Composite Partner for Angelina & Brad by

Composite Partner Horoscope

Angelina Jolie born on Wednesday, June 4th, 1975 09:09 AM in Los Angeles, California, USA

Brad Pitt born on Wednesday, December 18th, 1963 06:33 AM in Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA Composite Partner Horoscope for Angelina & Brad Horoscopes by

Table of Contents

1. Dear Angelina & Brad ...... 5 2. How To Read Your Composite Partner Horoscope...... 6 3. Explanation of the used Colours & Grahpics ...... 8 Composite Signs & Houses (Composite Sun in )...... 8 The Conjunction Aspect 0° ...... 8 The Sextile Aspect 60° ...... 9 The Square Aspect 90° ...... 9 The Trine Aspect 120° ...... 9 The Opposition Aspect 180° ...... 10 4. Individuality And Self-Expression - The Sun...... 11 A Dream Of Blissfulness (Composite Sun in Pisces)...... 11 Who Serves Whom And In What Way? (Composite Sun House in House 6) ...... 12 Wish For Sovereignity And Appreciation ...... 12 Fight For Self-Assertion ...... 13 Subtle Understanding For Each Other ...... 13 5. What Brought You Together & Common Definition - The Composite Ascendant ...... 15 Quest For Harmony & Balance (Composite Aszendant in )...... 15 Revolution! ...... 15 Contact On The Go ...... 16 Healing By Confrontation ...... 16 6. Emotional Expression & Common Needs - The Composite Moon...... 18 Yearning For Love And Emotional Security (Composite Moon in Pisces) ...... 18 Playful And Proud Trial Of Strength (Composite Moon in House 5)...... 18 Care And Reliability ...... 19 Big Feelings ...... 20 Affectionate Bond ...... 21 Accumulated Load of Emotions ...... 21 7. How You Communicate, Misunderstandings - The Composite Mercury ...... 23 Fresh And Direct Exchange (Composite Mercury in ) ...... 23 Communication With An Eye For Detail (Composite Mercury in House 6) ...... 23 Communication As Combat Sport ...... 24 Overcoming Language Barriers ...... 24 Inspired Exchange ...... 25 8. Mutual Attraction, Beauty & Harmony - The Composite Venus...... 26 Everybody Will Say 'What A Pleasant Couple!' (Composite Venus in Libra) ...... 26 Attraction Right From The Beginning (Composite Venus in House 1) ...... 26 Mutual Attraction ...... 27 Cat Paws With Claws ...... 27 Strict Relationship Regiment ...... 28 9. Female Energies, Interchangeable Dynamic - The Composite Lilith...... 30 Mutual Appreciation (Composite Lilith in )...... 30 Composite Partner Horoscope for Angelina & Brad Horoscopes by

Mirror Of Deeply Rooted Dependency Patterns (Composite Lilith in House 4) ...... 31 Hundred Percent Demand ...... 31 Claim To Absoluteness Versus Obligation ...... 32 10. Active Energy, The Will To Assert Own Matters - The Composite Mars ...... 33 Tolerance Or Non-Binding Nature (Composite Mars in ) ...... 33 Mastering The Claim To Power (Composite Mars in House 5)...... 33 Imaginative Initiative ...... 34 11. Sphere & Relationship Qualities - The Composite Jupiter...... 35 Direct Expression Of Opinions And Feelings (Composite Jupiter in Aries)...... 35 Benevolent Mutual Support (Composite Jupiter in House 7)...... 35 12. Relationship Structure - The Composite Saturn ...... 37 Consequent Setting Of Boundaries (Composite Saturn in ) ...... 37 Powerful Chance For Change And The Fear Of It (Composite Saturn in House 8) ...... 38 13. Old Hurts Addressed Through The Relationship - The Composite Chiron ...... 39 Limited Assertion (Composite Chiron in Aries) ...... 39 Feud About Faults And Perfection (Composite Chiron in House 6)...... 39 To Put The Finger Into The Wound ...... 40 14. Individual Scope Of Action - The Composite Uranus...... 42 Flamboyant Diplomat Couple (Composite Uranus in Libra) ...... 42 Subliminal Explosive Factors Of Disturbance (Composite Uranus in House 12)...... 42 15. Illusion, Intuition, Spirituality - The Composite Neptune...... 44 Access To The Depth Of The Soul (Composite Neptune in )...... 44 Unclear Common Footing (Composite Neptune in House 2) ...... 44 The Power Of Love ...... 45 16. Transformation, Renewal - The Composite Pluto ...... 46 Quality Control Without Manipulation And Pressure (Composite Pluto in ) ...... 46 Accessing Hidden Energy Resources (Composite Pluto in House 12) ...... 46 17. Contribution To Benefit The Relationship - The Composite Lunar Node ...... 48 Get Together Foresight And Magnified Sight (Composite Lunar Node in Virgo) ...... 48 Finding Meditative Access To Life (Composite True Lunar Node in House 12) ...... 48 Intuition As The Key To Knowledge ...... 49 Involuntarily In The Right Direction ...... 49 Trial Of Strength Leads To Transformation ...... 49 18. The Elements ...... 51 Fire Meets Earth ...... 51 19. Longevity Index...... 53 What is Easy To Handle ...... 54 Your Couple's Hidden Strengths ...... 55 What Makes It Harder ...... 55 What Hitches & What Grates ...... 55 Absolute Opposites...... 56 20. Birth Chart & Tables For Angelina Jolie...... 58 21. Birth Chart & Tables For Brad Pitt...... 59 Composite Partner Horoscope for Angelina & Brad Horoscopes by

22. The Composite Partner Chart, Signs In Houses, House Table ...... 60 23. The Composite Aspects Chart ...... 61 24. Epilogue...... 62 Composite Partner Horoscope for Angelina & Brad Horoscopes by

1. Dear Angelina & Brad

Congratulations for buying this composite partner horoscope!

While the partnership analysis (Synastry) puts the positions and aspects of the two partner's birth charts about another and thus describes the interaction between the two personalities, the Composite horoscope shows the quality of the relationship itself. The new unit, the third element which is formed from the dynamics of the two partner's energy patterns. The Composite horoscope shows symbolically the playground of the two personalities within a relationship and what roles they take on in being together.

Everyone has made the experience to show different behaviours and feelings in the company of different people. With some, we get inspired and come out of our shells, with others we experience ourselves as shy or even inhibited. Taken alone everybody has the very own behaviour patterns.

With the Composite horoscope all kinds of relationships can be described, no matter whether it is a friend or an enemy, professionally or privately, family or love relationship. You receive a very useful instrument to understand the anatomy of the personal relationship, the compatibility of the two people involved.

Before you dive into the world of your composite partner horoscope, I should like to encourage you to read the following texts and interpretations with an open mind and open heart. No analysis is negative in the sense of bad features. If you encounter something you do not like, take it as a chance to make changes, to adapt or just even to only accept. Your soul will be very thankful for that.

The interpretation of the composite constellations present at your birth and the birth of your partner cannot give you a relationship manual for your life in the sense of a table you only have to look up what to do when situation X happens.

It also will neither foretell your couple's future nor should give you a "yes" or "no" when it comes to spending life together or even marriage.

But it can help you to discover the authentic strengths and flaws you experience in your relationship. If you are willing to work on it, you may perhaps even overcome things you have been considering as unpleasant or difficult in your relationship and thus ultimately improve your very own private happiness and acceptance of yourself and your partner.

It is important you realise that you have found each other for a reason. Make the best of it!

Kindly yours, Stephanie

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2. How To Read Your Composite Partner Horoscope

The interpretation of a horoscope is very involved and starts from the main components down to nuances influencing those principal components.

That is also why among others the horoscopes of magazines, newspapers and Videotext cannot be right, simply because they are way too general. They only focus on the signs, perhaps even consider the decanate but never include all aspects which make a relationship so unique and so very special.

Imagine you were on a movie set. You are on a set with entirely different sound stages and scenes that are created through the various zodiac signs. The scene of Aquarius is differently decorated than the scene of Pisces, the colours differ, and the music differs. The view creates a very unique mood animating the audience to feel certain feelings and show certain behaviours.

Of course, there are also the actors portraying very different characters. They act before diverse backgrounds in the scenes of the star signs. Actor Venus behaves differently than actor Mercury and actor Venus behaves in the scene of Aquarius definitely different than in the scene of Taurus.

When the character of Gandalf (the planet Mercury), the wizard from Lord of the Rings, is in his natural habitat of Middle Earth (scene Virgo), he appears to be very natural, strong and authentic because he is in the appropriate scene of his character. But what happens if Gandalf would suddenly be confronted with spaceships (scene Aquarius).

That would be kind of interesting because that Gandalf had to change respectively develop to be at peace with himself and the world in this scene he now has to live in. Now imagine your partner being also in those scenes along with you. The diversity you just get due to your very different behaviours in the various scenes is enormous.

That is precisely why it is so important to be aware of what strengths and weaknesses we were given to find our roles in our scenes and to get along with the roles our partners play in those scenes. With self-awareness, we are able to become a confident person and thus are strengthened to act authentically out of the newly found stable balance and to be happy.

It may happen that you encounter something, which is seemingly negated in the following text(s). I say apparently because your couple's key features underlie influences having an impact on the original, pure form and transforming it. If it were only about interpreting your composite planet in the composite sign all the couples having the composite Sun in Aquarius, for example, would be the same, which is most definitely not the case.

This composite partner horoscope starts with the interpretation of the pure form of the respective planets in the individual zodiac signs (for example Sun in Aquarius), directly followed by the houses and the aspects having an influence on the pure zodiac sign.

At the end of this horoscope, you'll also find the interpretations for your couple's element compatibility and the longevity index. The longevity index shows your couple's potential for compatibility and overall longevity. Physical attraction is one thing but there is much more involved to make a relationship last. You get your compatibility in various areas which gives you the longevity index consisting of mutual attraction, emotional compatibility, intellectual compatibility, love & eroticism, your common goals and aspirations, how well you co-operate and assert yourselves within the relationship and last but not least how you present your couple to the public.

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Your couple's fundamental aspects sorted in what could work well and what does not follow the longevity chart. Please also refer to the explanations of the longevity chart with the succeeding aspects in the longevity chapter.

Your two individual birth charts and the composite partner chart with its aspects round off the overall interpretation of your composite partner horoscope.

To make it easier for you to understand how much of an importance one of these influencing factors has on the pure form of the planet in the sign I use coloured bars underneath the respective signs, houses and aspects showing visually and as a percentage of how great the influence might be.

I'm not really happy with the choice of colours for the aspects because none of them are either right or wrong. They only create a harmonious or disharmonious effect, something which makes it a bit easier or harder to achieve.

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3. Explanation of the used Colours & Grahpics

Throughout this horoscope, you will find colours and graphics to make it easier for you to see what the respective chapter & paragraphs are about at a first glance. In the following, I explain them. You probably already got quite overwhelmed when you opened this horoscope and found all those different colours in the Table of Contents. I do that to reflect the harmonious, disharmonious and energy loaded aspects.

Do not panic when everything seems to be red! Red does not mean bad or making you a difficult person to deal with. It just means to be tension and/or dynamics driven and that you need to put a bit of work and effort in.

The classical astrology assesses the position of a planet according to its constructive or obstructive behaviour. This assessment is called the planet's evaluation. A whole batch of factors determines a planet's strength. A planet's position in its sign and house is one thing. But it is also considered whether the planet is in exile (opposite the position it naturally takes).

The number of aspects and their quality have an impact as well. It makes a difference if they are near the rising sign or opposite it. Additionally, some more factors give an indication how strong of an impact the planets have in your birth chart. The same you can do with aspects, to determine how strong an aspect may influence your personality.

To make that visible, I use coloured bars with a percentage scale on top of each segment of this birth horoscope. Let's start with the single explanations ...

Composite Signs & Houses

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Sun in Pisces 19° 38' 34" (Sun Strength 80 %)

The greyish colour I use for the personal planets and houses, according to your composite chart. The percentage bar shows the planet's strength. A planet evaluation cannot be calculated for the houses, the Midheaven, the Rising Sign, Chiron and Lilith as well as the Lunar Node (not a planet, but a calculated astrological factor). Those bars always show 100%. At the end of the bar, you find the respective sign or house number in the form of an image. The boldly printed subtitle states what sign or house is addressed and what planet strength it shows, according to the position in your composite chart.

