Special Supplement to THE JOURNAL, Vol. 22, No.1


INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 to 20 (1934-1956)




INDEX TO VOLS. 1 TO 20 Five sections of indexes have been arranged for convenience of readers: (a) PERSONS (prominent during the last 150 years). (b) TRIBES, TRIBAL AREAS AND DISTRICTS. (c) GENERAL INDEX. (d) REVIEWS. (e) AUTHORS. References in (a) and (b) arc usually not included in (c). Whilst every endeavour has been made to put into practice the excellent advice given on page 105 of Vol. 13 in the limited time available to the compiler, it is hoped that f'lly errors of omission or commission will be forgiven and suggestions of readers sent for incorporation in future indices. F. LUKYN WILLIAMS.

(a) INDEX OF PERSONS (This list is not exhaustive, and only the more prominent persons who have featured in the history of East , during the past 150 years are included. For others see under GENERAL INDEX.) .

Ahmed bin Ibrahim, 1/22, 39-4{); 2/270; Churchill (Sir Winston S.), 13 /91-3. 11/110. - (Lord Randolph), 2/46. Aliidina Visram, 4/48; 10/145; 11/49; Colvile, Col. H. E., 1/84, 2/213, 214; 13/217; 20/21,22. 5/65; 6/128,206; 7/7 ; 13/173; 16/33; ;\polo Kagwa (Sir), 2/259; 4/165; 5/66; 17/16; 19/95. 6/126,129; 10/132; 11/113-17; 13/23­ Combe, A. D., 2/23, 25, 26, 226-8; 6, 29, 35, 40, 47, 48. 14/108. Ashe, Rev. R. P., 1/48; 6/125,127; 8/20; Cook, J. H. Dr., 11/127, 128. 13/6, 17, 18; 15/86, 88-90; 20/75,76, - (Sir) Albert R. (Dr.), 1/83-95; 2/97­ 86. 115; 5/149, 153; 10/168-70; 15/211: Allstin, Maj. H. H., 16/39, 48, 49. 17/24, 25; 20/126-8. Awich, 10/76-8; 11/7; 12/72-82, 84, Coote, J. M., 20/105-8, 122-3. 87, 90, 91, 123, 127; 14/223, 224; Crabtree, Rev. W. A., 4/190; 6/132, 133; 15/139; 16/36; 45, 133-7; 18/21-3. 10/35, 36. Acilte Fr., 17/14, 1.9-22. Cunningham, Maj. G. G., 10/127-9; 16/33. Baker (Sir Samuel), 1/25, 26, 28, 29; --J. F., 3/241. 5/63, 64; 8/29. 30; 11/64-6, 68, 70, S~. 89, 121, 122, 125; 13/125; 5/3, Dale, K: H., 20/218. 124-7, 134. Dallington (Muftawa), James, 1/35, 36; B8rghash bin Said, Sultan, 15/52,54, 63; 2/67; 11/88, Ill, 112. 17 /96. Dawe, M. T., 2/46, 79, 110. Baxter, Dr. E. J., 1/85, 86. De1me-Radcliffe, Col. c., 4/39; 6/133; Behrens, Lieut., 11 /9, 11. 12, 26, 29. 10/77; 11/9-29,126,127; 12/75,76,81, Bell. Sir H. Hesketh, 2/79; 4/153; 6/135; 82, 89, 95; 16/132-41. 13/91,217; 15/30. Doggett, W. J., 11 / 13, 27, 28, 58; 12/95. - (Karamoja), W. D. M., 19/25, 106-9. Driberg, J. H., 10/40,41. Bellcfonds, E. Linant de, 1/31-5, 83; Duhaga I (Mukama), 5/57, 58; 10/111, 217-13,65; 5/284; 15/6; 20/84. 112. Berkeley, Ernest (Sir), 1/84, 88; 7/72, 73 ; Duhaga II, Andereya, 2/259; 15/212. 16/41. Duhara of Ruampara, 11/18, 19. Biermans, Bishop, 2/108. Duke of York, 2/209. Bono. Andrea de. 1/25; 6/177, 180-2, 188, 190; 15/123. Emin Pasha. 1/38, 39, 42, 43, 47, 84; Borup. K., 2/79, 104. 110; 4/31, 32; 2/197, 201-5; 5/285; 8/31; 11/6, 89­ 10/33; 11/121; 12/183, 192, 193. 92; 12/122-7; 13/5, 235, 236; 14/17, Boyle, A. G. (Sir), 6/135; 12/182; 20/108. 41, 219, 220; 15/11, 131-9; 16/175. Buckley, Archdeacon, 17/23, 24. 176; \7/96. Evatt, Col. J. T., 6/131; 16/45-6. Cameron, Lieut. V. L., 11/87; 12/69-70; 13/125; 14/119,120,126. Fademulla Murjan, Sultan of Aringa, Carpenter. G. D. Hale, 17/193. 18/178-80. Casati, Maj. G., 6/178; 2/197. Fadl-el-Mula, 14/49, 103; 16/32-3; 19/95. Chaille-Long, Col., 1/30-2; 5/284; 8/30; Felkin, R. W., 1/29,46; 8/31; 17/158; 11 /87, 89; 15/3; 20/82, 84. 19/64, 65; 20/85, 86. Chippindall, Lieut., 15/128, 129. Fischer, Dr., 13/17, 19,20. 2 UGANDA JOURNAL Fisher, Rev. A. B., 14/226; 17/14. 13 /119-29; 14/115-28, 222, 223; 15/1, Fletcher, T. B., 4/162-7. 2; 17/97. Livinhac, Fr., 1/45,46; 2/99; 14/26,30, Gedge, E., 4/189; 12/129-33; 15/58, 159­ 41; 20/20, 86. 60; 16/175,176; 20/114-20. Lloyd, Rev. A. B., 12/76, 78. Gessi, R., 1/31, 36; 5/284; 8/31; 12/70. Lourdel, Fr., 1/44; 13/13, 14, 19; 14/16, Giovanni Miani, 6/177, 178, 192; 15/123, 18,26,30,41,45; 15/58; 20/86. 165. Luba (Chief), 4/164, 165, 186, 187; 8/23, Godhino, Norman, 16/182. 24; 13/11,21,83; 14/40. Gordon, Col. Charles, 1/30,31,33-44,47; Lugarama (Chief), 11 /21, 22, 25. 2/8-12; 4/151; 5/68, 284-8; 8/30, 37; Lugard (Lord), F. J., 1/84; 2/41,80,205­ 13/125; 15/4-10, 127-33; 20/81, 82. 8; 4/166; 5/64,65; 6/126-7; 10/126; Gordon, Rev. E. C., 4/189; 14/19, 25, 12/35-42; 13/171; 14/49; 15/59, 60, 26, 43, 46. 140; 17/14,15; 18/81-7,93; 20/5. Gowers, Sir W. F., 19/105-6; 20/47. Grant, Capt. J. A., 1/24-6, 29, 129; 5/63; Macdonald, Maj. J. R. L., 1/91, 92, 95; 12/69, 70, 121; 15/7, 12, 13, 123-4; 2/215,218,219; 6/128,130,131; 10/77; 17/146-60. 12/2,4,42,80-2,163,164; 11/7; 15/60; Grant, William, 4/192; 6/128-30, 134; 16/37, 39-41, 44, 49, 50. 10/131,132; 17/24; 19/21,23. Mackay, A. M., 1/44,47,48; 4/30,272; 8/20,27; 11/91,112, 113; 13/5-13, 17, Haddon, E. B., 15/3l. 20, 21; 14/18, 26, 27, 31, 32,41,219, Ham Mukasa, 1/91; 6/58,59; 14/29,31, 220; 15/86, 89, 90; 18/13-20; 20/78. 34, 39. 80, 85, 86. Hanlon, Bishop, 2/108. Mackinnon, Sir W., 15/59; 18/81,82. Hannington, Bishop, 4/164-5; 8/19-27 ; Makaburi of Ruzumburu, 11 /21-2; 25-9. 11/113,119; 13/1-22; 14/18,19. Mahdi, The, 1/47; 12/75; 15/135-9; (Em- Hayes-Sadler, Col., 6/ 134; II / 13; 12/94, bassy from Kabarega); 19/93-5. 