQW ,QKLV*UDGH$0(%H[DPRQ he again filled in for a lower band William also regularly sets himself FODULQHWLQ+XJRZDVVHOHFWHG and despite minimal rehearsal goals for his solo playing and as the best player in the state for time was selected as a division frequently surpasses expectations this grade level. Superband member on the basis of of what can be achieved. He passed He has been an outstanding his performance. KLV*UDGH$0(%H[DPLQ mentor to many of the younger with a High Distinction. Following Thomas has a dedicated practice players with his frequent WKLVRXWVWDQGLQJUHVXOWKHZDVDOVR URXWLQHHQVXULQJKLVVROR assistance at lunchtime rehearsals selected as the best performer at repertoire is always played at the this level in South Australia. highest standard. He completed &RQQRU2OVVRQ-RQHV KLV*UDGH$0(%H[DPWKLV\HDU 2XWVLGHWKHVFKRRO:LOOLDPKDV Award with Honours passing with a merit. performed professionally with a Connor is an exceptional performer corporate band which features his Thomas was selected to perform who has appeared in a remarkable improvised solos. for a week with the South number of productions at the $XVWUDOLDQ3ROLFH%DQGDVSDUWRI highest level. their mentoring system and has Hugo Chapman He joined the Princes Choir when Hugo is a versatile musician with a also performed for two years with he was in Year 2 and currently acts broad range of talents on multiple WKH-D]]6$6XSHUEDQGDVDVHFWLRQ as both section leader and Head instruments. leader. He has been an exceptional &KRULVWHU,QWKLVUROH&RQQRUKDV PHQWRUWRWKHSOD\HUVLQ%LJ%DQG He has played in the Senior been an outstanding example 3 and has arranged to regularly &RQFHUW%DQGRQFODULQHWVLQFH to younger singers and provided SOD\ZLWKPHPEHUVRIWKH%HJLQQHU 2011 and has since been selected inspired support to the Choir %DQG as section leader. Through his Director. He was a foundation Thomas is an example to all with dedicated approach to leadership member of the Jazz Choir. Connor KLVRUJDQLVDWLRQSXQFWXDOLW\DQG he has lifted the standard of the has also performed in the lead role effort in every rehearsal. clarinets and was a key reason in two school musicals and has for the success of the band at the sung lead vocals in a school band. 6WDWH%DQGFRPSHWLWLRQVHDUOLHU In the wider community his William Cooke this year. Hugo has also found William is a dedicated musician SHUIRUPDQFHVKDVEHHQQXPHURXV WLPHWRSHUIRUPZLWK%LJ%DQG whose hard work has enabled him notching up 14 major roles in less VLQFHRQSLDQRIUHTXHQWO\ to play at the highest levels. than five years. Connor has been contributing inspired improvised selected to play lead roles with :KLOHKHZDVVWLOOLQ

80 Senior School Drama

Prince Alfred College has a long tradition of musical and theatrical performance. The Princes Music 7KHDWUHFRPSDQ\IRUPHGE\0UV Pamela Freeman has continued that tradition over the last six years. ,QWKHGLUHFWRU0U0LFKDHO Steer chose to present a production of the Musical Rock Star. The production explores the theatrical potential of a band arriving on earth from outer space. $QHFFHQWULFSURIHVVRU SOD\HG E\&DOH$PRV KDVFRQVWUXFWHGD teleportation machine. Due to the EXPEOLQJRIKLV\RXQJQHSKHZ%3 SOD\HGE\&RQQRU2OVHQ-RQHV  the machine malfunctions and brings a group of aliens to earth. Cast &RQQRU2OVVRQ-RQHVDV%3 A fun loving young boy from the suburbs of Adelaide trying keep the Also Featuring Josh Sodeman affections of his girlfriend Suzi. Alex Economos Campbell Arnold Chelsea Marchetti as Suzi Will Economos Andy Nguyen A star struck young girl in love with Sam Dalgarno Tom Dodsworth an alien rock star. 0D[%DWW Jack Obrien Axel Heinrick Dimity Pittman Cale Amos as Professor Seesquared Harrison Cerchez %HOOD'L0DWWHR -RUGDQ/HVLFDUDV%OXWR Fox Crowley Sophie Shearwood A rock star from outer space. Oliver Fox Mirnaa Parameswaram Zarnia Engellweiss Tori Gilroy +XJR&KDSPDQDV&% *HRUJLD%DWHPDQ A corrupt businessman and Withan Wongprasert nephew of the Professor. 81 Senior School Drama

Sometimes students discover a lifelong passion for performance DQGWKH$UWVRWKHUVWXGHQWV JURZLQFRQILGHQFHIRUPQHZ relationships and develop new VNLOOV6RPHMXVWKDYHJUHDWIXQ It takes courage to stand onstage DQGSHUIRUPLWWDNHVFRPPLWPHQW WRDWWHQGUHKHDUVDOVLWWDNHVWDOHQW and intelligence to do it well. The UHZDUGIRUWKDWULVNLVDFKDOOHQJHD great experience and memory. Technical Crew 7ULVWDQ.LWFKHQ .ULVKQD0RRUWK\ Henry Lock William Smart Jack Greenslade Musicians William Cooke Zachary Mizgalski Musicals are great for kids William Campbell %HQ&RSSHOO We remember very little about FKDUDFWHURUDVDVSHDUFDUULHU Zachary Weigold RXUWLPHDWKLJKVFKRROWKHQDPHV LQWKHIRXUWKURZPXFKRIZKDW Oskars Lidums of our friends and some of our happens onstage and backstage Luke Cialini teachers stay with us. The grand remains vivid and clear in our James Chapman ILQDOWKDWZHZRQWKHSDUWLHV minds. Oliver Fox WKDWZHZHQWWRWKHGD\WKDWZH The moments when the set fell Charles Marshall started school and the day that we RYHURUWKHWLPHZKHQWKHPXVLF %UDQGRQ5H\QROGV went to school for the last time are IDLOHGWRVWDUWWKHDQWLFLSDWLRQRI Thomas Lancione HWFKHGLQRXUPHPRU\EXWPXFKRI the first performance and the joy Lucas De Garis the finer detail has faded. of the first applause stay with us David La Pietra A school musical stays with us forever. Thomas Miller for life. Whether it is as the lead Edward Hannemann 82 Shades of Red


With another year comes another edition of the literary and visual journal that is Shades of Red. This \HDU·VSXEOLFDWLRQLVWKHWKHGLWLRQ of the journal whilst under the DSSHOODWLRQRI´6KDGHVRI5HGµ7KH Shades of Red committee consists RIHOHYHQPHPEHUVLQWKLV includes five young men who have been a breath of fresh air with innovative ideas in their 1st year RQWKHFRPPLWWHHDV

artistic design of the journal in ROG6FKRODU+HQU\-DUPDQ7KH initiative that is Shades of Red was highly supported by departing +HDGPDVWHU.HYLQ7XWWGLVSOD\HG through the submission of his own SRHP´WDNLQJD7XN7XNWRZRUNµ inspired by his time in Cambodia. The departure of Mr Tutt meant WKDWQHZ+HDGPDVWHU%UDGOH\ Fenner was experiencing a Shades of Red launch for the first time. Mr Fenner was given the opportunity to address the launch attendees and recognised the bravery of the young men who read very personal SRHPVWRWKHDXGLHQFH/DVWO\ coordinators Melody Marshall and Nick Iadanza addressed the DXGLHQFHLQWURGXFHGWKH6KDGHVRI Red Committee and briefly spoke about this year’s edition of Shades to this task with eager minds and lucky enough to hear readings of Red. produced some fantastic creations from students that feature in the that are displayed in this year’s journal ranging from years eight Shades of Red is one of the many initiatives that makes the Prince edition of Shades of Red. The motif to twelve. The readers shared their Alfred College community so of yarn was also displayed across ideas based on a variety of topics unique. In a modern era where the cover of the journal and can be from the stolen generation of young men often are reluctant to seen within the pages as the yarn indigenous Australians to exploring open up it is important that we OLQNVDOORIWKHDUWZRUNSRHPVDQG the pressures that women face in a contemporary setting. They have Shades of Red as we provide photographs that filled this year’s the boys with an opportunity to edition. exhibited many forms that a poem can take and are a true express themselves creatively. As The Shades of Red launch for reflection on the work that is Princes men we are taught to be 2014 was highly successful with displayed throughout this year’s ZHOOURXQGHGDQGWKLVMRXUQDOLV parents and students attending journal. Whilst hearing from the a welcome distraction for us to to witness and purchase the authors of some of the poems escape our sometimes meticulous fantastic work that the boys had that give context to the journal lives. produced this year. The audience the audience also heard from %HQ6LHEHOV that attended the launch were the man behind the creative and Shades of Red Committee Member 84 Arts Awards Jack de Vidas Prize Winners

Jack de Vidas Senior Winner 2014 Henry Cockington Year 11

Ashton Seascape/ Landscape Winner 2014 James Whisson Year 12

Jack de Vidas Middle Winner 2014 Daniel Revesz Year 9

 Arts Awards Jack de Vidas Prize Winners

Jack de Vidas Senior Joint 5XQQHUXS 2014 Jacob Lucey Year 10

Jack de Vidas Senior Joint 5XQQHUXS 2014 Lachlan Graham Year 12

Jack de Vidas Middle 5XQQHUXS Harry Tsakalos Year 9

Ashton Seascape/ Landscape 5XQQHUXS Jankan Chan Year 12 86

Charlie Treloar Year 10 Nicholas Tsakalos Year 11

Mitchell Smith Year 9 Merrick Liao Year 10

Middle & Senior School Art

Sam Alexander Year 11





\HDUVDJRWKHZRUOGZDVDWZDU As Winston Churchill was planning 2SHUDWLRQ2YHUORUG ''D\  Prince Alfred College published its first Science Journal. Under the JXLGDQFHRI5D\PRQG76PLWK the senior science master at the WLPHDQGZLWKWKHHQFRXUDJHPHQW RI5DOSK%HFNZLWKZLQQHURIWKH EXUVDU\DZDUGLQ(GLWRU John West was able to publish the first Science Journal all those years ago. The Journal was and remains a symbol of the College’s outstanding scientific achievement. The continued practice of publishing an annual Science Journal reinforces the Princes man’s interest in science and stimulates the belief that scientific advancements are key to progress Chemistry Class — Old Science Hall 1891 DQGGHYHORSPHQWVRPHWKLQJWKDW is heavily emphasised in science This year we look to the future. classes at the College. 7KHIXWXUHRIRXUSODQHWRIVSDFH The Journal reflects not only the exploration and of the human race. belief in the importance of science but the emergence of new trends It is my honour this year as Editor within the discipline itself. Over of the Science Journal to announce its long history the publication WKHWKHPHRIWKHWKHGLWLRQ has foreshadowed the age of Earth and Space. Students from SK\VLFVVSDFHIOLJKWWKHSRZHU Princes are asking questions that RIWKHDWRPWKHPDQDJHPHQWRI have baffled the greatest scientific renewable resources and exciting minds in history and push the Raymond Smith with Science new innovative technologies. limits of science to its extremes. 6WXGHQWV 89 Science Journal


hard work behind the scenes does QRWJRXQQRWLFHG/XNHDQG+ULVKL along with Andy Nguyen and Jack 2·%ULHQDUHRXWJRLQJPHPEHUVRI the committee and I wish them all the best with their future studies. +RZHYHUZLWKRXWWKHFRQWLQXHG support of Dr Paula Mills and Mrs Christine Papanicolas this Journal would not be what it is today. I express my profound gratitude WRWKHPIRUWKHLUFRPPLWPHQW perseverance and fidelity to the Princes Science Journal. Without Chemistry Practical with Raymond Smith LQVWLJDWRURIWKH6FLHQFH-RXUQDO LQ them it is certain that this tradition of publishing an annual The Science Journal Committee enjoyed working together with Journal would have been lost. I has worked tirelessly to choose such a passionate and motivated would also like to extend thanks the best articles from students in team of people to produce one to this year’s guest authors Chief WKHSUHSDUDWRU\PLGGOHDQGVHQLRU of the College’s most prestigious Defence Scientist of Australia’s schools. This year’s publication publications. The team should be Defence Science and Technology features articles pertaining to congratulated for the time and 2UJDQLVDWLRQ '672 'U$OH[DQGHU WKHOLQNEHWZHHQ(DUWKDQGVSDFH effort they have put into making Zelinsky and Professor Denis FXUUHQWZRUOGHYHQWVVFLHQWLILF this year’s Journal the best it can Goodrum for their contribution to HWKLFDOGLOHPPDVWKHXQFHUWDLQ EH6SHFLDOWKDQNVJRWRORQJ WKHWKHGLWLRQ:HDUHKRQRXUHG IXWXUHRIRXUSODQHWVSDFH serving members of the Science to have your work published in our exploration and PAC’s scientific Journal Committee Luke Cialini Journal. achievement throughout the year. DQG+ULVKLNHVK5DMDUDPIRUWKHLU devotion to the Journal. Luke has The Science Journal Committee It has been an honour serving EHHQDFRPPLWWHGWHDPSOD\HU looks forward to officially DVWKHWK(GLWRURIWKH3ULQFH showing regular attendance at launching the Journal early in Alfred College Science Journal in meetings and was responsible for Term 4. 2014 and I look forward to joining the sensational front cover design. Tim Hobbs the long list of distinguished and Hrishikesh another invaluable


PAC Senior School chess completed teams entered. Outstanding results A pleasing number of boys DQH[FHSWLRQDO\HDUUHFRUGLQJ were achieved by Aaron Hammat competed in the South Australian DQLPSUHVVLYHFOHDQVZHHSRI and Axel Heinrich’s robust playing Junior Championships held during the three Secondary Interschool UHVXOWHGLQDJUHDWSLFNHWIHQFH WKH-XO\KROLGD\V4L/H.RQJ/LP Divisions. Our teams were VFRUHWKURXJKRXWWKHVHDVRQ ZRQWKH83HWHU*UHJRULFWKH invigorated by the arrival of the bolstering his team’s overall result. 8DQG\HDUROG3UHVKDDQ .RQJ/LPEURWKHUV4L/HDQG Thavarajah the U14 titles. ,QWKH'LYLVLRQFRPSHWLWLRQ3$& Yu Le. Five teams were entered Red also finished strongly in 1st PAC won the annual intercollegiate in the Secondary Interschool place from 13 teams entered. A Chess match convincingly &RPSHWLWLRQWZRLQ'LYLVLRQWZR notable highlight of the team’s defeating St Peter’s College 9–1 in Division 2 and one in Division 3. VHDVRQZDV.LHUDQ)LWFK·VVXSHUE in an awesome display of superior The two PAC teams were superb to win of 11 successive games only to ILUHSRZHU finish 1st and 2nd in the Division falter in the final round. Isuru Dissanayake is to be 1 competition. The Red team PAC won the secondary congratulated on being an FRQVLVWHGRI(GGLH+DQ4L/H.RQJ Champion School Shield for the excellent role model as Captain of /LP3HWHU*UHJRULF'HQQ\+DQ ILIWKFRQVHFXWLYH\HDUDKHDG Chess through his dedication and and Joel Lee and the White team of Glenunga HIS and St Peter’s fine competitive skills as a chess FRQVLVWHGRI,VXUX'LVVDQD\DNH College. player. Special thanks must go to /RXLV;LDR5LX/LQ-DVRQ+X\QK Mr Richard Thorne who generously 7HUHQFH$QJDQG&DOHE%DUQV5LX :HZHUHSOHDVHG3HWHU*UHJRULF gave his time and expertise to Lin must be congratulated for 4L/H.RQJ/LP-RHO/HH3UHVKDDQ coach the senior school Chess winning every game during the 7KDYDUDMDK(GGLHDQG'HQQ\+DQ ER\V+LVLPPHQVHHQWKXVLDVP past two years with a perfect score were selected to participate in the passion and love for the game have intact. ‘Jets’ national coaching clinic held been an invigorating driving force in Hahndorf during the July break. PAC Red finished 1st in the Division for all involved. The Senior School Championship 2 competition ahead of Glenunga was won by Joel Lee. Peter Serwan IHS with PAC Gold finishing Director of Chess strongly in 3rd place from 26

91 Debating


,QPDQ\ZD\V3$&VGHEDWLQJ season was our most successful IRUPDQ\\HDUVERWKFROOHFWLYHO\ and individually. In each year level at least one team made the finals DQG$QJXV%URVQDQLQ



Tim Hobbs receiving the Lionel Logue Award from Ms Alle Goldsworthy and -RUGDQ/HVLFDU ZLQQHU DQG6WXDUW Mr Neil Andary &XQQLQJKDP UXQQHUXS ZLWKWKHLUDZDUGV

