The Ireland

Turning Military Vessels into Peace Boats

A Proposal for an Irish Boat

“This is not a natural disaster. It is a man-made disaster created by policies that are not humane.” John Ging, director of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency in Gaza.

Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

Children at Gaza Port welcome the “Dignity” Boat. November 2008

I Am There

I come from there and remember, I was born like everyone is born, I have a mother and a house with many windows, I have brothers, friends and a prison. I have a wave that sea-gulls snatched away. I have a view of my own and an extra blade of grass. I have a moon past the peak of words. I have the godsent food of birds and an olive tree beyond the kent of time. I have traversed the land before swords turned bodies into banquets. I come from there, I return the sky to its mother when for its mother the sky cries, and I weep for a returning cloud to know me. I have learned the words of blood-stained courts in order to break the rules. I have learned and dismantled all the words to construct a single one: Home

Mahmoud Darwish 1941-2008 Palestinian writer and poet

2 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

I. Summary 4

II. Our Mission 5

III. The Urgency of Our Mission 6

IV. Goals/Objectives 6

V. Procedures/Scope of Work 7

VI. A Proposal for an Irish Boat: Why Ireland? 8

VII. We Understand 10

VIII. The Irish Boat 12

IX. Project Timetable 13

X. Expenditure and Costs 14

XI. Key Personnel 15

XII. Interim Board of Directors 15

XIII. Gaza Coordinators 17

XIV. Board of Advisors 17

XV. Gaza Advisory Council 20

XVI. Endorsers 21

XVII. Bank Information 22

"Peace and security, we discovered in South Africa, do not come through the barrel of a gun… I support the boat convoy in its attempt." , Archbishop Emeritus

3 The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

I. Summary

Free Gaza Digenthios and Avgousta court. Nigridi Street, 6018 Apartment 203 Larnaca, .

Derek & Jenny Graham [email protected] +357 99262741 (mobile Cyprus) +353 (0)86 3403689 (mobile Ireland) +353 (0)86 3403659 (mobile Ireland)

Free Gaza Ireland Coordinators

Niamh Moloughney [email protected] +353 (0)91 472279 +353 (0)85 7747257 (mobile)

Alan Lonergan [email protected] +353 (0)96 72791 +353 (0)86 3334378 (mobile)

Sailing to Gaza: Turning Military Vessels into Peace Boats

And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; na- tion shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Isaiah 2:4

The Free Gaza Movement was founded in 2006 when imposed a brutal blockade on Gaza. We aim to break the siege by opening a sea passage that will not be dependent on the draconian closure of all land entries into Gaza. We have successfully organized 5 voyages to Gaza from August to December 2008, delivering human rights workers & humanitarian supplies to those in desperate need and have proven our ability to sail boats to this small strip of land.

Our proposal is to buy a cargo ship, then purchase 2 to 4 military vessels that can carry passengers to accompany it. We have a commitment for the cargo ship, and we are now raising money to buy the military vessels. As the quote says, we will turn swords into ploughshares by buying and retrofitting these boats for civilian use, an exciting an innovative approach to breaking the military siege of Gaza.

By carefully organizing these voyages, we can successfully open a sea channel between Gaza and the world that will bring in essential materials and resources for rebuilding, materials and equipments which, up until now it has been impossi- ble to get into Gaza.

4 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

II. The Free Gaza Mission

Founded in 2006, the Free Gaza Movement works to end the Is- raeli blockade of the through both public advocacy and direct action. We are private citizens acting to uphold Pales- tine's right to freely trade and in- teract with the rest of the world.

We are an international, volun- teer-driven organization working in Europe, Asia, and North Amer- ica, and liaising with Palestine campaigners and media outlets Parliamentarians arriving in Gaza, in every part of the world. Collec- November 2008 tively, we have years of experi- ence volunteering in occupied and Gaza at the invitation of Palestini- ans.

We work to raise international awareness about the prison-like closure of the Gaza Strip, and to directly challenge the continuing occupation, by sending ships with human rights and humanitarian workers and aid to Gaza in open defiance of the Israeli closure.