97, 172, 193. Marchand, Col., 1/9l. Hirth, Bishop, 15/60. Martin, James, 1/10,61,62, 145-9; 2/247; Hunter. Dr. H. H., 2/79, 110. 8/20,21; 12/188, 189. Martyr, Col. C, 10/77; 16/41-4. Jack, Maj. E. M., 14/14l. Mathews, Gen. W. Lloyd (Sir), 8/21; Jackson, Sir F. J., 1/61,66,89,92; 2/158, 13/13; 17/2. 159; 4/165, 189; 7/71, 138, 141; 8/26; Mbaguta, Nuwa, 10/124-35; 14/29. Also 11 /51; 12/34, 35. 129-33; 14/47, 229; see Treaties 2/200; 13 /175. 15/58,159; 16/28,29; 20/114-20. Mbogo, Nuhu, 1/24, 14/49. Johnston, Sir H. H., 2/7, 13, 103, 212, Millar, Rev. E., 5/144-8: 7/96; 11/191. 247; 6/131-3; 20/6. Miro (Chief), 4/190-3; 6/127; 11/66,102. Jones, Rev. W. H., 13/15-17. Moffat, Dr. R. U., 1/61, 63, 87; 3/24l. Jonveaux, Emile, 10/152-4. Moses, M., 2/79; 4/39; 15/204; 17/78: Junker, Dr., 13/6, 17: 15/170, 17l. 18/21-3. Muhammad Ali of Egypt, 15/123. Kabarega, 1/27. 36, 40: 5/63-8; 6/128, Muhumusa, 6/76-81. 129, 135; 7/71-3; 8/37: 10/77; 12/74, Mumia, see Mumias under GENERAL 76; 13/35,233,234; 14/47,49; 16/38, INDEX. 45,46; 17/14-16; 18/21,22; 19/62,63, Murchison, Sir R., 12/63, 64, 66, 67, 69; 65, 66; (Burial) 19/208. 13/107; 17/153. Kakunguru, Semei, 6/125-36; 10/35, 36, Mutesa, I., Mukabya (Kabaka), 1/22-50. 159-62; 11/55-6, 58. 59, 66; 12/175; 124-33, 156: 2/8, 10,65-70,83-5; 5/63, 14/40,44,48; 16/45,46; 19/20-6,38, 68,284,285; 6/58; 8/20; 10/141·3; 39; 19/156, 158; 20/10. 11/86-90, 96, 97, 110-12; 13/84-6: Kalema (Kabaka), 4/165; 5/64,65; 14/23,. 20/72·87. 27. 33-40. 44-8. Mutesa's Mother, 1/23, 128, 129; 2/83·5, Kamanya (Kabaka). 2/269; 16/149. 260. Kamurasi (Mukama), 1/25. 27; 5/62, 63. Mwanga (Kabaka), 4/162-7, 5/64·7: Kasagama (Mukama). 2/259; 12/38-41. 6/131: 8/20, 21, 24. 26; 10/126, 130, Kevin, Mother, 11/123. 131: 11/113-20: 13/2, 5-13, 224, 225; Kirk, Fr.. 6/134; 20/R2. 14/15-47: 15/53,57-61; 17/22-4; 20/5, Kirk. J. Dr. (Sir), 1/28.41. 45, 48; 8/21: 67, 73, 87. 13/3-6. 10, 11, 14, 15. 18-21; 14/222; 15/1-16. Ntare (Omugabc). 2/40. 41. 196-9,206·8: Kirkoatrick, Ca'1t.. 1/92. 101121i-30, 116: 12/29-31,37,38,41; Kitchener. H. H. (Lord). 16/37. 43. 13/222·3; 14/29. Kitching (Bishop), 19/7. 26, 33. 34. 39. Nuehr Aga, 1/37. 38: 5/284-5; 19/63. Kiwewa (Kabaka), 4/165; 14/23-7, 35; 20/54.56. Ochama (Chief), 12/121-8; 15/126, 131, Krapf, Rev. J. L., 1/71. 133. 135-7. O!!wok (Chief), 15/133, 134, 136; 16/34, Lavigerie. Cardinal, 1/44.46: 13/13. 31i. Litchfield, Rev. G., 1/48; 8/31. O'Flaherty. Rev. P., 1/47, 48; 13/9, 10; Livingstone. Dr. D.. 1/28: 10/79: 11/129; 15/204,205. 12/61, 63, 64, 66-8; (Muganda servant) Olal (Chief), Anderea, 11/7. INDEX 3 Olimi, 20/53,59,69. Sturrock, J. C. R., 13/84. O'Neill, T., 2/109; 13/12. Suleman bin Zeheir, 15/53, 54; 17/96. Ormsby,' S., 2/103; 4/11, 40; 11/47; Sullivan, C. E., 18/172-4. 20/122, 123. Suna (Kabaka), 1/22, 23, 124-6; 2/196, Owen, "Roddy", Maj., 12./41; 13/173, 269, 270; II /81-3, 86, 95, 110; 20/20, 175; 16/33; 17/1,16; 18 186,187. 79, 81. Parker, Bishop, 14/18, 19. Ternan, Maj. T., 1/89, 92; 5/66, 151; Pearson, C. W., 1/48; 8/31; 15/13. 6/131; 7/84; 16/14; 18/21; 19/21. Petherick, J., 1/25; 6/182, 192; 12/165. Thomson, Joseph, 8/20, 21; 13/5,6,8,15; Pilkington, G. L., 1/94, 95. 12/131. Pordage, F., 2/98, 103; 4/40; II /47, 48. Thruston, Maj. A. B., 1/93, 2/97, 5/173; Portal, Sir Gerald, 1/84; 15/62, 63; 17/1- 16/32, 35; 18/21. 7, 16; 18/83, 98, 99; 20/84. Tiedemann, A. von, 2/158, 159. Pulteney, Lt. (Gen. Sir W.), 1/61,62; Timpson, Miss (Cook), 1/88, 90; 4/31. 7/72; 18/21. Tippu Tib, 4/18; 15/54; 17/96; 19/95, 96. Rebmann, Rev. J., 1/71. Tomkins, S. C., 11/49, 50; 1/93. Rowling, Rev. F., 5/144, 149; 7/96. Tucker, Bishop, 17 24; 18/81,82. Rosebery, Lord, 18/82-5, 98, 99. Tufnell, Capt. H. M., 18/170, 171. Turpin, Capt. C. A., 18/174, 175; 12/161- Salmon, Capt. R. J. D., 17/68-70. 5. Schlobach, Capt., 11/9, 10, 14, 17-21. Selim Bey, 15/139-40; 17/14,15; 20/211. Vandeleur, Lieut. S., 2/98; 7/71, 84; Scyyid Said bin Sultan, 11/81,95; 15/1. 13/31-3, 174; 16/33,34. Shergold Smith, Lieut., 1/40, 41, 43, 48, 83; 2/108, 109; 11/90,91,112; 15/12; Wainwright, Jacob, 15/204, 205. 19/19; 20/85. Wakoli (Chief), 4/188-90; 12/35, 36, 42, Sitwell, Capt. C. H., 1/61-3; 6/130; 11/61- 132, 133, 232. 3; 17/14,17-25; 18/29; 19/21,125. Walker, R. H., Archdeacon, 2/99; 14/25. Smith, Euan-, Col., 14/219-20. 26, 41-6. Smith, F. C., 4/189; 6/127; 12/42. Walker, W. R., 6/133, 134; 19/23. Speke, Capt. J. H., 1/24-6, 70, 83, 129, Wayland, E. J., 2/226-30. 132; 5/63; 6/178, 192. 193; 11/6; Weatherhead, Rev. H. W., 1/93. 12/61-5, 68-71, 121; 13/105-7; 15/123, Whitehouse, Commander, 11/9; 12/15; 124; 17/146-60; 20/4. 14/130. Stanley (Sir), H. M., 1/32, 34, 35, 84,97, Willis, J. J. Bishop, 19/103,104; 20/47-8. 99, 102, 132, 133; 2/9-13,40,41,65.146, Wilson, Rev. C. T., 1/40-5; 2/108, 109; 196-201, 206, 263; 4/30; 10/34; 11/84, 11/90.91. 112; 15/12; 17/155-8; 18/1, 85.92, III; 12/25-34,61. 66-71; 13/119­ 19,20; 19/65; 20/'85,86,201. 21'. 127-9; 14/17/ 18,41,42, 117, 125, Wilson, George, 1/87, 89, 94; 2/79, 98, 219,220,222; 15 3.6,138,139; 17/153, 219; 4/31; 5/144; 6/129, 130; 10/131. 154; 18/13, 14, 19; 19/96, 123, 124; 132; 13/89; 15/204; 20/211,212. 20/82-4. Wilsons of Uganda, 20/210-3. Stokes, C., 12/129; 13/8, 11, 12, 21, 22; Winton, F. de, 17/15. 14/31-4,37,42,44,46,48; 20/211. Streicher, Bishop. 17/24, 63-7. Zakariah Kagolo (Kisingiri), 2/206, 208.


