LrD. �··, ..., , .�•" ,.'F> FOOTBALL CLUB f'ERNLEIGJ I ROAD. W AGGA W AGGA FORMED OFFERS TOP ENTERTAINMENT! SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. TO SUPPORT AUSTRALIAN • Old Time Dance Wednesday nights • Disco until FA/\/OUS /-'OH WI:IJSnaRS HFFN.£S!IING SOFI. DRINKS. f-R urr J( //( 'L'S ,\NI) ,OJU)/Al.S - ALSO FIV\NCfl/SE B()'/TLEHS OF FOOTBALL 3 a.m. Friday nights • 50/50 Social Sunday nights /'H'S/('()/ 1\ 1\NI) SCI/Wl.:.'Pl'ES FAMOUS /)/UNKS ... ARE YOU • Function room available • Families welcome SUPPORTING in Amber Room. G 11ffi 1 h Wagga IT? Leeton Narrandcra Temora - 62 44(1(1 53 2340 59 1833 82 2001 25 -1184 MAKE YOUR CLUB YOUR PUB PHONE 3115// Cc-..,.JDL-(\MQ--

GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL GOALS BEHINDS TQTAL 10 4 $ 2-C\ '8 � 3 3 21 C �w (/)0 20 7 r-s 47 2.1 In '6 69.. a:<( I,. LL-a: 30 't I Ill 7'- 3 to \� ·7� c, s: (/l 40 ·fG i cJ, k� /13 I .a:: oa. ,,. Total <( <.:> (!)

10 ..,: <.:> Ow 20 <.:> Zo ..,: Ocx: \ 15 s: c.>a: 30 '(i 7 �c, w >- 40 ex: z I- <( Total (/l 0.. C\ l b\ :-},2 <( 0 ex: u I\J(\{,. I 1 7 Ti>� I- (/) 10 -, II 15.:::.. 00 (!) .., z a:Z 1.l 2.. '50 .&\ 10 19 20 �I0.. if' wW "'Su 79 UJ � OW 30 � 4,J> I '1 zr:: ii ?~0.1 Oo, 11 c.:> :.) 40c ::>zz� --· zn 40 1 rs t I lo\ ?1 o l·S C..:. z �� I.lo Total [b ..,- I ..,: 'd W./'-.< •< • ./'-. ex:u> u. wO ::; (/) ALAN HARRIS ::; ex: 00 u� FLOWER BOUTIQUE cc cc McDONALD & Co. WCl. FOi! ,\I.I. YOLIR FRLSII . ,· <1>0 :v!Olll·.Rt\ HINI l{,\I. IJIRIFI Ol(S I- ex: 1\t\l) MONlJ\1LNIJ\l. CONTRJ\(TORS l·l.OWt:R i\RRJ\N(il-.Ml'.N'IS . .,,:·, i' u. 0. AT FOR Wt:lllllN(i. N1·w ��-:: . , · , Wu, 0>i I- Ml�A MR�H W�Rl� . ·� - .\.<'JTi11g · ( ·011la111011 /\RRIV1\I.S 01( ANY . ,. '. _' ..,: 0.. FOR YOUR COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING (,'m1111t1i11, l.,)('/.../,1111. Sl'I:( 1 \1. OC< IO � f2 REQUIREMENTS' I /Jc Uo, J.... Ur{l/111, / AS N ,_A,\Yt) ;;..,,.,� , � 1 Cl .ll11u·c. Y<·ro11g ( •, .• ,,•/,.. '. Ml .'1111 I< <>I · ..\,, ' �,,.,,f; "-\ CNR. ASHMONT & DOBNEY AVE., WAGGA f {lt(ll({(l t111d . 1 , ;; (,, a�(/. , wI 1r-..I11<11(11{;\ •• I .,,,t!tctlwn d/\tricr., i�> .. i,,.:-1' .JA� ·. ,,•..,,. .,,fJ �, �- •,.�--.. ��.,,,,. ' 8 SEE GREG SHEATHER or JOHN BAGLEY /Olli'ill.l.\.\ll

The publishers would like to extend PR.ESI.D.E.NT'S l1d'.ESSAGE RIVERINA their thanks to members of" both league d torial FOOTBALL executives and respective club delegiiles i LEAGUE for their support in this matter. This is the second year in the cxist:rncc of E Uisinµ costs threMened the publication the newlv formed Riverina Football Le:1gue. being reduced from twelve clubs last seaso�1 to Welcome to the opening of tht.· /WO of the lkc01cl. hut thanks to the lcc1gi1cs. ten by the decision of the V.C.F.L. Investiga­ Tooths Riverina Football Le:1g11c se11.,011, co.�t., /111vc /Jccn 11/J/e to /Jc kept to ii tion Committee. which promises to be every hit 11s goocl 11.� minimum with joint pulllirntion. The 1982 season was a verv °su ccessful one. Still we wt.·rc 111111/1/c to keep the price last year's. II In March we hosted the Cou111rv Dav Game at Bare/Ian and North Wagga will he of the pm1in111u11t.· to 20 cc·11ts, hut I :1111 Narrnndcra between (the now):1 Sydi1ev,,r Sw, 111' " missing this year reducing the competi­ you will ngrcc ./0 t.·ents is not much to and Geelong. the patronage was good and after all expenses were paid. profit more tion to JO teams, which I am �ure 011t/11y fur •I./ pwgrnmmc with we are gratdul and thankful to Tooths for such surmoree re:l(l111g 11111teri11I it than in than $3,000 was achieved. which has been paid people will agree is c1n ideal number for a 11 f)lll,!t.' to the Riverina District Council for promotion generous support. 1 urge clubs to USC Tooths mrnr previous yc.;11rs. Ccms1ueri1w. mce/Jooks products. eount,y league. 111 in Junior Football. However, hopefully Bare/Ian or North ,llld trotguidcs cost$/ .{)(j more. we At a recent District Council meeting the No doubt b1· now we arc well aware uf 1hc believe Austrnli11n Foot hull follmvas still new look Lcilgul�::-i publication. incorporating Wagga can force their way back into the e1111 or following moneys were distributed: $900 to Riverina Football Le<1guc at the end of have t hcmsclves burp.in. each - Northern Rivcrina Juniors. Rivcrin,1 the Riwrina District Lcaguc. it will >!i,·c the Juniors, Wagga Juniors. and S 1.300 to our advertisers more nn·crage: ,u1d \\'\.'. \\"ilfbt.:' kC'pt the season by winning the Riverina Dis­ Should :iny .,11pporII tcrs of tl1e code have abreast with our nc1hho11rs doin>!s. Gari" League pennant. ;111y ideils or sup.l(esrion.� on ways 10 Junior Development Officer Michael Danihcr trict for promotional work throughtout the Swan, Allen. as ,Jur new propri�tor. w� ;, i�h yo\.1 Promotion and relagc11ion is sure lo improve this iJrogrnmmt.· ple11sc do not zoned area - $4.000 in all. This money ha, :,..ccc�s� and we prl°)misc our l'l,-opcratinn. keep all clubs on their toes and before a hesitate ro eonr;ict the pu/Jli.�hcrs /Jy been raised. not only from the Country Day To our very good friend Ben Schmidt. for ball is bounced the publisher.\ of" this phoning G:i,y Allen 011 22 ./936 after Game, but also from levies on the gates in the the hard work that you have put mto nur programme would like to wish all ten hours. finals series of the three Leagues th;1t make up official public.11ion for more than twenty clubs the very best of" luck for 1983. Finally I am sure the A11.,tr11/i1111 Foot­ the District. small levies on the Junior bodies. years. we thank you and your wife. Chris. for As you are no doubt aware the River­ /J:ill frntaniry would join with in plus a share of transfer fees paid by the Swans your co-operation and publicity. we wish you for players from our Council that make the well and look forwanl to seeing you both at ina Football Record this year is a joint extending big thanks to /-Jeri Schmidt ganlcs and in particular at irllcr·IC,lgut: fixtures publication of" both the Riverina Football who produced the Rivai11a Footh:i/1us Rc ­ grade in V.F.L. a Again this ye<1r. our League is to he a ,111d the finals series. League and the Riverina District Foot­ eord its predecessors. A joh well contestant in the Winfield Championships. To the ten respective Clubs we wish you well ball League. done Bert ova the last 21 should we perform as well as last year and with for 1983. we thank you for past co-operation. w1d and the best of football to all. year.�. a little luck we could be Country Champions. Whilst on sponsors. this is our second year FRANK GAYNOR of the Tooths $20.000 three-year sponsor,hip. President Uivcrim, Football Lc;ig.11e. �� ------,I iJ-�� GANMAIN ====� I NARRANDERA ����� � HARDWARE rg 1 PANEL WORKS 160 EAST ST., NARRANDERA NEGLINEAUSTRALIA PTY. LTINSURANCED. (Incorporated in N.S.W .)BROKERS I r FORPHONE ALL HARDWARE 59 1677 AND = I r,-;:-Li:...� BUILDING MATERIALS 9 STURT STREET, S. G. & R. A. KIRK - PIIONE 59 1707 PHONE (069) 21 5655 - P.O. BOX 646, WAGGA. I r------5 DOUGLAS STREET. NARRANDERA-- ,, I 1 ARIAH PARK 1 7rQ1l 240 O From big business to individual needs, BAYLIS such as farm pak, house, car, pleasure I l HARDWARE I Mt'-'\G�? FARM & STATION STREET craft, private insurance . ..,N IB takes it SUPPLIER. YOUR LOCAL (0\.0WAGGA WAGGA I I x I J'OSSJ/JLY Tf-1£ BEST KNOWN, MOST personally . and that is s.P.curity! � COOLAMON STREET, D��g .. I ARIAH PARK. ESSO RECOGNISl:."D 1-ASf-llON HOUSE I - AGC�T _JI FOR MEN JN THE RIVER/NA. I PHONE 38 L------______, ___ J 2 3 r---�------, I JOIN THE RHEEM TEAM ror ... typewriters 1 GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR service • sales • repairs 1 PHONE I HOT WATER SYSTEMS LEETON Country Office Supplies PHONE WAGGA 21 3360 53 4155 -18...Pine Avenue, Leeton J L ______TOOTHS RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE

