To^Eiegr Elem| Ei Oboalattoni
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■ i; --.t. ♦. :.V ' .• i : ■■- ■-. ty. >-r~ ‘ ■ - ri 'ry'''>vvv-»■-'■* . ' . / . - c '■■ •.'^-' A •■ . \ .^. ',.,•••*■ 1 «/'■ . ♦ w . • V-. V « ' ! ' * . f ‘ . •' n' ^TBbU a DAILY f w 'l h i Mibirth^itf F e b n n iy t I t S t ' -etf ,0 ,'; P r 5,275 i. ; >■ IMr aiM-i et^ M e^ Member of tiie AnAft Bureea ■iVht; To^eiegr eleM| ei Oboalattoni. temperetore; w iim \ nMf Toeedej‘ - >a V O L.Ln^N O .133. (ClAMUtod Advertfebig OB PBfe 10) MANCHESTESR, COim^ MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1933. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CERMAK IS DEAD; AT THE INAUGURAL BALL TOI J USE ZANGARA VICTIM ' i ' '-'4'■/■ f /• vMSf i Qucago’i Mayor Passes MAY ADJOURN ■■y.i Away After Valiaiit Batik; Ckaring Honse Catificato ANNUAL TOWN President% ’ Roosevelt *s B s Famik At Bedside— Mrs. T h i s i To Act As Money SdsH* WSM - # MEEnNGAGAIN - ' f i ' GM M e s Tom For Worse , h / ¥ Banking Proclamation into Unt3 Holidays A n i * I ■ ':n A " > i Orer — President Cidit MUtml, Fla., Much 6.—(AP) — ekctmoi Confer WBh Washington, .March 6.—(AP) —< fully vicriate, - neglect, or refuse to Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicafo, Tbe text of President Roosevelt’s comply with any order of the Presi banking proclamation follows: WWW' dent ieiued in compliance wlty the For Recess Throngb the victim of ,a bullet OiuMppe Zan- Banks and May Be Able To ■AM 'k Whereas there have been, heavy provlsione . of this act, shall, upon f ara fired February 16 in an attempt m n ' - i ant*, unwarranted withdrawals of conviction, be fined not., more than to Meaeelnate President Roosevelt, gold and ourrsnoy from <nir 110,000, or, if a natural person, .im Thnrsday. ' Get Akng Wkli 18 MM ■ died in Jackson Memorial hospital institutions for tbe purpose of prisoned for not more than ten here today at 6:57 e. m. Eastern hwardlng; and years, or both; Standard Time. Tax Rate; To Held Sesiien Whereas continuous and Increas Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. (By Associated ProM) Death followed a series of compli* ingly extensive speoulatlvs activity Roosevelt, President of the United The nation’s banks were abut to* cations against which the Chicago abroad in forstm exchange has re States of America, In view of such day, but behind the foanea plane sulted in severe drains on tbe na National emergency and by virtue The Board of Selectmen at a for rMumlng business went stead* tion’s stocks of gold; and of tbe authority vested in me by said special session this morning voted to Whereas these conditions have act and in order to prevent the ex- lly forward with prospects that at recommend the adjournment of the created a national emergency; and po)Tt, hoarding,-or ■ eannarking of least some money or a good ■uhetl* adjourned annual town meeting 0 whereas it is In the,bSet intereete of gold or silver coin or bullion or cur tuts would be available tomorrow. I’ scheduled for this evening in the /J' • ■- >;>■ y'. all hank iMpceltore that a period of rency, do hereby proclaim, order, di Two etatee—Minnesota and New % I, ? Mexico—announced their intention High School Hall to Monday eve r4splte be' provided with a view to rect and declare that .rom Monday, noting further hoarding of coin, tho of March, to Thursday, of petitioning the Federal govern* ning, Afarch 20 at 8 o'clock. This lion or currency or speculation in the ninth day of Manb, nineteen ment for permission to reopen action followed a conference held foreto exohiuye and. permitting tbe hundred and thirty three, both dates their inetltutlonr. between Chairman Strickland and appliMtion of appropriate , mesaurea Incliurtve, there shall be maintained Secretary Woodin of the Treas* ^ '•? 2/ members of the Board with Harold < ■'■' •••. ■ '■ ’V • to protect ,the interests of our peo an ’ observed by all banking institu- ury announced banka would be, re* ■ ' < -■ € f3 C. Alvord ahd reprsfentatives of the . ^ ^ ^ ^ Franklin D. Roosevelt (right, foreground) surveys the opened if necessary to perinit pay*- ■3. colorful Zna^ral Ball from her box in the W ashing^ Auditorium. Behind her is Admiral Cary Grayson, ple; and tion# and all branches thereof locat First National Bank of Boston, Sat ment of payrolls. He said that chairman of the ceremonies. At the far left Whereas It la provided In Section ed in the United States ot America, \ W i urday, with respect to the possibil is Inesl dent and Mrs. Roosevelt's son, James. ' where possible pairment would te ity of floating a bond issue covering 6 (B) of the Act of October 6,1917, including the territorial and insular possesalohi, a bank oliday, and that made with Cfiearing House oertlfl* the town's indebtedness incurrec (40 Btat L. 411) as amended, "that cates of scrip Issued bF local banks