ACHOLI (Sec also under AWICH, OCHAMA, (See also Hima Migrations and Ori~ins, OGWOK) Hamitic Origins in Lake RegIOns, History, 1/35,65-6; 5/9; 11/1-8; Nuwa Mbaguta) 12/72-92; 15/121-45; 16/32, 50. HISTORY, 4/29, 80-2; 5/57; 10/111, 132-41; 17/83-4; 18/21-3, 152. 124-35. Ancestral Shrines, 7/27-43. Boundary, Anglo-German, 11/9-29; Ceremonies and Customs: 12/96. Births. 3/188-93. Buhwezu, 15/191-2. Dancing, 1/64-5. Buzimba, Bakama, 17/71-3. Harvest. 18/182-5. Early explorers, 2/196-208, 307. Hunts, 1/153-4: 11/30-7. Historic sites, 20/177-81. Land and Chiefs, 19/49-56. Karokarungi, 3/156. 158: 4/76, Land Tenure, 19/57-61. 79-82. Lamogi, 3/193-8; 10/78; 11/8; Kitakwenda. 12/31. 41. 18/166-77. Mpororo, 10/124-5; 11/85; 12/31­ Patiko, 6/191, 194: 12/122, 125-7. 2; 19/204-7. Religion and Beliefs, 3/175-202 ; Treaties, 12/29-32. 37, 38. 6/195-201; 7/50, 130-7. . ACCESSION OF MUGABE, 4/300-12. 4 UGANDA JOURNAL BLOOD-BROTHERHOOD, 2/33-41, 252. Banyara, 5/285; 6/129, 204; 11 /66 ; BUSAGALA, 13 /237-8. 14/154. FOLK-TALES, 10/69-74. Mutesa and , 8/57-8. HIMA CATTLE, 6/17-42, 87-117. MUKAMA, accession, 4/289; 5/300. HIMA CUSTOMS, 10/37-8, 12/184-5. Deaths of wounded, 5/55, 58. SONGS, HIMA, 17/186-8. Shrines, 17/138-45. SOWING AND HARVEST, 3/203-10. CHOPI, 15/121. REGIONAL APPRECIATION, 18/101-12. BUGlsu, 12/175-8. (See also Mutesa, Mwanga, Suna, Rima (See also ELGON) Migrations, Apolo Kagwa) Balingenyi Expedition, 12/182. HISTORY AND TRADITION: Bulucheke, 2/81; 20/123. Chronology, 1800-1907, 16/148-58. Sebei, 12/130-1, 164; 20/116. Growth and Expansion, 14/153-9. Witchcra t, 4/9-26. History, 2/259-71; 4/75, 78-8; 20/1-12. BUGWE Kibuka, 20/52-71. Kings, Rule of, 10/136-43. Customs, etc., 3/282-303; 4/98. Kings, Year of three, 14/15-52; Folktales, 3/296-302. 15{16; 16/99-100. Tradition, 10/108-11; 18/144. BANAKALANGA, 15/144-58. (See also Luba and Wakoli) BUDDU, 10/112; 13/237. HISTORY AND ORIGINS, 2/290-3; BUGERERE, 5/285; 6/204-6. 3/308-10; 2/268; 4/76,79. BUVUMA, 1/35, 132; 2/65-6, 127, 250. Chiefs and appointments, 4/185-96. BWERA, 3/157-9; 4/75; 18/29-30. Clans, 3/311-12. CLANS, 2 264-5; 14/153-9. Criminal Law, 6/3, 5. CONSTITUTION, 18/209-10. Customs, 2/293-5; 11 /58. CUSTOMS, 9/49-56. Death and 'Burial, 2/120-32, 255. Burials, 20/34-5. Famine, 13/213-15. Craftsmen, 8/47-64. Folktales, 10/17-24. Inheritance, 20/88-96. Land Tenure, 2/295-6. Town life, 20/37-46. Luuka County, 13/111-12. Village life, 20/27-36. Marriage, 3/310-11. DRUMS, 3/7-20; (Wango) 6/54-5. ECONOMY, 1893-1903, 20/17-26. KARAMOJA FOLK-SONGS, 12/16-24. (See also ANIMALS, Mammals of Teso FOLK-TALES, 7/49, 140-1, 304-5. and Karamoja), 1/110; 12/43, 161; KABAKA, 1/22-49, 124-33; 4/162-7; 14/215; 16/69, 72, 126; 17/75, 178; 10/138-43. 18/65, 195; 19/106. ACCESSION CEREMONIES, 4/277-88; Teso-Karamoja tribal cluster, (Mutesa) 7/181-7; (Daudi Chwa) 20/213. 10/145-6. Burial ceremonies, 7/176-80; 12/91­ KUMAM, 2/269; 11/101-5; 13/233; 19/19­ 2. 20, 156. Divine Kingship, 4/162, 277; 9/53­ 5; 10/136-7; 11/86; 13/114-17; KIGEZI 14/22,24,38; 15/213; 20/72-87. (See also Anglo-German-Belgian Bound­ , 1/66; 2/81,230,260,262,265, ary Commission, Mpororo, Batutsi), 292; 3/156, 309-10; 9/55-6; 6/76-84. 14/153; 16/147; 17/137; 18/121, Batwa, 1/108. 129, 133. Kigezi Resettlement, 14/139-52. KOKI, 2/268; 4/313-16. Kivu Mission, 6/79; 14/139; KYAGWE, 1/7-9. 20/105-12. MABIRA, 1/7-16, 138, 148; 2/46-7; 15/144-58. LANGO MAWOGOLA, 2/22, 24, also see BACHWEZI. HISTORY AND ORIGIN, 10/12-16; 11/4. PLACE-NAMES, 10/43-53. 5; 13/145-8, 230-5. PROVERBS, 3/247-58. Agriculture, 13 / 148-51. SESE, 2/250, 261-2, 266; 14/154. Anointing Chiefs. 4/317-18. Administration, 19/156-68; 20/182- 97. , BUNYORO Cattle licks, 17/167-72. (See also BACHWEZI, HIMA MIGRATIONS, Clans, 13 / 109-11. HAMITIC ORIGINS, Lwoo) Dwellings and customs, 13/151·3; HISTORY AND ORIGIN, 1/66; 5/10, 14­ 9/85. 16; 10/107-12; 11/4; 18/140,142, Lango as name for Nilo-Hamites, 144. 151-2; (Bakama) 2/252-3; 15/111-14. 3/155-60; 4/75-83; 5/53-84. Marriage, 7/145-63, 15/65-73. Babito. 5/16, 19; 10/107; 11/3. Miro, 11/5; 19/20. chiefs in Bunyoro, 13/89- Proverbs, 10/113-23. 90. Religion, 7/98-122. INDEX 5 TESO Whistled Signals, 16/164-7; (See also ANIMALS, Mammals of Teso 17/189-91; 18/31-3. and Karamoja, Rock paintings) Shrines, 17/78. HISTORY, 6/132-3; 19/7-40. Clans, 4/174-6; 5/137-9. WEST NILE, 2/245-6; Hills and History, Musical instruments, 14/160. 15/165-76. Names and Customs, 19/41-8. ALUR, Histor~, 1/66-7; .2/245-6; 5/3: Place-Names, 6/168-72. 4, 9, 19 , 0/107 , 16/179-80 , Rainmaking, 10/25-8; 18/185-6. 18/137-65. Spell, Casting a, 16/130-1. Bulega-nickname, 13/237. Survey of Kasilang Erony, 20/182­ Legend, Baker and Kabarega, 97. 15/187-90. Teso-Karamoja Tribal cluster, 20/213-15. LENDU, 18/140, 142, 144, 151. TORO (See also Bachwezi) LUGBARA, 18/163; 19/194-203. ORIGINS AND HISTORY, 5/59-60; 10/112; 12/39-41; (1897) 17/14­ MADI-MIGRATIONS AND HISTORY, 27. 6/119-22, 18/142, 145, 19/194, et Busongora () 1/96-106; 5/59­ seq. 60; 10/12. Blacksmiths, 5/48-9. Bwamba, see BIRDS of; (Initia­ Metu people, 5/134-6. tion) 4/90; (Mammals) 17/166. Rainmaking, 11/5; 13 /205-7. Bukonjo, 1/97, 99; 2/149; 10/85: Religion and customs, 13/202-10: 19/124. 17/76-7.

