INDEX to VOLUMES 1 to 20 (1934-1956)

INDEX to VOLUMES 1 to 20 (1934-1956)

Special Supplement to THE UGANDA JOURNAL, Vol. 22, No.1 THE UGANDA JOURNAL INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 to 20 (1934-1956) Compiled by F. LUKYN WILLIAMS THE UGANDA SOCIETY KAMPALA 1958 Price Shs. 3/50 THE UGANDA JOURNAL INDEX TO VOLS. 1 TO 20 Five sections of indexes have been arranged for convenience of readers: (a) PERSONS (prominent during the last 150 years). (b) TRIBES, TRIBAL AREAS AND DISTRICTS. (c) GENERAL INDEX. (d) REVIEWS. (e) AUTHORS. References in (a) and (b) arc usually not included in (c). Whilst every endeavour has been made to put into practice the excellent advice given on page 105 of Vol. 13 in the limited time available to the compiler, it is hoped that f'lly errors of omission or commission will be forgiven and suggestions of readers sent for incorporation in future indices. F. LUKYN WILLIAMS. (a) INDEX OF PERSONS (This list is not exhaustive, and only the more prominent persons who have featured in the history of East Africa, during the past 150 years are included. For others see under GENERAL INDEX.) . Ahmed bin Ibrahim, 1/22, 39-4{); 2/270; Churchill (Sir Winston S.), 13 /91-3. 11/110. - (Lord Randolph), 2/46. Aliidina Visram, 4/48; 10/145; 11/49; Colvile, Col. H. E., 1/84, 2/213, 214; 13/217; 20/21,22. 5/65; 6/128,206; 7/7 ; 13/173; 16/33; ;\polo Kagwa (Sir), 2/259; 4/165; 5/66; 17/16; 19/95. 6/126,129; 10/132; 11/113-17; 13/23­ Combe, A. D., 2/23, 25, 26, 226-8; 6, 29, 35, 40, 47, 48. 14/108. Ashe, Rev. R. P., 1/48; 6/125,127; 8/20; Cook, J. H. Dr., 11/127, 128. 13/6, 17, 18; 15/86, 88-90; 20/75,76, - (Sir) Albert R. (Dr.), 1/83-95; 2/97­ 86. 115; 5/149, 153; 10/168-70; 15/211: Allstin, Maj. H. H., 16/39, 48, 49. 17/24, 25; 20/126-8. Awich, 10/76-8; 11/7; 12/72-82, 84, Coote, J. M., 20/105-8, 122-3. 87, 90, 91, 123, 127; 14/223, 224; Crabtree, Rev. W. A., 4/190; 6/132, 133; 15/139; 16/36; 45, 133-7; 18/21-3. 10/35, 36. Acilte Fr., 17/14, 1.9-22. Cunningham, Maj. G. G., 10/127-9; 16/33. Baker (Sir Samuel), 1/25, 26, 28, 29; --J. F., 3/241. 5/63, 64; 8/29. 30; 11/64-6, 68, 70, S~. 89, 121, 122, 125; 13/125; 5/3, Dale, K: H., 20/218. 124-7, 134. Dallington (Muftawa), James, 1/35, 36; B8rghash bin Said, Sultan, 15/52,54, 63; 2/67; 11/88, Ill, 112. 17 /96. Dawe, M. T., 2/46, 79, 110. Baxter, Dr. E. J., 1/85, 86. De1me-Radcliffe, Col. c., 4/39; 6/133; Behrens, Lieut., 11 /9, 11. 12, 26, 29. 10/77; 11/9-29,126,127; 12/75,76,81, Bell. Sir H. Hesketh, 2/79; 4/153; 6/135; 82, 89, 95; 16/132-41. 13/91,217; 15/30. Doggett, W. J., 11 / 13, 27, 28, 58; 12/95. - (Karamoja), W. D. M., 19/25, 106-9. Driberg, J. H., 10/40,41. Bellcfonds, E. Linant de, 1/31-5, 83; Duhaga I (Mukama), 5/57, 58; 10/111, 217-13,65; 5/284; 15/6; 20/84. 112. Berkeley, Ernest (Sir), 1/84, 88; 7/72, 73 ; Duhaga II, Andereya, 2/259; 15/212. 16/41. Duhara of Ruampara, 11/18, 19. Biermans, Bishop, 2/108. Duke of York, 2/209. Bono. Andrea de. 1/25; 6/177, 180-2, 188, 190; 15/123. Emin Pasha. 1/38, 39, 42, 43, 47, 84; Borup. K., 2/79, 104. 110; 4/31, 32; 2/197, 201-5; 5/285; 8/31; 11/6, 89­ 10/33; 11/121; 12/183, 192, 193. 92; 12/122-7; 13/5, 235, 236; 14/17, Boyle, A. G. (Sir), 6/135; 12/182; 20/108. 41, 219, 220; 15/11, 131-9; 16/175. Buckley, Archdeacon, 17/23, 24. 176; \7/96. Evatt, Col. J. T., 6/131; 16/45-6. Cameron, Lieut. V. L., 11/87; 12/69-70; 13/125; 14/119,120,126. Fademulla Murjan, Sultan of Aringa, Carpenter. G. D. Hale, 17/193. 