44 RIVERINA AUSTRALIAN LrD. �··, ..., , .�•" ,.'F> FOOTBALL CLUB f'ERNLEIGJ I ROAD. W AGGA W AGGA FORMED OFFERS TOP ENTERTAINMENT! SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. TO SUPPORT AUSTRALIAN • Old Time Dance Wednesday nights • Disco until FA/\/OUS /-'OH WI:IJSnaRS HFFN.£S!IING SOFI. DRINKS. f-R urr J( //( 'L'S ,\NI) ,OJU)/Al.S - ALSO FIV\NCfl/SE B()'/TLEHS OF FOOTBALL 3 a.m. Friday nights • 50/50 Social Sunday nights /'H'S/('()/ 1\ 1\NI) SCI/Wl.:.'Pl'ES FAMOUS /)/UNKS ... ARE YOU • Function room available • Families welcome SUPPORTING in Amber Room. G 11ffi 1 h Wagga IT? Leeton Narrandcra Temora - 62 44(1(1 53 2340 59 1833 82 2001 25 -1184 MAKE YOUR CLUB YOUR PUB PHONE 3115// Cc-..,.JDL-(\MQ-- GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL GOALS BEHINDS TQTAL 10 4 $ 2-C\ '8 � 3 3 21 C �w (/)0 20 7 r-s 47 2.1 In '6 69.. a:<( I,. LL-a: 30 't I Ill 7'- 3 to \� ·7� c, s: (/l 40 ·fG i cJ, k� /13 I .a:: oa. ,,. Total <( <.:> (!) 10 ..,: <.:> Ow 20 <.:> Zo ..,: Ocx: \ 15 s: c.>a: 30 '(i 7 �c, w >- 40 ex: z I- <( Total (/l 0.. C\ l b\ :-},2 <( 0 ex: u I\J(\{,. I 1 7 Ti>� I- (/) 10 -, II 15.:::.. 00 (!) .., z a:Z 1.l 2.. '50 .&\ 10 19 20 �I0.. if' wW "'Su 79 UJ � OW 30 � 4,J> I '1 zr:: ii ?~0.1 Oo, 11 c.:> :.) 40c ::>zz� --· zn 40 1 rs t I lo\ ?1 o l·S C..:. z �� I.lo Total [b ..,- I ..,: 'd W./'-.< •< • ./'-. ex:u> u. wO ::; (/) ALAN HARRIS ::; ex: 00 u� FLOWER BOUTIQUE cc cc McDONALD & Co. WCl. FOi! ,\I.I. YOLIR FRLSII . ,· <1>0 :v!Olll·.Rt\ HINI l{,\I. IJIRIFI Ol(S I- ex: 1\t\l) MONlJ\1LNIJ\l. CONTRJ\(TORS l·l.OWt:R i\RRJ\N(il-.Ml'.N'IS . .,,:·, i' u. 0. AT FOR Wt:lllllN(i. N1·w ��-:: . , · , Wu, 0>i I- Ml�A MR�H W�Rl� . ·� - .\.<'JTi11g · ( ·011la111011 /\RRIV1\I.S 01( ANY . ,. '. _' ..,: 0.. FOR YOUR COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING (,'m1111t1i11, l.,)('/.../,1111. Sl'I:( 1 \1. OC< IO � f2 REQUIREMENTS' I /Jc Uo, J.... Ur{l/111, / AS N ,_A,\Yt) ;;..,,.,� , � 1 Cl .ll11u·c. Y<·ro11g ( •, .• ,,•/,.. '. Ml .'1111 I< <>I · ..\,, ' �,,.,,f; "-\ CNR. ASHMONT & DOBNEY AVE., WAGGA f {lt(ll({(l t111d . 1 , ;; (,, a�(/. , wI 1r-..I11<11(11{;\ •• I .,,,t!tctlwn d/\tricr., i�> .. i,,.:-1' .JA� ·. ,,•..,,. .,,fJ �, �- •,.�--.. ��.,,,,. ' 8 SEE GREG SHEATHER or JOHN BAGLEY /Olli'ill.l.\.\ll<U·.I.WAc,< 1 11111\YII " ·• ','fi·, f.J, I• .t. I + PIIONE S2 1 4915 ""- ' ',<tj,' -�-.,;/ ; / , . .. .., l')f. I . ;; ". ', ;- .'' • z PHONE 25 3040 or 25 3400 , . l'HONF ..,. , S � RU: I, ,i' / 111//'l/'III' /:m· l',11mmt,·r \ I [ ; i ,,t,i' •/{,;'��I 0.. __J I WM,(,J\. '-'""'� -<"• _· .a .,�"--- 1 VOi 1, Nt, 1 R[GISTEf1EO BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO NBP 0250 2 3 r------------------------, I JOIN THE RHEEM TEAM f01 ... 1 GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR 1 HOT WATER SYSTEMS I PHONE WAGGA 21 3360 I L __________________________ J -TOOTHS RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE The publishers would like to extend PR.ESI.D.E.NT'S l1d'.ESSAGE RIVERINA their thanks to members of" both league d torial FOOTBALL executives and respective club delegiiles i LEAGUE for their support in this matter. This is the second year in the cxist:rncc of E Uisinµ costs threMened the publication the newlv formed Riverina Football Le:1gue. being reduced from twelve clubs last seaso�1 to Welcome to the opening of tht.