We Feel Fine and Searching the Emotional Web Sepandar D. Kamvar Jonathan Harris Stanford University Number 27
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT to do much more than make better decisions about products We present We Feel Fine, an emotional search engine and or politicians. It gives us the ability to better understand web-based artwork whose mission is to collect the world’s emotions themselves. emotions to help people better understand themselves and others. We Feel Fine continuously crawls blogs, microblogs, In this paper, we present We Feel Fine, a project that aims and social networking sites, extracting sentences that in- to collect the world’s emotions to help people better un- clude the words “I feel” or “I am feeling”, as well as the derstand themselves and others. Since August 2005, We gender, age, and location of the people authoring those sen- Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large tences. The We Feel Fine search interface allows users to number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches search or browse over the resulting sentence-level index, ask- the world’s newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the ing questions such as “How did young people in Ohio feel phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling”. When it finds such a when Obama was elected?” While most research in senti- phrase, it records the full sentence and identifies the “feel- ment analysis focuses on algorithms for extraction and clas- ing” expressed in that sentence (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, sification of sentiment about given topics, we focus instead etc.).