Since August 2008, the Free Gaza Movement has sailed from Cyprus to the Gaza Strip on five successful voyages, bringing in tons of humanitarian aid as well as dozens of international witnesses to see firsthand the devastating effects of Israeli violence against the Palestinian people. Ours are the first international boats to journey to Gaza since 1967.

• We want to break the Siege of Gaza.

• We want to raise international awareness about the prison-like closure of the Gaza Strip and pressure the international community to review its sanctions policy and end its support for continued Israeli occupation.

• We want to uphold Palestine’s right to welcome internationals as visitors, hu- man rights observers, humanitarian aid workers, journalists, or otherwise.

We have not and will not ask for Israel’s permission to go. It is our intent to over- come this brutal siege through civil resistance and non-violent direct action, and establish a permanent sea-lane between Gaza and the world.

5 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

III. The Urgency of our Mission

Historically, Gaza has played an important role in the struggle for a Palestinian Homeland. The began in Gaza in December 1987, quickly spreading through all of Palestine, galvanizing civil resistance against the Israeli Occupation. Gaza human rights leaders, such as Dr. Eyad Seraj of the Gaza Community Men- tal Health Project and a Free Gaza Movement coalition partner, are world- recognized.

However, in recent years, Israeli propaganda has had some success in suppress- ing awareness about Gaza in the rest of the world, and portraying Gaza as a cen- ter for “extremism.”

The Israeli siege of Gaza, first imposed in January 2006 and gradually strength- ened, has adversely impacted all levels of society, dramatically increasing unem- ployment, poverty, and childhood malnutrition rates. The increasingly severe clo- sure of Gaza over the last twenty years; culminating in the current blockade, has also acted to economically and culturally sever Gaza from the rest of Palestine, and poses a long-term threat to the viability of a future Palestinian state. This bru- tal isolation must be directly challenged.

VI. Goals of the Free Gaza Movement

The Free Gaza Movement has six short and long-term goals:

• To directly challenge the Israeli siege through civil resistance, by sailing civil- ian ships to the Gaza Strip.

• To raise international awareness about the Israeli siege and its effects on the people of Gaza through this dramatic and direct confrontation with Israeli policies, as well as through continuing public advocacy campaigns in be- tween sea voyages.

• To bring into Gaza human rights observers and workers, including parliamen- tarians, journalists, and other prominent individuals.

• To deliver needed humanitarian and developmental aid that is currently re- stricted by Israel.

• To create a precedent for international travel and trade with Gaza by the sea route.

• To inspire and pressure other members of the international community to also challenge the Israeli closure, thereby shattering the blockade and perma- nently opening Gaza to the rest of the world.

6 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

V. Scope of our Work

In order to achieve our goals, the Free Gaza Movement must simultaneously work in several areas to:

Purchase and maintain 2-4 passenger boats plus one cargo ship (including suit- able crew members for the ships) to make the journey to Gaza and challenge the Israeli blockade. We have a pledge for the cargo ship, and we are now seeking funds for the military vessels that will be retrofitted for civilian use.

• Identify and recruit individuals and organizations to travel to Gaza on our ships.

• Identify and secure needed humanitarian and developmental supplies to take into Gaza, as well as work with the local civil society organizations in Gaza that can best make use of these supplies.

• Work with our local coalition partners in Gaza to best understand their needs and insure Palestinian participation at all levels of our work, as well as to plan and implement our delegation itineraries in Gaza.

• Maintain and build upon our worldwide network of volunteers to take ad- vantage of our voyages to plan campaigns and do local and international advocacy aimed at ending the Israeli siege.

• Maintain and build upon our network of media contacts.

• Disseminate information through these networks, as well as through our web- site.

• Secure sufficient funding to continue all of these programs.

7 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

VI. A Proposal for an Irish Boat: Why Ireland ?

In a series of remarks issued by the President of the 63rd United Nations General As- sembly on the occasion of “International Day of Non-violence” October 2nd 2008, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann stated:“Gandhi’s and King’s successors in the twenty- first century have carried out further experiments in the power of nonviolent truth to achieve justice and peace in every corner of the world—including, in the last two months, Gaza. The Free Gaza Movement has succeeded in breaking the siege of Gaza by nonviolent direct action...... This nonviolent initiative allowed to enter and leave their own country freely for the first time in over 60 years. As Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories noted, it is now a question of whether the courage and com- mitment of the Free Gaza Movement “can awaken the conscience of humanity to an unfolding tragedy”.

