
_ubomír Panák

Francesa da Rimini Maurice Benayoun Nancy Buchanan dollspace Labylogue Zuzana Husárová Developing: the Idea of Home

Enter:in' Wodies Jean-Baptiste Barrière Jeremy Bushnell Kodachrome Blue Syntax BA-Tale Lucie de Boutiny Joseph Butch Rovan Correspondences Jean-Pierre Balpe Imaginary Year INJECTIES (INJECTIONS) Paul Bogaert

NON-roman Epiglobis

Peter-Clement Woetmann

Alexander Mouton Kenneth Sherwood Tim Lockridge Fictions d’Issy A Servant. A Hanging. A Paper House. Hot Air Chris Ault Picking Petals Adriana Calcanhotto A Sky of Cinders Mindy Lam Je liegt en je filtert ... (You're lying and you filter ...) Tilfældigvis er skærmen blevet blæk Sylvia Tomayko-Peters Over and Over, Even Passing Through

Mapping Lucy Anderton

Almas II Nick Robinson Caitlin Fisher Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida Contemplating Flight TOC: A New-Media Novel Edward Falco Velvet Andres Colubri Chemical Landscapes Digital Tales Sarah Atkinson

Circle Donna Leishman LETTERS FROM THE ARCHIVERSE Iterature Steve Tomasula Mary Pinto Charmin' Cleary Sarah Smith Sea Island Please Don't Thank Me Crossed Lines RedRidinghood Requiem Pao! Pao! Pao! Karl-Erik Tallmo King of Space Joe Jones Patrick Sanchez For the Moon Christophe Bruno Andromeda Lotus Blossom Deviant: The Possession of Christian Shaw Beautopia Will Stauffer-Norris Albert Ginestà Scott Benish Hamnen The Last Day of Betty Nkomo Projecte8 A Dream with Demons The Mood of the Moment Borderline Laura Sullivan La Lucha Continua

Halbeath An American Life In Writing Samsung Means to Come (Korean) Bust Down the Door Again! Gates of Hell-Victoria Version Bust Down the Doors! Iakttagarens förmåga att inngripa Philipp Hofmann Charles Fisher Jeff T. Johnson These Waves of Girls: A Hypermedia Novella Erin Elizabeth

Missy The Death of a Factory Adrianna De Barros Barbara Campbell Jean-Luc Lamarque O Mar Sydny 5000 Anni Kämäräinen Newsrub Start at the End: a Hypertext Fiction pianographique Operation Nukorea Cunnilingus in Nordkorea Cultural Identity, Nothingness and Loneliness The Struggle Continues Lotus Blossom (Korean) The Raw Shark Texts Tehtaan kuolema

Luis Andrade Blinding Lights Your Job Won't Stand a Chance Silvia Rigon Saul The Many Voices of Saint Catarina of Pedemont To Find the White Cat in the Snow The Burning À Temporal Résumé I? Bill Dorris Galactic Tides by Night David Herrstrom Influencing Machine of Miss Natalija A. Victoria's Fire Eric A. Meyer Cunnicornord What is an Intellectual? Smash the Gang of Four Billion Steven Hall Samsung Veut Dire Jouir What's Your Nationality? Claudia Herbst Wlademir Dias-Pino Into the Green Green Mud Royal Crown Super Salon Special America "a crisis in se_Mantics: gendered symbols and notion" in computer graphics imaging Samsung (German) Tokyo Shadows Alison Walker Artist's Statement No. 45,730,944: The Perfect Artistic Website (Korean) Janet Kuypers Subject: Hello Virtual Reality Exhibit at the Singapore Escritas Arcaicas Operation Dear Leader City of Angles and Anguish

Der Kahuna Modus Nika Bertram Anders Sundnes Løvlie Storyland Anfipoemas The Sea Death Becomes the Artist Zoe Beloff Robohand Pax: an instrument Young-Hae Chang Honeymoon in BeppuCunnilingus in North Korea Samsung (Spanish) What Now? flâneur - tag the world Alex Epstein Confucius Say Traveling to Utopia Nanette Wylde Into the Night

Under Language Les Amants de Beaubourg

I am ______Lombrices (Minhocas) Jargon Reducer Das Erwachen der Mongoliden Josh White A Luta Continua Dreamtime Stuart Moulthrop Claire Donato Beckett's Bounce Ricardo Pons For My Next Illusion I Will Use Wings Last Tango in Tokyo Hegirascope Zombies, Run! Naomi Alderman Mr. President Marc Voge Rain on the Sea haikU Love and Kill End Credits - Eftertexter Nippon

