S o u p s )

L — oil BOUIL ON B beef with cup each of carrots , celery , 2 8 sweet pepper, Spanish and tomatoes , cloves , salt and pepper to taste . Strain stock through 3 layers of cheese cloth .

C . . ool and remove all fat Strain again Serve cold or hot . If

. e is cold , with cracked ice Be sur there no particle of fat . CORN S P—T e 1 OU ak can of corn to a quart of milk , put in double boiler )boil hour )take off and strain )then in a sep arate spider put 1 tablespoon of butter and 2 of flour ) cook

e . B until smooth )then stir into soup , adding pepp r and salt eat up an egg and put in just before serving . — A S P T 1 . POT TO OU wo quarts water, quart potatoes e 1 When cooked run through sieve , th n add cup sweet cream and a small piece of butter ) season with salt and pepper. M — n 1 TO ATO BOUILLON O e peck of ripe tomatoes ,

6 . C . O bunch of celery , hop and boil and then strain ne 1 half cup flour, cup butter, cup salt , cup sugar, dash red pepper. VEGETABLE SOUP—Four pounds of soup meat covered 3 with cold water . As it comes to the boil , skim . Boil for H hours . ave vegetables cooked separately , using potatoes ,

ni . o ons , celery and turnips When the meat is done take out and add the vegetables , also a cup of cooked and season C to taste . ooking the meat alone and adding the vegetables seems to give it a better flavor . MUTTON BROTH—Boil 1 pound lean mutton or lamb in 1 r quart of unsalted water . When ve y tender, take out, strain the water ) add a tablespoon rice previously soaked in a little

30 . . S warm water . Simmer minutes Stir often eason to r taste ) add 4 tablespoons milk . Simmer again and se ve hot, with crackers .

LIMA BEAN SOUP—Small soup bone ) cook slowly for 8 1 L hours . Soak pound ima beans over night , when ready to A off . use . Rub skins dd to meat , and boil until all are A 1 reduced to pulp . dd small onion and piece of butter size

S e e . Pe e se of an egg . alt and pepp r to tast as can b u d the same way . This is especially nourishing.


O O —O 1 CREAM F CELERY S UP ne head of celery , onion

cut small . Stew soft in pint of water. Mash in water and

strain . Boil pints of milk with large tablespoon of butter 2 and tablespoons flour rubbed together . Salt and pepper ) 1 add strained celery, and before serving, add cup whipped

cream . O — 1 CELERY S UP Small head of celery , cut up and quart

. B . of water oil until tender with a little salt When tender, h mash t rough a strainer into the same water. Pint of milk in 1 A a double boiler and let boil with onion in it . fter flavored

with onion, remove it and pour the celery and water into the

. T . milk ablespoon flour, tablespoon butter Mix together and

thicken the soup with it .

O y s t e r s

COC A L— 6 O T I . YSTER K Small plump oysters , to a glass

Serve with small pieces of cracked ice in each glass . Be sure oysters are free from water melted from ice ) then add to each

glass a tablespoonful of the dressing . For 10 glasses mix 5 tablespoonsful each of horse radish 2 and catsup , juice of lemons , dash of salt and cayenne

pepper, and tiny bits of chopped red pepper . O —O OYSTER S UP ne quart oysters washed and drained , 1 1 pint milk , pint water, brought to a boil ) skim , season with a s salt , pepper and butter ) add oysters , and soon as the first one rises to the top add one cup rich cream ) in two minutes

serve . — ESCALLOPED OYSTERS One quart oysters ) 1 package

Uneeda Biscuit ) 4 tablespoons cream ) salt and pepper. Wash

and drain oysters , crush crackers ) butter baking pan , and put

in layer of crackers , dot with small pieces of butter and season ,

then a layer of oysters ) continue until pan is full , with top

layer of crackers , with plenty of butter . Pour over the cream and set in a pan of hot water ) bake 30 minutes in a m edium oven . NEW ORLEANS OYSTER A LA CREOLE—Chop fine 12 2 large oysters ) add chopped hard boiled eggs , salt , pepper and

a generous quantity of butter . Put in hot skillet , stir rapidly DA ES S ADS AN E R S 6 INTI , AL D CL VE HINT

Mi) 1 e . for on minute with cup finely rolled cracker crumbs , e cup rich , sweet cream . Fill pat shells , put pieces of butter e over top , brush top with b aten salted and peppered egg , r bake light brown, se ve hot with minced sprinkled

over top . — BROILED OYSTERS Select large fine oysters . Dry on soft towel ) roll in egg well salted and peppered , roll in cracker crumbs ) lay on well buttered griddle , and broil in broiling oven

2 or 3 minutes . Serve on fancy pieces of toast with pieces of lemon a s garnish . — LA BELLE OYSTERS Have ready on ice 1 pint of thick whipped cream , toast thin slices of bread , one for each plate , 4 butter well , and place large oysters on each slice )season with pepper and salt and bits of butter ) return to toasting oven .

When oysters are well curled and frizzling hot, cover with mound of stiffly beaten whites of eggs seasoned with a little salt and . Make a depression in the center of each egg an d ) T mound , return to oven , brown slightly ake from oven and carry at once to the table . Let the host place in each egg 1 . e mound , large spoonful of whipped cream You will not hav reason to regret setting this dish before your guests . — CODDLED OYSTERS Put a small tablespoon of butter

- in a sauce pan , when melted pour in enough tomato catsup to nicely cover the number of oysters to be used )when this begins to bubble add the oysters , and cook two minutes , pour on slices of toast , and serve at once .

A — lac 1 1 P NNED OYSTERS P e tablespoon butter, tea 1 spoon salt , salt spoon , salt spoon pepper, in sauce pan ) when hot lay in 1 pint oysters washed an d dried in towel ) cover the pan closely and shake to keep the oysters from sticking, and when plump and hot serve on hot but t ered toast . — ut BLANKET OYSTERS C Bacon thin as gauze , wrap a

slice around a large oyster, pin with tooth picks , broil over

. D coals or in gas oven , turn to crisp bacon ash of pepper on

each . Serve on thin toast . F — at RIED OYSTERS Be one egg, add salt and pepper,

drain oysters , dip in egg then roll in bread crumbs , fry in but use ter . Can part lard . D ES S DS A ND R S 7 AINTI , ALA CLEVE HINT

F i s I)

TO I H— o ff FRY F S Scale, clean , cut tails and fins , let stand

. D dr . in salt water ) this makes the flesh firm rain , or wipe y

Roll in yellow corn meal and fry in hot bacon fat . Salt and pepper. Turn frequently till a golden brown . A H—C I . B KED F S lean, and stand in salt water an hour

Bake as you would a roast . Stuff with bread dressing , or mashed potatoes . Cover with strips of bacon . Dredge with e) flour and baste fr quently . Season when first put in pan with large spoon of butter . LA I H—C e P NKED WHITE F S lean ) take out bon s , stand in salt water an hour, put on an oak plank with bits of butter — and salt . Put in oven . Bake about an hour moderate heat .

T . o make a fancy dish of it , take out when nearly done Put a ) f ) ruf le of mashed potatoes around plank . Return to oven and brown . When ready for the table , garnish with cooked im n beets , lemon or p e t oes . SALMON LOAF—Flake a can of salmon fine and mix w ith

2 2 . cups of bread crumbs and eggs Season with salt , cayenne , onion chopped fine , or onion j uice , lemon juice . Form into a loaf ) put in a buttered pan and bake 1 hour ) cover with paper and set in a pan of hot water . — CODFISH BALLS Remove from the fish all the bones 1 . C that you can find ut both fish and potato fine , then take 2 2 1 cup of salt fish , cups of potato , tablespoonsful of cream ,

1 . tablespoonful melted butter, egg , season with pepper Make into cakes and fry in smoking hot pork fat . E — 8 P LOBSTER N WBURG One pint can for persons . ut about pint of cream on stove , with yolks of two eggs , well beaten . Stir constantly until it thickens ) add lobster and sea soning . When well heated it is done . Serve in small dishes or on small squares of brown buttered toast .

CLAM S —T -five 1 e OUP wenty large clams , cup boil d milk ,

1 blade mace , pepper to taste , place cleaned clams in a deep

1 . kettle , add cup cold water ) cover When the clams can be

o ff . T 4 easily removed , skim out , drain the liquor o cups of broth add 2 cups hot water, the mace and pepper, let boil , add clams chopped fine . Place kettle on back of range to reduce DA S S ADS AN E ER S 8 INTIE , AL D CL V HINT

. T temperature , then add the hot milk his is to prevent curd ling ) the milk must be the hottest . SALMON BALLS—One can salmon picked into bits and mixed with an equal quantity of cold mashed potatoes , a little milk or cream and butter. Season with salt and cayenne pep per ) bind with a beaten egg ) make into cakes , dredge with flour and fry . CHO DE — 1 CLAM W R Fry out pound salt pork , chop fine 6 6 3 5 1 6 large onions , tomatoes , large potatoes , clams , add teaspoonful , cup chopped parsley , pepper and salt to A taste . dd juice of clams and water enough to cover all well .

Boil 3 or 4 hours . — BAKED CANNED SALMON Fres hen by pouring over 1 3 contents of can of salmon , cups of cold water and let come 2 to a boil . Beat up lightly eggs ) stir into fish after it has A drained and cooled . dd cup of cream )or milk and a little butter) and a little salt . Put in individual baking dishes and sprinkle over with rolled crackers . Bake hour .

M e a t s EE — ROAST B F There is j ust one way to roast beef . illumin um First of all have an roaster with a lid . Get your butcher to put a little suet in the center before he ties it together. Wash and wipe dry . Sear thoroughly in smoking

. H hot frying pan ave a large spoon of bacon fat in the roaster .