One important link to this specific story went unnoticed by the President in his comments and that was the connection that Ireland has with the story of Ghandi and King and their success in using non-violent resistance to injustice, that link is an Irish one. Coming 30 after a famine which wiped away half the Irish population in 5 years, Irishman Michael Davitt founded The Irish Land League which was initially formed in County Mayo in the West of Ireland on 21st October1879. Its guiding principle was the demand: “The Land of Ireland for the people of Ireland”. The movement sought, by non–violent means, to fight the injustice of Landlordism and

Michael Davitt Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King Ireland India U.S.A. the impoverishment and suffering of the native Irish people at the hands of the landed and political elite which largely ruled from London. In 1880, as part of its campaign to protect Irish tenant farmers from exploitation, the Irish Land League under Michael Davitt withdrew the local labour required to save the harvest on Lord Erne's estate at Lough Mask in Co. Mayo. This action came in response to ex- orbitant rents which lead to a series of cruel evictions and house demolitions a practice widespread throughout the country at the time. Lord Erne had em- ployed a land agent to manage his Mayo estate, and the Land League initiated a system to ostracize the land agent. The League launched a campaign of isola- tion against him in the local community. Neighbours would not talk to him. Shops would not serve him. Local labourers refused to tend the land or serve in his house, and the postman refused to deliver his mail. The campaign became a

8 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland cause célèbre in the British press, with newspapers sending correspondents to the West of Ireland to highlight what they viewed as the victimization of a servant of a peer of the realm by Irish nationalists. 50 men loyal to the British government trav- elled to Lord Erne's estate to save the harvest. A regiment of troops and over 1,000 policemen were deployed to protect the harvesters. The entire episode was estimated to have cost the British government and others over £10,000 to harvest approximately £350 worth of potatoes. It was at this point that the British govern- ment realized that if this expression of non-violent resistance by the poorest of the poor was replicated throughout Ireland or the empire at large the very fabric of British administration and rule throughout its empire would be destroyed. The Brit- ish quickly acceded to the wishes of the Land League and in quick succession in- troduced a series of laws and land reforms which laid the foundations for Irish in- dependence. With nothing other than the will to succeed this profound act of non-violence pulled away the corner stone of empire and incited a movement that has spanned the globe. The Land Agent who was ostracized by the Land League was Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott. Thus a movement was born which provided a new word to the English language -“Boycott”- and with it a non -violent means to oppose aggression and injustice.

When Mahatma Gandhi was a young man he met with the now elderly Michael Davitt in London. Many years later the Mahatma attributed the origin of his own mass movement of peaceful resistance in India to Davitt and the Land League. The Irish legacy had worked its way out into the wider world for the good of hu- man kind. It is important to note that Martin Luther King says in his autobiography that “Gandhi was the guiding light of our technique of non-violent social change” and here again another movement for change commenced with the famous 1956 Montgomery Bus “Boycott”. Boycott again became a successful strategy in bringing change in South Africa and to day we see the boycott as part of a movement taking hold and growing in strength against Israel in opposition to its apartheid policies and human rights abuses of the native Palestinian people.

An evection in the West of Ireland

9 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

VII. We Understand

Ireland’s troubled past and its long struggle for self-determination and dignity has instilled a strong sense of social justice and respect for human rights. Many see a reflection of our historic experience in the injustice, suffering and hardship of the Palestinian people today.

A Palestinian woman awaiting eviction from An Irish woman after eviction from her home. her home. East Jerusalem, 2004 Mayo, Ireland, 1886

Ireland as a nation commands tremendous respect internationally for its humani- tarian work. Countless citizens from this small island have made an enormous con- tribution throughout the world in the areas of humanitarian assistance, social jus- tice and peace. The impact of this work far outweighs the relatively small size of the country. Even in one of the worlds most besieged and isolated locations - Gaza - Irish citizens have been active in the provision of humanitarian assistance. Grave concern for the humanitarian crises in Gaza is reflected across all sections of Irish society encompassing individuals, civil society groups, NGO’s and Govern- ment.

