Examining the Levallois Reduction Strategy From a Design Theory Point of View Dennis M. Sandgathe Oxford: John and Erica Hedges Ltd., BAR International Series 1417, 2005, 176 pp. (paperback), £41.00. ISBN 1-84171-717-7

Reviewed by: IAN J. WALLACE Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4364, USA

he Levallois reduction strategy has long been consid- reduction approaches, possess functionally advantageous Tered a hallmark of the Middle of Western morphologies. The most significant attributes appear to be Eurasia (Bordes 1953) and the Middle of Africa greater average size, a high number of usable edges per (Goodwin 1929). However, both the definition of the tech- flake, and decreased robusticity. A more general conclusion nique and its possible significance remain controversial pa- of the study is that Levallois would offer im- leoanthropological issues (see papers in Dibble and Bar-Yo- portant advantages under conditions of restricted access to sef 1995). Sandgathe’s volume, based on his doctoral thesis, raw material. represents a recent contribution to the ongoing Levallois The basic questions explored in this study are rooted discussion. in evolutionary ecology in that they seek to investigate the This study attempts to elucidate the potential advan- ways in which the adoption of the Levallois technique can tages of employing the Levallois reduction strategy, which be considered an adaptive strategy pursued by Middle Pa- contributed to its widespread geographic distribution and leolithic . In this sense, the research employs high- temporal endurance. Constructed around design theory, level theory that is closely aligned with an Americanist the study develops a generalized model of Middle Paleo- approach to lithic . Likewise, one of the great lithic lifeways and attempts to identify those factors that strengths of the work that Sandgathe presents in this book would have most significantly constrained the design of and elsewhere (Sandgathe 2004) is that it approaches Mid- lithic technologies. These constraints take on two forms— dle Paleolithic core reduction strategies from the perspec- functional constraints on the flaking products (blanks and tive of the overall organization of technology (sensu Nelson ) and those imposed on the reduction sequence. Five 1991). Specifically, this is achieved by expanding the focus morphological aspects of blanks are hypothesized to more of investigation beyond classic Levallois products (sensu or less dictate performance—flake size, length of cutting Bordes 1961) to include the significance of products such as edge, angle of cutting edge, ventral curvature, and - over éclats débordants. In fact, this book may represent the most all robusticity. Raw material economy and technological thorough investigation of the functionality of éclats débor- knowledge are proposed as the primary constraints influ- dants yet published. encing the choice of reduction strategy. Based on these con- Most of the problems from which this study suffers, straints, several hypotheses are developed that are argued however, relate to the precision with which types of flaking to potentially explain the advantages of employing a Leval- products (i.e., blanks) are defined and the degree to which lois reduction strategy and the circumstances under which they can be assigned accurately to specific reduction strate- these operate. gies—issues that have been the focus of considerable ar- These hypotheses are tested through the analysis of chaeological debate (e.g., Boëda 1994: 262-265; Dibble 1989; blank selection patterns for -making at three French Marks and Volkman 1983). Because blanks are the study’s sites in the Southwest (Pech de L’Azé primary unit of analysis, these obstacles could present sig- IV, , and Combe Capelle Bas) and one in the nificant challenges to the conclusions. Two of the four blank Southeast (Jiboui). The analysis begins by comparing the types considered by Sandgathe are particularly problem- attributes thought to control performance in the morpholo- atical and deserve some discussion. These are “éclats débor- gies of used vs. unused flakes. Sandgathe concludes that dants” and “peripheral Levallois flakes.” selection, in fact, does appear to have been based on all of Throughout the book, Sandgathe maintains that éclats the hypothesized attributes except ventral curvature. In ad- débordants are widely recognized as a product of discoidal dition, the selection of specific attributes varied depending technologies. However, many key studies of Levallois tech- on the conditions of the site. nology describe éclats débordants as a far more general class The analysis then considers how blanks produced by of blanks which can be produced by both discoidal and various reduction strategies from each of the assemblag- Levallois techniques (Boëda 1988, 1993, 1994; Boëda et al. es might satisfy the selection criteria that appear to have 1990; Debénath and Dibble 1994; Meignen 1995). A simple been in place. The four classes of blanks considered include definition of these artifacts could be “flakes whose lateral central Levallois flakes, peripheral Levallois flakes, éclats margin removes an edge of the core.” Because a techno- débordants, and amorphous flakes. By comparing the char- logical understanding of this blank type is necessary to fol- acteristics of the technological products to the characteris- low the logic of several of the arguments being presented tics of those blanks chosen for use, Sandgathe concludes throughout the book, it would have been better if Sand- that Levallois products, as as the products of similar gathe had made more explicit his reasoning for associating PaleoAnthropology 2006: 51−53. Copyright © 2006 Paleoanthropology Society. All rights reserved. 