Put meat in without any seasoning or water . Close tightly and put in hot oven . In half hour turn . When it is about half R e done, add a little water, season and dredge with flour. peat this several times , until done ) add dressing and potatoes 3 . T f 4, hour before done here will be suf icient juices for gravy . O — ROAST P RK Same as beef, except add a little water, and a tablespoon of vinegar when put in roaster, instead of fat . LE O M O B— am G F UTTON, R LAM S e as pork . A — t TOASTED STE KS Ge porterhouse steak , trim and cut

th e ~ f in — edges . Rub ry g pan which must be smoking hot with ff e o . P a piec of fat the steak ut steak in , keep it smoking hot ,

. Th e turn often It will cook quickly . meal should all be ready so P meat can be served at once . ut on hot platter . Season .

. T S Spread with butter his is most delicious . hould the pan D ES S DS AN R S 9 AINTI , ALA D CLEVE HINT

cool and the meat boil , take out till pan is again smoking hot, otherwise it will be tough . TEA — SWISS S K Flank steak cut in pieces , and with the edge of a saucer, pound in cup of flour. Fry in hot bacon fat . Season , fry moderately . When done remove to hot plat

. T . ter o make gravy , brown flour in fat before adding milk BREADED VEAL AND PORK CHOPS—Beat 2 eggs very ch 0 so light , dip the p in this a piece at a time , as to cover both sides with the egg, then roll in grated bread crumbs , salt and

. V pepper , fry in half butter and lard until a nice brown eal will taste very much like chicken fixed this way . V — n EAL CRO)UETTES O e pint of cold veal chopped fine , 1 cup each of rice and mashed potatoes , season , roll in eggs and crumbs , fry to a light brown . —M d ESCALLOPED VEAL a e same as oysters . Veal is cooked tender and cut in pieces with knife or better pulled

. C apart with the fingers old boiled eggs , sliced and used with veal, makes it delicious . PRESSED TONGUE—Cover a large beef tongue with cold water, and let it simmer four hours , take up and cool , boil liquor until reduced to a pint , place tongue in bowl and chop 1 e fine , add teaspoon of salt, pinch of cay nne pepper, tea o f 1 spoon , allspice, white pepper, and 4, teaspoon of cloves and mace , mix well and place in a square tin , pour over h a s 3 the boiling water, to which been added tablespoonsful t se . n . of vinegar, away for ten hours Slice thin whe served

La] C h i c k e n a n d Wi l d F o w l )fl ] J R . J ) CH C E —C I N . FRIED K lean , cut in pieces , wipe dry Roll in flour and fry in equal parts of lard and butter, season , cover

S . and fry lowly Should it get too hard, pour in a little water and cook a few minutes longer. CH C E —C P I N . STEWED K lean , cut in pieces ut a small

. S amount of cold water over it When it comes to the boil , kim ) 1 Wh . add tablespoon of vinegar . en about half done , season

Make gravy with flour worked smooth in cold water. Potatoes added in time to cook them , and removed before the gravy is

m . ade , makes them delicious 10 DA S SA ADS AN E R S INTIE , L D CL VE HINT — O CHIC EN C . R AST K lean , wipe dry Rub well with lard .

f . Stuf , place in closed roaster When half done baste , season , 3 4 dredge with flour. Repeat this or times . It will be

delicious . CREAM CHICKEN—Pick cold boiled chicken into small 1 1 3 - pieces ) to chicken add pint cream , hard boiled eggs , whites chopped fine ) heat cream and make sauce as follows ) 2

tablespoons butter creamed , with a cup of flour ) beat into hot

cream ) season with parsley , onion , red and ,

meg and salt ) serve on platter with yolks of eggs , rubbed fine . E— C CHICKEN PI ook chicken till tender. Pick from 3 bones . Put in baking pan with butter , seasoning, cups of 1 stock , cup of milk , thickened with tablespoons flour .

. 2 Keep warm , while making crust Make a rich batter of cups 2 flour, salt, teaspoons baking powder . Beat an egg, add 1 f cup milk , then the flour ) stir to a stif batter. Spread over

chicken and bake . — n CHICKEN CRO)UETTES O e pint of chopped , cooked 3 1 1 chicken ) salt , pepper, tablespoons butter, of flour, cup 2 1 . H milk , eggs , pint bread or cracker crumbs eat the milk 2 . C and add other ingredients , leaving out eggs ook for min

. A utes , or until heated through dd well beaten eggs , and let

cool . Shape , dip in eggs , roll in crumbs , fry in hot fat to a

golden brown .

O — ook sea ESCALL PED CHICKEN C chicken well done , son well while cooking . Pick from bones and shred . Cover bottom of baking dish with cracker crumbs , then a layer of chicken dotted with pieces of butter, making alternate layers

is . until dish filled Pour over this stock until soaked . Slice . hard boiled eggs over top , or beat an egg into the stock . Bake

30 minutes . — SMOTHERED CHICKEN Cut into small pieces ) flour

and season )have a dripping pan with hot butter and lard . Put in chicken ) cook a minute , turn ) put in cup of water

. C and place in oven over tightly and cook one hour, or until

tender . WILD FOWL AND WILD GAME of all kinds should stand in soda water over night . In the morning, put in cold , strong

salt water until time to be used . D S S DS AN R S 1 1 AINTIE , ALA D CLEVE HINT

Sauc es and Dressing fo r Meats

A CE— MINT S U Fifteen mint leaves bruised and shredded , 1 1 1 1 cu cup hot vinegar, spoon sugar, teaspoon salt ) 4, p sweet cream j ust as sent to table . Beat well . MINT SAUCE—Fifteen mint leaves crushed or torn in 2 bits , spoons butter in frying pan, hot , but not enough to w bro n butter )lay in mint leaves , stir and toss but do not cook ,

1 . H pour in cup vinegar, tablespoon sugar ave beaten two eggs , whites and yolks together . Add a dash of paprika , pour )

. e e hot mixture over, beating rapidly Serv hot with gam , mut fi h or s . ton , lamb fresh — n PARSLEY RELISH O e bunch of finely minced parsley ,

1 . grated onion mixed with cup mayonnaise Fish , lamb , or game . SAUCES FOR MEAT

—T - Roast Beef omato sauce , horse radish , mustard , cran berries and pickles . — A . Roast Pork pple sauce , cranberry sauce — V T . Roast eal omato , mushroom , onion and cranberry — C . Roast Mutton urrant j elly , caper sauce — Roast Lamb Mint sauce . — Boiled Mutton Onion sauce , caper sauce . — T C . Roast urkey ranberry sauce , currant jelly D —C Venison or Wild uck ranberry sauce , currant j elly , warmed with port wine . —A Roast Goose pple and cranberry sauce, grape or cur rant jelly . — Fish White cream sauce , lemon sauce . OYSTER DRESSING FOR —One pound bread 2 1 crumbs , add stalks of celery , chopped fine ) 4, pound butter , melted ) salt and pepper to taste ) add to this 2 quarts of oysters , strained from their liquor . When oysters are mixed with the bread add enough of the liquor to moisten filling well . DRESSING FOR FOWLS AND MEATS—Cut dry bread e in small pieces , season with salt , p pper, butter, pinch of sage , and a small onion , cut fine )put all together . Pour over it a lit

C . tle hot water . over for a few moments Mix well before

- using . Mashed potatoes added to this is fine , or any left overs , such as eggs , beans and corn , can be used . 2 D S S DS A ND ER S AINTIE , ALA CLEV HINT ) e g e t a b l e s MASHED POTATOES—Potatoes should be put in boiling

water and salted . When done add cream and butter, and beat

. L till light eave out the pepper, that can be added when eaten .

CRUZ EN BAKED POTATOES—Select even- sized pota

C . L toes . lean with vegetable brush et stand awhile in cold water. Wipe dry , rub well with lard , roll in salt and bake . ON HELL— POTATOES THE HALF S Select large, round

. C potatoes lean and bake )when done , cut in halves , scrape out , mash , add butter and season . Return to shells . Brush over

. n . h ot with melted butter Return to oven ) brow Serve piping . OTATOE — S FRIED P S Peel , wash and drain , lice thin .

. T . C Fry in hot lard urn a time or two over and turn often .

Season when done . Return , cover a moment . Serve in hot dish . A A — n 1 POT TO U GRATIN O e pint cold diced potatoes , e 3 large green pepper chopp d . Melt tablespoons butter and stir 3 2 in tablespoons flour, add cups milk , cook until thick and

. T add potatoes and peppers , and level teaspoon salt urn into e baking dish , cover with grated ch ese , put into oven until brown . C — n REAMED POTATOES O e quart rich milk , when this comes to a boil put in butter the size of a large egg and about 3 cups of potatoes cut in dice . Stir in cornstarch dissolved in milk enough to thicken , season to taste . — SCALLOPED POTATOES Pare and slice potatoes very thin , butter baking pan , place potatoes in layers about an inch and a half thick and between each layer sprinkle salt and pep per and a small chunk of butter, cover with milk and bake until — potatoes are done about forty minutes in moderate oven . — l CANDIED SWEET POTATOES Pee and boil done . Melt together in a frying pan , lump of butter size of an egg and a tablespoon brown sugar . Put in potatoes and turn till brown . C O ETTE — e SWEET POTATO R )U S Pare swe t potatoes , as many as are needed , and cook in salt water ) when done mash , add a little salt and pepper , and small lump of butter.

