קטלוג הפרסומים תשע“ו | 2016 THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES | PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT לאור ההוצאה | למדעים הישראלית הלאומית האקדמיה הלאומית הישראלית למדעים | ההוצאה לאור Catalogue of Publications 5776 | 2016 CONTENTS

Humanities Sources for Jewish History 2 History of Eretz Israel 6 Hebrew Palaeography 7 Jewish Art 9 Mediaeval Translations of Hebrew Sources 11 Mediaeval Hebrew Manuscripts 14 Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism 14 Archaeology 19 Other Publications in the Humanities 21 Social Sciences and Political Thought 23 Louis D. Brandeis Memorial Lectures 25 Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Section of Humanities 26

Natural Sciences 31 Zoology 35 Geology 39 Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures 39 Other Publications in the Natural Sciences 40 The Pleistocene of the Central Jordan Valley – The Excavations at ‘Ubeidiya 41 Solar Site Testing in Israel and Sinai 42 Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Section of Sciences 42

Out of Print Publications 43

List of Hebrew Books 46

Index of Authors and Editors 49

Ordering Information 53

א Publications in Hebrew Humanities

Sources for Jewish History

Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism by Menahem Stern

A comprehensive corpus of texts relating to Jews and Judaism by the Greek and Latin authors of Antiquity. The collection furnishes valuable source material on the place of Jews and Judaism in the Mediterranean world during the rise and spread of Hellenism, concluding with concepts of Judaism held by the Neoplatonist philosophers. The writings of each author are accompanied by an introduction, a critical apparatus, an English translation and a detailed commentary in which the sources are examined in the context of the latest scholarship and archaeological findings.

151 Volume One: From Herodotus to Plutarch ISBN 978-965-208-207-7 1974 (fifth printing 1998). xviii + 576 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 180

152 Volume Two: From Tacitus to Simplicius ISBN 965-208-037-3 1980 (third printing 1998). xvii + 690 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 200

153 Volume Three: Appendixes and Indexes ISBN 965-208-063-2 1984 (second printing 1998). xiii + 160 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 60

141 The Inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III, King of Assyria Critical Edition, with Introductions, Translations and Commentary by Hayim Tadmor

Assyrian royal scribes kept detailed records of the epoch-making campaigns and achievements of Tiglath-pileser III (r. 745–727 BCE), founder of the Neo- Assyrian Empire. The fragmentary remains of these inscriptions were discovered at Nimrud in 1845, but most of them were lost or reburied, leaving later scholars to rely on critically flawed editions. In preparing his new edition, Hayim Tadmor returned to first-hand copies of the texts, many of them prepared at the site. Their evidence is supplemented by related inscriptions discovered at Nimrud and elsewhere. The transcribed Akkadian text is accompanied by a critical apparatus, an English translation

2 Sources for Jewish History www.academy.ac.il 3 Sources for Jewish History Sources pp., 4 pls. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. ו Volume Three Volume Volume Two Volume by Shlomo Simonsohn A systematic documentary history of the Jews The of records Lombardy. reflect the contacts between the local community and groups of Jewish exiles from The Jews in the Duchy of Milan ISBN 965-208-156-6 2001. xii + 168 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 80 ISBN 965-208-147-7 Cloth. 2001. xviii + 352 pp., 4 pls, 1 map. 15 × 24 cm. NIS 140 ISBN 965-208-072-1 1985 (second printing 1999). xxvi + 477 + Volume One Volume The privileges granted Commonwealth played to a vital role in the the history of Jewish Polish valuable historical Jewry information. One Volumes and reproduce and Two the texts yield of communities in 129 the community privileges, most of old which are translations Polish from contains volume archives companion and third, Polish The manuscript Poland. in collections One and Two. and explanatory materials in Volumes of the introductions by Jacob Goldberg Jewish Privileges in the Polish Commonwealth Jewish Privileges in to Jewish Communities in Poland-Lithuania Charters of Rights Granted Centuries the Sixteenth to Eighteenth with Latin, Polish and German Documents, Critical Edition of Original and Notes English Introductions ISBN 978-965-208-175-9 with addenda et corrigenda 2007). 1994 (second printing × 27 cm. Cloth. xv + 318 pp., 60 pls. 18 NIS 280 and an extensive commentary. The philological introductory material, excursuses and historical and supplementary studies scholarly treat issues a relating panoply their to historical and of biblical the context. Copious plates texts, show including the cuneiform texts in full and illustrate their the original settings. positions in NIS 140 191 193 192 France, Germany, Spain and the East, as well as between Jews and non-Jews. The documents are assembled from non-Jewish archives which until now have rarely been utilized for this purpose. The documents are accompanied by English summaries.

1911 Volume One: 1387–1477 ISBN 965-208-044-6 1982. lxix + 680 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 140

1912 Volume Two: 1477–1566 ISBN 965-208-045-4 1982. iv + 771 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 140

1913 Volume Three: 1566–1788 ISBN 965-208-046-2 1982. iv + 753 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 140

1914 Volume Four: Condensed Deeds and Indexes ISBN 965-208-047-0 1986. iv + 950 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 160

The Jews in Piedmont by Renata Segre Published jointly with University.

Piedmont was the chief geographical and political entity in northwestern Italy during the late Middle Ages and early modern times, its history dominated by that of the House of Savoy. Jews, largely of French extraction, settled there permanently and continuously from the second half of the fourteenth century. Their fortunes, their lives and their relations with the surrounding society and its notables are amply illustrated in this series, which, like the series on the Jews of Milan, is based primarily on documentation preserved in the archives of the region. All the documents are summarized in English, with selected texts reproduced in full in the original Latin or Italian.

196 Volume One: 1297–1582 ISBN 965-208-077-2 1986. cl + 630 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 140

4 Sources for Jewish History www.academy.ac.il 5 in Landjudenschaften Sources for Jewish History Sources , notwithstanding Landjudenschaften, Medinot – of East European Jewry, ‘adim or Va Landjudenschaften operated within German Jewry in the early part of the Volume Volume Three: Pfalz-Saarland (cont.), Mecklenburg Brandenburg-Preussen-Halberstadt, Ostfriesland, Westfalen-Lippe, Oberrheinlande, Schwaben, Niedersachsen, Volume Two: Mittelrheinlande und Hessen (cont.), Franken, Pfalz-Saarland Mittelrheinlande Two: Volume Volume Three: 1724–1798 and Index 1724–1798 Three: Volume Volume Two: 1582–1723 Two: Volume ISBN 956-208-130-2 2001. viii + 660 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 200 ISBN 965-208-129-9 1998. 664 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 200 ISBN 965-208-128-0 1996. xxxviii + 732 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 200 which were corporations of communities, the communities, of corporations were which the existence of organized local communities, were essentially local a of powers and associations functions the combined they extent, large a of To individuals. body. community with those of an intercommunal the to pertaining documents collects series three-volume This The modern era, up to the beginning of the nineteenth In century. contrast with the autonomous institutions – the und Hessen One: Rheinland, Mittelrheinlande Volume by Daniel Cohen zu Göttingen. Akademie der Wissenschaften Published jointly with commentary historical and notes by accompanied Yiddish, and Hebrew German, in German. Die Landjudenschaften in Deutschland als Organe jüdischer in Deutschland als Organe Die Landjudenschaften von der frühen Neuzeit bis ins neunzehnte Selbstverwaltung Jahrhundert ISBN 965-208-090-X 24 cm. Cloth. 1990. iv + 886 pp. 15 × NIS 160 ISBN 965-208-087-X pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. 1988. v + 768 NIS 140 136 135 198 197 134 Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real by Haim Beinart

The first complete series of records of trials by the Spanish Inquisition of a specific local group, the Conversos of Ciudad Real. The verbatim testimonies recorded by the trial notaries furnish authentic evidence of the methods adopted by the Inquisition and of the relationships between the Conversos and their Christian neighbours in a city of fifteenth-sixteenth century Castile. The trials are presented in the original mediaeval Spanish, with introductions, genealogies, synopses of trials and notes in English.

145 Volume One: The Trials of 1483–1485 ISBN 978-965-208-208-4 1974. xxxvii + 638 pp., 2 pls. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 120

146 Volume Two: The Trials of 1494–1512 in Toledo ISBN 978-965-208-209-1 1977. xiii + 596 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 120

147 Volume Three: The Trials of 1512–1527 in Toledo ISBN 965-208-027-6 1981. ix + 770 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 160

148 Volume Four: Documents, Biographical Notes, Indexes ISBN 965-208-028-4 1985. x + 663 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 120

History of Eretz Israel

166 Archival Sources for the History of the British Mandate in Palestine (1914–1948) A Database of Documents in Israeli Archives edited by Dvorah Barzilay-Yegar

This electronic catalogue of sources on the history of the British Mandate is the product of a cooperative effort of the British Academy and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities to locate, catalogue, and classify archival documents relating to British Government policy towards Palestine, and to political

6 History of Eretz Israel www.academy.ac.il 7 ; published under the Hebrew Palaeography Hebrew Distributed by Brepols, Belgium. Distributed by Brepols, www.brepols.net This series is among the products of the Academy’s Hebrew Palaeography Project, Project, Palaeography Hebrew Academy’s the of products the among is series This whose goal is to document the codicological characteristics – graphic, technical and physical – of all the notations of date, place and copyist, surviving to and process classify these characteristics, mediaeval Hebrew manuscripts bearing and thus to place at the disposal of scholars substantiated means for identifying the provenance and estimating the date of other will manuscripts. include, The in collection chronological order, all of the surviving Hebrew in manuscripts libraries throughout the world bearing dates up to 1280. to Each a is detailed subjected codicological analysis, describing the methods of its production, its design and its subsequent reproductions of selection history. rich All a by accompanied are manuscripts the The translated. colophons are transcribed and and Hebrew. in actual size. In French In the series Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi: Series Hebraica Codices hebraicis litteris exarati quo tempore scripti fuerint Codices hebraicis litteris exarati quo exhibentes Glatzer Mordechai by Malachi Beit-Arié, Colette Sirat and ISBN 978-965-208-205-3 (in English and (in English) + 84-page brochure database on CD-ROM 2005. Electronic Hebrew). NIS 140 internationale. and the Union académique auspices of the Council of Europe Belgium. Brepols, Published jointly with the CNRS, Paris, and and administrative relations between 1914–1948. the years in of Palestine population the mandatory government and The result the of the Israeli previously team’s 440 about in containers and files 16,000 some in work preserved documents is a detailed subject index of uncatalogued relevant archives and archival archival institutes divisions, and in peripheral ones, such as those of located local authorities and in Israel’s settlements. principal Additional material available at the information touch on of the nature a and button accessibility of includes the archive’s personal contents archives, biographical and, information on for the person and his activities in the Mandate period. This convenient tool spares researchers scouring of archives around the country for the information relevant to the subject period of the tedious their research, allowing work them to arrive of quickly – even from a distance – at the documents they require. Hebrew Palaeography Hebrew Part I: Jusqu’à 1020 Part I includes the earliest surviving mediaeval Hebrew manuscripts, most of them from the collections of the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg. ISBN 2-503-50595-3 1997. 136 pp., 55 pls. 30.5 × 44 cm. Hard cover.

Part II: 1021–1079 Part II presents 22 manuscripts bearing dates, half of them fragments taken from the Cairo Genizah. Of the rest, nine are in the Firkovich Collection in St. Petersburg, and one, produced in Italy in 1072/3, is the earliest colophon bearing a date that has survived from Europe. ISBN 2-503-50895-2 2000. 128 pp., 62 pls. 30.5 × 44 cm. Hard cover.

Part III: 1085–1140 Part III describes 29 manuscripts, most of them fragmentary; only three codices are complete and well preserved. Seventeen (or eighteen) of the manuscripts are Genizah fragments, while nine belong to the Firkovich Collection in St. Petersburg. ISBN 2-503-51190-2 2002. 120 pp., 83 pls. 30.5 × 44 cm. Hard cover.

Part IV: 1144–1200 Of the 32 manuscripts presented in Part IV, ten belong to the Firkovich Collection in St. Petersburg, whose contents originated in the Middle East; eight – seven of them Genizah fragments – belong to the Bodleian Library in Oxford; and the remainder are kept in various libraries in Europe. The proportion of manuscripts surviving from outside the Middle East is thus higher than in the earlier dated manuscripts, as is the proportion of whole or partial codices as against fragments. ISBN 2-503-52260-2 2006. 147 pp., 99 pls. 30.5 × 44 cm. Hard cover.

Manuscrits médiévaux en caractères hébraïques portant des indications de date jusqu’à 1540 by Colette Sirat and Malachi Beit-Arié Published jointly with the CNRS, Paris. Distributed by CNRS, Paris. www.cnrseditions.fr

Part I: Bibliothèques de France et d’Israël – Manuscrits de grand format Planches: Sample pages of 179 manuscripts in actual size. 1972. 8 pp., 205 pls. 30 × 40 cm. In clothbound box. Notices: French and Hebrew descriptions of the manuscripts. 1972. 355 pp. + 61-page brochure of indexes and lists. 22 × 28 cm. In clothbound box.

