Revelries Show Lolly Roger' Premieres 8:15 Tonight
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Revelries Show lolly Roger' Premieres 8:15 Tonight Backstage . Upstage . Onstage . Images of Creation and Energy are mirrored in the faces of Chuck Mitchell goes blooey! as a mixture of Darlene Haynes "Yokahama Mama" floors him. Darlene Haynes as "Blossom Scuttle" watches "Jolly Roger" Jon "Jolly Roger's" set designer, Ralph Fetterly, and Director Diane Mitchell plays a liquor inspector who takes a swig sends him swinging in the arms of Jimn Hazen panic when an old girl friend (with gun at right) trains Hunt as they make f:nal dress rehearsal changes. Fetterly designed which the set for Speech and Drama Department's "The Sleeping Murtland, "Tomas," and John Aguiar as "Sack." All four will be seen tonight in Revelries' opening pistol on him for leaving her for a French girl friend. Prince.'' night production of Bill Leak's "Jolly Roger." Revelries toys, by J P ssEtt;sqsr Original Songs, Dances In All-Student Comedy By JERRY NACHMAN the hour and 45 minute show was "fine work" by both Goss and Sailing into Morris Dailey Bill Leak, 29-year-old goateed Fiske. tan 3a physics major. Costumes are by Darlene tonight black skull ithor Music director and arranger is Haynes and stage manager is SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Verne Schnaidt. Nancy Lund. Pa bonf.s flying, bells clang- Set designer is Ralph Fetterly Dancers in the show are as VOL 46 aais. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1959 NO. 117. g tsill he the privateer who designed the scenery for follows: John Amstar, Cookie lolly Roger:. The 30th an- "The Sleeping Prince". Said Gosclia, Clark Mires, Judy Wil- Fiske of Fetterly's sets: "Ralph der, Keith Murray, Kathi of Eggi- ual production Spartan has designed one of the most man, Truman Jones. Phyllis Mc- elaborate sets Revelries has ever Essen, Jim Murtland, Dawn First Day Revelries docks for a five- Ballot Tally Tops ight stand beginning at 8:15 p.m. used." Slater, Goss and Miss Uemura. Manning lead roles are Jon Lighting director is Rich Safina. Singers, besides the regular cast, Hazen as Prof. Charles "Jolly" Choreography for "Jolly Roger" are Mike Chang and Solomon Hill. gees and Jeanne Cook as his was done by 13ick Goss. Assisting Fiske said tickets may be pur- Last Spring's Vote By 181 eminine colleague from Clearlace Goss was Kay Uemura, Miss chased at the door. No seats are Uemura was complimented for her reserved. Hem Pr if. Louise Anderson. Ron Robinson, Bob Gifford, Rich Store and in front of the Li- their second and third choices "Jolly Roger", written by Bill A whopping 1670 ballots Hill and "dark horse" write-in brary. voided, Christiana said. Utak, tells the musical -comedy were cast yesterday in the Four thousand ballots have been candidate Jerry Elliott, are stu- The much discussed council dis- elianty of a Mr. Peeperish in- CARDS TO SHUFFLE first day tally of ASB and printed for the election. Christiana It .nictor who does a personality class election vote.:. reported dent body presidential candidates. crimination plan, if passed, would added that a record number of stu- ta go baccanaaring Chief Justice Dick Christiana Forty-one candidates are vying continue the current Student dents are expected to cast their II dou gh NItaliterrneanit waters. for the student body and class of- Council policy of urging organi- votes by this afternoon at 3 p.m In suppoling ranks are Jim , last night. The total is some Independents Present fices. AWS positions also are be- zations to remove restrictive ASB candidates on the ballot in- right, Janis Fisher, Darlene I 181 votes more than last year's first day ballot count of ing selected by female balloteers. clauses. In addition, new organi- clude: Ifees and the following mates: , Vice president, Guy Gleason; re- 1489. A two-part Student Council Con- zations with restrictive measures neliso Norris, France Clark. cording secretary, Deanne Bennett, ith Murray, Jim Murtland. John ack of Hearts Ball Voting will continue today from stitution proposal concerning dis- will be refused campus recognition. Becky Fudge and Ginny Nicolaus; 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at four central crimination and a public opinion ChrLatlana warned students tsar, nob Shermer, Chuck Cards will be shuffling tomorrow at the Jack of Hearts Ball in the corresponding secretary, Corrine campus locations. poll of the two Senate financial to use the official election stamp Cafeteria from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Co-sponsors for the event are Inde- Lobdell; treasurer, Marshall Ward; Christiana said no ballots have bills are other additions to be when marking