Form into croquettes . When cold dip in egg and bread crumbs ) fry in hot lard . D S S DS AN E R S 13 AINTIE , ALA D CL VE HINT — CREAMED CABBAGE Ch Op fine as much cabbage as T 1 will be needed and boil in salted water until tender. o quart e of boiled cabbage add cream with butt r as large as a , salt and pepper . STUFFED CABBAGE—Cut out the stalk end of a head of cabbage, leaving a hollow shell . Chop two pounds of uncooked beef with a slice of bacon and an onion . Add one cup bread crumbs soaked and wrung dry one beaten egg, salt and pepper. t Shape into balls and arrange in the cabbage . Strips of swee

is . pepper may be added . Steam until the cabbage tender

BAKED CABBAGE- Chop fine half small cold boiled cab 2 bage , add to it a well beaten egg, teaspoons of cream or milk , and the same of melted butter, season to taste , mix thoroughly 15 2 0 and bake or minutes . CAULIFLOWER—Soak cauliflower two hours in salted

. T water, head downward hen put in boiling water, boil until

. T done , drain ake one cup fine bread crumbs and brown in two tablespoons of butter, pour over cauliflower just before serving . MA — o 6 SHED TURNIPS T medium sized turnips , well dd 2 cooked , a cooked potatoes while hot , mash , season with salt and pepper, add a little cream and butter, and beat thoroughly . C A T NI — RE MED UR PS Slice into small squares , cook thoroughly in salt water, when done drain off the water and 1 add a cup of cream , tablespoon butter mixed with a table spoon of flour, pepper, let boil and serve hot . ESCALLOPED CORN—Butter a baking dish and in the bottom of dish put a layer of cracker crumbs , a little salt , pepper, dots of butter, then a layer of canned corn , salt , pepper o and butter and s on . Have cracker crumbs for last layer .

Then over all pour a cup of milk . Bake of an hour in mod r l e at e y hot oven until a light brown . — n 2 CORN FRITTERS O e can of corn , eggs , cup flour,

1 . . teaspoon baking powder, salt Fry in hot butter or bacon fat — STUFFED TOMATOES Cut off stem end . Take out seeds and pulp . Add well seasoned bread crumbs to pulp . Fill tomatoes . Sprinkle dry crumbs on top . Bake till quite brown . C A MA N T AST—P RE MED TO TOES O O eel , cook done )

. P add seasoning , add a little flour rubbed smooth in cream our over thin slices of well buttered toast . 14 DA ES SA ADS AN E R S INTI , L D CLEV HINT S a l a d s

— Mi O o . ) WALD RF SALAD Ch p celery , apples and nuts with rather sweet salad dressing . Serve on lettuce leaves . — o RIBBON SALAD Ch p separately cooked beets , carrots ,

. A . potatoes and raw cabbage dd onion to cabbage Season .

Lay in ribbons on long tray . Serve with mayonnaise . — n PERFECTION SALAD O e package gelatine , cup ) scant vinegar, cup cold water, cups sugar, teaspoon 1 2 salt, juice of 1 lemon , pint of boiling water, cups celery 1 diced, cup fresh shredded cabbage , of a red pepper or

out . pimento fine Soak gelatine in cold water, add lemon juice , vinegar, sugar, salt and the boiling water, strain . When it

set . begins to , add the ingredients and chill Serve cold from sweet pepper cones or lettuce leaves with or without mayon naise dressing . C — o 1 1 RESS SALAD Ch p bunch of cress , stalk of celery , 1 onion , mix with mayonnaise ) place in mound on lettuce leaves , sprinkle chopped nuts over top . A A — ut TOMATO S L D C a slice from stem end of smooth ,

firm tomatoes , scoop out center , rej ecting seeds , mix the meaty part of tomato with finely minced cucumber which h a s stood is in strong , salt water and thoroughly chilled , season with si) pepper, drops of onion juice , a pinch of celery seed , fill tomato shells , placing on top a spoonful of thick mayonnaise , sprinkle minced parsley over all . — STUFFED TOMATO SALAD S coop out the seeds after o ff 1 cutting slice the top of firm ripe tomato , chop onion , 1 1 stalk celery , hard boiled egg, mix with mayonnaise dress ing , fill tomatoes . Set each tomato in center of sliced green . pepper which makes a pretty scalloped ring . Place slice of hard boiled egg on top . Serve cold . L AL — h o 1 OBSTER S AD C p one head of cabbage , stalk of 1 1 celery , grate onion , salt and white pepper to taste , 4 spoon

T . obasco sauce Separate the coral in one can of lobster, mix

‘ with cabb a e lobster meat g , etc . , lightly stiring in one cup may on n aise dressing over the top sprigs of light celery with the lobster coral as garnish .

C ALAD—S b ed OMBINATION S lice firm tomatoes , lay on of bleached lettuce heart s ) lay a star of asparagus tips from DA S S DS AN R S INTIE , ALA D CLEVE HINT 15

e C e e center to edge of bowl , butts to th center. ov r th butts t wi h a mound of heavy mayonnaise , sprinkling parsley over L top . ay between asparagus tips little dice of minced onion and thin slices of tiny radishes . Serve very cold . FRUIT SALAD—Fill large peaches with ripe red rasp berries . Serve with whipped cream and blanched on lettuce . — CHICKEN SALAD Remove the skin from cold chicken ) cut with scissors into small pieces ) dissolve in a little cold 6 1 stock spoons gelatine , add pint boiling stock free from oil , strain , and when nearly cold and beginning to thicken , sprinkle parsley and minced chicken lightly through the j elly . Set to chill . Serve in broken pieces of lettuce hearts . FRUIT SALAD IN CUPS—Scoop out centers and seeds o ff from small nutmeg cantaloupes . Chill thoroughly ) take rind , fill cantaloupes with strawberries and diced pineapple well 4 sweetened . Chill for hours . Serve with whipped cream in a wreath of cress or lettuce hearts . ALAD— L resh tomatoes , slice ) celer green ITA IAN S F d y , peppers and a little chopped onion . Serve with French dressing . — CANTALOUPE CERISE Scoop centers from cantaloupes and fill with ripe red raspberries sweetened . The juice of one orange and a heaping spoon of whipped cream with three can died cherries dropped on cream , chill . PEPPER LILIES— Cut sweet peppers in petal shaped points leaving them j oined at the stem end , remove pulp and h a s seeds , make a ball of cottage cheese into which been mixed th e 1 tips of peppers finely minced and A], cup cream , rice yolks S of hard boiled eggs and prinkle over cheese ball , press pep per petals gently but not very closely to side of ball, set on bleached lettuce hearts . ORANGE BASKETS—Cut out piece of each side of orange cup leaving strip for handle over the top , take out the S pulp , mix with chopped pineapple , a prinkling of blanched 3 almonds , candied cherries to each orange , sweeten to taste ,

fill shells , put on spoonful whipped cream , pierce a hole through the handle and run Stems of two or three violets with a small spray of fern through each handle . 16 D S S DS AN R S AINTIE , ALA D CLEVE HINT

CUCUMBER CANOES—Cut fresh cucumbers in half

lengthwise , scoop out the inside carefully as near skin as you

. C can and leave a neat firm boat, put boats on the ice hop cucumber meat and soak one hour in salted ice water, drain dry , mix with cup of chopped , mixed nuts , and two spoons minced parsley , 1 spoon grated onion , mix with mayonnaise , fill boats , lay in bed of nasturtium flowers and leaves and serve very cold . CERISE APPLES—Pare core and steam 1 dozen apples make rich syrup , add rose fruit coloring ) put apples in syrup , few at a time to color ) lift out . Serve by placing apples in mound of whipped cream . FROZ EN TOMATO SALAD—Strain 2 quart cans of to 1 matoes through a colander. To this add cup each of finely r 1 chopped cele y and cucumbers , large green sweet pepper 1 1 chopped , tablespoon each of salt and sugar, teaspoon of Mi) 1 paprika and grated horseradish . till smooth , add cup m . P each of boiled mayonnaise and whipped crea our in freezer,

e a . leaving out dasher, and pack in ic and s lt two hours Serve for first course or as a sala

S a l a d D r e s s i n g s LaJ MAYONNAISE—One large tablespoon of flour worked s e mooth in cold wat r until cup has been used , add salt, sugar, red pepper, well beaten yolks of two eggs , and butter size of an egg . Cook till thick . Stir continually ) when done A add cup of vinegar and cook a moment longer. pinch of T curry powder added when cold gives it a nut flavor. his is the foundation for all cooked mayonnaise . When used for T fruits , make it sweeter, and leave out curry powder. his will keep indefinitely . if kept cool . OIL AND VINEGAR DRESSING—Two tablespoons olive 4 oil , of vinegar ) season with sugar, salt and paprika . FRENCH DRESSING—Beat yolks of four eggs with 1 2 e teaspoon salt, till thick ) add drop by drop spoons oliv oil , 1 and cup vinegar, as dressing gets thicker while stirring in oil 2 add vinegar to thin ) lastly , stir in 1 spoonful onion juice , 1 1 spoons sugar, 4 red pepper and tablespoon mustard ) will keep a year . D S S DS AN R S 1 AINTIE , ALA D CLEVE HINT 7

S a n d w i c h e s — DATE SANDWICHES On buttered slices of Boston brown bread , spread fresh dates that have been washed and seeds removed . These are delicious .

C —Use SANDWI HES fine grained bread one day old , but S ter bread before cutting from loaf ) cut thin , shape each lice as with fancy cutter, cut in oblongs or triangles desired , after e filling with mixture desired , press slices firmly togeth r, wrap arafin e in a moist napkin or p paper until ready to use .

1— h 0 1 CHEESE SANDWICHES No . C p fine cup of any 1 nut liked, add salt and paprika , cup of grated cheese , with sweet cream enough to make smooth . Graham or rye bread cut thin . 2 — CHEESE SANDWICHES No . One cup of cream cheese grated , enough currant or plum j elly to make paste . When spread , sprinkle chopped and browned peanuts over slices , press firmly together . Whole wheat bread . — A N . 3 1 e CHEESE S NDWICHES o Grate cup mild ch ese ,

1 . cup chopped dates , cup whipped cream White wheat bread . A A 4— SP NISH S NDWICH No . One cup parmesan cheese , i 1 f finely chopped on on top , finely chopped red pepper, cream to make smooth . Rye bread . — A No . 5 e 1 CHEESE S NDWICH Grat cup of cheese , add 1 1 spoon butter, salt and cayenne , teaspoon mustard , tea spoon Worcestershire sauce , vinegar to spread smoothly . Rye or graham bread . — A No . 6 1 CHEESE S NDWICH Grate cup of cheese , mix o 1 1 1 tablesp on carraway seed , teaspoon onion juice , finely chopped red pepper, cream to make paste . Rye bread . — COTTAGE CHEESE SANDWICH No . 7 One cup of cot

1 cu . tage cheese , p chopped peanuts , cream to spread Whole wheat bread . — A A No . 8 COTT GE CHEESE S NDWICH One cup cheese , 1 1 cup chopped parsley , salt , cayenne , cup cottage cheese , t o cup cut , not chopped dates , cup heavy sweet cream , mix smooth paste ) fill between buttered slices of graham bread . DA ES S DS AN E ER S 18 INTI , ALA D CL V HINT

CHOCOLATE NUT SANDWICH— Chop fine 1 cup of 2 dates , grate bars of chocolate , mix with dates , add enough

lemon juice to form heavy paste , spread on whole wheat bread,

sprinkle chopped nuts thickly over filling , press a buttered slice

of bread firmly on the top .