The following statements by prominent Irish people are just a reflection of the con- cern shared by countless citizens on the Island of Ireland.

10 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

"Their (Gaza’s) whole civilisation has been destroyed, I'm not exaggerating.....It's almost unbelievable that the world doesn't care while this is happening...... When I see 1.4 million trapped in a situation of collective punishment, without rights, I have to raise that, and I will go on raising it,"

Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and Former United Nations High Com- missioner for Human Rights.

“I do not need to recall my strong views on the completely unacceptable nature of the blockade now being imposed on the people of Gaza. All border crossings into Gaza should be opened immediately to humanitarian and normal commer- cial traffic so that the dire humanitarian situation can be adequately addressed and the reconstruction of Gaza begin. This is the only effective remedy which we should seek to offer to the long-suffering people of Gaza.”

Micheál Martin T.D., Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ireland

“This is not a natural disaster. It is a man-made disaster created by policies that are not humane”

John Ging, Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza.

“Today Israel is not acting justly towards the Gazans, the people of Palestine, so it behoves those of us who care to continue sailing to Gaza to break the siege, to break the SILENCE “

Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate

Of particular note are the words of Nobel Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire. Mairead has pursued a message of peace and nonviolence for the last 33 years. Her message to all is strong, true and consistent. It is a message that has both bridged the communities on the island of Ireland and reached out to the wider world beyond our shores. Her belief in the rights of human be- ings to exist with dignity, love and respect have been a guiding principle. Mairead has courageously participated in two boat trips with the Free Gaza Movement in their efforts to breach the illegal siege of the Gaza Strip. She has also been active in places like the village of Bel’in giving support to the local community in their fight for Justice. The per- sonal effort and commitment of this remark- able women is testament to her determina- tion to seek peace with justice and her de- Maraid Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate with Dr. Mona El-Farra, termination reflects the feeling of many on Gaza Advisory Council at Gaza Port the island of Ireland.

11 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

VIII. The Irish Boat

The missions of the Free Gaza Movement have always been representative of the international community with people coming from many countries world wide to participate in breaking the siege. It is all the more remarkable that every success- ful mission to Gaza has brought with it Irish citizens. On the second successful mis- sion a 1/6th of the ships passengers were Irish citizens, while on the third trip one 1/8th of all those on board were Irish citizens including two members of the Irish Parliament. Given the small population of the Island of Ireland this is a tremendous commitment. It is testament to a strong commitment in Ireland to the right of Pal- estinian self-determination and justice.

Now more then ever It is vital to harness this powerhouse of support in Ireland. We - Free Gaza Ireland - intend to participate with the Free Gaza Movement in their next siege breaking trip to Gaza. To do this with greatest effect we propose to launch an Irish registered boat from the capital and Ireland’s principal sea port of Dublin. It is intended that this boat will carry a group of Irish citizens - people prominent in Irish life - politicians, musicians, journalists and human rights activists. The boat we wish to use is a converted naval mine sweeper.

There is a deep and meaningful message when a vessel of military might be- comes a boat of moral force carrying a message of justice, peace and hope. The inclusion of parliamentarians will greatly assist in furthering the issues in the po- litical field, the inclusion of journalists will further the story in the media but most im- portantly the inclusion of prominent Irish musicians will bring the message to the mainstream. Music has proved an effective means to carry a message to a uni- versal audience and was used to great success in bringing the story of Apartheid South Africa to a wider audience. Remarkably the boat chosen to undertake this trip from Ireland is fitted with a recording studio and it is intended to use this studio to record the musicians both during the course of the trip and hopefully whilst docked in Gaza.

“With Governments and the United Nations standing mute, unwilling or unable to provide assistance or protection to the people of Gaza, international civil society had taken the lead...... They in the United Nations would do well to follow that example”

Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann President of the 63rd United Nations General Assembly

As diplomacy fails and nation states shrink from their responsibility the words of the United Nations President echoes the feeling of many Irish people. Now more then ever is the time to further the lead given by civil society. It is a call we all wish to answer. With your help and support we can make a difference.

