Daily Digest Senate Adopted: Chamber Action Allen Modified Amendment No

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Daily Digest Senate Adopted: Chamber Action Allen Modified Amendment No Wednesday, September 6, 2006 Daily Digest Senate Adopted: Chamber Action Allen Modified Amendment No. 4883, to make Routine Proceedings, pages S8985–S9069 available from Defense Health Program up to Measures Introduced: Seventeen bills and two reso- $19,000,000 for the Defense and Veterans Brain In- lutions were introduced, as follows: S. 3845–3861, jury Center. Pages S8992, S9035 and S. Res. 557–558. Pages S9040–41 Rejected: Measures Reported: By 30 yeas to 70 nays (Vote No. 232), Feinstein/ S. 3850, to improve ratings quality for the protec- Leahy Amendment No. 4882, to protect civilian tion of investors and in the public interest by fos- lives from unexploded cluster munitions. tering accountability, transparency, and competition Page S8992–96 in the credit rating agency industry. (S. Rept. No. Kennedy/Reid Amendment No. 4885, to include 109–326) information on civil war in Iraq in the quarterly re- S. 3852, to enhance certain maritime programs of ports on progress toward military and political sta- the Department of Transportation. (S. Rept.No. bility in Iraq. (By 54 yeas to 44 nays (Vote No. 109–327) 233), Senate tabled the amendment). S. 3421, to authorize major medical facility proj- Pages S8992, S9030–34 ects and major medical facility leases for the Depart- Mikulski/Sarbanes Amendment No. 4895, to pro- ment of Veterans Affairs for fiscal years 2006 and vide that none of the funds appropriated or other- 2007, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 109–328) wise made available by this Act may be used to Page S9040 enter into or carry out a contract for the performance Measures Passed: by a contractor of any base operation support service General Services Administration Modernization at Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital pursuant to Act: Senate passed H.R. 2066, to amend title 40, a private-public competition conducted under Office United States Code, to establish a Federal Acquisi- of Management and Budget Circular A–76 that was tion Service, to replace the General Supply Fund and initiated on June 13, 2000, and has the solicitation the Information Technology Fund with an Acquisi- number DADA 10–03–R–0001. (By 50 yeas to 48 tion Services Fund, after agreeing to committee nays (Vote No. 234), Senate tabled the amendment). amendments and the following amendment proposed Pages S8996–98, S9034–35 thereto: Pages S9064–66 Pending: Stevens (for Levin) Amendment No. 4905, to pro- Rockefeller Amendment No. 4906, to strike the vide for the disposal of federal surplus property to section specifically authorizing intelligence and intel- historic light stations. Page S9066 ligence-related activities. Page S9068 National Life Insurance Awareness Month: During consideration of this measure today, the Committee on the Judiciary was discharged from Senate also took the following action: further consideration of S. Res. 448, supporting the Chair sustained a point of order that Reid goals and ideals of ‘‘National Life Insurance Aware- Amendment No. 4904, providing a sense of the Sen- ness Month’’, and the resolution was then agreed to ate on the need for a new direction in Iraq policy Page S9066 and in the civilian leadership of the Department of Department of Defense Appropriations Act: Sen- Defense, was not germane, and the amendment thus ate continued consideration of H.R. 5631, making fell. Page S9030 appropriations for the Department of Defense for the A unanimous consent agreement was reached pro- fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, taking action viding for further consideration of the bill at ap- on the following amendments proposed thereto: proximately 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 7, Pages S8992–98, S8998–S9035, S9066–68 2006. Page S9066 D913 VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 Sep 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D06SE6.REC D06SEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMDIGEST D914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 6, 2006 Messages From the President: Senate received the Army, and Cully Stimson, Deputy Assistant Sec- following message from the President of the United retary for Detainee Affairs, all of the Department of States: Defense. Transmitting a draft of proposed legislation enti- tled ‘‘Military Commissions Act of 2006’’; which STOCK OPTIONS was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: (PM–55) Pages S9038–39 Committee concluded a hearing to examine Federal Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- accounting and regulation of stock options back- lowing nomination: dating, after receiving testimony from Christopher Robert K. Steel, of Connecticut, to be an Under Cox, Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Com- Secretary of the Department of the Treasury. mission; Mark W. Olson, Public Company Account- Page