8 Hebrew Palaeography www.academy.ac.il 9 Jewish Art + [332] pp. 22 × 28 cm. Cloth. + [244] pp. 22 × 28 cm. Cloth. + [244] pp. 22 × 28 cm. כט כב Part III: Bibliothèques de France et d’Israël – Manuscrits de petit format de de France et d’Israël – Manuscrits de Part III: Bibliothèques 1470 à 1540 1985. 814 pp. (784 pp. printed on cards, 30-page brochure). 16 × 21.5 cm. 30-page brochure). 1985. 814 pp. (784 pp. printed on cards, folders. Cardboard NIS 160 by Bezalel Narkiss, Bracha Yaniv and Yael Zirlin Yael and Yaniv by Bezalel Narkiss, Bracha University of . Art, The Hebrew for Jewish Published jointly with the Centre One: Objects Volume Manuscripts and Printed Books Two: Volume Gross Family Collection, Part One Volume Three: Ashkenazic Script Three: Volume compiled by Edna Engel and Malachi Beit-Arié ISBN 978-965-208-187-2 Forthcoming Specimens of Mediaeval Hebrew Scripts Specimens of Mediaeval Hebrew section of this catalogue. For a full description, see the Hebrew 1986. iii pp., 35 pls. 30 × 40 cm. Soft cover. 1986. iii pp., 35 pls. 30 descriptions of the manuscripts. and Hebrew Notices: French 1986. xxxi + Sample pages of 99 manuscripts. Sample pages of 99 Planches: 22 × 28 cm. Cloth. 1986. vi + 6 pp., 189 pls. pages of 26 manuscripts. Supplement to Plates of Part I: Sample ISBN 2-222-03790-5 French and Hebrew descriptions of the manuscripts. descriptions Hebrew and Notices: French 1980. xxii + ISBN 2-222-02408-0 of 106 manuscripts. Sample pages Planches: Cloth. pp., 161 pls. 22 × 28 cm. 1980. vi + 6 Part II: Bibliothèques de France et d’Israël – Manuscrits de petit format de petit Manuscrits d’Israël – France et de Bibliothèques Part II: 1470 jusqu’à

Jewish Art Jewish 107

741 Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Isles – A Catalogue Raisonné by Bezalel Narkiss Published jointly with the British Academy.

126 Volume One: The Spanish and Portuguese Manuscripts The most important Sephardi illuminated manuscripts are in British collections. Although many of their illustrations have been published previously, they have never been published in toto. Each of the manuscripts presented is treated from several aspects, codicological, historical and decorative, with a detailed description of each subject depicted. ISBN 0-19-725977-4

Part One: Text 1982. 216 pp., frontispiece (colour plate). 23 × 30.5 cm. Cloth.

Part Two: Plates 1982. 176 pp., including 549 illustrations, presented on 163 black-and-white plates and 8 colour plates. 23 × 30.5 cm. Cloth.

In clothbound box. NIS 240

Index of Jewish Art Iconographical Index of Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts by Bezalel Narkiss and Gabrielle Sed-Rajna In collaboration with the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, Paris. Volume One: Bird’s Head Haggadah; Erna Michael Haggadah; Chantilly Haggadah; Greek Haggadah Published jointly with CNRS, Paris.

1976. 312 reference cards, 236 description cards, 31-page brochure. 14 × 22 cm. In box. Out of print.

Volume Two: The Ḣileq and Bileq Haggadah; The 2nd Nürnberg Haggadah; The Yahuda Haggadah Published jointly with K.G. Saur, Munich.

Included is an alphabetical list of all the subjects and secondary subjects in Vols I and II, their French titles and English equivalents. ISBN 3-598-10207-0 1981. 82 reference cards, 428 description cards, 94-page brochure. 15 × 21 cm. Cardboard folders. Distributed by K.G. Saur, Munich. www.degruyter.com

10 Jewish Art www.academy.ac.il 11 + 86-page brochure. 15 × 20.5 cm. + 86-page brochure. ט Ancient Jewish Art • Mediaeval Translations of Hebrew Sources of Hebrew Mediaeval Translations am. Jerusalem Ossuaries + 103-page brochure. 15 × 20.5 cm. Cardboard folders. × 20.5 cm. Cardboard 15 + 103-page brochure. יא pp., 3 pls. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. ז Part I: Le Glossaire de Bâle The Basel glossary, one of fifteen extant manuscriptsmediaeval French, of biblical covers glossaries I in Sam. iii to Amos ix. In appearing word in the glossary is accompanied by the and/or rendering French this edition, each Hebrew Hebrew explanation of the original, a transliteration into Latin characters of the In two volumes: into modern French. and a translation words French Introduction Volume Four: Illuminated Manuscripts of the Kaufmann Collection at the of the Kaufmann Collection Manuscripts Four: Illuminated Volume Academy of Sciences Library of the Hungarian Volume Three: The Rothschild Miscellany (Israel Museum MS 180/51) (Israel Museum Miscellany The Rothschild Three: Volume Cardboard folders. Cardboard NIS 120 The Synagogues of Bar‘ The Synagogues NIS 120 1972. xiii + 440 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. Out of print. 1972. xvi + 194 + Texte by Menahem Banitt Corpus Glossariorum Biblicorum Hebraico-Gallicorum Corpus Glossariorum Biblicorum Medii Aevi Published jointly with The Masto Trust and the Centre for Jewish Art, The Hebrew Art, The Hebrew for Jewish and the Centre Published jointly with The Masto Trust University of Jerusalem. folder. 15.5 × 21 cm. Cardboard 1987. 175 cards. NIS 80 The Franciscan Biblical School Collection The Hebrew University Collection of the Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem Index of Jewish Art Jerusalem Index by Ruth Jacobi Published jointly with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Academy the Hungarian Published jointly with ISBN 963-7302-42-5 IV, to Vol. cards I–III + 87 reference to Vols cards reference 1988. 78 corrected 281 description cards, ISBN 965-208-052-7 cards, 195 description cards, 1983. 127 reference

Mediaeval Translations of Hebrew Sources of Hebrew Mediaeval Translations 108 104 111 Part II: Le Glossaire de Leipzig The Leipzig Glossary, composed toward the end of the thirteenth century in the Norman capital of Rouen, is a complete glossary of the entire Hebrew Bible, accompanied by translations of the words of the biblical text into Old French and by numerous rabbinic interpretations. When the Jews were expelled from France in the early fourteenth century, the book was carried to the German-speaking region of southern Alsace, and translations into Middle High German were added in the margins. The parallel appearance of Hebrew, Old French and Middle High German equivalents, the latter two given both in the original vocalized Hebrew characters and in Latin transliteration, makes this text of incomparable importance to linguists of Old French, Yiddish, and early modern Hebrew alike.

099 Introduction ISBN 965-208-121-3 .pp., 1 pl. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth ג + xxiv + 488 .2005 NIS 200

105 Texte, Volume 1: Genèse–II Rois ISBN 965-208-118-3 1995. xvii + 565 pp., 3 pls. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 200

102 Texte, Volume 2: Jérémie–Malachie ISBN 965-208-119-1 1998. vii + 460 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 200

103 Texte, Volume 3: Psaumes–Esther ISBN 965-208-120-5 2001. vii + 709 pp., 3 pls. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 200

122 The Five Biblical Scrolls in a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Translation into Belorussian (Vilnius Codex 262) by Moshé Altbauer

Vilnius Codex 262 contains a translation from Hebrew into Belorussian of several biblical books, composed just when Belorussian was emerging in its modern form. The manuscript of the five scrolls is displayed here in a complete photographic reproduction, accompanied by a transcription on facing pages. The introductory chapters and the critical commentary highlight the text’s distinctiveness from

12 Mediaeval Translations of Hebrew Sources www.academy.ac.il 13 Mediaeval Translations of Hebrew Sources of Hebrew Mediaeval Translations The Logika of the Judaizers: A Fifteenth-Century Ruthenian Fifteenth-Century Judaizers: A The Logika of the from Hebrew Translation ISBN 978-965-208-204-6 2016. 724 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 450 In the latter part of the fifteenth century, a Jewish translator, working together with with together working translator, Jewish a century, fifteenth the of part latter the In Duchy Grand the of language Slavic East the into translated amanuensis, Slavic a of Lithuania three medieval Hebrew translations of Arabic philosophical texts: the Logical a Terminology, short work on logic attributed to Maimonides (but Muslim the of sections two and author); Jewish medieval different a by probably Al-Ghazālī’s famous Intentions of theologian the Philosophers. Highlighting the unexpected role played by Jewish translators as agents of cultural transmission in the leading heady up messianic to atmosphere the year 1492, these texts drew the attention of the Orthodox Church authorities as being in the possession of the enlightened heretical sect known as the Judaizers, which had to Moscow. and spread Novgorod emerged in Reflecting three and even four layers of translation, Prof. Moshe Taube’s new triple-language critical edition of the Logika of the Judaizers displays the Slavic accompanies and based are they which on translations Hebrew the alongside texts them with a modern English translation. In and his introduction comprehensive surveys Taube commentary, earlier scholarly efforts to identify the provenance and purport of the translations, discusses the linguistic and textological issues raised by these early motivations of Ruthenian the Jewish translator and the texts, Christians who commissioned the puts forward the translator’swork, and reveals identity. probable the likely dissimilar only not interest of be will desideratum, long-awaited a publication, present The Muscovy, of principality the of and Lithuania of Duchy Great the of historians to science, and philosophy of history the of and history Jewish of scholars to also but as well as to linguists studying the history of the Russian languages. Belorussian, Ukrainian and Critical edition of the Slavic texts presented alongside their Hebrew sources Slavic texts presented alongside their Critical edition of the translation, and commentary with Introduction, English by Moshe Taube ISBN 965-208-100-0 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1992. 424 pp. NIS 200 other, other, non-Jewish translations of the Bible translations into languages of into the Jewish Diaspora. The last portion of the Slavic, work and its affinity M. Taube. Dr. compiled by Concordance, Belorussian-Hebrew is a complete with

124 Mediaeval Hebrew Manuscripts

173 Guide to Hebrew Manuscript Collections Second, Revised Edition by Benjamin Richler

Over the past two centuries, large, important collections of Hebrew manuscripts have been dispersed. Formerly private collections are now in public libraries; individual manuscripts and collections have changed hands; call-numbers have been altered; and, for some manuscripts, researchers have coined arbitrary numbers or used abridged signatures and cognomens. The first edition of Richler’s Guide, published in 1994, answered the need for a systematic accounting of these wanderings, providing the reader with basic bibliographical information on the manuscripts cited in scholarly literature and with an important tool for locating them. Since then, new catalogues of important collections have been published, hundreds of manuscripts have changed ownership as private and public collections have been sold, and previously unknown manuscripts have been discovered. Thousands of manuscripts from Eastern Europe recently made accessible to researchers have now been catalogued, enabling the identification of manuscripts hitherto considered lost. Advances in technology have made it possible to trace the present locations of additional ‘lost’ manuscripts: The now-computerized catalogues of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts and other libraries enable complex searches, while the plethora of resources on the Internet and the ubiquity of electronic mail have facilitated the search for information. This new edition represents a complete update and expansion of the first edition of the Guide, including the appendixes pinpointing the present locations of thousands of manuscripts and collections. ISBN 978-965-208-185-8 .pp. 18 × 27 cm א + first edition 1994). x + 409) 2014 Hard cover. NIS 220

Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism

181 Armenian Apocrypha Relating to the Patriarchs and Prophets by Michael E. Stone

Critical editions of Armenian apocryphal texts, principally from the libraries of the Armenian Patriarchate in the Convent of St. James in Jerusalem and

14 Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism www.academy.ac.il 15 – A Piece of . – A Loan Translation Book of Watchers in the Qur’ān’; Gad in the Qur’ān Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism Philosophy, ‘ pp. 17 × 24 cm. Cloth. ב Flavius Mithridates: Sermo de Passione Domini Flavius Mithridates: Sermo de Passione Exchange and Transmission across Cultural Boundaries: Boundaries: across Cultural and Transmission Exchange World Mysticism and Science in the Mediterranean Philosophy, Critical edition with introduction and commentary to the text of the sermon on in 1481. the Vatican before the Passion preached ISBN 978-965-208-206-0 × 24 cm. Soft cover 1963 (second printing 1983). 138 pp., 6 pls. 15 by Chaim Wirszubski ISBN 978-965-208-188-9 2013. x + 295 + NIS 60 Contents: Haggai Ben-Shammai, edited by Haggai Ben-Shammai, Shaul Shaked and Sarah Stroumsa Shaul Shaked and Sarah edited by Haggai Ben-Shammai, Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Memory of Professor Workshop Proceedings of an International University Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew Shlomo Pines at The – 2 March 2005 of Jerusalem, 28 February ISBN 965-208-042-X 192 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. 1982. xvii + NIS 100 the Matenadaran in Erevan, commentaries. with English introductions, translations and for “Apocalypses”’; Patricia Intermediaries: Crone, Cultural ‘The as Tibbon Ibn Judah and Ezra Ibn ‘Abraham Freudenthal, Early Stages in the Introduction of Non-Rabbinic Learning into Provence in the Mid-Twelfth Century’; Steven Harvey, ‘Avicenna and Maimonides on Prayer and Intellectual Worship’; Warren Zev Harvey, ‘Arabic and Latin Elements in Tzvi Langermann, ‘An Early Jewish Defense of Ḥasdai Y. Philosophy’; Crescas’s Creationism’; Liebes, Yehuda ‘The Platonic Source for the Philosophical Riddle and How It Is Used in Ibn Gabirol’s Poem “I Love Josep You”’; Puig Montada, ‘Eliahu del Medigo, the Last Averroist’; James T. Robinson, ‘Secondary Forms of Transmission: Teaching and Preaching Philosophy Provence’; Shaul in Shaked, ‘The Thirteenth-Century Sayings of Wuzurgmihr the Sage Sasanian Wisdom Transmitted into Arabic’; into Material Philosophical of Translation the Sarah in Role Christians’ the On Wisdom: Stroumsa, ‘Philosophy as Arabic’. NIS 180

041 743 165 Genesis and Regeneration Essays on Conceptions of Origins edited by Shaul Shaked

Contents: Shaul Shaked, ‘Introduction’; Nathan Wasserman, ‘The Rhetoric of Time Inversion: Hysteron-Proteron and the “Back to Creation” Theme in Old Babylonian Literary Texts’; Peter Machinist, ‘Order and Disorder: Some Mesopotamian Reflections’; Margalit Finkelberg, ‘Greece in the Eighth Century BCE and the “Renaissance” Phenomenon’; Sabine MacCormack, ‘Visions of the Roman Past in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain’; Guy G. Stroumsa, ‘In Illo Loco: Paradise Lost in Early Christian Mythology’; Yuri Pines and Gideon Shelach, ‘“Using the Past to Serve the Present”: Comparative Theories on Chinese and Western Theories of the Origins of the State’; Andrew Plaks, ‘Creation and Non- Creation in Early Chinese Texts’; Albert de Jong, ‘The First Sin: Zoroastrian Ideas about the Time before Zarathustra’; Shaul Shaked, ‘Cosmic Origins and Human Origins in the Iranian Cultural Milieu’; David Shulman, ‘First Grammarian, First Poet: A South Indian Vision of Cultural Origins’. ISBN 965-208-169-8 2005. 248 pp. 15 × 23 cm. Soft cover. NIS 80

Gershom Scholem: The Man and His Work edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr Published jointly with State University of New York Press.

