97B bus time schedule & line map

97B Leven bus station - St Andrews bus station View In Website Mode

The 97B bus line Leven bus station - St Andrews bus station has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) St Andrews: 11:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 97B bus station near you and nd out when is the next 97B bus arriving.

Direction: St Andrews 97B bus Time Schedule 37 stops St Andrews Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 11:20 PM

Monday Not Operational Bus Station, Leven Branch Street, Tuesday Not Operational

Viewforth Nursery, Leven Wednesday Not Operational School Lane, Scotland Thursday Not Operational Scoonie Kirk, Leven Friday Not Operational Durie Street, Scotland Saturday Not Operational Hawthorn Street, Leven

Haughgate Avenue, Scoonie A955, Scotland 97B bus Info Letham Glen, Scoonie Direction: St Andrews A955, Scotland Stops: 37 Trip Duration: 39 min Cupar Road, Leven Line Summary: Bus Station, Leven, Viewforth Nursery, Leven, Scoonie Kirk, Leven, Hawthorn Scoonie Golf Course, Leven Street, Leven, Haughgate Avenue, Scoonie, Letham Glen, Scoonie, Cupar Road, Leven, Scoonie Golf Silverburn Park, Leven Course, Leven, Silverburn Park, Leven, Old Manor Hotel, , Lundin Links Hotel, Lundin Links, Old Manor Hotel, Lundin Links Woodlands Road, Lundin Links, Drummochy Road, Lower Largo, Harbour, Lower Largo, Station Park, Lundin Links Hotel, Lundin Links Lower Largo, Keilburn, Lower Largo, Harbour Wynd, Woodielea Road, Scotland Lower Largo, Durham Wynd, Lundin Links, Post Oce, , Aithernie Road, Upper Largo, Woodlands Road, Lundin Links Monturpie Farm, Upper Largo, Wester Newburn Emsdorf Road, Scotland Farm, Upper Largo, Gilston Cottages, , Durham Place, Largoward, Parish Church, Drummochy Road, Lower Largo Largoward, Lathones Hotel, Lathones, Higham Toll, Drummochy Road, Scotland Lathones, Brewsterwells, Radernie, Northbank Farm, Radernie, Priorletham Road End, Radernie, Caravan Harbour, Lower Largo Park, Cairnsmill, Community Hospital, St Andrews, Seatoun Place, Scotland Animal Hospital, St Andrews, Fire Station, St Andrews, Kinnessburn Road, St Andrews, Alexandra Station Park, Lower Largo Place, St Andrews, Bus Station, St Andrews Station Park, Scotland Keilburn, Lower Largo

Harbour Wynd, Lower Largo

Durham Wynd, Lundin Links

Post Oce, Upper Largo

Aithernie Road, Upper Largo Woodlaw Park, Scotland

Monturpie Farm, Upper Largo

Wester Newburn Farm, Upper Largo

Gilston Cottages, Largoward

Durham Place, Largoward Durham Place, Scotland

Parish Church, Largoward

Lathones Hotel, Lathones

Higham Toll, Lathones

Brewsterwells, Radernie

Northbank Farm, Radernie

Priorletham Road End, Radernie

Caravan Park, Cairnsmill

Community Hospital, St Andrews 45 Largo Road, St Andrews

Animal Hospital, St Andrews

Fire Station, St Andrews Largo Road, St Andrews

Kinnessburn Road, St Andrews Bridge Street, St Andrews

Alexandra Place, St Andrews Alexandra Place, St Andrews

Bus Station, St Andrews Station Road, St Andrews 97B bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved