nt Joseph Catholic Chu Sai rch CHURCH MECHANICSBURG, PA

Masses & Events for the Week VIGIL - FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00 PM  Joseph Pietroburgo (Bellis) 4:00 PM Gazebo Mass -  Theresa Bender (Sahd) Join us in Church or for an outdoor Mass. Our Outdoor Masses are Saturdays at 4:00 PM (Vigil) and SUNDAY, JULY 11 - FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sundays at 9:45 AM. All Masses in the Church can (Amos 7:12-15; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:7-13) be heard from the Church parking lot on your car 8:00 AM  Louis and Jacqueline Alfery (Nedrow) radio (FM 95.5). The 9:45 AM Mass can also be +9:45 AM  Virginia Chavez (Daffner) viewed via Livestream on our website, Facebook or 9:45 AM Gazebo Mass -  Frank Uhler (Smith) YouTube channels. All are welcome!!!! 11:30 AM People of the Parish Living & Deceased 1:00 PM Sacrament of Baptism (Church) We Remember MONDAY, JULY 12 - WEEKDAY (Exodus 1:8-14, 22; :34—11:1) ALTAR FLOWERS: In honor of the wedding of McCarthy Andrews and Ally Zink. 9:00 AM  Elmer Rolla (Pelton) TABERNACLE FLOWERS: For the living and deceased TUESDAY, JULY 13 - WEEKDAY; SAINT HENRY members of the Simon and Staub Families. (Exodus 2:1-15a; Matthew 11:20-24) ALTAR CANDLES: Special Intention. AMBO CANDLES: Special Intention. 9:00 AM  Sylvio & Anna Landry (Landry) RED SANCTUARY CANDLE: Special Intention. 7:00 PM Alpha (Zoom) TABERNACLE CANDLES: Special Intention.

7:00 PM Knights of Columbus (Hoss’s)


(Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12; Matthew 11:25-27) 9:00 AM Special Intention $140 Donation for Tabernacle, $70 Altar, Ambo, & Divine Mercy 6:30 PM Legion of Mary (John Paul II Rm.) Flowers, $10 Donation for candles, 7:00 PM Columbiettes (Lee Horan Rm) $5 Donation for Pro-Life Rose Information on our website: www.stjosephmech.org THURSDAY, JULY 15 - SAINT BONAVENTURE, BISHOP AND DOCTOR or call the parish office: 717-766-9433. OF THE CHURCH (Exodus 3:13-20; Matthew 11:28-30) 9:00 AM  Msgr. Cletus H. Wagman 11:00 AM Abiding Together Women’s Group (Zoom) Rest in Peace 7:45 PM Abiding Together Women’s Group (Zoom) Please pray for those who have recently died, may they rest in peace. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and FRIDAY, JULY 16 - WEEKDAY; OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL let thy perpetual light shine upon them. And may the souls (Exodus 11:10—12:14; :1-8) of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest 9:00 AM  Frances Skala (Rozman) in peace. Amen. 12:00 PM Parish Staff Meeting (Brindle Hall) 7:30 PM COVID Memorial Bereavement Services (Church) 8:30 PM Candlelight Procession & Prayers to Our Blessed Mother Thank you to all who helped with the summer Public and Livestreamed (Church) furniture moves! We appreciate your help!

SATURDAY, JULY 17 - WEEKDAY; BVM (Exodus 12:37-42; Matthew 12:14-21) 6:15 AM That Man is You (Zoom) 2:15 PM Confessions (Confessionals)

VIGIL - SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00 PM People of the Parish Living & Deceased Welcome Kiosk (Narthex) SUNDAY, JULY 18 - SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( 23:1-6; Ephesians 2:13-18; Mark 6:30-34) 8:00 AM  Georgia Weber (Schnitzler) +9:45 AM  Amy & Carl Johnston (Devlin) 9:45 AM Gazebo Mass - Special Intention of the Cecilia Thanh Trong Family (Rozman) 11:30 AM  Dorothy Mayernick (Kroh) 11:30 AM Bereavement Remembrance at Mass After Masses Welcome Kiosk (Narthex) 5:00 PM Gazebo Mass - Special Intention of the Confirmation Students

+ Mass in American Sign Language (ASL)

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com Welcome to Saint Joseph Parish! July 11, 2021 www.stjosephmech.org Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time PARISH TRANSFORMATION

THE CONTINUING REOPENING OF OUR PARISH It has been such a blessing to see so many parishioners joining us in person at Mass, both in the church building and at the Gazebo! While our numbers are not back to pre-COVID levels just yet, we have seen a steady increase over the past few months. We have also noted an uptick in people coming into the office for routine business, and our meeting room schedule is starting to fill up as well. Welcome Back! We missed you!