This book presents essays by several of Israel’s eminent scholars, reflecting upon Gershom Scholem’s impact on the academic Jewish world, and upon his life as a scholar, a Jewish thinker and an activist. The editor has provided an intellectual and spiritual biography of Scholem, which complements the papers by Ephraim Urbach, Joseph Ben-Shlomo, Isaiah Tishby, Rivka Schatz, Malachi Beit-Arié, Nathan Rotenstreich and Joseph Dan. Together, they highlight the enduring significance of Scholem’s work, which has remained the touchstone for all further scholarship on Jewish mysticism and Kabbala. ISBN 0-7914-2125-2 1994. xi + 127 pp. 16 × 24 cm. Hard cover. Distributed by State University of New York Press. www.sunypress.edu

16 Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism www.academy.ac.il 17 Limmudim: Guiding Words of and Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism Philosophy, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt, ‘Martin Buber in the Post-Modern On the Thought of Isaiah Berlin Martin Buber: A Contemporary Perspective Martin Buber: A History, Memory and Action Memory History, ISBN 965-208-096-6 1990. 43 pp. 14 × 21 cm. Soft cover. NIS 20 Papers Presented in Honour of Professor Sir Isaiah Berlin on the Occasion of Papers Presented in Honour of Professor his Eightieth Birthday Contents: Avishai Margalit, ‘Isaiah Berlin Isaiah Berlin: Humanism at and the Romantic Eighty’; Experience’; Shlomo Avineri, ‘The Yehoshua ‘History Rotenstreich, Nathan Berlin’; Arieli, Isaiah to According Freedom of Dilemmas ‘Sir and Philosophy’. ISBN 0-8156-2937-0 2002. x + 194 pp. 15 × 23 cm. Soft cover. University Press. NIS 100. Distributed outside Israel by Syracuse www.syracuseuniversitypress.syr.edu Age: Utopia, Community, and Education in the Contemporary Era’. Age: Utopia, Community, Published jointly with Syracuse University Press. Published jointly with interest renewed of time a at issued volume, commemorative multi-authored This in Buber’s thought, examines his contributions to the multiple fields and causes his life. throughout in which he was active Contents: Paul Mendes-Flohr, ‘Buber’s Rhetoric’; Guy G. Stroumsa, ‘Presence, Not Gnosis: Buber as a Historian of Religion’; Dan The Story Laor, of ‘Agnon a and Friendship, Buber: or: The Rise and Fall of Karl-Johan the “Corpus Illman, Hasidicum”’; ‘Buber and the Bible: Guiding of His Principles Interpretation’; Dan and Avnon, ‘Limmud the Legacy Buber’s Prophetic Teaching’; Michael Fishbane, ‘Justification throughMartin Living: Buber’s Third Alternative’; Rémi Soren One”: Single “The from ‘Reply Brague, Rose, Gillian Philosophy’; Religion, Gnosis, ‘How to Be in the Kierkegaard World: to Martin Buber’; ‘Buber R.J. and Zwi the Werblowsky, East Asian (Chinese) Religions’; edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr ISBN 965-208-134-5 Cloth. 1996. 152 pp. 16 × 23 cm. NIS 60 Contributors: Contributors: P. Mendes-Flohr, P. Ricoeur, G. Motzkin, B. Geremek, Y. Yovel, D. Sidorsky. B. Land, J. Dunn, G.A. Cohen, International Conference in Memory of Nathan Rotenstreich, Jerusalem 1994 Jerusalem Rotenstreich, of Nathan in Memory Conference International The Hebrew for Philosophical Studies, Center with the S.H. Bergman Published jointly Quarterly. Jerusalem Philosophical and Iyyun – The University,

748 087 106 744 Religious Movements and Transformations in Judaism, Christianity and Islam edited by Yohanan Friedmann

Contents: Michael Fishbane, ‘From Midrash to Epic: The Reshaping of Rabbinic Discourse in Jewish Synagogue Poetry (Piyut)’; Michael Heyd, ‘From Total Depravity to Limited Autonomy: Reflections on the Transformative Potential of Protestantism’; Moshe Idel, ‘The Hasidic Revival: An Interpretation of the Emergence of a Spiritual Movement’; Yosef Kaplan, ‘Confessionalization and Religious Authority in the Early Modern Western Sephardic Diaspora’; Yohanan Friedmann, ’Conversion, Apostasy and Excommunication in the Islamic Tradition’. ISBN 978-965-208-220-6 2016. 180 pp. 17 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

115 Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Land International Conference in Memory of Joshua Prawer edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar and R.J. Zwi Werblowsky Published jointly with Macmillan, U.K.

Contributors: R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Jonathan Z. Smith, Itamar Singer, Abraham Malamat, Sara Japhet, Doron Mendels, Haviva Pedaya, Evelyne Patlagean, Benjamin Z. Kedar, David Ayalon, Kenneth R. Stow, Alfred Haverkamp, David Shulman, Allan G. Grapard, Richard Nebel, Nehemia Levtzion and Gideon Weigert, Hedva Ben-Israel, Yoram Bilu, Moshe Kalian and Eliezer Witztum. ISBN 0-333-66129-X 1998. 348 pp. 14 × 22 cm. Hard cover. NIS 200. Distributed in the U.S. by New York University Press and in Europe and the rest of the world by Macmillan. www.nyupress.org • www.palgrave.com

119 Spinoza – His Thought and Work Entretiens in Jerusalem, 6–9 September 1977 edited by Nathan Rotenstreich and Norma Schneider

Papers presented at the Entretiens of the International Institute of Philosophy to commemorate the three-hundredth anniversary of Spinoza’s death. Contributors: E.E. Urbach, G.H. von Wright, Nathan Rotenstreich, Richard McKeon, E. Levinas, G. Funke, Yirmiyahu Yovel, Y. Belaval, Werner Marx, A.Z. Bar-On, R. Barcan-Marcus, P.F. Strawson, Ch. Perelman, Stuart Hempshire, J. Ben-Shlomo, S. Pines, Arne Naess, L. Kołakowski. ISBN 965-208-055-1 .pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth ב + 187 .1983 NIS 60

18 Philosophy, Religion and Mysticism www.academy.ac.il 19

Archaeology Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek

• and Latin Sources Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals Semitic Stamp Corpus of West A Catalogue of Jewish Ossuaries in the Collections of the State of of the State in the Collections of Jewish Ossuaries Catalogue A Israel by Leah Di Segni and Yoram Tsafrir, with Judith Green with Judith Tsafrir, Yoram by Leah Di Segni and The Onomasticon, a monumental endeavor begun Prof. in Michael collates Avi-Yonah, the all the 1960s known Greek by and Latin the literary documentary and late sources mentioning geographical and ethnic names Iudaea, under the Hasmonaean attested and Herodian dynasties, and in the Roman and in over Israel, today spread Arabia – an area of Palaestina and Byzantine provinces Sinai and southern Syria. Jordan, Authority, the Palestinian The source texts, dating from the fourth century BCE to the seventh century CE, are culled from over 1,300 texts by more than 750 separate authors, ISBN 965-208-138-8 cover. 22 × 28 cm. Hard 1997. 640 pp., frontispiece. NIS 300 Part One of the Corpus contains a complete documentary, bibliographical photographic Catalogue of Semitic West and stamp seals published through 1992. Part presents Two an analytical onomasticon of all the names appearing on the An indispensable scholarly handbook, this fully illustrated volume will seals. be Semitic names and iconography, to anyone concerned of with West keen interest biblical period. and with the lands and personalities of the Published jointly with The Israel Exploration Society and The Institute of Archaeology, Archaeology, Society and The Institute of Published jointly with The Israel Exploration University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew Avigad by Nahman Sass Revised and completed by Benjamin ISBN 965-406-016-7 pls. 22 × 31 cm. Cloth. 1994. ix + 307 pp., 135 NIS 240 Far more than an illustrated catalogue, Rahmani’s volume covers every aspect of aspect every covers volume Rahmani’s catalogue, illustrated an than more Far the through BCE 20 around from burial Jewish in used ossuaries the of study the materials, form, the artisans century and mid-third CE: their terminology, work, and architectural motifs, ornamental and ornamentation marks, and inscriptions possible the of question the and influences, foreign possible parallels, ornamental and the Jewish ossuary. the Christian reliquary between relationship by L.Y. Rahmani by L.Y. Authority. Antiquities with The Israel Published jointly The Onomasticon of Iudaea

160 164 Archaeology and from papyri, inscriptions and coins. The individual place names are arranged in alphabetical entries, each presenting a comprehensive collection of excerpts from the texts in which that place is mentioned. Where possible, the places are identified and described on the basis of up-to-date archaeological and bibliographical research. 174 Volume One: Introduction, Sources, Major Texts ISBN 978-965-208-201-5 2015. 456 pp., two foldout maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 240

Volume Two 274 Part 1: Aalac mons – Arabia ISBN 978-965-208-202-2 Forthcoming

374 Part 2: Arabia – Azzeira ISBN 978-965-208-203-9 Forthcoming

172 Tabula Imperii Romani – Iudaea • Palaestina: Eretz Israel in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods Maps and Gazetteer by Yoram Tsafrir, Leah Di Segni and Judith Green with contributions by Israel Roll and Tsvika Tsuk

This volume in the international project of mapping the Roman Empire, the Tabula Imperii Romani, covers the area of the Land of Israel west of the Jordan River, with the addition of the Golan and Sinai. The sites and place-names shown – including cities, villages, synagogues and churches, monasteries and road stations, aqueducts and roads – are those of the Roman and Byzantine provinces of Judaea and Palaestina, plotted on the basis of archaeological discoveries from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods. The accompanying Gazetteer contains short descriptions of the sites, comprehensive references to ancient sources (including epigraphic and numismatic material) and bibliographical references to modern studies. ISBN 965-208-107-8 1994 (second printing 1998). x + 264 pp., 5 colour maps. 21 × 29 cm. Hard cover. NIS 200. Distributed in the U.S., Canada and Europe by the Journal of Roman Archaeology. www.journalofromanarch.com

20 Archaeology www.academy.ac.il 21 n in Middle ’; Margalit jw gray)’; Gideon gray)’; ’; Joshua Tamyīz Blau, ̌ (T ’äw Tύрαoννος Tarwanis to Greek Other Publications in the Humanities Beobachtungen an II. den gem. Verben und ult. f: m.n č ś in Old Babylonian’; Rainer Voigt, ‘Südtigrinische Dialekte: pp. 17 × 24 cm. Cloth. tuša ב Greeks Between East and West Egyptian, Semitic and General Grammar Semitic and General Egyptian, Goldenberg, Goldenberg, ‘From Speech to Writing in Gurage-Land: First Attempts to Write in the Vernacular’; Rafael Studies ‘Two Talmon, in Arabic ‘Reconstruction ‘Reconstruction of Neo-Arabic Dialectal Features from Middle Otto Arabic Jastrow, Texts’; ‘The Arabic Dialects of the Carmel Coast’; Interdialectal Is Roni Peripheral Oral Henkin, Bedouin Poetry?’; ‘How Rami Saari, ‘Some Remarks on Maltese Prepositions of Italian Origin’; Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald, ‘Three Related Analyses in Modern Hebrew Expressions in Biblical ‘The Hebrew’; Passive Dana Participle Taube, in Modern Morphology’; Tamar Zewi, ‘Content ‘On Bar, Cleft Hebrew’; Sentences Tali in Contemporary Hebrew’; Marta Rauret Domènech, ‘“Kopula”: Ein “zur Simon rechten Zeit Hopkins, gestelltes Wort”?’; ‘“That Monster of a Man” and the Emotive Genitive’; Marcel Erdal, ‘First and Second Person Nominal Subjects’; Alviero Niccacci, ‘Polotsky’s to the Contribution Egyptian Verb-System, with a Comparison to Biblical Hebrew’; Pablo I. Kirtchuk-Halevi, ‘Language: A Typological, Functional, Cognitive, Biological Approach’. and Evolutionary edited by Gabriel Herman and Israel Shatzman Contents: Gabriel Herman and Israel Shatzman, ‘Preface’; Alexander Uchitel, ‘The Earliest Tyrants: From Luwian Essays in Greek Literature and History in Memory of David Asheri in Greek Essays ISBN 978-965-208-177-3 2009. xix + 501 + Contents: Gideon Goldenberg and Ariel ‘Introduction’; Shisha-Halevy, Edward Ullendorff, ‘The Young (and Not So Young) Polotsky: Orly Goldwasser, Scholar ‘A Comparison Between and Classifier Teacher’; Languages and Classifier Script: The Case of Ancient Egyptian’; Wolfgang Schenkel, ‘Prädikatives abstrakt-relativisches und Studies in Memory of H. J. Polotsky Studies in Shisha-Halevy Ariel and Gideon Goldenberg edited by im Korpus der Sargtexte’; Helmut ‘On Satzinger, Some Aspects of (Morpho)Phonological the in Issues ‘Methodological Funk, Wolf-Peter Egyptian’, Description ‘On of Conversion, Ariel Coptic’; Clause Shisha-Halevy, Ordination and Related Notions: Some Reflections on GeneralShlomo Izre’el, and Polotskyan ‘Constructive Models’; Constructions: Semitic Verbal Morphology Beyond’; and Eran Cohen, ‘Nexus and Nexus Focusing’; Nathan Wasserman, ‘The Modal Particle May-C von Dialekt im Personalpronomina und Phonologie NIS 230