Deep Surface Hey, Where'd All the Smart Guys Go? Eric Steinhart Pär Thörn Please Come Play with Me, Baby Arrested Leon Ferrari Jongno Poetry Generator Tretet die Tür ein! forking paths Marginal Effects Albertus Marques The Life of the City of the Mind So, So, Soulful Red/tratos Simultan Back in the R.O.K. Genius Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries Killing Lena Mark Z. Danielewski Urs Richle Artist's Statement No. 45,730,944: The Perfect Artistic Website Radio Salience Cunnilingus Norcoreano It's a Woman's World Victory Garden Fragments of the Dionysian Body Eduardo Scala Jongno (Korean) Jamie Allen Jonny Norridge make-shift Electric Poem Funk Reagan Library Only Revolutions Helen Varley Jamieson Orient (Korean) Eat Your Tits and Puppets Orient (Japanese) Orient Kaycee Nicole House of Leaves Credits Beyond Truth and Reason First Workshop Ever La Lutte Continue Juliet Davis Nick Rudnicki Samsung (Tango Version) This is Not a Joke Shadows From Another Place Kaycee Nicole Swenson Bodies of Water Samsung Paula Crutchlow Tony Barnstone Senghor on the Rocks Samsung (French) Beathe C. Rønning Florian Ledermann Pieces of Herself The Inland Sea Yatoo Hospital Tent Statement 29: To My Good And Loyal Subjects The Garden Library Database Visualization Project If I Were You I'll Go to the Palace Ursula Hentschläger Paula Levine Andreas Maria Jacobs Mustafa Stitou ininstante All Fall Down Eight Was Where It Ended Langweekend Enfonçons la Porte! Wordscapes and Letterscapes Map of a Future War Re:Positioning Fear Ian Hatcher Perfect Victoria Boogie-Woogie Wonderland Angela Ferraiolo Semantic Disturbances Riviera (Chinese) Rafael Lozano-Hemmer David Clark Samsung (Korean) Miss DMZ Christoph Benda Fabrizio Aiello Passage Sets per.m]utations - permutationen Zelko Wiener Signal to Noise Asunto Hola Jonathan Minori Long Weekend Oros Augusto de Campos Sign After the X Prosthesis Confucius Say Florian Cramer Bill Seaman Smeekbede coraçãocabeça Jeremy Douglass La Resocialista Internacional cidadecitycité Dakota I'm Sucking on a Tailpipe in Peter Cho Entropy Edition The Art of Silence The End of Capitalism Opening Sources Statement 63: After Recent Surgery on my Scalp Riviera Am I All Alone Here? 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be Played with the Left Hand) Toojeing

Fernwärme Johannes Heldén 10:01 Samsung Means to Come pleintekst.nl Codeworks: Netart on the border of Language and Codes Lance Olsen Osso aoa_renci Landscapes Sonja Thomsen Väljarna/Elect Poema-Bomba Kristian Pedersen Joel Weishaus Super Smile Declaration D'Artiste Numero 45.730.944: Les Parfait Web Site Artistique Jason Pimble Bokstavene Natural History Tim S Guthrie Urgent Request Enter the Plains Listening Post The End The Talking Dead Half-Breed Apache

John Kusch Metablast Astrid Lampe Jemima Rellie Declaracion De Artista The First Meeting of the Satie Society Mark H. Hansen Marc Blank Bill Marsh The verse/ De verso I, You, We The Way North The ABCDESTRUCTIONOPQRXYZÅÄÖ Deadline Ingen elge på vejen den dag The Prime Directive/Primärdirektivet Sigurd Tenningen five by five A Fine View Jay Bushman Andre Vallias Aomori Amori Red Lily Nous n'avons pas compris Descartes Ben Rubin City of Secrets Trujillo poeem Formes libres flottant sur les ondes IO: analysis The Art of Sleep Walkdont John Cage Romy Achituv J. Yellowlees Douglas Joe Milutis Zork 1: The Great Underground Empire haha The Torrent Oratorio Sestinas Xavier Malbreil David Lebling Gabriella infinita The Good Captain Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez oooxxxooo Cantoos Cent mille milliards de poèmes Raymond Queneau Porto Alegre Suite: Negritude and Solitude David Knoebel Prthvî The Quiddities

Hexaemeron 10 Poemes en 4 Dimensions Thoughts Go Strings Matko Zawrotna I Have Said Nothing ______: A Translation Christyn Davies Dan Waber Juliet Ann Martin Ne me touchez pas / Don't touch me Trope F2F I-Pledge.org MyNovel.org Golpe de Gracia Careless Observations Heart Pole The Image _ukasz Podgórni Euclid Radiophonic Laura: Voice, Song, Information, Intelligence Annie Abrahams *water writes always in *plural R, Adieu schlampe The Click Poems Megan Heyward Common Tongues Biennale.py Separation / Séparation Josephine Wilson AR Cantú Elena Knox Light-Water: a Mosaic of Meditations MythWatch.org What They Said... (While We Were Sleeping) My Nervous Breakdown Heim@tmuseum A Madlib Frost Poem Robert Hudecek American Ghosts Sarah Waterson Backbeat Savoir-Faire Galatea POPstory How It Is in Common Tongues Of Day, of Night Ambient Fish Being Human Linda Carroli Christy Sheffield Stanford George Hartley Huis Clos / No Exit Brainstrips 0100101110101101.ORG Collective Gisela Müller Because You Asked Archetypal Africa Caroline Bergvall Text Rain Who is Flora? Alan Bigelow When I Was President Eugene Thacker Speak: a Hypertext Essay Claire Allan Dinsmore LEi/iEBESÜBUNGEN Emily Short Renée Turner Feed This Is Not A Poem Dandelion Chance Billy Collins Bare Bones François Coulon Samuel Christopher Nobody knows but you Nature on a Leash Shadows Never Sleep Jørgen Sonne Saving the Alphabet Gail White Scott Joeyllyn Rock The Quick Brown Fox (a Panagram) when Heimatmuseum II SMServices - Text on Demand PamelaSmall.com fleshtresholdnarrative Worldwatchers The Dazzle as Question Last Words Travis Alber Sonne Ordklip Pause mar puro Love Is... Angels, Avatars, and Virtual Ashes Blast Theory

Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse My Summer Vacation The Dead Hunger Susanne Berkenheger Ottar Ormstad Uncle Roy All Around You lala Lord's Prayer, The Hilfe! The Book After the Book Aya Natalia Karpinska Wander Wire Gregory Weir LYMS Naomi Spellman The Bubble Bath Zachary Booth Simpson looppool Hunter Crawford Juan Delcan Paul La Farge Silent Conversation Cinema2.com Absurd in Public Zeit für die Bombe John McDaid Neseblod Collection Vocaleyes Monica Moran Luminous Airplanes: A Hyperromance ich sterbe gleich, schatz. Dramatisches Chat-Destillat (2004). Von einer stillen Autorin, einem geschwätzigem Publikum und der Frage, warum Ümit in Istanbul Schuhe putzen soll Selene and Chandra Poetrica He Said, She Said svevedikt ("poetry floating in the air") Camille Utterback 34 North 118 West Connected Memories Die Schwimmmeisterin Jeremy Hight string-code Mondriaan Ambulance: An Electronic Novel Ceci n'est pas un Nike No Time Machine Greg Philbrook Immobilité Bas Böttcher Drawing from Life Tele_bits 2.0: Metacinema, Redes Abertas e RA Jennifer Hill-Kaucher Margarete Strawn FILMTEXT 2.0 Sophie Calle Untitled 5 Another Kind of Language open.ended Morten Skogly Et null nynner Joseph Farbrook

