Quarterly Progress Report

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Quarterly Progress Report USAID Kenya Nutrition and Health Program Plus QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT January 01 to March 31, 2019 APRIL 2019 This publicati on was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Kenya Nutrition and Health Program plus Kenya Nutrition and Health Program plus Year 5 Quarter 2 Progress Report January 1 – March 31, 2019 Award No: AID-615-H-15-00001 Prepared for Ruth Tiampati United States Agency for International Development/Kenya C/O American Embassy United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 629, Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya Prepared by FHI360 Nutrition and Health Program plus 2nd Floor Chancery Building, Valley Road P.O Box 38835 00623 Nairobi, Kenya DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................ I ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................ III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ VII I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 11 II. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS AND KEY ACHIEVEMNETS..................................... 11 I. IMPROVED ACCESS & DEMAND FOR QUALITY NUTRITION INTERVENTIONS AT COMMUNITY & FACILITY LEVELS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 1.1. Strengthening Leadership, Advocacy and Policy Planning ......................................................................... 11 1.2 Improved Nutrition Service Delivery Management, Coordination and Implementation ..................... 15 1.3 Improved Nutrition Related Behaviour ......................................................................................................... 25 1.4 Increasing Opportunities for Learning and Sharing of Best Practices in Nutrition ............................... 41 1.5 Increased Knowledge and Skills for Health Care Workers ......................................................................... 42 2. STRENGTHENED NUTRITION COMMODITY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................ 43 2.1 Improving Production, Supply and Distribution of Nutrition Commodities ......................................... 43 2.2 Improving Quality and Safety of Food Commodities and Agricultural Products .................................. 48 2.3 Strengthening Sustainability & Innovation in Nutrition Commodity Development & Management 49 3 IMPROVED FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY ........................................................................................................ 50 3.1 Increased Market Access and Consumption of Diverse and Quality Foods ..................................................... 50 3.1 Increased Market Access and Consumption of Diverse and Quality Foods .......................................... 51 3.2 Increased Resilience of Vulnerable Households and Communities .................................................................... 66 4 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...................................................................................................................................... 74 4.1 Facility Reporting .......................................................................................................................................................... 74 4.2 Electronic Nutrition Reporting ........................................................................................................................ 74 4.3 Nutrition Portal................................................................................................................................................... 75 4.4 Data Review Meeting ................................................................................................................................................... 76 4.5 Household monitoring ................................................................................................................................................ 77 III. ACTIVITY PROGRESS – QUANTITATIVE IMPACT .......................................................................... 83 IV. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................... 88 V. PROGRESS ON LINKS TO OTHER USAID PROGRAMS ................................................................. 89 VI. PROGRESS ON LINKS TO OTHER GOK AGENCIES ...................................................................... 89 VII. IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES ........................................................................................................ 90 VIII. LESSONS LEARNT ....................................................................................................................................... 90 IX. SUBSEQUENT QUARTER’S WORKPLAN ............................................................................................ 90 STATUS OF ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD .................................................................................. 90 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR THE SUBSEQUENT QUARTER ................................................................................................. 96 VIII. FINANCIAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 98 VIII. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 100 IX. PAYMENT OF FIXED FEE – SCHEDULE AND PERFORMANCE .................................................... 101 X. SUCCESS STORIES ..................................................................................................................................... 102 ANNEX I: PERFORMANCE DATA TABLES ................................................................................................. 108 ANNEX 1: SUMMARY OF COMMODITIES DISTRIBUTED ............................................................................................... 108 ANNEX 2: NUMBER OF HIV POSITIVE CLINICALLY MALNOURISHED CLIENTS WHO RECEIVED THERAPEUTIC AND/OR SUPPLEMENTARY FOOD ..................................................................................................................................... 110 ANNEX 3: NUMBER OF PLHIV NUTRITIONALLY ASSESSED VIA ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENT ........ 112 ANNEX 4: NUMBER OF CHILDREN UNDER 5 WHO RECEIVED VITAMIN A FROM USG SUPPORTED PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 114 ANNEX 5: NUMBER OF PEOPLE TRAINED IN CHILD HEALTH AND NUTRITION THROUGH USG-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 115 ANNEX 6: NUMBER OF CHILDREN UNDER FIVE (0-59 MONTHS) REACHED WITH NUTRITION SPECIFIC INTERVENTIONS BY USG-SUPPORTED NUTRITION PROGRAMS ............................................................................. 116 ANNEX 7: NUMBER OF PREGNANT WOMEN REACHED WITH NUTRITION-SPECIFIC INTERVENTIONS THROUGH USG-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS (RAA) .......................................................................................................... 117 i FY 19 Q2 January – March Quarterly Report ANNEX 8: COMPREHENSIVE NACS IMPLEMENTED PROVIDING SERVICES BEYOND CCC/ART SITES ..... 118 ANNEX II: GIS INFORMATION ON AGRI NUTRITION GROUPS/ACTIVITIES ............................ 119 ii FY 19 Q2 January – March Quarterly Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMPATHplus Academic Model for Providing Healthcare Plus ANC Antenatal Care APHIAplus AIDS, Population and Health Integrated Project ARI Acute Respiratory Infections ART Antiretroviral Therapy ARV Antiretroviral ASAL Arid and Semi-Arid Lands AU African Union AVCD Accelerated Value Chain Development AWP Annual Work Plan BCC Behavior Change Communication BFCI Baby Friendly Community Initiative BMI Body Mass Index CASCO County AIDS and STIs coordinator CBO Community-Based Organization CCC Comprehensive Care Centers CDH County Director of Health CEC County Executive Committee CECM County Executive Committee Member CHA Community Health Assistant CHC Community Health Committee CHEW Community Health Extension Worker CHIS Community Health Information System CHMT County Health Management Team CHU Community Health Unit CHV Community Health Volunteer CIDP County Integrated Development Plan CLA Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation CME Continuous Medical Education CMLAP County Measurements, Learning and Accountability Program CMMB Catholic Medical Mission Board CMSG Community Mother Support Group CNAP County Nutrition Action Plan CNTF County Nutrition Technical For a CNC County Nutrition Coordinator COHA Cost of Hunger Africa CORPS Community Own Resource Persons CRH County Referral
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