12 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

IX. Project Timetable

Description Time Line Initial challenge of the siege August 2008 - January 2009

Sending “Spirit of Humanity” once Israel June 2009 unilaterally declared a cease fire The Irish Boat Late October/Early November 2009

Continuing challenges to the Siege July 2009 - July 2010

In our initial challenges to the siege of Gaza, we used three separate boats: the motor vessel (MV) Free Gaza, the MV Liberty, and the MV Dignity. The Free Gaza and Liberty ships are small, wooden fishing vessels, and are unable to regularly sail to Gaza. In December 2008, the Israeli navy attacked the Dignity, causing consid- erable damage to the vessel. It sank in a heavy storm in Cyprus in May 2009. We now have a small ferry called the Spirit of Humanity, which is capable of tak- ing 20 passengers, but it is too small for major cargo and too unsteady to use after the summer months. At the moment, it has been hijacked by Israel and has not returned to us.

In order to continue our work, we require new ships better suited to meeting our objectives.

While our initial crossings in these vessels were significant in a symbolic way, we are now determined to increase our efforts to bring substantial support to the people of Gaza. This is a critical objective, both to meet immediate humanitarian needs, and also to help empower Palestine to have control over its own future, and to help facilitate the reconstruction of Gaza by bringing in essential building materials currently being denied access through the land crossings with both Egypt and Israel.

In order to meet these objectives, we will need to raise sufficient funds to pur- chase 2-4 new passenger boats and to cover the operational costs of sending them to Gaza every three weeks for the remainder of 2009 (beginning in the early fall) and the first six months of 2010.

13 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

X. Detailed Expenditures and Operating Costs

Total Estimated Operating Expenses for Irish boat trip


Type of Expenses Total

Boat €60,000 Captain & Crew €18,000 Fuel, Lubricants etc. €20,000 Travel €15,000

Accommodation €3,000 Victuals €3,000 Generator ● €10,000 Sound Equipment €5,000 Radio Equipment ● €8,000 Phones €2,000 Public Relations €7,000 Port & Customs Fees €5,000 Miscellaneous €10,000

Grand Total €166,000

Generator ●

The generator will be used for the provision of power for a concert performance to be given by Irish artists in Gaza, there after it will be donated to Al-Shifa Hospital where it will prove a beneficial source of auxiliary power for the running of the hospital and its lifesaving equipment.

Radio Equipment ●

It is intended to augment the recording equipment with a radio broadcast facility. Through this means radio broadcasts from the trip can be transmitted live across the Mediterranean to receiving locations for rebroadcast internationally.

14 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

XI. Key Personnel

Ship Captains

Denis Healy (UK) Denis has been involved with boats for 45 years, beginning with small fishing boats in Portsmouth. He has been captain of the Dignity on several successful voyages to Gaza. He learned to sail while at school and is a certified yacht master and has also worked on heavy marine equipment from yachts to large dredgers.

George Klontzas () George Klontzas is a professional diver and sailor. He was captain of the Liberty on the first voyage in August 2008, and captain of the Spirit of Humanity in Janu- ary 2009. He also captained the Dignity in December on one of the successful trips into Gaza.

John Klusmire (US) John has been a captain for years, piloting boats as small as pleasure yachts and as large as research vessels. He came up through the ranks of seamen and is qualified to pilot any size boat from 25-meter yachts to cargo ships.

XII. Interim Board of Directors

Huwaida Arraf, JD (Palestine/USA) Chair Huwaida is a Palestinian-American, and also a citizen of Israel. She is a human rights activist and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement. In 2007 she received her Jurist Doctor from American University in Washington D.C. and, from 2007 – 2008, taught Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Al Quds University in Jerusalem.

Greta Berlin (/USA) Greta is one of the founders of the Free Gaza Movement and has been an advo- cate for justice for the Palestinians since the early 1960s. She has an MFA degree in Theatre from the University of Illinois. In 1977, she founded GKB Associates, and has spent the past 32 years teaching engineers how to design and deliver presen- tations to international audiences.