The publi.shers would like to extend .PRESIDENT'S /ld'ESSAGE RIVERINA their !hanks to members of both league This is the second year in the cxislancc of £a torial FOOTBALL executives and respective club delegMes the newly formed Riverina Foo1lrnll Lc.ieuc. i LEAGUE for their support in this matter. being reduced from twelve clubs last scaso11 lo Hirn1µ costs threatened the publication ten by the decision of the Y.C.F.L. Jnvestiga­ Welcome to the opening of thc /9H.J of the Uccorcl, /Jut thanks to the leagues. tion Committee. co�. t,. /iii vc hccn 11/Jlc to be kept to a The 1982 season was a Vt'rv succcs,ful one. Tooths Riverina Football Lc;1guc sc11.,011, In March we hosted the Cou111n D.iv Game .ii which promisc.s to be cvcry hit us good a.� minimum with II joint p11l>licatio11. Narrandcra between (the now)· Sydi1cy Swan, last yc,1r's. Still we were wwl>lc to keep the prier: and Gcclong. the patronage was !(C>nd and Bare/Jan ;md North Wagga will be of the programme to 20 cent.�. but I am after all expenses were paid. a profit uf ma/1 Re­ contestant in the Winfield Championships. To the ten respective Clubs we wish you well should we perform as well as last year and with for 198J. we thank you for past co-op.:ra1ion. Le;.igue and the Riverina District root­ cord ;we/ its predcce.\sor.\. A Joh well and the best of football to all. ball League. done Bert over the last 2 I years. a little luck we could be Country Champions. Whilst on sponsors. this is our second year FRANK GAYNOR of the Tooths $20.000 three-year sponsorship. Prc�idcut ------, Uin:rina Foot/,al/ LC:il!JIIC. I ,.:-,)��, GAN MAIN ·� == I NARRANDERA '�-��� " �. HARDWARE rt6 1 PANEL WORKS = � 160 EAST ST., NARRANDERA NEGLINEAUSTRALIA PTY. LTDINSURANCE. (Incorporated in N.S.W .)BROKERS I S. G. & R. /\. KIRK · PIIONE 59 1707 · 5 DOUGLAS STREET. NARRANDERA r FPHONEOR ALL HAR D59WARE 1677 AND 9 STURT STREET, WAGGA WAGGA I �� BUILDING MATERIALS PHONE (069) 21 5655 - P.O. BOX 646, WAGGA. I r------, 240 I 1 ARIAH PARK 1 BAYLIS 0 From big business to individual needs, ]fQ� STREET WAGGA such as farm pak, house, car, pleasure I 1 HARDWARE 1 Mttt'°�? FARM & STATION 0 ,NIB SUPPLIER. VQUR LOCAL �J. wAGGA craft, private insurance ...... --- takes------.it . I I 0 x I I � COOLAMON STREET, ��g POSSIBLY THE IJEST KNOWN, MOST personally . ..and that is s.;icurity! I ARIAH PARK. Esso RECOGN/St::O fASr/lON HOUSE I 1111111 I\G(NT _JI PHONE 38 FOR Mt::N IN THE /?!VERINA. ------�\ ---J L------4 5 ... TOOTHS RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE ------MW1! ► OPA ► OAUNA ---- I LADIUl [XC-LRC--ISE • TOLLAND SQUASH ffi,, ► , 1 ' �:i��t �;tw::a;'f,,. I 1 l Boglnnora Tuo. Thur. & FITNESS CENTRE OPEN I 1i:••·•'i·.•1••·1•us�••·111,_tM··�-tt100s•'lfil�••i•·•••�r••·•1�•?M12•·•i 4 TEMERLOH STREET, WAGGA 7 DAYS ► TENNIS: SQUASH m A WEEK r PHONE 31 1224 RACKEIS R(STRUNG I FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE • Samo doy sorv,co. � ------� Pts. % Pts. % APM ...... 68 152.6 APM ...... 72 151.8 WELL DONE BERT! COOLAMON ...... 64 · 149.9 TURVEY PARK .. 64 140.4 EWK ...... 64 I 19.2 COOLAMON ...... 62 149.8 Au,tralian Foolh,dl nwc, u lot 10 m,,nv Anyway, while many of us may not agree, WAGGA ...... 56 108.0 NARRANDERA ...... 58 126.7 people, and here 111 the Rivcri1111 011c ,ud1 Berl hd1cvcs he is "getting on a bit" and TURVEY PARK ...... 54 118. J GANMATN-GGM ...... 56 I 51.2 person who ha, given rnuny, mnny l11n11, ol hi' wanted 10 hand over the production of the Ardlethan...... 52 105.6 East Wagga· Kooringal ...... 56 115.5 time to help in promotion of the <:t>dL· " llcrt Record to someone else. Ganmain-GGM ...... 44 92.1 Leeton ...... 48 100. l Schmidt. I am sure Ile rt w11l n11ss his close association Narrandera ...... North Wagga ...... 40 86.8 nert wa, app1oachcd rnnny yea" ,1g<1. 21 i11 with the .,dvcrti,cr, .ind loothall fraternity just 34 89.8 fact, to produce un officiul p, 0 1111nn1c. ,11nl 11, mud1 '" they will miS\ him. Leeton ...... 32 83.4 Ardlethan ...... 28 92.7 11 20 Barellan ...... 24 71.5 although freely adm11ting he 1ud 11<1 ,uch /\t least now Iler t cun enjoy his holiday, North Wagga ...... 86.0 experience m ,uch matter,. took on wh111 he .ind hopefully still find lllnc to get along to Griffith ...... 20 71.5 Griffith ...... 12 44.4 knew would not be the cnsic,t of jobs. . ocrnsionul mntch. despite being L'Xtremcly Barellan ...... 20 67.6 Wagga ...... 8 52.5 Bert was the man who started the "Cl/i.1hc1:," Producing a programme nowadays still re­ quires much hard work hut the problems with I I ,tarting from ,cratch would have been count­ less. Something new is alway, treated sceptically and no doubt Bert had tus "knockers" manv years ago. but thank, to his dedication an�I love for the game he snick to the task. Ben had to give up most of his holidays. year in and year out. to keep in touch with his advertisers at the start of each season. I am sure they will always remember Bert t-.· dropping-in for hi, chats each year. The production or an official league record enables the public to know what is happening YOU ARE A WINNER EVERYTIME! both within their club and within the league. It has been a progressive step for the league ... WHEN YOU BUY YOUR NEW OR and has no doubt helped with the frn,tering of QUALITY USED CAR FROM ... the code over the years. � JASON DATSUN WAGGA i ,,i, ��•IJd I ffj 44 DOBNEY AVENUE, WAGGA It SUPPl.ll'S OF CADBURY�aij FOR c·11ocot.ATES, '.1.OBBYS NUTS. PHONE (069) 25 3211 SOLAR HOT WATER MASTER FOODS. BINGO AND AND FL.ND RAISING SL.PPLIES. GENERAL DAVEY PUMPS C'AITRISG REOL'IREMENTS i/Where you'll do a good deal better" PHONE ARDLETHAN 61 PHONE WAGGA 21 4863


TO KEEP THE MECHANICAL PARTS " f LJLL Mf-CIIANICAL F SUIVICE * AIR CONDITIONING � !?NQYYs�o��101�t�PsQoWS ��Q�: ALI.EN'/_) StflVIC[ DOORS - SHOWER SCREENS · ROLLER DOORS · * WHClL DALANCING FLY SCREENS. SHOWGROUND MOTORS AND ALIGNMENT 31 BOURKE STREET, WAGGA * AUTHORISED • 222 URANA ST., WAGGA • COLLIER ST., GRIFFITH PHONE 25 3071 r, INSPECTION STATION PHONE 25 4407 PHONE 62 4433 [91:, ,, , , :.w:;u,;aJ:it�W�l�H• ii ; )fiTf�!FlflJllE®,··•3$ k:�S Hi footie fans. welcome SF::1-....rIC>�S to the 1983 season and as I. D. RYAN 26. M TYNDALL we read of all the new Well tod;iy we com­ 2. G. WAITERS D. I IICKS talent injected into the mence �1x month, of fool­ I Ci. PIEl'FR 26. D. LOUTIT 3. I'. HOCKING 22$7. S. BEST � 2 A SNOWDEN 27. J. LANGLEY 4. G. liARRISON 29 I'. CASEY league. you arc assured of WHITE ball the ,ccond ycur of ) I. BAI.DIN(; 28 Gr.. DOSWELL 5. D. COLLINS :vlcALLISTER some really entertaining AEO V the 111new league. Notable •I I' IIAWKf.· 2'1 P ARMSTRONG 6. J. ROBINSON J. BORDIGNON football. � � \ Clll,NI Y 30 IJATSJOKIS JO. 13. 8LACI<, losses in the off-season I,. D IA R WOOD 31 I' GREENWOOD 7. P. McGRATH 31. CUDMORE A special welcome to all our new players. Isl. YELLOW SASH have been 191!2 Best & 7C.Al.lf'J 32 I ,MITH 8. M. TURNER 3233. G13. WADE 2nd and Ul9s you will help to make up the Faircq win ner Russell Wk. 11. ROW!-. ll. ·1 PU.MING 9. P. SPARKES FOY ·swans· line-up this season and we hope you will 9. 1 POSSI.L'I 34. ll DANJIIER 10. R. AGRESTA 35. TOSC..\N Pieper to Morningside. Anthony Croke to R CARROi.I. 35. I' <,Al I.ACalER :14. W. enjoy your season with us as we will enjoy Bclconncn. W. BOITEHER PJ.. MADDEN Morningside and Brian Hawke lo 11. P. OSllEIS f01' 36. M G,\I LACHER G. TOSCAN 37. T. CATAI\ZARITI having you here. Gains for the 1983 season being T. Possclt 12 1\. GRIMMlsR 17. G rAYLOR 11. 36. Two of our local ·strays· have returned. Jamie 11 P. COX )8. D IJEN:' I-{:R.53 P TI9sAYLOR On closing may we wish every team in the be easy to beat. Don't forget the car rally on LJ:r-,.;i-I>E� I9:s league an injury-free season and much goodwill. Sunday commencing at 10 a.m. from Robertson 48. B. SPRY 56. KUPSCI I From this club and its committee's, past and Oval. Coaches for the Second XVIII this season 49. D. GEDDES J. WRIOLLIBERS TS S MEEKER 57. AI'.. BLACKSI IA W present. many than ks to Bert Schmidt for his is evergreen Greg ·scatters' Sheather, and S. WALL D. KEO\JGII 50. G. LYONS 58. G. McLEOD years of faithful service to the league and best Under 19s coach Terry Possell. Congratulations M. P NICIIOI. IC JOHNSTONE 59. M. PREUSS wishes to Gary Allen. may his association with P. WILLIAMS S. BANCE 52. W. WADE to both these coaches. along with Gerald, I hope M. McMDONNELL R. BROWN 51. 60. S. BROWN the league be a long and happy one. we have s successful! season on the ground as . WILLIS G. IIUBllARD 53. M. AGNEW L. BROWN G 54. S. HICKS well as off. 'UP THE TIGERS1' D. FLANIGAN P. DINGER 6261.. G. PAYNE B. llJCKEY A. DUCHHORN 5S. R. ANDREATTA G. DRIVOAKESER P. GOODE D. G. NELSON L. SALMON REPLAY THE GAME IN CONGENTIAL THE ATMOSPHERE AT THE 1 �• DON BEST & SON ' PAINTING CONTRACTORS erl©�GeDOG� UNION CLUB HOTEL . Ir's got the flavour you love! WAGGA WAGOA J PAPER HANGING, INTERIOR . THE ULTIMATE IN GOURMET ::---'·-. DECORATING AND SPRAY PAINTING SPECIALISTS TAKE-AWAY. l.--' oiiEN 441 BANNA AVE., GRIFFITH COUNTER LUNCI IES AND:u 1T AS 1\ SPF( IAUTY! PHONE GRIFFITH 62 1193 & 62 4735 7I DAYS DRIVE-IN DOTTLE SHOP AT REAR - - - PHONE 62 3209 PHONE 2236 1: i HACKETT'S- MOTORS 7 . , GILBRO MOTORS , I REAR 171 FITMAURICE ST., WAGGA I . s;z.g� THE .PROFESSIONALS I FOR ALL MECHANICAL � 2n4 TOMPSON ST., WAGGA I REPAIRS I = ■ NEW TOY OTA ■ MERCEDES BENZ PHONE 25 3400 0 0 ■ USED VEHICLES ■ UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS I 8i�-1'- 4T·;.• / TO YOUR CAR I \iii: FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTES I L-�- _.,!t!,.O!:;!l:2,1,E�_J PHONE GRIFFITH 62 1377 8 9 WILLIAM FARRER 1-I OTEL al•l 1�13-•1� f•tii•l-�i1 • ...* BOB & PAT PlllLLIPS - PHONE WAOOA ?.I �<>JI LLOYD & ANNE-MAREE RYNEHART ADVANCE AUSTRALIA PRODUCTS WI/ERie ALI, SPORTSMEN MFET FOR AN IC\ COUJ Ill I /( � AUSTRALIAN SHOPPING CENTRE • GIFTS & NOVELTIES D/HVlo-JN DISCOU!,T LIQUOR /JAHN * FITZMAURICE ST., WAGGA FIRST CI.ASS ACCOMMODATION - A I COUN'/1:.R l lJN('/1/cS 1' • SWEATSHIRTS • JEANS PHONE 21 4333 AdvanceAustralia • JUMPERS •T·SHIRTS 1 1111b �ilMtl�J lltli\ffl!V:KS[ HI •1••••H:Cla�d-�·.••1nRNS$B�HBl.llH·.·•�···•·i····�·••;!.lj1.��1:1!••;\ ••1 This year can be aptly .SEI'-./IC>R.S SENIC>R.S The ,criou, part of the termed The ,•ear of Re­ . tribution when' we set about yc�r 1� nnw ..,,aning and we I. N. LYONS 2� G. DOUBLEDAY l. A. CAMPBELi 26. D. GILLEIT look forwarJ lo an exciting 2. T. TURNER 27 D. ARGUS 2. B. BURGESS 27. S. BUCIIAN/\i'i revenging the bitterly dis• and ,uco.:!-i,t"ul 'iCa'.'.Oll. ._ 3. C. BUTfS 2X. L. CATLIN J. J. McKENZIE 21\ J. PAn'ISON appointing r esult of last 4. I.. GEPPERT vcar·s Grand Final. In GREEN I would like lo take this 29. M. GOODEN 4. A. SUIDGEEST 29 M. BUCll,\NAN Y/H'TE v . 5. P. COIIALAN 30. T. SMITH asowN & opportu1111y to wish all S. G. BUCIIANAK JO. C. :-.1OFFA'IT quest of this we have re- C.Oll' s~e,ros 6. D. McGEE JI. J. LEMAN I 6. R. ROBINSON 31. G. CURRAN cruiteJ well anJ have lost only Linton Nugent III cluh, the bc\t for the com- 7. G. GALVIN 32. M. DUNCOMBE 7. P. DANIIIER .12. J. KEOG!I ing season and particularly tho,c club, in the 8. from 1982. Foremost among these is our new 33. C. GRAETZ 8. R. McKENZIE .lJ. R EDIS coach Russell Campbell who has impressed R.D.F.L. whn w ill he ,triving lo win that 9 II. TURNER 34. J DYE 9. G. ARMSTRONG 3.J. C. MOSES 10. ll SUCKLING 35. R. THOMPSON everyone with his drive and enthusiasm anJ his Prcmier,h1p "nd achieve promotion to the 11. 10. B. ALLEN .15. D. GRAIIAM R.F.L. D. GAi.ViN 36. D RO13INSON 11. S. CHANDLER .\6 S. PA1TISON single minded determination to secure a Coola• 12 R. COCIIRANf-. 37. DAVID ARGUS 12. B. ROBERTS 37 R. SUTTON mon premiership in 1983. Our ,incen.: thank, go tn Bob Philip, of the 13. 38. William Farrer Hotel for hi, continued major J. MASKELL U. R. GARRETT 38. R. WHYBRO The other two recruits arc Ricky Robinson. a 14. S. SMITH 39. G. IIINDMARSlf 14. J. CHAMBELAIN 39. G. JAR RAn· classy • goal scoring rover and Billy Burgess, sponscw,hip and also t.E:� some junior club players com111g into the the -.9s crushing win today will make the first step a -.JNI:>-..-:.R. 19s joyfully satisfying one. club this year who will he pressing closely on the 51. C'. BRIGGS ,, established p layers. h2 G. TIIOMPSON C 52. S. McREA 63. B. MAGINNES f?'i.v I would like to wish all the player� an 53 D. MAlll::R 64. S. STANFORD This week on Radio 2WG at 2.15 enjoyable and injury free season anJ urge them 54. D. POCOCK 6S M. FLEMI. NG p.m. on Sunday Afternoon: to do their best for themselves, their team and 55 J. LIKDNER 67. S. RAFFERTY EAST WAGGA/KOORINGAL the Club. 56 G. I !ARRIS fi8 G WIIITE c. V There are a lot of people who ,ay East 57. I'. McCALLUM 44 J. SUIDGEEST l()J 61. D. BOYD 45 A WATCHORN Cr ·•7 COOLAMON Wagga/Kooringal won't be there al the finals GI C\. to c-. -I this year- let us show them how wrong they arc 47 I) MAGNER With Allan Hull. UP THE MIGHTY !IA WKS! �II G THOMAS PTY. G. & M. BUCHANAN FLEMINGS HARDWARE SUPPLIES LTD. LADIES & MEN'S WEAR FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS , , • SCHOOL WEAR • MANCHESTER ·a;ii&·a;,;s·,-ic••LAM•N �Ji·7 SPORTSWEAR •.LUGGAGE · o Stainless steel sinks and laundry units 35 DOBNEY � FOR YOUR FRESH FRUIT, �i��6°�HEAY □ Hot water service - gas or electric � VEGES AND BREAD. . o Yanity units and baths AVE. WAGGA 1 J, \ 97 COWABBIE STREET, PH. 25 4411 ,1 [-■-( '\ COOi.AMON PHONE 27 3086 o Sewer, waste and pressure P,V,C, pipe & fitullllS · ' 't� PHONE 27 3177 □ Corru�aled iron and roof decks ···•···· � .m� .. FOIi All. lOUR & ��� INIUIWICE NEEDS LOGAN HITCHENSGANMAIN AND COOLAMON ■ FIRE ■ GENERAL • WHOLESALE GRAIN AND CHAFF MERCHANTS ■ LIFE ■ SUPERANNUATION • DEALERS FOR INTERNATIONAL FARM EQUIPMENT C��EO • MEMBER COMBINED RURAL TRA DERS PAUL nURAL "THE PREMIER TEAM" @ TRADERS MLC BUTTERWORTH PHONE GANMAIN 42 or 216 · COOLAMON 27 3024 NEVILLE L VONS 10 11 ARIAH PARK