MAJOR EVENTS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE CALENDAR YEAR As promised last week, the listing below outlines the major events we have planned for the remainder of the calendar year. Please mark your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you!  July 16 & 18: Memorial Services for those who died during the pandemic  July 25: 2PM Gazebo Mass followed by our Parish Picnic, featuring a Polka band! We will also honor Deacon Jack Paruso at this event, as well as hang our prayer chain with all the intentions provided by our parish and school children this weekend.  Mass will take place in the Gazebo @ 2:00 PM with the parish picnic following in the rear of the church parking lot.  We are serving: Pierogies, Kielbasa, Sauerkrat, Halushki, Macaroni & Cheese, Hotdogs & Pizza.  All parishioners eat for FREE, but we do need you to sign up for planning purposes! Register your family at www.stjosephmech.org/events-news or by calling the parish office.  August 1-5: Vacation School. Registration is now open.  September 11 – Annual Parish Yard sale  September 25-26: Eucharistic Miracles Display. For more information on what is included, please go to http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/engl_mir.htm  October 3: Fall Festival with Food trucks  October 31 – November 2: 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion  November 20: Christmas Fest returns!  December 8 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception): Bishop Gainer is scheduled to visit and celebrate Mass honoring the end of the Year of Saint Joseph.

A special thank you to all our volunteers and ministries who are planning and running these events. As always, many hands make light work, so if you are interested in volunteering to assist with any of the events listed above, please contact the parish office and we will put you in touch with the correct people.

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH MECHANICSBURG, PA

Order of Worship Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Chant • Praise to the Lord V1 - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the king of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation! Come all who hear: Now to his altar draw near, Joining in glad adoration! V2 - Praise to the Lord, who shall prosper our work and defend us; Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend us. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, Who with his love will befriend us. ⴕ INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria Gloria! Gloria! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people, to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Gloria! Gloria! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people, to people of good will. Lord, Christ, only begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. Gloria! Gloria! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people, to people of good will. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of . Gloria! Gloria! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people, to people of good will. Amen.

ⴕ THE LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading • Amos 7:12-15 Amaziah, priest of Bethel, said to Amos, “Off with you, visionary, flee to the land of Judah! There earn your bread by prophesying, but never again prophesy in Bethel; for it is the king’s sanctuary and a royal temple.” Amos answered Amaziah, “I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The Lord took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people Israel.” The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

;Responsorial Psalm • Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 R̷ . Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

Second Reading • Ephesians 1:3-10 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved. In him we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, in accord with the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us. In all wisdom and insight, he has made known to us the mystery of his will in accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Acclamation • Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Gospel • Mark 6:7-13 Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” So they went off and preached . The Twelve drove out many demons and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Homily Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com Welcome to Saint Joseph Parish! July 11, 2021 www.stjosephmech.org Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven, (at the words that follow, up to and including “and became man,” all bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake He was crucified under , He suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Universal Prayer • Lord, Receive Our Prayer

ⴕ THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Hymn • The Summons V1 - Will you come and follow me If I but call your name? Will you go where you don’t know And never be the same? Will you let my love be shown, Will you let my name be known, Will you let my life be grown In you and you in me? V2 - Will you leave yourself behind If I but call your name? Will you care for cruel and kind And never be the same? Will you risk the hostile stare Should your life attract or scare? Will you let me answer prayer In you and you in me? ⴕ COMMUNION RITE Communion Hymn • One Love Released R̷ . One bread, one body, one cup, one call, one faith, one Spirit, present in us all. One prayer, one blessing, one hope, one peace, one church, one people, one love released V1 - Is not this bread we share, the body of our Lord? Is not this wine we drink, the blood of Christ outpoured? V2 - I am the bread of life, eat and you shall live. To those share this meal, my strength I’ll always give.

ⴕ CONCLUDING RITE Prayer to Saint Michael: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Closing Hymn • Healing River of the Spirit V1 - Healing river of the Spirit, Bathe the wounds that living brings. Plunge our pain, our sin, our sadness Deep beneath your sacred springs. Weary from the restless searching That has lured us from your side, We discover in your presence Peace the world cannot provide. V2 - Wellspring of the healing Spirit, Stream that flows to bring release, As we gain our selves, our senses, May our lives reflect your peace. Grateful for the flood that heals us, May your church enact your grace. As we meet both friend and stranger, May we see our Savior’s face. Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-734031. All rights reserved.