Audrey Bomse (UK/USA) Audrey Bomse has been an activist since her student days in the 1960s. She's been involved in the Civil Rights Movement, the prisoner rights movement, and the El Salvador and Palestinian solidarity movements. As a human rights lawyer, she worked in Israel and the OPT for much of the past 7 years, most recently as coordinator of the United Against Torture Coalition, comprised of 15 Palestinian and Israeli NGOs representing the interests of Palestinian detainees and working to prevent and combat torture. Audrey was a passenger on the second voyage

15 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland of the Free Gaza Movement in October 2008, and has been working on legal is- sues involving the Israeli naval assaults on the Dignity, as well as on Gaza fisher- man and their boats. Audrey has been an active member of the National Law- yers Guild (NLG) for 25 years, past co-chair of its Prisoners' Rights Committee and is the current co-chair of it’s Free Gaza subcommittee .

Eliza Ernshire (Austrila), Board Treasurer Eliza Ernshire is a schoolteacher and human rights activist. Originally from Australia, she currently lives and works in the UK.

Derek Graham (Ireland) Derek Graham is originally from Ireland, and has been living in Cyprus for last 3 years. He is a qualified electrician and accomplished sailor, and has been sailing all his life. He is a member of the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, and primar- ily works as crew on missions to Gaza, as well as organizing boat logistics.

Fathi Jaouadi (Tunisia/ UK) Fathi Jaouadi is a television producer and human rights activist. Originally from Tu- nisia, he currently lives and works in London.

Ramzi Kysia (/USA) Ramzi Kysia is an Arab-American writer and activist. He was co-coordinator of the Peace Team, and headed a project to develop Baghdad Indymedia after the 2003 US invasion.

Lubna Masarwa (Palestine48) Lubna Masarwa is a political and social activist working for Al Quds University as a community organizer for social and political rights in East Jerusalem. She focuses on education and the right to school for every child. She has also worked against house demolitions and forced evacuations of Palestinians in East Jerusalem.

Dr. Vaggelis Pissias, PhD (Greece) Dr. Pissias is a university professor and well-respected human rights activist who has worked for justice for the Palestinians for over 40 years.

Adam Shapiro (USA) is a documentary filmmaker, human rights activist and Palestinian rights activist. He lived in the occupied Palestinian territory from 1999-2002 and helped found the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). His films include the award-winning documentary film, About Baghdad (Spring 2004), darfur diaries: message from home (Fall 2005), and becoming nadya (short film, 2007). His latest film is a documentary series on Palestinian refugees all over the world called Chronicles of a Refugee, which was broadcast on Al-Jazeera Documentary Channel in May 2009. Adam previously served as Country Director in Afghanistan for the internationally renowned human rights organization Global Rights. He is co- author of the book, "Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival" (Nation Books).

16 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

XIII. Gaza Coordinates

Caoimhe Butterly (Ireland) Caoimhe is an Irish human rights activist. She has worked on human rights obser- vation projects and with NGOs in Zimbabwe, Chiapas, Guatemala, Iraq and Pal- estine. Caoihme lived in the refugee camp for a year in 2002 before being shot by Israeli soldiers, then deported. She speaks conversational Arabic.

Ewa Jasiewicz (UK) Ewa is an experienced journalist, community and union organizer, and solidarity worker. Her articles have appeared in The Independent, , Le Monde Diplomatique, Red Pepper, and Z Net, among others. She worked with the ISM in Palestine, and with Voices in the Wilderness in Iraq. She speaks conversational Arabic.

We also have coordinators around the world. For a coordinator in your part of the world. please go to

XIV. Board of Advisors

The Free Gaza Movement is honored to have the following board of advisors as part of our organization

James Abourezk is a former Senator from South Dakota. He was the first Arab-American to serve in the Senate, representing South Dakota from 1973 to 1979. In 1980 Abourezk founded the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Com- mittee (ADC), a grassroots civil rights organization. In 1989, he wrote "Advise and Dissent: Memoirs of South Dakota and the U.S. Senate," and he is the co-author of "Through Different Eyes: Two Leading Americans — a Jew and an Arab — Debate U. S. Policy in the Middle East."

M.Cherif Bassiouni is a Distinguished Research Professor of Law emeritus at DePaul University, where he has taught since 1964. He is also a consultant in international human rights and humanitarian law for the United Nations. Bassiouni is the author of 32 and editor of 47 books on International Criminal Law, Comparative Criminal Law, Human Rights, and U.S. Criminal Law. He has authored 241 articles published in law journals and books in the U.S. and other countries.

Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, political activist, author, and lecturer. He is an Institute Professor and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology. Chomsky is well known in the academic and scientific community as one of the fathers of modern linguistics. Since the 1960s, he has become known more widely as a political dissident and libertarian socialist intellectual.

17 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

Gretta Duisenberg is an international human rights activist from The Netherlands. She is the founder of “Stop the Occupation,” an educational and advocacy or- ganization that works in Holland and throughout the European Union. Duisenber- gis a board member of "One Justice", an international group of lawyers in Paris and Geneva, and Honorary President of the Arab Centre for Research and Stud- ies on Palestine (Hebron). In 2002 Duisenberg was awarded the Human Rights Peace Prize by the Belgian Human Rights League. In 2005 she was nominated for Woman of the Year.

Jeff Halper is a professor of anthropology, political activist, author, and lecturer. In 1997, Halper co-founded the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) to challenge and resist the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian homes in the occupied territories, and to organize Israelis, Palestinians and international volunteers to jointly rebuild demolished Palestinian homes. In 2006, Jeff, along with Palestinian activist Dr. Ghassan Andoni, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Archbishop Theodosius (Atallah) Hanna is the Archbishop of Sebaste from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Ordained on the 24 December 2005 at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, he is the second Palestinian to hold the posi- tion of Archbishop in the history of the diocese. Theodosius is founder of the Ortho- dox Youth Movement in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. He is a well-known author, and his articles have been periodically published in various newspapers as well as in local and international magazines. Theodosius is widely known for his work pro- moting Christian-Muslim dialogue to help foster the spirit of cooperation and unity in Palestine.

Peter Hansen is the former United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), Commissioner-General from 1996-2005. Before joining the UN, Dr. Hansen was at Aarhus University in Denmark, where he taught political science from 1966 until he took leave to become Assistant Secretary General of the UN in 1978. From 1985 – 1992 Dr. Hansen was Executive Director of the UN Centre on Transnational Corpo- rations. He also served as the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, as well as the Executive Director of the Commission on Global Governance, Geneva, Switzerland, 1992-1994.

Naomi Klein is the award-winning author of the international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. She writes a regular column for The Nation magazine and The Guardian newspaper that is syndicated internationally by Syndicate. Her articles have appeared in Harper's Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Globe and Mail, and The Los Angeles Times. She wrote and co-produced “The Take,” an award-winning feature documentary about Argentina’s occupied factory move- ment.

John Pilger is an Australian journalist and award-winning documentary filmmaker. In his career as an investigative journalist, Pilger has received numerous human rights and journalism awards, as well as honorary doctorates. His 2002 film, 18 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

"Palestine is still the Issue," was nominated for a British academy award.

Leila Sharaf is a Jordanian Senator and former Minister of Information. She is the chair of the Board of Trustees of Philadelphia University and a member of the Board of Trustees of the American University of Beirut, as well as a member of the International Academic Council of the United Nations University for Peace. Ms. Sharaf is President of the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Human Rights and the Am- man Center for Human Rights. She is a former member of the Board of the Arab Organization for Human Rights and a founding member and former Vice Presi- dent of its branch in Jordan. In 1990, Mrs. Sharaf was a member of the Royal Commission for drafting the National Charter for Jordan, a major document for the democratization process.

Aengus Ó Snodaigh is an Irish political leader and activist. He is currently serving his second term as a TD in the Dáil, Ireland's parliament. Ó Snodaigh previously served as the Sinn Féin representative on the National Forum on Europe and the party’s spokesperson on the Nice Treaty. He is currently the Sinn Féin Chief Whip in Leinster House, as well as the spokesperson on Housing, Justice, Equality and Inter- national Affairs.

Baroness Jenny Tonge is a human rights activist and a member of the British House of Lords. Prior to entering the House of Lords, she was the Liberal Democrat Mem- ber of Parliament (MP) for Richmond Park in London from 1997 to 2005 and was her party’s spokesperson on International Development. During that time, she be- came very involved with the battle for justice for Palestinians. Baroness Tonge cur- rently speaks on this and health issues from the Liberal Democrat front bench in the House of Lords.