\i�PlA!f. f�l(�t&f'-�ilm��i::rrt:mHB�B.11;1. I i\11 Ii ::: lli� 1t i1:fl�P��r«� �i �■-6 � I �� i 1: i1l H.� • ii 111 �11 l1 S:E�I<>R.S With the pre-season warm­ up now behind us, ifs on for I. D. SMITH 26. P. HORAN real. at the sound of the first 2. A. POPPLE 27. S. QUADE whistle today for the 1983 3. D. MORGAN 28. s. dcnbv season - and what could be 4. T. RICHENS 29. J. SMifH RED & GOLD BROWN more real than to meet our [[]STRIPES GREEN TAl\.1 5. M. DAVIES 30. G. ROBINSO:--1 GOLD L ETTl;AING 6. M. GAYNOR 32 . .I. J))XON old rivals in the ·local derbv' 7. P. LrITLE 33. P. I !ORAN for the first game at Ariah.Park. Al this point we 8. P. SCULLEY 34. E. THOMPSON would like to extend a welcome to our new players 9. D. CLARKE 35. P. CONROY their wives and families. Kevin Grose and Jeff 10. M. THOMPSON 36. B. FRANKJIAM Edwards. along wi1h Daryl Smith. who has made a II. D. CARROLL 37. P. PASSLOW return to the stars line-up. Unfortunately. Jeff will 12. N. LITCI-IFIELD 38. B. JAREMA be unavailable for 1hc first few weeks. clue to a 13. W. SMITH 39. M. MAHER broken ankle sustained whilst playing for the Stars 14. D. BOX 40. B. RAYMENT at the Katandra night scnes. which 1s a first for the 15. J. EDWARDS 41. B. WOODS R.F.L. The Stars were the first N.S.W. leam to 16. K. SMITH 42. K. THOMPSON venture into Victoria to compete in this night series. 17. K. GROSE 43. C. SMITH We also believe another first for the League is an 18. S. LITCHFIELD 44. M. GOLDEN incentive scheme. commenced this year at 19. T. MOONEY 4.5. B. ROBINSON 20. G. GAYNOR 46. 8. WOODS Ardlcthan. for n on-contract players. $2.000 has 21. M. CLARKE been made available to the boys, 10 encourage 22. W. TUCKER players this season. It will run on a vote system each 23. K. WILLIAMS week. 24. D. KELIIEIR In each edition of the 'Record· on home-games. 25. B. OUGI-1 we will feature a · Blast of the Past·. A past Ardlcthan star will be guest of the 1eams for the I.9s clay, and a few words in this space on his past 'C.Jr-.1'.D:ER. performance. Our first player to rccievc this honour will be Ray Smith. An event to look forward to from Barry and his boys, is the local talent ni�ht to be conducted next month (date to be fixed) in the Hall. Special �uests have been invited and a special appearance will be made by 'The Village Idiots', an act not to be missed. Well boys it's out and at ·cm. get behind the 'Big O', give h,m your all. and we may give that nag a nudge in 1983 . W. PRESTON ...... STOCK, STATION & REAL ESTATE AGENT LONDON HOTEL-MOTEL SIIELL GAS 111:.ArlNG * FOR ALL YOUR ARDLETHAN * AND COOKING FARMING YOUR HOSTS FRANK & ANNE CALVI SUPPLY TI-IE Arl'l lANCE. REQUIREMENTS. BEST IN BAR SERVICE AND AFTER TIIE MATCH PHONE SNACKS - 'THE HOME OF ALL SPORTSMEN. ARDLETIIAN PIIONI:. ARIAIi PARK 84 1154 or 84 I IS� 34