(c) GENERAL INDEX Abatembuzi, 3/156. Albert, Lake, 1/136; 5/284; 12/70. Abortion (Lango), 15/67. Ambatch, 2/278-9. Accession (Kabaka, Buganda) 4/277-88; Angling, 4/247-56; 14/221-2. 7/181-7; 13/228; (Mukama, Bunyoro) ANIMALS 4/289-99; (Mugabe, Ankole) 4/306-12; Mammals of Teso and Karamoja, (Kamuswaga, Kokl) 4/313-16; (Clan 12/200-29; 13/39-60,182-201; 14/163­ Head Lango) 4/317-18. 203; 15/92-106, 193-202; 16/89-93. Aerial phenomenon, 2/302-4. Bwamba, 17/166. Administration in British African Terri­ Anteater, 1/13; 4/308; 12/207-9; lories, 16/101-2. 16/89. Adultery (Karamoja) 1/114; (Lango) Badger, Honey, 4/97; 14/200-2. 7/148, 151-3; 15/67. Bat. 1/72-4. African Highway (Health), 18/79. Buffalo, 2/197-8; 12/209-11; 16/89. African Milestones, 17/196-7. Bushpi~, 13/59: 17/80-1. African mind, 18/200-2. Chameleon, 3/165-7. Agreement: (Anglo-German) 11/124-5 ; Cattle-eattle and goats, 13/113; Hima, (Uganda) 15/212; 20/6-8,11. 6/17-42, 87-117: Transactions, 17/74­ Age Groups: (Bwamba) 4/90; (Karamoja) 5; Licks, 17/167-72; Bleeding, 6/27­ 14/215-18; (Teso) 9/68-79; 19/24, 37, 8; 17/176-7; Names, 6/38-40; Breed­ 38. ing, 19/73-84. Agriculture, lie. 18/65-70. ARCHEOLOGY. Geology, Prehistory. Chimpanzees, 4/266-8. Biggo. 2/21-32, 226-32; 10/67, 151-2; Colobus, 12/230. 20/202-5. Crocodile, 9(No. 1)/89; Hunting. 2/250; Caves, 2/28-9; 4/173; 12/131; 14/81l­ 3/317; in Lake Edward, 3/80; Re­ 90; 17/93-4. flexes of dead, 9/81-4: Stomach con­ Cylinder, Masaka, 10/150; 13/23; tents of. 10/148-9; in Nabagabo, 17/57. 11/69; Pigmy, 15/182-6; 16/121-4; Earthworks, Ancient and trenches, Status of Nile c., 18/1-12. 10/67; 14/86-7; 17/51-62; 18/78, Dog. 10/71. 190-2; 19/177-81. Elephant, 3/79-82 ; 9/133 ; 11/58 ; Geology in Uganda, 10/3-1!. 13/188-99; Growth and reproduction, Geology in Congo, 20/221-3. 16/51-66 : 17/82-3: Measuring ele­ Hill-top hollows, 5/130-3. phants, 18/181-2; Cemetery, 3/79-82 ; Prehistory, 2/183-95; 3/93-110; 12/153- 11/38-41; Time and transport, 4/151­ 60: 17/198-9; 18/44-57; 20/202-7. 5; 11/97; 13 /93: Bull elephant (Old Prehistoric inscription, 5/252-3. Azigara), 6/123, 207; 9/133. Roselle, Ntusi. 10/150-1. Frog, 1/59, 60. Shafts. Ancient. 2/28; 18/187-90: Game animals of East Africa, 15/212. 19/211: 20/216-17. Goats, 13/113. Slone tools, 20/207-8. Gorilla, 1/108-9. Zimbabwe culture, 14/109-14. Giraffe, 11/265-6: 13/49-52. 6 UGANDA JOURNAL Hippopotamus, 4/93-4, 170; 13 /53-6; Ringed birds, 1/54; 2/83, 167; 3/83· Hunting, 5/302-3. 4,246; 15/17-21; 18/198. Leopard, 6/100; 14/175-6; 15/114-15. Stork, 1/54; 2/74-8, 83, 167, 238; Lion, 4/93-4; 3/164-5; 6/99-100; 3/83-4, 246; 15/17-20. 14/167-74; 15/207. Vulture, 7/128-9. Mole, 11 /98-100. Birth ceremonies (Karamoja) 1/112-13; Monitor, 13/33. (Acholi) 3{ 188-93; () 3/289-90; Monkey, 1/14; 3/164-5; 15/195-200. (Lango) 7/ 00. Pangolin, 1.' 13; 12/206-7. Blacksmiths (Madi) 5/48-9; (Buganda) Porcupine, 1/13. 8/48-51; 20/27. Potto, 1/12. Blood-brotherhood, 2/33-41, 252; 12/26, Situtunga, 1/58; 2/159-62, 169; 5/302­ 29, 30, 32, 33, 35-7, 40, 42, 132, 231; 3; 13/42. 13/171; 14/142. Anthropology (Scottish Institute), 3/169­ Blood grouping, 15/44-8. 71; (Royal Institute) 4/273; (Aims) Blood of Karamojong, 17/173-7; 18/195-6. 7/85-92. Botanical gardens, Entebbe, 11/121-2. Anti-malarial control, 2/58-9. Boundary Commission (Anglo-German- Antique chairs, 7/138-9, 191-2. Belgian) 6/80; 20/ III ; (Anglo-German) Anuak (), 9/86. 11/9-29; 12/95-6. Arabs, 1/26, 129; 2/259/ 269-70; 11 /80­ Bow-harp, 6/151-2. 97; 13/31, 37-8; 14 17, 24-5, 37-9; Bride's probation period (Lango) 15/70-1. 15/53-5,58,64; 20/81,83,86-7. Budaka, 6/134. Arab correspondence in Bunyoro 1895, Budo, 2/260; 4/279-81. 13 / 31-8. Bukaleba, see Luba's. Bukedi, 6/130, 132; (Bakedi) 19/7-8, 41. Bachwezi, 1/99; 2/198,232-3; 3/156-9; Bukoba, 11 / 15-19; 13 /33, 38. 4/75; 5/12-21; 6/34-6; 10/66-7,106-8; Bulondoganyi, 1/131; 5/287. 16/85-6; 17/68-70, 88, 135-7; 18/24, Buranga, 4/204-5 (See Springs). 125; 19/179-81. Burials-(Busoga) 2/120-32; 2/255-also Baggara, 1/161. see Kabaka; (Acholi) 12/91-2: Bagendanwa-Ankole Drum, 4/300-5; (Buganda) 20/34-5. 5/57; 10/111, 130-1. Burton on Nile Sources, 12/61-71. Balisa clan .. Buhwezu, 15/191-2. Butterflies, 5/253-4. Bambuti,4/115-19. Banana, 2/116-19, 254; 16/145-7; 17/85, 19/70,211. Canoes, Sese, 10/29-31; 11/61; 13/222. Banda-balogo. 1/130; 2/172; 11 / Ill. Cash book, Early, Nandi Station, 16/30-1. Banking, 13 / 86. Cathedral, Mengo, 12/172-3. Bari, 1/162: 2/9-11, 111; 11/5-6. Chaga Childhood, 9/89. Barkcloth, 1/17-21. 27; 2/172-3. Chillies, 12/179-80. Batutsi, 41300; 10/124; 14/110-11, 139 , 2/67-70; 11/88, 90, 111-17; et seq. 17/88; 18/140. 14/16-25; (plans for) 17/151-5; 20/35­ Beer parties, 20/29. 6, 38, 67-8, 77-8, 83-4. Bees, 2/299-300; 3/169,303-7; 4/97, 180: (Leaf cutter) 16 94. Chwa Nabaka, 2/230. Bemba, 2/260-1, 265-6; 4/279-80. Circumcision (Bwamba), 4/90, 270-2; Betrothals (Kigezi, Ankole) 3/243-4. 18/123; 20/82. Bhang smoking, 13 /7. Clan membership, 1/125. Bible, 1/35; 12/183. Clans: (Buganda) 2/264-5; (Busoga) Bicycles. 20/26. 3/311-12; (Teso) 4/174-6; 5/136-9; Biographical Dictionary, Sudan, 16/103-4. (Lango, clan heads) 4/317-18. BIRDS Clay, 1/60. (Only certain species are indexed by Clement Hill, S.S., 4/268-9; 15/28. name), 1114. 58-60; 3/242-3 ; Climate, past, 3.'93-110, 313-14, 322; 12/43-51: 13/130-44. (Tropical belt) 6/138; 12/154-6; (and Birds and Butterflies, 5/253-4. rainfall) 13/154-70. Bwamba. Birds of, 13/Supplement: Clover in Kampala, 15/203-4; 16/100. 15/107-11: 17/161-5; 18/198-9. Clouds, Fusiform cUlllulo-nimbus, 4/257- Duck, 5/299: 13 / 130. 62. Eagle, 7/126-7: 8/39; 13/130. Club, Kampala Sports, 13/88. East and North-east Africa, Birds of. C.M.S., 1/40, 83. 17/195-6. Coffee, 11/49, 54, 121; 12/179-81; 13/87­ Falcons, 7/128. 8. Fish eagle. 7/124-6; 8/39. Coinage, 2/110-12: 4/36. 40; II/50: Game birds of E.A.. 15/214-16. 12/195; 13/89; (Maria Theresa dollar) Guinea-fowl. 1/14; 3/242. 16/96-8; 17/78; (Charles II !d) 16/174­ KiRgfisher. 9/243; 7/44-6. 5. Kite, 71129. Commission, Royal, E. A. 1953-5,20/100-1. Migration of. 1/154: 2/74-8. 83. 164­ Congo Free State, 16/32-5. 6: 3/88: 8/39. Conurbation, 3/325: 4/98-9. Osprev. 7/124: 8/39. Co-operatives, 20/10. ·Prey, Birds of-Lake Victoria. 7/123­ Coronation: (Ed. VII. 1902) 11/117: 9: 8/39; 15/33. (Daudi Chwa) 13/225-8. INDEX 7