The Conjunction Aspect 0°

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Aspect Conjunction (85% Chance to influence pure sign)

The orange colour I use for the Conjunction aspect. Two (or more) planets stand closely together at the same place in the zodiac. The expressed energies are very concentrated and influence each other in a dearly way. That can be quite pleasant if related powers meet but also challenging and tension-filled if very different energies lie so closely together. The percentage bar shows the chance of the Conjunction aspect having an impact on your couple. At the end of the bar, you find the sign for the Conjunction aspect in the form of the astrological circle image. The in italic printed subtitle states what astrological factors are connected by a Conjunction aspect and to what chance it may

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The Sextile Aspect 60°

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Aspect Sextile (85% Chance to influence pure sign)

The blue colour I use for the harmonious Sextile aspect. The Sextile connects horoscope factors that are 60 degrees apart. In this aspect two planetary energies with related elements (fire - air, earth and water) are harmoniously and effortlessly connected to each other. The given possibilities have to be seized. Otherwise, they deflagrate. This aspect thus requires initiative and offers a sharpening of awareness. The percentage bar shows the chance of the Sextile aspect having an impact on your couple. At the end of the bar, you find the Sextile shown in the astrological form of a star image. The in italic printed subtitle states what astrological factors are connected by a Sextile aspect and to what chance it may influence your couple.

The Square Aspect 90°

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Aspect Square (85% Chance to influence pure sign)

The red colour I use for the disharmonious Square aspect. The Square connects horoscope factors that are 90 degrees apart. In this aspect, two energies of foreign elements are attached to each other (fire - water, earth - air) and engagement and working on the couple is required to transform the herewith lying conflicts and tensions to constructive solutions. This aspect requires effort but also possesses a lot of energy for the work on the change. Taking the challenge is worthwhile. The percentage bar shows the chance of the Square aspect having an impact on your couple. At the end of the bar, you find the Square shown in the form of the astrological square-image. The in italic printed subtitle states what astrological factors are connected by a Square aspect and to what chance it may influence your couple.

The Trine Aspect 120°

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Aspect Trine (85% Chance to influence pure sign)

The blue colour I also use for the harmonious Trine aspect. The Trine connects horsocope factors that are 120 degrees apart. In this aspect two energies of the same element (fire - fire, earth - earth, air - air and water- water) flow harmoniously together and form a synthesis. Its quality is pleasant and tension-free. You can relax in it, but also drift off to lethargy if it is exaggerated. The percentage bar shows the chance of the Trine aspect having an impact on your couple. At the end of the bar you find the Trine shown in the astrological form of a triangle image. The in italic printed subtitle states what astrological factors are connected by a Trine aspect and to what chance it may influence your couple.

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The Opposition Aspect 180°

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Aspect Opposition (85% Chance to influence pure sign)

The red colour I also use for the disharmonious Opposition aspect. The Opposition connects horoscope factors that are 180 degrees apart. In this aspect, two energies stand opposite to each other looking at each other. They create a tension demanding a balance, a fruitful synthesis. The two poles want to be recognised as two sides of a unit. The percentage bar shows the chance of the Opposition having an impact on your couple. At the end of the bar, you find the Opposition shown in the astrological form of a two chain link image. The in italic printed subtitle states what astrological factors are connected by an Opposition aspect and to what chance it may influence your couple.

All Aspect Symbols

Conjunction Sextile Square Trine Opposition

IMPORTANT! The percentage of the bars do not show the strength as in how strong this aspect influences the sign in itself but rather with what chance you feel its impact! Thus, you cannot add them up to being 100 % in total.

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4. Individuality And Self-Expression - The Sun

The sun causes awareness, you become aware of each of your actions. When you say something, it is not without being aware what you say and your mind is fully concentrated on the matter at hand. The sun energy gives you self-confidence.

A creative potential is given to you which can make you happy and make you enjoy your life to the utmost if you use this potential.

The sun also represents the leader and the winner. Negatively seen the sun energy could make you wanting to be the centre of attention, make you an egoist or even a tyrant.

A Dream Of Blissfulness

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Sun in Pisces 19° 38' 34" (Sun Strength 80 %)

The nature of your relationship lies somewhat in the dark and does not have clear contours. The love can be significant and yet forego measurable criteria. You are connected with an invisible bond. The closest term that comes to mind is "soul mates". Deep inside you feel a subtle belonging, and the yearning for coalescence goes through your relationship as a fundamental tone.

With this idealistic approach, the everyday life is not easy to master with its mundane, egocentric demands. There are times of almost unspoken agreement in which you swing on the same frequency and feel to be in heaven. But this balance is easy to break.

The one or the other can tear apart the magic with his behaviour, with demands, claims or criticism and thus you just fall hard onto the ground and end up in your old isolation. You feel misunderstood and lonely, like cut off from the nourishing atmosphere of being invisibly connected.

Always when you want something with all might "Heaven" gets out of reach and also quite suddenly it is back again if you devote to a situation without reason. That can be for moments or hours, perhaps even for days. But there are always interruptions as if you would throw stones into a silent lake to disturb the calm water surface

Devotion is the magic word to experience the possible intimacy. The happiness lies in being, in the silence and openness of the mind, in the listening and feeling. It is a gift and cannot be forced or be manipulated.

The more meditative you deal with each other, the easier you get into this enchanted land. The task of this constellation consists of giving up all judgements and assessments and just only perceive and to accept what is. This is quite a brain twister for the ego!

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Who Serves Whom And In What Way?

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Sun in House 6

This relationship is about serving each other mutually with the own abilities. In the first stage of being in love, the willingness is certainly quite significant. Both want to give the other the best and to take away burdens. But over time, an imbalance may occur if one becomes the servant and the other the one to be served.

The partner who permanently subordinates and does the work will become over time quite angry and shows increasing criticism which leads to a sad, grumpy mood between the two of you. The more dominant is also not happy because he does not like the serving of the other. It is, of course, comfortable but it is a constant accusation and creates feelings of guilt.

Rather he wants to feel the resistance of an equal relationship. That is not easy to create if the idea of the daily routines and requirements gaps widely. The matter of order plays a big part and can become the focus of small and petty disputes.

To master this conflict a lot of selflessnesses is necessary for the sense of addressing the matter. At the same time, a feeling for the right amount of the respective contribution is required to make the relationship successful. Giving tit for tat is not really necessary because the talents and abilities differ. But all in all, a feeling of balance should be created so nobody feels used. It is not that you do something without pay but without real appreciation, there is also no fun.

To serve the other out of a sovereign, loving stance and to do the small obligations freely is the key to the success of the relationship. Thus, you determine yourself how much you want to do. You can also set boundaries and thus free yourself from a not so healthy dependency.

If this process happens consciously and mutually, you can shape your relationship as a fantastic joint project and find a healing order with each other that also benefits your individual personality. You make the other aware of negative and hindering behaviour patterns.

It belongs to the nature of this development process to have a bit of sand in the engine which creates the necessary friction.

Wish For Sovereignity And Appreciation

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Sun Harmonious With Lilith (63 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You quickly notice to have someone with a unique format in front of you who lives his autonomy and you enjoy the resonance because thus you can also show yourself without the need to make you smaller or bigger.

You admire the independence and the nature of your partner and at the same time feel good in your own skin. You do not have to be competitive. You just experience the complementation of your different personalities as a pleasant and

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This balance can only tip over if you feel disregarded in your meaningfulness out of some groups, often due to imaginative assumptions, and thus, start to self-doubt yourself. Then, a rebellious will for independence lets you seek flight in the attack facing the either or! You rather withdraw from the contact with a high-held head than to give in. Hurt pride stimulates this dynamic.

But basically, you do not want that. Your basic consensus eventually leads to overcoming such aggravations and return to the flow of creative enrichment and to gain back your individual independence. You showed your teeth but now you show a broad grin out of the winking satisfaction which ends in a dissolving laughter. Humour has prevailed, a new game can commence!

Fight For Self-Assertion

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Sun Disharmonious With Pluto (18 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You have a strong effect on each other which is incredibly inspiring and creative but which can also be a challenge for your own self-image and your pride. Your appearance is surrounded by a charismatic aura and you enjoy the present yourself to your partner in a dynamic and independent way. From that quickly feelings of competition arise and eventually power struggles if you both claim to be in the first spot.

If one of you is more reserved or feels inferior the power of the partner will be admired at first and he will subordinate. But it is not in your nature to be just the applauding audience for the staging of the partner. From a certain point, you will stand up and claim your place on the same eye level. The latter will not suit the most dominant of you. He feels questioned and will oppose. This game can escalate and even lead to a éclat if none of you gives in re-thinking the own role critically.

If there is enough willingness to reason, such conflicts can, even if they may be tough, lead to broad changes giving you both a new level of togetherness, setting free new creative energies and getting both of you an enormous boost in developing. You gain in sovereignty and deal with the upcoming matters on the equivalent equal level. You give yourselves mutually the form of being a king!

Subtle Understanding For Each Other

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Sun Harmonious With Neptune (11 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You possess a sensitive sense of the individuality of your partner and meet each other with tact and helpfulness. You have the access to the subtle layers of the personality and often see things in the other he cannot perceive. With a nearly psychic streak, you understand what potential lies dormant in your partner as if you could look behind the scene.

Your idealistic view could, however, also lead to putting your partner on a pedestal because you get deceived by your own wishes and projections and are disappointed if the partner turns out to be just a normal human being. With your

Copyright © 2018 Starwhispers, all rights reserved / Over 5,200 Celebrity Horoscopes Page 13 / 62 Composite Partner Horoscope for Angelina & Brad Horoscopes by creative vision, you could also achieve that your partner develops personality parts which have lain dormant before. You just lure them out into the open with your confident approach and that is mutual.

If one of you is uncertain the other builds him up, most of all with being sensitively responsive to the situation of the other and not just serving formulas. Often you mutually trust each other with secrets you have kept to yourself before because you feel the understanding and the trustworthiness of the other. In spiritual regards, you have a positive influence on each other because you encourage each other to say goodbye to the limiting self-definition and to consider your personal unfolding within a bigger scope of possibilities.

Your imagination becomes a source of inspiration you creatively use to get more of life. With all the subtlety you also bring a good portion of humour into the relationship. The playful element must not be missed. Spirituality possesses to you a creative component and is not a deadly serious matter even though you mean it seriously when it comes to that question. Just a bit of fun and self-irony is the spice of it all.

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5. What Brought You Together & Common Definition - The Composite Ascendant

The sign on the cusp of the first house, namely the rising sign, shows what has brought you together, what your common concerns are and how you define your couple and present it to the outside world.

Planets in aspect to the rising sign (especially strong is the conjunction) or in the first house give further insight and complement the overall picture. Also, it has to be considered what planet rules over the rising sign and where it stands in the composite horoscope. You find the respective information in the following interpretation.

Quest For Harmony & Balance

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Ascendant in Libra 05° 36' (Ascendant Strength is always 100 %)

Together you seek and experience a harmonious togetherness and a pleasant ease. The one soothes the other, smoothing inner strife; both show each other a friendly mirror reflecting the charming and sweet sides. Each feels elevated in the presence of the other.

The needs for peacefulness and the great willingness to compromise coming from that could, however, lead to avoid points of conflict glossing them over. The Achilles heel is here the fear of confronting disputes and a resulting loss of sympathy.

However, that is absolutely not necessary because you understand splendidly to treat even controversial matters in a fair way. Do not wait until something has cooked up but talk about the things at the first signs of disharmony.

Thus, problematic states of mind won't run you over. To explain yourselves mutually in your peculiarities and mental states helps to maintain the balance and continue the delicate dance of togetherness.

If the consensus gets massively disturbed within the course of the relationship, you cannot return to the used relaxed and friendly affection. The internal breach is most of the time irreversible.

Once the love has been impaired, it is of no use to mend it, even if only for the sake of peace. Superficial, rather polite friendliness may perhaps still be possible but the intimate natural bond is then history.


0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Ascendant Conjunction Uranus (83 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You have "chosen" to sit on a powder keg; at least you mutually put yourselves on severely! Your relationship will leave nothing as it has been. You have a profound influence on each other which breaks open old self-definitions and world views and confronts you in a sudden and extraordinary manner with new experiences and knowledge.

On the one hand, it is a thrilling adventure which awakens an amount of creativity and courage in you. You also dare to undertake very unusual projects. On the other hand, rules a sort of irritant tension which holds you on the trot,

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Your offensive potential can suddenly burst out, and you need a lot of flexibility to keep track and to be able to react quickly without withdrawing to an offended position or throwing down everything completely.

This explosive entry makes clear that you need a lot of free space for yourselves. If one wants to take the other to the rope, he must prepare for a lot of troubles.