167 700 Other Publications in the Humanities in the Publications Other Finkelberg, ‘Mopsos and the Philistines: Mycenaean Migrants in the Eastern Mediterranean’; Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, ‘Lies Resembling Truth: On the Beginnings of Greek Historiography’; Deborah Levine Gera, ‘Viragos, Eunuchs, Dogheads, and Parrots in Ctesias’; Daniela Dueck, ‘When the Muses Meet: Poetic Quotations in Greek Historiography’; Ephraim David, ‘Myth and Historiography: Lykourgos’; Gabriel Herman, ‘Rituals of Evasion in Ancient Greece’; Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, ‘Greeks and Locals in the Southern Black Sea Littoral: A Re- Examination’; Dwora Gilula, The Writings of David Asheri: A Bibliographical Listing. ISBN 965-208-170-1 2007. 201 pp., frontispiece. 15 × 23 cm. Soft cover. NIS 80

535 H.M. Daleski – in Memoriam edited by Ruth Nevo

Contents: Ruth Nevo, ‘H.M. (Bill) Daleski’; Shuli Barzilai, ‘Ways of Seeing Pieter Bruegel’s Hunters in the Snow: From the Art of Epiphany to Ekphrastic Expression’; Leona Toker, ‘Literary Pragmatics: The Addressivity of W.H. Auden’s “Spain”’; Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, ‘Between Discipline and Interdisciplinarity, or: Is Interdisciplinarity Possible?’ ISBN 978-965-208-200-8 .pp., 3 pls. 14 × 21 cm ב + 46 .2013 NIS 20

701 Language, Ritual and Poetics in Ancient India and Iran Studies in Honor of Shaul Migron edited by David Shulman

Contents: Daniel Baum, ‘The Valency and Meaning of the Verb yaj in the Rg-Veda’; Jared Klein, ‘Categories and Types of Stylistic Repetition in the ̊ Rg-Veda’; Alexander Lubotsky, ‘New Words and Word Forms in the Atharvaveda ̊ Paippalāda (Kāṇḍa 5)’; Shaul Migron, ‘Facets of Coordinate Conjunction in Vedic Prose’; Jan E.M. Houben, ‘Structures, Events and Ritual Practice in the Rg-Veda: ̊ The Gharma and Atri’s Rescue by the Aśvins’; Tamar C. Reich, ‘The Interruption of the Sacrifice and the Verbal Contest: Three Different Epic Interpretations of a Pair of Vedic Motifs’; David Buyaner, ‘Traces of the Cult of Ancestors in Zoroastrianism’; Thamar E. Gindin, ‘How Would I Worship Sraoša (or Miθra)? Different Approaches to surunuuata yasna’; Jean Kellens, ‘Pôle indien, pôle

22 Other Publications in the Humanities

www.academy.ac.il 23 Social Sciences and Political Thought pp. 17 × 24 cm. Cloth. pp. 17 × 24 ב pp., 1 pl. 14 × 21 cm. Soft cover. cover. pp., 1 pl. 14 × 21 cm. Soft טו NIS 20 Democracy and Modernity Textbook on Facet Theory Textbook ISBN 90-04-09544-6 1992. xiii + 169 pp. 16 × 24 cm. Soft cover. NIS 180 edited by S.N. Eisenstadt Published jointly with E.J. Brill, Leiden. Contents: S.N. Eisenstadt, Democratic ‘Introduction’; Order and Social Change’; R. S.M. Dahrendorf, ‘Notes on the European Lipset, ‘Conditions Experience’; S. Avineri, of ‘Comments on the the Presentations Lipset’; Ami, S. ‘The Ben Concept of Southern and Europe the New Mediterranean of Dahrendorf and Democracies’; C. Rossetti, ‘Law and Democracy ‘Conditions in L. for Roniger, the Consolidation of Democracy in Southern Europe Mediterranean Societies’; and Latin America’; M. Weiner, ‘The Indian Paradox: and Violent Democratic Social Politics’; E. Conflict Cohen, ‘Thai Democracy as National Symbol and of Japan ‘The and Political Political its Tradition Practice’; Impact B.-A. Shillony, Fragments: ‘Democratic Chazan, N. Democracy’; Japanese of Development the on Africa’s Quest for Democracy’; M. Heper, ‘The “Strong State” and Democracy: The Turkish Case in Comparative and Historical Perspective’; S.N. Eisenstadt, ‘Concluding Remarks’. International Colloquium on the Centenary of David Ben-Gurion International Colloquium on the Centenary ISBN 965-208-095-0 + 1991. 110 Published jointly with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew Published jointly with and Theory Facet to ‘Introduction unfinished Guttman’s Louis from chapters Two publications, Guttman’s of bibliography complete a with together Analysis’, Data and obituaries by J.C. Lingoes, L.R. Tucker, S. E. Katz. Shye, J. Jortner, R. Bachi and ISBN 978-965-208-179-7 + 2010. x + 278 iranien’; Yigal Bronner, iranien’; ‘Arriving Yigal Bronner, at a Definition: AppayyaDīkṣita’s Meditation on the Simile and the Onset of a New Poetics’; Chains: Lawrence McCrea, Commentary ‘Poetry in and Control in ‘Notes on Camatkāra’. Shulman, the Sanskrit Poetic Tradition’; David NIS 180

Unfinished in Memoriam; Chapters from an Louis Guttman 128 Social Sciences and Political Thought Social Sciences and Political 528 162 The Intellectual Revolt against Liberal Democracy, 1875–1945 International Colloquium in Memory of Jacob L. Talmon edited by Zeev Sternhell

The issues treated in this volume – romanticism vs. rationalism, nationalism vs. pluralism, militarism vs. humanism, religious/moral values vs. tolerance – are as timely today as they were in the period leading up to the rise of Fascism and Nazism in Europe. The volume brings together in an easily accessible form the approaches and methodologies of eighteen scholars, each an internationally renowned expert in his or her field, unafraid to evaluate critically ideological streams that were and remain crucial to the progress of modern history. Contributors: Zeev Sternhell, Lionel Gossman, Robert S. Wistrich, David Ohana, Michela Nacci, Jeffrey Herf, Steven E. Aschheim, Gilbert Merlio, Jerry Z. Muller, Pierre Birnbaum, John Hellman, Denis Hollier, Pier Giorgio Zunino, Mario Sznajder, Leslie Susser, Andrew Dobson, Antonio Costa Pinto and Yehoshua Arieli. ISBN 965-208-132-9 1996. 397 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Hard cover. NIS 160

New Methods of Geostatistical Analysis and Graphical Presentation: Distributions of Populations over Territories by Roberto Bachi Published jointly with Kluwer/Plenum, USA.

This book presents an integrated system of methods for dealing with geographical statistics (geostatistics) and their applications, making it possible to overcome many of the difficulties encountered in graphically presenting, processing, analyzing and comparing spatial data over different territorial units. The term ‘population’ should be understood in its widest possible sense, to include events such as births, deaths and accidents; establishments and institutions of different kinds; and various services and economic activities – any kind of phenomenon that can be described in spatial-geographical terms. These are the basic building blocks with which this book deals, comparing them with each other and with the geographical features of the territory itself. ISBN 0-306-45544-7 1999. 478 pp. 17 × 25.5 cm. Hard cover. Distributed by Kluwer/Plenum. www.springer.com

24 Social Sciences and Political Thought www.academy.ac.il 25 Reflections States: United the in Judging Louis D. Brandeis Memorial Lectures of Craft and Art The of Judge Learned Hand’s Biographer of Judge Learned Hand’s The Diversity of the Common Law: A Warning for Warning Francis Reynolds, The Diversity of the Common Law: A Unification Projects Ralf Dahrendorf, The Global Class and the New Inequality Ralf Dahrendorf, Gerald Gunther, Gunther, Gerald Rights Louis Henkin, Human Dignity and Human Reigning Myths about Constitutionalism and Judicial Five Reigning Myths about Constitutionalism H. Tribe, Laurence Review ISBN 965-208-148-5 2000. 26 pp. ISBN 965-208-152-3 2000. 16 pp. ISBN 965-208-141-8 1997. 16 pp. ISBN 965-208-124-8 1995. 28 pp. ISBN 965-208-115-9 1993. 16 pp. Price per brochure – NIS 10 Price per brochure ISBN 965-208-064-0 × 24 cm. Cloth. 1984. viii + 412 pp. 15 Publishers, U.K. Distributed by Frank Cass www.routledge.com Contributors: Yehoshua Arieli, John Dunn, James H. Billington, Karl Bracher, Dietrich S.N. Eisenstadt, Michael Heyd, Moshe Zimmerman, Shlomo Hava Lazarus-Yafeh, Uriel Tal, Ben-Ami Avineri, Shillony, George Michael Zeev Confino, Sternhell, Baruch Yovel, Yirmiahu Ezrahi, Michael Walzer, L. Mosse, Yaron Kolatt, Israel Frankel, Jonathan Schiffrin, Z. Harold Lowenthal, Richard Knei-Paz, Ben Anita Halpern, Shapira, Ephraim Erik E. Cohen, Urbach. Menachem Rosner, edited by Yehoshua Arieli and Nathan Rotenstreich Arieli and Nathan Yehoshua edited by in 2002 by Frank Cass Reprinted Jerusalem. Press, with the Magnes Published jointly U.K. Publishers, Totalitarian Democracy and After and Democracy Totalitarian Jerusalem, Talmon, of Jacob in Memory Colloquium International 1982 21–24 June 710 711 704 703 705 Louis D. Brandeis Memorial Lectures Louis D. Brandeis Memorial Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Section of Humanities Articles in the Proceedings are available as separate brochures or, for Volumes One–Eight, in bound volumes, except where stated.

Price per brochure – NIS 20; per volume – NIS 80.

507 Volume One 1967. iii + 256 pp., 3 pls. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth.

1 N.H. Tur-Sinai, ‘By What Methods and to What Extent Can We Establish the Original Text of Hebrew Bible?’. 1963. 13 pp. Out of print. 2 A.A. Fraenkel, ‘The Principle of Choice and the Continuum Problem’. 1963. 10 pp. 3 G. Tedeschi, ‘Insufficiency of the Legal Norm and the Loyalty of the Interpreter’. 1963. 22 pp. Out of print. 4 L. Picard, ‘The Quaternary in the Northern Jordan Valley’. 1963. 34 pp., 2 pls. Out of print. 5 I. Berenblum, ‘On Attempts to Elucidate the Origin of Leukaemia Formation’. 1963. 13 pp. Out of print. 6 N. Rotenstreich, ‘Alienation, Transformation of a Concept’. 1963. 13 pp. Out of print. 7 B. Mazar, ‘The Philistines and the Rise of Israel and Tyre’. 1964 (third printing 1985). 22 pp., 1 pl. 8 D. Ayalon, ‘The Mamluks and Naval Power – A Phase of the Struggle between Islam and Christian Europe’. 1965. 12 pp. Out of print. 9 M. Sela, ‘Chemical Basis of Antigenicity’. 1965. 9 pp. 10 S. Pines, ‘Scholasticism after Thomas Aquinas and the Teachings of Ḣasdai Crescas and His Predecessors’. 1967. 101 pp. Out of print.

508 Volume Two 1968. iii + 330 pp., 4 pls. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth.

1 S. Sambursky, ‘Three Aspects of the Historical Significance of Galileo’. 1964. 15 pp. Out of print. 2 S.H. Bergman, ‘Schelling on the Source of Eternal Truths’. 1964. 12 pp. Out of print. 3 Y. Bar-Hillel, ‘Neorealism vs. Neo-positivism – A Neo-Pseudo Issue’. 1964. 9 pp. Out of print. 4 E.E. Urbach, ‘Class-Status and Leadership in the World of the Palestinian Sages’. 1966. 37 pp. Out of print.

