Bicycles Crowd JMU Honors at Competitions Police Department's Basement by Nicole Duplessis According to Burgess

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Bicycles Crowd JMU Honors at Competitions Police Department's Basement by Nicole Duplessis According to Burgess WEATHER INSIDE TODAY: cloudy EDfTORIAL ................. 12 80 peroent chanoe d FOCU$ ........................ 16 ~rain HWt;IO Low: 47 STYL£ ......................... 19 SPORT$ ..................... .25 TUESDAY: 1*1Y cloudy HUMOR .......•............... 30 HWr. 58 Low:·"'*' .OS CLASS/FIED$ ............. 31 VOL 72 N0. 24 A hard ending The U.shall Thundering Herd. celebrate after stopping the JMU Dukes In overtime for a 2•21 NCAA quarterfinal victory Saturday afternoon while sophomore wide receiver Macey Brooks can't bear to watch. For more on the game, see page 28. Governor mandates Group to review education Math, science focus of new committee state hiring freeze by Betsy Smith JMU and Mary Washington are currently both establishing committees to look at staff writer by Greg Froom wiU determine if the reductions are sufficient condensing or restructuring departments to reduce the number of administrators and senior writer and wbether layoffs should be implemented on In conjunction with restructu ring. a or before April 15, 1995, according to committee has been established to investigate increase teaching within the institutions. Gov. George Allen effectively took the Executive Order No. 38. the science and math deparunents at JMU. Singleton said. "Help Wanted" sign off the Statehouse door While the freeze and voluntary leave Dr. Bethany Oberst, vice president for Although JMU's committee does not yet Thursday when be announced a hi ring freeze incentives should minimize the need for academic affairs, and Dr. Jackson Ramsey. have appointed members. it is planning to on state employment. layoffs, the order stated "some layoffs are provost of the College of Integrated Science search for members soon, according to Dom In a letter addressed to personnel employed likely to be necessary." and Technology, co-<:hair the committee. Peterson. speaker of the Faculty Senate. by the state dated Dec. I, Allen announced he The executive order will remain in effect The two were selected by JMU President Oberst and Ramsey are planning to select was issuing an executive order to reduce until June 30. 1998, according to the order. Ronald Carrier. The committee will review committee members by Dec. 15, subject to Virginia's work force by usang attrition, The reductions come as a part of the Allen science and math education, possible approval by Carrier. incentive to leave programs and an immediate administration' s effort to streamline the curriculum changes and department mergers. Peterson and the senate plan to consult with cessation of new hlrina in the executive branch. commonwealth's government, a process which Neither Oberst nor Ramsey was available Oberst and Ramsey in selecting the faculty for where most state jobs are located. the governor tenned "rightsizing." for comment at press time. the committee. (See related story page 3.) According to the letter. if the steps don't In response to the hlrlng freeze. JMU has Since restructuring was mandated by the Peterson said he hopes to meet with Oberst and achieve a satisfactory level of reduction in stopped advertising for open or opening . Virginia General Assembly lase spring, Ramsey early this week. employment, layoffs will be considered as a posiUons within the university, Media coUeges have been trying to find ways to save The Faculty Senate is trying to ensuJe it has remedy. Relations Director Fred Hilton said. money. according to Ron Singleton, director of some say in who is oo the committee. The Department of Personnel and Training public information at Mary Washington and the Deparuaent of Planning and Budget I • MIRING ~96 2 .College in Frederitlsburg. REVIEW page2 2 Monday. Dec. 5. 1994 THE BREEZE Hirina ______;_; __________:.__ _______..;.__ _____~ continued fro~ 1 "Part-time faculty are exempt," Rose said. facilities that are usually filled by student To encourage employees to voluntarily "We just won't be hiring anybody now," "Departments and depanment heads can go workers. • terminate employment with Virginia, Allen Hilton said. As of Friday, the university was ahead and hire part-t1me faculty" for next year, "The directive from the governor would announced a package of incentives to hasten still un~ure of all the details of the mandate. he said. He said he was unsure about the effect include wage employees," Hilton sa1d. "We the process. The package would give benefits Hilton said he expects the specifics of the this would have on the ratio between pan-time aren't sure [if it will affect student workers), to employees who take early retirement or freeze will be known at the beginning of this and full·time faculty. but It would appear that way.'' leave their positions for jobs outside state week. According to Hilton, the freeze was not Hilton said he believes the order canceled sovemment. JMU Executive Vice