Giselle Beiguelman Jeff Knowlton Cityscapes: Social Poetics / Public Textualities C()n Du It Takei, George Jaime Levy >>oh<< Birds Singing Other Birds' Songs Itinerant María Mencía Harm van den Dorpel Bokstavlek Bad Machine Kirsten Lavers Composition B A C K L I T Mark Amerika Code Movie 1 Vingt ans après Philip Wohlstetter //**Code_Up PHONE:E:ME Automatype Friday's Big Meeting Custom Orthotics Changed My Life Voice Inside My Head Sue Huang Cia Rinne text.curtain Storms Cris Cheek Accidental Meaning Hundekopf Greg J. Smith Tristessa Daniel Ruiz Geof Huth Katarzyna Gie__y_ska Mark Sample Calaboca Endemic Battle Collage Series 1: the alphabetic Stamboom The QR-Poem Blue Company Reversed Mirror Generative Poems Family Tree Strange Rain Albeit GRAMMATRON Teri Rueb Abracadabra mayday Critical Sections Morpheus Biblionaut Dan Shiovitz Wordy Mouths cave.cubes Re:Mix Richard Holeton recycled Tetra El Dorado: Scenes from the Road Archives Zaroum Mark Shovman Daniel C. Howe Yoko Engorged Invisible Seattle: The Novel of Seattle, by Seattle Figurski at Findhorn on Acid Genesis Chaos Things Come and Go Brian House Tower The Knotted Line The sport of détournement, the détournement of sport, basic skills for media remixes Lenora de Barros Recaos Fabian Winkler Socratic Enquiries Rozalie Hirs Core Sample Evan Bissell The Fall of the Site of Marsha UPC Passage maybe make some change Erik Loyer Holo/Olho (Holo/Eye) Ruben and Lullaby Sharon Daniel Olia Lialina myBALL Precession of the Equinoxes Perhaps Eva Mattes My Boyfriend Came Back From the War RiTa Roulette Eric Snodgrass Calling America Frequently Asked Questions about "Hypertext" Queerskins database Public Love Poem Rob Wittig Não Alchemy Shawn Rider Gorge Window Blue Lacuna WORDSL 1 and 2 Jason Rohrer Illya Szilak reRead Grace, Wit and Charm Eduardo Kac OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory Adriana de Souza e Silva Aaron A. Reed OCO Public Secrets Chroma Feliz L. Molina Irad Lee ZYX Predictor Lair of the Marrow Monkey The Cape Life Sharing IO (Kac) The Castle Notes on the Voyage of Owl and Girl So Random Trepp Peter Adolphsen Mark Cooley Magnet Mystery House Taken Over Siofra McSherry Katharine Norman Hasso Krull Franco Mattes Reconstructing Mayakovsky Presence Entre Ville Whom the Telling Changed Planting Trees Out of the Grief: In Memoriam Robert Creeley Spamology Halo Phoenix Wired Intermission Lilith Wine Yes, really Tributaries & Text-Fed Streams: A Feed-Reading of the Capilano Review Letter Almost Goodbye Truisms Quando? (When?) (Dis)Location, (Dis)Connection, (Dis)Embodiment Jenny Holzer Dois Pontos Holly Franking Along the Briny Beach João Bandeira En million historier Quando Assim Termina o Nunca 1 – Visuais reWrite Negative Space: a Computerized Video Novel Postcard Simon Biggs Corporate Text Cannibal Reabracadabra GENERATION(S) Whisper Wire Echelon uConnect about nothing, places, memories, and thoughts: robert creeley (1926-2005) and patricia tomaszek James W. Johnson Omar Khouri Mondrian Mood hektor Florian Kutzli We Descend : Archives Pertaining to Edgerus Scriptor, Volume 1 J. R. Carpenter Common Tongues David Durand Secret Deus Ray Kurtzweil Elaine Froehlich Versalhões Accident Eric LeMay Wilton Azevedo Hazel Smith Roman Leibov STRUTS Sujeitobjeto (Practices of Meaning) Mozaic La plissure du texte The Readers Project Tesão Ray Kurzweil’s Cybernetic Poet Oracle The Broadside of a Yarn The Reading Glove All Roads The Living Room Word Museum Trac|tExt|ract Negative Space: A Computerized Video Novel (CD-ROM edition) Great Wall of China Nuno F. Ferreira Patricia Tomaszek E_cepahalopedia // novellex Letter to Linus Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls This is Not a Hypertext Atame: A Angústia do Precário Utter TRANS.MISSION [A.DIALOGUE] Marko Niemi Blake Carrington Nathaniel Stern Roger Dean Bill Bly We Descend, Volume Two Regime Change Karen Tanenbaum Foi Film of Sound Ingenstans Betty Leirner Losing the Lottery Roy Ascott wotclock Katherine Chen The Tulse Luper Suitcases in absentia Jon Ingold Roman News Reader Living Liberia Fabric Babel Book of Shadows non-LOSS'y Translator Welkom Vreemdeling (Welcome Stranger) my Molly (departed)[JJ.BS]GENERATIVE RE:EDIT/ATOR ...Reusement Yasmin Kadry There he was, gone. Joshua Tanenbaum Jerome Fletcher 8 Brincadeiras para SalettePoemário Tavares - Blog de poesia combinatória Stud Poetry Google Earth: A Poem for Voice and An Essay on the Golden Lion: Indra's Net IV Bjørn Magnhildøen Speaking Clock Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR book review: not a b (pdp remix) William Gillespie Oisleánd: Indra's Net IX Adam Chapman Peter Greenaway Sky and Wires: At Home and Homeless Foliage Poemário - Editor de poesia combinatória Lexia to Perplexia Brion Moss James Petrillo Stream Streamflow conditions CityFish D. Fox Harrell NONCE.EXECUTOR (disposable language) Land/Wave Series Pressing the Reveal Code Key: Indra's Net VIII What We Will Glitch The Impermanence Agent Frank Marquardt Time Qullts (a loop study) Talan Memmott s(Pacing) Phillip Chow Remembering Bogle Chandler K. Michel Cathy Marshall Pentimento Grégory Chatonsky Mar de Sophia Mika Igarashi Will Luers Manuel Portela The Tulse Luper Journey Diana Reed Slattery Plaintext Performance Golem AutoSummarize Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste (cn) Psychographic Poetry Amor de Clarice (v. 2). Versão Combinatória Imposition Urheilulajeja hentorakenteisille ACITEOP. Disfunciones poéticas del lenguaje. riverIsland Cinema Volta: Weird Science and Childhood Memory Revenances Dirk Stratton Translucidity (S)PACING Talking Cure Noah Wardrip-Fruin Sous Terre, The Subnetwork Pelayo Méndez "Where you will have been I am..." [not yet found] The Walking Man Geoffrey Olsen Graeme Truslove John Cayley Amor de Clarice The Glide Project The Hollow Kelsey Marotta Stagno Rui Torres Vicky Lai Rebecca Young Self Portrait(s) [as Other(s)] Ah (a shower song) Substratum Sari Taimela A Machicolated Body Incident of the Last Century 1999, Sampling Sarajevo Um Corvo Nunca Mais Reiner Strasser Benjamin Shine 217 Views