7UR\0F.LQQRQ Director of Sport

There is absolutely no doubt that The boys attended the musical the boys at Princes love to engage ´7KH/LRQ.LQJ·YLVLWHGWKH7RZHU in the sport and co curricular of London and St Pauls Cathedral SURJUDP(DFKDQGHYHU\\HDU and also experienced ‘Lords’ first DFURVVPDQ\VSRUWVDQGSXUVXLWV hand. our boys thrive. In both the summer and winter seasons we Opportunities to build KDYHZLWQHVVHGJUHDWHQJDJHPHQW international friendships and significantly deep commitment In 2014 we have seen the passion relationships whilst playing and and real energy around the of our boys rise again. Initiatives living with English families are opportunities that are afforded to LQFOXGLQJWKH5('$UP\DQG%OHHG positively reflected upon by all of our boys. 5HG3URGXFWLRQV PXOWLPHGLDILOP our tourists. It is the highlight and FUHZ KDYHDOORZHGPRUHER\V essential aspect of the tour. 7KHUHLVKRZHYHUVRPXFKPRUH a connection with the programs to it than that. The opportunity to even when not playing. The sight %R\VIURP)HOVWHG6FKRRO play is core to this. ‘Playing’ is great of the RED Army in full voice was visit regularly to Australia for the development of young noted by players as having critical and opportunities to cement people as it allows them to explore impact to their performances and relationships. We look forward to their emotions in a guided and is something we would like to WKHLUYLVLWLQDQGKRSHWKDW protected environment. Structured develop further in coming seasons. teams or boys from the schools we games and sports allow students visited travel to Australia and allow )LQDOO\ZKLOVWWKHSURJUDPV WREDODQFHULVNDJDLQVWUHZDUGWR us to repay their hospitality in the themselves are designed with the H[SHULHQFHERWKYLFWRU\DQGGHIHDW future. to learn about the benefits of being ER\IRUHPRVWLQRXUPLQGVWKH good running and management a part of a team environment and of the sports and teams is often to build character traits that will driven by significant effort from serve them in the ‘real world’. Summer Awards RXUWHUULILFVWDIIWKHSDUHQW 3XWVLPSO\WKHVSRUWVDQG FRPPXQLW\VXSSRUWJURXSVDQGD 2014 Honours Colours FRFXUULFXODUSURJUDPLVGULYHQWR very hard working ground staff. Of support the development of the FRXUVHWKHUHDOEHQHILWRIWKLVLV Summer whole boy and in every sense is that it allows the boys to simply Jared Lundy – Rowing ‘boy first’ in it’s design. enjoy ‘playing’. Joshua Cameron – Swimming ,QWKHUHKDYHEHHQVRPH &RQQRU.LRXVVLV²6ZLPPLQJ terrific intercollegiate results 8.&ULFNHW7RXU .XUWLV:LOOVRQ²7HQQLV from our teams. Some highlights The tour for the boys is an included an historic first win in opportunity of lifetime. The cricket 2014 Colours Summer 7DEOH7HQQLVDQHPSKDWLFZLQ is the foundation of the tour and %DGPLQWRQ LQWKH&KHVVDFKDUDFWHUILOOHG something that cricketers at Prince Hugo Chapman ZLQLQWKH+RFNH\ JLYLQJXVRXU Alfred College aspire to be part of Shua Li 8th straight victory in Hockey throughout their tenure. Yuxing Zhang LQWHUFROOHJLDWHPDWFKHV D Playing 12 games in 18 days Cricket remarkable win in the swimming provides great opportunities to Zac Richards DIWHUILQLVKLQJODVWLQDQDLO develop both individual and team Jay Green biting but terrifically brave victory aspects of the game. It provides /XNH%DUWOHWW LQWKH7HQQLVDFUXQFKLQJZLQ challenges on and off the field Rowing in the football and a superb 3rd that are not available to most Sidney Heitmann straight win in the Rowing. cricketers. Alexander Cox What was equally pleasing were .DQH*UDQW Travelling as a group of 19 also the efforts of the teams who Thomas Vasileff provides great opportunities weren’t ultimately victorious. Timothy Santin to put into practise the skills The boys who fought out a very :LOOLDP%XUILHOG VXFKDVSDWLHQFHWROHUDQFHVHOI FORVHLQWKHVRFFHUWKHVWRLF +HQU\%UHQQDQ reliance and selflessness which are HIIRUWVRIWKHEDVNHWEDOOILUVWDQG Swimming reinforced each day at the College. the improvement and grit of the Aaron Gwinnett %DGPLQWRQWHDPVUHDOO\JDYHXV Friendships are cemented during Tom Leggatt hope that good things in store for WKHWRXUZKLOVWVKDULQJFXOWXUDO Spencer Ng them. historical and sporting experiences. %DLOH\6WXELQJ  Director of Sport Summer Honours Colours





 Summer Sport




%DGPLQWRQ memories and enthusiasm for it to continue to see Cricket at Prince continue well into the future. Alfred College develop and thrive The 2014 season has seen into the future. continued positive growth under The College continued to develop the direction of new head coach its Year 8 and 9 exchange with Russell Thompson Lionel Seah and development Haileybury College in Term 1 whilst Sports Coordinator — Cricket FRDFK.HYLQ.KDZ3OD\HUVIURPDOO 6W-RVHSKV%ULVEDQHYLVLWHGWRSOD\ teams worked hard on developing against our Year 8 and 9 boys in 1st X1 Cricket their skills during training Term 4. The exciting Twenty20 format sessions and showed significant of the game heralded in a new improvement as the season Term 4 provided many boys opportunities to experience summer of cricket for a 1st X1 progressed. Most improved players squad which was brimming with for the season were Jason Huynh First X1 cricket for the first time. They have quickly gelled into anticipation and enthusiasm. 2SHQ$ &OLQWRQ;X 2SHQ%  $DURQ+DPPDW 2SHQ& DQG6DP a competitive team with a T20 A fantastic win over Westminster .QHHERQH 0LGGOH6FKRRO  Final reached with excellent on our home ground suggested FRQWULEXWLRQVIURP-RHO7KLHOH that our best cricket was good The most dedicated player awards +DUU\)RUG:LOO'DQLHODQG enough to compete strongly with for the season went to YuXing Hamish Nitschke. In the 2 day any of our opponents. Lewis Young =KDQJ 2SHQ$ :LOOLDP&KHQJ FRPSHWLWLRQ%HQ3ULFHKDVHQMR\HG  ERZOHGEHDXWLIXOO\DQG 2SHQ% $QGUHZ2DNOH\&RQORQ responsibility with the ball with an EDWVPHQ7RP6LPSVRQ  DQG 2SHQ& DQG*LDQ/XFD6WLUOLQJ outstanding 6/24 in his first game. =DF5LFKDUGV  GRPLQDWHGWKH 0LGGOH6FKRRO (QFRXUDJHPHQW match. In our second T/20 Simpson awards from the Middle School A number of Year 10 boys have achieved First X1 caps with Alisdair also excelled with a brilliant half team went to William Zhang and century and our score of 128 was Shine Wang. McFarlane and Cooper Thompson along with talented Year 9 Lucas too many for a strong Pembroke Of particular merit this year was Froude taking their opportunities side which was dismissed for WKH0LGGOH6FKRRO%DGPLQWRQ and demonstrating to all the ZLWKVSLQWZLQV




100 Summer Sport

DVFRUHZKLFKZHIHOWZDV at the Head of the River. Dr Randell Championships as a warm up to within our capabilities. Lewis has worked hard to foster a sense the Schoolboy VIIIs event finishing

5(&UHVGHH%RZOLQJ$ZDUG³ second which was a wonderful Sebastian Walker /XNH%DUWOHWW way to end a season where they Most outstanding Junior Oarsman struggled at times to get on 1'RZLH%DWWLQJ$ZDUG³ Douglas Gerard Thomas Simpson the water due to sickness and absentees in the crews above them. Year 8 PAOC Fielding Award — Jay Green The Intermediate crews were very Most committed Junior Clubman T/20 Players of the Series — GRPLQDQWZLWKRXU<$%DQG&V Hugo Lidums Lewis Young & Tom Simpson winning their events in fine style. Nine Junior crews raced at Head Most improved Junior Oarsman Peter Williams Cricket Coach — First X1 of the River with the Y8/9 C/D/E Joshua Harris crews winning their events and the Most outstanding Junior Coxswain <$ %FUHZVILQLVKLQJVHFRQG Rowing Jason Charlwood 2014 National Championship: The The members of the Prince Alfred Most outstanding Junior Oarsman VW9,,, 6LGQH\+HLWPDQQ$OH[ &ROOHJH%RDW6KHGSHUIRUPHG Angus Chalk outstandingly throughout the &R[.DQH*UDQW+HQU\%UHQQDQ UHJDWWDVHDVRQ7KH -RKDQQHV5HQW]7LP6DQWLQ



5RZLQJ% Rowing 10C VW5RZ&KULVWRSKHU2·/HDU\6WXDUW%UHQQDQ+DUYH\'HUKDP VW5RZ.LHUDQ)LWFK-DPHV3ULFH2VNDUV/LGXPV+HQU\0LOLF Lachlan Woodards Coaches: Nic Parletta and Tax Skrembos Coaches: Nic Parletta and Tax Skrembos Absent: Charles Riggs

102 Summer Sport


SUHYLRXV+HDGPDVWHU .HYLQ UHVXOWWKHH[SHFWDWLRQRIVXFFHVV DWWKH$URXQGWKH,VODQGUHJDWWD 7XWW DQG+HDGPDVWHU%UDGOH\ was high. This ultimately created JROGDWWKH6WDWH&KDPSLRQVKLSV )HQQHU([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURI a wealth of internal competition West Lakes and gold at the Head of 6FKRRO6HUYLFHV 6WHYHQ%DFRQ  ZLWKLQWKHVKHGDVWKHWRSER\V the River. The crew also went on to DQG'LUHFWRURI&R&XUULFXODU competed for a chance to be a part have a highly successful Nationals 7UR\0F.LQQRQ DOORIZKRP RIDUHFRUGEUHDNLQJG\QDVW\ FDPSDLJQFRPSHWLQJDWWKH contributed to the many successes Reflecting back to the day of Australian National Championships DFKLHYHGWKLVVHDVRQDWWKH%RDW WKH+HDGRIWKH5LYHUWKHUHZDV LQ3HQULWK6\GQH\DWWKH Shed. a subtle comfort in knowing all Olympic course. The crew made WKH$ILQDORIWKH6FKRROER\9,,,V James Hammond the hard work had positioned the Director of Rowing crew as the favourable winner. SODFLQJWKLQWKHFRXQWU\ The conditions on the day were :LOOLDP%XUILHOG %RDWV QRWLGHDOZLWKKLJKFKRSDQGD &DSWDLQRI%RDWV In a season filled with triumph harsh crosswind adding an extra DQGVXFFHVVWKURXJKPRPHQWVRI thirty seconds to the race. Yet 1st VIII Rowing DGYHUVLW\HDFKPHPEHURIWKH)LUVW WKURXJKDGYHUVLW\WKHER\VZHUH Coaches: Dr Andrew Randell/ VIII demonstrated a consistent and WULXPSKDQWRQWKHGD\WDNLQJ Mr Mitchell Estens conscious effort towards improving out the Gosse Shield and the With six returning First VIII rowers %ODFNPRUH6KLHOGDQGPDNLQJ the quality of the crew. Coming off IURPWKHFUHZWKHUHZHUH history for the school. WKHFRQVHFXWLYHEDFNWREDFNWLWOHV high expectations on top of the RIWKHDQGVHDVRQVWKH The 2014 First VIII had a highly pressures of defending the Gosse crew was placed in a position to VXFFHVVIXOVHDVRQZLQQLQJVLOYHU 6KLHOGWKHUHFRJQLWLRQIRUZLQQLQJ be the first in College history to DWWKH0HOERXUQH+HDGUHJDWWD the prestigious Head of the River win three consecutive titles. As a JROGDWWKH+HDGRIWKH3RUWJROG race. The College has never won 103 Summer Sport




Middle and Senior School Swimming VW5RZ-DFNVRQ5HHV&KDUOLH'DQJHUILHOG7KRPDV1LFKROOV UG5RZ&RQQRU.LRXVVLV-RVKXD&DPHURQ'DQLHO/HJJDWW 9LFH&DSWDLQ $DURQ*ZLQQHWW &DSWDLQ 7KRPDV/HJJDWW 9LFH -RHO7KLHOH5RU\+XVOHU6SHQFHU1J &DSWDLQ 7KRPDV*UHFK-DFNVRQ2·/HDU\.\%LVKRS 6WDII+D\GHQ&OHYHODQGDQG3HWHU%XEQHU QG5RZ(WKDQ%UHZHUWRQ0DWWKHZ/RZH7KRPDV0LOOHU Absent: Mingrang Li 7LPRWK\-ROO\.RVWD0DYURSRXORV0DUN-HQNLQ7KRPDV*H\HU WKLVWLWOHEDFNWREDFNWREDFN helped the boys as they battled Swimming winning it the past two seasons hard to keep Saints and Scotch off The 2014 season was an extremely meant we had the opportunity to our stern to come away with the successful one for the PAC make history. win. swimming team. We were able The first camp of the season at This year’s First VIII has had a to hold our improvement of Scotts Creek proved the crew’s very successful season and was numbers from 2013 by retaining strength and fitness had been deservedly crowned Rowing SA’s the majority of our existing maintained over the winter break ¶&KDPSLRQ6FKRROER\&UHZ· competitors but for the second indicated by fast times recorded ZLQQLQJLQ0XUUD\%ULGJH5HQPDUN successive year had an influx of in the singles and eights. The crew DVZHOODVWKH5RXQGWKH,VODQG swimmers in the younger age quickly stamped their authority Head of the Port and many Super groups. With a talented group of over the other schools at West Series regattas but what will be swimmers filling each age group /DNHVJDLQLQJUHVSHFWIURPRXU remembered above all will be the we were able to win the majority competitors through remaining victory at the Head of the River. of our Wednesday afternoon min undefeated in Term 4. At the end meets. This held us in good stead RIWKHWHUPZHWUDYHOOHGWR%HUUL +HQU\%UHQQDQ 6WURNH for meets held later in the year. where the seniors undertook a ULJRURXVZHHNORQJWUDLQLQJORDG

This doubles as our traditional Intercol event against 6W3HWHUV6WDWHUHSUHVHQWDWLYHV&RQQRU.LRXVVLVDQG Joshua Cameron won early races. This set the tone for the entire meet and we were never headed on WKHVFRUHERDUGE\6DLQWV6SHQFHU1JLQWKH8DJH group was also a very good competitor on the night as was Daniel Leggatt. In the older age groups and Tom /HJJDWW-RHO7KLHOHDQG7RP1LFKROOVZHUHDOVRELJ point winners. The depth of the team came to the fore in the relays. Our performances here not only enabled PAC to defeat our traditional rivals for the Intercol shield but we were able to secure the win as the best overall school at the meet. This was an outstanding culmination to a season that went from strength to 0LGGOH7HQQLV$ % strength throughout the year and must be attributed VW5RZ-RFN3LSHU-RVKXD%HQQ&KHQJ

,Q+DUULVRQ Winter Awards Honours Colours was appointed vice captain of the 2014 Honours Colours Citations Winter Firsts. Harrison has demonstrated a tremendous team orientated Winter )RU([HPSODU\VSRUWVPDQVKLS mentality in as much that when Jack Doney – Athletics selfless contribution and he has had state duties or has Harrison Wigg – Football individual excellence to sport at been sidelined with injury he has Dalton Casey – Hockey Prince Alfred College at all times been at training and .XUWLV:LOOVRQ+RFNH\ at games. He has assisted with the Jack Doney: Athletics team in everything from running 2014 Colours Winter )RUPDQ\\HDUV-DFN'RQH\KDV water to helping out on the bench. %DVNHWEDOO been a strong contributor to the Harrison spent most of the %UDLGHQ2XVH\ Athletics program at Prince Alfred football season as a member of 7\VRQ%UD]HO College. During this time he has the South Australian State Under Chess been a standout competitor in WHDPSOD\LQJDOOJDPHVDQG Eddie Han KLVRZQ\HDUOHYHOWDNLQJRXW averaging 20 disposals a game. 4L/H.RQJ/LP multiple events with his most Given the role of the ‘general’ Peter Gregoric recent success at school level being RIWKH6RXWK$XVWUDOLDQGHIHQFH Joel Lee his emphatic win in last years much of play coming out of the Denny Han ‘Champion of Champions’ race. backlines was directed through Isuru Dissanyake ,QWHUHVWLQJO\ZKLOVWRQH[FKDQJHDW him. Clearly coaches were Football 'D7RQJKLJKVFKRRO6KDQJKDLKH LPSUHVVHGZLWKKLVNLFNLQJDELOLW\ %U\FH:RRODUG won a similar event over 100m at decision making and composure. Jack Elsworthy their Athletics Day. The South Australian team won Micah Van Loon the National Championship with Nelson Ellis Jack is the current 100m and 200m Harrison being awarded the MVP Vincent Rocca Little Athletics State Champion and for an outstanding tournament. To Hockey also the 100m and 200m Athletics complete his remarkable year he Patrick Gabb South Australian State Champion was selected in the All Australian Angus Fry for Under 18 Men. Team for 2014. Albert Robbins On the back of his remarkable :LOOLDP %LOO\ 5REELQV IRUP-DFNKDVEHHQVHOHFWHG Harrison has also volunteered Rugby in the Australian Junior Athletics his time this season to support -DFTXH2·%ULHQ Championships State Team for the Auskick program on Sunday Harrison Page 2014 whereby he will compete in PRUQLQJVZRUNLQJZLWK\RXQJ Sean Meredith WKHPPDVZHOODVWKH FKLOGUHQKHOSLQJWRGHYHORSWKHLU Soccer 4x100m relay. football skills. $QWKRQ\'H3DOPD 6DP7D\ORU As a genuine show of his talent and .XUWLV:LOOVRQ+RFNH\ :LOOLDP0DFGRQDOG potential Jack has been selected 7\VRQ%DWHPDQ LQWKH$WKOHWLFV6RXWK$XVWUDOLD 6LQFHVWDUWLQJDW3ULQFHVLQ Finley Hayhurst Under 19 Target Talent Program. .XUWLVKDVEHHQDQLQWHJUDOSDUW Jack Doney of the First XI. He has displayed Table Tennis Harrison Wigg: Football silky skills and a very mature Fergus Willsmore DSSURDFKWRKLVJDPH.XUWLVLVD Harrison Wigg has had an fine young man who upholds very Tom Williamson outstanding season both as a William Miller high standards and expects others player and a leader of the Prince around him to play a respectful yet -RVKXD6DUDK.DWQLFK Alfred College Football team. James Whisson relentless brand of hockey. Xin Rong Harrison arrived at Princes in 2012 $VFDSWDLQRIWKHWHDPLQ Cale Amos and had an immediate impact .XUWLVKDVOHGKLVWHDPWRDQHLJKWK Zun Liu being used in a variety of roles straight Intercol win against St yet primarily as small defender. Peters and runners up in the State 2014 Service Awards ,QKLVILUVWJDPHDVD