� \..EV'S SUPA AADLETHAN "�(.*� *. _ c;\J'- FOR YOUR GROCERY . 9 AND LIQUOR REQUIREMENTS fl •_i , 17 .· PHONE �. ,.· .1... . • . 13 12 .....-..Ulll"lilm•••11•ilii•iii•iii••••.. ,1111Ul"IIIUl••11111111• ► ♦ ...... ""."""'ll"- ...."'• 11••-•► .. ,,., ...... ,_ . ...,...... ,. .• pl AUTHORISED EURELLS ����� GANMAIHSEE DOCG AND ALLAN MOTORS STEELE, Props LEETON � I • DISTRICT AGENTS FOR: /1'/�b vie,:�, FOR ALL MECHANICAL AND SMASH REPAJRS, ROVER, SCOTT BONNAR MOvvERS. DES DRISCOLL'S MENS WEAR • FIRE FIGHTING AND P UMPING UNITS. TYRES. BATTERIES AND ACCESSORIES • • � 117 PINE AVENUE LEETON • HONDA MOTOR CYCLES. , : L•" ·· I; PHONE 53 2685 �t PHONE GANMAIN 4 EtSERVICE 36-38 PINE AVENUE, LEETON ,111."'••h...... _...... 11 ...... , ...... n ...... ,111 ...... ,h ...... 111...... ,...... 11, @N�◄ �4�M�1�1tt.ff�iY�S My first duty for the ,ca- SF:.N'IC>�S son 1s to congratulate all ot . I. R. O'CONNOR 26. G. MENZll.:S I. J. GANNON the last season's premier, Todav u;hcr, in another 26. I. WILLIAMS and finalists and also 10 season - of football. The 2. L. GIBSON 27. B. KERR 2. P. ROCCA 27. G. SWASBRICK � D. HOWE 28. Greg EVANS 3. C. A:,.IDERSON 28. J. BRAMDLEY extend our club·s bc,t Boundaries C ommission 4. G. CIIOY 29 Grant CARROLi. 4. D. CARROLL wishes to that f ine gentle­ r-..AVY BLUE had another go at us during 29. M. IIEALTII RED SHOJLOERS 5. M. FRASER 30. W. DUNNE 5. J. McPHERSON JO. D. EDNIE men. Bert Schmidt.-in hi, RED. the summer. They may 6. W. PURCELL 31. B. CONWAY 6. G. ROBSON retirement and thank him for a fob \\C l! d one BLUE SHOULDERS. 7. I STEJ-:1,F 32. B. CONWAY JI. L. ANDERSEN GOlO CF.ES... have nearly got it right thi, 7. D RIDLEY 32. L. STILLER nvcr the vears. time, although the Barcllan 8 P . TURNER 33. I'. TURNBULL 8, J. BANNISTER Our new President t hi, vcar i, Don Kcllv and 34. J. RUSSELL 33. G. CATELL Club mav not. with some justification, a gree 9 D. WAI.SIi 9. G. RYAN 34. G. llEATll our new Treasurer is Carl Blackman.· both IV IJ. CARROLL 35. G. FFNNESSY 10. W. ALIENDI with that. 3o. R. O 36. 8. DAVE theses men are tireless workers and should I I. J. CARROLL 'REILLY I I. J. LYONS 37. W. McPHERSON ensure the club will ,tart off on the r ight foot. Our club has lost some very good players, 12. M. CARROLL 37. M. CORl3FTT' 12. B. LANG including Neil Harvey. Wayne Fox and Robbie 38. T. ELWIN We h,1vc retained John Gannon as 1;1 XVIII 13. L. KERR 3X. J. CEDF.LLAND 13. B. DUNSCO\.1BE 39. P. TALBOT Granger, but on the credit ,idc we welcome 14. I. MATTINGLY 39. 0. SULLIVAN 14. 0. MELINE coach and Pas Rocca as 2nd XVIII coach. both 40. P CLAYTON these pbyers are very dedicated and f it players Mark Fraser, Kevin William, and Warren Pur­ 15. D. GUTIIRIE 40. 13. WALSII 15. P. SIIEENAN 41. U. MORRICE cell. These three players, along with five or six 16. B. DALY �I. D. McCLINTOCK 16. D. IRVINE and we expect their players to get right behind H. J. FRAZER them. of our Under I 9s, and most of la,t vcars senior 17. M. WAI.SIi 42. R. McGA VIN 17. T. ROBERTSON 43. D. RUTLAND 18. R llAMBLl:,.I W KEMl31oR 18. J. O'DONOIIUE New plavers to th.: Rcddies an: Colin Ander­ players should give ·Rocky' a rcm,onablc side to 19. 44. W. NOR1 ON 44. S. McMAIION son, who 1s a class player form Union F .C. in work with. We also say farewell to Roger n 19. G. PILTZ 45. J. WALLACE 20. K. WILLIAMS 45. M. WINTER 20. P. LYONS 46. C. DRAMBLEY Victoria and certain to he a bii! draw c,ml. We Hamblin who has hung-up his h oots. 21. 0. GAWNE 46. Gerald CARROLL 21. P. KELLAHAN also welcome Don Ridclv. L.cc',\ndcrscn, John Roger tells me that when Jack Ccdcland beat 49. T. DALE 22. A. CORBETT 47 13 LONC,LEYU 22. S. DRYBURGll 52. C'. HARRISO:,.1 O'Dohohue. Ross and - Bryan Smith. Steven him home in the sprints, he decided it was time. 23. S. DRILL 48. D. HARRIS 23. T. FOLEY 57. B. HARRISON Turner. Ian Williams and John Banmstcr to The club sheep were shorn last week and 24. K. Sl 1".WARD 49. G. BRILL 24. A. I !ARRIS Rcdlcg land, also good to sec t hat great past there were plenty of shearers in attendance, but 25. D. llALBISCII 50. J UOO'JJI 25. T. LYONS player Des Lyon, lining up as a selector. Our 'rouse-a-bouts' were a bit light on, except when UN'L>•::� I9s Ul) Coach is Barry Pitt and UIS Coach will be the steak and ,tubbies appeared. 51. P. IIA17Y 65. D. MILNE LJ1"I>E� 119:s Tcrrv Folcv. The Ladie, i\uxilary arc holding a street stall 52 P. REDFERN 66. Paul CARROLL On Sundi1v we·rc off to Ganmain for the first on April 16, and of course, they require all 53. J. SIIEl'llloRIJ 67. Phil CARROLL match of the season. and what a tough one to manner of ·goodies' for sale. 54. M. PLANE 6X. M. QUINN draw first up. no way can any team 'afford to The executive of the club was returned 55. G. SCIINOEGL 69 G KEOG!t take the Loins easy. as they arc a very good 56. B. CROUCII K70 IC cMBER team and club and we will have to work unopposed, i.e. Barry Logan. Mich Howe and 57. I. WATTERS 71. P KELLY Ken Warren, and we welcome ex-senior coach. overtime to win the one. 58. G. EVANS 72. P 11/\RRIS Although we have lost a few players from last Bruce Williams back to the club to coach the 59. B. WINTER 71. P. WAI.SIi year. the players we have gained. plus the extra Reserves. 60 G SYMONS 74. I RICII/\IWSON 61. S. CROUCH experience of our younger players we should We open the season against Leeton today and 75. C. BRYON give a good account of oursclvc,. although we know little about them, they alway5 63. S. MANNING 76. I'. LONGLEY provide stern opposition and today will be no 64. R. WALL 77 D. Fl1T different. COLD BEER AND FRIENDLY SERVICE HAISELL'S Mobil . Service ALWAYS AT THE - Centre ,.t or MOBIL PETROL & OIL or LUBE SERVICE� ROYAL i7i or MECHANICAL REPAIRS .- TUNE UPS HOTEL�- 5f.t\'6\t>-1 '{ 0f.\}t\ f0 t'·- .- BATTERIES .- ACCESSORIES .- CAR WASH WATERVIEW ST., GANMAIN - PHONE 13 C 98 KURRAJONG AVENUE, LEETON - PHONE 53 2816 COUNTER MEALS AND SNACKS AVAILABLE UIIIIIIWflll FOR AFTER GAME SNACKS AND COLD CARLTON OR RESCHS BEER SEE JOYCE, CEC AND DARREN FIIT AT THE: BLUNTS HOMES 0 PRODUCE MERCHANTS 0 CLOVER SEED CONTRACTING GANMAIN HOTEL 0 WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES Leeton Display Open 7 Days! FORD STREET n PHONE 223 (A.H. 204) @ PHONE GANMAJN 18 T()OTII 14 15

''IIIIH•••1111tll"91flllllll',._"'IQllll"l ...... ,...... 'llllll•"._I 2QUIIW .... , MINE HOSTS TERRY & ELAINE WATSON , _, e OLD KENT, CARLTON WELCOME YOU TO THE . . . , L.A. and TOOHEYS on tap. E SHOP INTERSTATE & GENERAL CARRIERS· NARRANDERA e DRIV -IN BOTTLE AYLLAR & HOWE HAULAGE RVEY AVERN �· { ..,_ e FOUR SEASONS BISTRO PHONE: 59 1455, 59 1143 (A.H. 59 1143, 59 1386 TU T .,i ;; Counter Lunches 12 noon - 2 p .m. HOTEL :i""c .J• Counter Teas 6-8 .30p.m.(9p.m.Fri.) clboume Depot: Blakistons, 250 Whitehall St., Yarravillc, Phone 689 5700 CENTRE · ------·----- TURVEY TOPS SHOPPING A La Carte Restaurant. Fridays PHONE 25 1177 � and Saturdays 6 - 9 p.m. llr�l��!���llfflltJ 1·1··•��•-·•·�••··•�•·•r�t«tN, �,.%-·>· Lh'".'T.1;m 1983 Season gets off the The beginning of a new :S:E�IC>�S S:E'N'IC>'R.S ground today and many season brings forth a num­ new faces will be an un­ l. R. PAGE 26. M. QUILTER I. D. JOHNSON 26. R. BAKER ber of new players and we known factor to our many 2. M. IIORSBURGII 27. P. ANTHONY 2. G. LUHRS 27. R. SMlTII would like to welcome 3. J. GAWNE 28. T. TRICKE1T 3. P. ANDERSEN 28. E. SPINK fans. We welcome our new tham to our club to join our AEO WHITE & OLUE 4. Col DURNAN 2Q. M. COLLIS 5. M. DANIHER 29. C. RAVA au.. . e GOLD V players to our town and 5. Peter BELFORD 30. G. MARTIN 6. D. VOGEL JO. P. DOWDLE players that were with us also to all new players 6. R. DONALDSON 31. S. O'BRIAN 7. G. CLARK JI. K. WHITE last season. Our new coach 8. M. MEEK 32 R. BURGESS throughout the League. To our coaches Rod 7. W. EVANS 32. G. McLEAN David Vogel has shown the players what hard 8. S. DONALSON 33. C. FIRMAN 9. R. SCOTT J:,. L. GORDON Page, Peter Belford and Mike Horsbough, our 9. R. LITTLE 34. D. KNAGGE lO. I!. CRAWFORD J.\. P. I IANGAN pre-season trainning is all about and hopefully a best wishes for the coming season. Assistant 10. W. HUNT 35. K. ABSOLOM l I. P. DANIIIER 35. P GRENTELL successful vear will follow. Coach 'Nuggett' Evans is a known factor and we I I. R. STEWART 36. G. SULLIVAN l2. D. MURPHY Jo. J. BRUNCKILL To the �oaches of the 2nd XVIIIs ·Meeksy· 12. R. DRUNAN 37. C. TRAINER 14. I'. O'DONNELL 37. J. WALKER all know his capabilities and we can rest assured 11. M. 1-llELSON 39. B. RANKIN 15. G. TOOZE 38. C. DYDE and U 19s ·Bomber". we hope that uou will also he will give his all for the coming sea,on. To our 14. V. HUGO 40. G. OKEEFFE 16. M. PURCELL 39. G. EDWARDS have a successful season. teams of old and new players go our best wishes 15. M. WI-IITBY 41. Rick DURNAN 17. A. !!AYES .\0. C. POPE Behind cvcy club there is the supporter and 16. I. MALE 18. M. COX .\I. A. WANGANEEN also for a good start to the season and no doubt T 42. T. IIIGGINS this year we wish to sec you not only enjoying 17. G. CORBE T 46. S. RUSSELL 19. G. !!ARRIS .\2. C. HOFFMANN we have a few stars on the way up, especially to 18. S. MARGOSIS 48. G. LAWRENCE 20. s. cox .\J. W. ROBERTSON the football but also the numerous social activi­ some of our Under 19s, who will make their 19. C. KNIGHT 'iO. I. WILLIAMS 21. M. McFADDEN .\.\. M. McDONELL ties that have been arranged. starting with the 20. P. RAVA 22. D. BUTLER .\5. G. WILLCOX debut into league football today. The Riverina 21. I. ROSE 23. D. McFADDEN .\6. T. McGREGOR Red. White & Blue Fun Night to be held on Football League is all set for an outstanding 22. Garry BELFORD 24. J. DANIIIER .\7. T. BRADY Friday. April 29. season this year. Congratulation to all teams 23. S. KILLER 25. B. MUNROE .\8. P. TOOZE Our first game is always a hard one. and this taking part and we look forward to an exciting 24. G. POWELL .\9. J. O'CONNOR year is no exception with our trip to Narrandera. 25. M. THORNTON and close competition for 1983. 'LJ'l'JC>E'R Jl9s The long trip home is always more pleasurable 'UP THE IMPS' when you have three wins under your belt so N ..,.... 2.T. GRENTALL 12. Ci. FLOW!:[{ 'LJ'N'I>F:� Jl9s 3. R. IIART 13. I. SHEPPARD let's see a great start to the 1983 season. 7 l\Jt)S .\. G. LAWSON I.\. D. MdNERNEY We wish all players a successful and injury­ 5. C. CARROLL 15. W MdNERNEY free season. 6. 0. SMALL 16. S. BYRNES 7. T. GIBBONS 17. A. El.LIS 8. A. SMALL 18. Geoff IIARRISON �vi&":, 9. I:!. FLOWER 19. M. McCARTHY 10. D. IIARMER 20. S. PURCELL 11. W. McMULLEN 21. R. OAKES 25. S. ROSENGREEN

Li6: ,.�- JOHN E. MUELLER TRIIVIS · TURVEY B.Sc., M.P.S., Ph.C. -� NARRANDERA - PHONE 59 2008 TURVEY TOPS SHOPPING CENTRE ,....�=d1 ► SUPPLIERS OF All FOOTBALL GEAR . PHONE 25 2648 DAY or NIGHT =5 ► MEN & LADIES WEAR ' TOPS ► ADIDAS & PUMA SPOA1WEAA m 24 HOUR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE L - PHARMACY - - .J-- R.----� G. LANE &-- CO.-- PTY.-- LTD.---, IN ASSOCIATION WITH 1 DISPLAY CENTRES OPEN 7 DA VS , EAST WAGGA WAGGA L. G. HOOKER LIMITED I P.O. Box 137, South Wagga Wagga, 265 YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE AGENTS I Phone (069) 21 4988. PHONE NARRANDERA 59 1977 I 1 Hetherington Street, GOULBURN .-___ _!ft;::,_J�r::_W�A:..::J,!;!_o':..!h�':2.9;!2 5_ __ ...J HOMES Phone (048) 21 7355 17 16


Part of the action when ACTAFL premiers Ainslie met Riverina Football League premiers East Wagga-Kooringal in a trial match at Gumly Oval earlier this year. BEAT THE PRICE RISE ON SANYO VIDEO RECORDERS

PRICE RISE AS AT SANYO VTC 5000 5-4-83, OLD PRICES f Sydney Swans rover Steve Wright had all the auention o these youngsters during a WHILE STOCKS LAST, training clinic at Maher Oval, Wagga, earlier this year. SO HURRY TO ------, of 6! 1 $17 a night for a family I Try a week-end at the picturesque Lake Talbot during the footie season. It's cheap, I 128 BAYLIS STREET, WAGGA it's convenient and the kids love it! Opposite Coles Now World $599 I PHONE 21 4177 FOR ENQUIRIES PHONE (069) 59 1302 BETA CORD VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER ______J • FREE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION WITH 8-DAY PROG­ IN WAGGA CITY AREA. GRAMMABLE TIMER, • FREE MOVIE CLUB MEMBERSHIP PICTURE SEARCH & Elders Metals Ltd. WITH OVER 600 TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM 8 TUNER CHANNEL STOCKISTS OF ■ B.H.P. STEEL ■ BUILDERS SUPPLIES • EASY TERMS • BANKCARD BUrTONS. ■ PLUMBING & ENGINEERING HARDWARE ■ LB.I. PRODUCTS WHILE STOCKS LAST! ◄Ml,- DOBNEY AVENUE, WAGGA - PH. 25 3199 Also Irrigation Way, Griffith - Ph. 62 1888 18 19


North Wagga·s Terry Rudd fires ocl/ a handpass in a ,n{l[c/i against Turvey Park las, sea• son. This vear 1he Saints will be leading ccmtendersfor Rii'crina District Football League pre• miership honours.

