Administrative Offices 161 Sixth Avenue, 14th Fl 8 TheACTORS COMPANY THEATRE New York, NY 10013 Winter Newsletter 212 645-TACT(8228) 2003/2004 212 255-2053(fax) COMPANY NEWS continued from page 6
[email protected] tact books: Mostly Harmless and So Long and Thanks anything ... just throwing a 3 year old’s birthday will air in January. He spent the holidays with 2 for All the Fish. party, Hanukkah dinner for the whole family, parents, 2 siblings, their mates, 2 nieces, 2 TACTICS is published TheACTORS COMPANYtactics THEATRE NEWSLETTER twice yearly Larry Keith is currently playing in Tony AND Christmas Eve and Christmas day also for his parents 2 bedroom condo on Ft. Vol. 11 No.2 Winter 2003/04 Kushner’s Caroline, or Change at The Public the whole family.” Go home and kiss your Myers Beach. All they were missing was the par- Theater directed by George C. Wolfe. Industry Moms, folks! tridge in the pear tree! scuttlebutt has it that the production may be James Murtaugh and his wife, Alice, graciously Jonathan Smith continues to play the Broadway tact Coming in January! moving to Broadway. Before it does, join the hosted TACT’s annual Holiday Shindig. A good hit, Thoroughly Modern Millie. TheACTORS COMPANY THEATRE There is only one th TACT Theatre Party on January 29 and see time was had by all! James recently shot an David Staller played Higgins again in My Fair Scott Alan Evans, Cynthia Harris & Simon Jones Co-Artistic Directors the show and speak with the cast while it’s still episode of Hope and Faith on ABC starring Kelly Lady which broke box office records at The TACT.