Cotton, 12/179; 11/121; 13/90,93,97-8, Epiphytes in Budongo 12/106-14. 177-81, 211, 217; 20/9-10, 18-19, 24; Erosion, 4/156-61; 6/137-47, 208; 7/52; Dissemination in Africa) 16/1-14; 14/101-2, 145, 150; 20/14. Pests) 3/26-46; 19/70; 16/15-27; Europe and Africa, 19/ 113-14. ~Ginnery) 12/192-3; 13 /90. Counting: (Bagwe) 3/294-5; (Bahima) Famine, Busoga, 13/213-15. 4/91 ; 6/97. Fatiko, see Patiko. Cowrie shells, 2/111; 4/36; 5/146, 151; Fauna, 1/12-16; 1/58-60; 2/154-5. 7/184; 11/50; 20/20,23. Federal capital for E. Africa, 2/247-9. Craftsmen, Buganda Royal, 8/47; 9/134. Ferns, 1/11,52; (Tree) 6/164. Crafts, Tribal, 19/110-11. Fertility cult, 17/57-8. Crater Lakes, 1/98. Fires, 2/100-2. Crime in primitIve society (Teso) 16/1301. Fire-making, 6/100; 12/102-4. Criminal law, Native, 6/1-16. FISH (Angling) 4/247-56; (Bwamba) Cultivation, by sexes, Buganda, 20/28-9. 19/96-101; (Uganda) 19/137-55; Culture contact, 4/181-2. 20/129-65 ; (Tilapia food) 19/85-9 ; Currency see Coinage. (Lung-fish) 20/99; Trout 4/247-56; 8/39; 13/107-9; 14/221-2; Nile perch Dances (Acholi) 1/64-5; (Bagwe) 3/285; 1/164-5; 11/106-9; 12/105-6. (Metu, Madi) 5/134; (Hima) 6/35-6; Fishery Research, 197/169-76. 102. Flora, 1/52-60, 108; 2/150-4; (Flora of Death Ceremonies (Karamojong) 1/113; Kasilang Erony, Teso) 19/183-93; (Mis­ 17/75-6; (Basoga) 2/120-32, 255 ; canthidium Grass) 1/54, 56; (Orchids) (Bagwe) 3/291; (Bunyoro, wounded 6/164. Mukama) 5/55, 58; (Teso) 19/46-7. Folk-songs (Baganda) 12/16-24. Deluge, 3/111-14. Folk-tales (Bisoro stories) 5/307; Dini ya Misambwa, 16/125-9. (Buganda) 7/140-1, 304-5; (Bugwe) Divine Kingship (see also Kabaka) 13 / 115, 3/296-302; (Bakiga) 4/262-5; (Busoga) 15/213; 20/72-87. 10/17-24; (Bulemezi) 7/190; (Snakes) Divination, 13 /27-30, 207-9. 3/130-1. Divorce (Karamoja) 1/114; (Bugwe) Food (Bu.ganda) 20/17; (growing and 3/289; (Lango) 7/149, 154-5; 15/72-3. preparatIOn) 20/28. Double swmdle, 12/134-8. Football, 11/120; 12/194. Dreams, 7/113-14; 13 /228-9. Forests, 1/7-16; 2/42-8; (Relation to Drums-(Emblem of Kingship of Buganda) rainfall) 6/141; 7/164-75; 12/146-51.; 1/126; 4/278; 7/183; (Ankole) 4/300­ 20/14, 15. 11; 5/57; 10/111,130; (Wango) 6/54­ Fort Portal, 17/16. 5: (Sacred drum. Masaka Hill) 18/24­ Foweira, 5,'284; 12/82,83; 15/132. 28: (Buganda) 3/7-25, 168,245; 5 50; Fung Kingdom of Sennar, 17/94-5. 8/52-5; 9/50-2; 13/227. Dufile. 4/179; 5/284; 6/121; 15/129, Galiraya, 5/287; 6/130-1; 19/64. 132, 139. Games (Bugwe) 3/285; (Rima) 6/102. Gardens, 8/1-14. . Earth movements, 1/135; 10/154-7. Geography. 1/134-8. East Africa. British occupation of, 1884- Geology (also see Archeology). (Service to 94. 15/49-64. Uganda) 10/3-11 ; (Belgian Congo) East African background, 15/213-14. 20/221-3. East Coast route, 1/43-4. George, Lake, 1/96-7, 136. Eastern Province, 1/89; 2/102-3; 4/38; Ghosts, Leven House, Mombasa, 15/159- 20/10. 64. Ebony, 2/278-80. Gliding, 5/85-92. Eclipse, 2/268; 10/ Ill; 12/99-100; 20/69· Gods in Buganda, 20/52-71. 70. Golf-greens, 8/81-3. Economic Development of Uganda, 2/171­ Gondokoro, 6/ 177, 182-4, 188-91; 11 /6 ; 2. 15/124, 127-8. Economic expansion of Buganda. 20/9-10. Grain pits, Bunyoro. 19/208. Economy of Buganda, 1893-1903, 20/17­ Grass burning, 6/143-4. 26. Grass Communities and Mountain vegeta- Education. beginnings of, 20/11-12. tion, 18/205-7. Edward, Lake. 1/96. 101, 136; 2/197, Greek River. 19/17. 269; 3/79.82; 14/1034. Greetings, 20/34. Egypt (Ancient contacts): 6/151-2; 8/56; Groundnuts, 12/179. 10/62; 11/106-9; 12/80-1; 13 /114, Gulu, 11/7. 116; 14/13; 18/121-6, 134; 19/71; Gun running, 7/70-84. (Modern contacts): 1/29-31. 37-8, 40, 45,47: 11/88-90; 13/125; 15/3-11,14, Hail, 12/92-3; 13 /216. 15,123,127; 17/154-7; 19/62-4; 20/81­ Hamitic Origins of Lake Regions, 14/110­ 3, 85. 13. Ekondo, 4/290. 294-5; 5/300; 6/205; Harvest rites (Acholi) 3/198-202; (An­ 7/180. kole) 3/208-10. Entebbe, 11 /120-1: 12/93-4, 96-7, 193-4; Haunted house. Kampala 16/181; Mom­ (New church) 13/216. basa 15/159-64. Envoys to . 1/46-7. Heirs, naming, 20/33. 8 UGANDA JOURNAL Herald, Uganda, 4/28. Kaweri Island, 10/158-62, 163-6. Herodotus, 2/145, 147; 7/47-8. Kazinga, 1/96; 2/207. Hills of West Nile, 15/165-76. Kibale (Muganda chief), 10/36-7, 138. Hima migrations, 1/139; 7/182, 183, 185; Khartoum, 1/25-6, 28, 43-4, 47. 10/55,74-5, 124-5; 13/116; 14/110-11; Khedive, 1/30-1, 41, 43; (S.S. Khedive) 17/87-8; 18/140-2, 151. 14/ 103-4, 226-7. History, Inter-tribal, through stories, Kibiro, Hot spring, 4/205-6. 10/106-12. Kibo, 3/84-6. Hoima, 13 / 33-4. Kimera, 2/261, 263, 266-7; 3/156; 4/75; Hospital, 2/100-1; 4/31; 12/93-4. 8/33,48; 10/108,150; 14/153. HospitalIty (Hima) 6/30-1; 20/33-4. Kipsigis, Social institutions, 8/86. Hotel, Kampala, 12/195-6. Kitagata, Hot spring, 4/202-4. Hot springs, 2/204; 4/197-207; 16/67-8; Kitara, 3/156; 5/56-8; 16/87; 17/88-9. 