You are not deprived to the kerbs and will defend yourself vehemently and hit out eccentrically. If you, on the other hand, give yourselves free space to voluntarily meet each other, you are an efficient team with original inspirations.

Contact On The Go

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Ascendant Disharmonious With Mercury (71 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Your exchange is very direct and loaded with energy. You inspire each other extremely. That is, however, sometimes accompanied by certain tension, at times even breathlessness. You instantly simmer when you get in contact and sometimes this energy possesses the power to get the bull by the horns.

A deliberate or unconscious stance of competition could be behind that. You admire the expression of your partner but somehow also fight against it because you want to express yourself too. It could also be that the quietness of the one forces the other to continually start new initiatives and to rise to speak to eventually be listened to and to receive an answer and to prove that you are right.

In this heated dynamic, the energy can turn and lead to impulsive statements and eventually dispute. The built-up tension unloads this way but could have severe consequences if sensitive topics are touched. If trust is undermined that way, an abrupt termination of contact could be the consequence.

The art with this constellation lies in constantly going into the distance and to find yourself to reflect on the own behaviour. Then you can also decide whether the stress or the inspiring benefit outweighs your exchange. You could be a muse to each other on an intellectual level. But the inspiration gets neither captured nor becomes conquered.

Healing By Confrontation

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Ascendant Disharmonious With Chiron (53 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You are very direct in addressing delicate matters with your partner. One of you is probably more outspoken and more direct than the other, but this potential is in both of you and can be used depending on the situation also in the other partner. Since you have touched old wounds in your partner with your behaviour, the reaction can be quite fierce. It could also be that your partner is reserved but inside angry and hurt.

It makes no sense to play hide and seek with each other. The dynamics between the two of you is too direct. It follows immediate impulses. You rather have the chance to get to the point through this confrontation and use the opportunity

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If you talk openly about your feelings, your partner can comprehend what moves you and what his trigger function was. Through the mutual understanding, the necessity to take the reaction of the partner too personal and to retreat insulted loses its appeal.

You rather realise in the approach of your partner the opportunity to free yourself from past sufferings and inferiority complexes and to find back to your own power. You mutually understand each other as someone giving the necessary push to face certain matters.

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6. Emotional Expression & Common Needs - The Composite Moon

The composite Moon describes the manner of your emotional expression to each other, your everyday needs and the area in which you seek comfort. Here the aspects play an important part because they influence your compatibility and your feelings tremendously either in a pleasant, supporting way or as a slowing limitation.

Yearning For Love And Emotional Security

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Moon in Pisces 2° 59' 2" (Moon Strength 94 %)

You have a very subtle, empathic understanding for each other and are nearly telepathically connected to each other. You educe emotions from each other you perhaps keep even a secret before yourself - in a tender, unbiased way. Even if the other sides of your personality speak a different language, your sensitivity puts you into the mood of the silent feelings and you quickly feel what is going on with your partner without any words needing to be spoken.

Thus, you have access to experience levels that stay hidden to others because they have a different focus of perception brushing it aside. You amplify each other's mediumistic abilities and perceive levels resonating behind the superficial matters eluding any rational description.

Romance and idealism connect you. You share the pleasant dreams and inspire each other mutually with your imagination and your visions of a beautiful, peaceful and loving world. But also the experience of fear, loneliness and being lost and the longing for emotional safety which does not seem to be from this world are familiar to you and you meet your partner with compassion if he is in one of those moods. With openness to spiritual experiences, meditation, for example, you find the access to your emotional home the soonest.

The daily life with its mundane and tedious challenges can become quite the challenge for you. While you are drifting on cloud nine, you have a hard time to take care of the dishes or the tax declaration.

Thus, there might be the tendency to dodge such mundane things, to leave invoices unpaid until eventually reality creeps up on you to shake you awake with alarming bells. A stable relation between drifting and being down to earth is thus a worthwhile and necessary goal to integrate your inmost wealth constructively into your life.

Attention should also be paid for being honest to each other and not to deceive each other. Do not avoid unpleasant conflicts and also do not take yourself unduly back! The role of the victim may suit you to avoid challenges but if you put your well-being as a standard, the result looks not so good for you. Devotional love has nothing to do with the uncritical abandonment of the own demands.

Playful And Proud Trial Of Strength

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Moon in House 5

You are very receptive to the playful side of a relationship which is best represented by an exciting love affair. If it

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The dynamic in-between your respective "performances" is the salt in the soup and inspires your creativity even the more. The life as dramatic theatre is very much to your liking. You want the exhilaration and the scale goes, depending on the predisposition, from melting romance to comedian stunts to competitive fights full of desire or hurt.

The regularity and the obligations of the relationship daily routines are here a very significant obstacle. You always come up with new ideas, often unconsciously, to loosen up the routine, let it be emotional dramas even if they are unpleasant. The main thing is that something happens. You are touched by the speciality. Only then you feel alive and being at the core of your emotional self-expression.

Children are an excellent opportunity to get diversity in life. You have good access to them and most of all you both can be children as well. Whoever takes on the less fascinating work is another story. If you manage to keep an eye on the playful component, you handle this topic indeed in a creative way. However, if the daily chores become a dull routine, your couple will be in trouble (even without children).

You are probably connected by a sense of artistic creation in whatever area. Encounters, parties or other events become easily happenings. The script is written by the situation. To really enjoy that, you need strong emotional integrity and independence.

The need to attach yourself to the partner to feel emotionally secure in his glamour will lead you to failure. You have to appear as a soloist as well and must take on the directing of your own part.

Gestures of inferiority are also not very attractive. You need each other as an active, self-confident partner. That is the only way the game works which is nourished by a subtle competition. The more playful you deal with that, the more pleasure gain you get from it.

This constellation requires a particular emotional sovereignty which you maintain the best by taking yourself out of the game thinking about yourself. The fight for leadership can also lead to injuries which must be overcome. Do not expect your partner to help you if you have fallen.

Get back on your feet yourself! After all, you demand that from your partner as well. The role of the Samaritan has no place in this game

Care And Reliability

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Moon Harmonious With Saturn (77 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You give each other at the same time emotional safety and a strong hold because your affection is connected to a sense of responsibility. You want to support your partner in a very practical way which is not an empty word. You sense the reliability of your partner and experience that as high safety. You are not lost if it should burn from time to time but can rely on each other.

However, your emotional closeness is not necessarily specific cuddly. You keep a particular, respecting distance to

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You are able to make a rational analysis of your feelings and can be confident that none of you will want to take an advantage from that. You rather act out of responsibility; see yourself as the correction for your partner.

Perhaps you may be a bit too strict with your partner from time to time so he feels hurt and puts up a fight against your as paternalism felt incursions. That, however, does not create deep ditches between you.

You possess enough willingness to understand and the sense of responsibility to improve such conflicts. You advance yourselves mutually during the development of a rational but not loveless self-analysis and thus gain in sovereignty and integrity.

Big Feelings

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Moon Disharmonious With Neptune (23 % Chance to influence pure sign)

An infatuated state of mind leads to very high expectations. You see your partner in a glorified light and imagine all kinds of scenarios in the most beautiful colours. While doing that, you could be captivated so much in your own feelings that you are no longer able to perceive reality.

You overlook that your partner does not correspond to your ideal image, at least not all the time and probably has needs of his own. Your partner is likely to be much more level-headed or even inhibited and eludes your consuming emotional offer so you end up harshly on the ground of reality. It is natural that this is followed by painful disillusion.

Instead of wallowing in your disappointment you should rather take some distance from yourself and question yourself what you have projected onto the partner. Your unfulfilled yearnings tell a lot about yourself (that is of course also valid for your partner).

Most of all the feeling not being loved which you carry since your childhood days inside you and from which you have deduced not being loveable motivates you to go nap and to expect the salvation from your partner. You put your back into it and want to drag your partner into your draw. However, your partner may perceive the touting for him as a clutch and fight it.

It is now important to realise that you are not rejected but just your kind of addictive, seizing behaviour. Whether you sulk and withdraw mortified or whether your partner feels pressed; both positions have fallen out of balance and make you unfree.

The actual gain of this experience is that you discover your tremendous ability to love which belongs to you, also independent of your partner. It helps you to open the doors to your heart. In the best case, you do that mutually if the intensity slope of your feelings in not so strong and you are both open.

With this constellation you cannot capture anything, just enjoy. The love for yourself and the resulting sovereignty are the keys to an inspiring and nourishing exchange from the heart to the heart.

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Affectionate Bond

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Moon Harmonious With Venus (14 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Your relationship is marked by mutual affection and caring. It is dear to you that your partner is feeling good, and you also take practical action in that. You know that nothing happens from alone. When your heart is brimming over, you like to express your love in the form of gifts.

You experience great joy to make it beautiful and comfortable for your partner and to create an inviting and comfortable atmosphere to share it with him because it also makes you better as well.

Your emotional agreement makes it easier for you to talk about your feelings, needs and problems in all publicity. You're treating each other very naturally and very personally. The communication flows from heart to heart and has nothing insincere. The more intimate you are, the easier it is for you to show yourself from the inside out.

That gives great emotional safety and at the same time, the present of your partner is a joy. Your sense of beauty and sound objects lets you perceive them in your partner, and you do not spare with positive feedback. You are one heart and one soul!

It only becomes difficult when expectations creep up the partner does not correspond to and when the partner does not swing on the constant high. You perhaps doubt his affection then or even feel rejected and hurt. But the sound foundation does not allow you two to get apart.

If you consider the situation somewhat from a distance, you see your own behaviour and take probably made accusations back. Eventually, you return to your lovely understanding. And once you have mastered some crisis your foundation of affection is unswerving.

Accumulated Load of Emotions

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Moon Conjunction Mars (13 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Emotions play a decisive part in your relationship and are of high intensity. Whether you are full of love or argue, nothing is boring. Your impulsiveness does not know a detention basin for your emotions. Everything must be directly expressed. Thus, the mood can quickly change. You have been just full of joy and warmth when a trigger can quickly alter the turn of the tides if sensitive spots are hit.

Your personal situation, the amount of emotional safety and self-confidence you carry inside decides whether you are able to absorb possible mortifications or whether you are painfully hurt reacting with a furious attack.

Most of the time conflicts get enkindled on the behaviours you already know from your childhood; at least you interpret them like that. To feel unloved and rejected is the most common cause of defence and to work with accusations.

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On the other hand, you learn to express the most distinct feelings. If the foundation is harmonious, even the most severe conflict is not the end of the world but rather a cleansing thunderstorm. The more often you experience that reconciliation is possible in equal measure and can even be very beautiful and intimate, the less fear you have to express anger and displeasure and then it will become less fierce.

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7. How You Communicate, Misunderstandings - The Composite Mercury

The Mercury position describes how and about what you communicate with each other, in what way you understand each other and what misunderstandings could arise. The rounding off is delivered by the aspects of the other planets to the composite mercury.

Fresh And Direct Exchange

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mercury in Aries 4° 12' 58" (Mercury Strength 85 %)

You utter directly what you have to say. What comes to your lips has to get out. This impulsiveness and directness have the advantage that nothing can pile up. The disadvantage is that this manner can become a sand trap and create a lot of trouble with your partner. Discussions quickly become heated, mediating, relenting aspects are missing. Confrontation is the motto but not out of planned intention but out of the clash of two natures.

What is valid for critical situations is of course also valid for pleasant ones. If you are happy about something or think your partner is great, you also express these emotions directly and unmistakably. You like to laugh and love to tease each other in a competitive way. If one party goes too far and hits sensitive spots, the tone abruptly turns.

Thus, your communication is quite lively, inspiring and diverse. You do not have to be widely awake to parry the repartee. Fortunately, you are not resentful and give each other a new chance. Often you also do as if nothing had happened. You just open a new chapter. You disapprove of endless discussions.

Communication With An Eye For Detail

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mercury in House 6

When there is something to talk about you take it quite seriously. You absorb the smallest nuances and do not accept anything woolly. This ability to precisely analyse possesses its clear advantages because you are able to plan and organise your daily life with all upcoming professional and private tasks. You have a clear idea of what has to work how.

The difficulties only arise if your sense of order and your willingness to comply with made arrangements are very differently pronounced. Thus, you could, for example, make an appointment for one location and do not meet because one is waiting here and the other there; or one of you is not so punctual.

The conflict arising from that can be quite significant when such things occur frequently. One party will always have the feeling to always carry the burden of the other party while the latter presumes to see matters in a more relaxed way. The real trouble is pre-programmed.