Do you know how to request a Mass for someone? Masses are a beautiful way to offer prayers for loved ones. As a convenient way to request a Mass card, envelopes are now available in the Narthex of the church. Please complete the front of the envelope, include a $10 stipend, and drop the envelope in the collection basket. If you have any questions, please let us know, 717-766-9433.

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH MECHANICSBURG, PA

2021-2022 Registration Weekly Stewardship Report - July 4, 2021 We are currently taking registrations for next school year. Spaces are very limited. Please contact Regular Sunday Offerings: Weekly Goal $ 26,731.00 Amanda Koerner, Director of Development, with Actual Basket Offerings - questions about Saint Joseph School or the admissions Weekend Offerings (envelopes & loose) $ 21,210.00 process by email at: [email protected]. Electronic Check - Bill Payer $ 4,202.00 Online Thru WeShare $ 6,563.00 Total Offering $ 31,975.00

Employment Opportunity Comparison Prior Year - July 5, 2020 $ 31,424.00 Saint Joseph School Extended Day Program Additional Offerings: The Saint Joseph School (Mechanicsburg) Extended Day Program Catholic Communications $ 25.00 has an opening for a caregiver 2-3 afternoons per week from Ascension of the Lord $ 90.00 2:15 PM to 5:30 PM. Responsibilities include playing with and Pentecost $ 25.00 helping children, assisting children with homework, helping to Capital Improvements (PLEC Roof Savings Account) $ 1,975.00 serve snack, cleaning up after snack, and other duties as required by the program director. “Building Disciples, Sharing Gifts” Applicants will need to complete or submit (done within the past Thank you for your continued generosity. 12 months) all necessary employee clearances and background checks along with a valid driver’s license. If you are interested in earning extra income while performing a very rewarding service, Our Lady of Good Counsel and Saint Bernadette have an please contact Linda Schneider at [email protected]. opening for a part-time office administrator. The duties of the office administrator are bookkeeping and secretary of the office. Trinity High School is accepting applications Interested candidates should submit a resume mailing to the for a Guidance Counselor (College and Career pastor or email at [email protected] Counselor) through July 21. For more information, see our website at www.thsrocks.us/employment. Christmas Fest is back! The eighth annual Christmas Fest will be held on Saturday, November 20, 2021, from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM in the Saint Joseph Parish Life and Education Center. This year’s event will feature craft vendors, silent auction, raffle, food, bake sale, and children’s crafts.

That Man is You! Join That Man Is You on Saturday morning for Season 2, Episode 2 of The Chosen, the groundbreaking, multi- season show about the life and . This week, we meet two more disciples and Matthew finally makes a friend. We start this free, online meeting format that is open to everyone, every Saturday morning from 6:15AM - 8:00AM. Contact Tony Devlin at [email protected] for information.

Hospitality Ministry: “Hello & Welcome to Saint Joseph’s” With the lifting of COVID restrictions we are in need of volunteers in all areas of hospitality to welcome familiar faces back to the church as well as new parishioners and visitors! We will re-open our Welcome Kiosk Ministry beginning July 17/18. Our Hospitality ministries provide an opportunity to worship and serve our Lord at weekend and Holy Day Masses. Call or 43rd Annual Men’s Retreat: Sponsored by Corpus Christi email Marlene Steinour for questions or to volunteer : [email protected] OR 717-712-9457. Parish, the retreat will be held the weekend of July 30 through August 1 on the campus of Mount Saint Mary’s University in

Emmitsburg, MD. Just a 45 minute drive south on Route WE THANK OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: 15! Please note that due to COVID restrictions Mount Saint Westy’s Beer Distributors Mary’s is limiting attendance to 150 men. Reservations will be for sponsoring an advertisement in our parish bulletin. accepted first come first serve. Please patronize the businesses that underwrite all of the publishing Register by contacting Tom Andrews: [email protected] expenses of our weekly bulletin. or call him at 717-802-9000.

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com 3047I g, in is t r e to our local sponsors! n adv n o goPA o i l 1-800-233-8200 t l a rma e c o as e l p r inf Pennsylvania CatholicMatch.com/ o View Our Parish Supporters at www.DiscoverMass.com Supporters Parish Our View

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