19/98. Kitgum, 11 /7. Hours of day (Hima) 6/24-5; 17/73-4. Kumi, 19/26-30, 39. Human sacrifice, 15 189-90; 16/84; Kungu Rock, 7/188-9; 10/66. 17/140; 8/50; 1/30; 20/63. Kyabagenyi Hill, 5/132-3. Hunting sacrifice, 3/193-8. Kyoga, Lake, 1/143; 5/284-5; 6/129-30, Hybrids, 2/159-62; 3/88. 133; 8/30; 10/158-66. Ibn Batuta in East Africa, A.D. 1332, Labour, 13/211; (Immigrant) 19/111-13. 19/1-6. Lado Enclave, 13 / 173; 15/165. LB.E.A. Coy., 12/25, 33, 34; 13/171-2; Lakes, Crater, 1/97-9; 2/207. 14/47; 15/56,59,61,63; 18/81-3. Land in Buganda, 18/202-5; 20/7-9; Iganga, 4/190. (Inheritance) 20/88-96. Immortality (Lango), 7/110. Land Tenure; (Busoga) 2/295-6; (Acholi) Imperatrix v. Juma and Urzee, 7/70-84. 19/57-61. Indian origin of plants and cattle, 19/68- LANGUAGES (Ganda word importations) .72. 5/267; 6/165; (Swahili dictionary) Indirect rule, 4/101-7. 7/193; (Acholi) 7/195; (Lunyoro-Lun­ INSECTS, 2/234; 3/26; 9(No. 2)/90. yankole-Lutoro) 7/195-201; (Bantu) Fleas, 2/237; 11 / 133-90. 10/42; (Swahili) 20/103-4. Flies, Lake, 17/124-34. Law (British in Africa) 6/1-16; 7/70-84. Flies, Mbwa, 2/272-7; 16/113-20. Legend, see Myth-(Buganda) 7/49; Grasshoppers, 2/74, 167, 254-5, 306-7; (Lango) 10/12. 16/95-6. Leopard men, 3/320-1; 4/92; 13/210. Lice, 2/237; 10/97-105. Lepers, 19/34. Mosquitoes, 2/49-59, 236, 240, 242. Liberia, 12/233. Pests Cotton, 3/26-46. Lightning, 6/92-3; 10/70-1; 12/92. Termites, 12/57-9; 15/75-83. Linguistics, 1/155; 4 120-5. Tsetse, 1/143; 2/112-3, 169-71, 237; Lion men, 4/91-3. 5/245-51; 17/186-88. Locusts, 1/75; 2/74-7. Intelligence test, 18/34-43. Lubale worship, 12/97-8; 13 /223-4. Irrigation, Agoro system of, 16/159-62. Lukiko development, 20/ II, 12. Irrigation works, 2/25-7. Lwoo, 5/1-21, 255; 10/107-8; 11/3,4; Isingoma, 1/66; 3/155, 159-60; 4/75-7; 16/82; 17/86-90; 18/140-5; 19/212-13. 10/107-8; 11/3. [slam, 1/22, 23, 26. 34, 129-30; 2/68, 70, Mabare Rock, 10/66. 99, 270; 11/86-7, 90-1, 110-11; 14/19, Mabira, 1/7-16, 138; (Company) 1/148; 20,22,25-27, 37; 20/67, 81-6. 2/46-7; 15/144-7; 20/13-16. [slands, 2/169-70. Magic-see also Witchcraft-(Acholi) 3/175-202, 323; (Lango) 7/99, 114-21; Jinja, 2/107; 17 /38-50. 13 /24-30. Journey to Uganda (1895), 1/83-95; (1896) Magungu, 5/285; 8/28-32. 3/246. Mahogany, 2/42-8. Juko, 2/268. Maize Names, 13/61-81, 239-40; 14/106­ Justice (Bugwe) 3/291-2. 7; 15/116-18.209-10: 16/76-81, 178·9' Junju, 2/23, 268;5/58; 8/49. 18/192-4; (Maize-Muhindi from Arabia) 20/198-201. Kabaka, see Buganda. Malaki, 6/135. Kagera, 11/14-16, 27-29; 18/15. Marriage (Buganda) 20/33; (Bugwe) Kalemera, 8/33: 10/150. 3/286-8; (Busoga) 3/310-11; (Lango) Kamanya, 2/269. 7/145-63; 15/68-70; (Karamoja) Kamoala, 1/89, 143; 2/80, 103; 13/91; 16/176-7 (Teso) 19/44-6; (Africa) 20/37-46. 18/211-13. K.A.R., 2/216-17, 220-2; 12/52-6; 14/5- Martyrs, Baganda, 12/189-92; 15/84-91. 12. Masai, 11/55-6. Kasuju. 1/23, 127; 4/278-9. Masai Grammar, 20/220-1. Katonda, 20/77-8. Masindi, 11/47. Katonga, 2/24. Masaka Hill, Worship on, 18/24-30. Kat\,Ve, 1/96-106; 2/197,205; 12/39. Matrilineal Descent, 2/260.1; 9/49. Kavlrondo 1/158: (Superstitions) 3/318- Mbale. Eastern Province, 6/132, 134-5; 21; 10/166-7; 11/4, 5, 6. 12/175; 19/23-26, 29-30. INDEX 9 Mbale, Mawokota, 2/262, 267; 20/52, Mourning (Buganda) 20/32-see also 56-61, 67-8. Burials. Medals and Decorations, 2/209-25; 3/87­ Mparo, 5/64, 67. 8; (I.B.E.A. Coy.) 16/28-9; 19/209-10. Mpumude, 6/132-3. Mengo .Notes, 10/32-38, 144-7; 11/47-59, Mruli, 1/33, 39, 40, 47; 5/284-5, 287-8; 110-22; 12/82-98, 172-96; 13/82-104, 61129; 15/128;19/62-7. 211-229. Mubende, 13/98-100. Meteorites, 8/35-6, 85; 11/42-6. Mufumu, 2/39. Milk (Sacredness) 6/32-3; (Diet) 29-30; Mugema, 4/278, 282; 9/181-2; 10/150; (churning) 31. 13/226. Military umts in World War II, 14/1-14. Mugenyi, 2/22-3, 31, 229, 231-3; 6/36; Millet, 140-1. 10/67. Mimicry, 2/162-3; 5/253-4. Mula~o, 20/39-46. MINERALS, 5/289-95. Mumtas, 8/26; 11/60-1,12/129,131,197- Asbestos, 10/9. 99; 14/105. Beryl, 10/8,5/295. , 11/48. Bismuth, 5/294i 1/150-2. Museum, 2/79-82. Bismuto-tantahte, 1/150-2; 5/291. Music (Uganda) 1/63; 3/314-17; (Africa) Columbite, 10/8. 4/108-14; 6/148-63. Columbite-tantalite, 5/291-2. Musical Instruments, see also Drums, Cobalt, 5/293. 8/56-7; 14/160-2. Copper, 5/292-3. Mutiny, Sudanese, 1/91-5; 2/215; 4/39; Gold, 5/290. 6/130. Graphite, 10/9. Mutukula, 8/33-4. Iron, 10/6, 9; Mweso, 2/14-20; 3/119-29; 4/84-9, 176- Diffusion of name -uma, 18/113-36. 8,281; 5/51; 20/31,97-8. Iron working, 5/48-51; 18/113-14, Mystic Nine-see Number, Sacred. 118-21; 8/48-51. Myth, Legend and Lore, 10/64-75. Mica, 10/8. Metal casting, 19/208-9. Nabumali, 12/175. Nickel, 5/293. Nakibinge, 2/261, 267-8; 4/78; 14/154; Phosphates, 10/9; 5/294. 20/52-70; 8/48. Salt, 1/101-6; 11/59; 12/39. Nakivubo, 5/296-8; 6/57. Talc,10/9. Nakalanga, 1/7-8-9. Tantalite, 5/292; 10/8. Naku, 2/261. Tin, 5/290. Nalinya, see also Buganda, 10/139-40. Tungsten, 5/292. Namasole, see also Buganda, 10/139. Wolfram, 10/7. Namatala River, 2/72. Missionary Factor in East Africa, 17/95-8. Names, Place, see Place-names. Mission to Uganda 1893, 17/1-7. Names, Tribal (Galla and Oromo) 14/225­ Mithras, 20/80. 6; (Personal, Baganda) 14/204-14; Mogadishu, 16/175: 19/2-4. (Bukedi) 19/41. Mombasa, 1/31,84; 15/159; 19/5; (AI Naming ceremonies-{Bu~anda) 20/32; Akida Fort Jesus) 16/102-3. (Bugwe) 3/290; KaramoJa; 1/113. Namirembe (Mawokota) 20/61, 66; Monorail, 13/87. (Kyadondo) 2/103. Motorcar, First, 1/148-9; 4/154; 13/93; Namulondo, 4/286; 9/52; 13/226; 20/63. 