CHRONICLE 2014 Front cover images from artsPACes 2014. Thank you to those who helped in the production of the Chronicle 2014: Festival City Photography, Richard Lyons and James Elsby for the photography. To view and purchase College photographs of major events, class groups or images of co-curricular sports and music, please visit www.festivalphoto.com.au. We are grateful to Elena Toskas, Co-ordinator, Margaret Gleaves, Editor, and Sally O’Connor, Graphic Designer, for their commitment to inspire excellence in this production. INSPIRING EXCELLENCE Our Vision Inspiring excellence Our Purpose Prince Alfred College develops young men who will engage in the world with confidence and compassion. We are a community that seeks to challenge and inspire students and maximise every boy’s potential. Our Values :HYDOXHDFDGHPLFH[FHOOHQFHSHUVRQDOGHYHORSPHQW and achievement. :HEHOLHYHLQH[FHOOHQFHLQWHDFKLQJOHDGHUVKLSDQG teamwork and an appreciation of Christian principles. :HDSSUHFLDWHDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOFRQFHSWRIFXUULFXOXP and a sense of citizenship. :HPDNHHYHU\HIIRUWWRGHYHORSZHOOURXQGHG\RXQJ PHQE\QXUWXULQJWKHLULQWHOOHFWXDOSK\VLFDOVRFLDO emotional and spiritual capabilities. :HHQFRXUDJHER\VWRJURZLQWRFRQILGHQWDQG FRPSDVVLRQDWHPHQE\IRVWHULQJWKHLULQGHSHQGHQFH VHOIGLVFLSOLQHLQWHJULW\DQGVRFLDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\ :HUHFRJQLVHWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKH&ROOHJHDVD FRPPXQLW\ZLWKVKDUHGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVLQFOXGLQJ VWXGHQWVSDUHQWVVWDIIROGVFKRODUVDQGIULHQGVRI Princes. Contents Prince Alfred College 2 Early Learning Centre 19 The Preparatory School 24 The Middle School 49 The Senior School 62 Friends of PAC 128 Foundation 129 Old Collegians 131 The School List 164 Jacob Lucey Year 10 The College Council 0U5LFKDUG+RFNQH\'U%HQ7LGVZHOO0U-RKQ.HHYHV3URIHVVRU1LJHO%HDQ Absent: The Moderator Dr Deidre Palmer 0V.DWK\*UDPS0U%UDGOH\)HQQHU0UV-RDQQH)R[ & Mr David Sanders The College Council 2013 Prince Alfred College Foundation Moderator of the Uniting Church ,Q$XVWUDOLD3UHVE\WHU\DQG Dr D Palmer President Dr J L Young Synod of SA 0U.57XWW 7HUP Chairman 0U-6.HHYHV Mr N D Andary $FWLQJ+HDGPDVWHU Headmaster Deputy Chairman Mr R F Hockney 7HUPVDQG 0U%7)HQQHU Treasurer Mr D T Sanders 6HSWHPEHU 0U.57XWW 7HUP Treasurer Mr C Tasborski 0U1'$QGDU\ $FWLQJ Headmaster Executive Mr D F Cornish +HDGPDVWHU7HUPVDQG Officer 0U%7)HQQHU 6HSWHPEHU Allocations Dr J L Young PAOCA Dr R J Hall Members 3URIHVVRU1*%HDQ Governors Dr C F A Dibden 'U%-7LGVZHOO and Trustee 0V.*UDPS Fellows Mr H G P Chapman Mrs J Fox Dr D Lesicar Minute Secretary Mrs M Gleaves Members Ms L La Forgia Mr N Heard 2 Executive List Headmaster 0U%7)HQQHU Deputy Head of School Mr M Dell’Oro 6HSWHPEHU %$ +RQV %(G 0HOERXUQH — Senior 'LS7%(G0(G 8:$ 0$&(/ 0$&()$,0 Deputy Head of School Mr M Oomens Headmaster 0U.57XWW — Middle %$*UDG'LS(G $GHODLGH 06F WRHQG7HUP %$*UDG'LS(G &XUWLQ *UDG 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\1HZ<RUN 'LS(G6WXGLHV0(G (GLWK&RZDQ Deputy Head of School 0$&(0$&(/ Mr S Watt — Preparatory %7HDFK 8QL6$ Deputy Headmaster/Head of Schools Mr N Andary Assistant Director of 0U00F.LQQRQ Acting Headmaster %(G +RQV 8QL6$ 0(G Teaching and Learning: %$ $GHODLGH %$ +RQV $SULO$XJXVW /HDGHUVKLSDQG0DQDJHPHQW )OLQGHUV ,%'3 'HDNLQ 3*&( ([HWHU Chaplain Reverend M Dickens Assistant Director of Mr J Rylatt Teaching and Learning: %6F +RQV 5R\DO+ROORZD\ Community Service 'LS36 $&' %7K )OLQGHUV %$ $ERULJLQDO6WXGLHV 8QL6$ 06RF SACE and Teaching and &ROOHJH²8QLYHUVLW\RI/RQGRQ 3*&( &RRUGLQDWRUDQG,%&$6 Learning Leader: PLP 8QLYHUVLW\RI%DWK Coordinator 6FL &RXQVHOOLQJ 8QL6$ Assistant Director of Mr N Raimondo Director of Organisational Miss T Learmonth Teaching and Learning: %'HV +RQV 0'HV%(G Development 0%$ $GHODLGH 'LS7 8QL6$ MYP 8QL6$ Executive Director School 0U6%DFRQ Assistant Director of 0UV.%DLUG Services 0%$ $GHODLGH Teaching and Learning: %(G -XQLRU3ULPDU\3ULPDU\ Director of Teaching and 0U.6SDUNV PYP 8QL6$ Learning %6F +RQV 8QLYHUVLW\ Assistant Director of Mrs L Foster RI6DOIRUG8. 3RVW*UDG&HUW(G Teaching and Learning: %(G -XQLRU3ULPDU\DQG3ULPDU\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI+XOO8. PYP 8QL6$ +HDGRI%RDUGLQJ Mr D Roylett %6RF6FL 8QLYHUVLW\RI:HVWHUQ 6\GQH\ *UDG'LS6HF(G &DQEHUUD 0(G (GXFDWLRQDO/HDGHUVKLS &KDUOHV6WXUW 3 Headmaster’s Report %UDGOH\7)HQQHU Headmaster In providing some reflections on even greater appreciation of his my short time so far at Prince contribution to the good fortune $OIUHG&ROOHJH,ZRXOGILUVWO\ of this fine school. Prince Alfred like to acknowledge the two College is a school in good shape gentlemen who have preceded and also in good heart. And this me in the role this year and have can be contributed in no small between them been in charge part to a number of initiatives and for the majority of the year. developments that have taken ,QWKHILUVWLQVWDQFH,ZLVKWR ,KDYHNQRZQ.HYLQZHOODQG SODFHGXULQJ.HYLQ·VWHQXUHRYHU DFNQRZOHGJH.HYLQ7XWWZKR have worked closely with him on the last ten years. served Prince Alfred College in VRPHVKDUHGSURMHFWVRYHUWKH RXWVWDQGLQJIDVKLRQRYHU\HDUV ODVW\HDUV6LQFHWDNLQJRYHU $PRQJVWRWKHUWKLQJVWKHFRQFHSW including ten years as Headmaster. IURPKLPDW3$&,KDYHJDLQHGDQ of the Princes Man draws has EXLOWRQWKHWUDGLWLRQVYDOXHVDQG KHULWDJHRIWKH&ROOHJHDVZHOODV providing an inspirational message for our students. The development RIWKHDFDGHPLFSURJUDP particularly through embedding WKH6$&(DQG,%GXDOSDWKZD\ the upgrading of our facilities including the outstanding RED &HQWUHDQGWKHUHFHQWLQQRYDWLRQ RIWKH(DUO\/HDUQLQJ&HQWUHZLOO all remain as significant legacies of the Tutt Headship. I would also like to acknowledge the Deputy Headmaster and +HDGRI6FKRROV1HLO$QGDU\ particularly for his work as Acting Headmaster during Second and Third Terms. As anyone associated ZLWK3ULQFHVNQRZV1HLOLVDPDQ RIJUHDWZLVGRPFRPPRQVHQVH and good humour. I have enjoyed getting to know him and have IHOWZHOOSUHSDUHGIRUWDNLQJ RYHUEHFDXVHRIKLVWKRXJKWIXO briefings on a range of issues. We are fortunate to have an educator of his calibre in this key role and I am thoroughly enjoying working with him. In making a few observations about my time at Prince Alfred &ROOHJHVRIDU,GRQRWZLVKVLPSO\ to repeat the list of achievements which are reported elsewhere in this publication. Whilst I have enjoyed attending some ZRQGHUIXOHYHQWVDQGVHHLQJ some impressive achievements E\RXUVWXGHQWV,ZLOOFRQILQHP\ remarks to some brief reflections and observations. 