of the Tokaido Line Do Peso e da Leveza Forward Anywhere Tramway Jason Huff Chris Funkhouser How Am I Not Myself Leaving the City: Indra's Net V The Unknown Collocations: Indra's Net II René Lapierre The Hugo Ball Book Unbound Toy Garbage Laura Borràs Castanyer New Word Order Jeroen de Leijer Palimpsest Diagrams Series 6: 6.4 and 6.10 Dylan Meissner Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste Shawn Greenlee SWALLOWS The Madeleine Effect Eduardo Navas Delivery Machine 01 Enigma n Húmus poema contínuo The Sweet Old Etcetera Alexandra Saemmer Transfixions PoemAds - Sob o signo da devoração Mirroring Tears: Visages Matthias Krohn Reasoned Metagoria lens Theo Lutz Alison Clifford midiPoetry 2012 Screen American Psycho, 2010 Poemas no meio do caminho Diari d'una absència The Barrier Frames / Diffractions Through Etang Gentleman Fight Night A Pen Sandy Baldwin Paul Zelevansky The Colonization of Memory MaJe Kindschuh-Larsen Soldatmarkedet Fugues overboard windsound Paul A. Green dbCinema Dawn Thank you... Torus Die imaginäre Bibliothek Tema procura-se Heiko Idensen The EdCanyonlands: Report Edward Abbey in the Great American Desert Skogen its name was Penelope Jim Rosenberg Nick J. Swarth On Lionel Kearns Poesia encontrada Andrew McClain Melissa Berman Böhmische Dörfer Etang Arteroids Michael Hoffman Pentameters Toward the Dissolution of Certain Vectorialist Relations Motomichi Nakamura Nils Mühlenbruch New Word Order: Basra SWALLOWS 2.0 Firefall Training Missions Amy Hufnagel Voyage Into the Unknown Tao Josh Carroll Aina Villanger Hey Now Joe Amato Seattle Drift Wasting Time l0ve0ne The Inframergence Annette Barbier Uncle Roger Revelations of Secret Surveillance John Jesurun Panoramic Poems, Narratives and Travels Hapax Phenomenon Radial City Edde Addad Collage / Montage: Idensen live! The Executor Stochastische Texte Geoffry Gatza Andrew Klobucar Andreas Müller-Pohle Nio Mimi Cabell codework parenthetical insertions Blind Side of a Secret Robert Coover Intergrams Monica Aasprong Well/Brane Yoshi Sodeoka Jeffrey Shaw Jim Andrews JABBER: The Jabberwocky Engine Det siste utbruddet / The Last Volcano Translation IChing.Poetry.Engine Paul Vanouse Judy Malloy Paths of Memory and PaintingFrom Ireland with Letters Home Lola Brine Roderick Coover Making Art Online Wasser A Party at Silver Beach Grand Thieves Audio Modologues Labyrinth: the Rulebook without Game Shy Boy Thomas Swiss Something That Happened Only Once LAinundacion Kastastrofetrilogien Hypertext Hotel Jeremy Welsh The (Former) General In His Labyrinth Face Codes charNG The Cyborg Opera: Synth Loops Aleph Null War Games Marginalia in the Library of Babel Penny Florence Linnea Eriksson Tim Etchells Christian Bok Drew Browning Mohsin Hamid Basho's Frogger and JABBER The 4th Search Richard Montoya The Legible City Jennifer Ley The LA Flood Project Clement Valla Ramon Forns Jean-Hugues Réty Neil Hennessy Jared Tarbell After Parthenope Brown House Kitchen John David Zuern The Distributed Legible City The Meddlesome Passenger Steffi Domike Spring Day Notation Modern Moral Fairy Tales Paddle a show of hands Cultures in Webs: Working in Hypermedia with the Documentary Image Anonymes Ibland försvinner rösten helt, under några timmar eller hela dagar. Denna företeelse saknar helt förklaring. Dwelt Card Catalogs and Electronic Books E:Electron Internet Text, 1994- [Through Feb 2, 2006] Stefan Schemat Sebastian Elk Andrew Badr Phillipa J Burne Mark C. Marino Surrender Control Maria Colino vowheels Scott Rettberg Dirk Groeneveld Blue Hyacinth Sergi Llorens DADA TO GO: A WALKTHROUGH LEVELS Sans Titre Your World of Text The Accidental Artist Ask Me for the Moon: Working Nights in Waikiki Shane Hinton Peggy Kind of Blue Generador de poemes catalans Hurst Raschin Fatemi Vive la Bagatelle Alan Sondheim The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus Terminal Time Living Will Daily Carving in Possibilities Slechte adem in de mist (Bad breath in the mist) 24 hours with someone you know... Sinferidad Código de barras Nalini Abhiraman Erica T. Carter: The Collected Works The Nowhere Dance Three Rails Live Waiting for Gwodot Stravinsky's Muse Orson Whales Marble Springs 3.0 Lori Talley Poem for ___ (Mo Hailun) The Misanthrope of Karlskrona Frequency Los Wikiless Timespedia Dadaventuras Nachtkrabbel Pauline Masurel The Roar of Destiny Six Little Loops Jaka _eleznikar Sylvia Egger ii — in the white darkness: about [the fragility of] memory Mountain Rumbles 12 Easy Lessons to Better Time Travel Kristi Barnett Family Tree Extinction Elegies: a post-Fukushima interactive video-poem tht introduces mutations into the DNA of meaning. Braxton Soderman The Ballad of Workstudy Seth human-mind-machine My Name is Captain, Captain Mary Shelley The Breathing Wall Sepand Ansair Rozalie Hirs Erica T. Carter Project Nightmare Wanders Father's Song Datafeeds Benjamín Escalonilla Godayol Martina Kieninger Marble Springs 1.0 Office Diva Stéphanie Spenlé das buch gertrud Jim Carpenter Implementation Alma Pérez Alex Itin Robert Coover Criticism Generator Tokyo Garage Tree Woman Interstitial Matina L Stamatakis The Precession Dave Pape Peter Ciccariello Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China Stir Fry Texts Curtis Harrell Ferris Wheels mémoire involuntaire no. 1 McLu-uhms Fragments of Distances Tonnus Oosterhoff Inanimate Alice, Episode 4: Hometown Brian Evans Laurie Anderson Onrust (Restlessness) Firefly Nomad Lingo Jacob Welby Reinhard Döhl Turning Away I'm simply saying Soul Mark Jeffery The Pines at Walden Pond :terror(aw)ed patches:_ Whale Hunt Winchester's Nightmare Kevin Carpentier Public Override Void Epitaph Gertrude Stein Josephine Anstey Chris Joseph Disclaimer Erik K Rzepka Puppet Motel Nick Montfort Randy Adams The Last Performance Slaaplied (Lullaby) The Jew's Daughter Jonathan Harris G-LINIE HTML Ten Mobile Texts synonymovie Breathing at the Galaxy’s Edges No matter Michael Mateas Deena Larsen Soldati The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders Heights Kate Pullinger Wen David Jhave Johnston M.U.C. Love Letter Generator