/HDJXHKRFNH\WHDPWDNLQJSDUWLQ the highest league in the state in DQG 2014 has been an exceptional \HDUIRU.XUWLVDQGDUHZDUGIRUKLV dedication and hard work where KHZDVQDPHGFRFDSWDLQRIWKH 18 and under South Australian team and he was also selected in the South Australian Hotshots development squad which is recognition of his great potential WREHDQRXWVWDQGLQJHOLWHSOD\HU in the future. Dalton Casey: Hockey Dalton Casey started at Princes in 2012. He had an immediate impact RQWKHKRFNH\ILHOGILWWLQJVWUDLJKW into the First XI. Dalton has been involved in three Exciting win at Athletics Achilles Cup winning intercol matches as well 2Q7KXUVGD\6HSWHPEHUDWKOHWHV

108 Winter Sport







Athletics players should be commended for going from a schoolboy to an AFL their approach this year – they listed player. Achilles Cup have played with great spirit and The season proper began with represented Prince Alfred College 2Q6HSWHPEHUDWKOHWHV the boys playing some exciting




Football First XVIII VW5RZ9LQFHQW5RFFD%UDGOH\*ULIILWKV/DFKODQ0F1DPDUD WK5RZ2OLYHU&ROOLVRQ&DPHURQ+HZHWW7KRPDV/HJJDWW +DUULVRQ:LJJ%U\FH:RRODUG0LFDK9DQ/RRQ-DFN(OVZRUWK\ 5LOH\%RQQHU+DUULVRQ6OHH:LOOLDP%URZQ /XNH%DUWOHWW$OH[%URZQ &RDFK6WHYH*H\HU3KLO1REOH &RRUGLQDWRU)RRWEDOO  QG5RZ:LOOLDP&RPEH=DFKDU\5LFKDUGV1HOVRQ(OOLV -DQLFH-DPHV9DOHQWLQH 7HDP0DQDJHU  :LOOLDP$OWPDQQ%UDLGHQ2XVH\&DPSEHOO:LOGPDQ-RHO7KLHOH 7LDUQD-DPHV9DOHQWLQH 7UDLQHU Cameron Pritchard $EVHQW$OH[DQGHU$QGUDH0DWW5RKGH $VV&RDFK UG5RZ6DP6DQGHUV-DNH:HKO-DFN/DQJ$DURQ)UDQFLV 1HG0XUGRFK+DPLVK1LWVFKNH'\ODQ)RXOLV who always kicked more goals then with a great win against Scotch 4th XVIII Football ,UHFRUGHGDQGWKHRSSRUWXQLVWLF College with the highlight being Prince Alfred 4ths started with a Will Daniels. Across the midfield 12 goals kicked by Will Daniel. We lot of hope for the start of a great ZHKDGVRPHVWDUV²%HVWDQG then had several tough rounds of season. All year the boys were )DLUHVW+DPLVK/DWFKIRUG-D\ football often against 2nd XVIII FRPPLWWHGWRWUDLQLQJDQGZHUH sides but our group of players *UHHQ$VK*LOHV/XNH%DUWOHWW very attentive and coachable. continued to improve and work -DFN'DO\DQG%UDG*ULIILWKV7RP Many boys had only just learnt to on their game. Throughout the /HJJDWW6HE+LJKDPDQG+DUU\ kick a football and to see how far season Oscar Ellery performed Aughey played their respective they have come was an absolute EULOOLDQWO\ZLWKIDVWUXQQLQJDQG roles in the ruck too. Utilities in SOHDVXUHIRUPHDVFRDFKDQG +HQU\5HXWKHU-DFN*H\HU1LFN FRQWHVWHGIRRWEDOOZLQQLQJWKH the rest of the school. The boys Gregurke and Jed Castree were best and fairest for his consistent served the Reds with pride and very consistent throughout the season. Our team captain Nick passion all year to make the 2014 season. Oag also had an excellent season football season a success. The leading from the front and guiding coaches’ award goes to Withan So after a season where we only others both on the field and during ORZHUHGRXUFRORXUVWZLFH DQG Wongsprasert for his dedication WUDLQLQJILQLVKLQJUXQQHUXSEHVW to training all year and his rapid finally accounted for SHC Seconds and fairest. The coach’s award ²WZLFH ,PXVWVWDWHWKDWLW·VEHHQ improvement. The runner up best ZHQWWR7LP%UDQIRUGIRUKLVGHVLUH and fairest goes to Darcy Pittman. a privilege coaching these boys and and passion for the game and I wish them all the very best with The best and fairest award went to willingness to support his team Stuart Harris. their future endeavours in football. mates. The intercol completed our Ron Pippett VHDVRQZLWKDJUHDWSRLQWZLQ Thank you boys for this great year Second XVIII Coach against St Peters. Our team came of football and I hope I can be a to play and showed that when at part of many more. 3rd XVIII Football IXOOVWUHQJWKRXUUXQFDUU\DQG Arata Gwinett The season was a mixed result support is hard to stop. With many 4th XVII Coach for our thirds team with some contributes on the day it was the JUHDWZLQVQDUURZGHIHDWV JDPHRI5LOH\%ODFNZHOOWKDWVDZ Year 10A Football and challenging games against him awarded MVP for the game. The Year 10A Football team had football royalty Sacred Heart and David de Lacy a very successful season winning Rostrevor. We started the season Coach 3rd XVIII 9 of 11 matches contested. The 113 Winter Sport



Under 14 Rugby Under 16 Rugby VW5RZ1HG%XUILHOG-RVKXD/HGJDUG5RVV6RXWKZHOO VW5RZ5XSHUW-RKQVWRQ'DYLG/RYH*HRUJH5HDG &RUPDF2·%ULHQ-DFNVRQ5HHV/HZLV7KRPSVRQ 1RDK%XUFKHWW.QRWW0LFKDHO6PLWK&OLQWRQ;X7RP)XOFKHU QG5RZ+DUU\%R\G7KRPDV6XPQHU&KDUOHV0F,QQLV QG5RZ$QGUHZ&ODUNH8GD\6HQ$QJXV&KDON6DPXHO0XQQ %HQVRQ3DJH:LOORXJKE\&ODUNH &KULVWLDQ&HUDYROR&KDUOLH6FDLIH &RDFK0HOLVVD%ULVWHU Coach: Jeremy Rylatt $EVHQW'\ODQ3HLVOH\:LOOLDP0F.HQ]LH 114 Winter Sport season started strongly with wins Year 9A Football the best for the future and look DJDLQVW&DUGLMQ,PPDQXHO6W forward to following their footy We started the year off in fantastic Michaels and Trinity building great closely in seasons to come. fashion with a come from behind belief and confidence in the team. victory over Immanuel College. Luke O’Connor This momentum paved the way 8A Coach for gritty victories over St Peter’s +RZHYHUGXHWRER\VFRPLQJ DQGJRLQJIURP:DPEDQD&DPS E\DVROLWDU\JRDO DQG5RVWUHYRU unfortunately over the next 3 at home. This early success was

Under 18 Rugby




Intercol was a great performance the teamwere able to develop notched up a number of wins in by the boys only losing by a goal their individual skills and the the SASRU competition. They beat after the siren. This was a great overall game plan very quickly and both Pembroke and Rostrevor HIIRUWUHSUHVHQWLQJDILYHJRDO with great success. The number and came second in the table to turnaround from beginning the of players available each week to set up a Grand Final with SPSC. season. Throughout the season 30 play in the team was excellent and This provided the team with boys played in the A’s showing a they recorded some great results RQHODVWPDWFKEHIRUHWKH,QWHU great depth through the side with against rival schools including a Collegiate game and they used a lot of Year 6’s playing in the A’s strong win in their Intercol match. it as an opportunity to size up and performing well. =DF6FKZDOPZDVDZDUGHGWKH%HVW WKHLURSSRQHQWV$WWKHEUHDN3$& and Fairest for 2014 and Mitchell OHDG6DLQWVE\WZRWULHVDOWKRXJK Chris McGuire Moore received the Coaches Award. unfortunately could not defend &RDFK against the Saints backline and Senior School Hockey eventually lost by a try in the


between Prince Alfred College around the upright by the against St Peter’s College in this and St Peter’s was a thrilling outstretched hand of the desperate year’s intercol. affair mirroring last year’s close Saints goalkeeper. Despite Princes’ encounter. From the opening best efforts Saints managed to Third XI Soccer ZKLVWOHWKHWHQVLRQZDVHYLGHQW hang on to their narrow margin with both teams’ defences clearly and retain the Simpson trophy for The Third XI team had mixed on top and forwards having very 2014. success and put forward some little space. VWURQJSHUIRUPDQFHVWKHKLJKOLJKW Many thanks to Jason Hayhurst being the victory against St Ten minutes into the first half and his assistant William Peter’s College in this year’s Saints opened the scoring when .DWVDPELVIRUKLVFRPPLWPHQW intercol. The team coached by a lapse in concentration by the tutelage and his encouragement to Duncan Soang and assisted by Zac Princes defence allowed the Saints SOD\´WRWDOIRRWEDOOµDWDOOWLPHV Jackman showed improvement forward to casually slot the ball ,QGLYLGXDOO\6DP7D\ORUZDVMXGJHG past our hapless goalkeeper Tyson and by season end had become by his peers as the winner of the %DWHPHQ DWLJKWFRKHVLYHDWWUDFWLYHXQLW 3OD\HU·VDZDUG-RUGRQ+D\KXUVW playing one touch football. Daniel $VWKHILUVWKDOISURJUHVVHGWKH was the most consistent player Subramaniam was awarded best Princes midfield began to exert of this year’s Intercol and William player of the season. their domination. They were Macdonald won the coaches award. TXLFNRQWKHEUHDNFRPIRUWDEOH Fourth XI Soccer on the ball and the defence was Second XI Soccer continuously closing down any Despite playing more experienced forays by the Saints forwards 3OD\LQJLQWKH$GLYLVLRQWKH teams the boys who represented team had a successful season with with ease. An equaliser appeared the Fourth XI are to be strong wins against many schools imminent but the Saint’s defence fielding their First XI teams. Under congratulated on their efforts. continued to remain resolute and the guidance of coach William 7KHKLJKOLJKWZDVWKHZLQ defend admirably. .DWVDPELVWKHLUUXJJHGKDUG against St Peter’s College. This $IWHUWKHEUHDN3ULQFHVDJDLQ SUHVVLQJTXLFNFRXQWHULQJVW\OH game highlighted the boy’s passion picked up the tempo. The best caught many of their opponents and desire to overcome adversity opportunity to level the scores unawares and the mixture of youth in true Princes style. Lachlan came midway through the second and experience was instrumental in Delbridge was awarded best player KDOIZKHQ2UODQGR1RUPDQ·VORZ the team’s success. The highlight of for the season for his consistency shot was deflected millimetres the season was the convincing win between the goals. 118 Winter Sport


Cricket First XI Intercollegiate Tennis 1st Row : Jay Green, Tom Simpson, Luke Bartlett, Cam Pritchard, 1st Row: Samuel May, Thomas Miller, Kurtis Willson (Captain), Will van Dissell, Will Andrews, Zach Richards, Sam Sanders. Dean Schipanski, James Whisson (Vice Captain), Rupert Benson, 2nd Row: Russell Thompson, Sam Alexander, Joel Thiele, Jonathan Babich. Will Daniel, Harry Ford, Peter Williams. 2nd Row: Chris Nicholls, William Macdonald, Joonky Nah, Max Meyer, Lliam Bishop, Ethan Lawson, Shane Harris.

Senior Squash Division 1 Squash 1st Row: Joseph Bralic, Alasdair McFarlane, William Cooke, 1st Row: Matthew Georgiadis, Jack O’Brien, Stuart Harris, Jayden Subramaniam, Matthew Georgiadis, Sean Meredith. Sean Meredith. 2nd Row: Daniel Subramaniam, William Rudd, Hugo Chapman, Coaches: Will Gray, Adam Colman Stuart Harris, Jack O’Brien Coaches: Adam Colman, Will Gray, Andrew McFarlane

Squash The school entered seven teams in the North East The two Division Two teams played in a mixed Division School Squash competition this year with one Division One/Two completion and this exposed these boys One team, two Division Two teams, one Year 9 team to more intensive matches at times. The boys in this and three Year 7/8 teams. With a number of new competition played very well individually and also as boys playing and ongoing and intensive trainings of part of a team, representing he school with pride and continuing players by Will Gray, the number of boys passion. One team made it through to the Grand Final who played squash this year increased and so did the and were narrowly defeated on points. quality of player. The Division One team was an enthusiastic and hard The Year 7/8 teams started the season off very strong working group of boys this season who trained hard with all teams in the top four throughout the majority to achieve good results. There was much competition of the season. For the finals PAC 1 and PAC 2 made it within the group and numerous player position through to the Semi’s where they both narrowly lost, changes as boys challenged for positions. This group unfortunately both teams were unable to field full went on to win the Division One Grand Final and score strength squads and this put them at a disadvantage. another squash victory for the school. The boys who played in the Year 9 competition were With the use of the Red Centre courts and growing made up of one Year 9 boy and four Year 8 boys who interest in squash this year, next year’s completion were promoted up a division from last season. These looks very promising for the Princes. Well done to all boys played very good squash all season and easily players this year for your commitment and passion for won their Grand Final. the sport. Sport Supplement

Water Polo Open A&B Water Polo Year 7&8 1st Row: Max Hood, William Rudd, Tyson Bateman, Jake Girke, 1st Row: Charles Keeves, Lachlan Crawford, Charles Kay, Henry Reuther, Aaron Gwinnett. William McKenzie, Cormac O’Brien, Angus Parker. 2nd Row: Alexander Miller, Timothy Jolly, Thomas Nicholls, 2nd Row: Matisse Duffield, Samuel Dalgarno, Tate Crowley, James Nicholas, Harrison Crawford. Ethan Brewerton, Martins Lidums, Abdullah El-Youssef. Staff: Scott Parker; absent Shaun Baker(Coach) Staff: Scott Parker Absent: Samuel Jackson

Water Polo Year 9 Water Polo Year 10 1st Row: Jack Mills, George Read, Isaac Mantovan. 1st Row: Benjamin Jeffrey, Albert Rasheed, Noah Burchett-Knott, 2nd Row: Oscar Bernardi, Samuel Thwaites, Paris Duffield. Oliver Fox, Rupert Johnston. Absent: Patrick Gayen, Harrison Lee, Hamish Porter. 2nd Row: William Rudd, Alexander Miller, James Nicholas, Harrison Crawford, Charlie Scaife. Water Polo From humble begins a decade ago the Prince Alfred have developed a culture of participation, dedication Water Polo program has emerged as one of the fastest and success. Seb and Harrison both play club water growing sports in the school. The college now fields 6 polo and have made state teams for their respective teams across middle and senior school divisions during age groups. Sam has also achieved these club and Term 1 with the season culminating in the Water state selections but has recently also received a Polo Intercol at Saint Peters. The much anticipated SASI scholarship and is training with the State Men’s completion of the Arrowcrest Aquatic Centre last year team whom compete around Australia in their has enabled our teams to train in first class facilities premier league. A number of other students have and has prepared us for a competitive and successful shown enormous development and we are enjoying season. We have also welcomed Olympic Water Polo competitive success across all year levels. Manager from London 2012, Mr Jon Harmer and The interest and enthusiasm of the Year 7 and 8 players club, state and national coach Mr Shaun Baker to our has been wonderful. Most boys are new to the sport team. Jon is our performance development coach and they have been eager to learn new skills and to in the Middle School and Shaun is our performance enjoy the competitive and physical matches played development coach in the Senior School and coaches each Friday afterschool. our Intercol team. The Intercol match this year was our I would like to thank the managing staff, coaches and best team performance to date and although we were parents whom have all assisted in the smooth and humbled in the water by a formidable Saints team, the successful running of the 2014 season. We eagerly foundations for a very competitive 2015 were clearly await the summer of 2015 where all grades will be visible. ready to showcase that fighting “Reds spirit” on and in Student leadership is an integral part of team sports the water. and under the example of Captain Seb Higham and Co Scott Parker Vice Captains Sam Jackson and Harrison Crawford we Water Polo Coordinator House Leaders


Middle School House Leaders and SRC VW5RZ+DUU\+RFNQH\3DWULFN*D\HQ0D[(GZDUGV7RP)XOFKHU QG5RZ1LFKRODV'HPLDQ\N-DNH/HGJDUG+DPLVK3RUWHU7RP*H\HU Staff: Michael Oomens. 120 Year 12 2014

William Altmann William Andrews Jason Anglberger Anastasios Athans Harrison Aughey 2010–2014 2013–2014 2010–2014 2006–2014 2013–2014 Taylor Cotton Taylor Waterhouse Taylor

-DFN%DLQ /XNH%DUWOHWW 7\VRQ%DWHPDQ 5\DQ%LUVH 5LOH\%RQQHU 2010–2014 2010–2014 2008–2014 2010–2014 2012–2014 Waterhouse Cotton Watsford Watsford Watsford

/XFD%RUHOOL 'LJE\%RZULQJ +HQU\%UHQQDQ $OH[%URZQ :LOOLDP%URZQ 2001–2014 2011–2014 2010–2014 2012–2014 2010–2014 Taylor Watsford Cotton Watsford Taylor

:LOOLDP%XUILHOG 0DWWKHZ%XUJHVV William Campbell Dalton Casey Jed Castree 2010–2014 2001–2014 2008–2014 2012–2014 2011–2014 Waterhouse Taylor Taylor Watsford Watsford

.LW&KXQ -DQNDQ  -LDKDR :LOOLDP &KHQJ Jiyin Cheung Mitchell Clarke Oliver Collison Chan 2012–2014 2010–2014 2012–2014 ² 2012–2014 Watsford Watsford Watsford Waterhouse Cotton 121 Year 12 2014

Rhys Columbus Matthew Comegna %UD\GRQ&RUGLQJOH\ Alexander Cox Fraser Crameri 2010–2014 2011–2014 2010–2014 2003–2014 ² Waterhouse Cotton Cotton Waterhouse Watsford

Jack Daly Jack Dascombe Anthony De Palma Matthew Dennis Isuru Dissanayake 2010–2014 2012–2014 2002–2014 2010–2014 2009–2014 Waterhouse Taylor Taylor Watsford Watsford

Jack Doney John Dongas .\QDQ'XNH Tobin Duke Chaise Eade ² ² 2012–2014 2012–2014 2011–2014 Watsford Cotton Taylor Taylor Watsford

Jack Easling Nelson Ellis Jack Elsworthy 'RQJ6LN 'DYLG (RP .HQ)HQJ ² 2012–2014  2004–2014 2009–2014 Waterhouse Cotton Taylor Cotton Taylor

Connor Foley Dylan Foulis -DFN)URVW Patrick Gabb Jake Girke 2010–2014 2012–2014 Shepherdson 2009–2014 2008–2014 Taylor Cotton 2000–2014 Taylor Taylor Watsford 122 Year 12 2014

%HQMDPLQ*ORYHU William Goode Lachlan Graham Jay Green Daniel Gregg 2013–2014 2010–2014 ² 2013–2014 2011–2014 Waterhouse Cotton Watsford Waterhouse Cotton

4LQ]KHQJ *HRUJH  Aaron Gwinnett Matthew Halligan Christopher Harris Jordon Hayhurst Guo 2002–2014 2012–2014 2012–2014 2008–2014 2012–2014 Watsford Cotton Waterhouse Watsford Cotton

Sebastian Higham :LOOLDP.RODURII Jack Lang .LQJ

Shuai Li 6LFRQJ =DN /L =H\X/L $OOHQ /L Rui Lin Darcy Lord 2010–2014 2012–2014 2012–2014 2010–2014 2010–2014 Watsford Watsford Waterhouse Cotton Waterhouse

Drew Lucey Jared Lundy Charles Marshall Harry Martin &KDQ5LQJ &KDQWH  2008–2014 2013–2014 2001–2014 2003–2014 Mayol Watsford Waterhouse Watsford Waterhouse 2012–2014 Taylor 123 Year 12 2014

3KLOLS0F%ULGH Alan McInnes Lachlan McNamara Joshua McSweeney Thomas Miller 2010–2014 ² 2012–2014 2002–2014 2004–2014 Taylor Taylor Taylor Cotton Cotton

William Miller Alexander Mitolo James Mowat Adil Mubarak Ned Murdoch 2001–2014 ² 2003–2014 ² 2011–2014 Cotton Cotton Watsford Taylor Taylor

Thomas Nelson Nickolas Oag -DFTXH2·%ULHQ Christian Oppedisano Harrison Page 2000–2014 2010–2014 2010–2014 ² 2011–2014 Cotton Waterhouse Watsford Taylor Watsford

7V]+LQ $UQROG 3DQJ Thomas Parish Mitchell Porter Alistair Price Cameron Pritchard 2012–2014 2006–2014 2008–2014 2012–2014 2010–2014 Watsford Waterhouse Taylor Taylor Cotton

Lachlan Pye Angus Read Henry Reuther Zachary Richards Albert Robbins 2010–2014 2008–2014  2012–2014 2008–2014 Cotton Taylor Taylor Watsford Cotton

124 Year 12 2014

Vincent Rocca Mitchell Rose Sam Sanders Timothy Santin -RVKXD6DUDK.DWQLFK 2010–2014 2012–2014 2012–2014 2006–2014 ² Waterhouse Waterhouse Cotton Waterhouse Watsford

Rupert Saundry Cameron Scheepers Christopher Short Samuel Sibly %HQMDPLQ6LHEHOV  2002–2014 2008–2014 2006–2014 ² Waterhouse Waterhouse Cotton Taylor Cotton

Thomas Simpson Nikita Siouzev &KXQ+HL .HQ 6LX Chris Skrembos Harrison Slee 2010–2014 2013–2014  2004–2014 2010–2014 Taylor Waterhouse Waterhouse Waterhouse Waterhouse

Angus Smart &KRQJ]KHQ 6FRWW  Samuel Taylor Edward Thomas William van Dissel  Song 2013–2014 ² ² Waterhouse 2012–2014 Watsford Taylor Waterhouse Watsford

Micah Van Loon Thomas Vasileff Richard Vereker =KHQJWRQJ 7RQ\  George Waterhouse 2011–2014 ² 2001–2014 Wang ² Taylor Waterhouse Waterhouse 2012–2014 Waterhouse Waterhouse  Year 12 2014

Lachlan Watts James Whisson Harrison Wigg Campbell Wildman Fergus Willsmore  2010–2014 2012–2014 2009–2014 ² Waterhouse Watsford Waterhouse Taylor Waterhouse

.XUWLV:LOOVRQ Thomas Wilsdon &KXQ.L 7KRPDV  .LQJ&KXQJ -RQHV  %U\FH:RRODUG 2012–2014 2013–2014 Wong Wong 2012–2014 Waterhouse Cotton 2012–2014 2011–2014 Waterhouse Watsford Watsford

Edward Worrell 5DQ 6KDXQ ;LDR Xin Louis Xiao +DQGL &ULVWLDQR ;X Lincoln Xu 2003–2014 2011–2014 2010–2014 2012–2014 2010–2014 Cotton Cotton Watsford Taylor Cotton


Jeffrey Yuen 6HQ\XDQ 6HDQ =KHQJ 2012–2014 2008–2014 Cotton Cotton

126 Year 12 2014




VWDUWRIWKH\HDUWKH)DPLO\)XQ Friends of PAC working hard on the cake stall at the JP Sports Day 1LJKW(DVWHU(JJ5DIIOH6ZLPPLQJ Carnival and Sports Days Cake 6WDOOVDQG6DXVDJH6L]]OHVDQG WKH%LJJHVW0RUQLQJ7HDDUHDOO FRRUGLQDWHGE\WKH)ULHQGVRI PAC and we are pleased that these activities have been enjoyed by so many families and friends throughout the year. On behalf of the committee I would like to thank the entire school community for their ongoing support of of the new Friends of PAC. I would also like to pay thanks to the Friends of PAC committee and parent helpers for their dedication and fabulous efforts in coordinating our calendar of activities this year. /DUD:LUWK$PDQGD(QJOLVK2EVW/HH$QQ)HUJXVRQ%DE\V]ND9DQHVVD+DUGLQJ 6DPDQWKD*UDQGLRVRDQG+HOHQ:KLWHDW%LJJHVW0RUQLQJ7HD Rachel Walsh President 2014 has seen significant changes to provide the funds this year to for the school’s Parents & Friends purchase a new sound system DVVRFLDWLRQVZLWKWKHUHFHQWO\ and television equipment for formed single parent group across the Preparatory School and four the school community called marquees to be used at sporting the Friends of PAC. This new and outdoor events across the committee continues to support school. We are also honoured the school community through to again provide the graduation enhancing the relationships gifts presented to all Year 6 boys of families within the school graduating the Preparatory School FRPPXQLW\ZKLOHDOVRUDLVLQJ and Year 9 boys graduating the funds to help develop the facilities Middle School. and resources provided to the boys. The Welcome Morning Tea and Children enjoying the P&F Fun night We are proud to have been able Parent Welcome Drinks at the 128 Foundation Report

This year saw the 40th anniversary 7KDQN\RX5XE\%DOOVWDIIYROXQWHHUV0ROO\'\HU-D\QHDQG6KDXQ3RUWHU&DUPHQ+XQJ of the establishment of the Prince -XOLH*UHHQ3DP2OLYHUDQG$QQD7KRPVRQ Alfred College Foundation by a far sighted group of individuals under the chairmanship of W. Geoff Gerard CMG. The Foundation was the first of its type in a school in South Australia and thus the first to celebrate the milestone of forty \HDUVRISKLODQWKURSLFVXSSRUW and the Foundation is very proud of what it has achieved for the &ROOHJHVLQFH It is indeed worth noting that in the ten years since the Foundation celebrated its 30th anniversary it KDVFRQWULEXWHGQHDUO\ to development projects at the College and in the past five years established the highly successful

Foundation Scholarship Fund. The 'U-RKQ%XQGH\ &DSWDLQRIWKH6FKRRO LVZHOFRPHGE\:LOOYDQ'LVVHO 0U%UDGOH\)HQQHUDQG%HQMDPLQ6LHEHOV generosity of the Prince Alfred College community has made all the brackets of songs from famous :LQHDQGWRLWDONWUDYHO*O\QGH of this possible and continues the musicals performed by Lynette IRUPHUO\-HWVHW*O\QGH DQG tradition of philanthropy which +DUULV-DPHV6FRWW7DVVR%RX\HVVLV Copyworld for their generous commenced with the College’s DQG$QQDPDULD%HQL7KHVXFFHVV sponsorship of the New York establishment. RIWKH5XE\%DOOZRXOGQRWKDYH Lottery run in conjunction with the The highlight of the Foundation’s EHHQSRVVLEOHZLWKWKHYLVLRQGULYH 5XE\%DOO 40th anniversary celebrations and commitment to detail of Jayne The Foundation Library Fund ZDVWKHVWDJLQJRIWKH5XE\%DOO 3RUWHU7KDQN\RX-D\QH in the stunning and brand new KDVSURYLGHGIRUDUDGLR William Magarey Room at Adelaide For the first time a Wine Wall was frequency identification system 2YDO:LWKD%URDGZD\WKHPHWKH conducted and the generosity of for streamlining the borrowing and backdrop of the lights of the city of 3$&ZLQHPDNHUVFXUUHQWSDUHQWV returning of all library resources Adelaide complemented the visual and our community made this and has also supported new HIIHFWVRI%URDGZD\DQG1HZ

Richard Thorne’s long commitment to &KHVVWKH6FKRODUVKLSEHDULQJKLVQDPH and his 80th birthday was celebrated with Chess boys at a surprise party

Foundation President Dr Janet Young cuts a ribbon at the commissioning of new *UDQGLHVDZWKHHQWLUHWULSKRPH equipment in the Preparatory School Library Mrs Caroline Walker in her vote of thanks to the boys and staff expressed the good wishes of the group for the hospitality extended to them. Grandies at the Annual Morning Tea were treated to a panel GLVFXVVLRQHQWLWOHG.HHSLQJ3ULQFHV 6WURQJDWZKLFKWKH\OHDUQHGIURP senior staff about the seeking DQGVHFXULQJRIQHZVWXGHQWVWKH importance of boarding for local DQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOIDPLOLHVDQG strategies employed by the College to keep us at the forefront of a )RXQGDWLRQ([HFXWLYH2IILFHU'DYLG&RUQLVK VHFRQGOHIW ZDVFRHUFHGE\VWXGHQWVWR competitive market place. Guests MRLQZLWKFROOHDJXHV%HDX0X]LN'DUUHQ5R\OHWWDQG&KULV3LWWPDQLQEHLQJGXQNHGRQ on the panel were Mr Matt Rawes WKH%DFN2YDOIRU&DQFHUUHVHDUFK 0DQDJHU6WXGHQW$GPLVVLRQV 0U The Foundation Scholarship Fund which helps resource the College’s 'DUUHQ5R\OHWW +HDGRI%RDUGLQJ  is currently supporting eight Rowing program. Recent donations DQG0U&UDLJ%XUWRQ 0DQDJHU students in the College and once to the fund have helped with the &RPPXQLFDWLRQDQG0DUNHWLQJ  again donors joined with the development of rowing facilities in The Grandies Club Christmas lunch Headmaster and Foundation the RED Centre. in the Piper Pavilion was extra President to enjoy the company of special this year as it enabled the Once again the Grandies Club has scholarship recipients at morning Grandies to welcome the College’s made the most of opportunities tea. The Foundation welcomes WK+HDGPDVWHU0U%UDGOH\ to participate in the life of the the opportunity to discuss how Fenner. College. For the first time a day scholarships can be supported and coach trip to Wambana at Point The Foundation looks forward to the difference they are making to Turton was undertaken and what supporting the College Council in OLYHVDVWKH\KDYHGRQHVLQFHILUVW a memorable day it was. After its plans for Prince Alfred College offered at the end of 1869. OXQJIXOOVRIJRRGVHDDLUDVLWH LQWKHOHDGXSWRRXUWK anniversary in 2019. In conjunction with the Australian LQVSHFWLRQDQGDORQJOXQFKRI Sports Foundation the Foundation wood oven pizza and cakes and David Cornish offers the Rowing Equipment Fund biscuits baked by the boys not one Executive Officer 130 Old Scholars President’s Annual Report

John Jovicevic 1988–2000 Serving as our Association’s As you will observe throughout President for the last two years WKLV\HDU·V&KURQLFOHWKH has been a privilege and a role Association has had a very busy which I have thoroughly enjoyed. year and held outstanding events. We are very fortunate to have so The Annual Dinner this year was many dedicated and passionate DWWHQGHGE\RYHUPHPEHUV members who continue to 2OG2OG%R\V$VVHPEO\VDZRYHU support our events and remain ‡ WKHGHYHORSPHQWRID3$2&$ 2OG2OG%R\VLQDWWHQGDQFH highly engaged. Three Year Strategic Plan DQGWKHWK$QQXDO9LQWDJH5HGV Luncheon over 320 members. I would like to thank Thomas ² Huxtable and Sam Richardson ‡ DGRSWLRQRIDQ,QYHVWPHQW /RRNLQJWRQH[W\HDUZHDUH for their efforts in serving as Vice Policy for the Association very fortunate to have Thomas Presidents and the other members Huxtable leading the Association of the Executive Committee and ‡ DGRSWLRQRID&RGHRI&RQGXFW as President and we are fortunate thank them for their support and Policy for the Association to have the depth of talent within efforts this year. ‡ LQYHVWPHQWLQWKHGHYHORSPHQW our ranks to be able to ensure we continue to offer the best I would like to take this of an email database to ensure possible services and experiences opportunity to thank the that our members are able to our Members and wider College Management Committee for to receive regular electronic community. I wish Tom all the their hard work and support communications via email and best in his role as President and over the last two years and I am SMS I believe our Association will be proud of the achievements we The initiatives noted above in very good hands under his have collectively been able to would not have been possible leadership. accomplish. A number of internal without the tireless support of governance and procedural the Management Committee I would like to extend my thanks changes have been implemented DQGLQSDUWLFXODUWKHPHPEHUV and appreciation to our Executive over the last two years with the of the Executive Committee who 2IILFHU0UV0DU\$QQ6WDQGLVK aim of further enhancing the have all donated their time in for the hard work and support she efficiency of our operations as delivering these outcomes. has provided me over the last two well as enhancing our governance \HDUV0DU\$QQZRUNVWLUHOHVVO\ practices. A special mention must be behind the scenes with the high said of one Old Red who quality standard of our events Examples of some of the undertakes an enormous effort reflecting the hard work and initiatives implemented by the in supporting our Association in dedication she gives in her role. Management Committee have WKH8.1LFKRODV3RQWWGRHVD been: tremendous amount of work and ,QFRQFOXGLQJ,ZRXOGOLNH WRWKDQNDOORIWKH0HPEHUV ‡ HVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKH)LQDQFH  is extremely passionate about YROXQWHHUVVSRQVRUVDQGWKH $XGLW6XE&RPPLWWHH being the London Convenor and has excelled at banding together College for their continued ‡ ZLWKWKHDVVLVWDQFHRIWKH 2OG5HGVOLYLQJLQWKH8.DQG support of the Association and for &ROOHJH·V$UFKLYLVWWKH Europe. It is a testament to the ensuring we still remain the envy scanning of all College strength of our Association that of most other colleges. Chronicles which are now we now have up to five events a available to read and download year being held in London which on the PAOCA website include the Annual Dinner and ‡ HVWDEOLVKPHQWDQGUXQQLQJRID Intercol Cricket match against regular joint meeting held with Saint Peters. I strongly urge members of the Management DQ\2OG5HGVKRXOGWKH\EHLQ Committee and representatives /RQGRQWRWRXFKEDVHZLWK1LFN of all PAOCA Sporting Clubs to attend one of our events.