I — n fi s 1 F G SANDWICH O e cup chopped g , j uice of orange ,

cup chopped hickory nuts . Brown bread . O — o H RSERADISH SANDWICH T cup of mayonnaise ,

- add cup horse radish , place among marinated lettuce leaves on buttered bread , spread with mixture , lay a slice of tomato S on each slice , prinkle with salt , pepper and paprika, cover with buttered slice , press closely . S — n 1 CELERY ANDWICH O e cup chopped celery , cup minced chicken , cup sweet cream , season highly with salt and pepper . Brown bread .

A — Minc N STURTIUM SANDWICHES e finely , buds , fresh Na st ur new stems and leaves , with some fresh green seeds of tium , mix with mayonnaise , lay a flower on the filling with fresh small leaves , press on cover of thin white bread . — o 1 1 CHICKEN SANDWICHES Ch p cup cold chicken , 1 cup almonds )blanched), green pepper, blend with sweet cream , season highly . Wheat bread . — CUCUMBER SANDWICHES Drain and dry thinly sliced 1 cucumbers , which have stood in salted ice water hour, be sure 10 they are dry . Marinate in olive oil minutes , sprinkle thin slices of bread with salt and cayenne pepper, spread with cucumber, wet with the oil , cover with bread . — n 1 CRESS SANDWICHES O e cup chopped cress , tea 10 spoon chopped chives , chopped olives mixed with mayon naise , spread on brown bread . ILLIN — 1 1 NUT SANDWICH F G Blanch cup almonds ,

1 filb ert 1 . cup peanuts , cup , add cup pecans Grind three times through fine meat cutter , the last time adding cup water and beating thoroughly adding a little salt . Pot and keep cool ) the day you make the sandwiches beat in 1 quart of heavy cream and add 1 pound of sugar. 1 This will fill 00 Sandwiches .


— wo 2 GRAHAM BREAD T cups lukewarm water, cups

1 ) set graham flour, A, cake yeast , stir together and over night . In the morning add a little shortening and stiffen with white

flour so it can be well kneaded . Raise once and mold . — wo 3 )UICK GRAHAM BREAD T cups sour milk , cups 1 graham flour, 3 tablespoons sugar or less, teaspoon soda, salt,

moderate oven . GINGER BREAD—Cream cup sugar with cup but 1 ter, 2 eggs well beaten, cup molasses , teaspoon each , ginger, 1 2 cinnamon and cloves ) cup boiling water, teaspoons soda dis

solved in a little water, cups sifted flour with 1 teaspoon 1 baking powder, pinch salt . Bake hour in slow oven . — wo 2 BRAN BREAD T cups white flour, teaspoons baking 4 2 2 powder, cups bran , tablespoons molasses , cups milk . Stir f i 7 . . . C into stif dough Bake in bread tin , slow oven ook 5 m nutes PA RKERHOUSE OLL — 1 R S One cake yeast , tablespoon 1 sugar, lard size of an egg , pint milk , melt lard in milk , make f stif batter, let rise , mix and knead thoroughly , let rise . Roll

out an inch thick , cut with large biscuit cutter , spread with melted butter, fold together, let rise very light . Bake in quick

oven , serve hot . L OLL —T 1 IGHT R S hree tablespoons butter, teaspoon 1 1 salt , cup lukewarm water, 6 cups sifted flour, pint milk , 1 tablespoon sugar, cake yeast . Scald the milk and pour over A the sugar, salt and butter . llow it to cool and when it is luke w r 3 a m , add yeast dissolved in lukewarm water and then add c ups of flour, beat hard , cover and let rise until it is a frothing

. T 3 mass hen add more cups flour, let it rise again until it is twice its original bulk , then place it on your kneading board .

Knead lightly and then roll it out inch thick . Take a biscuit cutter and cut out the rolls . Brush each piece with butter, fold and press the edges together and put them on a greased pan 1

. L r inch apart et them rise until ve y light . Bake in hot oven 15 . T 3 minutes his recipe makes dozen rolls . TEA — n 3 BISCUIT O e quart flour, teaspoons baking pow o der, small teasp on salt , tablespoon lard . Mix with sweet milk to make soft dough . Knead little as possible . Bake in quick oven . L C B — n 3 UN H ISCUIT O e pint flour, tablespoons butter, 2 3 Mi 3 . ) eggs , tablespoons sugar , teaspoons baking powder

lightly and bake in quick oven .


E S— 1 GRAHAM G M One cup graham flour, cup white 1 2 1 flour, beaten egg , teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt,

1 1 . tablespoon butter, melted , cup milk Mix dry ingredients , A then add milk and egg . dd melted butter last .

IN — - 1 1 DATE MUFF S One third cup butter, 4, cup sugar, 2 3 egg, cup of milk , cups flour, level teaspoons baking pow 1 . C der, ) teaspoon salt , pound dates ream butter and sugar, A, add egg , milk and flour, baking powder and salt . Beat all well ) — add dates stoned and cut in small pieces ) bake in hot, well buttered muffin tins . — n 1 2 BRAN MUFFINS O e cup molasses , cup milk , cups 1 1 bran flour, cup flour, level teaspoon soda, pinch salt . Bake in gem pans . MUFFINS OR POPOVERS— Three scant tablespoons 3 6 ) 3 sugar , 4, teaspoon salt , level teaspoons baking powder, cups 3 3 flour, tablespoons melted butter , eggs , cups milk ) Sift three times the dry ingredients , then add eggs well beaten , 2 5 and lastly milk and melted butter. Bake in moderate oven minut es . These are delicious .

C a k e s


If you would have really good cake , these things are w orth ’

. U se D remembering a standard measuring cup , Swans own i ’ t s . D Flour and measurements For r . Price s Cream Baking

Powder, get the finest granulated sugar and sift several times ) measure flour after each sifting )put baking powder in last half C of flour used . ream the butter with your hand , )the heat from the hand keeps it the right consistency) add sugar, little

. A at a time )keep the batter creamy dd a little flour and milk , — and keep a regular beating always the same movement . When ready to fold in whites , beat them to a stiff froth , never stop D ping till folded in batter, using the egg beater. o not stir . ‘ O Use quick oven . il paper, slightly greased , and placed in bot tom of pans is the better plan . Keep cakes in warm place when taken from oven .

T s m s n o keep cake fro ticki g, rub pans with lard , dust with

flour, Shaking off all that will fall when pan is rapped sharply with spoon . Cake will never stick if this is done .


TO PREVENT CAKE FROM FALLING—When pan is ready for oven , drop on table once or twice , raising pan a foot above table . Drop flatly forcing out bubbles of air. A — 1 1 NGEL FOOD The whites of eggs , cups of 1 1 granulated sugar, cup pastry flour, teaspoon cream of tar

1 . 5 i tar, teaspoon vanilla Sift flour and sugar separately t mes , add sugar and flour a little at a time to the eggs ) bake in a 45 pan which has never been greased . Bake minutes . DEVILS FOOD—Two cups dark brown sugar creamed 3 1 with cup butter, yolks of eggs , cup milk , add one cake of ’ Walter Baker s sweet chocolate grated , cups flour into 2 1 which has been sifted teaspoons baking powder , very small teaspoon soda dissolved in a little water ) bake in two layers , put together with caramel icing . L A CA — n DELICIOUS O F KE O e and a half cups of sugar,

cup butter . Work these together until they form a cream ) 5 ff add the whites of eggs beaten to a sti froth . Stir and beat until light as foam ) add cup of cornstarch which has been dissolved in a little sweet milk . Stir in not quite

‘ flour 2 of a cup of sweet milk and cups sifted h k 1 teaspoons of ba ing powder and of vanilla . Ice with boiled icing flavored with lemon . Do not use same flavoring in the 4 cake as in the icing . Bake days before using, when it will be

. . N rich enough to melt in your mouth Moderate oven ever fails . MINNEHAHA CAKE—One and one—half cups sugar 1 1 ) 2 2 creamed with 4, cup butter, A, cup milk , cups flour, tea i o n f 6 . spoons bak g powder, whites eggs ) bake in layers For 1 1 1 r filling , boil cup of sugar, cup chopped raisins , cup hicko y nuts in cup sweet cream thick enough to spread . MAPLE FILLING FOR MINNEHAHA CAKE—Boil 1 2 cup maple sugar until it waxes , stir in tablespoons butter beating rapidly , spread quickly over cake and between layers .

Delicious . C — n 1 2 FEATHER AKE O e egg , cup sugar, tablespoons melted butter, cup milk , 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking pow der ) vanilla . Eat warm .

O - — wo u 1 LD FASHIONED FRUIT CAKE T c ps flour, cup n 1 2 1 brow sugar , cup sour milk , eggs , cup butter , teaspoon 1 . 1 . soda , cup raisins Spice to taste . Bake slowly hour


—Si) CREAM SPONGE CAKE eggs , their weight in pow 1 ) dered sugar, their weight in flour, A , teaspoon baking pow 1 der, pinch of salt, grated rind of orange ) beat egg yolks and n sugar till thick , sift in the mixed flour, salt and baki g powder .