Promiscuous Design Ghost Moons Softies Flight Paths: A Networked Novel Millie Niss Reboot The Universe Now: A Propositional Poem for World Peace TEXT Flourish Klink Kill the Poem - digitale visuell-konkrete Poesie und Poem Art (CD-ROM) Taroko Gorge R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX - selected works Judd Morrissey Animalamina Childhood in Richmond _The Art of M[ez]ang.elle.ing: Constructing Polysemic & Neology Fic/Factions Online_ Between Treacherous Objects Tailspin Free Lutz! worm applepie for doehl Another Emotion Samplers: Nine Vicious Little Hypertexts We Feel Fine: An Almanac of Human Emotion Handplant Studio RC_AI & Purloined Packets The Horse on the Cell Phone / Das Pferd am Handy Book and Volume All wrongs reversed ©1982 We Feel Fine: An Exploration of Human Emotion, in Six Movements Textual Skyline Cartografi 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 The Final Problem degenerativa Exquisite Corpse Poems Sooth Christopher Stratchey Daniela Calisi Misslungene Anbetung Martha Deed Fred & George Searchsonata 181 Brendan Howell Out of Touch Disappearing Rain Stained Word Window Soleil Amer JB Wok PLAY with the last days of DRAG RACING PUPPETS Typeoms Lev Manovich MUPS Toucher Urbanalities Oulipoems R Ja tornaré Ad Verbum Berlioz JODI Soft Cinema: Ambient Narrative Carles Hac Mor The Poetry Cube TLT vs. LL Sep Kamvar Search Trilogy ppg256 (Perl Poetry Generator in 256 Characters) In praise of an elevator concrete_machine Kominos Zervos Eugenio Tisselli RC_AI Johannes Auer Kill the poem A crissxross trail < R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX: one remix player's scenic route through remixworx René Bauer Hermenetka Per Martinsen Uli Winters The Bomar Gene Tu/tto Poemes MIDIPoet Small Machines Making Words Christine Wilks Promise Bruno Scoccimarro Heather Lee Schroeder This is how you will die Martyn Bedford Nine attempts to clone a poem escha Bill Chamberlain %Location Apple in Space - Search the World Uncontrollable Semantics Underbelly The Eden Database Stillicidio Broken Marc Lloan Fórmula do mar VIRU2 Lucia Leão Purpling How to Make a Dadaist Poem _the data][h!][bleeding texts_ Fabrikverkauf Ted Warnell Corposcopio Duel Cyberpoetry Underground What is your dream? Michael J. Maguire Dreamaphage sniff_jazzbox.audible_city For the Natural Death of the Work of Art Brian Lennon We Drank Fitting the Pattern Ester Xargay Up Against the Screen Mother Fuckers PAC - Poesia Assistida per Computadora Earthbound: Surfing the Apocalypse About the Other Animals Fields of Dreams Tristan Tzara Een latente meertaligheid (A potential polyphony) Racter Beat Suter Game, game, game, and again game Jason Nelson _Viro.Logic Condition][ing][ 1.1_ The Virtual Disappearance of Miriam Rememori Plural maps: lost in São Paulo Evidence of Everything Exploding Muds The Policeman's Beard is Half-Constructed The Rainbow Factory Mez Breeze Marcelo Tápia Search Lutz! Fibonacci's Daughter Social Dis-ease A bribes abattues Scott Itchikawa Façade Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database db.11x8.5 Searchsongs Justin Katko Metamorphose _cross.ova.ing 4rm.blog.2.log 07/08 XXtracts_ David Theo Goldberg Changed Natalie Bookchin Lascaux.Symbol.ic Intruder Henk van der Waal Katy Meyers Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis Scrape Scraperteeth Andreas Kratky Katherine Rong Jin How to transform dog/horse pron/hump lovers into art patrons Q.Q.A.3 Hermeticon: Pop Spell Maker The Uninvited Accounts of the Glass Sky Rachel Stevens Jacques Brel op 8 april 1929 bij zijn geboorte Avenue Ondertussendu Diamant 138, in Taylor, Schaerbeek Nebraska The Rut Torbjørn Skårild AndOrDada Les 12 Travaux de l'Internaute / The 12 Labors of the Internet User Mindwheel Peter's Haiku Generator Small Uncomfortable Reading Poems _][ad][Dressed in a Skin C.ode_ Last Dream Len Lye Sydney's Siberia Ugly petite brosse à dépoussiérer la fiction Going through the Signs Tale-Spin _The_Tem(Cor)p(oral)_Body_ i made this, you play this. we are enemies Thomas H. Crofts ID_Xor.cism_ The Two Blue Velvet Capped Désir Insuffisant The Dead Tower M. D. Coverley Pushkin Translation Califia Détournement / Diversion Same Day Test Rush Michigan Agricultural College Tour Glimmer Luc Dall'Armellina Turkmenbashi, mon amour Dorothy's Mirror Déprise Marte Huke With Love, from a Failed Planet Frans Budé Dim O'Gauble My Words / Mes Mots e-cris Rudy Lemcke Trade Tattoo Le Rabot poète Retournement Human Readable Messages changeEverything Robert Pinsky Peter Howard endings eventually end The Flat Xylo Egypt: The Book of Going Forth by Day Ré veille d’artiste Cut to the Flesh The Black Chamber Natalia Fedorova Retorn a la Comallega Philippe Bootz Andrew Stern Outrances James Richard Meehan Stefka Hristova exquisite_code Christophe Bruchansky Martine Neddam Andy Campbell Gavin Inglis 'Scape the Hood Tumulte, 227 histoires brèves FaceDown Hva sier trærne? Tideland Car Wash Serge Bouchardon Pyxis Byzantium Sea and Spar Between 1999 The Fugue Book Perdersi To Touch Amour Les amis seur le seuil Disembodied Voices Davin Heckman To be or not to be Mouchette Kim White Spawn Not Found James Dvorak Barry Smylie Vincent Volckaert Marte Aas Charlotte Hansen Carlos León Steven Meretzky Look, here she lies (Kijk, hier ligt ze) Ton Ferret John Barth RE_WORKINPR Opacità The Princess Murderer Una Selva Oscura François Bon The Minotaur Project Nightingale's Playground Leslie Rule Megan Sapnar The Set of U / La Série des U La Casa Sota el Temps The Incomplete Floppy Click Victoria Welby Douglas Adams Loss of Grasp Homer's Iliad Déprise Jardins de plàstic I Clues changerTout Afeeld João Antonio da Silva Sampaio Czarne Jagody A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz Jody Zellen Deus Ex Machina Fractured Webessay Hans Kloos Karen Wagner The Neighbour Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Without a Trace 5000 palabras Opacity Clearance Marcel Frémiot Joyride Hervé Zénouda Je ziet hier iedereen voorbijkomen, de Westerparkse gedichten Ouroboros (aka. Uróboros) The American Bible Society Carolyn