Thomas Huxtable 1996–2003 'HDU2OG5HG Farewell Dinner to the I am honoured to serve as Headmaster President of the Prince Alfred Old The PAOCA Management &ROOHJLDQV·$VVRFLDWLRQLQ Committee hosted a farewell I will have some big shoes to fill dinner for the departure of the after John Jovicevic’s outstanding Association’s Patron and the leadership and contributions +HDGPDVWHU0U.HYLQ7XWWDW7KH over the past two years and I $GHODLGH&OXERQ:HGQHVGD\ look forward to his support going Graham was our President in 2012 March 2014. The dinner was held forward in his role as Immediate and has worked tirelessly over a to acknowledge and thank Mr Tutt Past President. number of years and we thank him personally for the support he has for his service and professionalism. provided the Prince Alfred Old I have been a member of the Collegians’ Association during his The PAOCA Management PAOCA Management Committee tenure. VLQFHDQGZDVD Committee will continue to fantastic year for our Association promote communication and Mr Tutt has been a strong and a great time to be involved. collaboration between the supporter and advocate of our We thank our Members for their Association’s various sporting Association’s activities and continued support throughout clubs. We are also excited to focus DWWHQGHGRXUUHJLRQDOLQWHUVWDWH and overseas events to promote the year and we look forward to on building on our events by the College and the Old Scholars FRQWLQXLQJRXUVXFFHVVLQWR hosting a business lunch which will community. In recognising the and beyond. enable new Old Reds to connect significant contribution and with experienced professionals. :HZHOFRPH0U%UDGOH\)HQQHU support Mr Tutt has shown to as the 11th Headmaster of Prince The Management Committee is RXUHYHQWVDQG0HPEHUVWKH Alfred College. Having already passionate about maintaining our Management Committee had the pleasure of awarding him Honorary VSHQWVRPHWLPHZLWK0U)HQQHU UREXVWJRYHUQDQFHDQGFRQWLQXLQJ Life Membership which was I am excited about the future of to keep our Members fully formally presented at this year’s the College and I encourage all informed. Members to introduce themselves $QQXDO'LQQHURQ)ULGD\-XO\ to Mr Fenner who will be in Thank you for the opportunity to The Management Committee attendance at our events next year. VHUYHDV3UHVLGHQWIRUDQG, wishes Mr Tutt every success for look forward to meeting as many his future endeavours and looks I would like to congratulate Tom of our members as possible at the forward to welcoming him back /DPEHUWZKRZLOOEHMRLQLQJWKH number of our PAOCA events next to our events as an Honorary Life ([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHHLQDV year. Member of the Association. RQHRIRXU9LFH3UHVLGHQWVDORQJ with Sam Richardson. With Tom MRLQLQJWKH([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHH *UDKDP%XUILHOGZLOOVWHSGRZQ from the Executive Committee but LPSRUWDQWO\*UDKDPZLOOUHPDLQ on our Management Committee IRU



Meeting Attendance Total number of meetings held during the PAOCA 2014 Financial Year: Committee Members Management Committee Executive Committee Finance & Audit Committee Executive Eligible Attended Eligible Attended Eligible Attended J Jovicevic 11 11  *%%XUILHOG 11 9  322 7%+X[WDEOH 11 10 22 S R Richardson 11 8  4 P A Crouch 11 9  S R Miller 11 8 22 Committee 1%ODQFK 11 2 A J Clarkson 11 9 M R Garry 11 6 R J Hall 1 11 8 F G Hamood 11 10 T W Lambert 11 6 C P Moffat 11 8 A S Williams 11 2 2 2 R M Wilson 11 11 1 Rob Hall — Foundation Committee member 134 Lodge & Community

%UDG:HLGHQKRIHU6LPRQ%HDQDQG James Dalwood from the POAC Cricket Club recruiting new members from amongst the New Old Reds



-DQXDU\DQG$XJXVW DW)LVKHU Chair. Much chiacking took place at 6WUHHW7XVPRUH6RXWK$XVWUDOLD WKH)HVWLYH%RDUG More information is available from The annual Middle School Short RXUZHEVLWHDWZZZSDFORGJH Talk Competition sponsored by org Freemasons seek to live by the WKH/RGJHZDVKHOGRQ7KXUVGD\ SULQFLSOHVRI,QWHJULW\*RRGZLOO 28th August 2014. The senior and Charity. DGMXGLFDWRU%UR$ODQ%UDQIRUG -DFNVRQ7HUS$QGUHZ;\GLDV Membership of the Lodge is RXUQH[W:RUVKLSIXO0DVWHU  Sam Johnston and Phillip Craig RSHQWR3$&2OG6FKRODUVSDVW commented on the very high DQGSUHVHQWWHDFKLQJVWDIID standard of the presentations. 1HZ2OG%R\V·'ULQNV father grandfather or step father (LJKWER\VFRPSHWHGHDFK 2YHU´1HZ2OG5HGVµIURP RISUHVHQWRUSDVWVFKRODUVDQ delivering a Prepared Speech and the 2013 cohort attended their HPSOR\HHRIWKHVFKRRO MXGJHGE\ an Impromptu Speech. The winner first official Old Reds function on WKH([HFXWLYHWREHHOLJLEOH DQG of the 2014 Medal was Ethan Wednesday 26 February at The direct blood relatives to a current +D\HVVHFRQG)DELR)ULVDQDQG 6HYHQ6WDUV$QJDV6WUHHW DSXE or past old scholar member of the third Preshaan Thavarajah. Lodge. RZQHGE\2OG5HG7RP5LFNHWWV  Each year at the end of Old President John Jovicevic welcomed 'XULQJWKH\HDUWZR Scholars’ Week a Lodge Meeting WKH1HZ2OG5HGVDQGWKH3$2& ROGER\VEHFDPH0DVWHU0DVRQV is held at the School at which Sporting Club representatives were QDPHO\%UR-RVHSK0RRUHDQG%UR members of Freemasonry who on hand to sign up some of the Old /OHZHOO\Q:RRG6DGO\WKUHHRI are generally members of country Reds for the forthcoming seasons. RXUEUHWKUHQKDYHGLHG:%UR$OH[ Lodges fill the Officers’ Chairs. This *UD\9:%UR+HUPDQ%UHWWDQG year on Saturday 26th July the Prince Alfred Collegians’ Max Raggatt. Master’s Chair was ably filled by One of the highlights of the year :%UR)UDQN.LWWR$WWKHIHVWLYH /RGJH1R was on 1st July when PAC Lodge ERDUGSUHFHGLQJWKHPHHWLQJWKH Prince Alfred Collegians’ Lodge hosted Freemasons from St Peters’ 3$&:RUVKLSIXO0DVWHU:%UR5HY 1RZDVIRUPHGLQE\2OG College. The Officers’ Chairs were 'RQ&DWIRUGSUHVHQWHGWKH %R\VRI3$&ZKRZHUH)UHHPDVRQV filled for the exemplification of the PAC Lodge Annual Scholarship to It was the first School Lodge in first degree by Freemasons who 0DWWKHZ%XUJHVV Australia. The Lodge meets on the KDGDWWHQGHG6W3HWHUVDQG5:%UR Rev Don Catford ILUVW7XHVGD\RIWKHPRQWK H[FHSW Arnie Narayan took the Master’s Worshipful Master  Lodge & Community




with nearest to the pin being 5H[:LOVRQ0DVWHURI&HUHPRQLHV claimed by Chris Thredgold honoured the Oldest Vintage Red SUHVHQW0XUUD\+RUQHUZKRKDG DJDLQ DQG5RE0RWWHUDP7KH WXUQHGLQ-DQXDU\IROORZHG day concluded in the clubhouse by fellow nonagenarians Gordon over lunch. 6FKZDUW],DQ6FKDIHU-RKQ We are pleased to announce that %XQGH\DQG%ULDQ7KRPDVDQGWKH WKHGDWHIRUZLOOEH)ULGD\ presence and longevity of these 13 March and will again be held at men was applauded. WKH0W%DUNHU+DKQGRUI*ROI&OXE Vintage Reds also took the following a similar format to this 7LP7KUHGJROG0DUFXV%HUQDUGL opportunity to celebrate the Chris Thredgold and Peter Deere year. The best individual and group sporting achievements of two of four trophies will also return in current students. Gordon Schwartz Closed Golf Day  SURXGO\SUHVHQWHG%U\FH:RRODUG the Mark Schwartz Memorial The Prince Alfred Old Collegians’ 1LFN%ODQFKDQG7RP/DPEHUW 7URSK\IRU%HVWDQG)DLUHVWDW)LUVW Closed Golf Day resumed in 2014 Closed Golf Day Convenors ;9,,,OHYHODQG.XUWLV:LOOVRQWKH DQGZDVKHOGDWWKH0W%DUNHU WK$QQXDO9LQWDJH Gordon Schwartz Perpetual Trophy +DKQGRUI*ROI&OXERQ)ULGD\ for Tennis. This special moment 0DUFK2OG5HGVDWWHQGHGHDJHU Reds Luncheon celebrated not only success on the to show off their skills and share ,WLVQRZ\HDUVVLQFHWKH field but the thoughtfulness of a laugh. Each team consisted of inaugural Vintage Reds lunch for the Schwartz family in recognising a group of four Old Reds whom Old Reds aged 60 years and above. student success. IRUPHGWZRSDLUVZLWKWKHJDPH The event continues to be the being played under an “Ambrose 0DOFROP%XFNE\SURSRVHGWKH KLJKOLJKWRIWKH\HDUIRUPDQ\ 6WDEOHIRUGµSRLQWVIRUPDW7HHRII Toast to the School and in doing and on Thursday 30 October commenced at 8:30am and it was a so shared reminiscences of the WKH3UHVLGHQWRIWKH3$2&$ fantastic day all round. College in the days of Headmaster -RKQ-RYLFHYLFZHOFRPHG Dunning and of the pride he knew Winners on the day were Robert men to lunch in the College’s we all share as Old Reds. The +XPSKULVDQG%UXFH5HLFKVWHLQ RED Centre and noted that more Headmaster responded and in RQSRLQWVIROORZHGE\&KULV than 120 apologies were received. turn spoke of his pride in being the Thredgold and Peter Deere on The President also extended a +HDGPDVWHUSDLGWULEXWHWRKLV 46 points. The two longest drive particularly warm welcome to SUHGHFHVVRUVDQGRIKLVSOHDVXUHLQ awards were taken out by Chris WKHWK+HDGPDVWHU0U%UDGOH\ PHHWLQJWKHVWDIIVWXGHQWVDQGROG 136 Thredgold and Justin O’Donnell )HQQHUZLWKVRPHRIWKHPHQ scholars of Prince Alfred College. Old Scholars’ Week


6FRWW'ROOLQJ3HWHU+HLQULFK Alwyn Dolling and Maureen Heinrich

2014 Joint Committee 3$2&$$QQXDO6HUYLFH&KULV'LEGHQ-RKQ%XQGH\DQG5H[:LOVRQ Dinner — Wednesday 23 July 5ROORQZKHQZHSOD\KRVW %RDUGLQJ+RXVHDQGKLVSULGHLQ and with any luck we will try and EHLQJ&DSWDLQRI%RDUGLQJ3KLOLS·V $ODVRXUVROLGPRQWKV convince our new Headmaster to presentation proved popular of training came unstuck on MRLQXVDQGEULQJKLVLQWHUQDWLRQDO with the congregation as did his WKH´LQWHUFROZLQHWDVWLQJµ experience to the team. company at morning tea. championship night. Fred Hamood Once again the congregation 2XU%OXHEUHWKUHQKRVWHGWKHQLJKW Wine Tasting Intercol Adjudicator appreciated the Chapel Choir under in salubrious surrounds at the WKHGLUHFWLRQRI0U7DVVR%RX\HVVLV National Wine Centre and the food 110th Annual Service — and wines presented were of an The PAOCA Service is held on the exceptionally high standard. 7KXUVGD\-XO\ 7KXUVGD\RI2OG%R\V·:HHNDQG 2OG5HGVWKHLUZLYHVDQGIULHQGV Old Reds and their family and $OOSDODWHVZHUHWHVWHGWRWKHOLPLW of the College gathered in the friends are encouraged to attend VRPHPRUHWKDQRWKHUVDQGVRPH Eric Freak Memorial Chapel to and to enjoy fellowship at the interesting varietals and older celebrate the 110th PAOCA conclusion of the service. YLQWDJHVZHUHSUHVHQWHGEXWLWZDV 6HUYLFHFRQGXFWHGE\WKH&ROOHJH·V just not our night to win. Chaplain Rev. Mark Dickens. 2OG2OG%R\V·$VVHPEO\ The younger members of the team It has become customary for an Nine decades was the age range of are showing great promise for the Old Scholar active in the ministry those present at the truly unique IXWXUHDQGZLWKDQRWKHUHYHQPRUH or church based activities to be the 3ULQFHVRFFDVLRQRI2OG2OG%R\V· solid regime of wine training rather JXHVWVSHDNHUDWWKHVHUYLFHEXW $VVHPEO\KHOGLQWKH5('&HQWUH than beer training in the next 12 for the 110th a special change was RQ)ULGD\-XO\ PRQWKVKRSHIXOO\WKLVZLOOVHH implemented with the Captain of the Old Reds rise to the winner’s The very little chaps came from %RDUGLQJ3KLOLS0F%ULGHLQYLWHGWR podium next year. the Preparatory School and sat on DGGUHVVWKHFRQJUHJDWLRQ3KLOLS WKHIORRUWKHELJJHUER\VIURPWKH 3UHVLGHQW-RKQDQG7UHDVXUHU a sixth generation member of Middle and Senior Schools filled Simon need to lift their game as KLVIDPLO\WRDWWHQGWKH&ROOHJH WKHWLHUHGVHDWLQJDQGWHDFKLQJ ZLOO&UDLJ0RIIDWZKRVHWUDLQLQJ warmly welcomed guests to the DQGQRQWHDFKLQJVWDIIMRLQHGLQ regime was hampered by a chronic service and then spoke about as well. Most important were the shoulder injury he had sustained KLVIDPLO\·VOLQNVZLWKERDUGLQJ 181 number of men who entered SUHYLRXVO\DQGVHQLRUPHPEHUV recounted stories of days gone WKHFROOHJHEHIRUHDQGZKR RIWKHWHDP3HWHU&URXFKDQG5H[ E\LQWKH%RDUGLQJ+RXVH RI ZHUHVHDWHGDVDJURXSWKHFHQWUH Wilson and Rob Hall had a very XQNQRZQDXWKHQWLFLW\OLNHDOO of attention and the wonderment VREHULQJQLJKW ERDUGLQJ\DUQV FXUUHQWOLIHLQWKH of young minds who were no doubt  Old Scholars’ Week





1936 'HDQ%UDQVRQ-RKQ%XQGH\ John Cooper and Des Steele  3HWHU(GZDUGV'DYLG.LUNPDQ 3HWHU0F%ULGHDQG*HRII:RROODUG 1933 Scott Dolling 1932 Jim Crompton 2014 PAOCA Annual Dinner The Annual Dinner is the largest

3$2& 632&&RPPLWWHH%RZOHUV1LFN*ULHYH 'DYLG/RZH 632& 7RP+X[WDEOH 3$2&$  Intercol Sports Andrew Jonats 632& -RKQ-RYLFHYLF 3$2&$ 7RQ\.H\QHV 0DUN%DOQDYHV 632& 5H[:LOVRQ 3$2&$ %DGPLQWRQ 3rd Griggs& Schroff defeated by VFRULQJLQVLGHDQG%HQ3DONKLWWLQJ  &KHQ 2QJ DFRXSOHRIVJRLQJLQDWWKHKDOI The 2014 contest at the Saint XS²7KHVHFRQGKDOI$QJXV Peter’s College sports centre saw At the conclusion of the contest &UDZIRUGZDVHYHU\ZKHUHFOHDQLQJ PAOC defeat SPOC: WKH%XQGH\&XSZDVSUHVHQWHGWR up the boards and scoring at will. WKHZLQQLQJ3$2&&DSWDLQ.HYLQ UXEEHUVJDPHVSRLQWVWR We got up early by 13 but Saints UXEEHUVJDPHVSRLQWV .KDZ FDPHEDFNRQDUXQ6RPH tight defence allowed us to win The 2014 PAOC team comprised of Mr David Olsson of behalf of the FRPIRUWDEO\²VHFXULQJWKH .HYLQ.KDZ &DSWDLQ 'DQLHO7VDQJ PAOC Association thanked the Strangways Cup for the 6th year in -D\GHQ/LP-DPHV*ULJJV0HQJ SPOC convenors for hosting the a row. Ling and Mehezed Schroff. event. The A’s started well with Jack The team results were: David Olsson Harford making a couple of 3s Mens Singles %DVNHWEDOO and a jumper. The A’s defence kept 1st Michael Haese defeated With the A’s being the only hurdle Saints to only 3 made baskets for  .HYLQ.KDZ from clean sweeping the last three WKHKDOIJRLQJLQXSDWKDOIWLPH 7KHQGKDOIWKH5HGV 2nd Meng Ling defeated years we were determined to go started to break Saints down —  0LFKDHO)RR one up this year. Corey Gaard and Josh Orken were 3rd Jayden Lim defeated In the C’s game the Reds started too much inside. Up 10 with 8 mins  'HV.KRR VORZGRZQEHIRUH-D\1JX\HQ WRSOD\WKH$VNHSWLWVWHDG\DQG came off the bench and hit 3 3s to ZRQ²VHFXULQJWKH&DURQLD 4th Daniel Tsang defeated WDNHXVLQWRKDOIWLPHXS$ Cup for the first time in 4 years  $QG\/R slow scoring half saw us down by and capping off our third clean WK -DPHV*ULJJVGHIHDWHG 3 with 20 seconds on clock. With sweep of Saints.  +XL&KHQ VHFRQGVRQWKHFORFN1DWKDQ Graham hit a 3 to tie the game and Nathan Graham 6th Qi Ren Ong defeated VHQGLWLQWRRYHUWLPH²,Q %RZOV  0HKH]HG6FKURII overtime we outscored them 6–1 7KH,QWHUFRO%RZOVZDV Mens Doubles WRVHFXUHWKH7ULP&XSIRUWKHWK held on Thursday 20 February at 1st Foo & Haese defeated consecutive year. WKH$GHODLGH%RZOLQJ&OXEDQG  .KDZ /LQJ ,QWKH%·V6DLQWVMXPSHGHDUO\ SPOC were declared the winners 2nd Tsang & Lim defeated with a couple of quick buckets. on the night. It came to light the  .KRRDQG/R 7KH%·VVWHDGLHGZLWKVRPHJRRG next morning that a scorecard 141 Old Scholars’ Week