19 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

XV. Gaza Advisory Council

Mona El-Farra is Deputy Director of the Union of Health Work Committees in Gaza. She is a physician by training, and a human rights and women's rights activist by practice.

Mahfouz Kabariti is a human rights activist and President of the Palestinian Sailing Federation and Fishing & Marine Sports Association in Gaza.

Jamal El-Khoudary is the Chairman of the Popular Committee Against the Siege and an independent member of parliament in Gaza. He is a long-time outspoken advocate for the people of Palestine.

Eyad Sarraj is a doctor and world-renowned human rights activist from Gaza. He is the founder and director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP), and Commissioner-General of the Palestinian Independent Commis- sion for Citizens' Rights. Dr. Sarraj is an expert on the mental impact of violence on childhood development and has also written extensively on the subject in English as well as in Arabic.

Amjad Al-Shawa is an organizer and human rights activist and the Director of the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) in Gaza City, a civil and democratic body comprising more than 100 Palestinian NGOs, which seeks to support, consolidate and strengthen the Palestinian civil society.

20 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

XVI. Endorsers

Over 200 prominent organizations and individuals around the world have en- dorsed the Free Gaza Movement. These are just some of the names. Organiza- tions endorsing include, the American Friends Service Committee, Australians for Justice and Peace, the Campagne Civile Pour la Protection du Peuple Palesti- nien, Code Pink, Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient in Luxemburg, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Conscience International, Deutsch- Palästinensische Gesellschaft, European for a Just Peace, Global Exchange, Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya, MAS, Neturei Karta International, Palestine Committee of Norway, Pau Ara Madrid, the Foundation, Un Ponte Per, USS Liberty Survivors 1967, and Yesh Gvul, among many others.

Individuals endorsing the Free Gaza movement include Archbishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa), MP Yannis Banias (Greece), Bishop Munib Younan (Jerusalem), MP (Palestine), MP Richard Burden (UK), Dr. , Nobel Laureate Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, MP Theodoros Dritsas (Greece), Dr. Salim El Hoss (former Lebanese Prime Minister), Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein, Dr. , MP George Galloway (UK), MEP Dr. Caroline Lucas (UK), Rep. Cynthia McKinney (USA), MP Alice Mahon (UK), Holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meulenbelt, MEP Luisa Morgantini (Vice President of the European Parliament), MP Kamal Qureshi (Denmark), MP Sofia Sakorafa (Greece), MP Clare Short (UK), Baroness Jenny Tonge (UK), and MSP Dr. Bill Wilson (Scotland), among many oth- ers.

21 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

XVII. Bank Information

You can donate to the Free Gaza Movement online by visiting our website at, or through our charity account in Cyprus: The complete de- tails are on our website’s front page under DONATE

EURO Account

Account name: F.G. Human Rights Projects Ltd Account number: 0155-01-096552-00 IBAN: CY06 0020 0155 0000 0001 0965 5200 Bank Name: Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd International Business Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus SWIFT Code: BCYPCY2N

US Dollar Account

Account name: F.G. Human Rights Projects Ltd Account number: 0155-40-768398-06 IBAN: CY04 0020 0155 0000 0040 7683 9806 Bank Name: Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd International Business Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus SWIFT Code: BCYPCY2N

GB Pound Account

Account name: F.G. Human Rights Projects Ltd Account number: 0155-40-768401-01 IBAN: CY90 0020 0155 0000 0040 7684 0101 Bank Name: Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd International Business Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus SWIFT Code: BCYPCY2N

If you want a tax-exempt donation in the United States, here is the information from our fiscal sponsor. The American Educational Trust, publishers of the Washing- ton Report on Middle East Affairs, has generously agreed to serve as our fiscal sponsor in the United States. Through the American Educational Trust you can make U.S. tax-deductible donations to us either with PayPal or by cheque.

Write your check to The American Educational Trust, then put FREE GAZA in the subject line at the bottom of the cheque.

22 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland







23 Website: The Free Gaza Movement Ireland

A Proposal for an Irish Boat

The Hand of Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire holding the hand of a patient at Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza.

It is our time to act

24 Website: