The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES The mandate of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities includes the publication of writings calculated to promote scholarship and science. Titles are selected on the basis of academic merit by an interdisciplinary Publications Committee composed of Academy members. In the Humanities, the Academy publishes monographs, multi-authored volumes and lectures of lasting worth in history, religion, philosophy, lit- erature, linguistics, art and other areas. Many publications are critical edi- tions of manuscripts and other basic source texts in Judaica and related fields. In the natural sciences, the Academy publishes authoritative compilations on the fauna, flora and geology of the region and surveys of environmental issues. The Academy’s role of advising the government on matters relat- ing to research and scientific planning comes to expression in a series of publications on science policy. Many of the lectures delivered at events held by the Academy are published in the Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Visit our website and online catalogue: Cover illustration: Michael Zohary, Flora Palaestina, Part One: Equisetaceae to Moringaceae, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Jerusalem 1966), Plate 324: Hypericum hircinum L. (drawn by Katty Torn). Catalogue design: Studio Shimon Schneider CONTENTS Humanities Jewish History – Fontes ad Res Judaicas Spectantes 2 History of Eretz Israel 7 Hebrew Palaeography 9 Jewish Art – Illuminated Manuscripts
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