"' riverina Football League captain last season Ray O'Connor. The leading candidate for the job again this season, when Riverina clashes wiTh Murray League al Tocumwal first up 011 April 30.

Norther Districts re 7resentative, Ricky Robinson, a skil'fulf: left.footer who weill be an asset to Coolamon this season.


:!,lllllllllltllttlllttlllllllllllUHtllllllllltlllllllllllllllllll11fllllllllllllllttlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllltllllllllllllllllll � MAKE YOUR GOAL ... NOEL COMEAFORD'S i PHONE � AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES 25 3777 § 366 EDWARD STREET, WAGGA § FOR ALL YOUR MOTORING NEEDS � AND YOU'LL NEVER BE BEHIND -- = 1 111 1 11 1 1111111111111111 1111 1 1 1 1 11111 1111 111 1 1111 1111 F.1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1111 111111t1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111 1 1 1 111 1 1 1111 111111111 1 1 111 1 ir

SWANS tt::'�••NIR;··i;1•mnu11ffl.;•••!i••!I 5-4-83 ii REPORT "' W L D % Pts. --- HAWTHORN ...... 2 l28.0 8 This is the first of what will be a wcckh No. 2. Newtown Australian Football Club's GEELONG ...... 2 l21. l 8 column contributed by the Svndev Swam lor· borne ground and when grounds arc not ESSENDON ...... I l 133.1 4 supporters in the Rivcrina. . available. road runs have been the order of the CARLTON ...... I l 124.6 4 A� everyone i, no doubt aware the Swan, day. FITZROY ...... I l 114.9 4 made the move luck. ,Lock and barrel I Lo Players have been put out 111 this regard a, Melbourne...... I I . 103.8 4 Sydney with t he fir,t grade �4uad and a much as the admirfr,Lration with players having Collingwood ...... I I 4 102.2 4 number of officiah. to phone the club 10 find o ut whereabout, Footscray ...... I I - 92.6 4 training will take rlace. Swans ...... I I 86.7 4 the complete relocation ol 2H senior player, In a nutshell. we arc \tarting a brand new is an enorrnou, task. Nth. Melbourne. .... l l 81.7 4 club in the VFL a:1d many positions have to be . filled by people with little experience in league Richmond ...... 2 69.0 Changing citie,. home,. school for the kid, . and bringing 'Rover" along wa, not the casie,t footh,1ll St. Kilda ...... 2 68.0 of tasks but cv..:rvone has settled in well and From trainer,. to phy,io,. doctors to door­ the first up win ,,gainst E"cnc.Jon wa, a great m c 11. bnot\tul;1mon v A.P -M. Mike has thrown himself into the role of May 28: ·r Park v Co1)lamon; Ganmain v A P -M. Riverina Development Officer with as much June 6: Cool..1mon v Ganmain. A.P.-M. v 1 P�trk June 11. BYE, Ouccm Birthday Wcckcn<.I, Knockout Carn1v­ j zest as he displayed on and off the football o.1I on June 13. field. June IK: T. P:irkv vGanmain; A P -M " Coolamon l;•·••··�••i•••1,.•1;••in1111wr•;:!;1tt11n••:•:•••t11.m-mo111:t•··1'.;{·r;:�:!I Mike has played with several clubs through­ June 25: Coolamon v T Park; A.P -M. "' Ganmain July 3: Bye, Shell Cup Trial in Sydney. J NAME: GERALD PIEPER. out the Riverina and also had a stint with the July 9: Ganmain ,, Ct)(Jlamon; T. Park v A.P.-M. Wagga Tigers then South Melbourne before taking up the July 16: G,mmain v T. Park; Coolamon v A.P.-M CLUB: rei&ns as coach of /Cookadinia h.t and 2nd semi-final\ on July 23; Preliminary rmal July 30 AGE: 25 Umted in the Farrer League. and Grand Final August 6. HEIGHT: 185cm With a team of youngster, Mike almost WEIGHT: 82.5 kg caused the upset of the season when Mango­ Ruck Rover plah went down to Wagga Tigers by one point UNDER 15s: POSITION: in the 1981 grand final. April 4; Ardlclhan v Coolltmon; Gamnain v A.P.-M. COACHING EXPERIENCE: Wagga April 16: Coolamon v Ganmam; A.P.-M. v Ardlcthan Mike played this game with a broken bone April 23: Bye, as for Us. Tigers, '80, '81, '82 (Premiers in '80, in his ankle, displaying his courage and de­ April 30: Ardlcthan v Ganmain, A.P.-M. \' Cool.:t.mon May 7: Coolamon v Ardlcthan; A.P.-M. v Ga11m:11n '81). dication to the game which we are sure will May 14: Ganmain v Coolamon; Ardlcthan v A.P.-M. REPRESENTATIVE HONOURS: result in Mike being a success in his job as May 21: Ganmain ,, Ardlcthan. Coolamon ,. A.P.-M. development officer. May 28: Ardlcthan ,1 Cool:unon; Ganmam v A.P.-M. Central Riverina League, Farrer June 4: Coolamon v Ganrnain; A P.-M. v Ar

I ...... ��.�:!l::\..... \.:v.:°.': 9.'.:1.0:...... ?, ...... � .A.!4?,,�.kf.\N...... I 5. Which club in the District League Club is known as the "CATS"? I I ...... F.\ ..: .0.... 0.-.,.. F...... We would like ltJ publish u f)icture from the {last euc/r week. If cmy reculers /rave m1 old picture I tney would like f)t1/Jlis/red, could t/rey ple,ise comact Gary Allen 011 22 4936, afrer /rours. All rnre I Name and address must be written on back of the envelope. The will /Je taken with old fllrotos tmd rhey will be re/limed ufter 1mMirnrio11. Dewils of plww.� i11cl11di11g I competition is open to all. The first correct entry drawn will be · names tire required. I announced the winner and no correspondence will be entered ·---I ------into. ------· 26 27 RIVERINA DISTRICT FOOTBALL-1FAe1UE


FULL SEASON MEMBERSHIP (22 games) ...... $85.00 SYDNEY SEASON MEMBERSHIP (ll games) ...... $45.00 MELBOURNE SEASON MEMBERSHIP (11 games) .... $40.00

Membership includes: ► A Swans Membership Medallion ► A Swans Tie or Supporters Scarf ► Supporters Buses or Planes to Sydney and Melbourne games ► Motel discounts, Syndey and Melbourne ► Membership of South Melbourne Club Ltd. ► Membership of Sydney Swans Social Club ► Regular Newsletter ► Regular Social Meetings r.li RIVERINA AUSTRALIAN For further information please contact: FOO'J'BALL CLUB LTD. JOHN BRAID, Wagga Motors, Phone 25 3411 a FERNLEIGH ROAD. WAGG/\ WAGG/\ KEITH HOUNSELL, Riverina Australian Football Club. Wagga, Phone FORMED OFFERS TOP ENTERTAINMENT' 31 1511 TO SUPPORT BOB PHILLIPS, William Farrer Hotel, Phone 21 3631 AUSTRALIAN • Old Time Dance Wednesday nights • Disco until FOOTBALL 3 a.m. Friday nights • 50/50 Social Sunday nights ... ARE YOU • Function room available • Families wdcome SUPPORTING in Amber Room. IT? Register your support today! MAKE YOUR CLUB YOUR PUB - PHONE 31 ISII 28 29 RIVERINA DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGUE RIVERINA DISTRICT Ed torial FOOTBALL provided a great service to football and its rct•Pnm1Ri'l:tm�••::•·111r:11;1-12·t:•·r:•·•r.•••c;:l i LEAGUE followers and Gary hopes he can continue in the same vein. FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE We welcome Phil/ Le Petit to the League Executive. Phil has succeeded Lex Foley as the Pts. Welcome w season '83-a 'new look' season hardworking Secretary. W. L. D. % % Pts in many ways. Our league is now 'divided i11 MCU ...... 18 - - 401.5 72 two, with Division One competitive matches Congratulations to Bare/Ian United'.,· Arch MCU ...... 372.8 68 comme11ci11g today, and Division Two getti11g Wilkey and the The Rock-Yerong Creek's Bob TEMORA ...... 16 2 - 201.0 64 TEMORA ...... 320.4 64 under way next week. The Under /9 competi­ Driscoll who have been appointed League COL-ASH...... 14 4 -206.6 56 tion, involving teams from both Divisions, also repreren. tative coaches for matches 011 May 28 TRYC ...... 268.1 52 starts this week. and June /8. COOT...... 14 4 181.6 56 COLL.-ASHMONT ...... 154.6 S2 /11 keepi11g with the ·11ew look', we are Today's the 'fair-dinkwn' start for Division TRYC ...... 13 - 142.0 S2 pleased to bring you a bigger, brighter a11d One Club. Practice match form is not always a s JUNEE-KAPOOKA ...... 163.2 48 hopefully belier Record, which, as you've true indicator and followers will be most Marrar ...... t() 8 94.S 40 RAAF ...... 91.1 32 already noticed serves both the l?iverina Foot­ interest in Round One results. Junec-Kapooka ... S 13 - S2.4 20 ball League and the Riverina District Football Many teams will be fielding coaches and Cootamundra ...... 9S.0 28 League. players new to the League. or from dijfere/11 Riverina College .. S 13 - 46.6 20 Marrar ...... 81.8 24 A very big vote of tlw11ks must go to Bert C/u/,s in the League. Welcome to those Whitton ...... 4 14 66.9 16 Schmi