15/30. Namuyonjo, 5/285, 287-8; 6/129, 204-6; MOUNTAINS, origin, 1/135-6; 2/73, 149; 14/154. Uganda, 2/145-57; Northern Province, Nankongolo Rock (Busoga), 13/111-12. 18/58-64. Ndahura, 3/158-9; 5/12-21; 16/67. Abutse, 15/165-8. Neoanthroplc man, 1/69, 70. Birunga, see Bufumbiro. Ncwspapeors, 4/27-40. Bufumbiro, 1/107; 2/146, 149; 12/96; N~ule (Crown) 4/314; 7/180. 14/139; 20/105-12. NIcknames (Bukedi) 11/65-7, 104; 12/115­ Debasien 2/150. 18,231; 13/237-8; (Bunyoro) 11/65-6; Eigon, I J136; 2/713. 146-8, 150-3,250, (Kumam) 19/9-10. 42-3: (Nyamnyam) 264-5; 3/309; 4/173; 10/167; 11/55­ 12/116; (Kakwa) 12/116; (Chopi) 8; 12/34-5, 130, 175-8; 19/114; 12/117; (Galla) 12/117-18. 20/113. Nile dry crossing, 1/68-9. 156-8; 2/86-9; Karisimbi, 2/301; 20/111. 4/350-1; 5/301-2; 14/224. , 1/71; 12/61-2. Nile perch, 1/164-5; 11/106-9; 12/105-6. Kilimanjaro, 1/87,71; 3/84-6; 12/61-2. Nile route, 1/43, 44. 46. Mikeno. 2/300-1. Nile sources, 1/131-2; (Arab A.D. 950) Muhavura, 1/107; 2/149; 14/139; 7/47-8; (Burton) 12/61-71. 20/108. Nsimbi and his pipe, 19/91-3. Nkokonieru. 2/72; 6/132; 20/121. Nsongezi. 1/69. Otzc, 15/165-8. Ntemi, 17/90-3. Ruwenzori. 1/96. 99; 2/145, 153, 249­ Ntusi. 2/25-7, 226; 10/150. 50; 4/179, 247-56; 5/304-5; 10/84­ Nyabingi cult. 2/202-4; 6/73-86; 19/204. 96,167; 11/61-3; 12/185-9; 13/130: Number, Sacred, Nine, 4/294. 297. 316: 15/74-9, 177-81; 19/121-36. 6/97; 7/181; 8/54; 10/33. 58, 61; Sabinio, 1/107,20/111. 14/23; 17/140; 20/54-5, 63-4. 10 UGANDA JOURNAL Nuer, 1/165-6; 3/230-8; (modes of Rocks: see Kungu, Mabare, Nyakyegwe, address) 12/166-71. Nankongolo; (Mubende) 14/85-96; Nyakyegwe Rock, 10/67. (Bulegeya) 14/85-6; (Gamugole) 14/89; Nyapea, 16/179-80. (Kakumiro) 15/118-19. Rock en~ravmg, 20/206. Rock pamting, 12/ 57; 17/8-13; 19/90; Ox Invocation, 16/69-71. 20/205. Ox-names (Karamoja) 16/72-5. Romans, 2/30. Owen Falls Scheme, 16/107-12; 17/28-37. Rosette Stone, Ntusi, 10/151-2. Ruanda, 10/111, 126. Palms, 1/55. Rubaga, 1/33, 37-40; 2/8, 65, 67, 172; Papyrus, 1/52-3, 56. 14/23, 45. Patiko, 9/90; 12/122, 125-7; (Patico) Rubber, 1/9, 10; 11/51, 54, 121; 13/82, 6/191, 194; (Fatiko) 2/8,11. 217. Petroleum, 5/294. Rukidi, 1/66; 3/156, 159-60; 4/75-7; Photography, 2/285-90; (groups) 3/239­ 11/3. 42, 322. Place-names-(Buganda) 10/43-53; (reso) 17/191-2; (Uganda) 17/101-23; 18/76­ Saben's Directory, 20/101; 15/120. 8, 199; 19/102. Sacred fire, 20/63, 6. Plantain-eater, 1/14. Sailing on Lake Victoria, 6/202-3, 7/51. Plantains, 1/140, 142. Sanctity of number nine, see Number. Plant collection (Karamoja) 6/43-53. Sanctity of cattle, 6/18, 19. Pluvial period, 1/100; 3/99-102; 12/15,4-6. Sanctity of milk, 6/32-4. Poems "This springing wilderness" 9/87- Sanders saga, 7/1-26. 8. "The witch tree", "The old lady", School, First in East Africa, 12/115. 6/118. "I am not armed", 7/142; "No Sculpture, African, 6/169-75. time to weep", 7/144. Seduction medicine-(Lango), 15/65-6. Poisons, Plant, 4/208-19. Semakokiro, 2/23, 268-9; 11/80. Police, 2/221. Settlers, 11/52-3. Poll tax, Reasons for paying, 10/39. Shows, Agricultural, 13/217-19. Polyandry, 6/31. Sickle-cell traits, 15/41-3. Polygamy, 14/144. Siroko, 2/72; 20/121. Population, 1/134-44; 2/110; (Jinja) Sisal, 12/179. 17/38-50; (Karamoja) 17/178-85. Skin, African, 3/161-4; 4/168-72. Postal services, 5/144-54; (delays) 10/146. Slave trade, 1/47; 7/70-84; 11/6; 12/1. Pottery, 8/58-64; 13/23-30; 20/208; 121: 14/17,129; 15/4-9,53-5,125,127­ 17/56-8. 8; 17/150-1; 18/96. Prehistory, see Archeology. Sleeping medicine (Lango) 15/67. Progress in Africa, see Lango. Sleeping sickness, 2/11-13; 11/117-18; Protectorate, 1/84. 12/173-5; 13/220-1; 15/26-40. Proverbs (Buganda) 3/21-2, 247-58; (An­ Smallpox, 1/126. kole) 4/311: 6/110-17; (Africa) 7/24-5 ; Snakes of Uganda, 1/14, 15; 3/47-78, 130­ (Bunyoro) 9/115, 91; (Lango) 10/113­ 48, 211-29, 259-81; 4/41-64, 126-50, 220­ 23. 46, 319-49; 5/27-45.93-129, 160-244. Pygmies, 1/7-9, 108, 138; 4/115-19; Snake Worship, 1/8; 3/75-6; 9/49; 15/144, 153. 10 /68; 13/204-5. Python, 3/211-21. Snake-bite, 3/70-1. Python Worship, 1/8; 5/300. Snake folklore, 3/130-1. Social Research, E.A. Institute, 15/205-6. Sodomy, 20/87. Quinine, 13/219, 20. Soil Erosion, 4/156-61; also see Erosion. Soil, 14/114; (Soils and men) 14/97-102. Railway, 1/43, 85; 2/100-2; (Buildings) Soroti, 19/30, 39. 12/1-15; 13/221; 14/130-1, 134, 219- Southern Route from Coast, 1/43-5. 20; (West Extension) 18/71-5. ' Son~s (Hima) 6/101. Rainfall and Climate. 13/154-70. Sowmg (Ankole) 3/203-8. Ra!n Fo~est, 1/54; 3/51; 15/144-7. Sphere, British. 7/74-84. Rammakmg (Karamoja) 1/114-15; 3/293- Springs, Hot, 2/204, also see Hot Springs. 4; 6/100-1; (reso) 10/25-8; (Madi) Staff list 1895, 1/61-3. 13/205-7; (Teso) 18/185-6. Stamps, 2/168; 5/141·59; 6/56; 7/96. Reincarnation, 7/111. Steamers, Lake, 4/268-9; 11/49; 12/13. Religion-(Bugwe) 3/292-3' (Lango) Steamship services, 13/216. 12/119-20. ' Suakin, 1/162. R!ddles-(Ankole) 4/311-12; 6/105-9. Sudan 'Notes, 1/159-66. RIft valleys, 1/135-6, 138. Sudanese in Mexico. 8/28-32. Rjght hand-Left hand, 15/207-9. Sudanese troops, 17/14-22; (see Mutiny). Rinderpest-(History) 5/22-6' 10/126' Sugar, 11/59. (1894) 19/16, 32. ', Sundial, 16/173-4. Ripon Falls, 1/33. 2/107. Survey of Kasilang Erony, Teso, 20/182­ Ritual Sacrifice, 20/75-6. 97. Roads, 11/49, 52; 12/94-5, 181 183' Swahilis, 1/23-4; 12/164. 13/96. ', Swamps, 1/51-60; 20/15-16, 166-76. INDEX 11