S9069 ing Oversight Board, Washington, D.C.; Erik Lie, University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Busi- Measures Read First Time: Page S9039 ness, Iowa City; Lynn E. Turner, Glass, Lewis and Executive Communications: Pages S9039–40 Co. LLC, San Francisco, California; Kurt N. Schacht, Additional Cosponsors: Pages S9041–43 CFA Centre for Financial Market Integrity, Char- lottesville, North Carolina; and Russell Read, Cali- Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: fornia Public Employees’ Retirement System, Sac- Pages S9043–61 ramento. Additional Statements: Pages S9037–38 FEDERAL RENEWABLE FUELS PROGRAM Amendments Submitted: Pages S9062–64 Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S9064 mittee concluded an oversight hearing to examine Privileges of the Floor: Page S9064 the implementation of the federal renewable fuels Record Votes: Three record votes were taken today. programs, after receiving testimony from William (Total—234) Pages S8996, S9034, S9035 Wehrum, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Recess: Senate convened at 9:45 a.m., and recessed Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agen- at 9:25 p.m., until 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, Sep- cy; Alexander Karsner, Assistant Secretary of Energy tember 7, 2006. (For Senate’s program, see the re- for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; and marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Keith Collins, Chief Economist, Department of Ag- Record on page S9066.) riculture. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Committee Meetings Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing (Committees not listed did not meet) to examine current issues regarding executive com- pensation, including backdating of stock options, STEM CELL RESEARCH and tax treatment of executive compensation, retire- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, ment and benefits, after receiving testimony from Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Paul J. McNulty, Deputy Attorney General, Depart- Agencies concluded a hearing to examine recent con- ment of Justice; Mark Everson, Commissioner, Inter- troversies in stem cell research, after receiving testi- nal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury; mony from James F. Battey, Chairman, National In- Linda Thomsen, Director, Division of Enforcement, stitutes of Health Stem Cell Task Force; Robert U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Nell Lanza, Advanced Cell Technology, Inc., Worcester, Minow, The Corporate Library, Portland, Maine; Massachusetts; Ronald M. Green, Dartmouth Col- Lucian A. Bebchuk, Harvard Law School, Cam- lege, Hanover, New Hampshire; and Kevin Eggan, bridge, Massachusetts; Charles M. Elson, University Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. of Delaware Lerner College of Business and Econom- ics, Newark; and Steven Balsam, Temple University ARMY FIELD MANUAL ON Fox School of Business, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. INTERROGATION Committee on Armed Services: Committee met in closed GROUP HEALTH CARE session to receive a briefing regarding the Army Committee on the Judiciary:Committee concluded a Field Manual on Interrogation from Stephen A. hearing to examine competition in group health care, Cambone, Under Secretary for Intelligence, Lieuten- focusing on enforcement actions and competition ad- ant General John F. Kimmons, USA, Deputy Chief vocacy to protect and promote competition in health of Staff, G–2, Office of the Chief of Staff of the care markets, after receiving testimony from Senator VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 Sep 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D06SE6.REC D06SEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMDIGEST September 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D915 Coburn; J. Bruce McDonald, Deputy Assistant At- Marcia Morales Howard, to be United States District torney General, Antitrust Division, Department of Judge for the Middle District of Florida, who was Justice; David P. Wales, Deputy Director, Bureau of introduced by Senator Martinez; John Alfred Jarvey, Competition, Federal Trade Commission; Mark A. to be United States District Judge for the Southern Piasio, Pennsylvania Medical Society, Harrisburg; District of Iowa, who was introduced by Senators Edward L. Langston, American Medical Association, Harkin and Grassley; and Sara Elizabeth Lioi, to be Chicago, Illinois; Stephanie W. Kanwit, America’s United States District Judge for the Northern Dis- Health Insurance Plans, Washington, D.C.; and trict of Ohio, who was introduced by Senators David A. Hyman, University of Illinois Epstein Pro- DeWine and Voinovich, after each nominee testified gram in Health Law and Policy, Champaign. and answered questions in their own behalf. NOMINATIONS Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a INTELLIGENCE hearing to examine the nominations of Kent
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