through the charity and unemploy the President may investigate, regu during said period all banking tnuoa- actions iball be suapendsd. but where no such exdiange meana ment appropriations and including late, or prohibit, • under such rules was available he would authorlM the 1176,00(1 Iten) o f .uncollected and regulations'u he may praecribe, During such boDday, excepting as OTLER AND HIS ALLIES BANES ACTION hereinafter provided, no mx& bank the lepuanee of cash. taxes for 1982. by means of llcenies or dtherwise, ing inetltutlon or branch shall pay Gov4nK>r Lehman of New YOtle IIMIU Tax Possible any transactions In foreign ex ■aid he probably would extend tha Xf this plan becomes effective, the change and . tbe export, boarding, out, export, earmark, or permit tbe withdrawal or transfer in any man holiday In his state to conform '■ tax rate this year will increase but VICTORIOUS IN GERMANY HERE AWAITING melting, or earmarkings of gold or with President Rooeevelt’e proe|a* '' m \ ■ ner or by any device whatsoever, of one mill, to 18 mills, bas».d on the silver coin or bullion or ourrency; mation calling for a stoppaga "■ amoimt to be raised by taxation or any gold or silver coin or bullion or and ourrency or take any other action through Thursday, but that he bid 1764,000 from the net grand list of STAG N A TIO N Whereas, it le provided In Section which might facilitate the boarding a plan for making available to de* 147,444,146. Otherwise the rcte Nazis Get 288 Seats h 16 of the said act "that whoever thereof; nor shall any such bank- poiitors in sound banks a drculat* would have to be 24 mills ar pre ASSEMBLY TO A a M a jt r Anton Cermak shall willfully violate any of the Ipf .institution or branch pay out ing medium which would permit viously recommended by the Select provlaiona of this act or of any deposits, make loans or dl^unte, buelnsee to continue unintemipt* eaaeutlva had rallied valiantly time men. ReichstaEnrlf Reds Are T rod Company and. Savings license, rule, or regulation ieaued ed. after time. BsfWo LegWatwo ONBANKHOODAY thereunder, and whoever shall will . (Continued On Page Three) Tbe New York Clearing Housa The family and close friends were Persuant to the aetlon of the Rnled Out Hitler WiDDom- Aaeociatlon bad availabla many at .the bedaida. Mrs. Flcyd Xenlay, a Board of Ssleetmea and in- Bank dosed Today, Meet, bales of icrip and it was regarded daughter, waa holding one of her tereste last Saturday, the issuance as probable the banks would ba father's hands when he died. Vivian of a 1800,000 aerial bond issue as biate Sitaadon. Bank Comminioner B aitelt ing o f Bosmeas Men opeimd for payment of certlfloatea Orahaas, a granddaughter, held the an emerganoy measure to "spread" NEWYORKBANKS JAPANESE CAPTURE on ' a rationed baaia tomorrow the defidency oonfrontlag the town other. The saddened little group riK morning. - 1 at the pnesent time, over a period of malned in the sun parlor of the When Staation Cleain IWIIdhMF QMtettOflH years, fii pees................................. Berlin, March 6.—(AP) — That H u Proposal Which He mayor's room ths death possible through * MU new The Amerlean holiday put a stop penoug in the Oeaaral AammlSy the Reichstag in all likelihood will TO ISSUE S O W eesM for several minubss. to dogfiT quotationa In the markets boduoia by Repraisntetlve Thomai "dh, he wanted to live so much/' affirarx fox. two yean aftst Ri biM . Submit To Legitiatan ofT'tfieworid "and evprywhera ik J. .TV «SttM propoadV ____ _ less cMAr-’ln lUolMy Orahaa, Adati^i^ aeieon..Was the opinioii in govein* Manchester today were awaiting de dose watch was baug. kajjit upon the -passage of Uie UD, New York and Washington. said.'And Mrs. Fran Jirka* another the adjourned mening for laying the ment circles .Mter the Nationgl velopments at Wafhington and at Iter, added, "He fought so Rarfforfl, March 6. — (AP)— CleMrmg Hoaw. Certilidittz Three Armief h CuDinigD Postal eavinge banks—In the-ab* fiodallst lanAMide in the Reichstag tbe state capitol and closely watch He didn't want to die.'~ With baziks throughout the stats sence of instructions to the contra* (Oonttonsd 3n Page Two) and Prussian Diet elections yester ing the eltuatlon in the larger fields ry—were accepting deposits and Others at the bedside included day gave the National government closed In accordance with the proc- To Be B egi^ g To^ To Seize the Whok East Alderman Edward F. Kelly, south in a determination that no moment allowing withdrawals. decisive majority, Umations of President Roosevelt should be wasted in ezubllng local Althouih the banks were not park commissioner at Cblcafo who The Cabinetbinet w ill meet Tuesday and Ueut.-Govenwr Wilcox, Gov industries and business houses to hand'ng out afly money the gov made the first announcement of the to set the date for the Reichstag morrow.