ZDVPLVODLGDQGWKHUHVXOWZDV WDEOHVWRJHWKHUDVWKHQHZSOD\HUV 7KDQNVWRDOOZKRSDUWLFLSDWHG LQDFWXDOIDFWLQ3$2&·VIDYRXU accounted for absent travellers. and helped to make it such an PAOC were subsequently declared %XWWKHUHDUHPDQ\RXWWKHUHZKR enjoyable occasion. WKHZLQQHUVZLWKDVFRUHRI should be persuaded to join a night 5REHUW%ODFN 106 and the shield has now been of fun and fellowship. We know St Peters’ Old Collegians UHWXUQHGWRLWVULJKWIXORZQHUV of some older players reluctant $VLVFXVWRPDU\WKH3$2& WRWUDYHODWQLJKWVRSHUKDSVQH[W Chess year we shall ask them to get a Committee team played the 3ULQFHVZLQVDJDLQ SPOC Committee — their scores game going at home to add to the certainly did not impact on the score. After great effort from the 3$2&DQG632&DVVRFLDWLRQV, RYHUDOOLQWHUFROUHVXOWWKDQNIXOO\ The five matches in favour of PAC am pleased to confirm that we It should be noted that Committee were: members Tom Lambert and Nick PDQDJHGWRKDYHILYH%RDUGV %ODQFKSOD\HGFRPSHWLWLYHO\IRU 5LFKDUG.UDQW]DQG5RE+XQW 0DWFKHV RIKLJKFDOLEUHFKHVV the first time and we are most VXEIRU3DXO+H\ZRRG6PLWK ³ enthusiasts competing in another impressed with their bowling PAOCA defeated Peter Wilson and exciting encounter between the prowess. &KULV:RUWKOH\E\ combatants held at our rival’s ‘Junior School Function Area’ on Gratitude was extended to our Roger Trengove and Rob Motteram 7KXUVGD\-XO\ FRQYHQRURI\HDUV3HWHU PAOCA defeated Tony Wilkinson %URDGEHQW  ZKR DQG5RE&KDWWDZD\E\ Given last year’s historic win announced his retirement. Peter E\3ULQFHV DPHUFLOHVV ,YDQ0RUULVDQG-HII&ODUNH KH DQQLKLODWLRQ ZHZHUHYHU\NHHQ ZDVSUHVHQWHGZLWKDOHDWKHU played with Duncan Clarke last bound History of Prince Alfred to retain the impressive piece of \HDU ³3$2&$G*UHJ1HZEROG College in appreciation of his silverware that is proudly raised DIWHUDJDSRIIRXU\HDUV DQG dedicated service to this wonderful E\WKHYLFWRUVHDFK\HDU DVZHOO %LOO%UDGVKDZ DQHZIDFHDQG annual event. DVWKHEUDJJLQJULJKWV ³DQG\HW ZHOFRPH E\ again be crowned the undisputed Any Old Reds who play bowls or Ian Sando and Tom Playford PAOCA best Old Scholars Chess Team. 1LJKW2ZOVDQGZRXOGOLNHWRSOD\ GHIHDWHG3DXO%ODFNDQG0LFKDHO LQWKLVDQQXDOHYHQWDUHDVNHGWR We were well aware that Saints Nugent in a rematch from 2013 by FRQWDFWRXUQHZFRQYHQRU-RKQ were out to challenge us and DQG 0RUULV7RU redeem themselves after their E: [email protected] Evan Jenkins and Rex Pearlman dismal performance in 2013 — we noticed that their fighting DQRWKHUZHOFRPHQHZSOD\HU ³ contingent included the presence 3$2&$GHIHDWHG%UXFH'HEHOOH %ULGJH RIWZRKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHVHQLRU DQG5RE6HDUF\E\WKHQDUURZHVW On Thursday 24 July 2014 at St Chess warriors that had not been PDUJLQ 3HWHU·V&ROOHJHWKH3ULQFHV2OG seen in the Old Scholars Week Scholars took home the cup after ,QWKHODVWWZRPDWFKHV Chess arena for many years. DYLFWRU\WKHLUILUVWVLQFH completion of an unfinished rubber Despite our opposition’s energized 2008. Five wins to two is pretty might possibly have altered the recruitment campaign and gallant FRPSUHKHQVLYHEXWDFRXSOHRI UHVXOW%XW6DLQWVKDGWRGRZLWK HIIRUWV QRWWRPHQWLRQWKHLU matches were close when play was just the two wins. As it happens stopped at about 10:00 pm. XQUHDOLVWLFFRQILGHQFH IURPWKH WKH\ZHUHE\ELJJHUPDUJLQV moment the contest began the Once again we were treated to a In a match between the same three senior members of this ZRQGHUIXOVXSSHURIVDQGZLFKHV RSSRQHQWVIRUVHYHUDO\HDUV 5HGDQG:KLWHDUP\ 0LFKDHO VZHHWVDQGVSOHQGLGZLQHVD $QGUHZDQG5REHUW%ODFNKDG +RII3HWHU0DWKHZVDQG:HVOH\ generous provision from the St a comfortable win against Max /HJUDQG DQGRXUQHZHVWPHPEHU 3HWHU·V2OG&ROOHJLDQV·$VVRFLDWLRQ /HPRQZKRIRXQGRQHRSSRQHQW $QWKRQ\0LOWRQ JUDFHIXOO\ for which we are most grateful. to have a consistently excessive manoeuvred their chess pieces For the first time in several years QXPEHURIKLVFKRVHQWUXPSVXLW across the Chess boards with players were asked for a $10 DQG%ULDQ1RUWKE\DQG PLOLWDU\SUHFLVLRQLQYHU\ZHOO FRQWULEXWLRQEXWQRQHEHJUXGJHG EDODQFHGKRWO\FRQWHVWHG DQG that amount. And we are indebted Mike Robertson and William DWWLPHVLQWHQVHO\FRPSOLFDWHG  particularly to Rachel Gabriel Morgan had a runaway victory matches to secure valuable 632& ZKRRUJDQLVHGWKHVXSSHU DJDLQVW'RQDQG-DPLH0F.HQ]LH wins for Princes — and ensured WDEOHVFRYHUVDQGVHWXS7KH UHWXUQLQJDIWHUDQLQWHUYDORIILYH RXUUHWHQWLRQRIWKHKLJKO\ new function building in the St \HDUV" E\ZKLFKLQFOXGHGD SUL]HGWURSK\ DQGRQFHDJDLQ Peter’s Preparatory School was an good slam. GHPRUDOL]LQJWKH%OXHWHDP·V H[FHOOHQWYHQXHIRUERWKWKH%ULGJH FROOHFWLYHHJR  5LFKDUG.UDQW]ZDVVSRQWDQHRXVO\ and Chess competitions. HOHFWHG3$&&DSWDLQ KLVZLQ For the sake of keeping the peace It was pleasing to see some new ZDVWKHELJJHVW DQGJUDFLRXVO\ ZLWKRXUDUFKHQHP\DQGQRW IDFHVDQGDQHZSDUWQHUVKLS accepted the trophy for safe wishing to destroy the glorious but we could still only get seven keeping until next year. reputation of a past hero of the 142 Old Scholars’ Week

JDPH,GXWLIXOO\ EXWDJRQL]LQJO\  VDFULILFHG " P\PDWFKDJDLQVW WKH$XVWUDOLDQ-XQLRU&KHVV Champion — it was an honour just to play against this formidable opponent. ,QVXPPDU\RQFHWKHZDUZDVRYHU RXUG\QDPLFWHDP FRPSULVLQJ a powerful combination of distinguished veterans and a recent VFKRROOHDYHU VFRUHGDQLPSUHVVLYH YLFWRU\DJDLQVWRXUROGIRH %\WKHZD\DOWKRXJKWKHUHZHUH RQO\ILYHPDWFKHVSOD\HGWKLV\HDU &KHVV$QWKRQ\0LOWRQ3HWHU0DWKHZV0LFKDHO+LKLPDQLV0LFKDHO+RIIDQG:HVOH\/HJUDQG we generously awarded Saints a match due to one of our players SPCA and PAOCA. After last year’s 33 in quick time. PAOCA ended EHLQJD´QRVKRZµ³LWLVUXPRXUHG GLVDSSRLQWLQJZDVKRXWDOOSOD\HUV up needing 80 runs off the last 10 that he may still be searching for were raring to go. This year’s overs with 6 wickets in hand and a the venue. fixture held even more significance tense final hour was brewing. The for the players from Saints with WDLOVWDUWHGWRZDJZLWK-DFN'HQW I am very proud of each and the tragic passing of old scholar 7LP%RXFDXW  DQG:LOO HYHU\RQHRIP\WHDPPDWHVIRU DQGUHJXODU&KHVWHU%HQQHWW&XS Latchford hitting some boundaries WKHLUKLJKOHYHORIFRQFHQWUDWLRQ player Andy Cranmer just weeks but it was all in vein with PAOCA displaying composure and before the fixture. A memorial Man falling 14 runs short of the victory complex mental agility over the of the Match Award has now been target. FKHTXHUERDUGZKLOVWLPELELQJHYHU struck in his honour. flowing beverages. In what turned out to be one 3$2&$VNLSSHU0LFKDHO5LFKDUGVRQ of the better games of cricket It is important to note that this  ZRQWKHWRVVDQG LQUHFHQW\HDUV6DLQWVZHOODQG gave Princes its 33rd Victory elected to field. The Saints top truly deserved their victory. Hiran LQIRUW\WZRJHQHUDOO\KLJKO\ RUGHUIXOORIVWDUEDWVPHQJRW /HFDPZDVDP SLFWXUHGEHORZ  FRQWHVWHGEDWWOHVVLQFH off to a watchful start reaching was awarded the inaugural Andy ZKLFKDOVRLQFOXGHVWZRGUDZV³ DVFRUHRIEHIRUHWKHIDOORI Cranmer Medal for his five wickets. Note: This event was not contested the first wicket. On the slowish LQ  7KH&KHVWHU%HQQHWW&XSOHGJHU RXWILHOGWKH6DLQWVEDWWLQJOLQH QRZVWDQGVDWJDPHVWR ,QDQXWVKHOOWKH3ULQFHVPHQRI XSEDWWHGZLWKXQXVXDOGLVFLSOLQH 3$2&$WR63&$DQGGUDZV chess continue to maintain mental which was equally matched by We look forward to the return VXSUHPDF\RYHU6DLQWV the PAOCA bowling attack. Hiran fixture at Saints next year. /HFDPZDVDP  ZDVHDVLO\ Thank you to all of our players the pick of the PAOCA bowlers 0LFKDHO5LFKDUGVRQ  — their strong fighting spirit ZLWKLPSUHVVLYHILJXUHVRIRYHUV &DSWDLQ3$2&& ensured another enjoyable and PDLGHQVIRU+HZDVZHOO very successful Old Scholars’ VXSSRUWHGE\-DFN'HQW  Intercol Golf Day :HHNIXQFWLRQIRUWKH2OG5HGV  IRUDQG(GG\*UHHYHV Played at picturesque Royal albeit amidst the historic fiercely  IRUZLWK6DP7\OHU $GHODLGH*ROI&OXERI$GHODLGH·V competitive rivalry between our  DOVRFKLSSLQJLQIRURQH finest gentlemen amateur golfers JUHDWVFKRROV3DUWLFXODUJUDWLWXGH wicket. After having St Peters 8 played the annual golf game in is extended to Saints for hosting for 168 the PAC boys were slightly the true traditions of golf and PAC this event with a new expansive disappointed to let them get away versus SPSC rivalry. DQGQRLV\ YHQXHIRUWKLV´VHULRXVµ to a score of 219 at the end of The many varied styles and contest and for organizing the WKHLURYHUVDVFRUHZKLFKZH methodologies of playing golf catering for the supper and thought was around ‘par’. 3HWHU6HUZDQ 3$&6FKRRO&KHVV FDPHWRWKHIRUHIURQWDQGPRVW &RRUGLQDWRU  PAOCA in reply got off to a shaky may need a few more golf lessons start with opener Jack Latchford to be able to progress to next Well done to the victorious Princes  EHLQJGLVPLVVHGZLWKRXW \HDU·V%ULWLVK2SHQTXDOLI\LQJ WHDP scoring. The rebuild of the innings URXQGV ZDVOHIWWR$OH[&KDSPDQ  Michael Hihimanis The scores were very close in most  ZKRDQFKRUHGWKHLQQLQJV RIWKHPDWFKHVDQGWKHPDMRULW\ ZLWKDSDWLHQWRIIEDOOVDQG Cricket — Chester got down to the last few holes to 1LFN0RVH\  VFRULQJ JDLQDUHVXOW6RPHRIXVKRZHYHU %HQQHWW&XS RIIEDOOV3$2&&&SOD\HUV6DP ZKRORVWWKHLUJDPHGLGQRWQHHG A mild summer’s day greeted 7\OHUDQG6DP+XUEXUJK   WRSOD\WKHODVWIHZ SOXV KROHV the players for the 2014 Chester ERWKPDGHVROLGFRQWULEXWLRQVDV %HQQHWW&XSIL[WXUHEHWZHHQ did Michael Richardson who made Saints won the contest and are to 143 Old Scholars’ Week

UHWDLQHGWKH*HRIIUH\%HDQ&XSIRU a record equalling 6th consecutive year. We hope to break the record IRUDWK\HDULQ Results: *UHJ6LHJHOH3$2&SRLQWV games defeated Chris Plummer 632&SRLQWVJDPH $GDP&ROPRQ3$2&SRLQWV JDPHVGHIHDWHG%HQ(VDX632& points 0 games 1LFN+LFNV3$2&SRLQWVJDPH defeated Mark Esau SPOC 24 points 0 games &KULVWLDQ0F,QWRVK3$2&SRLQWV 3 games defeated Ren Papilion 632&SRLQWVJDPHV Stuart Eddy PAOC 42 points 1 game was defeated by Callum $QGHUVRQ6WDQIRUG632&SRLQWV 3 games Dean Humphray PAOC 46 points 3 games defeated Phil Plummer SPOC 36 points 0 games ,QWHUFRO*ROI/XQFK%DFN5RZ,DQ&RQUDG 5RE6NLSSHU 632& -LP0F%ULGH &DUO'RUVFK 3$2&$ )URQW5RZ5LFKDUG+D\QHV 632& *UDQW/DLGODZ 5RE0RWWHUDP 3$2&$ 6HDQ+REEV3$2&SRLQWV games defeated Matt Holder SPOC I must thank all the Old Reds that 22 points 0 games played on the day and look forward Alexander Chapman to a victory next year. &KDLUPDQ3$&+& Fred Hamood Squash Hockey The annual Squash Intercol was Prince Alfred Old Collegians vs held in the RED Centre at Prince St Peter’s Old Collegians Annual Alfred College on Tuesday 22 July +RFNH\0DWFK³*HRIIUH\%HDQ 2014. Cup It was a great result with the Old Reds winning 6 rubbers to the Old The annual hockey game between %OXHVUXEEHU PAOC and SPOC was played on the PAC hockey pitch on the evening Intercol Golf Lunch RI:HGQHVGD\-XO\%RWK Tennis %DFN5RZ-ROO3LSHU 3$2&$ 2UVR2VWL WHDPVKDGIDLUO\VWURQJOLQHXSV On Wednesday 19 February 2014 632& -RKQ(DVOLQJ 3$2&$ DQG'LRQ with players from Premier League an enthusiastic group of Old Reds 6WDQEXU\ 632& and Metro 1 teams making up tennis players including both )URQW5RZ$QGUHZ%UDGOH\ 632& DQG the bulk of the teams with some seasoned veterans and a number 'DYLG%ODQFK 3$2&$ players from the respective of new old scholars and first time Collegians’ clubs rounding out the intercol players took to the courts EHFRQJUDWXODWHGIRUWKHLUHIIRUWV numbers. DWWKH.HQVLQJWRQ&OXEWRIDFHWKH but be warned we will come back Saints Old Scholars team. Facing even stronger next year. %\KLVWRULFDOVWDQGDUGVLWZDVD ZLQGUDLQDQGDZHOOGULOOHG6DLQWV fairly low scoring game. The Reds team with experienced doubles The signs were ominous from the got on the board first but SPOC SDLUVWKH2OG5HGVIRXJKWJDPHO\ beginning when the Saints Captain were able to draw level. PAOC then but lost. forgot to bring the trophy but it answered with the next two goals +LJKOLJKWVZHUH5RE%LFNPRUHDQG HYHQWXDOO\JRWWKHUH$WOHDVWWKLV WRWDNHDOHDG+RZHYHU632& -RKQ%UHDOH\·VPDUDWKRQILUVWWLH year they did not pre engrave the scored with about four minutes DQGWKHVXSHUWLHEUHDNHSLFIRXJKW trophy in anticipation. WRSOD\WRPDNHWKHVFRUHDQG a tense final few minutes ensued. by Riley Terrell and James Ma in We may have lost the golf but The Reds managed to hold on until the reverse tie. afterwards at the luncheon we won WKHILQDOZKLVWOHIRUDZLQ $QGUHZ:LOOLDPV  the imbibing contest most easily. The result means PAOC has now Intercol Tennis Convenor 144 Reunions