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE LEADING GOALKICKERS S. Cole (MCU) ...... 16 144 UNDER 19s strength. This competitive e nthusiasm can I. Rainbird (C-Ash) ...... I 109 % Pts only bring the code to greater heights in the A. Brcust (Tern)...... 2 109 Riverina. MCU ...... S32.0 68 W. Blight (TRYC) ...... 9 73 TEMORA ...... 150.3 44 The R.D.F.L. arc also continuing their tics V. Hilton (Marrar) ...... 5 56 RAAF ...... 182.9 36 with N.S.W.C.A.F.L. as an affiliate body. 8 This in turn we trust will give our players the R. Inglis (TR YC) ...... S5 SW-TOLLAND ...... 77.8 32 opportunity to represent their home state, F. Kennedy (C-Ash) ...... I 5S N.S.W. TRYC ...... 33.4 16 J. Hopwood (BC) ...... 2 S4 Junee-Kapooka ...... 11.3 4 I, as President of the R.D.F.L.. can see the code will reach great heights as our rela­ T. Ion (MCU) ...... 4 53 tiomhip, through promotion and relegation, 8. Firman (Tern)...... 2 and this booklet, with the R.F . L. strengthens. 0 so K. Hines (C-Ash) ...... so It is the start of another football season, hut The Rivcrina Council, the governing body this one is certainly much different. The of foothall in the Rivcrina, under the guidance Riverina District Football League begins a of Councilor O'Brien, plus the great work OLDEST AUSTRALIAN OWNED new era to our code in the Riverina with a being done by Michael Danihcr, Sydney FOOTBALL MANUFACTURER . . . two-division system. I believe we are one of Swans and V.F.L. coaching and promotional the first to have two divisions, with the one officer in the Rivcrina, can only create greater administration. under the guidance of the enthusiasm than we have ever seen before. ROSS FAULKNER THE ONLY BALL TO BE USED BY AUSTRALIA'S FOUR Victorian Country Football League. Promo­ In closing, I wish both divisions all the best TOP LEAGUES . . . Victorian Football League, Viclorian Football As.m.. tion and relegation will be implemented be­ of luck for 1983 and a special thanks to all S.A. Nalional Fooiball League and Tasmanian Foorball League. tween the Riverina Football League and clubs for their co-operation in the pre-season, Riverina District Football League's Division I to get this opening day away to the success that and 2. I feel the R.D.F.L. will have Ill 1983. I LIKE TO TRAIN AT ... So, excitement is on from the very start, not JOHN YATES just at the top of the ladder but also at the President KOORINGAL SPORTS & FITNESS CENTR f bottom. The challenge is there for all club Rivcrina Disrrict Tlf rE SIIT • lillAT flOSIAIIME • ff/EMILY STAFF officials, coaches and players to prove their Football League • TEIIIR& Fl&IUTIES. Ill T1IEII TESTIIIG l'IIJCEIUIE IS SE&DIO 10 IIUIE . APART FROM ALL THAT, I LIKE WHEN THOSE BEAUT DISC-ER-Cl SE GIRLS ARE THERE I 31 30 FERGUSON'S :._. MICHAEL & NANE'ITE BROWN of: HAVE10 sE-;ro omALLER ro GETA·7'7i 7Kia rrHE .. � - , � --rou ooN'r 1 BROWN•s CAFE FAMILY BUTCHERY�,, �� (1 ',r"E:::__ C>_c::a- c:::::-.E:::E:::JEC THE ROCK //f'SJ HOTEL-MOTEL : WHOLESALE AND PRIVATE , FOR IIOT PIES, SANDWICHES, DRINKS , CROSSROADS 'O"JLJLIE KILL SPECIALISTS GROCERIES, COLD MEATS. J"� CC>JLJLI]p,;fC. � OPEN 7.30 •.m. - 8 p.m. . I ► Regular Entertainment , ► Children welcome I ALL LOCALLY GROWN AND �� O & ► Carlton D,aught � PHONE 20 3523 ► More atmosphere th,lll most J GRAIN FED SlOCK � I ► Counter Lunches and Teas naRLil\ ► Old Kent ► Toohcys Old PHONE THE ROCK 10 �,...· INSTANT LOTTERY AGENT! t n I L _ _2< !:!zs .:!..w .;!;_k _____ .!!0� 2!!1�__ � � ;!_a� ::_od,!!!o,!!__ .J DIVISION'' ONE THE ROCKIYERONG CREEK �� COLLINGULL/E DEMONS MAGPIES � S:EN'IC>"R.S SE�IC>�S Well, football season '83 Today secs the start of a is here. and didn't we finish I. G. CRANE 26. D. GREWAi{ I. G. CARROLL 26. 8. BUG! IT new season and once again '82 on a high note (Pre­ 2. W. PRICE 27 R. GOW 2. P. JEFFERY 27. G. GRENTELL there has been changes � mier's R.D.F.L. 1982). 3 W. SOMERVJLLE 28. P. JONES 3. B. MOORFIELD 29. M. YATES made to our League. We A(D 4. C. JACKSON 29. G. MARSHALLSEA 4. R. FLANIGAN 30. D. CONDON hope that these will benefit Wl-l!Tf:,V Would like to wish our 5. S. WHITE 31. S. RAINBIRD BLACK & WHITE 5. A. KENNEDY 30. A. CAMf'llELL football in the future. STAll)ES coachc� the best for the 6. S. SMITH 31. S. LEWINGTON 6. A. DONELAN 32. DJ. RISCOLL m season, Glen Crane (1st), 7. C. IIINES 32. P. POULOS 7. R. GLADMAN 33. 11. UEBERGANG Greg Carroll is once 9. C. FELLOWS again at the helm this year with Peter Jeffery Warren Price (2nd) and Ray Gow (U I 9), and a 8. B. ALEXANDER 33. T. GILLETT 34. D. WEEB 9. F. KENNEDY 34. S. McPltERS01' lO. D. FELLOWS 35. C. BLIGHT becoming his new assistant. We wish you both big welcome to all new and old players, hope the to. R. MEYERS 35. D. McPHERSON 11. Mick DRISCOLL 36. D. COCKING well. To new players Richard Flanigan and Boh season is a successful and injury-free one. Our 11 G. WILLIAMS 36. S. McMILLAN 12. B. HANNAM 37. D. McINTYRE Moorfield we welcome you to the Club and hope Executive for this season is Ron Lcwington, 12 C. LASHBROOK 37. D. SIIAW 13. R. INGLIS 38. C. DAVIS 15. S. UEBEHGANG 39. I'. THOMl'SON that our association is a successful and happy IJ. L. BROWN 3K S. STlillENRAUCl t one. President; Norm Welsh, Secretary and Steve 14. T FINEMORE 39. R. GILLINGHAM 16. G. HENDERSON 40. C. BLAKE Shipway, Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasur­ IS. I. GOW 40. R. PERMAZEL 17. G. FRATER 41. D. HUXLEY This year there has been some changes in the 16. B. FINEMORE 18. T. YATES 42. R. HAY administration with Peter Elliot becoming the er for the last few season,, hope there efforts arc 41. G. MUNRO 19. P. YATES rewarded again like last season. To our club 17. J. LEWIS 42. J ROY 43. P. WISE new President and John Miegcl the Treasurer. IX. P. FINEMORE -13 A ,ASTLE 20. W. ANDERSON 45. D. CHAPLIN The Ladies Auxiliary has had chang�s loo, with sponsor, Kod Uunlop We�d Control, a big thank 19. B. McPHERSON -14. R. SALMON 21. R. ANDERSON 47. I'. PARK Betty Oehm the President and Barbara Miegel you for being associated with the Demons again 20. K COOKE 45. I'. CRAWFOl•::.� I 9s supporters in Len Piltz. Len was held in very needed. hiflh respect and his efforts will he greatly This week we play Greg Carroll's Magpies '-J1""I>E� 119s 3. K. DRISCOLL I�. IC VENNELI. missed. The Club offers their condolences to the 5. M. CONDON 24. N. CHAPLIN family. and I'm sure we can start 1983 with three top. 6. B. KOIILIIAGEN 26. B. CLUNE Today we kick-off the season against our near "UP THE DEMONS" 51 I'. IIESTEI< 57. J. LEWINGTON 9. M. PAYNE 30. G. TIIOMPSON 52. D. WASHINGTON neighbours and last years premiers, the Gullie. 58. J. QUILTER 12. S. WEILLY 37. G. JONES If we're going to have a successful year we must 53. S. GUNNING 59. G. RUDD 16. C. FULLER 44. K. BLAKE 54. P. GILLETT W. W. STEVFNS 17. R. KOIILI IAGEN 60. J. cox pull together right from the firsl game and not 55. D. GILLIES 61. P. SQUIRES leave it until half-way through the season. 5<,. D. JONES

THE RC>CK MOTORS MEMORIAL BOWLING CLUB SEE MILTON KENNEDY AT: i�l':;j THE GULLIE STORE DARYL HUBBARD Prop. YERONG CREEK OLLING ULLIE Open daily from 10 a.m. l',r C FOR MECHANICAL REPAIRS, ' Reschs and Carlton on tap­ RURAL CENTRE m; l_ ON THE FARM OR IN THE 1 Meals available Thu., Fro. & \ 'r/,' COME & SEE PETER & SHARON � WORKSHOP - GREASE AND OIL 4 For supplies o! Rural Merchandise, 1 Sun. (Sat. night a Dinner \1� FOR HAMBURGERS, PIES, DRINKS. CHANGES Dance)- Take-aways a Fertilizer, Produce, Fuel & Insurance � GGARE'TTES AND PETROL PHONE 20 0183 \.?atPhone speciality. VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. PHONE 20 3557 (22 5740) A.H.) PHONE 20 0141 e AUTHORISED INSPECTION STATION e The Rock 185 W. & J. TAYLOR SUPA-VALU For advertising in this pub­ JOHN MEVERS WIN A FOOTY! SELF SERVICE· GROCERY & HARDWARE COLLINGULLIE lication, contact Gary Allen HAY & GRAIN MERCHANTS TRY THE QUESTIONS URANA ST., THE ROCK, PH. 28 on 22 4936 (A.H.) for details. LOCAL & INTERSTATE * Distributors of: Austrnlian 1-'crtililcrs. Shccpyard TRANSPORT ON PAGE 25 Mesh, Fencing matcri:1ls - Cnrtnge Contractor-�. PHONE 1069) 20 0142 licensed Grain Mcrclrnnli. 32 ot>LAH FARM CALL IN AND SEE BRIAN NICHOLSON AT THE ... 33 �G PHONE 285791 c�A� CREASV'S � A.H. 224362 "Y� -� AURAL MERCHANDISE MANGOPLAH A.F.L. FERTILIZER ,-..t\ ROYAL HOTEL TEMORA � -r:,. COMMISSION & PRODUCE AGENTS (<' • FUEL AGENTS • CHAFF GRAIN 'CHINESE RESTAURANT (� MEMBER Of COMBINEO MERCHANTS JOIN THE ROOS FOR A COLD BEER . ' . TAKE-AWAY MEAL.<; n1. RURAl TRAOERS lTO PHONE 28 &5728, 28 5742 AFfER TIIE GAME IN THE �ODERN FACILITIES PHONE 82 2440 OF THE ROYAL HOTEL - PHONE 8� Im DIVISION CHECK THE DISCOU:-.'T PRICES IN THE DRIVE-IN BOTIU SHOP! ONE