Here, however, helps your couple's ability to a level-headed talk to list and discuss all points in the detail. Even if the criticism seems to be petty to one party, it helps you more as if you ignored it. Unaddressed conflict can have a severe effect on the stomach and the digestive system letting you feel quite miserable. Moreover, you do not honestly find to

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Your level-headedness should not leave the feelings aside in any case because they are most of the time the core of conflicts. Use your ability to discriminate and try to talk, if possible without assessment, about the situation.

Be like a good doctor who makes a thorough anamnesis helping the patient best possible. Don't be a judge who decides about destructive verdicts! The knot includes both of you and thus it is your joint task to untangle it so the thread can run smoothly again and it being made into a harmonious pattern.

Communication As Combat Sport

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mercury Disharmonious With Uranus (83 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Your communication possesses a high level of energy. You inspire each other extremely but are also quickly at controversial points of view. Your sense of contradiction is widely awake and cannot let matters as they are but has to oppose the made opinion. Thus, you are constantly on the go in a way to land an intellectual coup and to prove your sophistry.

This dynamic is most of the time interwoven with humour, though. You consider it some kind of sport to challenge your partner with arguments to see how your partner gets out of a tight spot and whether you are able to go one better. This provocation serves most of all to startle your partner out of the known habitual ways of thinking and to direct his gaze into a different direction. You see matters very complicated and do not agree with partial solutions and perspectives.

This field of tension could become quite strained because you are constantly looking for arguments. Your gain of knowledge is certainly significant but a peaceful being together is barely possible, especially if you have sustaining differences in opinions.

If you are on good terms, however, you have a lot of fun together. Your talks flow with a lot of energy and seem nearly endless. You get from one topic to the next and everything is interesting and inspires to new associations. You do not need to think about matters to talk about. You are like a bubbling well for each other. Perhaps you should take a break from time to time to think about everything and to become calm again. However, once you are together again, the engine starts once again.

Overcoming Language Barriers

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mercury Conjunction Chiron (67 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You are probably dealing with understanding and expression difficulties in your relationship. The one partner may have a rough time to put his feelings into words while the other acts rationally and logically so you are at cross purposes.

Or one of you is a notorious sceptic and gets the partner to continually finding new arguments which again are

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On the other hand, you are able to help each other in clearing up your thoughts. Since you have a sense of nuances, good intuition and desire for debating you can create many enlightening cross connections and give the partner new insights with surprising turns you benefit of as well. You like to intellectually sidestep and perform a polished, intellectual final speech for the relevant topic.

When you are friendly and patient, you are able to listen long enough to understand what your partner means even if he should express himself somewhat confused. If there is, however, the tension between you, you can also be quite hurtful and sarcastic with your words and give the partner the feeling he was too stupid to understand anything. That you shoot so sharply is connected with you are feeling vulnerable yourself but not wanting to admit that and thus you avoid a bad situation at any cost.

You probably had experienced both in your childhood, most of all at school, situations where you had felt insecure, embarrassed and wordless although you had something to say. It just did not fit the expected grid so that you thought to be inferior and stupid with your own thoughts.

The one partner may have compensated that with the education of an exceptionally fine-tuned eloquence while the other rather had retreated and shrouded himself in silence in order not to rub up the wrong way. Only when you talk openly about your feelings and not just about the objective content the trust arises to overcome all differences and language barriers which make your fears redundant.

Inspired Exchange

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mercury Harmonious With Neptune (18 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Your communication carries idealistic features. You talk about more than just the superficial facts and are also interested in spiritual matters because you see the diversity of an issue. With compassion and intuition, you listen to your partner.

At your exchange often something enchanting, perhaps even something mystical, resonates giving the concrete situation an additional dimension. You assume that there is more behind what the eyes perceive at the moment.

Your inner world of images is rich, and you are very well able to put your feelings and wishes into words. Imaginative associations make the diversity of your perception clear. You mutually drag each other into a stream of visionary thinking without losing the contact with the concrete reality. Rationalism and intuition flow harmoniously and constructively together.

Of course, you should be careful when it is about practical matters so there no misunderstandings are created. Beautiful stories are not useful if concrete agreements have to be met. Thus, you also need certain level-headedness and the ability to distinguish when wakefulness and responsibility are required and when "fairy tale hour" is on the agenda.

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8. Mutual Attraction, Beauty & Harmony - The Composite Venus

The position of the Venus shows what your reciprocal attraction is like; where you look for beauty, harmony and peace and how you pander desire and shape your love. The aspects of Venus in comparison to your couple's other composite horoscope factors tell you what energies have an upholding impact and which ones inhibit.

Everybody Will Say 'What A Pleasant Couple!'

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Venus in Libra 25° 48' 48" (Venus Strength 96 %)

You deal with each other in a charming, friendly way. You value a refined atmosphere, have a sense of style and avoid rudeness if possible. Conflicts and disputes you avoid elegantly with diplomatic skill. Harmonious understanding is the prime directive. It is the atmosphere you like to move in the best and which furthers your well-being the most.

These features are all very delightful when the substance is right, and you do not get carried away with so-called compromise and false harmony with a fake smile just to keep the peace. The willingness to also show your rough edges and to integrate them is the tip of the scale of real balance.

Colouring something will backfire because you do not have a reliable foundation on which you can build. Honesty and the courage to unpopular measures, on the other hand, will strengthen your togetherness because then you know exactly where you stand.

On this basis, your understanding is an actual place of peace and enrichment for both. Your mutual understanding gives you support and acknowledgement. You enjoy the pleasant calmness of the exchange to the fullest and thus, also appeal to others as a harmonious unit.

You move like skilled dancers on the social floor and earn a lot of sympathies. One can turn to the one or the other without creating tension. Each lets the other enough space. As a host, you are nearly the ideal couple and understand to create a pleasant, inviting atmosphere in which everybody feels accepted and at home.

Attraction Right From The Beginning

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Venus in House 1

When you meet the energy is instantly flowing. You feel immediately attracted to each other. Also, your surroundings quickly realise that there is something special between the two of you which you also do not deny or try to hide. You appeal as an active unit.

With this position, you possess a bonus helping you also in trying times. Your desire for fairness and balance will always take care of smoothing differences and finding a forgiving compromise. You do not let the things just run but actively work on the shaping of your relationship. After all, you want to enjoy your togetherness!

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Perhaps you expect the initiative from your partner but if nothing happens you set a sign yourself. The mostly positive feedback encourages you and thus one day it is no longer about who does the first step. It falls into place according to the needs. Fussy reckoning is not necessary.

Despite your spontaneous affection and your needs for harmony, you do not get deceived when it comes to your relationship. There are no cosmetics, no mock applications. If something is not right or is different from what was expected, you name things as they are.

The wish the relationship may be like the one or the other way is not enough. It is either that way or it is not. That does not take away from the basic sympathy and also does not cause bad blood because you treat each other in a natural, friendly and charming way. Nonetheless, it brings clarity. Foul compromise is out of the question.

Mutual Attraction

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Venus Harmonious With Mars (71 % Chance to influence pure sign)

There is a harmonious balance between the needs of togetherness and the urges of assertion. You approach each other in a charming and natural way, draw your erotic registers but maintain at the same time your independence. Dependency has nearly no chance.

You rather enjoy the exciting game of your mutual attraction. You keep the excitement between approach and withdrawal, luring and rejecting. You also dare to provoke your partner, of course just with a wink of the eye. Love, peace and harmony are not a given in your couple, and you also do not tend to be glued together.

Thus, your affection for each other contains a pleasant degree of freedom granting you your playground for your individual and shared experiences which you fill with sensuality and creativity. Each of you takes on the active part at times and gives impulses the partner loves to pick up and mirror them back positively. Competitive feelings and struggles are not necessary. You like to dance the joint dance as sovereign partners, and you are aware of your personal contribution to the harmonious successful outcome.

Cat Paws With Claws

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Venus Disharmonious With Lilith (18 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You sense a strong attraction and fascination for each other which goes hand in hand with great emotional intensity. At the same time, a rebellious intractability is showing, a revolutionary readiness for a fight that could go up to rejection.

What you experience as beautiful and sensual your partner only experiences partly in the same manner, and that makes a breach perfect. You cannot just ignore it and flow towards each other in some kind of romantic dream but have to live with being thrown back at yourselves. Expectations and projections quickly turn out to be dissatisfactory.

However, your affection is colossal. The friction of your diversity and the yearning for a creative balance of opposites

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This honesty can be hard, but it protects you from false games and adaptation out of laziness. Eventual dependency tendencies do not find a fix. Each of you has to take care of the own inner balance. When you stand by something and value your autonomy, you can leave your partner as is and meet respectfully and lovingly.

Fairness and equality are, however, mandatory prerequisites. Imbalance or even injustice gets you instantly in a rage. Within seconds, you transform from the cuddly, friendly cat to a furious predator. Be glad about this range of your energies! You will never submerge in a boring relationship!

Strict Relationship Regiment

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Venus Disharmonious With Saturn (13 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Your affection is honest and lasting but it often shows itself somewhat highly reserved and level-headed. If you are able to sense the core of your relationship, you will not accept the outer reserve. You know that you can rely on your partner and that not many words are necessary for that. You rather show your love with real effort. Your bond seems like a natural.

Depending on your own biography you could feel rejected by your partner through his brittle, sometimes even strict manner. That ties on hurts in your past which have led to a lacking self-confidence. You believed and still believe not to be compliant to the demands and are not loveable enough to be loved. You believe that you have to put effort into it to get that. Thus, you eagerly tout for affection and proofs of love and still have the impression to get the brush-off from your partner.

This constellation demands a high degree of autonomy to show itself fruitfully. A certain resistance against the strictness of the other is necessary so you do not feel directly rejected and admonished but you also need to be attentive towards your fixated expectations.

Self-knowledge (what your partner provokes in you and how you react to it) and understanding of the peculiarities of your partner help you stay in your centre and to feel your own authority and loveliness without becoming dependent on the partner. Thus, you grow together as a mature couple in which each takes on the responsibility for oneself and each contributes to the shaping of the relationship.

If dissatisfaction and tension prevail your relationship, it could be quite harsh. Many obligations of the one or the other and also different ideas separate you from your wish to be together in a harmonious and loving way. The frustration about that unloads itself in massive accusations and demands. One becomes the judge over the other and if everything becomes too much you even threaten to end the relationship.

On the other hand, you are loyal and tough and have a classic relationship model of faith and stability "in good and in bad days" to which you subordinate your feelings. You should, however, don't overdo it so you suffocate every seed of joy of life bitterly. A too great desire for acknowledgement makes you dependent, likewise the projection you direct to the partner.

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Bethink that your partner is a whole personality, too. Once you have found your own field of action within or outside your relationship, you feel your power and find back to the joy of life out of your inner self. Congratulations, you have just graduated from school!

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9. Interchangeable Dynamic - The Composite Lilith

It is not very common to list Lilith, the Black Moon, amongst the planets at this point. Lilith is not a planet but a calculated, sensitive point on the axis of the oval moon orbit around the earth. I do it anyhow to integrate Lilith into the topic of "female energies" (Moon & Venus).

Lilith symbolises the dark side of the moon, the hidden, suppressed or denied but incredibly powerful aspects of the femininity. For women, it closes a significant gap in the understanding of the own femaleness and makes men aware of their inherent fascination and at the same time fear of the wild, independent of their femininity.

The influence of Lilith may be fought but it is irresistible because it is saturated with eroticism, profound knowledge and the radical will for independence. Women are not able to hide behind their adopted roles and men cannot maintain their rational offishness.

In a composite partner horoscope, Lilith shows the dimension of this interchangeable dynamic between the two partners which contains both the fuel for conflict and the potential for liberation. The aspects with other horoscope factors round off the image of this relationship component.

Mutual Appreciation

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Lilith in Capricorn 20° 12' 41" (Lilith Strength 84 %)

You meet with an enormous amount of respect you probably do not show very naturally but which resonates nonetheless. The sense of the personal authority of the partner makes you meet each other with respect and also a bit inhibited. You intuitively understand what the partner has achieved because you also look back in a practical way.

On the one hand, your stable standards could also clash. Each of you believes to be right due to the made experiences and to judge the other. The own rules become generally valid which ensues authoritative admonishment. As a result, you both get pressed into a very lonely position. Each of you feels to be right, but there is no satisfaction and no bond. Instead of agreement barricades are created.

