The History of Painting in Italy, from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century
THE HISTORY OF PAINTING IN ITALY, FROM THE PERIOD OF THE REVIVAL OF THE FINE ARTS, TO THE END OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: TRANSLATED gmn tj)e O^rtgtnal Btaltan OF THE ABATE LUIGI I.ANZI. By THOMAS ROSCOE. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. VI. CONTAINING THE INDEXES. LONDON: PKINTED FOR W. SIMPKIN AND R. MARSHALL, STATIONERS'-HALL COURT, LUDGATE STREET. 1828. ND }. IVl'Cieery, Tooks Court, Cliancery-Iane, Londou. J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM UBRABX CONTENTS OF THE SIXTH VOLUME. Page Index I. Professors of Painting mentioned in the 1 worJc ; together with the dates, 8fc. ... Index II. Historical and Critical Publications re- lating to the Art, cited in the Work . .167 Index III. Of some of the most important Matters contained in the Work 197 that ** ^''itft regard to the Abbreviations of words adapted in the above Indexes, to dates birth, and that d. to the deaths of artists. The rest »f b. is applied of of lUill be perfectly intelligible to the English reader. FIRST INDEX. Artists referred to in this work, noting the periods of their Birth and Death, and the authoritiesfor the dates. A. Abate (!') Ciccio, v. Solimene. Abati, or dell' Abate, Niccolo, a Modenese, b. 1509 or 1512, d. 1571. Tiraboschi. Vol. iv. p. 46, and vol. v. pp. 48, 57. • Giovanni, his father, d. 1559. Tiraboschi. iv. 48. Pietro Paolo, brother of Niccolo. Tiraboschi. iv. 48. — Giulio Camillo, son of Niccolo. Tiraboschi. ib. Ercole, son of Giulio, d, 1613. Tiraboschi. ib. Pietro Paolo, son of Ercole, d. 1630, aged 38. Tira- boschi. iv. 50. Abatini, Guido Ubaldo, of Cittk di Castello, d.
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