their ballots. Dose Fiske, Revelries Board pendent Men's Council and Independent Women's Housing Council. male representative-at-large, Jud- been counted as yet. He said his voted on. With the preferential system of chairman, announced tickets for Music for the event will be furnished by the "Melody Masters" son Clark and Dick Johnston; fe- election workers segregated votes Booths have been set up in voting, a first, second and third "Greek Night" may be pur- plus vibes. last night but counting will not the Outer Quad, between the choice can he made. Students male representative-at-large, Ann chased today between I and 4:30 Bids are now on sale in the Library Quad for $1.50 a couple. Voting begin until after the polls close Men's Gym and the ROTC bar- who vote all three choices for Byde; male and female junior jus- p.m. in the student affairs hus1- for candidates nominated for the t tle of Jack of Hearts may be done this afternoon. racks, by the Spartan Book the same candidate will have tices, Roger Rearick, Sally Rees 614.9 MCP, Title. "Greek Night" 'either at the booth or at the sill be nest Thursday, May 7. dance. Bids also will be on sale at Tirtv Sleeller Last sear, blocks of 20 or more the dance. tickets stem sold only to 400111 Air Cadets Candidates and sponsors are frAternitirA and sororities, hut Tom McClelland, Elmyck, Duffy's Classes Dismissed this yror Fiske said any campus and Chez Nous and Choral Manor; organization may buy the ticket Don Breitenbucher, Catholic Wom- blocks, Get Honors en's Center; Jim Wittenberg, Mar- For Founders Day More than 15 awards were pre- imur Hall. Raje Manor, Delphian Classes he dismissed from tehell. Dave Fiske, Kay Uemura sented to outstanding members of Hall and "T" Hall; Rick Goss, Al- 10:30 to 11.30 a.m. Tuesday for ni Sandy Geneva. the SJS AFROTC at the Presi- pha Chi Omega; Dick Johnston, SJS' first annual Founders Day )iane Hunt is director of the dent's Review held on the ROTC Duchess Hall; and Bill Leach, ger- I ceremonies in the Inner Quad. drill field yesterday. ry Hall and Wendy Glen. The Library and administrative Yriting both hook and lyrics for Among those presenting awards Each purchased bid is one vote. JInd departmental offices will close _ - were SJS Pres. John T. Wahlquist, Diane Chamberlain and Mary for the hour-long program. in whose honor the parade was Patterson are general chairmen Ceremonies will be preceded by foments PE Head held, Dr. C. Grant Burton, execu- for the dance. an academic procession from the o Attend C onfab tive dean of the college, and Lt. A variety of refreshments will 1 Administration Bldg. Pres. John T. )r. MC(7;11111, head of the Col. Emery A. Cook, head of Air he available, said Dick Johnston, Wahlquist will introduce Founders lien's Physical Education De- Science. IMC president. Day speaker Dr. Clark Kerr, new- lmont. v ill represent CAHPER Cadet Major Robert Gifford was Surprise entertainment also will ly inaugurated president of UC. morrow at a training workshop awarded the Outstanding Air Sci- he featured. The event is a girl- Dr. Kerr's subject will he "1970-80; r local chairmen planning the ence III Cadet Ribbon for out- ask-boy, boy-ask-girl affair. RICH HILL BOB GIFFORD RON ROBINSON A Decade of Reckoning?" 980 1,Vhite House conference on standing leadership and campus Dress is to be dressy sport. ldren and Youth activities. (Picture On Page 61 'he San Francisco meet at Ho- No,. Movie,. bT.ohnightt Military Ball VVhitoi-Jmb, is sponsored by the UPI ROUNDUP Guild Joins ,'ernor's Advisory Committee on night in Morris Dailey Auditor- idren and Youth. California's mm. The next scheduled "Friday To Be Held on to the White Flicks" is May 13 when "Ti- House Confer- You wear that -same e will be discussed. tanic," starring Barbara Stan- Planes Sent to Panama MN Strike More than 200 couples are en - old sweat shirt to wyck. will he shown. petted to attend the 12th annual U.S. Navy and Air Force planes were the beach so much PANAMA CITY ICTPD Members of the San Jose News- Military Ball tonight at the Surf :cool' yesterday to head off any further rebel landing it feels clammy, looks Clergy Talk thrown into the fight paper Guild joined the 76 day old jClub in San Francisco. attempts on the Panama coast in response to reports that two more green, and is The The the,'v Mr Jose Nei-- 1 Air Force and Army cadets of Herbert Mid on the way from Cuba. strike against the San Badminton home for several rrsitorian ship-loads of invaders were SJS detachments are sponsortrv: minister to Sacra- announced that the United curs' and News At midnight. interesting specimens l'', :11PN The State Department in Washington begins at !4 college students, will the event. The dance of marine life.