Guertin Logozoa The Diary of Anne Sykes Ghost City Katie Campbell Incarnation: Heart of the Maze While Chopping Red Peppers Tue-moi Blueberries Charles Cumming La Huella de Cosmos A Life Set for Two Frame Work: A Hypertext Poem 21 días Ubermatic Opacité Isaías Herrerro Florensa Inside: A Journal of Dreams Susan Gibb Spine Sonnet Errand Upon Which We Came Erin Costello Kairos Cruising Leaved Life Folgen Crowds and Power The 21 Steps Poemedia Pieces Circumstances Leonard Dumas Judi Alston The Attributes of Heartbreak (or Gilgamesh, Twelve Leagues He Travelled) Eric Sérandour Wade Roberts Palavrador Anne Frances Wysocki Domenico Chiappe Skeleton Sky Faith Robert Kendall A Study in Shades my body — a Wunderkammer Croatian Tales of Long Ago Eidola Kosmos Michelle Teran Patchwork Girl F.J. Bergmann Michele D'Auria Andreas Meier Aaron Angello Helena Bulaja Universo Molécula Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird Dirk Günther Karen Osborne Unicode Maureen Seaton Tierra de Extracción Chico Marinho Nome Walter Silveira Kiki Petrosino Candles for a Street Corner I Love You Alain Salvatore The Carrier WOE Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel Twilight, A Symphony Edward Picot Brad Bouse Digitally Modified Organism Pierre Albert-Birot Melinda Rackham afternoon, a story V: WaveSon.nets / Losing l'Una CHAOSity Paul Trevor Elena Razlogova SKIN: A Mortal Work of Art abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (iPhone app) Ingrid Ankerson Typoems Shelley Jackson Evan Young Lace (Dentelle) Girls' Day Out Die Aaleskorte der Ölig Ecran Total konsonant Anipoems Digital Oracles The Glass Snail: a Pre-Christmas Tale Goggi Kerry Lawrynovicz Arnaldo Antunes Today is Lemonade NIki Nolin Quebra Cabeça Lello Masucci Pé Ponta-Cabeça Rob Weychert soundpoems Amaranth Borsuk I didn't know infants in arms until. Fotomo Blues Milorad Pavi_ Reach, a Fiction popo_udnie, pewna historia RepeatAfterMe Anne Bang-Steinsvik Skindoscope I mellom tiden Twelve Blue Damien Everett Between Page and Screen Guantanamobile Free Haiku! Ana María Uribe carrier (becoming symborg) Pamela Jackson Voice Mosaic Bodybuilding Joseph Weizenbaum Stephanie Strickland Jörg Piringer The Doll Games Concatenation Frank Klötgen Lisa Lynch Jón Örn Lo_mfjör_ New Digital EmblemsProject for Tachistoscope [Bottomless Pit] Middle Orange | Meia Naranja Je t'aimerai Ian Ferrier Zone : Zero Gravity Clock A Humument Michael Joyce Voice Time Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel On the Birthday of a Stranger Oni Buchanan SFZero Robert Arellano Rice Le Noeud True North The Dada Sprockets Tafel/Blackboard abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Performance Work) Geniwate White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares Frank Fietzek ELIZA Io Sono At Swoons Tafel 2/Blackboard 2 The Mandrake Vehicles There, There Square Le mange-textes Das Epos der Maschine WhereAbouts Viz Études The Heart of the Machine Maria Damon Jean-Marie Dutey Sam Lavigne William Poundstone Dear e.e. Tom Phillips Claudio Bueno J.M. Calleja Sunshine '69 slippingglimpse Nepabunna Paul Ryan Jean-François Verreault The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot Ten Doors Closing Lasting Image Alletsator Luís Carlos Petry Orit Kruglanski Nacho Duran Seedsigns for Philadelpho Urs Schreiber V: Vniverse When you reach Kyoto Loss Pequeño Glazier Dig Luz COG (I) Steve Duffy Kliniken Pedro Barbosa Star Wars, One Letter at a Time Carolyn Guyer Caminant Golan Levin Lori Janis Literature Nation LAT-23 Mesostics for Dick Higgins chatpoetry Monica Aasprong eye in the making Suicide in an Airplane Cynthia Lawson Jaramillo Solstice Will Crowther Dylan Sheehan Jacqueline Goss Kluge: A Mediation Marcus Bastos LAT 23 Quibbling Textweave Abílio Cavalheiro Annelie Axén Pillage Laud mIEKAL aND Sintext Morten Søndergaard altavista words Soldatmarkedet Scott Snibbe Generative Poetry Forest Faen. Nå har de senket takhøyden igjen. Må huske å kjøpe nye knebeskyttere.after emmett: a dispersion of ninetiles The Secret Life of Numbers Everybody Dies Ian Bogost Landskaber omkring digtet kompas him Nelli Rothvee Don Woods Brian Kim Stefans John Sparrow Mesostics for Dick Higgins (Print) Michael Takeo Magruder The Dreamlife of Letters Colossal Cave Adventure Jacob Garbe Deep Walls Faen. Nå har de senket takhøyden igjen. Må huske å kjøpe nye knebeskyttere. Pinzas de metal Denise Agassi Shu Lea Cheang Erin Mouré Baby Work Angela Dentanico Dane Watkins Negro en ovejas Martin Farro-Thomsen Nothing temps Every Word I Saved Net poetry A Slow Year: Game Poems Letterbuilder Tor Åge Bringsværd Jim Munroe Macelib Every Word I Saved (Book) Rum Skab Værelse Alone Engaged Maria Engberg An Evening In Front Of The Box Diane Greco Josefowicz Velo City Place Their Face Inigo Gets Out Stevan Zivadinovic Teri Hoskins Tina Escaja Paul Chan Christopher Werby L'Albatross Dirk Schröder Katherine Haake Caosflor Insects Noise Sharif Ezzat Hobo Lobo of Hamelin Marcelo Spalding Rafael Lain Entre Lluis Calvo Mo Fanning Sue Thomas Olga Werby Cristobal Mendoza Missed Connections Imaginary Landscape 4.1 (betamix) Jean-Pierre Balpe ou les Lettres Dérangées Droites et Courbes / Lines and Curves No Country For Old Men Amanda Stories: Ten Children's Adventures by Amanda Goodenough Zehra Yousofi Eye David Still Gerald Smith Lisa Bloomfield Noon Quilt Rod Moore Amanda Goodenough Alternumerics The Company Therapist Like Stars in a Clear Night Sky Tantderêves George Legrady Gökçen Ergüven Trilogy Pedro Valdeolmillos Xtine Burrough Nostalgia Um estudio em vermelho Touchwords Isopoema Patrick Henri Burgaud Codeswitching 23_g Caren Beilin Suits: A Narrative of About Twenty-Seven Hours, More or Less Theodoros Chiotis Claire Carre [theHouse] David Still :) Making Visible the Invisible Zaira, City of Memories Peter Kay The Tapeworm Foundry Day Completely Automated Expressions 9:05 Adam Cadre Canticle Robin Elliott Ideas of Beauty: Conversations Modern Mother Soliloquy On the Web Turning In Arlene Stamp Clark Humphrey Vienna Underground: The Third Woman Project Shandra Lamaute

