CURRICULUM VITAE Teresa Hubbard 1St Contact Address
CURRICULUM VITAE Teresa Hubbard 1st Contact address William and Bettye Nowlin Endowed Professor Assistant Chair Studio Division University of Texas at Austin College of Fine Arts, Department of Art and Art History 2301 San Jacinto Blvd. Station D1300 Austin, TX 78712-1421 USA 2nd Contact address 4707 Shoalwood Ave Austin, TX 78756 USA mobile +512 925 2308 Contents 2 Education and Teaching 3–5 Selected Public Lectures and Visiting Artist Appointments 5–6 Selected Academic and Public Service 6–8 Selected Solo Exhibitions 8–14 Selected Group Exhibitions 14–20 Bibliography - Selected Exhibition Catalogues and Books 20–24 Bibliography - Selected Articles 24–28 Selected Awards, Commissions and Fellowships 28 Gallery Representation 28–29 Selected Public Collections Teresa Hubbard, Curriculum Vitae - 1 / 29 Teresa Hubbard American, Irish and Swiss Citizen, born 1965 in Dublin, Ireland Education 1990–1992 M.F.A., Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada 1988 Yale University School of Art, MFA Program, New Haven, Connecticut, USA 1987 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, Maine, USA 1985–1988 University of Texas at Austin, BFA Degree, Austin, Texas, USA 1983–1985 Louisiana State University, Liberal Arts, Baton Rouge, USA Teaching 2015–present Faculty Member, European Graduate School, (EGS), Saas-Fee, Switzerland 2014–present William and Bettye Nowlin Endowed Professor, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts, University of Texas
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