Mix lightly ) add orange rind and stiffly whipped whites . Fold them in lightly )bake in 2 shallow pans in moderate oven . Put together with cream filling flavored with orange . C — n 2 1 SPONGE AKE O e cup sugar, eggs well beaten , 1 teaspoon baking powder sifted with cup flour . Stir well to T gether . hen put in cup boiling water or milk , flavor with lemon or vanilla and bake quickly in a buttered tin . This is best baked in a pan with a tube in the center . — n 1 BLACK CAKE O e cup sugar, cup sour milk , cup 2 1 1 1 butter, cups flour, cup raisins , teaspoon soda , teaspoon cloves , nutmeg .

O CA E—T - CITRON P UND K hree quarters pound butter, r 1 ubbed to a cream with pound of sugar, add first the beaten 1 yolks of 8 eggs , then pound flour, the beaten whites of the eggs and lastly pounds thinly sliced citron , Slightly 2 dredged with flour . Bake or hours . — n 2 1 WHITE FRUIT CAKE O e cup butter, cups sugar, 3 cup milk , cups flour, teaspoons baking powder, 7 eggs , 1 1 fi s 1 1 whites only , pound raisins , pound g , pound dates , 1 pound almonds , 4 pound citron , no spice . Blanch almonds and cut them in halves ) seed raisins and dates and cut them fine . fi s Dust with flour before adding to cake mixture . Cut g and citron fine . — n 2 3 FRUIT CAKE O e cup butter, cups sugar, cups 4 1 flour, eggs , cup milk . Mix as you would a cup cake and 1 1 1 add pound of raisins , pound currants , pound citron , heaping teaspoon each of ground cloves , cinnamon , allspice , 1 2 teaspoon soda , of cream tartar, grated rind and juice of 1 orange . This makes 2 cakes and Should be baked in tube pans . Bake in a moderate oven for an hour and a half.

— n con fec WHITE FRUIT CAKE O e cup butter , cups ’ i n r 3 t o e s sugar , cups sifted flour, whites of 6 eggs , 1 wine 6 glass white wine , ounces citron , cut fine , pound blanched 1 almonds , chopped , cup prepared cocoanut , pound white

3 2 . raisins , level teaspoons baking powder, make in loaf cakes B 40 ake minutes .



used before the time of baking powder, when beating of the

eggs was depended upon for the lightness of cakes . ake e d ) 1 1 M R a y pound of dried and sifted flour, pound 1 of fine granulated sugar, dried ) pound of the very nicest but

- 10 ter in a middle sized bowl ) eggs , yolks and whites in sepa 1 1 rate bowls for beating ) wine glass of brandy, teaspoon of 1 powdered mace , or of nutmeg, saltspoon of salt , large 2 - - mixing bowl , sheet iron loaf pans , buttered )cream the butter

. e . in large bowl , adding spice Beat th yolks to a thick froth Beat whites to perfect stiffness ) beat yolks and whites to gether. Spill the sugar to the eggs , beating well . Put a small part of the butter, stir and beat to a light batter as expedi th e o usl so . y as possible, adding brandy as you do Turn the eggs and sugar in . Beat lightly , then add the rest of the t w o- flour, and beat well . Fill pans thirds full , and watch as o as sponge cake . Always mix spices beforehand s to add them

. dre in at one beating . Fruits may be added Take flour for g g from your measure for the cake .

CA E—T - DELICIOUS WHITE K wo thirds cup butter, 1 5 cups sugar, cup lukewarm water, whites of eggs , cups 2 flour, teaspoons baking powder )not heaping). Beat butter m to a cream , add sugar, little at a ti e , add water, little at a 2 time , cups flour )do not sift), whites of eggs , cup flour 1 and baking powder sifted together, teaspoon each of lemon and vanilla . Bake in two layers , with boiled icing or marsh mallow filling . NE E C — n 1 O GG AKE O e egg , A? cup butter, cups sugar, pinch of salt , small cup of milk , 2 even teaspoons bak t ing powder, cream butter and sugar, add egg, and beat , hen milk , flour enough to make the right consistency . Flavor )bake in moderate oven )bake in pan with tube or in layers ) part can be darkened with cinnamon and make into a marble cake . LADY BALTIMORE CAKE—Cream pound of butter with 1 pound of sifted granulated sugar ) separate yolks and whites of 8 eggs )stir in yolks one at a time, beating well after 1 4 each ) add pound of flour, sifted four times , with teaspoons baking powder alternately with 1 cup of milk ) add 1 teaspoon of fl extract and fold in the sti y beaten whites . Make 1 1 boiled icing ) to this add cup of chopped seeded raisins , cup D ES S ADS AN R S 2 AINTI , AL D CLEVE HINT 9

1 chopped pecan meats , and teaspoon vanilla . Spread between

. h layers and on top W en cold , ice all over with white icing .

Eg g l e s s C a k e s

APPLE SAUCE CAKE—One and one- half cups apple 1 e 1 2 1 ) sauc , cup sugar, cups flour, cup seedless raisins , A, cup 1 2 1 butter, tablespoon hot water, teaspoons of soda , teaspoon

1 . A . l cinnamon , teaspoon cloves n elegant cake Make app e

as use . sauce for table , strained and sweetened EGGLESS FRUIT CAKE—One and one- half teacups of 3 2 light brown sugar, level cups of flour, teaspoons baking 1 1 powder, cup sour milk , in which has been dissolved small teaspoon soda , cup butter creamed with sugar, teaspoon m 1 each of cloves, cinna on and nutmeg, cup chopped citron dredged with flour .

O — n 1 cu EGGLESS C FFEE CAKE O e cup molasses , p cold 1 f ) 5 strong cof ee , A , pound citron, brown sugar, cups 1 flour, teaspoonful each cinnamon , cloves and soda dissolved 1 1 1 in coffee , dash salt , cup butter, pound seedless raisins , 1 10 pound currants , cup nuts , cup dates and figs mixed , gum E 3 drops . legant Xmas cake . Make weeks before Xmas . INE) PENSIVE FRUIT CAKE—E GGLESS—One cup 1 1 sugar white or brown , scant cup of shortening, cup sour 1 milk , 1 teaspoonful of soda in milk , cups flour, teaspoon ful ground cinnamon , teaspoonful each of cloves and all r spice ) f uit , cup each currants , raisins , citron and figs if

1 . desired , rolled in cup flour and teaspoon baking powder CA E—T 1 2 DOUGH K hree cups bread dough , cup butter, 1 1 1 cups sugar, pound raisins , teaspoon soda , dissolved in 2 1 tablespoon hot water, salt , eggs , cup English , mix

. T . S thoroughly , let rise Bake lowly an hour or longer his is most excellent . — n 3 COOKIES O e cup of butter, cups sugar, eggs , 1 m 1 even teaspoon soda in tablespoon sweet ilk , pinch of salt , teaspoon vanilla, roll out thin and as stiff as flour can make T n o t them . he one mistake usually made is that you will

. H make them as stiff as you can owever, roll in flour till not T another bit will stick . hese are the best ever and will keep i) s . weeks If you hide them . 30 DA ES SA DS AN E ER S INTI , LA D CL V HINT — CREAM PUFFS One cup of water, cup butter, boil to

1 . gether . Stir in while boiling cup of flour dry Then take

A 3 . from the fire and allow it to cool . dd eggs not beaten Mix well and drop on buttered tins and bake 2 5 minutes Avoid

. C ) O 1 opening the oven ream ne cup milk , egg , cup of 2 sugar, tablespoons flour. Beat eggs and sugar together, add

flour and stir them in the milk while boiling. Flavor with

vanilla when cold . Open and fill .

A E ITE — 2 stifi M RGU R S Beat whites of eggs , cup sugar,

chopped nuts . Spread on wafer crackers , brown slightly . CRUL L S— 1 1 2 One cup sugar, egg, cup milk , salt , tea

1 . spoons baking powder, scant tablespoon melted lard Fry ’ in deep , hot lard , and roll in confectioner s sugar . NA — 1 1 GINGER S PS Four eggs , cup brown sugar, cup S 1 syrup , butter ize of an egg , and a very little lard , teaspoon 1 ginger, teaspoon soda , flour to suit, roll thin and bake in moderate oven .

CA E— - 2 GINGER K One half cup sugar, cup molasses , 1 1 1 eggs , teaspoon soda , cup boiling water, tablespoon ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, teaspoon salt, butter size of an egg,

flour to thicken . J ELLY ROLL— Beat for 15 minutes 4 eggs and 1 cup soft 1 1 A sugar ) then add cup flour and teaspoon baking powder.

2 . Spread in large shallow tins Bake in quick oven 5 minutes .

When done put out in a wet towel . Spread bottom with jelly and roll .

F r o s t i n g s BOILED FROSTING— All housekeepers have at times had the experience of having boiled frosting run off the cake . It is pretty hard to judge just when to remove the syrup from 1 . Use the fire cup of sugar, cup of water and boil till it spins a thread . Pour slowly over the stiffly beaten whites of

two eggs , beating with a spoon all the time while pouring . After beating thoroughly put into the double boiler and cook for two or three minutes . Flavor and it is ready to use . COOKED FROSTING WHICH WILL NOT CRACK—Boil 2 1 1 till it threads , cups granulated sugar, 4 cup water, teaspoon 2 f cream tartar ) pour over whites of eggs beaten stif , beat DA S S DS AN R S INTIE , ALA D CLEVE HINT 31

rapidly while pouring, and spread steadily till cool enough to set , when it should be as smooth as velvet . OSHELL FROSTING—One tablespoon butter )wash out 3 salt with cold water), tablespoons cream , teaspoon vine 1 gar, cups powdered sugar, teaspoon vanilla . Beat with spoon until smooth .