Animals are Placebos Don't Breathe Bill Kennedy Winterscape Mary Flanagan Darren Wershler-Henry [the perpetual bed] Penumbra Triple Echo: Orpheus and Euridyce Wes Chapman All The Numbers From Numbers Secret Door Rockface II The Apostrophe Engine The Prisoner Danny Cannizzaro I know that somewhere this is a homage some where [Murmur] Kenneth Goldsmith Jorge Luis Antonio Jennifer Roudabush The Perfect Couple Samantha Gorman Re:Cycle Shade Solidão de um Pássaro sem Asas Echtreim Argot, Ogre, OK! Erlend O. Nødtvedt Norangsdalen Béatrice Mousli Jim Bizzocchi Metricalizer Adrian Miles Understanding Echo Lorenzo Miglioli Today I Die Martin Rieser MEorIKE Hosts RA-DIO Daniel Merlin Goodbrey Hadean Lands Hugh Kenner Andrew Plotkin Page Schumacher I wish I were the Moon Guy Bennett Benjamin Hammerich Jonathan Carr ABC LA: Portrait d'une ville en 26 lettres Charles O. Hartman

Daniel Benmergui Kevin Diep Ramon Dachs Geothe Labyrinth Reimbox Distraction Dylan Symington Every Duck Has an Adventure Nicole Anderson Narrative Units Klemens Bobenhausen Sentences Breathing/Secret of Roe Claire Kwong Ethan Miller Anita Cheng Intermínims de navegació poètica Ronaldo Kiel

Allison Gray About Time Kirsten Petersen Tale Næss Blue Light Lys-Mørke Monica Ong Down Time Portal Journey (Jornada)

David Benin Hors Catégorie

Rebecca Givens Tyler Lundfelt Everglade Rob Swigart Isabella V. She's a Flight Risk... Fallow Still Standing Tim McLaughlin Composition No. 1 Rod Willmot Snaps Jonathan Yuen What we had has not yet been / Wat we hadden is nog niet geweest VE3 Composition No. 1 Time Train Agrippa (A Book of the Dead)

Jason Edward Lewis Dirk Hine Memoirs from Hijiyama Jan Baeke Graham Harwood Composition No. 1 Dorothee Lang

Bruno Nadeau Notes Toward Absolute Zero Marc Saporta William Gibson Poëzie loont (Poetry pays) Arnoud van Adrichem Rehearsal of Memory Alfred Marseille P.o.E.M.M.

De anderen hebben het gedaan (The others did it) First Screening: Computer Poems Rob Bevan bp Nichol Tim Wright

Para uma eventual conversa sobre poesia

Online Caroline Ricardo Aleixo

Catalogue: Nothingness

Grafik Dynamo Viva Zombatista Simen Hagerup

PING Kate Armstrong