26 Proceedings – Section of Humanities www.academy.ac.il 27 Proceedings – Section of Humanities Proceedings in Old Ottoman Criminal Justice’. 1967. 18 pp. ānūn and Sharī‘a in Old Ottoman Criminal Justice’. 1967. ̇ U. Heyd, ‘K Out of print. Out of 26 pp. 1965. Tenses’. ‘Egyptian H.J. Polotsky, of the Latin the Constitution Communities and ‘Estates, J. Prawer, 1969). 42 pp. 1966 (second printing Kingdom’. 1967. “God-Fearers”’. Christians and the Iranian Name for S. Pines, ‘The 10 pp. Out of print. 1966. 15 pp. Late Neoplatonism’. in of Time ‘The Concept S. Sambursky, Out of print. Annals of to a New Edition of the Remarks ‘Introductory H. Tadmor, pls. Out of print. III’. 1967. 20 pp., 4 Tiglath-Pileser Juifs de France au moyen bibliques des des glossaires M. Banitt, ‘L’étude 1967. 23 pp. âge – Méthode et application’. of Jewish and Source A of the Inquisition – H. Beinart, ‘The Records 17 pp. Converso History’. 1967. Poetry’. 1967. in the Study of Post-Biblical Hebrew J. Schirmann, ‘Problems 9 pp. Centuries of Christianity S. Pines, ‘The Jewish Christians of the Early 1966. 74 pp. to a New Source’. According Aristocracy’. 1967. ‘The Muslim City and the Mamluk Military Ayalon, D. 19 pp. Out of print. Transnational Contracts’. to Reference Levontin, ‘Conflict of Laws with A.V. 1968. 91 pp. Analysis’. 1968. 16 pp. ‘On Possibility and Modal Z.A. Bar-On, 1968. 22 pp. ‘The Scribe at Ugarit – His Position and Influence’. Rainey, A.F. Out of print. Akzin, ‘On Public Law’. 1968. 14 pp. B. Inheritance to Research Z. Ben-Hayyim, ‘The Contribution of the Samaritan 1968. 13 pp. Out of print. into the History of Hebrew’. 1969. 47 pp. Out of print. in Zoroastrianism’. S. Shaked, ‘Esoteric Trends Is’. 1969. 17 pp. ‘On What There Ayer, A.J. Remarks on Levi Ben Gerson’s Contributions to B.R. Goldstein, ‘Preliminary 1969. 16 pp. Astronomy’. 1969. 15 pp. Argument’. ‘Categorial Change and Philosophical S. Körner, 1 Volume Three Volume 1969. iii + 271 pp., 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 509 510 Volume Four 1971. iii + 372 pp., 4 pls, 1 fig. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth.

1 S. Sambursky, ‘Structure and Periodicity – Centenary of Mendeleev’s Discovery’. 1969. 13 pp. 2 S.N. Kramer, ‘From the Poetry of Sumer – Preview of a Supplement to ANET’. 1969. 15 pp. 3 J. Katz, ‘A State Within a State – The History of an Anti-Semitic Slogan’. 1969. 30 pp. 4 M.E. Stone, ‘The Apocryphal Literature in the Armenian Tradition’. 1969. 19 pp. Out of print. 5 S.S. Weinberg, ‘Post-Exilic Palestine – An Archaeological Report’. 1969. 20 pp. Out of print. 6 D.J. de Solla Price, ‘Measuring the Size of Science’. 1969 (second printing 1970). 14 pp., 1 fig. 7 H. Blanc, ‘The Arabic Dialect of the Negev Bedouins’. 1970. 39 pp. Out of print. 8 Y. Bar-Hillel, ‘Argumentation in Pragmatic Languages’. 1970. 15 pp. 9 M. Michaely, ‘The “Rules of the Game” of Balance-of-Payments Adjustment in the Post-War Period’. 1970. 10 pp. 10 G. Baer, ‘The Structure of Turkish Guilds and Its Significance for Ottoman Social History’. 1970. 21 pp. 11 M. Barasch, ‘A Holy-Water Basin in Acre’. 1970. 42 pp., 4 pls. 12 Ḥ.H. Ben-Sasson, ‘The Reformation in Contemporary Jewish Eyes’. 1970. 88 pp. Out of print. 13 J. Schirmann, ‘The Battle between Behemoth and Leviathan According to an Ancient Hebrew ’. 1970. 43 pp. Out of print.

511 Volume Five 1976. iii + 365 pp., 21 pls. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. Out of print.

1 J. Naveh, ‘The Development of the Aramaic Script’. 1970. 69 pp., 12 figs. 2 B. Blumenkranz, ‘La représentation de Synagoga dans les Bibles moralisées françaises du XIIIe au XVe siècle’. 1970. 22 pp., 8 pls. Out of print. 3 S. Sambursky, ‘Kepler in Hegel’s Eyes’. 1971. 13 pp. 4 S. Pines, ‘Some Traits of Christian Theological Writing in Relation to Moslem Kalām and to Jewish Thought’. 1973. 21 pp. 5 E. Katz, ‘On the Use of the Concept of Compatibility in Research on the Diffusion of Innovation’. 1973. 20 pp. Out of print.

28 Proceedings – Section of Humanities www.academy.ac.il 29 Proceedings – Section of Humanities Proceedings and a Text of the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies – of the Pseudo-Clementine ira and a Text ̣ ’. 1975. 43 pp. I. Twersky, ‘The Mishneh Torah of Maimonides’. 1976. 32 pp. Out of print. of Maimonides’. Torah ‘The Mishneh I. Twersky, 1976. in the Perspective of Our Generation’. ‘Copernicus S. Sambursky, 16 pp. pl. Out of print. Book of Job’. 1976. 53 pp., 1 Judeo-Persian ‘A H.H. Paper, G.H. Hartman, ‘The State of the Art of Criticism’. 1987. 19 pp. Art of Criticism’. 1987. G.H. Hartman, ‘The State of the Grammar and Thought in Heraclitus – The H.B. Rosén, ‘Early Greek Article’. 1988. 42 pp. of the Emergence Exposition of the Doctrine of the S. Pines, ‘Points of Similarity between the in the Sefer Yez Sefirot 80 pp. The Implications of this Resemblance’. 1989. 1992. 34 pp. Assmann, ‘Akhanyati’s Theology of Light and Time’. J. Study the History ‘What is the Meaning of and to What End Do We H. Daiber, of Islamic Philosophy? The History of a Neglected Discipline’. 1998. 23 pp. in First-Century Judaism’. 2000. 13 pp. M. Goodman, ‘Josephus and Variety Eck, ‘Governors and Their Personnel on Latin H.M. Cotton and W. Maritima’. 2001. 26 pp., 2 figs, 1 pl. Caesarea Inscriptions from J. Blau, ‘An Adverbial Construction in Hebrew and Arabic – Sentence and in Hebrew Adverbial Construction J. Blau, ‘An the Rest of the Sentence’. Position Separated from Adverbials in Frontal 1977. 103 pp. 1982. 79 pp. Out of print. J. Blau, ‘On Polyphony in Biblical Hebrew’. Airs, Commentary on the Hippocratic Treatise ‘Galen’s A. Wasserstein, pp. Places’. 1982. 119 Waters, J. Guttmann, ‘Philosophie der Religion oder Philosophie des Gesetzes?’ des Gesetzes?’ oder Philosophie der Religion ‘Philosophie J. Guttmann, 28 pp. 1974. Samaritan A ben Manir – Aaron of ‘The Song of the Precepts M. Haran, by as Listed Precepts on the 613 Atonement the Day of Hymn for 1974. 36 pp. Maimonides’. 1975. 13 pp. de Molière’. de l’oeuvre ‘Aspects méconnus R. Brandwajn, ben Zabda – Its Yoḥanan Physician and Asaph the S. Pines, ‘The Oath of of the Oath and the Doctrina Duarum Viarum Relation to the Hippocratic Didachē 11 12 10 Volume Six Volume 2 3 4 5 6 7 ISBN 965-208-159-0 2002. iii + 240 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. 1 Volume Seven Volume 1 2 3 ISBN 965-208-032-2 1983. iii + 303 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth. 6 7 8 9

498 512 Volume Eight ISBN 978-965-208-221-3 2015. iii + 231 pp. 15 × 24 cm. Cloth.

1 Ralph Lerner, ‘On Speaking in the Language of the Sons of Man’. 2002. 18 pp. 2 Josef van Ess, ‘60 Years After: Shlomo Pines’s Beiträge and Half a Century of Research on Atomism in Islamic Theology’. 2002. 23 pp. 3 Pieter W. van der Horst, ‘The Myth of Jewish Cannibalism – A Chapter in the History of Antisemitism’. 2008 (second printing 2015). 14 pp. 4 Cristina D’Ancona, ‘Man’s Conjunction with Intellect: A Neoplatonic Source of Western Muslim Philosophy’. 2008. 34 pp. 5 Christoph Markschies, ‘Compassion: Some Remarks on Concepts of Divine and Human Compassion in Antiquity’. 2011. 14 pp. 6 Jürgen Habermas, ‘A Philosophy of Dialogue’. 2013. 15 pp. 7 James R. Russell, ‘On an Armenian Magical Manuscript: New York, Jewish Theological Seminary, Ms 10558’. 2013. 191 pp. 8 Carlo Ginzburg, ‘Inner Dialogues: The Jew as Devil’s Advocate’. 2014 (second printing 2015). 23 pp.

Volume Nine 1 Lorraine Daston, ‘Before the Two Cultures: Big Science and Big Humanities in the Nineteenth Century‘. 2015. 20 pp. 2 Michael Walzer, ‘States and Communities’. 2016. 14 pp. 3 Ute Deichmann, ‘The Beginnings of Israeli‑German Collaboration in the Sciences: Motives, Scientific Benefits, Hidden Agendas’. 2016. 53 pp.

30 Proceedings – Section of Humanities www.academy.ac.il 31 Botany . The descriptions, with few exceptions, ciences S 1986. 525 pls + xv + 23 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1977. 757 pls + xxxiii + 21 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1972 (second printing 1987). 656 pls + xxix + 19 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1966 (second printing 1981). 495 pls + xxxvi pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1986. xiv + 464 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1978. xv + 481 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1972 (second printing 1987). 489 pp., 2 maps. 1966 (second printing 1981). xxxix + 364 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1966 (second printing 1981). xxxix + 364 pp.,

Part Four: Alismataceae to Orchidaceae Part Three: Ericaceae to Compositae Part Two: Platanaceae to Umbelliferae Part Two: Part One: Equisetaceae to Moringaceae Part One: Equisetaceae ISBN 965-208-004-7 Volume. Text Volume. Plates by Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan Plates Volume. Plates by Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan ISBN 965-208-003-9 Volume. Text ISBN 965-208-002-0 Volume. Text Volume. Plates by ISBN 965-208-001-2 Volume. Text Volume. Plates by Michael Zohary Flora Palaestina The first Flora specific to Israelcomprising one surrounding and volume of text areas. and one of Its four plates, treat be parts, each found some at this 2,470 meeting point of species four phytogeographical to regions. Many of the species and varieties included are described here for the first time orrenamed since the second edition of Post’s are are based on plants deposited in the of the Jerusalem. Hebrew University of NIS 240 NIS 240 NIS 240 NIS 240 atural

207 205 203

Botany N 201 209 Distribution Atlas of Plants in the Flora Palaestina Area by Avinoam Danin

This volume comprises updated nomenclature, distribution, and habitat data for the species in the area covered in the four parts of Flora Palaestina. The distribution data are presented here in individual maps for each of the species recorded in the study area (defined as lying west of 36ºE). Four main phytogeographical regions – the Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian, Saharo-Arabian, and Sudanian – meet in Israel. The area’s broad climatic and edaphic diversity is largely responsible for its botanical wealth – some 9.06 species per 100 sq. km. Of the 2,750 species listed herein, 276 were not previously recorded in Flora Palaestina. The 18,000 species-per-district records that form the basis of Flora Palaestina have been expanded to some 28,400, based largely on the author’s investigations over the course of some forty years. ISBN 965-208-167-1 2005. 520 pp., 2 maps + 2,760 distribution maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 240

Flora Palaestina – Lower Plants

313 Atlas of the Inland-Water Diatom Flora of Israel by Aline Ehrlich ISBN 965-208-013-2 1995. viii + 166 pp., frontispiece, 60 pls, 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 120

208 The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions edited by C. and Ilana Herrnstadt Part I: Bryopsida (Mosses), by Ilana Herrnstadt and C. Clara Heyn Part II: Anthocerotopsida (Hornworts) and Marchantiopsida (Liverworts), by Helene Bischler and Suzanne Jovet-Ast With drawings by Michal Boaz-Yuval and Esther Huber and colour photographs by David Darom

This new addition to the Flora Palaestina series represents an up-to-date account of the bryophytes of Israel and some adjacent regions. Despite its small area, this region has been found to have an unexpected diversity of bryophytes. The 259 taxa – 220 of mosses and 39 of liverworts – comprise 9% of the described flora

32 Botany www.academy.ac.il 33 Botany Fascicle 3: Ericales to Tubiflorae by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn by M. Zohary, C.C. Heyn and D. Heller by M. Zohary, ISBN 965-208-078-0 1987. xii + 93 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60 (cont.) to Dipsacales Fascicle 4: Tubiflorae by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn ISBN 965-208-075-6 1986. xii + 160 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60 ISBN 965-208-057-8 1984. xiv + 88 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60 ISBN 965-208-021-7 1980. 107 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Out of print. Conspectus Florae Orientalis Conspectus Florae of the Flora of the Middle East An Annotated Catalogue Fascicle 1: Papaverales to Rosales C.C. Heyn and D. Heller by M. Zohary, Other Publications in Botany Other Publications ISBN 965-208-152-3 8 colour pls, 16 pls of SEM 2004. xii + 722 pp., 2 tables, maps, 246 figs, 247 distribution micrographs, × 27 cm. Cloth. 1 topographical map. 18 NIS 240 of Israel. 87 taxa were recorded in Israel for the first Flora. of this preparation during the time awarded was Herrnstadt, Ilana editor, surviving The Phyto- the for Organization the of Silver in Medal the Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean area (OPTIMA).

