google download cannot open file Can’t Open Downloads in ? Try These Methods Now! [MiniTool News] When downloading files from the Internet, these files are stored to the Downloads folder by default. However, this folder won’t respond for a long , even you can’t open Downloads files. seriously, may stop working. Take it easy since MiniTool Solution will give you many methods and now let’s go to see how to fix the unresponsive Downloads folder in Windows 10. Solution 1: Run an SFC Scan. When you can’t open Downloads folder, perhaps there are some corrupted system files. In Windows, the built-in tool – System File Checker, can be used to scan damaged system files and repair them. By performing the command sfc /scannow, you can easily solve the Downloads folder not responding issue. Step 1: Input cmd in the search box of Windows 10 and right-click Command Prompt to run this tool with administrator privilege. Step 2: Input sfc /scannow and press Enter . Wait a few minutes until the verification is complete. Solution 2: Optimize the Downloads Folder for General Items. If you can’t open Downloads in Windows 10, one of the reasons is Automatic Folder Type Discovery that optimizes directories for specific file types automatically. That is, when making a folder and adding items to it, Windows is able to set its to music, media, pictures, etc. based on the type of items in that folder. But for the Download folder, the file types are random. So, Folder Discovery may be a bug since it slows down the load time of the Downloads folder. To fix the Download folder not responding issue, you can change the type of Downloads to General Items. Step 1: In File Explorer of Windows 10, right-click on the Downloads folder and choose Properties . Step 2: Go to the Customize tab and choose General items from the Optimize this folder for section. Step 3: Also, check the Also apply this template to all subfolders option. Step 4: Click Apply and then OK . Solution 3: Change View . Sometimes Downloads won’t open or respond since the files include thumbnails that usually takes much time to load. To solve the issue, you can change its view settings: only show an icon instead of showing a thumbnail of your files. Step 1: In File Explorer, click File > Change folder and search options . Step 2: Under the View tab, choose the Always show icons, never thumbnails option. Step 3: Click Apply and OK . Are your picture thumbnails not showing in Windows 10 File Explorer? Take it easy and now we will show you how to fix this issue via 4 methods. Solution 4: Files from Inaccessible Folder. If none of the methods could you to fix the Download folder not responding issue in Windows 10, but some important files are saved to that folder, what should you do? Just recover files from the inaccessible folder with the professional data recovery software – MiniTool Power Data Recovery. Step 1: Launch this program to its main interface. Choose the C drive and click Scan . Step 2: Wait a few minutes until the scan finishes. Step 3: the Downloads folder, open it and see whether this software has scanned your needed files. If yes, check all the items and click Save to a safe location. Bottom Line. Can’t open Downloads in Windows 10? What should you do in the event of Downloads folder not responding? Try to fix it. Also, you can choose to restore files from this folder in case that all methods are not working. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit. ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Position: Columnist. Vera is an editor of the MiniTool Team since 2016 who has more than 5 years’ writing experiences in the field of technical articles. Her articles mainly focus on disk & partition management, PC data recovery, video conversion, as well as PC backup & restore, helping users to solve some errors and issues when using their computers. In her spare times, she likes shopping, playing games and reading some articles. File downloaded from Google docs won't open. I am hoping to add my own similar issue to this thread. It is not identical in every way to what Patricia describes but it's certainly similar and probably related. Specifically: I cannot open an .xlsx file in Excel from Mac Office 2011. Here are my specifics: File created almost exactly a year ago in Mac Excel 2011. I don't know the sub-version but it would have been whatever was current that time (Jan-Feb 2016). In addition to the original file in original location, it was also backed up to Google Drive shortly after creation. In attempting to open the file a year later, I get this error: I have seen several suggestions from other threads about this problem and should mention what is and is not relevant in this case: Some users found that if the containing drive has been named with anything other than alphanumeric characters, or was perhaps accidentally renamed or had its name removed, that could cause this problem. (But that is not relevant in my case.) It has also been suggested that Excel files transmitted by email could have corruption. (Also not relevant in my case. My files remained untouched on the same drive during all intervening time.) The back-up , saved to backup immediately after last working in it successfully, also has this same problem. So it is unlikely to be file corruption, and seems more likely to be related to some change of file-opening behavior between last year's Mac Office 2011 sub-version and the current