From this deadlocked clutch, you can only get away if you accept your partner's experiences and respect his specific marginal conditions. The rigid judgement then yields a loving and kind consideration, and you become aware that each of you had paid the very individual prize for the status-quo. The acknowledgement of toughness and discipline, the sacrifice of an easement by compromise lined path let you bow towards each other and let you acknowledge the relevant results and achievements.

You also see the hurts connected to that and show your own weaknesses without reservation. Acknowledgement pairs with the feeling to come down from the high horse of the invincible judge and enjoy to possess an own substantial knowledge experienced in reality and also find the same with your partner. Put it into one pot and you become a powerful, impressive team which wise advice is also welcomed by other people.

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Mirror Of Deeply Rooted Dependency Patterns

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Lilith in House 4

The quest for emotional safety is often an adamant but unconscious drive in your relationship. Especially if you have made experiences in your childhood, you seek the fulfilment of your needs in the partner and expect the salvation from him. You feel your partner has something that could free you from your isolation, and you want to get as close as possible. Sometimes you nearly clutch to be carried.

If this happens mutually, it may be like a beneficial symbiosis, but lastly, you regularly sit on each other's lap and block yourself as an individual. That goes well for a time. Then the one shakes off the other, and you end up again with the old feeling of being not emotionally safe.

As a result, you could withdraw into your private snail house and maintain a stance of rejection which is like a walking accusation. You make the closeness impossible you so much wish for and suffer along silently or in a bad mood.

The real salvation lies in the conscious recollection of your personal home, in the taking on of responsibility for your emotional safety. That means to take back the idolised projections of the parents you made as a child and to realise that you both are together with your inner child together in the same boat and cannot burden your partner instead of taken him by the hand.

The most important point is that you are equal, and each of you has to carry the very own emotional burden. You can support each other with sensitive understanding, but the work on the own person has to be done by yourselves.

Thus, accusations disappear which quickly ensue if one wants to brace on the partner and the partner rejects that. The willingness to carry yourself gives you both such an inner power that you eventually benefit mutually.

Esteem and respect will be brought to you by your partner and motivate you to continue the own work on yourself. As a result, you become two autonomous personalities, bound in love but who are not dependent on each other.

Hundred Percent Demand

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Lilith Harmonious With Pluto (19 % Chance to influence pure sign)

You meet each other with a radical, wild claim of authenticity and intensity. Thereby you do not shy away from any taboos and are also not willing to compromise. You postulate the pure doctrine, the ultimate.

With this bundled load of energy, you catapult yourselves onto a higher level of vibes and inspire each other enormously. All the indifferent and half-baked has no place; you stand by your demands with a claim of absoluteness. You also want at the same time to document your partner your charismatic demeanour.

However, between demand and reality, there is naturally a slope which you are not able to bypass with pressure or

Copyright © 2018 Starwhispers, all rights reserved / Over 5,200 Celebrity Horoscopes Page 31 / 62 Composite Partner Horoscope for Angelina & Brad Horoscopes by manipulation. You have probably tried that, but the actual reaching of your goal is only possible via the deliberate self-transformation and I mean here both of you.

Your relationship offers the provoking framework and forces you to measure your real behaviour on your ambitions and to realise the claim of power and the desire for control behind your outspoken demeanour. The high energy level is combined with extreme tension which can be very inspiring but which also prevents meeting each other in a calm manner.

Only if you give up the compulsive competition and the claim of perfection you can enjoy the wealth of your obvious possibilities in a relaxed way, get inspired by your intuition and live out the sexual passion if this should be an erotic relationship.

Power games lose their attractiveness, are way too exhausting and in the meantime you have learnt about other and better qualities. You do not have to prove your independence to conceal your hidden dependency, but you simply are who you are! This is perhaps a very long way but a big worthwhile goal!

Claim To Absoluteness Versus Obligation

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Lilith Disharmonious With Jupiter (15 % Chance to influence pure sign)

The absolute striving for independence meets the boundaries of standards in your couple. Rebellion and inhibition make an explosive but pinned down connection. Under adapted behaviour rumbles explosive power.

The art is now to make a synthesis out of that allowing the on freedom directed energies an efficient channelling and vice versa break up strict standards and behaviour patterns to let life flow again and making constructive changes possible. This is also about a synthesis of practical reason and intuitive knowledge.

On your way, there both desires polarise at first. One of the partners takes on the private, fearful and adapted part while the other recklessly, even aggressive, steps over the rules that are demanded by the other blaring the trombone of freedom. He does not want to be spoon-fed and limited. Instead, he wishes to invite the partner to take also this free space and to be more generous as well.

While the one partner makes sacrifices and bows to obligations, the other takes all liberties. This is how it seems to the first partner; he nearly feels betrayed. However, he overlooks that he betrays himself out of the fear of his revolutionary potential with which he might get a repulsive reaction by not taking the freedom and also not granting it to the partner.

He excludes himself with a strict corset of standards and thus takes away the passionate, generous component which is possible between you. The frustration about that is let out on the partner in the form of accusations.

To get out of this polarisation, you both must recognise the two poles inside you and give them an equivalent expression. This means neither to ignore the outer agreements and obligations nor to suppress the passionate, independent impulses and not to sacrifice the holistically orientated intuition for the one-dimensional logical life concept.

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10. Active Energy, The Will To Assert Own Matters - The Composite Mars

The Composite Mars symbolises the active energy working between two partners. Since each of the partners wants to assert the own concerns in a relationship despite all of the affinity it could come into competition, tension and conflict. With a common goal, these energies could also be bundled so that none of the partners has the feeling to come off badly. The house and the sign position, as well as the aspects of the composite Mars, draw the image of this dynamic structure.

Tolerance Or Non-Binding Nature

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mars in Aquarius 25° 22' 10" (Mars Strength 87 %)

Your joint task consists of finding an unconventional manner to assert yourselves with your personal concerns, to take the necessary personal freedom, but also grant it to the partner. This is neither about to being controlled nor to control.

Each of you should do what he thinks is right. This generosity and tolerance enable both of you a broad spectrum of action but also demands a necessary consensus. Otherwise, you could also be an excuse to make decisions and to commit.

If each of you goes in a different direction with the own intentions some kind of non-binding nature is created; you lose your common goal out of sight. The lack of mutual support gets you eventually to becoming aware what you want for yourselves and your relationship.

Laissez-faire is not enough. You need a clear framework which allows the same engagement. Teamwork bundles the energies while individual stubbornness shatters them. Thus, the synthesis consists of finding a way which both serve your personal development and your collaboration in a creative way.

Friends play a big part and sometimes serve as a buffer when conflict arises. You collect different points of view in order not to get into a too tense confrontation. That helps you to find a halfway satisfying solution but the last step you must do yourselves.

Intellectually you may take on certain positions of tolerance; but how does it look deep inside you, what do you really want and want do you reject? Do you have the courage to stand by your very personal opinions, to stand by the very own points of view even if they do not fit the image of your generous concepts? Your authenticity is the essential factor to make a clear and honest decision which also gives you the ability to act.

Mastering The Claim To Power

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mars in House 5

You unfold your active energies the best in creative areas. Your creativity springs from mutual inspiration and instantly flows in joint undertakings with relish. Each contributes the own impulses because you want to render a

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Your respective claims of dominance are the turn of the scales in this game. If those are kept in harmonious balance, a firework of vital experiencing is created. If, however, one seizes the power too much the energy tips over and you end up in a strong competitive fight.

Each wants to keep the reins and not to give them away. This unpleasant deadlock situation destroys, however, the beautiful, creative fire and you have to think up a new approach if it should fire up again.

There must be room for the claim of leadership for both of you and for that you have to realise where your strengths and weaknesses lie and challenge each other mutually. Claims of absoluteness lead to nothing. Complementation is the motto.

Moreover, you need an admiring audience for your actions. If you change the roles and are at one point actor and at another, the spectator, you both, will have a pleasant benefit and your appearance in front of other people will be a success, too!

Imaginative Initiative

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Mars Disharmonious With Neptune (31 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Intuition is an essential source of your actions, and you have the feeling that your partner supports you in putting your visions into reality and inspires your imagination. You are helpful and are interested in spiritual dimensions of life. However, you should pay attention to maintaining the contact to earth when it comes to your dreams. You could also exaggerate your imagination and thus pass by reality.

On the other hand, you possess the power when you channel your energies to put alternative projects into reality others think are utopian or odd. You do not abide by the norm but have the courage to enter unknown territory. The awareness that you are a corrective for each other helps you to find a viable medium.

Another point is your own assertion. It could be that you hold back a lot more than you actually want to and adapt although you do not agree with the development of the direction. You perhaps feel like petrified as if you were unable to face your partner.

The fear of aggressive confrontation lets you recoil and bottle up your anger. You could also feel used if your partner does not perceive what you all do for him and taking everything for granted in his negligence.

All this leads to an accumulation of subliminal aggression which expresses itself in petulance and trouble. You are insecure about what you should do, what you are allowed to do, what you want to do and thus cut off your vital energy for action.

To get out of this bad foggy hole, it is important to bethink the own resources and intentions so they do not become the sport of this unclear dynamic. Take the direct path instead of using detours round the back. Adopt a precise position. Thus, you serve yourself and your partner the best.

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11. Sphere & Relationship Qualities - The Composite Jupiter

Jupiter symbolises expansion and growth with the aim of optimal unfolding. In a composite horoscope, Jupiter shows the sphere and the qualities of your relationship which are best conducive to your individual and universal development. The aspects to the other planets and the sensitive points represent the supporting and challenging energies which determine the overall dynamic.

Direct Expression Of Opinions And Feelings

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Jupiter in Aries 13° 37' 43" (Jupiter Strength 87 %)

You are very easy to excite and spontaneous. From that stance, you are able to decide to make undertakings when they carry the promise of inspiration. The one of you who has more fire in the horoscope could nearly sparkle with enthusiasm and drag the partner along.

For other people, too, you are an adamant impulse provider. If there is no resonance to your approaches in your relationship you can become angry and lose the interest. However, if the bond is strong enough, your interest gets easily enkindled again when a right opportunity arises.

Joint journeys can be a source of joy if you are up to this kind of experience. Far away places are tempting you. You want to meet new landscapes, people, customs and cultures and thus, broaden your own event horizon. The unknown awakens your pioneer and adventurer spirit. You wish to leave the known territory. Even in the small matters a change of tapestry is like an influx of oxygen; spontaneous visits to friends or a trip to nature to a particular place.

Your desire for exploration and adventure is not only directed towards outside things. You are also very much interested in spiritual matters. Philosophical and religious questions sometimes heat up the discussion if each of you thinks to have the right point of view.

That could even lead to conflict. This is also valid for daily life matters if each of you believes to be right. You are then not really sensible to understand the position of your partner. But the impulsive outbreak quickly disappears; you do not have the tendency to trench warfare.

However, if a complete disagreement of your convictions is emphasised you rather decide to go at a distance than to permanently argue. You get out of each other's way and look for other "brothers in faith" with whom you have a better consensus.

Benevolent Mutual Support

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Jupiter in House 7

You experience your couple as extremely beneficial for your personal development and your mutual engagement is immense. You are willing to do all kinds of things to support the development of your partner.

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A positive, confident undertone enables you to see a chance even in adverse circumstances and rise above your old limits. Thus, even severe conflicts cannot make you separate. Out of an inner certainty, you stand together.

Conflicts may arise indeed if your ideological positions gap. What you think is the solution your partner may not share. You talk with the tongues of an angel or like an angry preacher in the desert to convince your partner of your truth. A true war of opinions could break out.

But the feeling to belong together and the desire for harmony will not allow your relationship to break apart. Eventually, you will find a fair compromise at which none of you have to betray the own respective inner truth.

In the real togetherness, you show yourselves generous. You indulge in the best and have a lot of fun during inspiring undertakings. Travels may belong to that which exploit new rooms of experience expanding your sense of yourself and the world.

All you experience with each other you enjoy deeply. Most of all you value a beautiful environment; let it be of a natural or civilising origin. You need harmony to feel good and to unfold your esprit. Since this is valid for both of you, you will not make any compromises in this regard. The more sensitive of you will take care of the appropriate atmosphere.

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12. Relationship Structure - The Composite Saturn

The composite Saturn stands first of all for the task of the deliberate structuring of the area in your relationship addressed by its position (the sign and the house). Saturn can be on the one hand inhibiting and limiting but also mean a stable, reliable framework depending on how the partners deal with obligation and self-responsibility. The Saturn aspects to the other planets and factors of the composite horoscope show either cushioning or complicating influences.