354 353 352 to Myrtiflorae Fascicle 2: Geraniales 351 355 Fascicle 5: Rosales (cont.) to Podostemales by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn ISBN 965-208-094-2 1990. xii + 81 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60

356 Fascicle 6: Helobiae to Microspermeae by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn ISBN 965-208-105-1 1991. xii + 191 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60

357 Fascicle 7: Umbelliflorae: Cornaceae – Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn ISBN 965-208-107-8 1993. xii + 53 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60

358 Fascicle 8: Campanulales: Campanulaceae – Compositae (Asteraceae) by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn ISBN 965-208-108-6 1993. xii + 174 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60

359 Fascicle 9: Lycopodiales to Sarraceniales by D. Heller and C.C. Heyn ISBN 965-208-109-4 1994. xiv + 171 pp., 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. NIS 60

Conspectus Florae Orientalis A Comprehensive Catalogue of the Flora of the Middle East Second Edition by David Heller

Based on the first edition by Michael Zohary, C. Clara Heyn and David Heller. Forthcoming

217 The Genus Tamarix by Bernard R. Baum ISBN 978-965-208-215-2 1978. 209 pp., 54 pls, 54 distribution maps, 4 charts. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

34 Botany www.academy.ac.il 35 Zoology Mollusca I: Annotated List of Mediterranean Molluscs of Israel and Sinai Crustacea I: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea Morphological Atlas of Israel – A and Adjacent Regions The Lichens of Israel The Lichens The Genus Trifolium The by Alexander Barash and Zippora Danin by ISBN 965-208-099-3 56 pls (372 figs), 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1992. viii + 406 pp., frontispiece, NIS 180 ISBN 965-208-164-7 plates, 2004. xviii + 442 pp., 204 pls, 9 SEM micrograph 1 colour pl. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 240 by Engelina A. Zelickman by Engelina Fauna Palaestina The aim of this series, which represents the joint efforts of zoologists from Israel and several other countries, is to describe and illustrate in detail all species of the area. The systematic section of each volume is preceded by brief chapters on ecology and zoogeography. general morphology, ISBN 965-208-073-X figs, 82 pls. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1986. viii + 214 pp., 11 NIS 120 by Abraham Fahn, Ella Werker and Pieter Baas Fahn, Ella Werker Abraham by ISBN 978-965-208-216-9 2 maps. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. pp., 29 pls, 1970. 116 NIS 60 by Margalith Galun by Margalith ISBN 965-208-056-X 27 cm. Cloth. 18 × pp., colour frontispiece. 1984. x + 610 NIS 120 by M. Zohary and D. Heller Zohary by M. and Shrubs from Israel of Trees Anatomy and Identification Wood

311 Zoology 210 231 219 211 305 Arachnida I – Scorpiones by G. Levy and P. Amitai ISBN 965-208-015-2 1980. vi + 134 pp., 1 pl., 103 figs, 1 table, 9 distribution maps, 1 area map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. Out of print.

307 Arachnida II: Araneae: Thomisidae by Gershom Levy ISBN 965-208-058-6 1985. vi + 116 pp., 1 pl., 169 figs, 1 map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

315 Arachnida III: Araneae: Theridiidae by Gershom Levy ISBN 965-208-133-7 1998. viii + 228 pp., colour frontispiece, 410 figs, map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 160

300 Insecta I: Diptera Pupipara by Oskar Theodor ISBN 978-965-208-218-3 1975. iv + 170 pp., 2 pls, 345 figs, 1 map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

301 Insecta II – Diptera: Asilidae by Oscar Theodor ISBN 965-208-015-2 1980. vi + 448 pp., 1 pl., 865 figs, 1 map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. Out of print.

302 Insecta III: Orthoptera: Acridoidea by Lev Fishelson ISBN 965-208-059-4 1985. vi + 230 pp., 5 pls, 1 colour pl., 232 figs, 1 map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 120

304 Insecta IV – Diptera: Tephritidae by Amnon Freidberg and Jehoshua Kugler ISBN 965-208-090-X 1989. vi + 210 pp., 8 pls, frontispiece, 217 figs, 1 map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 140

36 Zoology www.academy.ac.il 37 Zoology

Mammalia of Israel Insecta VI – Trichoptera of the Levant: Imagines of the Levant: – Trichoptera Insecta VI Insecta V – Odonata of the Levant V – Odonata Insecta ISBN 965-208-145-0 maps. 1999. viii + 440 pp., 37 colour pls, frontispiece, 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 240 This is the first systematic presentation in English of information gathered on the on gathered information of English in presentation systematic first the is This mammals (including bats) brieflyof describes terrestrial Israel. The Introduction and zoogeography the area; study the of characteristics biological and physical the conservation, their on humans of impact the and Israel of mammals the of ecology in Israel. The distribution, and populations; and the history of mammal research account of each species presents details regarding its distribution, fossil record karyotype, diet, ecology, behaviour, reproduction, (when available), accompanied humans, with relations and parasites by a distribution map, skull photos, of and the tables body and skull deposited in Israeli museums. The characters documentation of specimens is complemented by a rich photographs. selection of colour by Heinrich Mendelssohn and Yoram Yom-Tov Yoram and by Heinrich Mendelssohn ISBN 965-208-098-5 figs, 1 pl., 1 map. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. 1992. vi + 294 pp., 590 NIS 160 by Lazare Botosaneanu by Lazare ISBN 965-208-097-7 27 cm. Cloth. colour pl., 1 map. 18 × figs, 1 pp., 511 1991. vi + 297 NIS 160 by Henri J. Dumont by Henri

316 310 309 Other Publications in Zoology

303 CLOFRES: Checklist of the Fishes of the Red Sea by Menachem Dor ISBN 965-208-061-6 1984. xxii + 437 pp., colour frontispiece, 2 maps. 17 × 24 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

312 CLOFRES II: An Updated Checklist of the Fishes of the Red Sea by Menachem Dor and Menachem Goren Published jointly with the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences, Eilat, Israel.

ISBN 965-208-114-0 1994. xii + 120 pp., 2 maps. 17 × 25 cm. Soft cover. NIS 60

306 The Genitalia of Bombyliidae (Diptera) by Oskar Theodor ISBN 965-208-051-9 1983. vi + 276 pp., 769 figs. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

253 Lake Hula: Reconstruction of the Fauna and Hydrobiology of a Lost Lake by Ch. Dimentman, H.J. Bromley and F.D. Por ISBN 965-208-104-3 .pp., 31 figs. 15 × 24 cm. Soft cover כד + vi + 170 .1992 NIS 70

308 On the Structure of the Spermathecae and Aedeagus in the Asilidae and their Importance in the Systematics of the Family by Oskar Theodor ISBN 978-965-208-217-6 1976. 175 pp. 18 × 27 cm. Cloth. NIS 80

A Survey of the Parasites of Wild Mammals and Birds in Israel by O. Theodor and M. Costa

241 Part One: Ectoparasites .pp., 3 maps. 15 × 24 cm ה + 117 .1967 NIS 40

38 Zoology www.academy.ac.il 39 Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures The Jurassic Stratigraphy in Israel and the Adjacent Countries in Israel and the Adjacent The Jurassic Stratigraphy the Responsibility of Scientists Environment, and Lee, Energy, T. Yuan General Covariance and the Passive Equations of Physics General Covariance and the Passive Equations Shlomo Sternberg, Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecular Information Jean-Marie Lehn, Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecular Self-Organization and Complex Matter Toward Carlo Rubbia, Harmless Energy from Nuclei John E. Wansbrough, Res Ipsa Loquitur: History and Mimesis John E. Wansbrough, The Geology of Southern Sinai: Its Implication for the Evolution for the Evolution Sinai: Its Implication of Southern The Geology Massif of the Arabo-Nubian ISSN 1565-9003 2008. 16 pp. ISBN 965-208-173-6 2006. 32 pp. ISBN 965-208-165-5 2003. 36 pp. ISBN 965-208-146-9 1991. 41 pp. 1987. 27 pp. Price per brochure – NIS 20 Price per brochure by Leo Picard and Francis Hirsch by Leo Picard ISBN 965-208-076-4 1 table. 21.5 × 27 cm. 1987. 106 pp., 47 figs, NIS 60 Ṣabbagh Sheet One: Jebel Volume ISBN 965-208-079-9 19 × 28 cm. Cloth. tables, 185 figs + geological map 1:100.000. 1987. xx + 484 pp., 105 NIS 120 by Yaacov K. Bentor and Moshe Eyal K. Bentor Yaacov by

614 613 611 617 615 Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures 411 420 Geology Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures edited by Jacob D. Bekenstein and Raphael Mechoulam Published jointly with World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

This volume consists of a selection of the Albert Einstein Memorial Lectures presented annually at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Delivered by eminent scientists and scholars, including Nobel laureates, they cover a broad spectrum of subjects in physics, chemistry, life science, mathematics, historiography and social issues. Contents: W. Timothy Gowers, ‘What Can Pure Mathematics Offer to Society?’; Shlomo Sternberg, ‘General Covariance and the Passive Equations of Physics’; Haim Harari, ‘The Structure of Quarks and Leptons’; Steven Weinberg, ‘Beautiful Theories’; Carlo Rubbia, ‘Harmless Energy from Nuclei’; Jean- Marie Lehn, ‘Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecular Information toward Self-Organization and Complex Matter’; Roger Kornberg, ‘Chromatin and Transcription’; Yuan T. Lee, ‘Energy, Environment and the Responsibility of Scientists’; John E. Wansbrough, ‘Res Ipsa Loquitur: History and Mimesis’. ISBN-13 978-981-4329-42-2 ISBN-10 981-4329-42-8 ISBN-13 978-981-4329-43-9 (pbk) ISBN-10 981-4329-43-6 (pbk) 2012. ix + 204 pp. 15 × 23 cm. Hard/soft cover. Distributed by World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. www.worldscientific.com

Other Publications in the Natural Sciences

245 International Workshop on Regional Implications of Future Climate Change Proceedings of an International Workshop, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, April 28–May 2, 1991 edited by Michael Graber, Ariel Cohen and Mordechai Magaritz Published jointly with the Israel Ministry of the Environment.

Contributors: J. Jortner, Y. Bibi, U. Marinov, A. Cohen, M. Magaritz, M. Graber, J. Neumann, A.S. Issar, Y. Waisel, C. Klein, N. Liphschitz, G. Biger, L.M. Druyan, D. Rind, P.A. Kay, P. Alpert, V. Stein, M. Segal, A. Zangvil, A. Sasson, V. Isackson, D.H. Portis, P.J. Lamb, N.J. Rosenberg, P.R. Crosson, R.E. Waterman, Y. Nir, M. Greene, Z. Naveh, D. Yaalon, G. Stanhill, H.-W. Georgii, A. Ben-Zvi, Z. Levin, D. Rosenfeld, U.N. Safriel, J.B. Smith, R. Benioff, J.G. Titus, K.C. Dennis, R. Nichols, S. Leatherman, C. Rosenzweig, T.M. Smith, E. Riebsame, L. Jeftic. ISBN 965-208-106-X 1993. xiv + 304 pp., 18 × 24 cm. Soft cover. NIS 160

40 Other Publications in the Natural Sciences www.academy.ac.il 41 The Pleistocene of the Central Jordan Valley The Pleistocene of the Central Jordan ’; H. Atlan, ‘Natural Complexity and Self-Creation Self-Creation and Complexity ‘Natural Atlan, H. ’; Sapiens Homo Member of the Genus Homo from ‘Ubeidiya A Preliminary Investigation of the Birds in the Pleistocene A E. Tchernov, Deposits of ‘Ubeidiya M. Stekelis, Archaeological Excavations at ‘Ubeidiya, 1960–1963 P.V. Tobias, A Tobias, P.V. L. Picard and U. Baida, Geological Report on the Lower Pleistocene Deposits L. Picard of the ‘Ubeidiya Excavations On the Vertebrate Fauna of the Lower Pleistocene Site ‘Ubeidiya G. Haas, On the Vertebrate from Newton to Pekeris Sir James Lighthill, Ocean Tides the Debate over Goals for Science the Debate over Goals Ausubel, Rails and Snails and Jesse H. Mind over Matter Mind 1968. 38 pp., 3 pls. 18 × 27 cm. 1966. 32 pp., 42 pls. 18 × 27 cm. 1966. 12 pp., 3 pls. 18 × 27 cm. 1966. 39 pp., 8 pls. 18 × 27 cm. 1966. 68 pp., 14 pls. 18 × 27 cm. A series of studies of one of the most important prehistoric sites in the Near East, East, Near the in sites prehistoric important most the of one of studies of series A Valley. south of the Sea of Galilee in the Central Jordan located a few kilometres – NIS 10 Price per brochure ISBN 965-208-102-1 1995. 31 pp., 12 figs. NIS 10 ISBN 965-208-116-7 1994. 20 pp. NIS 10 ISBN 965-208-092-6 1989. 93 pp. 15 × 24 cm. NIS 40 on in Jerusalem held Witkop Bernhard Professor Honour of in Symposium 20 May 1987 ‘The Katchalsky-Katzir, E. Tribute’; A Witkop: ‘Bernhard Mechoulam, R. Contents: of Gene Artificial Molecules’. or Thoughts Over ‘Mind Over Matter B. Witkop, of Meaning’;

405 401 404 402 403 The Pleistocene of the Central Jordan Valley – Valley Jordan The Pleistocene of the Central The Excavations at ‘Ubeidiya 706 707 129 406 M. Stekelis, O. Bar-Yosef and Tamar Schick, Archaeological Excavations at ‘Ubeidiya, 1964–1966 1969. 29 pp., 19 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

408 O. Bar-Yosef and E. Tchernov, On the Palaeo-Ecological History of the Site of ‘Ubeidiya 1972. 35 pp., 5 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

407 E. Tchernov, On the Pleistocene Molluscs of the Jordan Valley 1973. 50 pp., 7 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

409 E. Tchernov, The Early Pleistocene Molluscs of ‘Erq el-Aḥmar 1975. 36 pp., 4 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

410 E. Tchernov, The Pleistocene Birds of ‘Ubeidiya, Jordan Valley ISBN 965-208-033-0 1980. 83 pp., 6 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

Solar Site Testing in Israel and Sinai Price per brochure – NIS 10

250 Varda Bar, Solar Seeing in Israel and Sinai 1972. 24 pp., 18 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

251 V. Bar, U. Feldman, A. Kovetz and G. Shaviv, Meteorological Conditions at the Miẓpe Ramon Observatory Site 1972. 10 pp., 10 pls. 18 × 27 cm.