· /WO of the lkc01cl. hut thanks to the lcc1gi1cs. ten by the decision of the V.C.F.L. Investiga­ Tooths Riverina Football Le:1g11c se11.,011, co.�t., /111vc /Jccn 11/J/e to /Jc kept to ii tion Committee. which promises to be every hit 11s goocl 11.� minimum with joint pulllirntion. The 1982 season was a verv °su ccessful one. Still we wt.·rc 111111/1/c to keep the price last year's. II In March we hosted the Cou111rv Dav Game at Bare/Ian and North Wagga will he of the pm1in111u11t.· to 20 cc·11ts, hut I :1111 Narrnndcra between (the now):1 Sydi1ev,,r Sw, 111' " missing this year reducing the competi­ you will ngrcc ./0 t.·ents is not much to and Geelong. the patronage was good and after all expenses were paid. profit more tion to JO teams, which I am �ure 011t/11y fur •I./ pwgrnmmc with we are gratdul and thankful to Tooths for such surmoree re:l(l111g 11111teri11I it than in than $3,000 was achieved. which has been paid people will agree is c1n ideal number for a 11 f)lll,!t.' to the Riverina District Council for promotion generous support. 1 urge clubs to USC Tooths mrnr previous yc.;11rs. Ccms1ueri1w. mce/Jooks products. eount,y league. 111 in Junior Football. However, hopefully Bare/Ian or North ,llld trotguidcs cost$/ .{)(j more. we At a recent District Council meeting the No doubt b1· now we arc well aware uf 1hc believe Austrnli11n Foot hull follmvas still new look Lcilgul�::-i publication. incorporating Wagga can force their way back into the e1111 or following moneys were distributed: $900 to Riverina Football Le<1guc at the end of have t hcmsclves burp.in. each - Northern Rivcrina Juniors. Rivcrin,1 the Riwrina District Lcaguc. it will >!i,·c the Juniors, Wagga Juniors. and S 1.300 to our advertisers more nn·crage: ,u1d \\'\.'. \\"ilfbt.:' kC'pt the season by winning the Riverina Dis­ Should :iny .,11pporII tcrs of tl1e code have abreast with our nc1hho11rs doin>!s. Gari" League pennant. ;111y ideils or sup.l(esrion.� on ways 10 Junior Development Officer Michael Danihcr trict for promotional work throughtout the Swan, Allen. as ,Jur new propri�tor. w� ;, i�h yo\.1 Promotion and relagc11ion is sure lo improve this iJrogrnmmt.· ple11sc do not zoned area - $4.000 in all. This money ha, :,..ccc�s� and we prl°)misc our l'l,-opcratinn. keep all clubs on their toes and before a hesitate ro eonr;ict the pu/Jli.�hcrs /Jy been raised. not only from the Country Day To our very good friend Ben Schmidt. for ball is bounced the publisher.