Taboos (avoidance of in-laws. Lango) Victoria, Lake, 1/135-7; 2/169-71; 15/71-2. 11/124; 12/63-71; see also Birds of Taxation, 2/103; 4/36; (Buganda) 10/137; Prey, Sailing, Steamers, Waterspouts. 11/49-50; 20/25-6. Winds. Tea, 11 /49, 121. Village life, Buganda, 20/27-36. Thirtieth Meridian, 17/71-81, see also Visitors (Buganda) 20/33; Hima, 6/30-1. Boundary Commissions. Volcanoes, 1/107-9, 135; 2/73, 149, 301; Thunderstorms, 2/302-4; 4/257-62. 3/84-6. Timber, 2/278-84. Time of day, see Hours of day. Wadelai, 11/7; 12/83; 131174; 16/32-3; Tobacco, 11/50,55; 13/95; 14/143. 17{78-80. Town life in Buganda, 20/37-46. Waklwugulu, 7/49. Trade (Lango) 8/15-18; 11/49; 12/164; Wamara, 4/75; 5/15, 16; 10/107; 20/97. 15/2-4; 18/116; 20/20-4. Wanema, 2/261-2; 20/54-6, 60, 66, 79. Traders, Early, 2/102/ 104; 11 /80, 82, 84, War, 1914, and Ankole, 10/134. 96-7; 13/31-8; 15 51-2; 20/21-2. Water, 10/9-11. Transport, 2/105-9; (Motor) 15/30 ; Water-clearing courbonia root, 12/100-1; (Wheelbarrow) 4/30; (Elephant) 4 151­ 13/240-1. 5; 13/82,94-5; 14{129-38; 20/17. Waterspouts, 5/46-8, 255-6; 6/56. Traps, Game, 2/250- . Were Hyena, 3/320-1; 4/92. Trees. Indigenous, 8/40 ; (Lusambya) Were Leopard, 3/300-2, 320-1; 4125; 8/84; 12/146-51; 17/197-8. . 7193-5. Treaties. 10/128-9, 133 ' 12/25-42, 231-2; Were Lion, 4/91-2; 10/74-5,77. 13/171-6; 14/50; 17 J189. Western Highlands, 1/138, 143-4. Tribal History, African, 1'0154-63. White Fathers, 1/44-see also Lavigerie, Turkana. 17/93-4. Livinhac. Lourdel. . Twins-{Buganda) 20/31-2; (Nuer) 3/230­ Wills. 20/88-93. 8; (Bugwe) 4/98. Winds and Storms on L. Victoria, 8/76-80 ; 9/135. Winifred S.S., 4/268-9. Uganda Co., 2/104; 12/183, 192-3, 196; Witchcraft: (Bugisu) 4/7-26; (Ankole) 18/207-9. 2139; (Madi) 13/207-10. Uganda, a Review, 31324-5. Woods (Light and Hard) 2/278-84. Uganda, Journey to 1895, 1183-95. Uganda memories, 2/97-115; 10/168-70. Zanj, 19/5-6. Uganda question 1892. 18181-100. zanzibar, 1/26-8, 31, 43, 44, 46. Uganda, Story of, 7/202-3. Zeila, 19/1-2. Umbilical cord, 20/55-6, 62. Zinj. 20/198-9. Zimbo. 2/31, 230. Zimbabwe, 2/30-2; 13/26; (Cylinder) Vegetation of Buganda, 20/13-16; (In 14/225: (Monomotapa culture) 14/109­ Uganda) 12/139-52-see also Flora. 14; 17/57; 20/202-5.

(d) INDEX of REVIEWS In the list of reviews set out below it is not thought necessary to give the author of the work concerned. The writers of the reviews, however can, where known, be found in the Index of Authors. Africa Answers back, 4/181. Economic Development and Tribal Change, African Highway, 18/79. 19/111. African Roses, 5/305. Ekitabo kya bika bya Baganda, 14/228. African mind in health and diseases, The, Europe and Africa, 19/113. 18/200. Excavations at the Njoro River Cave. Anatomy of Lango Religion and Groups, 17/94. The,12/119. Bantu. 10/42. Fung Kingdom of Sennar, 17/94. Bark-cloth making in the Central Celebes, Game animals of Eastern Africa, 15/212. 2/172. Geologie du Congo BeIge, 20/224. Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa. 17/195. Grass communities and mountain vegeta­ Bisoro Stories, The, 5/307. tion in Uganda, The, 18/205. BU\landa Government and Its Constitu- "I am not armed". Poems, 7/142. tIonal Function, The, 18/209. Indigenous trees of the Uganda Protector­ Building of Mount Elgon, The, 19/114. ate, The, 8/40; 17/197. Chaga Childhood, 9/89. King of Ganda, The-The Studies in Die Kolonisation Ugandas, 2/171. Sacral Kingship in Africa, 13/114. East Africa Royal Commission 1953-55 Land Tenure in Buganda, 18/202. Report, 20/100. Liberia: A century of Survival. 1847­ East African Background, 15/213. 1947, 12/233. 12 UGANDA JOURNAL Livingstone's Last Journey, 11 / 129. Shotgun and Sunlight, 151214. Lunyoro-Lunyankole-English and Eng­ Simuda Nyuma, 6/58. lish-Lunyoro-Lunyankole Dictionary, Social Institutions of the Kipsigis, 8/86. A, 7/195. Some African Milesto.nes, 17/196. Lwoo, The-Part I, Lwoo migrations, Some notes on the Northern Islands of 16/82. Victoria, 2/169. Lwoo, The-Part II, Lwoo traditions, Story of the Uganda Agreement, The, 17/86. 15/212. Lwoo, The-Part III, Clans, 19/212. Standard Swahili-English Dictionary, A, 7/193. Maasai Grammar, A, 20/220. Standard English-Swahili Dictionary, A, Missionary Factor in East Africa, The 7/193. 17/95. Study of the Acholi language, Grammar Mountains of the Moon, 5/304. and vocabulary, A, 7/195. Sudan Notes and Records. Vol. XVI, 1933, "No time to weep". Poems, 7/144. 1/159. Ntemi, The, 17/90. Survey of African marriage and family life, 18/211. Obwomezi bw' Omukama Duhaga II, Swahili lessons, 20/103. 15/212. "This springing wilderness," Poems, 9/87. Pleistocene geology and Prehistory of Trade of Lake Victoria, The, 20/102. Uganda, The, Part II, 17/198. Tribal Crafts of Uganda, 19/110. Preliminary Survey of the Turkana, A, 17/93. Uganda (Thomas and Scott), 3/324. Political system of the Anuak of the Anglo­ Uganda Memories (1897-1940), 10/168. Egyptian Sudan, The, 9/86. Uganda Company Ltd., The-The first fifty years, 18/207. Saben's Commercial Directory and Hand­ Uganda, The Story of, 7/202. book of Uganda 1950-51, 15/120. Saben's Commercial Directory and Hand­ Zimbabwe-Monomotapa Culture in South­ book of Uganda 1955-56, 20/101. east Africa, The, 14/109.

(e) INDEX of AUTHORS Adinola, A. B. The Lamogi rebellion, - Payera Acholi, Note on the origin of 1911-12, 18/166. the, 1/65. Akroyd, R. The British Museum (Natural - Ruwenzori, Exploration of the, 19/121. History) Expedition to the Biringa vol­ - Ruwenzori: Routes on Mount Stanley, canoes, 1933-4, 1/107. 15/74. Anywar, Reuben, S. The life of Rwot - Sudan Notes and Records Vol. XVI Iburaim Awich, 12/72. (Review), 1/165. - and Hicks, P. H. Ruwenzori, 10/84. Bagenda, I. K. Kiganda drums (letter), Bes,