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GERMANY WANTS NO KAISERISM, BISHOP TELLS PRIESTS p u m D m E S BY THElOmSH R1 II iM ic'“i m c o i H O i w m to h i r:p i^ Efort to Chaise Governnient of U. S. :■■ ■■ -■ Ninety Clergpen Attend Banquet to Shown Up Honor Ordinary Washington.— ^The recent declara trine of the God-Man to its children. Practically All the National and Infiornatiooal News Articles Appearing in This Paper, as Ninety priests of the Denver dio High Command information that tion of the Supreme Council of the She feels it her duty to set the feet cese attended the welcome home ban would have probably ended the war. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, South of the little ones early in the path Well am Many Features Frequently Printed, Are Compiled from the N. C. W . C. News Service quet given in honor of Bishop J. Eng^nd, through the Pope, had asked ern Jurisdiction, ini favor of legisla of religious and civic duty. This is Henry Tihen, at the Brown Palace for peace on condition that Belgian tion compelling all children to attend not only our duty, l>ut our right as VOL. XXL NO. 11. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1925. $2.00 PER YEAR Tuesday evening — a remarkably independence be restored. Because the public schools,/ drew a rejoinder well, guaranteed us by the Constitu large number, in a diocese is terri the Pope was involved in the negotia )from the Most Rcrv. Michael J. Cur tion. Of this right the bigots would, torially large as this, where some tions, Michaelis, it has since ’ been ley, Archbishop of Baltinsore. The if they could, deprive us. They have clergymen found it impossible to found, refused to be interested. Thus Archbishop’s reply was in an address publicly proclaimed their purpose to reach Denver by Tuesday evening bigotry must be held accountable for to the quarterly meeting of the that end. They care nothing for the after their All Souls’ day services all the bloodshed that followed 1917. Bed-Ridden and Monday. The Bishop said that the (German Washington section of the Archdio Constitution. If it stands in the way Ordination as Priests Soon of cesan Holy Name society, held in of their hate-motived plans, then The Rev. H. L, McMenamin was people do not want the empire back. connection with the dedication of the they shall t ^ to change it so that it toastmaster and there were addresses They want their republic. To^y, new St. Martin’s parochial school. may be twisted into an instrument by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Godfrey ^|^er, von Hindenburg ia,the national idol, *‘We have organizations loud in of moral torture for the 20,000,000 Two Yom^ Men of Denver Blind Grateful V.G., of Colorado Springs; the Kev. not for his war record, hut because religious prating who would destroy, Catholics in America.'’ J. P. Carrigan of Glenwood Sprinire; he is uniting Germany. The Prus if t^ey could, the very lives of mu- The meeting adopted a resolution the Rev. J. J. Donnelly, P.R., the sian militaristic obsession is confined Very Rev. W. P. Barr, C.M., the Rev. to a comparatively small group. Even lions of American citizens, their own calling attention to the pronounce rick’s. Both have been educated in Two Denver men will be ordained William O’Ryan, the Rev. M; F. Cal- if an attempt is made to restore the superiors from every standpoint, in ments recently made here by the su to the priesthood by the Rt. Rev. J. I^nver and have made their phQo- for Radio Talk the light o f a burning cross. We have preme Council of the Scottish Rite sophical and theological courses at lanan, P.R., all of Denver, and Bishop Hohenzollerns, it cannot succeed. Henry Tihen, D.D., in the near fu Tihen. • aggregations of men who come forth of the Southern Jurisdiction in favor St. Thomas’ seminary. They will be The Bishop concluded by attacking ture. They are Charles Melvin John In addition to the mail sent to The Bishop’s talk, after he had that spirit of narrow nationalism cloth ^ in a raiment of religion and of a federal department of education raised to the subdiaconate Nov. 80, son, of St. Francis de Sales’ parish, KOA itself, one hundred letters have thanked the priests for their greet which breeds wars. patriotism anxious to destroy in their and o f compulsory attendance for all to the diacpnate Dee. 8 and to the formerly of St. Joseph’s parish, and been sent to Fathers H. L. McMena ing, dealt with conditions in Ger Monsignor Raber’s address was un-Christian hatred the God-given children in the public schools, and