New Bishop Administers Confirmation First Time
NEW BISHOP ADMINISTERS CONFIRMATION FIRST TIME FATHER JOSEPH HIGGINS T PROMOTES VOCATIONS i t TO' ORDAIN TWO IN OHIO GREAT HOSPITAL RALLY IN FIRST WEEK OF JOLT / Pueblo Pastor in Charge of Session St. Paul Archbishop McNicholas Describes Character o f Convention Denver Prelate Father Joseph F, Higrins, pastor gram which at least will render the The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, the side of the sanctuary, not in a, pf St. Patrick’strick^s parish,D8 Pueblo, has problem of vodhtions in regard to J.C.L., D.D., new Bishop of Denver, rear loft. The sanctuary is very left for St. Paul, Minn., to attend the hospital work less acute. v/ho sang his first Solemn Pontifical spacious and all the Archbishop;, annual meeting of the Catholic Hos Mass last Sunday at Holy Trinity Bishops and Monsignors present sat pital Association of the United States A general/meeting, under the di The National Catholic Welfare Conference Newt Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. church, Middletown, Ohio, which he within the gates, together with the and Canada, which is being held rection of Father Higgins, was held We Have Also Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the served as assistant pastor before numerous officers of the consecration there from June 16 to 19. on Wednep^ay, June 17, devoted to Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service going into educational executive and Mass ind the chaplains of the Father Higgins for the past nine the disc^ion of “Religious Prob work, officiated, after Mass, at his prelates.
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