252 Lars Staveland, Solar Site Testing at Miẓpe Ramon and Caesarea 1975. 17 pp. 18 × 27 cm.

Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Section of Sciences Price per brochure – NIS 10

1 M.A. Avnimelech, ‘Dinosaur Tracks in the Judean Hills’. 1966 (second printing 1969). 19 pp., 8 pls. 2 I. Talmi, ‘In Memoriam Giulio Yoel Racah’. 1966. 5 pp., 1 pl. Out of print. 3 H. Zondek, ‘Regulation of Endocrine Function’. 1966. 19 pp. 4 L. Picard and U. Baida, ‘Stratigraphic Position of the ‘Ubeidiya Formation’. 1966. 8 pp., 2 pls. Out of print.

42 Proceedings – Section of Sciences www.academy.ac.il 43 Out of Print Publications – Humanities E.H. Colbert, ‘New Adaptations of the Triassic Reptiles’. 1967. 13 pp. 1967. Reptiles’. Triassic of the Adaptations ‘New E.H. Colbert, Theory Algebraic in an of Force and Laws Laws ‘Conservation Ne’eman, Y. Physics’. 1967. 9 pp. of Particle Out of print. 1968. 14 pp. the Fauna of ‘Ubeidiya’. G. Haas, ‘On 12 pp., 1968. or Tool-Maker?’ Tool-User ‘Australopithecus – R.A. Dart, 12 pls. the Rhinegraben’. 1968. 34 pp., 7 pls. of ‘On the Structure L. Picard, 15 pp. ‘The Benzidine Re-arrangement’. 1968. Sir Christopher Ingold, Mould’. 1968. 8 pp. Sexual Hormones in a Water ‘Steroid J.R. Raper, 16 pp. in an Expanding Universe’. 1968. N. Rosen, ‘Inertial Systems Out of print. 1969. 13 pp. of Time’. Arrows Ne’eman, ‘The Y. Gases’. Studies of High Temperature Tube ‘Shock Manheimer-Timnat, Y. pp. 1969. 11 1969. Recent History of the Benzene Formula’. ‘The E.D. Bergmann, 12 pp., 2 pls. Active the Synthesis of Biologically D.H.R. Barton, ‘Specific Fluorination in Compounds’. 1969. 9 pp. 1970. 8 pp. Affairs’. Sciences in World Thimann, ‘The Role of the Plant K.V. Ne’eman, ‘Quasars and Pulsars’. 1971. 18 pp. Y. Origin’. 1980. 8 pp. M.R. Bloch, ‘Dead Sea Whiteness and Its ‘Life in the Dead Sea’. 1982. 18 pp. Ginzburg, Margaret and then Dynamics: Discovering Unitary Ne’eman, ‘Patterns, Structure Y. 26 pp. Symmetry and Conceiving Quarks’. 1983. 1968 by Arthur Hyman by 1986 by Shlomo Pines 1971 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 La compréhension de l’histoire – Entretiens de Jérusalem, 4–8 avril 1965 Averroes’ De Substantia Orbis Averroes’ An Arabic Version of the Testimonium Flavianum and Its Flavianum and Its of the Testimonium An Arabic Version Implications

Out of Print Publications – Humanities Out of Print Publications – The Concept of Place in Late Neoplatonism Texts with translation, introduction and notes by Shmuel Sambursky 1982

The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonism Texts with translation, introduction and notes by S. Sambursky and S. Pines 1971 (second printing 1987)

Determinants of Children’s Game Styles – On Free Play in a ‘Disadvantaged’ and in an ‘Advantaged’ School by Rivka R. Eifermann 1971

Hebrew Codicology Tentative Typology of Technical Practices Employed in Hebrew Dated Medieval Manuscripts by Malachi Beit-Arié 1981

Israel National Collections of Natural History compiled by Ilana Ferber 1985

The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages Edited with Introductions, Translations and Commentary by Amnon Linder 1997

The Jews in Roman Imperial Legislation Edited with Introductions, Translations and Commentary by Amnon Linder 1987

On Pseudo-Corrections in Some Semitic Languages by Joshua Blau 1970

Pico della Mirandola’s Encounter with Jewish Mysticism by Chaim Wirszubski 1989

44 Out of Print Publications – Humanities www.academy.ac.il 45 Out of Print Publications – Natural Sciences Volume Six: Chemical and Biochemical Reactivity Volume Volume Five: Conformation of Biological Molecules and Polymers Volume Volume Four: The Purines – Theory and Experiment Volume Volume Three: Aromaticity, Pseudo-Aromaticity, Anti-Aromaticity Pseudo-Aromaticity, Aromaticity, Three: Volume Volume Two: Quantum Aspects of Heterocyclic Compounds in Chemistry Quantum Aspects of Heterocyclic Two: Volume and Biochemistry Volume One: Physico-Chemical Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis Volume 1974 1973 1971 1972 1970 1969 The Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum Chemistry and on Quantum Chemistry The Jerusalem Symposia Biochemistry by Benjamin Pinkus 1984 The Soviet Government and the Jews 1948–1967 The Soviet Government Documented Study A 1970 1969 Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Fertility and Sterility on Fertility Congress World of the Sixth Proceedings Proceedings of the International Conference on Semitic Studies, Studies, Semitic on Conference of the International Proceedings 1965 July 19–23 Jerusalem,

Out of Print Publications – Natural Sciences Out of Print Publications

List of Hebrew Books For a full description, see the Hebrew section of this catalogue.

791 Abstract Principles and Stories Told: Studies in Semitic Linguistics Honouring Gideon Goldenberg on His Eightieth Birthday, edited by Yohanan Friedmann. NIS 70

142 Al-muršīd al-kāfī: The Lexicon of Tanḥūm ben Yosef Hayerushalmi to the Mishné tora of Maimonides, by Hadassah Shy. NIS 360

023 Anshel Levi: An Old Yiddish Midrash to the ‘Chapters of the Fathers’, by Yaacov J. Maitlis. NIS 60

The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch, by Haseeb Shehadeh. 732 Volume One: Genesis–Exodus NIS 160 733 Volume Two: Leviticus–Numbers–Deuteronomy NIS 175

044 Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics in the Hebrew Version of Samuel ben Judah, by Lawrence V. Berman. NIS 180

630 Chaim Weizmann – Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy, edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar. NIS 90

046 The Commentary of Averroes on Aristotle’s De Anima in the Hebrew Translation of Moses b. Samuel Ibn Tibbon, by Alfred L. Ivry. NIS 160

Concordance to the Yerushalmi, by Moshe Kosovsky. 093–094, 096–098, 090 Volumes II–VII each NIS 240 092, 091 Volumes I and VIII out of print 095 Thesaurus of Proper Names NIS 240

070 Crescas’ Sermon on the Passover and Studies in his Philosophy, by Aviezer Ravitzky. NIS 80

530 David Ben Gurion and the Development of Science in Israel: A Symposium Commemorating the Hundredth Anniversary of Ben Gurion’s Birth, held 23 April 1987. NIS 50

143 A Dictionary of Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic Texts, by Joshua Blau. NIS 460

788 Evolution and Renewal: Trends in the Development of the NIS 80

071 The Geniza Fragments of Bereshit Rabba, by Michael Sokoloff. NIS 80

045 The Hebrew Versions of Book Four of Averroes’ Middle Commentary on the Nichomachean Ethics, by Lawrence V. Berman. NIS 40

074 The Hebrew Writings of the Author of Tiqqunei Zohar and Ra‘aya Mehemna, by Efraim Gottlieb. NIS 160

46 List of Hebrew Books www.academy.ac.il 47 List of Hebrew Books List of Hebrew

Alon Gal. of Louis D. Brandeis, edited by Tradition The Legal and Zionist NIS 60 1621–1806 , Council of Tykocin, The Minutes Book of the Jewish Community Nadav (Katzykovich). by Mordechai One: The Minutes Book NIS 160 Volume Appendixes, Indexes and Glossary NIS 60 Two: Volume Kohelet Mussar in Its Historical Context, by Meir Gilon. Mendelssohn’s NIS 60 Friedmann. NIS 70 the Qur’ānYohanan , edited by On Translating NIS 160 with Erika Timm. , by Chone Shmeruk Paris un Viena . Distributed by the Bialik Institute, Jerusalem. Philo of Alexandria: Writings edited by Suzanne Apologetical Writings, One: Historical Writings; Volume Daniel-Nataf. Part One, edited by Suzanne Daniel-Nataf. Exposition of the Law, Two: Volume edited by Suzanne Daniel-Nataf. Part Two, Exposition of the Law, Three: Volume Yehoshua Part One: Allegorical Exegesis (Genesis 1–5), edited by Four, Volume Amir. edited Allegorical Exegesis and Philosophical Treatises, Part Two: Four, Volume R. Niehoff. by Maren Yehoshua Five, Part One: Allegorical Exegesis (Genesis 12–41), edited by Volume Niehoff. Amir and Maren , by Dan Pagis. NIS 60 The Poems of Levi Ibn al-Tabbān NIS 80 The Poems of Shelomo ha-Bavli, by Ezra Fleischer. Faith – the of Refutation and Proof on the Despised Al-Khazarī (The Book for Prepared Known as the Kuzari), by David H. Baneth. Book of the Khazars, Press. Ben-Shammai. Distributed by Magness publication by Haggai , chief editor 1882, chief Since Eretz-Israel in Community the Jewish of The History Institute, Jerusalem. the Bialik by Lissak. Distributed Moshe Two Period: Parts One− The Ottoman Research NIS 80 Issues in Talmudic State, by E.E. Urbach. NIS 20 Jewish Law and the and Yahalom Poetry from Late Antiquity, by J. Jewish Palestinian Aramaic NIS 165 M. Sokoloff. Parts One−Three of the British Mandate: The Period in Eretz-Israel Culture of Hebrew The Construction First Decade Israel – The 616 132 133 144 790 027 002 003 116 558 032 Fī 'L-Dīn Al-Dhalīl – Al-Kitāb Al-Radd Wa-'L-Dalīl Judah Ha-Levi: Kitāb 789 Royal Assyrian Inscriptions: History, Historiography and Ideology, edited by Israel Ef‘al and Nadav Na’aman. NIS 80

Specimens of Mediaeval Hebrew Scripts 735 Volume One: Oriental and Yemenite Scripts, edited by Malachi Beit-Arié and Edna Engel with Ada Yardeni. NIS 240 736 Volume Two: Sefardic Script, edited by Malachi Beit-Arié and Edna Engel. NIS 260

114 Studies in the History of Muslim Peoples NIS 70

138 Le registre de correspondance de la communauté juive de Lorraine, by Simon Schwarzfuchs. NIS 140

The Religious Poems of Abraham Ibn Ezra, by Israel Levin. 004 Volume One NIS 80 005 Volume Two NIS 80

121 Types of Leadership in the Biblical Period: A Study Conference in Honour of the Eighty-Fifth Birthday of David Ben-Gurion NIS 40

072 Yerushalmi Neziqin, by E.S. Rosenthal. Second printing with additional fragments from the Cairo Geniza, edited by D. Rosenthal. NIS 200

