BAIS TORAH BULLETIN פרשת ויצא הדלקת נרות 0044 ח‘ כסלו תש“פ December 6, 2019 ערב שבת ויצא Candle Lighting 4:09 WHAT’S NEW Mincha 4:15 This week’s Kiddush is co-sponsored by the Gottlieb and Rosenberg Shkiah 4:27 families in honor of the birth of their granddaughter and niece, and by those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the months of October, November, and December. Thank you to all the sponsors, and Mazal Tov שבת פרשת ויצא Hashkama 7:30 to all the celebrants! .is available for sponsorship סעודת שלישית Daf Yomi 8:00 Shacharis 8:45 Bais Torah offers streamed video shiurim through the Torah Confer- encing Network as follows: Rabbi Mansour’s shiur is Thursday nights at Sof Zman K”S 9:27 7:45, Rabbi Frand’s shiur is Thursday nights at 9 PM,and Rabbi Reisman’s Halacha 3:15 shiur is Motzoei Shabbos at 7:30 PM. Avos Ubanim continues this Motzoei Shabbos at 6:30 with learning, Mincha 0044 pizza and prizes! This week is sponsored by Dr. Yehuda and Judi Shkiah 72:4 Eliezri. The Avos Ubanim program offers a great opportunity to sponsor an evening of learning at a cost of only $50. Please contact Amy Gottlieb Maariv 5:10 at
[email protected] or 845 216 1194 to be a part of this nationwide Shabbos Ends 5:18 program! Thank you David Abramczik and Mendy Rosenbaum for cleaning up Weekday Schedule: the snow and salting the entrances to the shul Week of 12/8-12/12 The Daf Yomi Shiurim for this coming week are available for sponsor- Shacharis ship Sun 7:45 Join us Motzei Shabbos January 4 at 8 PM for a Gala Siyum Hashas Melave Malka at Bais Torah with special guest speaker Rabbi Betzalel Mon.., Thurs 6:20, 7:45 Rudinsky .The cost is $50 per person, with many sponsorship opportuni- Tues.Weds.Fri ties available.