SEl',IIC>�S Once again the football boots are out and the smell Temora Notes not available at time of liniment is in the air. as I. G. LEECII 26 T. LLOYD of printing . BLUE & GOIO we pre are for another pre­ 2. J. BRENNAN 27. P. PIIYLAND BANDS p 3. T. ION 28. D. COLE = miership bout. 4. M. McRAE 29. G. LEE BLUE & WHIT( Welcome to our coach 5. R. WEEDING 32. A. JOI INSTON mSTRIPES Greg. his wife Denise and 6 P. DAVIS 33. P. McMORMAC'K their children. We also extend a warm welcome 7•--:.� •9s The Annual General Meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held this evening at the Mangoplah Hotel, commencing at 6 p.m. All ladies are urged to attend.10 for the continued success of the auxiliary. Today we look forward !>Orne very tough games against Tcmora, lets endeavour to keep the points at Mango! --- .... RIVER.INA MANGOPLAH...._.. --...... HOTEL SPRAYING SERVICE I TEMORA BAKERY YOUR HOSTS DOUG EDNA JONES TEM0RA CAKE SHOP Have an enjoyable evening wilh friends. Join group, c,ver drinks. 8t �"V: , t {\:tl/)?'i\':fi\:'. 33 DOBNEY AVENUE. WAGGA IIOSKIN ST., TEMORA · PH. 82 20l5, 82 211� C.H. & S.L. RICI54 HOSKIN !ARDS propSTRE,. ET, • BREAD & PIES A SPECIALITY! � the chat The I•\ -� ,-��.,:S� • Servicing lhc rural mduslry. 'i'--_;:, TEMORA atmosp ; like the A�cnts for A. F. L. Fcrlilizcrs. JOY DUNN PHONE�:� �1 f•J�o8J� 28 5702i�. ·-�•�:1-l,.'J\� .-v�....,,. '"" Distributors of crop herbicides � � PHONE 82 2119 and animal health products. ' ,...__-JIM & prop. HAS YOUR CLUB PLANNED A GLENMORE FEEDERS FANCY DRESS BALL? FRED'S TV CONTACT: RETRAVISION APPLIANCES WIN A FOOTY! PULLETOP - PHONE 28 5285 STHL MANUFACTURING WAGGA COSTUME HIRE·� TRY THE QUESTIONS CATTLE & SHEEP FEEDERS 140 HAMMOND AVE NUE, 'l'� ..- Air Conditioners, Washers, Fridge,, ON PAGE 25 i TRAY BODIES WAGGA • PH. 21 4288 Televisions, Sound Equipment, Lawn BULK BINS STOCK CRATES Al.SOMowers 114 MAIN and STall .. whousrsT eWYALONLhold appl. PIIia nlflcesl . SHEET METAL gUTTING & BENDING 206 HOSKING ST, TEMORA · PB. 82 1777 34 l"""'M':"""""c":""'"'"cR'OKER""""p'7y':""'"L'"iD':""""'"'I 35 [1�I, GRAIN & PRODUCE MERCHANTS [ll ; 11 M a IIIRE a�iNE & M ERI ll1C BOl.' llVEKG.1 Ill\1INE 11IIOST ,l l § 82 EDWARD STREET, WAGGA NOW AGENTS AT MARRAR ·I§ <...Al{LtUN. RESCIIS. rooms OLD KEN') '" § PHONE 21 1631. FOR AUSTRALIAN FERTILIZERS E TOOIIEYS NEW OK TAP. § Alter Hours: M. C. Croker 25 2056 CONTACT BRUCE HATHAWAY § TASTY COl.':STER LL:NCIIES. § G. J. Carroll 25 2405 PHONE 27 4373 AU Hours. E PHO"IE 42 134fi = = SUNDAYS, 12 noon to 10 �lllllllllllllllllttlllllllllflllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh=;. ONE DIVISION COOTAMUNDRA BLUES ac� MARRAR BOMBERS SEN'I<>R.S ·- First or all as the new I. L. ALCIIIN 26. A. EASTICK season begins it's a big wel­ 2. A. BAKER 27. R. SHEA come to new players to our 3. R. TURNER 28. K. SIIEA 4. A. CUMMINS 29. I'. KEW club and new teams to our 30. I'. PATTISON 5. T. MORRIS NAVY BLUE. BLACK, league, welcome all. 31. S. TURNER WlltTE CHEST RED SASI-I 6. B. LANGTRY Of season news or most 7. E. GLOWREY 32. D. PEARCE 33. D. FOX importance must surely be 8. J. MOHR 9. K. TURNER 34. M. LANGTRY the wedding or our very capable Secretary. Kcl 10. G. MANNING 35. T. LANGTRY Murphy, to the new and lovely assistant, Sandra 11. D. MALONE 36. G. GRINTER 12. P. MALONEY 37. M. HAGAR Hawthorne. Kel tells me he feels sure it will be a 38. G. TURNER long lasting marriage because, being a great 13. G. I !OLDEN 14. D. PLEDGER 39. R. L. TURNER belivcr in the bible, he likes Psalm 24 where it 15. N. TURNER 40. D. IIODGE says - surely good Mrs Murphy will follow me all 16. W. GRAETZ 41. B. M URPIIY the days of my life. On the other hand Sandra, 17. V. HILTON 42. J. McCORMACK 18. J. FOX 43. L. HODGE (knowing full well Kell's love of football, tennis, 19. K. HORNE 44. E. TURNER etc.) didn't dquitc know how to take Kell's 20. N. MURPHY 45. R. POWER 21. J. KNOX 46. V. LEARY interpcratation or his marriage proposal or "will 47. C. DONOIIUE you be a support and marry me". 22. G. PRICE 23. G. ARMSTRONG 48. G. SIIEA Great �upport has come forward once agsin 24. G. LANGTRY 4'1. S. ROBINSON from our friendly grain and supper merchant 25. B. ROLLINS 50. A. WILL.IS Max Croker, in donating trip to Hawaii for the 5�. G. KEW best and fairest, also for the mound around the LT:N.L>ER. � 9s ground. Whoever though we would have a "hill'' IW 12. J. McCORMACK ::! G 13. D HODGE at Langtry Oval. Thanks Max. 3. A 14. D HOLDEN This week it's home to old rivals C'ootamun­ �- A. 15. N. TURNER 5. G. 16. . THOMPSON dra and may the hcst team win. h. G. 17. A. TURNER 1 IX. C. WHITMORE H 19 M. GOODDE y 20 R. TURNER IU. 21 N. HANCOCK 22...... FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK, CONTACT: MAX RUDD'S GRAHAM THOMPSON 15 COOPER ST.. COOTAMUNDRA SPORTSWORLD PHONE 42 2056 COOTAMUNDRA 'S SPORTING DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL WORK SPECIALIST! ALSO CELAIR AIR CONDITIONING 222 PARKER STREET. COOTAMUNDRA SALES & INSTALLATION PHONE 42 1525 MURPH��i� J()' �c,nnc,rs SUIT HIRE MARRAR HARDWARE and . . . 82 FORSYTH STREET, WAGGA - PHONE 214460 rl\1;· .. BROSPhone 27 4302 hPASTUR·t//uE SEEDS. LARGE RANGE OF SUITS FOR WEDDING, BALL & ALL OCCASIONS I AGE/ffSIN TEMORA, CO(JTAMVNDRA, NARRANDERA. JUNE£& /£ETON 1111111111111111111111111111 m 36 37

FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES & NEEDS FOR AN ICE COLD BEER AFTER IN ARDLETH.AN, BARELLAN & ARIAH PARK SEE: THE GAME - CALL IN AT THE . I PALM & PAWN HOTEL-MOTEL (NOEL GIBSONS ELECTRICAL) ' HAMPDEN AVENUE, NORTH WAGGA I PHONE 21 4918 ONE NORTH WAGGA SAINTS Barellan Notes not avaiable at time S:E:1'1"I<.>Ft.S: i• of printing. l. M . KING 26. G. CASE Todc1y secs the \t;ut of 2. I'. SEDUNARY 27. R. NESS another sca�on an•£R. I9s hoys only. A top line comedian has been cngitgcd and local arusts will also appear. Tickets will he on sale I. (; KING 13. M. LUCA� soon. so get in early as only a l imited number will he 2. J. REBERGl:R 14 S. MAGILL sold. :l. M. PROWSE 15. D. SWhET Our Ladies Social Commitlec i!. in full swing, and 4. IJ. COLLINS 16. W. CRO(;AN trnvc ,ilrcady held several successful functions. Watch 5 B. PAGE 17. A. DUNCOMBE for ncww of coming function!,, and competitions. h. I' CALLER 18. A. MERLEIIAN Don'! forget to give ·Roscoe· a b,g cheer today on lhc 7. W. HOLDOROW 19. A. STEINER occasion of Im 21st birthday (hig nigh! coming up). X. J. BENTON 20. J. KERR 21. S . BLAIID Our season slarts with the trip to Barellan today and 9. S. GREGORY from our experience last year we know it is going tu be 10. S TI PPIN<� 22. P. CU1TIN� 11. S C OUSLEY 2J. Ci. COUSLEY a touePh game. Best of luck to hoth sides. 'SA /N"/:S TO 12. P. McGRF.


RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE DIRECTORY Riverina Football League Directory (cont.) 1983 NARRANDERA DISTRICT COUNCILLOR:MR. L.L. (Lyle) O'BRIEN, "Alva Vale", RMB 24 Ariah Park. President: K. HOPWOOD, 4 Riverine Street, Narrandera, 2700. EXECUTIVE: Secretary: R. O'KEEFFE, 19 Argyle Street, Narrandera, 2700. Pre.�ider,t: MR. J. F. (Frank) GAYNOR, 49 Bruce Street, Coolamon Secretary: MR. G. J. (Graeme) WOOLNOUGH, 7 Hannah Street, Ganmain. ' Treasurer: MR. V. V. (Vic) WOOLNOUGH, 25 Moore Street, Ganmain. LEETON President: D. KELLY, 26 Valencia Avenue, Leeton, 2705. WAGGA Secretary: C. CORBETT, 44 Currawang Avenue, Leeton. 2705 . Presider,t: C. WILLIS, Glengarry, Downside. Secretary: P. A YSCOUGH, P.O. Box S-168, South Wagga, 2650. At GRIFHTH • EAST WAGGA/ KOORINGAL President: G. IIENDERSON, 1057 Bridge Road, Griffith, 2680. Secretary: Mrs. M. COLLINS, 5 Knox Place, Griffith, 2680. President: B. ANKERS, 55 Geneva Cres., Kooringal, 2650. Secretary: T. McMILLAN. 19 Tinga Cres., Korringal, 2650. .d k ARIAH PARK/ MIRROOL /'resident: B. BELL, Yarranlea, Ariah � Park, 2668. TURVEY PARK Secretary: E. JOI INSTONE, Ashton Street, Ariah Park, 2 668. President: LOU COX. P.O. Box 551, Wagga, 2650. � Secretary: Mrs. J. MATflNGLY, P.O. Box 551, Wagga. � ARDLETHAN COOLAMON /'resident: E. SMITII, "Erinvalc", Moombooldool, 2668. Secretary: G. COX, "Wywurry", Beckom, 2668. � Pre�·ident: 1. W. BREDIN, c/- Post Office Coolamon, 2702. � � Secretary: K. TlPPING, 88 Lewis Street, Coolamon, 2702..

Watch " rfp/ay of Junee/Kapouka's GANMAINIGRONG GRONG/MATONG liome ,.:mneJ with lw:'it.\' Terry & Maril' Mulc1u£·e,1ey in the reflt almosphere of the President: B. LOGAN, Langham Street, Ganmain, 2702.. g ...,. Secretary: M. HOWE, Devlin Street, Ganmain, 2702. *� LOFTUS HOTEL-MOTEL � • OPEN 7 DAYS • CIIINESES RESTAURANT * I IUMPI IREY ST., JUN EE Pl IONE 24 151 I


RIVERINA DISTRICT LEAGUE DIRECTORY - 1983 MANGOPLAH/COOKARDINA UNITED DISTRICT DIRECTOR: .....,__,__ President: JOHN ROSS, "Ardcrsier", Cookardina, 2737 . LYLE O'BRIEN, R.M.B. 24, Ariah Park, 2684. .,I � Secretary: MAREE SCOTT, 48 Crawford Street. Wagga. EXECUTIVE: President: JOHN YATES. ''Aberdeen", Yerong Creek. Secretary: PHILL LE PETIT. 60 Mitchelmore Street, Wagga, 2650. NORTH WAGGA Treasurer: MALCOLM LEVETT, 35 I lodson Avenue, Wagga, President: TREVOR UROAIIART, 62 Zeigler Avenue. Wagga, 2650. 2650. i Secretary: BARRY KENNY, 14 Spooner Avenue, Wagga, 2650. BARELLAN TEMORA President: VINCE HOWE, "Box Lea", Colinroobic. 2700. President: PETER I !OGAN, 9 James Street, Tcmorn, 2666. Secretary: FRANK CONLAN, "Scotsdale", Binya, 2665. Secretary: ROY HODGE, R.M.B. 66, Mimosa Road, via Temora, � ? 2666. COLLINGULLIE/ASJIMONT THE ROCK/ YER ONG CREEK � / President: RON LEWlNGTON, "Greendale'', , 2650. Secretary: NORM WEBB, 48 Tobruk Stn:t:l, W agga, 265 0. President: PETER ELLIOTf, Urnna Street. The Rock. 2655. � Secretary: DA YID OEI IM, 63 Urana Street. The Rock, 2655. COOTAMUNDRA l President: KEN LOITERTON. 17 Bataume Street, Cootamundra, 2590. Presi,lent: KEITH McNAIRN, Orme Stn:et, Borce Creek, 2737. 0 Secretary: GREG EGAN, P.O. Box 361, Cootamundra, 2590. 7f/ Secretary: CL! VE HEWSON, Orme Street, Sorce Creek, 2737. ARRAR WHITTON President: ROBERT S HEA, Marrar, 2593. � President: JOHN GAVEL, 10 Park Avenue, Leeton, 2705. Secretary: NORMAN MURPHY, Don Street, Marrar, 2593. • Secretary: DAVID 13OOTS, 6 Belah Street, Leeton, 2705 .