.RQJ 'DYLG )LQQHJDQ 8. ,DQ 'DUQWRQ+LOO 86$  DQG%UXFH%HDXFKDPS 9LHWQDP  Many Old Reds made the trip from interstate as well as those from SA country areas. The luncheon was organised by a VXEFRPPLWWHHRI0D[7KRPSVRQ -RKQ*HUDUG5XVVHOO+H\ZRRG 6PLWK0D[9HQQLQJDQG%RE Snewin. Finding some Old Reds required significant “detective &ODVVRI-XOLDQ:LOVRQ%LOO+HGGOH ZRUNµEXWJHQHUDOO\WKHVXE &KULV$FRWW&KULV%HQQHWW committee was able to run to 'RXJ%ORRPILHOG5D\:KLWH,DQ+RQH DQG3HWHU%UHEQHUZLWK3UHSOHDGHUV ground most old scholars from that (GZDUG7\VRQ3DWULFN6LQJOHWRQ 5HDU-XOLDQ:LOVRQ5REHUW&ORVH year. As well as those attending the Hugo Jordan and Angus Parker -RKQ:RRGUXII5REHUW:RRGKDPV luncheon we did have 33 apologies 'RXJODV%ORRPILHOGDQG and indeed we could not trace 18 Robert McCubbin of that year’s students. QG5RZ3HWHU*HUDUG,DQ+RQH &ODVVRI &KULV$FRWW3HWHU%UHEQHUDQG$VKOH\ The luncheon was compered Sixty Year Reunion Dodsworth E\%RE6QHZLQZKRSUHVHQWHG 3rd Row: Ray White and Nigel Coombe. reflections of the year 1964 as well 2Q)ULGD\)HEUXDU\D as the ‘goings on’ at PAC that year. group of eight of the newest “Old Front Row: Teacher Miss Enid Angwin QRZ0UV%HQQHWW DQG%ULDQ5RVVLWHU A sobering note was the minute of 2OG%R\VµIURP&ODVVRI silence remembering the deceased were welcomed to the Preparatory $EVHQW%LOO+HGGOH&ROLQ*XUQHUDQG Michael Rasheed Old Reds from 1964. School. They attended Chapel in the Eric Freak Memorial Chapel The gathering was very pleased OHGE\&ODVV0RQ´&RPSHWHQFHµ Class of 1964 to meet and hear an address from followed by a tour of the Fifty Year Reunion newly appointed Headmaster Mr Preparatory School led by Captains %UDGOH\)HQQHUDVZHOODVDQXSGDWH (GZDUG7\VRQ3DWULFN6LQJOHWRQ 2Q)ULGD\6HSWHPEHU from the PAOCA’s Immediate Past Old Reds of the 1964 alumni came +XJR-RUGDQDQG$QJXV3DUNHUDQG 3UHVLGHQW*UDKDP%XUILHOG together for a luncheon at the the Deputy Head of the School National Wine Centre to celebrate The Toast to the School was 3UHS0U6HDQ:DWW WKHYHU\VSHFLDOHYHQWRI capably handled by Russell When asked our age the percipient years since they left Prince Alfred +H\ZRRG6PLWKDQGWKH5HVSRQVH

The luncheon was completed sat down for the commencement with all in attendance joining in of official proceedings. Rob read out a raucous rendition of the school WKHDSRORJLHVDQGWKHQVDGO\WKH ZDUFU\ names of deceased Old Reds from our alumni. The next speaker was %RE6QHZLQ 3$& *HRIIUH\%HDQZKREHIRUHVD\LQJ Class of 1964 Committee *UDFHVSRNHDERXWWKHVFKRRODW the time of his arrival at Princes &ODVVRI5HXQLRQ LQZKLFKFRLQFLGHGZLWKWKH Forty Year Reunion first year of our cohort in the Senior &ODVVRI5LFKDUG:KHDWRQ 2Q)ULGD\1RYHPEHU 6FKRROZKLFKPHDQWWKDWZHVKDUHG a special connection with Geoffrey 7LP6DLQW.\P6NHHU'RQ%HQVWHGDQG DSSUR[LPDWHO\2OG5HGVRIWKH Craig Honan at the time as the new Headmaster FODVVRIPHWIRUOXQFKDWWKH National Wine Centre to celebrate at the school. 'HQQLVZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN0DU\ Ann Standish for all her hard work 40 years since leaving Prince Alfred Peter Crouch then provided an in putting together the reunion and College. informative update about PAOCA activities on behalf of the President special mention should be made Some of our number had travelled RIWKH$VVRFLDWLRQ-RKQ-RYLFHYLF of Richard Treloar who rallied a IURPLQWHUVWDWHLQFOXGLQJRXU David Jenkin followed with a very number of boarders. 6FKRRO&DSWDLQ0DUN1HZPDQZKR polished and amusing speech in had flown in from Hobart. A number The atmosphere at the lunch was proposing the Toast to the School. RIIRUPHUPDVWHUVDOVRDWWHQGHG great and I think that it is true to We were then honoured to have LQFOXGLQJ0LOWRQ+DVHORII'DYLG say that everyone who attended %UDGOH\)HQQHUUHVSRQGRQEHKDOI 0DWWLQJOH\DQG-DFTXHV%HUOLQ ZKR had an excellent time and I am sure of the school. The formalities KDGWUDYHOOHGIURP0HOERXUQH  that we will all be aiming to be back FRQFOXGHGZLWKRXUZHOONQRZQ Special mention should be made at our next alumni reunion — sadly of the fact that our Headmaster DXFWLRQHHU$QWKRQ\7RRS conducting an auction of a signed LQ\HDU·VWLPH IURP*HRIIUH\%HDQDWWHQGHG print featuring a cricket game as well as the new Headmaster 5LFKDUG'HQQLV 3$&² on the front oval and an auction %UDGOH\)HQQHU &ODVVRI&RPPLWWHH of a dinner for six people at the 2XU0&IRUWKHGD\ZDV5RE6LHEHQ Headmaster’s residence hosted Class of 1984 who did a sterling job in keeping E\%UDGOH\)HQQHU7KHDIWHUQRRQ the program running to time and was then rounded off with lots of Thirty Year Reunion introducing the various speakers. great conversations amongst the Time is passing quickly and for the gathered Old Reds. $IWHUWKHLQLWLDOJDWKHULQJIRUSUH class of 1984. This was highlighted luncheon drinks at which everyone The organising committee of remarkably when they gathered for began recognising old school friends %UHQWRQ(GHQ5RE6LHEHQ5LFKDUG their 30 year reunion on Friday 12 ZKRWKH\KDGQRWVHHQIRU\HDUVZH 7UHORDU3HWHU&URXFKDQG5LFKDUG September 2014.

7KH&ODVVRI 146 Reunions

The morning commenced with a 2IILFHU0DU\$QQ6WDQGLVKZKR tour of the school which was led by coordinated the day one which all Mr David Cornish. Those who toured DWWHQGLQJDJUHHZDVDJUHDWGD\ ZHUHDEOHWRVHHILUVWKDQGKRZWKH with lots of laughs and lots of post school has evolved from what the show smiles. assembled group thought in their day were very good facilities to ,DQ-HQNLQ 3$& Class of 1984 Committee the world facilities that have been established. Class of 1994 The Class of 1984 gathered at &ODVVRI0DWW7ULP$QGUHZ)UDVHU 7KH*DOOHU\LQ:D\PRXWK6WUHHW Twenty Year Reunion 0DWW+REE\%HQ1LFKROOV'DYH/XWOH\ a fabulous venue. The room was On 10 October 2014 the Class and Nathan Wuttke buzzing from the start. Many of ‘94 celebrated its twenty IDPLOLDUIDFHVVRPHQRWVR year reunion at The Gallery on +RZHYHURQFHWKHLFHZDVEURNHQ Waymouth. The lunch was attended the time fell away and we were E\VRPHVWXGHQWVDQGIRUPHU EDFNLQWKHGD\DQGUDSSRUWZDV staff. comfortable and familiar. Attendees seemed somewhat The day was capably emceed reserved initially whilst getting by Mat Henbest who kept the reacquainted but everyone afternoon running smoothly and loosened up once the beverages QHDUWRWLPHZLWKJUHDWKXPRXU started flowing. Former School Captain Matthew Whittle was MC We were privileged to hear a few IRUWKHGD\3$2&$UHSUHVHQWDWLYH &ODVVRI%HQ&KULVWLH&UDLJ%URZQ ZRUGVIURP+HDGPDVWHU0U%UDGOH\ and Quentin Roberts 6LPRQ0LOOHUVSRNHDERXWWKH )HQQHUDQGWKH9LFH3UHVLGHQWRI $VVRFLDWLRQDQGQHZ+HDGPDVWHU WKH3$2&$0U7KRPDV+X[WDEOH All enjoyed meeting the new school 0U%UDGOH\)HQQHUVSRNHRIKLVQHZ who congratulated us on our +HDGPDVWHU0U%UDGOH\)HQQHUDQG appointment. Occasional references gathering as well as informing us members from the Old Collegians’ WRIRUPHUKHDG'U%ULDQ:HEEHU of the happenings of the PAOCA. Association. Things kicked on well brought a wry smile to many. A Toast to the School was given by into the night and plans for our next %UHQWRQ*LEEVDQG$QGUHZ´3RWWV\µ 2QFHIRUPDOLWLHVKDGFRQFOXGHG reunion were well underway by the Moore responded. beverages continued to flow and time everything wrapped up. Thanks celebrations and reminiscing PXVWJRWRDOODWWHQGHHV$OH[ Following main course George continued long into the night. 7D\ORUDW*DOOHU\WKHRUJDQLVLQJ Condous took the microphone FRPPLWWHHDQG0DU\$QQ6WDQGLVK DQGLQWHUYLHZHG-RKQ'D\$ODVWDLU *X\&ROOLQV 3$& 6PDUWDQG*HRUJH.RQWRSRORXV Class of 1994 Committee /HLJK:DUUHQ 3$&² Class of 2004 Committee Not sure if 30 years ago you would KDYHDWWDFKHGLQWHUQDWLRQDOSLORW Class of 2004 aquaculture consultant and supplier of continental goods to their names Ten Year Reunion EXWDOOJDYHDEULHIDQGDWWLPHV The first reunion for the Class of humorous insight to how they have ’04 was a corker. Over 60 attended spent the last 30 years. Mark Smith DQGWKH\KDLOHGIURPDVIDUDV3DULV took home the prize for being the 3DSXD1HZ*XLQHDDQG%ULVEDQH IXUWKHVWWUDYHOOHG +RQJ.RQJ  Some even made the migration however many interstate addresses from their regular Friday night were noted. position at the front bar of the &ODVVRI2OG5HGV%UDG0RRUHDQG Seven Stars Hotel for the occasion. Somewhere in the PAC Archives 7RP%DLOH\ZLWKFXUUHQWVWDIIPHPEHU WKH5HG :KLWHILOPZDVIRXQG A school tour kicked off the Chris McGuire adding to the mood of the day — a proceedings and all were impressed reminder that yes we have changed by the developments at the school DQGZHGLGQ·WDOZD\VVWXG\ over the past ten years. We moved onto Gallery on Waymouth where a The Class of 1984 would like to FRPELQDWLRQRIFRPHGLFUHIOHFWLRQV thank the masters who attended. rekindled friendships and a couple It was great to see and talk with of drinks made for a rowdy catch 0HVVUV%HDQ&ROGZHOO)HUJXVVRQ up. Stories from the farm were .LWWR0LOODUG0DWWLQJOH\0RUULV compared with those from life in and Watson. WKH%LJ%URWKHU+RXVH-DPHV)LQQLH The Class of 1984 would like to and Alistair Houlihan were surprised sincerely thank Mr David Cornish to discover that they were currently &ODVVRI-DPHV)LQQLH&KULV for conducting the tour of the living in the same Port Moresby %URZQH/DQH5RFKRZ%HQ1REEVDQG Lanil Lecamwasam VFKRRODQG3$2&$([HFXWLYH KRWHO  %UDQFK5HSRUWV Melbourne Sydney Dinner 5LFKDUG:DOODFH  ZDV honoured as the “Oldest Old The 2014 Sydney Annual Dinner Dinner 6FKRODUµZKLOH'DOH%HQQHWW was held on Friday 22nd August at Some forty Old  WKH´

Canberra Dinner: Headmaster Sydney Dinner guests %UDGOH\)HQQHUZLWK6DQGUDDQG 0DWW%UDQIRUG  148 Regional Reports Fleurieu Peninsula Dinner 2OG6FKRODUVDQGWKHLUSDUWQHUV attended the Fleurieu Peninsula Dinner held this year at Hotel Elliot in Port Elliot on Friday 14 March 2014. Despite the noise from the band and patrons of the nearby EDUWKRVHLQDWWHQGDQFHHQMR\HG an evening of reminiscing and IHOORZVKLS/RFDOFRQYHQRU$QGUHZ Jeffery welcomed all present Naracoorte: Lachlan Grundy with Nick HVSHFLDOO\-RKQ'XQFDQ IRUPHU (\UH3HQLQVXOD'DUULQ6WRQH-RH7DSOH\ DQG.DWKHULQH0F%ULGH $GPLQLVWUDWRUDWWKH&ROOHJH DQG Michael Treloar and John Jovicevic WKDQNHG0DU\$QQ6WDQGLVKIRU her untiring efforts which are very much appreciated. Andrew proposed the Loyal Toast and pronounced Grace. Phil Craven  SURSRVHGWKH7RDVW to the School and Rob Heaslip  SURSRVHGWKH7RDVWWR the Association to which PAOCA 0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHPHPEHU $QGUHZ&ODUNVRQUHVSRQGHG


&KULV2OYHU  DQG KDOIZD\DURXQGWKHZRUOGDOOZHUH class music act. This made for a 6LPRQ:KLWH  determined that the dinner go thoroughly enjoyable weekend New York Dinner Convenors DKHDG ERWKRQDQGRIIWKHWUDFN +RQJ.RQJ'LQQHU (GZDUG-DFNVRQ  The inaugural Old Reds drinks ZHUHDJUHDWHYHQLQJDQGZHORRN 6SXUUHGE\DYLVLWWR+RQJ.RQJE\ South Africa Convenor forward to hosting another in WKH&KDLUPDQRI&ROOHJH&RXQFLO -RKQ.HHYHV  VHYHQ Singapore Drinks  +.EDVHGROGVFKRODUV)UHGGLH On Friday evening a gathering 6FRWW+DUULV  &KXQJ  6FRWW'ROOLQJ RI2OG5HGVDQGWKHLUSDUWQHUV Singapore Drinks Convenor  Old Scholars’ Sport

win by 2. The following week the Cs played the only team they had lost to all year and unfortunately went down. The Grand Final was a close affair with Unley As missing their best player and arguably the best player in the league. The Ds played a solid game and held off a ODWHFKDUJHWRZLQE\$JUHDWZLQ to cap off their great season. ,Q&'JUDGHZHKDGWHDPV ( ) 7KH(·VILQLVKHGWRSRQO\E\ percentage and the F’s finished 4th to have both teams in the C grade finals. In the Qualifying Final the Es ran out to an early lead and held off Saints Cs to advance to the Grand Final. The Fs in the elimination final were up late in the game but let it slip away. The *UDQG)LQDOEHWZHHQWKH(VDQG 6DLQWV&VZDVDQHSLFFRQWHVWZLWK Saints Cs building sizable leads 3 WLPHVGXULQJWKHPDWFK:LWK minutes left and down by 12 things ORRNHGDOORYHUEXWWKH(VGXJGHHS and aided by the scoring of Dillon %DVNHWEDOO%*UDGH:LQQHUV²3$2&%&'%DFN&KULV:RRGURZ-RQ5HDG%HQ3DON Haydon to win by 2. The Es led for 6WX0DF'RQDOG)URQW-RVK0RRUIRRW%UHQGRQ)UDQFHVFD6LPRQ0LOOHU1HG

%DFN&DP6PLWK'DQLHO)RR Final. Going into the GF the As James Townsend’s contribution %UDG'DQLHO'LOORQ+D\GRQ were already fighting uphill with to the club through scoring )URQW$OH[%XEQHU0DUN3RZHOO their leading scorer and defensive innumerable games throughout 0DWWKHZ-XVW-DPHV3ULWFKDUG anchor overseas. The As put up the season was invaluable to the a good fight but Gateway lifted club. We all thank James as this is Prince Alfred Old more. They got out to an early a tough task to do all season. Phil &ROOHJLDQV·%DVNHWEDOO&OXE lead and held it for the rest of the +DUIRUGKDYLQJKDGDVROLG\HDURQ game. A disappointing end to the the court for both the Saturday A’s This year during the season we VHDVRQEXWWKH\KDYHEHHQDQG DQG7KXUVGD\$JUDGHWHDPLVWKH showed our true dominance of VWLOODUHWKHEHQFKPDUNIRUVXFFHVV recipient of the Club Champion WKH&KXUFK%DVNHWEDOOOHDJXH in amateur basketball. Award. This is the first time Phil has At season’s end we had 4 teams been awarded Club Champion. in the top 8 teams of the entire :HKDGWHDPV & ' LQ%JUDGH FRPSHWLWLRQ:HKDGPHQVDQG DQGWKH\ILQLVKHGWRSDQGQG The Club strives to provide a ODGLHVWHDP³ILQLVKHGWRS 2 wins separating them. The Cs ZHOFRPLQJVWURQJDQGFRPSHWLWLYH PDGHILQDOVPDGH*UDQG and Ds contests had been tight atmosphere for old scholars and all year and when they faced off )LQDOVZRQIODJVDQGZRQDOO their friends to play basketball. intercols. All in all it was another in the qualifying final anything We are always looking for new could happen. With the scores tied players of any level to join in the VXFFHVVIXO\HDUIRUWKH3$2&%& and 20 sec left the Ds got the ball fun and add to our Club. We have  This year the competition decided inside and scored on the buzzer to one of the lowest membership fees Old Scholars’ Sport and part time/student discounts. So if you’re an Old Red looking IRUDEDVNHWEDOOFOXEFRPHMRLQ us. Check our website at http:// for more information. Nathan Graham Chairman Prince Alfred Old Collegians’ Cricket Club The PAOCCC had a somewhat disappointing end to the 2013/14 season with only the one premiership coming in the LOD GD\FRPSHWLWLRQGHIHDWLQJ2OG Ignatius in an amazing match with Chris Drew and Michael Siciliano getting the boys over the line. .DLQ1RDFN UXQV DQG$QGUHZ +HLWPDQQ ZLFNHWV ZHUHWKH best with the bat and ball in the (*UDGH 7KH$*UDGHILQLVKHGPLQRU 3UHPLHUVEXWZHUHEXQGOHGRXWE\ Goodwood after being unable to chase down the 192 for victory in Div 8 C Grade Premiers WKHVHPLILQDOSUHPDWXUHO\HQGLQJ what looked like a promising season. Greg Carmody won the Ted 7KH'*UDGHZHUHDEOHWRVQHDN ROGVFKRODUVLQ6LPRQ%URZQ(G into the finals under the captaincy 1RUPDQ&XSIRU$*UDGH%DWWLQJ 7KRPDV7RP6LPSVRQ&KDUOHV UXQV 7LP%RXFDXWZRQWKH of Will Thomas eventually losing Marshall and Chris Short who Murray M. Wellington Shield for WRSUHPLHUV8QOH\ZKRZHUHWKH have all transitioned straight from $*UDGH%RZOLQJ ZLFNHWV DQG dominant team all season in the VFKRROFULFNHWWRWKHFOXEZKLFKLV Drew Clayfield won the Olsson C2 competition. The D’s made wonderful. a good start to their day having )DPLO\7URSK\IRU$*UDGH)LHOGLQJ The club’s lower grades are always 8QOH\XQIRUWXQDWHO\OHWWLQJ 7KH%*UDGHZDVDOVRNQRFNHG Unley put on a further 80 runs for looking for active players with training taking place at the school out by Goodwood losing a tight WKHODVWZLFNHWV7KH'·V%DWWLQJ VHPLILQDOE\UXQVWRHYHQWXDO just couldn’t get started after on Tuesday and Thursday nights on SUHPLHUV*RRGZRRGWKLVUHVXOW that being knocked over for just the front oval. was a vast improvement for the 0LFKDHO&ODUNH UXQV DQG Further details in relation %*UDGHDIWHU&KULVWPDVPDNLQJ :LOO7KRPDV ZLFNHWV ZRQWKH to the club are available at the finals for the first time in 3 DZDUGVLQWKH'*UDGH VHDVRQV7KH%*UDGHDJJUHJDWHV ZHUHZRQE\0D[&ODUNH  I would especially like to mention %UDG:HLGHQKRIHU ZLFNHWV DQG'DYLG/DUNLQV  DQGWKDQN%UDG:HLGHQKRIHUZKRP Chairman UXQV ZKRDOVRZRQWKH5HGPDQ has stepped down from his role as Award for best player across all chairman and off the committee Prince Alfred Old grades. IRUWKHILUVWWLPHLQ\HDUV%UDG has at times single handily kept the Collegians’ Football Club 7KH&*UDGHKDGDIRUJHWWDEOH FOXEUXQQLQJDQG,WKDQNKLPIRU The 2014 season saw the Reds season with the team playing in all his time and effort. It was fitting add a fifth team and resulted a competition of cricket that was WKDW%UDGZDVDZDUGHGWKH0RIIDW in record playing numbers. The unfortunately beyond the depth of )DPLO\7URSK\IRU%HVW&OXEPDQDW year delivered three premierships WKHWHDPDOWKRXJKLWJDYHVRPH the End of Season Dinner. ZLWKRXU%*UDGHJRLQJWKURXJK of the young players in Simon undefeated and our C and D Grade %HDQDQGQHZSOD\HUVWRWKHFOXE 7KHVHDVRQVHHVVRPH also winning flags. a chance to see the level to work fresh and very talent cricketers WRZDUGV7KH&*UDGHDJJUHJDWH join the PAOCCC for the first Our A Grade showed a great deal WURSKLHVZHQWWR$QWRQ\%UDEKDP WLPHZLWKUHFHQWROGVFKRODUV of promise through the year and ZLFNHWV DQG6LPRQ%HDQ  7RP%ULQVOH\6HE0RURQH\6DP finished the minor round in third UXQV ZKRDOVRZRQWKH0DUN *XQQLQJDOOMRLQLQJWKH$*UDGH place. This provided the side with 6FKZDUW]$ZDUGIRU%HVWDQG and have to date performed very a double chance come the finals Under Player. ZHOO:HDOVRZHOFRPH´QHZµ and a famous win at Scotch gave  Old Scholars’ Sport

Final under lights at Thebarton against Golden Grove. Tim Sanders continues to dominate the division DQGRQFHDJDLQWRRNRXWWKH%HVW DQG)DLUHVW7KLVZDVWKHWK SUHPLHUVKLSLQ\HDUVIRUWKHVLGH and Nick Sanders was the only SOD\HUWRKDYHSOD\HGLQDOORI these. The D Grade took out the Division 8 Reserves premiership in a game to remember against Hope Valley. The side trailed all day against the favourites but managed to take the lead deep into the last quarter ZLWKD+DUU\%LO\NJRDO&KDRWLF celebratory scenes took place after the game and the side deserves a great deal of credit for the character they showed in achieving the win. Cameron Garry took out WKH%HVWDQG)DLUHVWZLWK-DFN'HQW runner up. The E Grade in their first season managed to achieve a Grand Final appearance. Pembroke were the 3DWULFN6DGOLHU 0RVW,PSURYHG -DPHV0F*UHJRU %HVWDQG)DLUHVW +DPLVK7UHJHDJOH &HGULF stand out team for the season and +RUVHILHOG7URSK\:LQQHU DQG$OH[DQGHU&KDSPDQ &OXE&KDLUPDQ DWWKH+RFNH\'LQQHU were too strong on Grand Final day but the side should be very performance for the year against proud of its achievements. Nick us in the Preliminary Final. 3HPEHUWRQWRRNRXWWKH%HVWDQG Justin Graetz was the stand out Fairest while John Waltham was player for the season winning the the Club Leading Goalkicker with 5RVV&-RKQVWRQ7URSK\IRU%HVW JRDOV and Fairest and the Ron M Carter The season will be also Award for most votes across all remembered for off field grades. Adam Perryman was runner achievements as well with up despite not being available WZRYHU\VXFFHVVIXO%XVLQHVV for the entire season due to work Lunches held at the Hackney commitments. Chris Hannemann Hotel. On the first occasion we 6RFFHU5LFKDUG*DOH ² DQG was rewarded for a consistent held a pre Showdown lunch with %URGLH'REVRQ.HHIIH ² season taking out the Club Rookie Mark Ricciuto and Peter Rohde of the Year. previewing the game before our The side will be very optimistic JXHVWVSHDNHU&UDLJ.HOO\ DERXWWKHLUFKDQFHVIRUZLWK For the second business lunch Tom Martin taking over as coach Wayne Phillips was our host and DQG7UR\0F.LQQRQWDNLQJXSWKH Greg Ritchie the guest speaker. We role as Director of Coaching. PDQDJHGWRVTXHH]HPHPEHUV of the Reds business community ,QWKH%*UDGHWKHVLGHZHQW through the season undefeated into the Hackney Hotel for the becoming the first PAOCFC side occasion. to do so. It was a remarkable Jim Parkinson and Geoff Prest %*UDGH6RFFHU7HDPDW3DUN achievement by the team and ZHUHMRLQWO\DZDUGHGWKH%HVW showed the depth at the Club. Club Man while Mackenzie Jarvis the team a double chance at a +HQU\2OVVRQWRRNRXWWKH%HVW was acknowledged for his hard and Fairest and was also rewarded Grand Final spot. Payneham were work on the committee and with the pace setter all year and against ZLWKWKH/HDJXH%HVWDQG)DLUHVW the A Grade by collecting the the odds we led in the final quarter 0HGDO0D[%XUIRUGZDVUHZDUGHG Headmasters Award. against them but couldn’t hold on. IRUPDNLQJWKHVWHSXSWR%*UDGH with the Most Improved Award. :HQRZORRNIRUZDUGWRWKH Payneham would go on to win the season and there is a great deal premiership against Sacred Heart Our C Grade had an impressive of optimism. We hope that the OC who put on arguably their best season and took out the Grand development of Park 9 will start  Old Scholars’ Sport to gain momentum in the off %RWKWKH$DQG%WHDPVILQLVKHGLQ 7UHDVXUHU³:/DWKOHDQ&DSWDLQ season and look forward to the the top 4 and were in contention — R Catchpole commencement of pre season with for promotion right up until the It was decided to practice at our new coaching team. end. 1HZFRPEH·VDQGWRHQWHUWHDPV Michael Siciliano The 2014 Season saw significant SHUWHDP LQWKHIRUWKFRPLQJ Chairman developments in the Club’s off Winter competition. No successes field culture. The game attendances were gained during the Winter but Prince Alfred Old were significantly higher in the Summer season 2 of our Collegians’ Hockey Club WKDQSUHYLRXV\HDUVWKH&OXE teams played off in the finals but commenced hosting barbeques were both beaten. 3$&+&KDGDWRXJK\HDULQ at home games and organized a Ross Catchpole won the Club losing a few key players from the number of social events with the Champ and was presented with a 2013 season due to moving away Seymour College Old Collegians’ trophy presented by the President. IURP$GHODLGHDQGQHZUHFUXLWV Soccer Club. also not being able to continue Members of our Club helped The Club would like to thank its for the full year. The season ended entertain members of the visiting major sponsor Drake Supermarkets ZLWKVHYHQZLQVRQHGUDZDQGWHQ English team. No actual committee for their support in Season 2014. ORVVHVWRILQLVKLQVHYHQWKWKLUWHHQ meetings were held but the Club The Club would also like to thank points away from making finals. was run by the Sec & Treasurer the contributions made by our 7KHWHDPVFRUHGJRDOVZKLOVW with references to committee volunteers as without their support FRQFHGLQJIRUWKH\HDU+DPLVK ZKHQVHHQDW3HQQDQW0DWFKHVµ Eske was our leading goal scorer the Club would not exist. This extract comes from the with nine goals. The award winners The Club is looking for a coach for opening page of ‘Prince Alfred Old for 2014 were James McGregor WKHVHDVRQ7KHSRVLWLRQLVD Collegians Squash Rackets Club — FROOHFWLQJKLVWKLUG%HVWDQG)DLUHVW paid position. If you are interested The First Years’ written by Peter and Patrick Sadlier winning Most SOHDVHFRQWDFW:LOO.DWVDPELV Dalwood Snr. who died in 2000 and Improved. 0RU0LFKDHO finished his squash playing career &KULVRKRRX0RU( The Club thanks Tom Ricketts for for the Old Scholars in 1986. his ongoing support as sponsor [email protected] On 11 February 2014 the Club through the Seven Stars Hotel. We Michael Chrisohoou will again be fielding one team Chairman WXUQHG next season in the HockeySA Over the last few years times have 0HWUR·VGLYLVLRQZLWKWKHVHDVRQ Prince Alfred Old been tough for our Squash Club JHWWLQJXQGHUZD\LQ$SULO Collegians’ Squash Club due in part to our pennant and If you are interested in either internal competition teams being 7KHVW

2014 Australia Day Honours The Prince Alfred Old Collegians’ Association congratulates the following Old Reds who were honoured in the 2014 Australia Day Honours: 0HGDO2I7KH2UGHU2I$XVWUDOLD 2$0 Mr Wayne R ANTHONEY  )RUVHUYLFHWR,QGLJHQRXV$XVWUDOLDQVDQGWRWKHSHUIRUPLQJDUWV 0U'DYLG%&$57(5   For service to the Families of Deceased Veterans. Mr W Rex JORY  )RUVHUYLFHWRMRXUQDOLVPDQGWRWKHFRPPXQLW\RI6RXWK$XVWUDOLD Mr Scott M McPHEE  For service to sport as a Gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. 0HPEHU2I7KH2UGHU2I$XVWUDOLD $0 (PHULWXV3URIHVVRU$QGUHZ/*,/%(57   )RUVLJQLILFDQWVHUYLFHWRSKDUPDF\DVDQHGXFDWRUUHVHDUFKHUDQGDGPLQLVWUDWRUDQGWRSURIHVVLRQDORUJDQLVDWLRQV Dr Mark E GRYST  )RUVLJQLILFDQWVHUYLFHWRGHQWLVWU\WKURXJKDUDQJHRIFOLQLFDOUHVHDUFKDQGHGXFDWLRQDOUROHVDQGWRSURIHVVLRQDO organisations. 4XHHQ·V%LUWKGD\+RQRXUV The Prince Alfred Old Collegians’ Association congratulates the following Old Reds who were honoured in the 4XHHQ·V%LUWKGD\+RQRXUV 0HPEHU2I7KH2UGHU2I$XVWUDOLD $0 Associate Professor Leslie G CLELAND ²  )RUVLJQLILFDQWVHUYLFHWRPHGLFLQHDVDFOLQLFLDQSDUWLFXODUO\LQWKHILHOGRIUKHXPDWRORJ\DQGWRSURIHVVLRQDO medical organisations. Mr Robert L HANNAFORD   For the significant service to the visual arts as a painter.

Marriages Two Marriages were conducted in the Eric Freak Memorial Chapel as follows: 29 March 2014 %HQMDPLQ5REHUW.5$1=DQG)HOLFLW\$QQH6:$1%85< 2FWREHU 6LPRQ$QGUHZ%8%1(5DQG.ULVW\$QQH67803

 PAOCA Incorporated PAOCA Incorporated )RXQGHG From down the far years comes the clarion call:



 PAOCA Past Presidents Past Presidents -$+DUWOH\ 1931 R. Vardon &/0F.D\ 1989 T.P. Moffat (%&ROWRQ $/%HUWUDP 1961 A.J. Clarkson 1990 I.M. Rudd 1894 G.M. Evan 1933 A.G. Collison 1962 A.W. Crompton 33%DFFLDUHOOL *6&RWWRQ 1934 S.W. Jeffries 1963 D.L. Davies 1992 A.L. Chapman 1896 A.W. Piper 35&ODULGJH 1964 J.H. Gerard 1993 G.E. Taplin )$&KDSPDQ 1936 L.S. Clarkson 5:3LSHU 1994 C.P. Moffat 1898 A. Hill )/&ROOLVRQ 5%&UDYHQ &30RIIDW 1899 J.H. Chinner 1938 A.G. Trott %$)ULFNHU 1996 A.M. Olsson 1900 G.W. Cooper 1939 J. Crompton 1968 D.S. Riceman $'&:DONHU 1901 J.W. Grasby 1940 W.J. Hiatt 1969 E.F.W. Hunwick '-%ODQFK 1902 A.E. Davey 1941 F.T. Cooper :0-RKQVRQ 1999 P.A. Crouch 1903 G.W.R. Lee 1942 L.S. Walsh 0%0F/DFKODQ 2000 R.J. Hall 1904 P.E. Johnstone 1943 F.E. Piper (9&R[ $-%UDVKHU :5%D\O\ 1944 H.N. Shepley -*%XQGH\ 2002 S. Heylen $&&DWW &-*ORYHU %.+REEV 2003 A.A. Willcox 1912 J.R. Robertson *.5\GHU %-3RWWHU 2004 F.G. Hamood 1$:HEE 0:(YDQV '-7XFNHU 3%%URRNV :'7D\ORU 1948 J.F.W. Dunn 5-%\UQH 2006 S.R. Miller $$/5RZOH\ 1949 G.T. Clarke 5**HUDUG 50:LOVRQ :6.HOO\ '$&ODUNVRQ *&0DUVKDOO 2008 A.J. Clarkson 1922 R.O. Fox 5:3HDUVRQ %-)UDQFLV 2009 A.J. Clarkson 1923 S.G. Lawrence /3$/DZUHQFH 1981 D.C. Hassell 2010 F.G. Hamood 1924 H.H. Cowell 5:0-RKQVRQ 32%XWWHU\ 3%%URRNV 0(ULFKVHQ )+&KDSPDQ 1983 A.M. Olsson *%%XUILHOG 1926 L.D. Waterhouse 1$:DOVK 1984 A.G. Gerard 2013 J. Jovicevic 7&&UDYHQ 17RGG 5:+RQH 2014 J. Jovicevic +%3LSHU )&+DVVHOO 1986 G.D. Evans -0%DWK 3(&ODUN 1*$0DF'RQDOG :5%D\O\ 16$QJHO 0:%7KRPSVRQ The objects of the Association are: 1. The furtherance of all that appertains to the welfare of Prince Alfred College. 2. The promotion of unity and friendship among the Old Scholars of the College. 3. The maintenance of the interest of Old Scholars of the College. 2OG%R\V·:HHNLVREVHUYHGDQQXDOO\LQWKHODVWZHHNRI-XO\ $QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ 7KHWK$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJRIWKH3ULQFH$OIUHG2OG&ROOHJLDQV·$VVRFLDWLRQZLOOEHKHOGRQ7KXUVGD\ 1RYHPEHUDWSPLQWKH$VKWRQ5RRP/HYHORIWKHPDLQEXLOGLQJDW3ULQFH$OIUHG&ROOHJH Members are requested to note this date in their diaries and make every endeavour to be present. PAC Chronicles ,QHDUO\WKH&ROOHJH$UFKLYLVW0U7RQ\$OGRXVDSSURDFKHGWKH3$2&$VHHNLQJIXQGLQJIRUWKHVFDQQLQJRI the College’s Chronicles which date from 1884 to current. The PAOCA at their June 2013 meeting agreed to fund the scanning of all PAC Chronicles and is pleased to confirm that this project is complete. The Chronicles may be YLHZHGRQOLQHDWZZZSDRFDFRP The PAOCA wishes to thank Mr Tony Aldous for his dedication and commitment to this valuable project. Archives 7KH&ROOHJHLVYHU\SURXGRILWVDUFKLYHVZKLFKKDVJURZQRYHUPDQ\\HDUVWRSURYLGHDZRQGHUIXOUHFRUGRIWKH &ROOHJHVLQFH$UFKLYLVW0U7RQ\$OGRXVLVDOZD\VNHHQWRUHFHLYHVXLWDEOHPDWHULDOIRUWKHDUFKLYHVZKHWKHU LWLVROGVFKRROSKRWRJUDSKVSURJUDPVRURWKHULWHPVRIPHPRUDELOLD 0U$OGRXVFDQEHFRQWDFWHGDWWKH&ROOHJHRQ0RQGD\ :HGQHVGD\7HORU(PDLOWDOGRXV#SDFHGXDX  Staff List Teaching Staff 0U-&URVV  %(G 7HFKQRORJ\  0U&'-RUGLVRQ  'LS7 6HF  8QL6$ ²$FWLQJ






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