Consequent Setting Of Boundaries

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Saturn in Taurus 3° 15' 50" (Saturn Strength 83 %)

For your safety, you need firm rules and rituals. On the one hand, you have the need to limit yourself to others. On the other hand, a committed relationship is important to you. Basically, you are faithful and committed and can endure a lot without saying a word because you do not like conflict. If your ethical standards and principles are similar, you live in a continuous flow of your relationship giving you a hold and confidence.

If your need for distance is different problems may arise. The partner wanting more contact and togetherness makes an effort, perhaps making gifts but is rejected at the wall of the other because the partner does not want to be pressed. Thus, pushing is not useful at all.

The task of this situation consists of both of you to think about the own person. If you do that, you lessen the pressure on the partner who in return can re-open the door voluntarily. For any kind of addiction, this constellation is poison and at the same time healing because you are always thrown back on yourself and thus discover your own power.

The same dynamic is shown when different opinions and value systems meet. The willingness to accept something new is rather small (if not other aspects contradict that). You sit stubbornly on your positions just because you experience changes in your structure of standards as a threat and nobody moves. Discussions are difficult because most of the time the one or the other directly blocks.

You do not have a sense for differentiated argumentations. Things are as they are. Thus, you eventually sit silently and hurt side by side, block yourself against each other and wait until the situation is over. The atmosphere becomes thick; an outsider would instantly sense it and feel very uncomfortable. You do of course as well.

To get out of this dilemma, it is important to question the own feelings of being threatened. Why is your partner able to make you so insecure and doubt your values? What is it about your claim of possession, what do you want, what do you want to give? What demands do you have for your partner without openly expressing them?

Again you are thrown back to yourself. With the honest answering of these questions, you find back to your centre and neither step over boundaries nor allow ones in regards to yourself.

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Powerful Chance For Change And The Fear Of It

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Saturn in House 8

You have deep access to each other and feel a transforming effect on each other. At least you feel the necessity for that if you want to free yourselves of limits that are in the way of a very deep relationship.

You are probably drawn between fascination to walk this path with your partner and to get free from all old burdens and the desire to distance yourself to maintain the status quo because it grants you a seeming safety.

What you know, even if it is unpleasant situations and problems, is dearer to you than the frightening experience to enter the new land without a map and the knowledge about the goal being safe.

Thus, strict stances could clash and each of you tries to maintain the control over the situation. You literally have posted a guard in front of your emotional territory with a secret password not letting in anything foreign.

Behind that is the fear to get rid of the crutches of old life concepts and to trust in walking without them. You are standing before a bordering river between the known and the unknown and before the task to make the decisive step to cross it.

To put pressure on each other is not the right way. You cannot take away the responsibility from your partner in the own development. It is more important to build up a field of voluntariness encouraging you to walk forward.

You probably check very carefully whether your partner is reliable and competent catching you if you let yourself fall. That is your good right and for your own safety, it is even your obligation. You can only get stripped of your mistrust if you commit a bit more and make concrete experiences.

Once you have gained this trust nothing gets any more in the way of active development. You treat each other responsibly, do not overestimate yourselves and give the partner the time needed. Changes do not happen by knee-jerk actions but have to take place step by step so you can integrate the new experiences.

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13. Old Hurts Addressed Through The Relationship - The Composite Chiron

The position of Chiron shows in what area old personal hurts become updated with your relationship, how they are expressed through the interaction with your partner and how healing can happen with thorough analysis and become aware of it. The aspects of Chiron with the other planets and horoscope factors distinguish the basic statements.

Limited Assertion

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Chiron in Aries 3° 40' 16"

You have the ambition to profile yourself and to do something special. For that, you invest your energy. However, somehow obstacles and conditions block the path slowing you down and preventing you from pursuing your original goal. With that, a feeling of failure could be connected although you accomplish a lot. Your abilities are sought but not to your conditions.

Also, the envy of other people can impair the joy in your activities. To the outside world, you may appear self-confident, out of self-protection even somewhat arrogant and actor self-righteous, but inside you feel small, perhaps even guilty as if you were not allowed to show your energy in the first place.

Self-assertion and the pressure of adaptation are the cornerstones of this dynamic. If you understand each other well and act in concert you fight together the external obstacles, strengthen you mutually and fight for your undertaking. However, if there is conflict within the relationship, it is perhaps tough to make claims and to assert the own position.

The more domineering of you determines the course while the other adapts sacrificing the own plans. That may be necessary according to the situation but it shatters your self-worth because you do not act out of the own independent drive. From feelings of inferiority, a subliminal competition is created that is nourished by latent displeasure.

You get the best use out of this constellation if you encourage yourselves mutually to go new paths and at the same time admit your inhibitions and weaknesses. The opener and more direct you show your impulses, say what you want and not want, the fewer misunderstandings there are and the sooner you find an equitable assertion of your demands.

Feud About Faults And Perfection

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Chiron in House 6

The world of work and the daily chores gets you in touch with old feelings of inadequacy when in contact with your partner. You want to do everything as good as possible but nonetheless earn criticism. Fairly quickly the role distribution of boss and subordinate arises no matter whether in the professional area or during daily life issues that need to be done within your relationship.

It is hard for you to allow equality because to compensate your own deficit you try to control the situation. Whoever manages to do that better is in the say. But the "subordinate" will not give in and try in the very own way to maintain the own position most of all by pointing out the partner's faults and thus questioning the partner's claim of leadership.

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Your desire for perfection equips you with a keen distinguishing ability, and you will use it to keep the upper hand no matter on whatever level. The unclear, chaotic parts of your personality with which you have your own difficulties, of which you are ashamed of and devalue yourself are the target. As long as you fight each other, you will find the fly in the ointment with increasing intensity and confront your partner with it until nothing good is left of you, and you both feel bad, unworthy and fall beyond the pale.

The mesmerised gaze on the partner, carried by the fruit to be exposed by the own imperfection is a painful and destructive impasse for body and soul. Only when you mutually give up the want to control the partner and show yourself as you really are, admitting your weaknesses your strengths will be shown.

With your thoroughness and your whole drive for perfection, you can help each other to recognise your weak points and to mend them. If you pronounce the complementing aspect none of you needs to hurt the other; criticism can be made in a factual and at the same time loving manner. Thus, you serve each other by balancing your own deficits.

In a sexual relationship, there could be a conflict between the need of sensual desire and purity requirement which goes back to the moral ideas of education and social influences. The old category "sin" could resonate when you dedicate to your own needs, corresponding to the topic "the holy and the whore".

The own inhibitions are covered by criticism and moral devaluation or by self-prescribed austerity. Much more digestible for body and soul and thus the relationship is however if you talked openly about this matter to realise your foreign controlled demands you make to yourself and your partner.

With this honesty of your feelings, an organic unity between body, mind and soul are created step by step, and you gain back your natural authenticity. The mutual respect allows the kind of intimacy that actually fits you.

To Put The Finger Into The Wound

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Chiron Disharmonious With Uranus (56 % Chance to influence pure sign)

With your unconventional manner which does not shy away from taboos and challenging topics, you have the ability to touch your partner's wounds from the past making him aware of them at a blow. The release of such events does not happen deliberately. With a certain remark, gesture, a gaze suddenly a topic arises with the accompanying feelings.

Traumatic events and not overcome appear from memories and you get in touch with need and pain you perhaps before have suppressed. The sympathy and the tolerance of your partner help you to live through them again and thus free yourself from your inner prison of guilt and feelings of being inadequate.

This process can, however, run quite ruggedly if there is a lack of sensitivity and understanding. Then you quite radically have a go at the inadequacy of your partner and put the finger in the wound. Hurt and rebellion form an explosive mixture which can lead to new hurts if you do not manage to take a step back and to consider the situation out of the distance.

The uttering of aggression can have the function of a valve but it is not a solution. If you both face the topic of your

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What the other does to you with his (and by you felt or real) devaluation you have already done to yourself long ago and now experience it just more direct in the mirror of the reaction of your partner

It does not make any sense to steady your feelings of flaw, shame and pain on your partner. Thus, you only bind yourself to him. This is not about doing everything right but to free oneself from the old self-devaluation and to make peace with possible flaws and transgressions.

Your partner can only push your realisation that something has to be done. The realisation must be done by you. The reward is a brand-new freedom and more love to yourself.

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14. Individual Scope Of Action - The Composite Uranus

The composite Uranus stands for the desire of independence; for the own scope of action within the relationship. Limitation leads to radical reactions which can cause a lot of turbulence; in the worst case even the end of the relationship.

To make creative use of your own originality, you need tolerance and self-responsibility and the ability to let go of old concepts. The position of the Uranus house shows the area. The sign displays the manner how you commonly deal with this topic. The aspects with the other planets and horoscope factors round off this image.

Flamboyant Diplomat Couple

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Uranus in Libra 4° 25' 50" (Uranus Strength 83 %)

You assert your personal needs of freedom in a charming and diplomatic way. Thus, you do not insist loudly on equality but induce it in an elegant way. None of you can avoid it because both of you recognise it as being right. You possess an exceptional sense of balance and if there is imbalance you disguise your radical demands in a friendly and committing form.

As a couple, you feel to be something special and love to present it in a tasteful and lavish surroundings. Your willingness to adapt is certainly there because you want to appear well but you also always look for an original kick with which you stand out from your typical environment. In your awareness of beauty, you combine the classical with the flamboyant to a harmonious and attractive mixture.

With other people, you usually deal well. You understand how to forge links and balance differences. You just do not set only on a party but self-confidently choose your own coalition. You like to form your own network of relationships and to create a balanced yet interesting mixture. This is valid in the private and the professional area.

Subliminal Explosive Factors Of Disturbance

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Uranus in House 12

The feeling to be inhibited in your free expression by your partner possesses something crippling and explosive at the same time. You have fantasies of freedom and independence, which you do not clearly express, only with subtle signals of displeasure. If you feel constrained, you build up a hidden revolutionary potential which can explode due to some cause. Often your partner does not even know what has happened.

Perhaps you cover up your inner resistance with ironic or sarcastic remarks and lay out some kind of fuse which can lead to aggressive outbreaks coming out of nowhere. You use them as a valve for your frustrated desire for freedom. Thus, there is subtle tension between you which could have a destructive effect on the relationship if you do not find a way to express yourself clearly so that both understand what actually is happening in the background.

On the other hand, you are able to unfold an unusual, imaginative creativity and transform the togetherness in an

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Shows your partner, however, in fact, no sensitivity at all to follow your excellent, interesting facets of your staging you feel lost and isolated and react with resigned frustration. To get rid of these unpleasant feelings, you try to withdraw and to avoid your partner.

However, it is as if a deep sense of guilt prevents you from doing your own thing as if you are restrained by invisible manacles to unfold independently from your partner. You probably feel the personal unfreedom of the partner and just do not dare out of solidarity to appear lively and free. You feel imprisoned in the unfreedom of your partner.

These feelings of guilt you can get only rid of if you dive deep into yourself to look for the causes and not expect your partner to give you absolution. You have to take your freedom out of a lonely decision. If you make this step, the pressure of subtle obligations drops.

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15. Illusion, Intuition, Spirituality - The Composite Neptune

Neptune's meanings are wide-ranged. It ranges from illusion, wishful thinking, idolisation, deception and disappointment to the finest sensitivity, intuition, spirituality, helpfulness and last but not least the unselfish, unconditional love. It depends on your degree of awareness on what level you experience Neptune's energies. A committed relationship is best suited to mirror your dealings with Neptune's energies and to have a light on the diverse facets of your personality.

Access To The Depth Of The Soul

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Neptune in Scorpio 28° 34' 11" (Neptune Strength 100 %)

You have very broad access to the subtle and hidden aspects of life and the togetherness of people. Intuitively you sense the motives behind behaviour and thus also touch the dark sides of the psyche. Your longings are directed to transforming yourself with the help of your relationship.

At the same time, however, you are also afraid to go to the catacombs of your soul. You fear your powerlessness, the abuse of power and emotional dependency. Sexuality plays in this context also a meaningful part. A subtle mistrust mixes with the carefulness to completely commit to each other.

If you have the courage to go this path together down to the depth let it be with meditation or with therapeutic approaches you may come in contact with angry feelings but you also experience this process as some kind of cleansing and liberation. You clean up the scrub of your emotional undergrowth by bringing deliberately to mind repressed emotions and compulsive reaction patterns.

Once the fear of the dark side of the soul has been overcome, very profound encounters are possible. You genuinely commit to each other and experience a former not known togetherness which goes far beyond the intimate touching the collective, the archetypal.