r------FOR IIOME MADE PIES, PASTIES, , G. A. & B. KELLY I SAUSAC,E ROI.IS & CAKES. O AKED I DALGETY�WI NCH COM BE QUALITY BUTCIIERS DAILY, CALL INTO FOR ALL YOUR STOCK & MERCHANDISE WHI"rTON I I NEEDS AT BOREE CREEK, SEE • KEITH OR BETTYAT : • SMALLS& •• 1 SWAN BAKERY 1 CORNED l'IIONE 34 FITMA UR/Cli ,ffRliHT, WAGG1\ � , 55 2700 I PHONE 21 2624 I GIFFORD AGENCIES BEEF PHONE 2718 - 11 ----, L------..I ,------� -- 1 # 0 Bererembah I CALL INTO '11 IE . . e..\G �...\. Street, For advertising in this pub­ I • .,.\....\� ,o, itton. I lication contact Gary Allen ��T..�.. v ,... � "'Q· Wh , BOREE CREEK HOTEL I , ' E on 22 4936 (A.H.) for details. I a..O���� \, PHON I FOR A COLD CARL TON AFTER TIIE GAME '':,_(-C';" \)� 552115 I WITH MINE HOSTS DUILIO & SANDRA FERELLA '-�-�" ------' 42 43 ·••m••··••m .... ••111 .... ••m••··• .. 111••••111•• .. ••111•• ..•111111 ..•l lllll"'lllll•"•lllll•"•IHlll••111m•"•lllll•"••tull"'lllll•"'llllll'IIIUII' PRIEST & COLVIN BUILDERS WAGGA HOT BAKE BAKERY NEW CONSTRUCTIONS & RENOVATIONS 89A MORGAN STREET /.;:;� FRESH BREAD. PIES. (AKES ► IN THE WAGGA & DISTRICT. illld SAUSAGE ROLLS LAKE ALBERT SHOPPING CENTRE �\� (ATER/NC FOR ALL O((..ISIONS PHONE 22 5411 or 21 3056 PHONE 21 -l400 or 22 �943 ·L- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Riverina District League Directory (cont.) RIVERINA DISTRICT LEAGUE ORA W (cont.) JU NEE/ KAPOOKA . l'reside11t: IVOR MANGELSDORF, P.O. Box 27, Junee, 2593. DIVISION TWO: JULY .10: R.,\ .1\. l·. , JUNE 1.1: R.A.A.F., C<>II­ R.C.A.E.: Borce Ck. v Whittun: A,h: Manar , Tcmora: �I.C.U. Secretary: CON DRUM, "Oivi", via Junee, 2593. First Round S Wa!!i:a·T.-D. v Jun.1Kap. v N .Wagga: llarl'llan , T .R.· APRIL 16: ICC.A.I· ,. Whil ,,uc;usT 6: R.C.A.E. ,. Y.C.: S.\va�g.,-T.D. lwc . R.A.A.F. 1011: Borcc Ck. v Jun./Kap .. !lore,· Ck.: Whitton ,. S Wagga­ JU:-lE ltl:Final R NE Charn­ l'reside11t: GEOFF RADFORD, GSTS Ordely Room, RAAF R.A.A.F. v s. w,,g!(a ·1 . D T.-D.: R.,\.A.f. v Ju nJKap. pil)n�hip� APR IL. 23: • · ' K a ). " Finab �cm.:!-- I<) b\! lkrilkIE�): Tcmorav (nll-,\�h; Base, Forest Hill, 2651. J : :.· . l . R.C.A.E .. S W .agg,1· l.·) I latrr date. R.A.A.F. ,. Maarar \al N. Wag­ Secretary: To be appointed.. 13orc� Ck.; Whitlr.1 � Road. Wagga, 2650. MAY 14: R.C.A.I , ltt11II-Ash: Jun./Kap. v RA A.I· 1\.1.,rrar v ll.,\.,\ F M.C. 1 · ,. M.C.C. ,. Marrar: T.R.-Y.C. ,. SOUTH W AGGA/ TOLLAND DONS . rcmora: Barcllan , N. \Vac.l!... a... : T,·mora: N.\\ 'ag.ga S \V;.1gga­ l'resider,t: PATRICK CROUCII, 73 Ashmont Avenue, Wagga, Second Round S.\.-Vagga-r.D. hyc. T.D.: R.A.A.F. b,,·. 2650 .. MAY 2 1 . Wh,111111 , .-\l'RII lh. Tnn,Ha I M,m,ir: JULY 16: S.V.'agga -T.O.,· R.C.A.E.: Ju11.IK11p v 1101,T N Wagga v M.C U.: f'.R.-Y.C., Ha,dlan: Cnll-Ash ,. �I.C.L•.· Secretary: ROBERT CURRIE, 110 Grove Street, Wagga, 2650 .. Ck.: S.Wagga-T. D , , It A A I· llarcllan: R.t\.A.F. 1 S .Wa!!ga- T.R.-Y.C. ,. Marr�\r: T ...· nHH11 , MAY28: R.D I I V N,,.,h,·111 1 I>.: C'<>II-Ash by,'. N.\.\\1gg.a: R A.A. F. t-i�y. Rivcrina. Al•RI I. 2.1: C,1, 1- As h , . JCLY �.\: Marra, v ( o ll-,\sh: JUNE 4. H.( './\ I· ,, .11111.1 IL'llH)ra: M;1rrar v N.\.Vacca: M.C.U. R.i\.A F .. llardl,111\ e Kap.: Burce Ck 1• � W111•i:.1 r DISTRICT LEAGUE DRAW - 1983 S.Wag!!a-T.D. ,. T.R.-Y�?'.: Trn10ra: N W agga I T R.-Y.C.: 1 D. '. R./\./\ I· V Wl11t11111 M.C.t:. v T.R.-Y C.· M.C.ll., S.\.\ ,1�µ.1-·1 n. b �.._._ JUNE 1 1 S W,1�1t11 I I) v Jlll.Y .1tt: 13ardlan,· N.W;11•�a: llarl'll,11,: R A./\.F1 . (,y,' . DIVISION ONE MAY 2X. ROH, v Norther JULY 2J: Marrar v Coll-Ash.; R.C.A.E .. R /\ A I· , 11,,.,.,. /\PRII JO: N.\\ .igg.:i v S.\Va!!,­ S.\.\';11!c.a-T.D., . Ti.=mora: M�ii·;·..ir F'irst Round Rivcrina. M.C.U. v C oota.: Barcllan v Ck.: Jun IK11p , \Vl11tto11 ga·T.D : llardlan v Marrar: l'.R.-V.C.: R.r\.i\.F., M .C.ll. Tcmora: N. Wagga v T .R.-Y.C. • APRIL 9: Coll-Ash. v T.R.­ JUNE IH: 1 111,11 R NI· ('h,1111 I ll.-Y.C., M.C.L.: C,,11-A,h, (.' oll-J\:-.h l w...:- Second Round pitmsh1ps I{ A..t\.F .. Tt..·mora hv,·. .-\ ll (; lI ST 1,: Cnll-A,h , Y.C.. Mairar vl'oota .. M.C.C. v Split Round Tcmora. Barcllan v N. \Vagga JUNE 4: T.R.-Y.C. v Coll-A,h.; JllNI· 2�. It \' A I· , M,\ Y 7· Coll-,\sla v S .Wa�­ s. wa g g a - T . I) . ( s ll II d ,I\") : APRIL 16:Coota. v Coll-Ash.: Cnota. v Marrar: · rcmora v JULY :ro: Coll-Ash. V T.R.· R A.A.I' .. Wh1111111 v 1101,·,· Ck !!"· r D .. M,11r.tr ,· 1\.1.C tC T("IH\)f.l \' R./\.A.F.: N.\:\':11!.l!:I \' Y.C.: Marrar v Coo1,1.: M.C.U. v lrntma v T.R .) .C R /\.1\.F. R.,\./\.F. (Sundav): 11.1.iri·ar. Tcmora v Marrar: N. Wagga v M.C.U.: N . \Vagga v B arcllan. .I 1111 ./Kap \' S Wa)!)!•I r . I) · M.C.U.: T.R.-Y.C. v Barcll;111. JUNE II: Coll-Ash. v Coota.; Tcmora: Barcllan v N . Wagg,1. .ll/1 Y 2 ll,11n· Ck. " llardlan (al Mahe, Oval): ll.arclla11. 1 .R.-Y.C.. �I.C.ll.. all APRIL. 23:Col l - Ash . v Marrar v Tcmora: M.C.U. v N . AUGUST 6: Coota. v Coll­ R.(· /\ I· ..: S Wa)!g,1 T I) v N.\V agg.i hyc b\l'.S. Ash.; Tcmora v Marrar� N. \�\,g­ M,\ Y 11: R.A.1\.1'. 1 l'.R - ·;\ll(;LIS·1 1.1: �l.irrar , Tcmorn; Mdrrar v N . Wagga: Wagga; Barcllan v T .R.-Y.C. Whill1111: .hrnlK.1p. \' lt.,'\.A I·. . M.C.U. v B :m.::llan: Coota v JUNE I�: final RNE C'ham­ ga v M.C.U.: T.R.·Y.C'. v Y.C (al Marra,): M.C.t: , C'nll­ f'\�1..\Vac:!!.1ca1.: (\)11-A:..h , lbrl.'llan: Barcllan. A�li: Barcllan v S. \Vagga- I .D . S.Wagp- T . D.· T.R.-Y.C. pinnships . APRIL 30: N. Wa�a v Coll­ JUNE 25: Tcmora v c,,11-Ash.: AUGUST 13: Coll-Ash. v Third Round N.W.igga v l\.:111rna: �vb. rc11 v R.A.1\.F. , T,·mor.i: T.R.-Y.C Tcmorn: Marrar v N . \Vagga: .llll Y 11 I( <"./\.I·. v Whllton. S.Wagga-T.D. (Sunday)' b\'l'. Ash.: l3arcllan v Marrar; T.R.­ N. \Vagga v Marn1r: Barcllan v . . 1 Y.C. v M.C.U.: Tcmora v Conta. M.C.U.: T.R.-Y.C. v ('(){ >ta. M.C.U. v Barcllan; Coota. v l!on·1.. ('I,. , • .lun .HC1 p. MAY 21: C<>II-A,h , M,11T,1r: · All(il 'ST 20: "'.\l.\� ;11.!,�a, ( \lll- T.R.-Y.C. Tcmora v Hardla11: T.R -'\'.(' ,· 1\sh: I' R.·Y.C. , ·�l.C.l•. MAY 7: Coll-Ash. v B arcllan: JULY 2: Coll-Ash. v N . Wag­ H./\ /\ I· v S \Vag)!•' T.-1) . · AUGUST 20: N. Wagga v J ll I Y I ,, .J ll 11 ! K ,1 p . N W a!!!!" S .Wa_l!ga-LD. 1ti1l.'lb11 , R.,\ (\.F.· r... · mnr:, , Marrar v M .C.U.: Tcrnora v ga; Mamu V Bardlm�: �.c.u. V · T.R.-Y.C.: Coota. v N . Wagga Coll-Ash.: Barcllan v Marrar: ICC /\ I· . S W.agg,1 r .I)_ , R.A.A.F.: M.C.ll. bw. S.Wacc.i-T.D.: �lan.ar hn· T.R.-Y.C.. Coot,1. v lcmor<1. · Au'g�1st 27: \-.1 s.._ ·mi· MAY 14: M.C.U. v Coll-Ash.: JULY 9: Bardlan v Coll-Ash.: T.R.-Y.C. V M.C.U.; Tcrnorn V l\011:c ( � , Wl11ll1111 v R .i\./\,1 \11\Y 2�: lnll..' r -l .L·:;c,11L· l!_;111h.· -final C'oota. .1\11 Y 1 I H (' ;\ I· v S \Va)! HINE �: T R. Y.('.,. 'c,,11- S"-·p11.�mh1,,.·1 .,: �nd S1...·1111-final Marrar v T.R.-Y.C.; B;ircllan v M.C.U. v Marrar; T.R.·Y.C. v . 1 Coota.: N. W;.i�g,1 v Tc mora. August 27: First semi-final: ga-T. I) . 1101n < 'k , It /\. A.I' J\,h: T\..'11llH:I , M.C.ll : Manar S1.. ph:mh,·r 1 0: Pn· li..m inar� fin:11 Tcmora: N. Wagga v Coota. 1 Scph:mht·t 17: ( i1a11d Final. MAY 21 : Coll-Ash. v Marrar: JULY 16: Coll-Ash. v M.C.U.; Scptcmbc, 3: Second semi-final: \\flu11,u1 v 11111 IK.1p ,· S \.\ ;1_c�a-T.D.: Ba1clla11 h\l· . Coota. v M .C.U.; Tcmora v T.R.-Y.C. v Marrar; Coota. v Spctcmhcr tO: P rc11"ltiminarv fin­ Barcllan; T.R.-Y.C. v N. Wagga. Barcllan: Tcmora v N . \Vagga al: Scptcmhcr 1 7: Grand (inal. ,l RIVERINA MACHINERY PHONEBEMROSE 21 3 1CLEANING18 or 22 6943 SERVICE • CARPET AND LOUNGE CLEANING • LICENSED SCOTCHGARD BRAND APPLICATOR 1 1/\MMONO AV[NU[ LEETON ROAD • SCOTCHTINT SUN-CONTROL FILM WAGGA CO UN'TR Y EN'Q UIRLES WELCO.l.VrE Ph. 21 3747 NARRANDERAPh_ 59 1522