P i e s

IE C T—C 2 P RUS ream together rounding tablespoons lard ,

3 . T tablespoons boiling water, pinch of salt, and flour to roll his 1 is enough for pie , and is the best of all . IN MAKING PIES—Remember to sprinkle a little flour and sugar on the bottom crust before putting in the fruit , or

filling . Rub the edge of crust with water before crimping to set gether. If pies are on hot stove after taking from the oven, they will become soggy . WHEN BAKING CUSTARD PIES put a pinch of baking powder in the custard . It makes it nice and firm . — LEMON PIE Do you know that a lemon pie is often both bitter and pasty ? Here is one which is delicious For one pie take 1 thick slice of bread soaked and rubbed 1 soft , 2 eggs , reserving the white of , spoonful butter, juice of 1 4 lemon , a little grated rind , spoons sugar, mix leaving enough water in bread to make soft filling ) bake pie shells and fill 1 with mixture hot , return to oven 0 minutes , frost and brown slightly . — n i 1 2 3 PUMPKIN PIE O e pint pumpk n , pint milk , or 1 eggs , teaspoon ginger, teaspoon cinnamon , teaspoon 2 salt , cup brown sugar, tablespoons cream . Pour over top 2 tablespoons cream . Bake in moderate oven until filling is

firm and crust golden brown . IE—T 1 1 CUSTARD P hree eggs , pint milk , cup sugar, teaspoon lemon extract . Mix well and pour in crust . Do not

set . bake crust first . Have oven hot at first . Bake till If the milk is scalded and cooled , the custard will not curdle . — n 1 RAISIN PIE O e package raisins , pint water, juice of 2 1 1 1 1 lemon , boil 0 minutes , beat cup sugar, egg , tablespoon 1 flour, pinch salt , add this to boiling raisins and simmer min

- ute . Let cool . Two crusts . 32 DA ES S DS AN R S INTI , ALA D CLEVE HINT

L A — n 1 1 EMON CRE M PIE O e cup milk, cup sugar, table 15 spoon cornstarch , cooked over hot water for at least min O 3 1 utes . ne saltspoon salt, yolk of eggs , whites of , grated 1 rind and juice of lemon . Fill the paste while hot and bake 2 2 quick . Beat the whites of eggs stiff, add slowly table S spoons ifted powdered sugar, spread over pie , return to oven , dry and brown slowly . — BANANA PIE Three bananas for each pie . Have crusts S 4 2 baked , lice fruit in them , mix yolks of eggs , scant cups

2 2 . C sugar, cups of milk , tablespoons cornstarch ook in dou f ble boiler till thick ) pour over fruit . Beat stif the whites of eggs and pour over top , return to oven and brown . C C IE— HERRY REAM P Bake pie crust , then take pint of o ff cherries , pour j uice , put in baked crust and cover with 1 1 1 cornstarch cream , made with egg, pint milk , heaping 1 tablespoon cornstarch , ) cup sugar, vanilla and a little salt , A, stir while cooking . On top of this put the white of egg , well beaten , brown in oven .

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

EAT— 8 MINCE M Four pounds lean , boiled beef, pounds 1 1 n tart apples , pound chopped suet , pound brow sugar, 3 2 pounds seeded raisins , pounds cleaned and dried currants , 1 2 pound citron , cut fine , quart molasses , quarts sweet cider, 1 1 pint boiled cider, tablespoon each of salt , pepper, mace , all 4 2 spice , cloves and tablespoons cinnamon , grated nutmegs , i m ) thoroughly and warm gradually until heated through . e Remove from stov , and when quite cool , stir into crock or fruit as s et j ars , cover tightly , or better still , seal you would fruit ) in 2 . T cool place his makes gallons . A — wo 1 12 TIMB LES T eggs , cup sweet milk, tablespoons olive oil . Flour enough to make smooth batter, not too thick , place timbale iron in boiling lard till very hot , quickly dip iron w in batter and right back into lard till fried light bro n . This recei e 50 p will make timbales . STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE—Make a rich biscuit 2 1 dough , sweeten it, bake in layers , or thick layer and S plit ) when done , with a sharp knife , crush and sweeten ber

. P ries ut between layers and over top , ripe peaches and other fruits can be used in the same way . Serve with whipped cream . D S S DS AN R S AINTIE , ALA D CLEVE HINT 33 EGG VERMICELLI—Run 6 hard boiled eggs through a 1 ricer separately ) add to yolks a sprinkle of salt, melt table of 1 spoon butter in pan , add of flour ) when blended add 1 pint

. C of milk ook until thick , add the whites , salt , pepper and 1 A cayenne to taste and teaspoon of sugar . lternate layers of this with the yolk and bits of butter in baking pan , with crumbs on top . Bake .

One dozen mushrooms cooked and sliced , add to the favor of this dish .

P u d d i n g s — BREAD PUDDING Cut crusts from slices of bread . L Spread thick with butter . ay in pudding dish . Put over this a layer of raisins , then buttered bread . Cover with cus 2 tard , and bake . Make custard with eggs )leaving out the

. T S whites), pints milk and sugar to taste hen pread over top the beaten whites and return to oven to brown . Make 1 1 ’ sauce with tablespoon butter, cream )add cup confectioner s 1 sugar, beat thoroughly ) teaspoon of vinegar. Beat again , then add 1 teaspoon vanilla . This is most excellent . This sauce is good for plum pudding . TAPIOCA PUDDING—One scant cup tapioca soaked in 1 cold water over night . Heat and add quart boiling milk and

3 1 . beaten yolks of eggs , and cup sugar Beat whites of eggs f 3 to stif froth , add tablespoons sugar ) spread on top of pud

w A . ding and bro n . ny flavoring C C LA — n 2 HO O TE PUDDING O e pint milk, tablespoons 1 2 . cornstarch , tablespoons chocolate , cup sugar, vanilla , salt H eat milk ) dissolve cornstarch in a little cold water, having

first stirred the chocolate thoroughly through it . Pour in hot milk and stir until thick . Serve in sherbet glasses with whip ped cream and candied cherries . — 1 PRUNE WHIP Remove the pits from pound of prunes . Cover with water and cook till soft ) with a spoon mash thor A B oughly . dd and stir in well pound powdered sugar. eat the whites of 6 eggs to a stiff froth and mix well with the P set 2 0 prunes . ut in buttered pudding dish and in oven for E m minutes , to brown . at cold with whipped cream , or war with pudding sauce . 34 DA S S DS AN ER S INTIE , ALA D CLEV HINT

— n e 1 e SUET PUDDING O e cup su t, cup swe t milk , cup 1 1 Orleans molasses , cup sugar, cups flour, cup raisins ,

teaspoon soda dissolved in little warm water. Steam hours . ) e Sauce One pint water, pinch salt , h aping tablespoon flavo r— butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 5 tablespoons sugar, vanilla . A DDIN —T e 3 D TE PU G hree eggs b aten separately , 4 cup 3 powdered sugar, tablespoons cracker crumbs , teaspoon 1 baking powder, 4, pound nuts . Bake in thin sheets . When cold break in pieces and put whipped cream over it 4 hours before serving . L M DDIN — 1 1 ENGLISH P U PU G Sift pound of flour, tea

spoon baking powder, and salt, mix thoroughly and add cold

water or milk to make thick enough to spoon into the mold .

L . eave enough room for it to raise Put in boiling water, and 4 1 . T 6 . do not let it stop boiling ime , to hours Fruit , pound 1 1 1 1 currants , pound raisins , pound suet , pound sugar, 4

1 e . pound candied lemon peel , nutm g and little cinnamon

I c e s

NE O ICE C EA — T 1 W Y RK R M ake quart fresh milk , 2 scald , stir in yolks of eggs , box gelatine )dissolved), 1 cup sugar, stir constantly till thoroughly hot , cool , then pour in 1 ee 2 freezer , add beaten whites of eggs , pint rich sw t cream , teaspoons vanilla, freeze . C EAM— 1 PEACH R Six large ripe peaches , cup sugar, 1 mash peaches into sugar , put in freezer and turn 0 minutes , 3 1 add the whites of eggs beaten stiff, and pint of rich cream , freeze . A ICE C EAM— CHOCOL TE R One pint sweet milk , cake d 1 S 2 grate sweet chocolate , yolk of egg, cald and cool ) cups f sweet milk , cups sugar , whites of eggs beaten stif , freeze .

HE ET—J 3 t ran u LEMON S RB uice of lemons , pin g 1 1 lated sugar, teaspoon lemon extract , quart milk . Mix all

. . I ingredients , adding milk last Freeze f the mixture sepa rates badly do not be alarmed as it always freezes smooth . A great variety of delicious ice creams can be made by using different fruits and chopped nuts and cherries added to the New York ice cream recipe .

6 DA S SA ADS AN ER S INTIE , L D CLEV HINT as well as pure and you cannot get good results with an adulter

ated product . V — oil 2 1 DI INITY B cups sugar, cup corn syrup, half cup water till forms soft ball in water—pour over beaten whites of

3 . A eggs , beating rapidly till light, cool and cut into strips dd

nuts if desired . A — FTER DINNER MINTS One pound granulated sugar, 1 cup of water in which 1 tablespoon of gum arabic has been

dissolved , add teaspoon pure cream tartar, boil until it will form ball in water ) add 1 teaspoon essence of

)more , if you want them strong), pour out on marble slab and

let cool till you can handle easily ) pull till creamy white , form

into even sticks , mark by pressing Silver knife into sections . C over up in a box for a day or two , when they will be

creamy and will be easily part ed where sections are marked . WI INT — NTER GREEN M S Make as above , using a few drops of pink or green coloring and 10 drops oil of Wintergreen

to flavor . C M C — n 1 REA ANDY O e pint XXXX granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, tablespoon vinegar, teaspoon cream 1 tartar, small cup cold water, mix , put on fire and do not stir )

when it hairs pour into buttered pan and mark into squares . C over tightly )after it is cold) for a day or two , it will be dry and yet creamy . MARSH MALLOWS—To 1 pound of XXXX granulated sugar add 14 pound of white gum arabic dissolved in 1 quart of

water and strained carefully . Put in granite pan over slow fire , stir constantly until it is about as thick as ordinary molasses ) add the well beaten whites of 8 eggs ) flavor with vanilla or bitter almond ) stir until it does not stick to the fingers , pour into a dripping pan filled with cornstarch into which you have n pressed a square block , leavi g mould for candy ) drop spoonful

into each mould , or, if preferred , dust pan with cornstarch , pour in marshmallow and as it cools mark into squares and D roll in starch . ip in chocolate if desired . BUTTER SCOTCH—Equal parts of New Orleans molasses 1 ) e 2 and granulated sugar, to A, pound ach , use cup butter,

tablespoons vinegar, teaspoon soda , cook till very brittle

without stirring, pour on a shallow buttered pan , cut in squares an d ff e drip in square of para ine pap r. CLE E DAINTIES , SALADS AND V R HINTS 37

TA —T CHEWING FFY hree cups of granulated sugar, E cup each water and vinegar, paraffine size of nglish walnut, 1 butter size of walnut, teaspoon cream tartar ) do not stir )

boil till it hairs ) pour on slab till cool enough to handle, pull

till white and cut in strips .