18/178-80. Casati, Maj. G., 6/178; 2/197. Fadl-el-Mula, 14/49, 103; 16/32-3; 19/95. Chaille-Long, Col., 1/30-2; 5/284; 8/30; Felkin, R. W., 1/29,46; 8/31; 17/158; 11 /87, 89; 15/3; 20/82, 84. 19/64, 65; 20/85, 86. Chippindall, Lieut., 15/128, 129. Fischer, Dr., 13/17, 19,20. 2 UGANDA JOURNAL Fisher, Rev. A. B., 14/226; 17/14. 13 /119-29; 14/115-28, 222, 223; 15/1, Fletcher, T. B., 4/162-7. 2; 17/97. Livinhac, Fr., 1/45,46; 2/99; 14/26,30, Gedge, E., 4/189; 12/129-33; 15/58, 159­ 41; 20/20, 86. 60; 16/175,176; 20/114-20. Lloyd, Rev. A. B., 12/76, 78. Gessi, R., 1/31, 36; 5/284; 8/31; 12/70. Lourdel, Fr., 1/44; 13/13, 14, 19; 14/16, Giovanni Miani, 6/177, 178, 192; 15/123, 18,26,30,41,45; 15/58; 20/86. 165. Luba (Chief), 4/164, 165, 186, 187; 8/23, Godhino, Norman, 16/182. 24; 13/11,21,83; 14/40. Gordon, Col. Charles, 1/30,31,33-44,47; Lugarama (Chief), 11 /21, 22, 25. 2/8-12; 4/151; 5/68, 284-8; 8/30, 37; Lugard (Lord), F. J., 1/84; 2/41,80,205­ 13/125; 15/4-10, 127-33; 20/81, 82. 8; 4/166; 5/64,65; 6/126-7; 10/126; Gordon, Rev. E. C., 4/189; 14/19, 25, 12/35-42; 13/171; 14/49; 15/59, 60, 26, 43, 46. 140; 17/14,15; 18/81-7,93; 20/5. Gowers, Sir W. F., 19/105-6; 20/47. Grant, Capt. J. A., 1/24-6, 29, 129; 5/63; Macdonald, Maj. J. R. L., 1/91, 92, 95; 12/69, 70, 121; 15/7, 12, 13, 123-4; 2/215,218,219; 6/128,130,131; 10/77; 17/146-60. 12/2,4,42,80-2,163,164; 11/7; 15/60; Grant, William, 4/192; 6/128-30, 134; 16/37, 39-41, 44, 49, 50. 10/131,132; 17/24; 19/21,23. Mackay, A. M., 1/44,47,48; 4/30,272; 8/20,27; 11/91,112, 113; 13/5-13, 17, Haddon, E. B., 15/3l. 20, 21; 14/18, 26, 27, 31, 32,41,219, Ham Mukasa, 1/91; 6/58,59; 14/29,31, 220; 15/86, 89, 90; 18/13-20; 20/78. 34, 39. 80, 85, 86. Hanlon, Bishop, 2/108. Mackinnon, Sir W., 15/59; 18/81,82. Hannington, Bishop, 4/164-5; 8/19-27 ; Makaburi of Ruzumburu, 11 /21-2; 25-9. 11/113,119; 13/1-22; 14/18,19. Mahdi, The, 1/47; 12/75; 15/135-9; (Em- Hayes-Sadler, Col., 6/ 134; II / 13; 12/94, bassy from Kabarega); 19/93-5. 97, 172, 193. Marchand, Col., 1/9l. Hirth, Bishop, 15/60. Martin, James, 1/10,61,62, 145-9; 2/247; Hunter. Dr. H. H., 2/79, 110. 8/20,21; 12/188, 189. Martyr, Col. C, 10/77; 16/41-4. Jack, Maj. E. M., 14/14l. Mathews, Gen. W. Lloyd (Sir), 8/21; Jackson, Sir F. J., 1/61,66,89,92; 2/158, 13/13; 17/2. 159; 4/165, 189; 7/71, 138, 141; 8/26; Mbaguta, Nuwa, 10/124-35; 14/29. Also 11 /51; 12/34, 35. 129-33; 14/47, 229; see Treaties 2/200; 13 /175. 15/58,159; 16/28,29; 20/114-20. Mbogo, Nuhu, 1/24, 14/49. Johnston, Sir H. H., 2/7, 13, 103, 212, Millar, Rev. E., 5/144-8: 7/96; 11/191. 247; 6/131-3; 20/6. Miro (Chief), 4/190-3; 6/127; 11/66,102. Jones, Rev. W. H., 13/15-17. Moffat, Dr. R. U., 1/61, 63, 87; 3/24l. Jonveaux, Emile, 10/152-4. Moses, M., 2/79; 4/39; 15/204; 17/78: Junker, Dr., 13/6, 17: 15/170, 17l. 18/21-3. Muhammad Ali of Egypt, 15/123. Kabarega, 1/27. 36, 40: 5/63-8; 6/128, Muhumusa, 6/76-81. 129, 135; 7/71-3; 8/37: 10/77; 12/74, Mumia, see Mumias under GENERAL 76; 13/35,233,234; 14/47,49; 16/38, INDEX. 45,46; 17/14-16; 18/21,22; 19/62,63, Murchison, Sir R., 12/63, 64, 66, 67, 69; 65, 66; (Burial) 19/208. 13/107; 17/153. Kakunguru, Semei, 6/125-36; 10/35, 36, Mutesa, I., Mukabya (Kabaka), 1/22-50. 159-62; 11/55-6, 58. 59, 66; 12/175; 124-33, 156: 2/8, 10,65-70,83-5; 5/63, 14/40,44,48; 16/45,46; 19/20-6,38, 68,284,285; 6/58; 8/20; 10/141·3; 39; 19/156, 158; 20/10. 11/86-90, 96, 97, 110-12; 13/84-6: Kalema (Kabaka), 4/165; 5/64,65; 14/23,. 20/72·87. 27. 33-40. 44-8. Mutesa's Mother, 1/23, 128, 129; 2/83·5, Kamanya (Kabaka). 2/269; 16/149.

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