Sunday Evening and Chapter Eleven Pastor Mike Brewer

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

Sunday evening I had the privileged of getting to attend the Sunday evening study at Calvary Alliance Church. I found myself listening to people that I don’t normally get the chance to interact with. There was wisdom in the room and I enjoyed the opportunity to sit and listen. As I sat and listened to discussion about Matthew chapter eleven, something clicked for me that I hadn’t noticed before.

I have always noticed to be deliberate about his words and this time I believe he was very deliberate about the topics he chose and the order in which he presented them. This chapter opens with struggling with doubt. That sounds terrible coming from John the Baptist. Remember John baptizing Jesus, and the dove and the whole scene? John knew who Jesus was but it appears that his current situation was causing him to doubt. So he sent his boys out to make sure. Jesus seemed totally fine with this and answered. He even went on to praise John. The next topic wasn’t quite the same.

In the next breath, Jesus drops the hammer on cities that refuse to repent even though they know the truth. In other words, knowing the truth and refusing to change will go very bad for you on judgment day. He went as far as to say that Sodom will have a better judgment day than they will. That sounds harsh but we know that at the very core of is having a change of heart. And if we aren’t willing to do that, even though we know the character of Jesus, then it suddenly sounds appropriate.

Jesus’ thought seems to come to a close with an invitation. He invites everyone who is weak and weary and who need rest for their soul to come to him. Jesus clearly tells us that he is gentle and humble at heart. Its as if in this chapter, he is saying come to me if you are weak, tired, doubting, ready to change, burdened, and worn down. You will find rest for your soul. You can frame it however you want, but that is the heart of a loving God.

Action/Prayer: Thank God for who he is and for his character. Ask God to show you the parts of your life that change is needed. Thank God and take him up on his offer to go to him when you are tired, weary, weak, or even doubting, and find rest.