- wo BUTTER SCOTCH T cups brown sugar, cup but

ter, cup white vinegar, boil until it cracks in ice water, add 1 teaspoon vanilla, cool and cut in squares . ICE C A CAND — RE M Y One pint sugar, cup cream , 15 teaspoon cream of tartar, butter the size of an egg , boil 1 minutes , do not stir, teaspoon of nectar or vanilla , pour in

pan to cool , cut in squares . — wo 1 FUDGE T cups sugar, cup milk , pound Walter ’ C Baker s Sweet hocolate grated , butter the size of an egg ,

teaspoon of vanilla, boil until it makes soft ball in water, take

from fire and stir, pour in shallow pan , mark in squares .

A — n w dr PE NUT BRITTLE O e cup bro n sugar, y in skillet , place over fire and stir and stir until sugar is melted and 1 browned a light amber color, add cup chopped peanuts , stir

until it begins to grain . —R mov STUFFED DATES e e the stone, fill the date with D fondant into which has been folded a pecan nut . o not quite

close the date but leave a line of white fondant Showing . Roll

in course granulated sugar . — n STUFFED FIGS Ope steamed figs at stem end, fill with

chopped nuts , mix with fondant and roll in granulated sugar. A A A D A DM ND S LTED W LNUTS, FILBERTS N O S

Blanch nuts , dip each nut in melted butter, sprinkle with salt set and a light dash of paprika , in hot oven , brown , turn over

and sprinkle in more salt , turn over and brown slightly . AL A C A — h i 1 1 IT I N RE MS W p white of egg, add teaspoon 1 water, add pound powdered sugar, knead the paste smooth , 3 divide into parts , color pink , flavor as desired , color I green , leave A) white . Roll each piece flat , brush with white

of egg and lay on top of each other. When set cut into squares . C AC J AC — e 2 1 R KER K On cup molasses , cups sugar, 2 e . tablespoon butt r, tablespoons of vinegar Boil until a little

dropped in cold water cracks , then take from the fire , add a half teaspoon of baking soda , beat briskly and pour into a pan upon

popped corn and chopped peanuts . 8 D ES SA ADS AN CLE ER S 3 AINTI , L D V HINT

V — wo - DI INITY FUDGE T and one half cups white sugar, 2 1 cup Karo syrup , cup boiling water, whites of eggs ,

cup nuts . Boil sugar, syrup and water until just before it

hairs from spoon . Beat eggs until stiff. Pour half of boiled

contents into egg whites and beat continually . Boil remaining

half of syrup about one minute more . Beat with first half 1 until thick . Pour into pan about inch and mark into squares ,

first adding nuts . D O —O 4 PEPPERMINT R PS ne cup sugar, tablespoons 3 4 t abl es on boiling water . Boil minutes ) then beat in p s sugar and 4 drops of oil of peppermint . Drop while hot on oil paper .

C h e e s e D i s h e s

A E IT— O - 1 5 WELSH R R B ne half pound of cheese , egg, tablespoons of milk ) beat the eggs , add the milk and cheese, cut fine or grated ) add small spoonful salt , pinch of cayenne i s . e and mustard , cook until cheese entirely melted Serv hot on toast or crackers . — POTATOES AU GRA UTIN Si) cold boiled potatoes cut in dice , one cup grated cheese , salt and paprika to taste . Make white sauce . O 2 ne pint of hot milk , dash of salt and paprika, spoons 2 butter, spoons flour ) rub smooth and add to milk . Be careful not to scorch . When thickened place a layer of potatoes in baking dish , sprinkle thickly with cheese , cover with white is sauce ) keep on until dish filled with alternate layers , white sauce on top with cheese sprinkled over ) bake 2 0 minutes . POTATOES AND CHEESE—Cut a slice from top of baked potatoes , scoop out the potatoes , being careful not to break the skin , mash , add generously thick , sweet cream , salt

. O to taste ne spoonful grated cheese to each potato , beat very light , fill Skins , sprinkle cheese over top , set in oven to brown . I f f A f suf iciently beaten they will puf up beautifully . l un ch eon re kf ain y , b a ast , or tea dish . d t , — ESCALLOPED POTATOES WITH CHEESE Slice raw potatoes very thin , roll cup of crackers , grate cup of cheese , place alternate layers in baking dish with pieces of butter and a dash of salt and pepper . Pour over all sweet cream or milk to cover . Bake 1 hour. D ES SA DS AN CLE ER S 9 AINTI , LA D V HINT 3

A — 1 CHEESE B LLS Grate cup of cheese . Beat into it the 1 beaten white of egg . Mix into tiny balls and fry in smok ing fat .

MACARONI WITH CHEESE—One~ quarter of a pound of macaroni cooked in boiling water twenty minutes . Drain . 1 1 Make a sauce of tablespoon of butter, and of flour, and cups of hot milk , salted . Put a layer of cheese in bottom of 1 baking dish , then a layer of macaroni and of sauce , and pro ceed in this manner until all are used . Cover top with bread crumbs , placing bits of butter and a little cheese over it . Bake N until brown . oodles can be used instead of macaroni , and makes a richer dish . CHEESE STRAWS—To pie crust add cup grated cheese and a dash of paprika , roll thin , cut in strips , lay on wet pan , not allowing straws to touch . Bake quickly , do not brown , serve with salads .

Griddle Cakes and Fritters — FRUIT FRITTERS A re made by dipping pieces of very ripe fruit into pancake batter and frying as you would a pan r cake o in deep fat . Sweeten batter a little more for fruit fritters .

A — s a s W FFLES The e are made the same way pancakes , only have the batter quite a little thicker . — PANCAKE S Beat 3 eggs separately ) into the yolks put 1 1 teaspoon sugar, teaspoon salt , pint milk , flour to make 2 it the consistency , teaspoons baking powder, fold in the whites and lastly a small tablespoon of melted butter . CO N — n 1 1 R FRITTERS O e cup of sweet corn , cup milk , 2 1 teaspoon of baking powder, yolks of eggs , 4 cup of flour, teaspoon of salt . Beat the yolks of the eggs until light ) add to the corn with the milk , flour and salt . Beat until light and f smooth ) add the whites , beaten to a stif , dry froth , and the baking powder . Mix lightly and quickly ) fry on a hot griddle .

LBJ E s a n d O m e e t t e s ’ g g l J GK. O EL T— PLAIN M E Four eggs , teaspoon salt , dash pep

4 . H per, beat tablespoons milk or cream , mix ave a little hot

S set . butter in pan , turn in egg , hake till , roll and turn on dish DA ES SA ADS AN CLE ER S 40 INTI , L D V HINT

O ELET— 6 2 PUFF M For a large omelet take eggs , use tablespoons of milk to every egg . Beat the yolks , add the milk

a . and half . teaspoon of salt Beat the whites to a stiff froth and stir lightly through the mixture . Melt about a teaspoon of lard and butter in a frying pan and when it smokes put l n the mixture . Set on a moderate hot part of the stove till the egg sets , then fold over and turn onto a hot platter . O ELET— 4 CHEESE M Beat eggs , yolks and whites sep r el 2 a at y , season with salt and pepper ) put spoons of butter into large frying pan )steel preferred ) sheet iron heats too 1 quickly and endangers burning), pour into pan cup of milk with yolks of eggs and 2 whole eggs well beaten together ) ) set S cook very slowly , watch , and before it is quite prinkle on cup of grated cheese , pour beaten whites over the whole ) fold together and Slip out on warm platter ) sprinkle minced parsley over all and serve at once .

Ll ZJ A Wo r d t o Th e C o o k Ll il if ) J l K. J ik .

After picking po ult r‘ rub briskly with corn meal to re move pin feathers .

- A well beaten white of egg added to mashed potatoes , whipping the potatoes hard before serving , will add much to the looks and taste . If fruit stains on linen are moistened with a little camphor before the stain has been wet with water, they will entirely disappear. Ground cloves are excellent in cupboards where ants are

. T found hey will not cross a circle of cloves . Save the small pieces of nutmeg that are too small to grate and put into the meat grinder, with the fine knife on .