Your love may seem from time to time like a shamanic initiation familiarising you with the energies of the invisible dimensions. If you are bound by love, the dark cannot harm you. You rather transform it into the light!

Unclear Common Footing

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Neptune in House 2

The material area is quite an insecurity factor. You may try to get your finances controlled by rational planning, but you cannot exclude imponderability. Often the motto "easy come, easy go" seems to be valid. Promising sources of money that could make your dreams come true are especially attractive to you. But you always have to count with illusions and disillusions.

Sometimes you also experience actual "money rains" at which you only have to hold open your hands. However, this is something that cannot be forced. To the contrary, only when you let completely go it could happen that you receive

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This constellation is most of all about to dissolve the joint identification with money and possession and to discover the spiritual level. If you only become self-confident with outside values, it could be that it will be withdrawn from you, and you feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. Then, however, a new creative process commences with which you learn how to let go and how to discover new values.

It could also be that you unconsciously make mistakes in your financial planning or enter a suspect adventure and thus lose money. You probably first accuse yourself or fate, but when you have a closer look, there is also a particular fascination in this exceptional situation. It is as if you would want to test your faith in God.

Probably one of you will take on the speculative part more than the other while the partner brings along more grounding. When now financial problems arise it could become a crucial test. The more down to earth of you is absolutely right to give the partner fair warning of the remiss attitude since both have to bear the consequences.

On the other hand, it is also worthwhile to question why you have chosen this partner and whether you can learn something from this situation. In any case, the entire matter of money and self-confidence is at the discussion, especially with regards to your spiritual development. A reasonable balance between the sense of reality and to dream, to seize opportunities and to let go of fixations is entirely appropriate.

The Power Of Love

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Neptune Harmonious With Pluto (31 % Chance to influence pure sign)

This aspect resembles a common quality that works like the background tone of evolution. This is about transformation, about skinning and the opening up towards the spiritual dimensions of life.

Most of all the topic power/powerlessness plays a big part and the combination of these two planetary energies goes into the direction to give unconditional love the power to get fired from the position of being the victim. To that belongs loving oneself and the gaining of power over oneself as a means against manipulation and the abuse of power.

This is the general energy field you also move in and your relationship is a setting to develop these qualities in the controversy with each other and to get free from destructive behaviours and compulsive concepts.

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16. Transformation, Renewal - The Composite Pluto

Pluto's position in the composite horoscope symbolises the area of your relationship in which massive changes are in line to enable constant renewal. All outlived has to be let go and the room has to be given to new growth. Most of the time these processes are connected with fierce power struggles that deal with manipulation and control to maintain the status quo.

However, wherever Pluto is positioned, it will not be possible, equally impossible as you can change the course of the sun. Pluto stands for death and re-birth and this dynamic just belongs to the life from which your relationship is also no exception.

The aspects with the other planets show what levels of your personality are affected by the process of change through your relationship.

Quality Control Without Manipulation And Pressure

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Pluto in Virgo 25° 22' 40" (Pluto Strength 84 %)

You can make each others' life difficult with compulsive ideas and claims of perfectionism or get enabled to self-analysis by the ability to distinguish and incorruptibility which has some sort of cleansing effect on your personality freeing you from all slag. To that belongs most of all excessive demands and at the same time feelings of inadequacy and from that resulting self-devaluation up to self-hatred.

If you direct this "thunderbolt" on each other, you can get entangled in petty wars and already suffocate positive developments right at the beginning before they have a chance to blossom. If you, however, take out the fighting energy and take care together for the best possible unfolding of your potential you will get very close to the desired perfection without putting pressure on each other.

You serve as a collective. It is about quality not about victory and defeat, about better or poorer. Thus, you will eventually find your inner peace and satisfaction.

Accessing Hidden Energy Resources

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Pluto in House 12

You have an enormous internal energy potential at your disposal which stays for a long time hidden but which can break out through individual circumstances and events. You feel mutually magically attracted, often without even knowing exactly what the attraction is about. A secret enchantment seems to spread from you, you cannot withstand.

At the same time, you perhaps anticipate that behind that may be an absolute explosive nature. You sense the presence of some sort of secret door to the personality of your partner behind which are character parts that can have a powerful impact on your personal development and your relationship. That could be a hidden weapon arsenal directed at you at a given time, but it could also be a power that cracks like a secret code compulsive behaviour patterns

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To get to this enormous power potential, you need an open awareness so you do not get stuck in ego projections right at the first tussle. That will not be easy at times because sensitive spots are hit with your interaction. If you, however, stay yourself and follow your feelings down to the depth instead of issuing accusations and building up a personal grudge you will make a significant step forward.

Above all taboos in connection with sexuality and the own feelings of shame and guilt could also become a topic. You can help each other to get rid of those blockages. Thus, you eventually discover your passionate nature in all innocence.

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17. Contribution To Benefit The Relationship - The Composite Lunar Node

The lunar nodes are opposites on the same axis. They are the intersections of the cyclic sun and moon orbits. The south node (not marked) describes the ability you bring to the relationship as a base; the north node (marked and named Lunar Node) stands for the conscious and active development of new skills and behaviours giving your relationship a push forward to more balance and fulfilment.

The task of the lunar nodes is literally the headline of the bias of your relationship to which all of the already described aspects make a contribution. The house represents the area of life; the sign the manner how you address the corresponding topics. The aspects with the other horoscope factors and the planets show the direct involvement of certain aspects of your personality to this task.

Get Together Foresight And Magnified Sight

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite Lunar Node in Virgo 21° 1' 50"

Instead of devoting to nebular dreams and to withdraw to your ideal island of the blessed you should put more emphasis on the arrangement of your real life and the daily chores. The ability to discriminate and factuality do not exclude intuition. This is not about putting up rigid standards and to ban all visions from life but to create a beneficial order making your togetherness easier and in which each of you takes on a part.

There is still enough time for moony hours of love or meditative retreat. If you bring together the full overview, the all-encompassing perspective including a sense of the small print you have achieved an excellent synthesis.

Finding Meditative Access To Life

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite True Lunar Node in House 12

The organisation of the daily chores is no problem for you. You possess pragmatism and a system and pay attention to the details. However, at times, you lose the overall connection out of sight and put too much emphasis on the daily routines.

What you should develop in your relationship, and what you could, is to get the look up from the ground and to turn towards the spiritual dimension, to learn to trust your intuition and not just assess everything rationally.

This is about extending the grid of your perception and to open up to the enchantment of the inconceivable. Instead of being devoured by the daily feud of specific constraints you should retreat, leave all cares behind, to listen to music, to meditate or get your head otherwise free of serious thoughts.

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Intuition As The Key To Knowledge

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite True Lunar Node Harmonious With Lilith (56 % Chance to influence pure sign)

With your independent, at times rebellious intuitive view of things you exert a mutual fascination on each other and inspire each other enormously. You encourage each other to trust your own feeling and your perception even if the conventional rational assessments speak against it.

You have access to areas of the being which most of the times are derided and shrugged off as unrealistic. Even if your partner should do that, you do not get irritated. As a result, you develop your self-confident independence with is paired with exceptional sensitivity.

If you use both, you make wonderful experiences which go far beyond the conventional and provide your relationship with a particular enchantment.

Involuntarily In The Right Direction

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite True Lunar Node Disharmonious With Sun (71 % Chance to influence pure sign)

Your wish for individual unfolding within your relationship is in contrast to your common task and will thus create some tension heating up the dynamics between you. You are pulled in two completely different directions which are not so quickly brought under one hat.

The paradox, however, is if you put too much pressure on each other and put your self-profiling too much to the foreground you clash and inevitably push in the direction of your everyday task. Even if this is not happening voluntarily, you feel that this step gets you eventually further ahead in your personal and joint development.

Trial Of Strength Leads To Transformation

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Your Composite True Lunar Node Conjunction Pluto (23 % Chance to influence pure sign)

The topic power/powerlessness plays a prominent part in your relationship. As long as you have not clarified your own relation to it, there might be probably power struggles in which one pushes the other with manipulation into the deficit.

Only when you have found the power over yourself, make your justified demands and are able to define yourself the beneficial impact of this aspect can commence which can cause a profound transformation of you both.

You mutually support each other to get rid of the old burdens of compulsive behaviours such as claims of possession, jealousy and the needs to control and thus free yourself from emotional dependencies. This process goes to the core and is certainly not always a Sunday afternoon stroll.

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However, once you have come to the insight that such a liberation serves your personal and joint development you are willing to process the resulting conflicts and problems. As a reward, you are revealed as a powerful couple which also initiates constructive changes in the closer surroundings.

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18. The Elements

The star signs do not only have a meaning in their planetary positions but they also correspond to one of the elements Fire, Water, Air and Earth. They are organised according to their alignment in the Zodiac into a triangle group.

Aries, and belong to the fire sign triangle. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn belong to the earth sign triangle. , Libra and Aquarius belong to the air sign triangle. , Scorpio and Pisces belong to the Water element triangle. A dominating element can be softened by other elements, all depending on how strong or weak they are in the birth chart.

With a couple, the respective dominating elements are compared to each other. Sometimes an explicit, direct comparison is not possible since it is quite common that one or even both of the partners have more than only one element with similar strengths. In that case, several factors are valid which intermix. Depending on how much the partners are evolved in their self-development and understanding they are more able to balance differences than if they were not.

Element Distribution For Angelina Jolie Element Distribution For Brad Pitt Fire 43 % Fire 42 % Air 36 % Air 1 % Water 20 % Water 5 % Earth 0 % Earth 52 %

Fire Meets Earth The fire/earth combination is quite common for you have with Brad someone at your side that is excellent for you and vice versa. Brad lessens your impatience, impulsiveness, aggressiveness and passion and at the same time brings endurance, patience, the ability to cope with stress and diligence into the relationship.

Your couple possesses an extraordinary effectiveness, overcomes obstacles with willpower and diligence and is just made for leaving behind a significant inheritance to the earth.

You are requested to let action follow your ideals, to discipline the urge for self-knowledge and also to be modest of which you often may lack. Brad, on the other hand, will develop higher ideals; Brad gains in the speed of doing something and no longer subordinates to all material interests but starts to direct energy more and more on mental goals.

The desire of Brad for safety is also lessened to a reasonable amount. Brad learns to make spontaneous decisions and develops the self-confidence and the courage to tackle matters which perhaps are not so easy to put into reality and also have an individual risk.

Symbolically one could say it is tried to create heaven on earth in such relationships. In fact, this is of course not so easy. But if the other factors of your horoscope are halfway harmonious without losing the dynamic you will manage to achieve both spiritual and material goals as a team.

In the daily routine you complement each other very well; most of all if you manage to use your pronounced will and energy to co-operate with each other. You take the initiative and create the room which Brad then works with.

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Brad knows how to direct your creativity in constructive paths and will most of all also pay attention that you will not throw yourself into new projects before already started ones have been finished.

In financial regards, your couple is also an excellent duo. You know where to earn the money and possess the gift to create something out of nothing which Brad knows how to maintain and how to use. Brad will, if necessary, teach you economy and efficiency if you should tend to waste your energies.

The problem in a fire person meeting an earth person consists most of all that two people meet who exactly know what they want, but both are relatively unable to make compromises and to co-operate with the respective other.

Thus, it could happen that the two energies clash violently, and since you both are very strong-willed, energies are wasted with the power struggles which could be used much more efficiently. Brad keeps you attacking in vain if being forced to do something and reacts with ignorance.

That makes you really frustrated, and you may attack Brad very personally to get a reaction. Most of the time that are also in vain and even worse, Brad might not forget anything that happened which Brad uses at the next time of conflict, no matter whether this is right or wrong because Brad is all about the principle. Brad moves when wanted and certainly not when harshly demanded to.

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19. Longevity Index

The longevity index is a very complex mathematical algorithm comparing the compatibility of the planets' hues of one partner's birth chart with the other. Take for example the sun; when in Leo, the Sun is in its purest planetary form, meaning the sun has the sun as a hue making it a Sun-Sun. An Aquarius sun sign receives the hue from Uranus, making it a Sun-Uranus. Considering that there are planetary energies that get well along with each other and others don't you can assess a couple's longevity and in what areas of life the partners could match and in what not.

The longevity index takes the respective topic (such as emotional compatibility) and uses the planets that are involved in this question. In the emotional compatibility example, it includes the Moon in its sign, in the house, the 4th house, which represents the Moon and the planets that are in that 4th house plus the Moon's aspects. This gives you two lists of planets with their respective hues for each of the partners.