William Victor Powers, o f S t Pat priesthood Dec. 19. rights o f parents and children and to then declaring: min and Francis W. Walsh of the many, which he had just visited. largely humorous. Father Carrigan’s make an instrument of persecution “‘Be it resolved. That the dele Denver Cathedral, from Canada and Europe shows mental depression and talk dealt with reminiscences of pio out of liberty’s noblest charter, the gates to the Washington section of all over the nation, commenting on universal discontent, he said. Hatred neer days, particularly with the first American Constitution. ^e Baltimore* Archdiocesan Holy their sermons recently broadcast. of the forces that brought on the clergy retreat, held in 1885, when , “ This is not religion: it is not Name society in meeting assembled Some of these letters were proof of World war and its slaughter is now sixteen i^iests were present. This Americanism. The spirit displayed this 28th day of October, 1926, con Field Secretary to Train Women’s the solace radio is to the bed-ridden evident. Germany has been ruined jwas the first time Bishop Machebeuf by such groups is essentially vicious. demn all movements having for their Catholic and proved beyond all ques for a long time to come and the in ever saw all his priests together, and . unjust and destructive. The Catholic object the suppression of Catholic tion the vast missionary worii possi dustry and scientific acumen of her he broke down and wept with joy Church is anxious to teach the doc and private schools.” ' ble with wireless. people will not help her much. It is when he faced them in the litUe CouncO in Jnvenile Comt Work Philip Byrne of Tribune, Saskat hard to get the priests to talk, but chapel at the old Jesuit college in ' chewan, Canada, wrote: “ Situated aa when they do they ask by what right Morrison. we are many miles from a Catholic their nation must still suffer an army Father Donnelly thanked God for At a meeting held at the Argonaut cember 8, which event is in the hands church, to which the priest comes of occupation. Germany was prom the pioneers, but expressed his ad only once a month, you will know ised that her land would be occupied miration for the spirit of the young Biskp Warns Against Abuse in hotel last Friday afternoon, the busi of a eonunittee under the chairman ship of Mrs. Susan A. Keller, assisted what it means to us to hear a Cath not more .than five years, yet the clergy of today. In 1892, be had ness of a working organization of by Mesdames Fred Egan, TTioe. Lee olic service broadcast My mother is French are still along the Rhine. The charge of Colorado from Ihieblo to the Denver unit of the National Coun and J. W. Champlin. With the en an invalid, having had rheumatism Germans cannot understand why the Kansas line, and there waa one cil of Catholic Women was attacked tire city to draw from, it should be for nearly twenty years, and we have America does not protest against this. adobe church where today there are ^ Promoting Honor of Saints often tried to tune in some Catholic Because of their heavy taxes, Ger seven parishes; in 1894, he was in with courage and eftciency. Miss an easy matter to sell out the hoosa. Mary Coughlin, whose executive abil It is suggested that some dhe whs services, but yours was the first we man workingmen laugh at the idea of charge of Ouray, Montrose and Del ity is widely recognised, is the Den would like to see this Catholic work got” 'The evening service came in saving a penny. They have no incen ta, all of which are independent par Paria— Msgr. de Durfort, Bishop all others in the parishes and we ask ver chairman, with M in Olive Sta well launched might buy the top gal '‘with wonderful volume over the tive for hard work. The Germans ishes today; ip 1896, he was pastor of o f Poitiers, has addressed to his pas the pastors to awaken, encourage ten of the Cathedral pazirii as sec lery, that bring the most difficult part loud speaker,” he says. also do not go to church like they dio 14,000 square miles around Glen and increase these devotions among MIm Lottie McBride, of Cresco, before the war. One reason for this tors a letter in which he recommends retary, Mrs. Deus of S t Francis de of the house to dispose of, and pre wood Springs, where there are today the faithful. Iowa, told what the evening sermon was their betrayal in 1917 vdien Dr. five pastors; in 1897, he had charge the observance of certain rulw in ac Sales’ parish as financial secretary, sent it to the soldiers at Ftssimons "To favor these major devotions Mrs.