52 • PaleoAnthropology 2006 éclat débordants with a discoidal reduction system. A dia- sign a flake exhibiting use-wear to a certain technology, gram (Figure 2.4) tries to clarify this somewhat, but it is not this does not mean that they were actually designed for that effective. Illustrations of the artifacts that were classified purpose. This would seem to be supported by the fact that as éclats débordants following standard conventions (sensu among each of the blank classes analyzed by Sandgathe, the Addington 1986) might have helped clarify this issue, but overall frequency of used and/or retouched “amorphous” only undiagnostic photographs are provided (Plates 1-3). blanks was higher than any other blank class (pp.126–130). Peripheral Levallois is a second tenuous class of blanks Importantly, selection of a flake for retouch or use can take considered in the study. Sandgathe defines these in the fol- place long after a flake was produced, to judge from the lowing way: not infrequent occurrence of retouch scars bearing younger patination than the remainder of the flake. Therefore, while If its shape and dorsal scar configuration indicate that it one of the primary goals of the study is to evaluate the comes from the periphery of the face of the core and it adaptive significance of the Levallois reduction strategy, includes a significant portion of the peripheral edge of sub-circular shaped, single-surface core then it is consid- the behavior being examined is simply blank selection pat- ered a centripetal or peripheral Levallois flake (see Van terns. To consider this aspect of behavior indicative of the Peer 1992) or potentially a more generic disc core flake entire flintknapping strategy is to reify the existence of a (p. 83). “desired end-product,” which may or may not be an emic goal regardless of any etic validity (i.e., the Ford (1952) vs. Here again, as was the case with the éclats débordants Spaulding (1953) debate). class, this type potentially includes both Levallois and dis- Third, in assessing the role of sociality in Levallois coidal products. As well, this class would seem to include technological knowledge, Sandgathe seems to discount the several forms of éclats débordants. role of social learning. This conclusion runs counter to an These techno-typological issues limit the study in that enormous body of ethnographic data on how individuals they prohibit the examination of Levallois core reduction acquire technical skills (e.g., Wiessner 1983, 1984; see also as a discrete phenomenon, which is a stated objective of the references in Shennan and Steele 1999) and even studies study. Instead, what is actually being examined is a greater of modern flintknappers (Whittaker 2004) suggesting that class of blanks which includes the products of all variants complex tasks (such as the production of Levallois flakes) of Levallois and discoidal technologies. While there may be are most effectively transmitted in social contexts. some evidence that these technologies are related (Baum- There are also issues with the overall production quality ler 1988; Lenoir and Turq 1995), many researchers believe of the book. The bibliography could have been more thor- that they are technologically divergent enough to warrant ough, particularly for work done by French technologists. individual consideration. This is not only because they are Specifically, strategic placement of such citations may have organized differently volumetrically (Boëda 1993), but also helped clarify the source of Sandgathe’s understanding of because they represent different levels of curation and are éclats débordants. As well, while the book contains numer- likely to have different costs and benefits (Brantingham ous graphs and tables which are all very clear and rich with and Kuhn 2001; Dibble 1997). Regardless of what position data, schematic representations of reduction sequences and one takes on the relatedness of Levallois and discoidal tech- the photographs of the artifacts are unclear. And as previ- nologies, the system employed to type blanks in this study ously mentioned, the book also might have benefited from clearly masks potentially significant technological variabil- the inclusion of illustrations. Typographical errors ity. Moreover, while one of the primary conclusions of the exist, but none compromise the readability. book is that several of the advantageous morphological as- Despite these criticisms, readers interested in Levallois pects of Levallois products are found in similar technolo- technology are likely to find many of the ideas presented by gies, this seems to be more of an assumption inherent in the Sandgathe to be insightful and thought-provoking. Because system used to type blanks than it is an actual finding. none of the assemblages considered in the study have any Other problems arise from the basic methodology of significant Levallois point component, it is uncertain if the design theory itself. First, the identification of possible con- findings would be germane to work being done in regions straints on lithic technologies, which serve as the founda- such as the Levant where there are higher frequencies of tion for the hypotheses tested in the study, is a function of such artifacts during the Middle Paleolithic than there are what is known about Middle Paleolithic adapta- in Western Europe. The book additionally will be of inter- tions. Likewise, Sandgathe’s predictions about optimal tool est to those researchers more generally studying Middle design rely almost entirely on taphonomically complicated Paleolithic technology. use-wear data which indicate that stone tools were primar- ily used in the Middle Paleolithic for woodworking and References butchery. However, these are the same conclusions reached Addington, L.R. 1986. Lithic Iillustration: Drawing Flaked by use-wear studies of assemblages where Stone Artifacts for Publication. 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