Base Ball Players
v DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Title Registered IB TT. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1910 by the Sportins LU» Fatttahing Company. Vol. 55-No. 6 Philadelphia, April 16, 1910 Price 5 Cents RACES! The New National oring Base Ball and League President, Predicts the Most Thomas J. Lynch, Successful and Reviews the Con Eventful Season ditions Now Fav- of Record. EW York City, N. Y., April 11. are the rules, and by them the players and On the threshold of the major the public must abidq. All the umpire need* league championship season, to know is the rules, but know them he N Thomas J. Lynch, the new presi must. dent of the National League, yes UMPIRES MUST BE ALERT. terday gave out the first lengthy "The ball players today, with all due »e- < interview of his official career to gpect to the men who played in the past, a special writer of the New York "World," are better as a class. Again, the advent which paper made a big feature of the story. of the college player is responsible. The. President Lynch was quoted as saying: "This brains on the ball field today are not confined is going to be the greatest year in the his to the umpire, but they are to be found be tory of American©s national game. That it neath the caps of every player. No better is the national sport I can prove by a desk- illustration of the keenness of modem ball ful of facts and figures. In the cities where players is to be found than in the game be organized base ball exists 8,000,000 persons tween New York and Chicago, in 1908, that last year paid admissions to see the games.
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