\ of" this phoning G:i,y Allen 011 22 ./936 after Game, but also from levies on the gates in the the hard work that you have put mto nur programme would like to wish all ten hours. finals series of the three Leagues th;1t make up official public.11ion for more than twenty clubs the very best of" luck for 1983. Finally I am sure the A11.,tr11/i1111 Foot­ the District. small levies on the Junior bodies. years. we thank you and your wife. Chris. for As you are no doubt aware the River­ /J:ill frntaniry would join with in plus a share of transfer fees paid by the Swans your co-operation and publicity. we wish you for players from our Council that make the well and look forwanl to seeing you both at ina Football Record this year is a joint extending big thanks to /-Jeri Schmidt ganlcs and in particular at irllcr·IC,lgut: fixtures publication of" both the Riverina Football who produced the Rivai11a Footh:i/1us Rc ­ grade in V.F.L. a Again this ye<1r. our League is to he a ,111d the finals series. League and the Riverina District Foot­ eord its predecessors. A joh well contestant in the Winfield Championships. To the ten respective Clubs we wish you well ball League. done Bert ova the last 21 should we perform as well as last year and with for 1983. we thank you for past co-operation. w1d and the best of football to all. year.�. a little luck we could be Country Champions. Whilst on sponsors. this is our second year FRANK GAYNOR of the Tooths $20.000 three-year sponsor,hip. President Uivcrim, Football Lc;ig.11e. �� ---------------------- ,I iJ-�� GANMAIN ====� I NARRANDERA ����� � HARDWARE rg 1 PANEL WORKS 160 EAST ST., NARRANDERA NEGLINEAUSTRALIA PTY. LTINSURANCED. (Incorporated in N.S.W .)BROKERS I r FORPHONE ALL HARDWARE 59 1677 AND = I r,-;:-Li:...� BUILDING MATERIALS 9 STURT STREET, WAGGA WAGGA S. G. & R. A. KIRK - PIIONE 59 1707 PHONE (069) 21 5655 - P.O. BOX 646, WAGGA. I r---------5 DOUGLAS STREET. NARRANDERA-- ,, I 1 ARIAH PARK 1 7rQ1l 240 O From big business to individual needs, BAYLIS such as farm pak, house, car, pleasure I l HARDWARE I Mt'-'\G�? FARM & STATION STREET craft, private insurance . ..,N IB takes it SUPPLIER. YOUR LOCAL (0\.0WAGGA WAGGA I I x I J'OSSJ/JLY Tf-1£ BEST KNOWN, MOST personally . and that is s.P.curity! � COOLAMON STREET, D��g .. I ARIAH PARK. ESSO RECOGNISl:."D 1-ASf-llON HOUSE I - AGC�T _JI FOR MEN JN THE RIVER/NA. I PHONE 38 L----------- _______________ , ___ J 2 3 r---�-------- ------------, I JOIN THE RHEEM TEAM ror ... typewriters 1 GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR service • sales • repairs 1 PHONE I HOT WATER SYSTEMS LEETON Country Office Supplies PHONE WAGGA 21 3360 53 4155 -18...Pine Avenue, Leeton J L _________________________ TOOTHS RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE The publi.shers would like to extend .PRESIDENT'S /ld'ESSAGE RIVERINA their !hanks to members of both league This is the second year in the cxislancc of £a torial FOOTBALL executives and respective club delegMes the newly formed Riverina Foo1lrnll Lc.ieuc. i LEAGUE for their support in this matter. being reduced from twelve clubs last scaso11 lo Hirn1µ costs threatened the publication ten by the decision of the Y.C.F.L.
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