sub-version – which I had just updated to, just before attempting to open this older file. Excel 2016 won't open Google Drive downloads with "The unable to open file corrupted" Welcome to Community and thank you for posting your query. Few more details would help us to provide a better response. Are you able to open the files within the Excel through File > Open ? I suggest you to try repair and open the Excel workbook to check if it open as expected. To do so, kindly refer to the information mentioned in the following Microsoft article and check if issue persist. I hope the above information helps. Let us know if you need further assistance. Chrome downloads PNG image links. I want them to open for viewing in a new tab. How do I make Chrome do that? When I click on an image link right now, Chrome downloads the image instead of opening it. Even if I right-click and select Open link in new tab Chrome still downloads the image, and I have to go through the extra steps of opening the file for viewing manually. This feels like a mime-type issue to me, but why would Chrome not recognize "image/png" as a valid mime-type for viewing? All PNG images display just fine in an HTML page. This feels like a really stupid question, but I have googled and searched all over and can't get close to an answer. Am I the only one in the world who has this problem? NOTE: This only happens for PNG images. 5 Answers 5. The web is probably serving the image using the image/x-png MIME type. Chrome does not recognise this as an image (as of August 2012 February 2013), hence offers the file as a download. image/x-png is a legacy MIME type from the days before it got its official name, image/png , in 1996. However, when uploads an image it does so using image/x-png "for backward compatibility". I believe this was the case up to IE8, and was "fixed" in IE9. If the web server does not correctly handle this (the web server should detect this non-standard MIME type and treat it as image/png ), then it may serve up the client-provided MIME type to other users, including to Google Chrome. Additionally, some web sites will serve up all PNGs as image/x-png . If you're the web developer you should detect incoming image/x-png and treat it as image-png (never serve up image/x-png ). If you're the user report it as a bug and see @kriegaex's answer for a workaround. 10 Best Ways to Fix Google Docs Not Down​load​ing Issues. While Google Docs functions well in Chrome, things don't always work as intended. Just the other day, I attempted to download a document, and it wouldn't work. Yes, I could've shared it directly with the person I wanted to send it out to. But sometimes, I just need an offline copy that doesn't make me or my collaborators rely solely on Google Docs' proprietary GDOC . After looking around, I came across several reasons as to why Google Docs fails to download documents. An outdated web cache, insufficient file permissions, and improperly configured browser settings can all contribute to the issue. That said, let's take a look at several troubleshooting tips that worked for me and help you quickly get things back on track. Also on Guiding Tech. How to Insert Google Drawings in Google Docs. 1. Enable Multiple File Downloads. As a security measure, Chrome prevents sites from downloading files one after another. To check if this is the case, load Google Docs in a new tab, and then click the padlock-shaped icon next to the address bar—if Automatic Downloads is set to Block (Default), set it to Allow instead. Reload Google Docs, and then try initiating a download. It should likely work. 2. Clear Google Docs Cache. An outdated web cache can also cause various issues with websites and web apps, and Google Docs is no exception. To rule that out, you must clear cached data related to the web app. Thankfully, you do not have to clear the entire Chrome cache—check out this guide for detailed instructions on how to clear the Google Docs cache only. 3. Disable Content-Blocking Extensions. Do you use an ad blocking extension in Chrome? It could be what's stopping Google Docs from successfully initiating downloads. Turn the extension off (go to Chrome menu > More Tools > Extensions), and then perform a fresh Google Docs download. If that works, add Google Docs to the extension's white-list to prevent future conflicts. 4. Try Incognito Mode. Chrome's Incognito mode can help bypass various browser-related issues caused by outdated browser caches or problematic extensions. Open the Chrome menu and click New Incognito Window to switch to Incognito mode. Then, sign into Google Docs with your Google Account credentials and attempt to download a document. If that works, you may want to clear the entire Chrome browser cache—go to Chrome Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data. Just make sure not to delete your passwords or auto-fill data while you are at it. Additionally, disable your Chrome extensions—open the Chrome menu, and then click More Tools > Extensions. Follow by re-enabling them one-by-one to identify extensions that hinder Google Docs from functioning properly. 5. Request Download Permissions. Are you attempting to download a shared document? You may not have the permissions required to do that. A grayed out Download option within the Google Docs File menu indicates that. In that case, you have no recourse but to ask the owner of the file for permissions to download the document.