These two lists are compared to the base of compatibility of the planets' hues, giving you an indication how well your couple matches in that regard. The chance to receive 100% in one of the areas is close to zero. To achieve even 90% is quite rare. There are most often one or two areas that are just average or incompatible in a couple's longevity index. That does not mean the relationship is not working.

Physical Attraction 77.78 %

Emotional Compatibility 77.37 %

Intellectual Compatibility 82.65 %

Love & Eroticism 70.13 %

Public Appearance & Self-Representation 67.5 %

Co-operation & Self-Assertion 87.5 %

Goals & Ambition 41.07 %

Overall Compatibility 72 %

Physical Emotional Intellectual Love Public Appearance Co-operation Goals Overall Attraction Compatibility Compatibility Eroticism Self-Representation Self-Assertion Ambition Longevity 77.78 % 77.37 % 82.65 % 70.13 % 67.5 % 87.5 % 41.07 % 72 %

excellent excellent excellent very good very good excellent average very good

To prevent misinterpretation, as it happens quite often, the bar calculation gives you only the underlying base, nothing more! The bars do not tell you how well your relationship is going or will go.

The bars are a side calculation and do not determine the quality of the entire relationship. They do not predict the outcome of your relationship. All they show is your couple's potential of achieving togetherness.

That means both you and your partner need to work on the relationship to make the optimum the bars show. Whether you do or not depends on the both of you! It also depends on how both partners commit to the relationship and their own self-development and involvement. You may only reach half or three third of the bars. Your relationship still can be beautiful.

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Let me try and make it clear with an example. Picture a couple on a tandem. The first partner works the pedals hard to get ahead, the second partner does either the same or works the pedals half-heartedly or does not work the pedals at all and vice versa. Both have the potential to work the pedals hard, but if they do is dependent on personal experience, willingness and outside influences.

It makes a difference if you ride the tandem uphill or downhill or if there are side winds. One couple breaks on outside influences, the other feels stronger knit together. Faithful to the motto shared pain is half the pain.

Assumed there was another couple with exactly the same values. The outcome could be entirely different from yours because those partners deal differently with their own emotions, outside circumstances, etc.

So, do not take the bars as gospel for your relationship. It is much more important to actually read the texts of your partner composite horoscope to understand what energies could clash and which don't.

The following texts should give you a key to what is easy and where you completely differ according to your horoscope's aspects. Now, a listing of texts one after the other bears the problem that each of the texts is seen as having an equally high hundred percent impact on the relationship. That is not the case! Those aspects act rather as a chord together. One aspect may cancel out another or the one or other aspect is not much felt in your couple.

In Astrology calculations always allow variances, which are also called orbs. With a 0.0° orb, you have an absolute precision landing. That means the aspect is formed with a 0.0° variance and considered to be powerful. Two planets are precisely linked together by that aspect. The further the degrees vary away from the 0.0° orb, the less the aspect is felt, up to the point it is no longer valid for your couple.

Therefore, only aspects with a maximum orb variance of 2° are listed below in ascending order, strongest to weakest. There might be more aspects with a bigger variation. For the sake of completeness, you find those above under the respective chapters in text form.

Despite the aspects being sorted into harmonious or disharmonious categories, none of them is good or bad! Read them with an open mind. And with any couple, talk to each other, talk about your problems and your fears. I know, that can be quite hard to open up in such a way, because it makes one vulnerable. It always needs both partners to do so!

What is Easy To Handle - The Trine Aspects The following key values of your relationship encompass the harmonious Trine aspects of your Partner Horoscope. The Trine connects horoscope factors that are 120 degrees apart. In this aspect, two energies of the same element (fire - fire, earth - earth, air - air and water- water) flow harmoniously together and form a synthesis. Its quality is pleasant and tension-free. You can relax in it, but also drift off to lethargy if it is exaggerated.

0.5° Neptune / Jupiter Without great thinking, you, Angelina, strive for an agreement with everything and everybody. Brad wants to achieve the same goal with the help of logic and the mind. On a philosophical level, you match wonderfully.

0.6° Saturn / Neptune While you, Angelina, play the role of the realist it is a Brad's task to create the longing for dreams and paradise. In the long-term you are able to create heaven on

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0.8° Moon / Ascendant This is a magical relationship. Brad embodies for you everything that means emotional safety and warmth. This is a great astrological relationship constellation. On the emotional level, you will understand each other beautifully.

0.9° Chiron / Sun Regarding pride and acknowledgement, Brad will not have any difficulties to adapt to your presence. You love to tolerate flaws.

1.1° Venus / Lilith Angelina, your charming and sensual nature will trigger fierce, perhaps not rationally explainable, feelings in Brad. The entire range of emotions up to erotic passion is at your couple's disposal.

1.6° Mars / Ascendant For you, Angelina, Brad embodies power and energy. It can become quite fierce, particularly because you do anything to provoke Brad. The art is to direct the fire enkindled in your partner into the right paths. That works out just fine. You two make an unbeatable team.

Your Couple's Hidden Strengths - The Sextile Aspects The following key values of your relationship encompass the harmonious Sextile aspects of your Partner Horoscope. The Sextile connects horoscope factors that are 60 degrees apart. In this aspect two planetary energies with related elements (fire - air, earth and water) are harmoniously and effortlessly connected to each other. The given possibilities have to be seized. Otherwise, they deflagrate. This aspect thus requires initiative and offers a sharpening of awareness.

0.6° Venus / Midheaven Particularly in the public your charm will leave a big impression on Brad. Together you can very well attend any event. Regarding the private life too, your bond is ideal.

1.7° Jupiter / Saturn Angelina, your optimism is generally shared by Brad. You always feel supported where it is reasonable and where it makes sense.

What Makes It Harder - The Conjunction Aspects The following key values of your relationship encompass the either/or Conjunction aspects of your Partner Horoscope. Two (or more) planets stand closely together at the same place in the zodiac. The expressed energies are very concentrated and influence each other in a dearly way. That can be quite pleasant if related energies meet but also challenging and tension-filled, if very different energies lie so closely together.

0.9° Mars / Jupiter Your brash appearance is well received by Brad. You are encouraged to show more of it. Brad will offer you many opportunities to live out your energies without you getting cocky or getting lost. Listen to Brad's wise advice and get guided.

2.0° Neptune / Ascendant With your shy and empathic nature, you will get Brad to act more tenderly, to be more considerate and develop a particular sense of dealing with other people.

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What Hitches & What Grates - The Square Aspects The following key values of your relationship encompass the disharmonious Square aspects of your Partner Horoscope. The Square connects horoscope factors that are 90 degrees apart. In this aspect, two energies of foreign elements are linked to each other (fire - water, earth - air) and engagement and working on the couple is required to transform the herewith lying conflicts and tensions to constructive solutions. This aspect requires effort but also possesses a lot of energy for the work on the change. Taking the challenge is worthwhile.

0.2° Neptune / Chiron You, Angelina, cannot react with compassion and understanding towards the deep hurts and humiliations Brad experienced in life. That is just something that affects you deeply.

0.5° Mars / Lunar Node As spontaneous as you, Angelina act, you do not push open doors with Brad. He can hardly attune to your energy, which could be exhausting from time to time. You will have to slow down your activism.

0.7° Mars / Mars In Brad, you have found a human being, not sharing your courage and who has a problem to go through thick and thin with you. It is important that you, Angelina, accept that each of you has a right to own doubts and the use of precautionary measures, despite your contrariness. You could mutually block each other in your activities.

0.8° Sun / Pluto For Brad, you symbolise everything one could be afraid of. You, Angelina, cannot expect Brad to ever truly apprehend and understand you. But perhaps together you both experience magical moments full of energy!

1.0° Lilith / Ascendant For you, Angelina, Brad embodies something as the untamed nature in its purest form. That could trigger fear, but also hot passion at the same time.

1.3° Jupiter / Mercury The intellectual exchange with Brad could be quite difficult. You, Angelina, see the big global connections. However, you do not possess enough awareness to take in Brad's jumping thoughts to outline them into a meaningful whole.

1.9° Moon / Lunar Node Brad wants to get you together with people with whom you do not feel well. This astrological aspect does not hold very much of a promise for success.

Absolute Opposites - The Opposition Aspects The following key values of your relationship encompass the disharmonious Opposition aspects of your Partner Horoscope. The Opposition connects horoscope factors that are 180 degrees apart. In this aspect, two energies stand opposite to each other looking at each other. They create a tension demanding a balance, a fruitful synthesis. The two poles want to be recognised as two sides of a unit.

0.9° Lilith / Pluto At certain times, you both will dig deep in the primaeval grounds of the soul triggering conflict. If you see this conflict through until the end, you will reach the roots.

1.1° Sun / Ascendant As soon as Brad sets eyes on you, he believes to have found the ideal partner. This is

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a big and strong relationship aspect, which, however, includes a tiny misunderstanding. You only embody Brad's relationship desire. In the real togetherness you, Angelina, will realise how different you really are from each other.

1.3° Saturn / Mercury For your standards, Brad just talks too much. That leads either to you giving him the runaround or Brad gets into the habit of doing a lot of discipline. For a purely academic or professional relationship this constellation is, however, good enough.

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20. Birth Charts & Tables For Angelina Jolie

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Lunar N. Chiron Lilith

Sign Gemini Aries Gemini Cancer Aries Aries Cancer Libra Sagittarius Libra Sagittarius Aries Pisces

Degree 13° 25' 13° 06' 22° 19' 28° 09' 10° 42' 17° 25' 17° 23' 28° 47' 10° 20' 6° 31' 0° 53' 26° 46' 13° 21'

House 11 9 11 12 9 9 12 4 5 3 5 10 8

House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 House 5 House 6 House 7 House 8 House 9 House 10 House 11 House 12

Sign Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini

Degree 28° 53' 20° 49' 16° 36' 17° 52' 23° 14' 28° 0' 28° 53' 20° 49' 16° 36' 17° 52' 23° 14' 28° 0'

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21. Birth Charts & Tables For Brad Pitt

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Lunar N. Chiron Lilith

Sign Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Aries Aquarius Virgo Scorpio Virgo Cancer Pisces Scorpio

Degree 25° 51' 22° 51' 16° 06' 23° 28' 10° 02' 9° 50' 19° 08' 10° 04' 16° 48' 14° 13' 11° 10' 10° 34' 27° 03'

House 1 2 2 2 1 4 2 9 11 9 7 3 12

House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 House 5 House 6 House 7 House 8 House 9 House 10 House 11 House 12

Sign Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

Degree 12° 19' 14° 59' 21° 54' 27° 30' 27° 9' 21° 13' 12° 19' 14° 59' 21° 54' 27° 30' 27° 9' 21° 13'

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22. The Composite Partner Chart, Signs In Houses, House Table

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Lunar N. Chiron Lilith

Sign Pisces Pisces Aries Libra Aquarius Aries Taurus Libra Scorpio Virgo Virgo Aries Capricorn

Degree 19° 38' 34" 2° 59' 2" 4° 12' 58" 25° 48' 48" 25° 22' 10" 13° 37' 43" 3° 15' 50" 4° 25' 50" 28° 34' 11" 25° 22' 40" 21° 1' 50" 3° 40' 16" 20° 12' 41"

House 6 5 6 1 5 7 8 12 2 12 12 6 4

House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 House 5 House 6 House 7 House 8 House 9 House 10 House 11 House 12

Sign Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

Degree 5° 36' 2° 54' 4° 15' 7° 42' 10° 12' 9° 37' 5° 36' 2° 54' 4° 15' 7° 42' 10° 12' 9° 37'

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23. The Composite Aspects

A part of this analysis describes the interpretation of aspects. Aspects are the angular relations between single planets and other astrological factors respectively to their distribution in the zodiac. They form energy lines between the energies. The planets and elements represent and give an answer about their harmonious or tension-filled interconnection and thus fine-tune the interpretation of the natal chart. None of the aspects is either good or bad.

Conjunction Sextile Square Trine Opposition

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24. Epilogue

You have now learnt many facts about your relationship and could absolutely be confused because some texts seem to contradict each other. Just consider how complex a single human being is and how much more when it is about a relationship. Take the many information bits most of all as inspiration to have a closer look at your diversity.

These texts are not ought to pigeonhole you or to tie you down. The structure of this composite partner horoscope brings along that the single aspects are listed one after the other while in the real life they have an impact together like a chord. Astrologically seen it is the same.

Several aspects contribute to one topic as you can also see in the pattern of the aspect lines in your horoscope chart centre. Take everything in and use what appeals to you the most. I want you to benefit from the reading of your composite partner horoscope and thank you for your attention and your interest.

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