This will be a great saving of nutmeg as well a s fingers . If sweet potatoes are greased before baking they will be much softer and sweeter. Welsh rarebit will not curdle or become stringy if a small pinch of soda is added . TO OACH ) — P Grease sauce pan with unsalted fat , and D ‘ put in water to fully cover eggs . Be sure it is boiling . raw L to side of stove and drop in eggs one by one . et stand where is it hot but not boiling till eggs are cooked . CLE E DAINTIES , SALADS AND V R HINTS 41 TO SHIRR EGGS —Shirred eggs are broken into cups with seasoning and piece of butter and baked . ) ) T TTE - O CREAM BU R Beat with silver fork till frothy . ESSENTIAL PROPORTIONS 1 1 small teaspoon baking powder to cup flour . 1 1 teaspoon soda to pint of sour milk . 1 1 teaspoon soda to cup of molasses . ) FRENCH TOAST) —Dip bread into beaten egg and cream , well seasoned , and fry in butter . Sprinkle with cinna mon and sugar. Serve with j elly or plain . ) PUR EE ) —Press any cooked vegetable through a fine e— siev potato , celery , peas , beans , squash , carrots , etc . Add to richly seasoned hot milk . Serve in soup bowls with croutons . BRINE in which butter will keep fresh for a year ) gallons of brine that will bear up an egg - 1 One half pound loaf sugar, tablespoon saltpeter ) boil all together . strain , cool , wrap butter in cloth ) put in brine and weight down . EME E m R MB R that tomato poured, a little at a ti e , into milk and stirred , does not curdle ) milk poured into tomatoes ,

. T does curdle his is worth remembering when making soup . WHIP CREAM in a fruit j ar by shaking it up and down for about five minutes . This saves much whipping in the ordi nary way and also saves the cream , as not a drop escapes .

’ o ff SAVE the water mashed potatoes . It s fine for the soup kettle .

EVERY CAREFUL COOK should have a soup kettle . The bones and fat left from roasts , or bones cut from steak , and bits of vegetables added each meal to the soup kettle , will ’ r almost furnish soup for eve y day s dinner, if kept in a cool place and well covered . KITCHEN HERBS—For seasoning and relishes no kitchen should be dependent on costly imported Spices when a small section of the garden can be made to produce a variety of herbs to please the most exacting . ) In a back yard plan we grow thirteen varieties in a space e ) C three feet wide and ten feet long at the north lot lin hives , e celery smallage , parsley , chervil , sweet basil , summ r savory ,

e . thyme, fennel , anise , sweet marj oram , dill , mint, and sag D S S DS AN CLE ER S 42 AINTIE , ALA D V HINT Tarragon should really have been added or even substituted for ) some one of those . h en b l n To reduce th e disagreeable s mell w oi i g cabbage, add to the water a toasted bread crust . ds b m s h Wh en vegetables or oth er foo eco e corc ed, remove the kettle from the stove and put it into a pan of cold water .

This will remove the scorched taste .

H o u s e h o l d H i n t s TO EM VE IN —A R O K pply alcohol , and immediately the spot fades . For a dry old stain dip from alcohol to lemon juice u se till clear. For colored goods alcohol only . TO REMOVE IRON RUST—Saturate spot with lemon — juice and salt , and hold over hot steam fades immediately . TO E OVE ILDE — R M M W Soap thoroughly , rubbing pow sun dered chalk into spots while wet, lay in on the grass ) wet often , sprinkling on more chalk till clear . TO MEND CHINA—Take a very thick solution of gum arabic in water, stir into it plaster of paris until the mixture becomes of the consistency of cream , apply with a brush to the broken edges and join together . In three days the article cannot be broken in the same place . TO REMOVE RUST— To remove rust from white gar ments , soak them thoroughly in buttermilk . It will remove the rust and make white a s snow .

Mix plaster of paris with vinegar instead of water. It will be like putty and will harden slowly . TO REMOVE SCRATCHES from mahogany furniture caused by pins , belts , etc . , take a brazil or pecan nut meat and rub well on scratch .

T h i s a n d Th a t

J ELL — 1 1 10 ASPIC Y Mince stalk celery , onion , pepper 4 6 r 1 corns , lemon rind , cloves , sp igs parsley ) add quart 1 veal stock , cup vinegar, boil Slowly hour ) strain , add C ’ box ox s gelatine previously dissolved in cold water, bring 2 to a boil ) beat whites of eggs with broken shells , whisk into set liquor , bring to a boil ) off stove for a few minutes , filter as through thick cloth , put in mould . It is ready to use soon as set . Serve to garnish salads , or as a salad on lettuce or cress .


P c k Preserves, J ellies and i les

— - of FOR PRESERVES Use equal parts sugar and fruit .

Cook a syrup till it threads . Put in fruit that has been washed

L . H . C and drained . et stand till next day eat through an I and seal . n this way the fruit will remain whole and retain its color. PEAR AND )UINCE—Equal parts of pears and quinces chopped fine , put into the preserving kettle , with measure for measure of fruit and sugar and a little water cooked till thor e oughly done , make a most delicious pres rve . V CON E VE— DI INITY S R Wash and pulp grapes , cook the —o f 4 pulp , and take out seeds . Put with skins this you want quarts ) then add 3 pounds of small seedless raisins and 6

3 . T oranges , sliced fine , using rinds of ake cup for cup of sugar ) mix well and boil till thick ) when done add 1 pound of

English meats broken in small pieces ) seal while hot . GINGER PEARS—To 8 pounds of pears that have b een 8 1 peeled , cored and chopped fine , add pounds of sugar , pound chopped candied ginger and the rind of 3 lemons that have been boiled till tender and chopped fine . Add 1 pint of water and cook till done . Seal hot .

)UINCES should be stewed until soft , then dropped into hot syrup and cooked a few minutes , or until . quite tender .

Seal and wrap . Save the juice in which they have been cooked . Use equal part s of apple juice for jelly ) quince juice alone is too strong for j elly . — IN MAKING J ELLY Use a scant pint of sugar to a pint o of juice . Make nly a pint , or pint and a half at a time , and boil as quickly as possible . ALL A FRUIT should be pretty well covered with water . n inch or an inch and a half from covering . A T . PU CHEESE CLOTH over a colander Pour in fruit ,

. I and let drain , do not press , if you would have clear j elly t is more convenient than a j elly bag . L — J EL . C APPLE Y Wash , cut out cores , do not peel ook till done . Proceed as in making j elly .

TO FLAVOR Apple J elly add a few rose geranium leaves .

When boiling apples , quince parings , also , can be boiled with the apples , giving it a decided quince flavor.


GRAPES not too ripe make the best j elly . Adding a hand ful of cherry leaves gives a wonderful flavor to grape j uice . GREEN GRAPES to which a few mint leaves have been added while cooking, make a fine j elly for roast lamb or mutton . TO KEEP J ELLY—There is no better way than to pour hot melted paraffin on top after the j elly has hardened , then adjust the covers . C C E — o U UMB R PICKLES T a gallon of vinegar, add a cup 1 of ground mustard , cup grated horseradish , cup of salt , w wash pickles , put in vinegar, weight do n and cover . These will be brittle and keep indefinitely . When sweet pickles are wanted take them out and cover with warm , sweetened spiced vinegar. PICKLED BUTTER NUTS AND WALNUTS—Pick green J nuts the last of une , make brine strong enough to hold an 6 egg, cover nuts with brine for days , wash off brine , cover 1 1 with boiling vinegar, add cup of brown sugar, ounce of 1 1 1 cloves , of cinnamon , of mustard seed , ground nutmeg . L et stand three days , throw away the vinegar and prepare fresh vinegar in the same way , heat to boiling point , add 1 tea cup of ground horseradish , pound of ginger root , place nuts in 3 stone jar ) cover with vinegar . Repeat days ) heat ) seal .

TO IT— as SPICE FRU Make you would preserves , using add vinegar instead of water, cloves and a stick of cinnamon . — CANNED CORN Cut the corn close to the cob so that is scraping unnecessary and measure eight cupsful . Measure 1 1 cupful of salt, and cupful of sugar . Put a layer of the corn in a large earthenware dish , then a layer of salt and sugar , till

. I all are used up , and allow to stand over night n the morning bring to boiling point and give a thorough boil , then fill into u e sterilized jars and cover at once . When wanted for s soak the corn over night . CO N— 1 2 CANNED R One pint sugar, pint salt , pints water and 9 pints corn . Bring to boiling point ) boil hard for w 10 minutes . Seal hile hot in glass j ars . Wrap well and put in u e a cool dry place . When Opened to s , if too salty , soak over night and change to fresh water in the morning . EAN — CANNED STRING B S Wash , string and cut into

. C pieces ook till tender, well seasoned with salt and pepper )


fill cans while very hot and put 2 tablespoons hot vinegar in

each can . Seal immediately . Have cans thoroughly sterilized . CANNED STRING BEANS—String and break young and

tender beans , boil with a tiny piece of red pepper in boiling

salted water for twenty minutes , and can in sterilized cans . Fill the cans with the beans and the water in which they were

can 1 . cooked , add to each tablespoonful cider vinegar and seal CANNED RED PEPPERS— Cut around the stems of the

peppers and remove them , then remove the seeds . Pour boiling i) water over the prepared peppers , cover and let stand for s

minutes , to lessen the firmness and facilitate the packing .

Pack the peppers edgewise in the jars , pressing them e in )s t in place on a rack in a steam cooker, first laying a folded

cloth over the rack . E LANT— l CANNED GGP Pare the eggp ants , cut them in A S . thin lices , and drop into boiling water llow them to remain o ff for fifteen minutes , then drain the water, and pack the

. C slices in jars over with cold water, add one teaspoonful of fo r salt to each quart jar, put on the rubbers and tops , and boil

one hour on each successive day for three days .

Screw the covers tight . A — 2 STRING BE NS Cook hours or longer till very tender .

Season as for the table . While hot , fill glass jars , and before 2 sealing , put tablespoons hot vinegar on top of each can . Seal ,

wrap , keep dry and cool . EAN — C 5 h BUTTER B S ook till done , quarts fres ly shelled buttered beans ) then add 1 even tablespoon salsillic acid and 10 t o cook minutes more , )be careful not cook them to a mush).

Seal hot in glass jars ) wrap well . P a a s eas and asparagus can be c nned same butter beans . STRAWBERRY PRESERVES—Cook just 2 pounds at a

2 3 . time . pounds solid berries with pounds sugar Put berries

in porcelain kettle over slow fire ) add sugar, very little at a

time until all is used . The berries make their own j uice . Boil

10 to 15 minutes .

t o eth You can add several makings together. Heat all g

er ) stir gently , and after cold stir again , mixing syrup and

berries , and can cold . Put in cans or jelly glasses and cover

r fin is . with hot pa a e . This excellent