4 Headmaster’s Report 1HLO$QGDU\%UDGOH\)HQQHUDQG6FRWW3DUNHUZLWKWKH6HQLRU3UHIHFWV $WP\LQGXFWLRQZKLFKLVUHSRUWHG HOVHZKHUH,VSRNHDERXWWKH importance of pride. One of the things which has come through to me very clearly is the pride that members of our community have in their association with Prince Alfred College. This can be seen in the wonderful support IRU2OG6FKRODUHYHQWVWKH passion of our students in their Intercollegiate sporting events and the commitment of our staff. This is an exciting time to be part of Prince Alfred College. We have a solid interest in places at PAC and have had steady growth in recent years to achieve a record enrolment this year of close to 1100 students. Whilst we do not wish to grow the school VLJQLILFDQWO\ZHDQWLFLSDWHWKDW these has been the death of have made my family and me feel over the next few years we will RQHRIRXUWHDFKHUV0UV0DULH very welcome during our first fill up the remaining places and 0LOLFHYLFGXULQJ)RXUWK7HUPDV term and a half at Prince Alfred achieve our capacity. We have a result of cancer. This came as College. This has reinforced to me some significant plans for the a great shock for many in the the image of a welcoming and further development of our VFKRROFRPPXQLW\EXWZHKDYH LQFOXVLYHFRPPXQLW\ZKLFKLVRI facilities and we are also looking been pleased to have had the course exactly the kind of school forward greatly to an exciting opportunity to pay tribute to this that we should aspire to be. WLPHOHDGLQJXSWRRXUWK fine teacher and gracious woman. anniversary in 2019. %UDGOH\)HQQHU ,QFRQFOXVLRQ,ZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN Headmaster This year has not been without all the members of the Prince its sad occasions and one of Alfred College community who Headmaster’s Report And mana does not exist only Headmaster’s LQLQGLYLGXDOVLWLVDOVRSUHVHQW ZLWKLQJURXSVRUJDQLVDWLRQVDQG Induction institutions. Prince Alfred College has mana within the educational September 2014 FRPPXQLW\ZLWKLQWKLVFLW\DQG VWDWHDQGHYHQIXUWKHUDILHOG It gives me great pleasure to commence as the 11th It has the standing which comes Headmaster of Prince Alfred ZLWK\HDUVRIWKHSXUVXLWRI College. All that I have seen of excellence in the education of Prince Alfred College over many P\SUHYLRXVVFKRRO,ZDVZHOO ER\VDQG\RXQJPHQ%XWZKDWLV \HDUVDQGDOOWKDW,KDYHOHDUQW aware of the Maori tradition that really significant is that the mana LQUHFHQWPRQWKVDQGZHHNV when someone moves from one of the institution is also increased and enhanced by the actions of has given me the highest regard FRPPXQLW\WRDQRWKHUPHPEHUV DQGUHVSHFWIRUWKLVVFKRROLWV of the first community go with the individuals who make up that LGHDOVDQGWUDGLWLRQVDQGPRVW the person who is leaving to community. That wonderful gallery importantly the education that it hand them over to their new displayed on the walls of our continues to provide. community. I think that rites of VFKRRORXU3ULQFHV0HQFHOHEUDWHV passage are important to mark the the achievements and lives of 7KHUH·VDORWWROLNHDERXW3ULQFHV individuals who have not only PDMRUWUDQVLWLRQVLQRXUOLYHVDV 7KHFRPPLWPHQWDQGHIIRUWV we leave one phase and move on made a great contribution to the wider community in their chosen of hundreds and thousands WRWKHQH[W)RUPHWKLVKDVKHOSHG of members of the Princes to mark the completion of one ILHOGEXWKDYHDOVRLQFUHDVHGWKH
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