President Linwood unsuspected by JMU. «J think everyone felt all applications fOt positions in which there has According to the governor's letter, those Rose said he believes the mandate "won't have that there was a possibility of it happening. It been no deal made. ending the un1versity's who accept the plan and leave their positions too much of an immediate effect on faculty" had been mentioned, so it was not an enonnous search process. "wiJJ receive compensation equ1valent to one bccau e faculty for next semester have already surprise.'' The university is stiiJ unsure how the freeze week's pay for every full year of continuous been hired, and already hired staff will remain The university did not anticipate that the will affect hiring for positions which are service in state government" umouched by the mandate. announcement of tho freeze would come last currently in the Interviewing phase. he said. The benefits would not exceed the While the adminhtration will be working to week, however, he said. In addition to halting hiring in state equivalent of more than 26 weeks. Employees get exemptions for the freeze, some Early interpretations of the e~ecutive order government, Executive Order No. 38 also calls who have worked for more than 26 years exemptions already exist. Rose said. Because clearly stipulate a moratorium on the hiring of for reductions through attrition. A decrease in would not receive benefits for years worked in the details of the freeze are still unclear, the full-time faculty and staff, Hilton said. personnel would be achieved in this way by not excess of the limit. administration will wait until this week to However. it is unclear how the freeze will filling positions which are vacated by retiring - Crlatle Breen contributed to thla decide what exemptions to strive for, he said. affect part·time positions in on-campus or resigning. faculty . atory Review ____________,..._ continued from page t and environmental sciences. With pressure to The senate discussed the new committee at eliminate administrative posltioos. Singleton its Thursday meeting. It passed a resolutjon said the math department and science stating that appointed members to the departments may merge. committee should be elected by faculty m "By merging. the intent is to reduce a math, natural sciences and CJSAT. department chair position and get that person "We are trying to see that the people back into the classroom.'' he said. appointed to this committee are eJected by their Merging departments could be beneficial for colleagues," Peterson said. Mary Washingto~. although he said the The Daily News·Ruord reported committee has not Tormcd any results, and he Wednesday that some JMlMaculty members will wort with data from its ftndinp first. and administrators, Including Peterson, are "Lite most Virginia schools, Mary wondering if the science and math departments Washington is new to these restructuring ideas, may merge with ClSAT. though the merger and we haven't seen what's going to become of might not happen, according to the paper. it Yet." he said. Peterson said he was not against the idea of a John Spaldo, George Mason University merger and sa1d he --------------- Media Relations assistant, thinks a merge could '' G 111 satd he thinks the be productive for the At eorge J.Yl ason, restructuring mandates will university. • fi . cause most Virginia schools 1t is the duty of we are JUSt Ormlng to search for consolidations of the administration to comml"ttees OU ... "elves as many different areas of be looking for ways t ., u·niversities that they can. to be mace efficient. '' "At George Mason. we are he said. just forming committees JMU's commiuee ourselves and are unsure what plans to look at ways John Spaldo wrtl happen," he said. "We to use faculty GMU Media Relations assistant are planning to eliminate some efficiently and ways academic programs but will to keep classes' high quality while meeting not compromise education in any way." restructuring requirements. JMU is also The University of Virginia is eliminating looking to minimize costs of administration two depanments and an academ1c program and and instruction and keep overall costs low. merging two other departments. according to a according to a JMU press release. press release. Specifically within the sctence and math Jane Kossen, a Media Relations assistant at departments, the committee will attempt to Virginia Tech, said the school is eliminating increase cooperation among the math, science. programs also. though the changes have not ISAT and health programs. IL will also change gone into effect yet. faculty positions as enrollment increases at the "Ne~ t year we are condensi ng some university and plan facilities and general departments, but this year's students are not education courses to meet the future need of affected by it," she said. "No imponant classes JMU, according to the press release. will be eliminated, and the depanments are not 'the committee must repon its findings to changing drastically.'' Carrier by June 30, 1995.
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