022 Yiddish Biblical Plays, 1697–1750, by Chone Shmeruk. NIS 65

48 List of Hebrew Books www.academy.ac.il 49 15, 47 25 46 37 16, 18 25 18 39 28 (E4:12) 25 24 23, 25 28 (E5:2) 32 27 (E3:6) 43 (SE:15) 22 15 26 (E2:2) 5 29 (E5:8) 23 17 26 (E1:5) 29 (E7:7) 38 29 (E7:5) 43 (SE:5) 40 21, 29 (E6:1, E6:2), 44, 46 21 17 23, 25 18 43 (SE:19) 23 38 28 (E4:7) Index of Authors and Editors Cohen, Erik Cohen, G.A. Colbert, E.H. Confino, Michael Costa, M. Patricia Crone, Ralf Dahrendorf, Hans Daiber, Bergman, S.H. Bergman, Yoram Bilu, Birnbaum, Pierre Helene Bischler, Cohen, Eran Cotton, H.M. Ben-Israel, Hedva Ben-Sasson, Ḥ.H. Ben-Shammai, Haggai Ben-Shlomo, Joseph K. Yaakov Bentor, I. Berenblum, E.D. Bergmann, V. Berman, Lawrence Billington, James H. Blanc, H. Blau, Joshua Bloch, M.R. Ariel Cohen, Cohen, Daniel Ben-Ḥayyim, Z. Blumenkranz, B. David Buyaner, Chazan, N. Botosaneanu, Lazare Karl Dietrich Bracher, Brague, Rémi Brandwajn, R. H.J. Bromley, Yigal Bronner, 6 24 40 35 18 7, 8, 9, 16, 44, 48 42 (SE:1) 34 41 47 11, 27 (E2:10) 11, 19 27 (E3:5) 12 17, 24, 25 17, 23, 25 47 43 (SE:16) 23, 24 18, 26 (E1:8), 27 (E2:14) 6, 27 (E2:11) 22 29 (E7:4) 22 42 18, 27 (E3:3) 26 (E2:3), 28 (E4:8) 17 28 (E4:11) 23 35 42 18 36 27 (E3:8) 41 41, 42 (SE:4) 21 28 (E4:10) Beit-Arié, Malachi Bekenstein, Jacob D. Y. Belaval, Ami, S. Ben Barzilay-Yegar, Dvorah Barzilay-Yegar, Beinart, Haim Barcan-Marcus, R. Barcan-Marcus, Barton, D.H.R. Barzilai, Shuli R. Baum, Bernard Baum, Daniel Varda Bar, Y. Bar-Hillel, O. Bar-Yosef, Barasch, M. Alexander Barash, Assmann, Jan Assmann, Banitt, Menahem Tali Bar, Z.A. Bar-On, Amitai, P. Yehoshua Arieli, Steven E. Aschheim, Atlan, H. Ausubel, Jesse H. Bachi, Roberto Baida, U. Baneth, David H. Altbauer, Moshé Altbauer, Yehoshua Amir, Nahman Avigad, Shlomo Avineri, M.A. Avnimelech, Dan Avnon, David Ayalon, A.J. Ayer, Baas, Pieter G. Baer, Akzin, Benjamin The following abbreviations are used to reference articles published within framework of the Proceedings of the the Academy Israel of Sciences and Humanities, English Series: pp. 26–30) series (listed on of Humanities, English E = Section 42–43) series (listed on pp. of Sciences, English SE = Section Articles in the Humanities series are listed by volume and number; articles in the listed serially by number. Sciences series are Index of Authors and Editors Authors of Index Dan, Joseph 16 Glatzer, Mordechai 7 D’Ancona, Cristina 30 (E8:4) Goldberg, Jacob 3 Daniel-Nataf, Suzanne 47 Goldenberg, Gideon 21 Danin, Avinoam 32 Goldstein, B.R. 27 (E3:9) Danin, Zippora 35 Goldwasser, Orly 21 Dart, R.A. 43 (SE:8) Goodman, M. 29 (E7:6) Daston, Lorraine 30 (E9 :1) Goren, Menachem 38 David, Ephraim 22 Gossman, Lionel 24 de Jong, Albert 16 Gottlieb, Efraim 46 de Solla Price, D.J. 28 (E4:6) Gowers, Timothy 40 Deichmann, Ute 30 (E9:3) Graber, Michael 40 Di Segni, Leah 19, 20 Grapard, Allan G. 18 Dimentman, Ch. 38 Green, Judith 19, 20 Dobson, Andrew 24 Gunther, Gerald 25 Dor, Menachem 38 Guttman, Louis 23 Dueck, Daniela 22 Guttmann, J. 29 (E5:6) Dumont, Henri J. 37 Dunn, John 17, 25 Haas, G. 41, 43 (SE:7) Habermas, Jürgen 30 (E8:6) Eck, W. 29 (E7:7) Halpern, Ben 25 Ef‘al, Israel 48 Haran, M. 29 (E5:7) Ehrlich, Aline 32 Harari, Haim 40 Eifermann, Rivka R. 44 Hartman, G.H. 29 (E7:1) Eisenstadt, S.N. 17, 23, 25 Harvey, Steven 15 Engel, Edna 9, 48 Harvey, Warren Zev 15 Erdal, Marcel 21 Haverkamp, Alfred 18 Eyal, Moshe 39 Heller, D. 33, 34, 35 Ezrahi, Yaron 25 Hellman, John 24 Hempshire, Stuart 18 Fahn, Abraham 35 Henkin, Louis 25 Feinbrun-Dothan, Naomi 31 Henkin, Roni 21 Feldman, U. 42 Heper, M. 23 Ferber, Ilana 44 Herf, Jeffrey 24 Finkelberg, Margalit 16, 22 Herman, Gabriel 21, 22 Fishbane, Michael 17, 18 Herrnstadt, Ilana 32 Fishelson, Lev 36 Heyd, Michael 18, 25 Fleischer, Ezra 47 Heyd, U. 27 (E3:1) Fraenkel, A.A. 26 (E1:2) Heyn, C. Clara 32, 33, 34 Frankel, Jonathan 25 Hirsch, Francis 39 Freidberg, Amnon 36 Hollier, Denis 24 Freudenthal, Gad 15 Hopkins, Symon 21 Friedmann, Yohanan 18, 46, 47 Houben, Jan E.M. 22 Funk, Wolf-Peter 21 Hyman, Arthur 43 Funke, G. 18 Idel, Moshe 18 Gal, Alon 47 Illman, Karl-Johan 17 Galun, Margalith 35 Ingold, Sir Christopher 43 (SE:10) Geremek, B. 17 Ivry, Alfred L. 46 Gilon, Meir 47 Izre’el, Shlomo 21 Gilula, Dwora 22 Gindin, Thamar E. 22 Jacobi, Ruth 11 Ginzburg, Carlo 30 (E8:8) Japhet, Sara 18 Ginzburg, Margaret 43 (SE:20) Jastrow, Otto 21

50 Index of Authors and Editors www.academy.ac.il 51 47 21 37 40, 41 24 15 16, 17 18 23 25 45 46 18 25 48 21 18 9, 10 18 22 47 24 18 24 24 16 22 18, 26 (E1:10), 18 24 19 27 (E2:5) 28 (E4:9) 18 43 (SE:6, SE:13, SE:18, SE:21) 17 27 (E3:4) 29 (E5:12) 22 26 (E1:4), 39, 41, 42 (SE:4), 47 16 43 (SE:11) 28 (E5:1) 27 (E2:6) 38 aman, Nadav Index of Authors and Editors 43 (SE:9) 27 (E2:7, E2:13), 28 (E5:4), 29 (E5:9, E7:3), 43, 44 Pagis, Dan H.H. Paper, Patlagean, Evelyne Pedaya, Haviva Ch. Perelman, Leo Picard, A.F. Rainey, Ohana, David Pines, Shlomo Yuri Pines, Pinkus, Benjamin J. Prawer, Puig Montada, Josep Rahmani, L.Y. J.R. Raper, Alviero Niccacci, Maren Niehoff, Antonio Costa Pinto, Andrew Plaks, H.J. Polotsky, F.D. Por, Domènech, Marta Rauret Aviezer Ravitzky, C. Reich, Tamar Reynolds, Francis Lawrence McCrea, Richard McKeon, Raphael Mechoulam, Na’ Nacci, Michela Nadav (Katzykovich), Mordechai Nevo, Ruth Mendels, Doron Heinrich Mendelssohn, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Merlio, Gilbert M. Michaely, Shaul Migron, L. George Mosse, Motzkin, G. Jerry Z. Muller, Arne Naess, Naveh, J. Nebel, Richard Y. Ne’eman, Narkiss, Bezalel 21 30 (E8:5) 43 (SE:14) 22 16 40 41 25 15 22 25 18 18, 46 18 41 32 46 25 39, 40 17 36 46 40 16 44 36 15 18 23, 40 18 27 (E3:2) 47 18 30 (E8:1) 22 28 (E4:2) 25 23 48 39, 40 23 22 18 42 17 27 (E3:10) 26 (E1:7) 17 23, 28 (E5:5) 28 (E4:3) Marx, Werner B. Mazar, Lighthill, Sir James Lowenthal, Richard A.V. Levontin, Levtzion, Nehemia Gershom Levy, Yehuda Liebes, Amnon Linder, Lissak, Moshe Alexander Lubotsky, J. Yaacov Maitlis, Y. Manheimer-Timnat, Avishai Margalit, Markschies, Christoph Lehn, Jean-Marie Ralph Lerner, Levinas, E. Levine Gera, Deborah Lingoes, J.C. Lipset, S.M. Abraham Malamat, Laor, Dan Laor, T. Yuan Lee, Levin, Israel MacCormack, Sabine Machinist, Peter Magaritz, Mordechai Land, B. Hava Lazarus-Yafeh, Kovetz, A. Kovetz, S.N. Kramer, Jehoshua Kugler, Tzvi Y. Langermann, Kosovsky, Moshe Kosovsky, Klein, Jared Knei-Paz, Baruch Kołakowski, L. Kolatt, Israel Roger Kornberg, S. Körner, Kellens, Jean I. Kirtchuk-Halevi, Pablo Katz, E. Katz, J. Z. Benjamin Kedar, Joshua Jortner, Kalian, Moshe Suzanne Jovet-Ast, Katchalsky-Katzir, E. Katchalsky-Katzir, Richler, Benjamin 14 Stern, Menahem 2 Ricoeur, P. 17 Sternberg, Shlomo 39, 40 Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith 22 Sternhell, Zeev 24, 25 Robinson, James T. 15 Stone, Michael E. 14, 28 (E4:4) Roniger, L. 23 Stow, Kenneth R. 18 Rose, Gillian 17 Strawson, P.F. 18 Rosen, N. 43 (SE:12) Stroumsa, Guy G. 16, 17 Rosén, H.B. 29 (E7:2) Stroumsa, Sarah 15 Rosenthal, D. 48 Susser, Leslie 24 Rosenthal, E.S. 48 Sznajder, Mario 24 Rosner, Menachem 25 Rossetti, C. 23 Tadmor, Hayim 2, 27 (E2:9) Rotenstreich, Nathan 16, 17, 18, Tal, Uriel 25 25, 26 (E1:6), 45 Talmi, I. 42 (SE:2) Rubbia, Carlo 39, 40 Talmon, Rafael 21 Russell, James R. 30 (E8:7) Taube, Dana 21 Taube, Moshe 13 Saari, Rami 21 Tchernov, E. 41, 42 Sambursky, Shmuel 26 (E2:1), Tedeschi, G. 26 (E1:3) 27 (E2:8), 28 (E4:1, E5:3), 29 (E5:11), 44 Theodor, Oskar 36, 38 Sass, Benjamin 19 Thimann, K.V. 43 (SE:17) Satzinger, Helmut 21 Timm, Erika 47 Schatz, Rivka 16 Timnat, Y. see Manheimer-Timnat Schenkel, Wolfgang 21 Tishby, Isaiah 16 Schick, Tamar 42 Tobias, P.V. 41 Schiffrin, Harold Z. 25 Toker, Leona 22 Schirmann, J. 27 (E2:12), 28 (E4:13) Tribe, Laurence H. 25 Schneider, Norma 18 Tsafrir, Yoram 19, 20 Schwarzfuchs, Simon 48 Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. 22 Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue) 21 Tucker, L.R. 23 Sed-Rajna, Gabrielle 10 Tur-Sinai, N.H. 26 (E1:1) Segre, Renata 4 Twersky, I. 29 (E5:10) Sela, M. 26 (E1:9) Shaked, S. 15, 16, 27 (E3:7) Uchitel, Alexander 21 Shapira, Anita 25 Ullendorff, Edward 21 Shatzman, Israel 21 Urbach, Ephraim E. 16, 18, Shaviv, G. 42 25, 26 (E2:4), 47 Shehadeh, Haseeb 46 Shelach, Gideon 16 van der Horst, Pieter W. 30 (E8:3) Shillony, Ben-Ami 23, 25 van Ess, Josef 30 (E8:2) Shisha-Halevy, Ariel 21 Voigt, Rainer 21 Shmeruk, Chone 47, 48 von Wright, G.H. 18 Shulman, David 16, 18, 22, 23 Shy, Hadassah 46 Walzer, Michael 25, 30 (E9:2) Shye, S. 23 Wansbrough, John E. 39, 40 Sidorsky, D. 17 Wasserman, Nathan 16, 21 Simonsohn, Shlomo 3 Wasserstein, A. 29 (E6:3) Singer, Itamar 18 Weigert, Gideon 18 Sirat, Colette 7, 8 Weinberg, S.S. 28 (E4:5) Smith, Jonathan Z. 18 Weinberg, Steven 40 Sokoloff, Michael 46, 47 Weiner, M. 23 Staveland, Lars 42 Werblowsky, R.J. Zwi 17, 18 Stekelis, M. 41, 42 Werker, Ella 35

52 Index of Authors and Editors www.academy.ac.il 53 22 35 24 25 31, 33 34, 35 21 Ordering Information Ordering 42 (SE:3) 9 Zelickman, Engelina A. Engelina Zelickman, Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, Moshe Zimmerman, Michael Zohary, Zondek, H. Giorgio Zunino, Pier Zewi, Tamar Yael Zirlin, 15, 44 24 17, 18, 25 18 47 37 9 48 41 ISD 70 Enterprise Drive, Suite 2 Bristol, CT 06010, USA 1 860 516-4873 1 860 584-6546 + + Fax: Tel.: Tel.: Distributor of the Academy’s Publications in North America Academy’s Publications in North Distributor of the Payment methods, postage and handling check or bank transfer. card, credit Payment may be made by international will be added for all deliveries. For details please contact the Postage charges Publications Department. Address orders to orders Address and Sales Publications Department – Distribution Academy of Sciences and Humanities The Israel 9104001, Israel Box 4040, Jerusalem P.O. Fax: (+972 2)/(02) 5666059 (+972 2)/(02) 5676233; Tel.: E-mail: [email protected] Yaniv, Bracha Yaniv, Ada Yardeni, Yoram Yom-Tov, Wirszubski, Chaim Wirszubski, S. Robert Wistrich, B. Witkop, Eliezer Witztum, Joseph Yahalom, Yirmiyahu Yovel, E-mail: [email protected] www.isdistribution.com Website: Ordering Information Ordering