Mass Times Sundays: Cathedral:- Sat. Vigil: 6.30pm; Sunday: 9am, 10.30am & 12 noon Ennis St. Joseph’s:- Sat. Vigil: 7pm; Sunday: 8, 10, 11.30am Cloughleigh Church:- 9.30am, 11am Friary:- Sat. Vigil: 7.30pm; Sunday: 9.30, 10.30, 12.00 noon Poor Clare Monastery:- 7.45 a.m. Parish Weekdays: Cathedral: Mon. – Fri: 7.45am; 10am & 7.30pm; 10am on Saturday St. Joseph’s:- Monday – Saturday: 11am Cloughleigh Church:- Monday – Friday: 9.30am Friary:- Daily: 10am & 1.05pm; 10am on Saturday News Poor Clare Monastery:- Daily at 7.45 am; Daily Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament from 4-6pm in the Chapel. Phone Numbers: Cathedral:- 6824043; Email:
[email protected] Confessions in Cathedral Saturday After 10am Mass & before and Confessions in Cathedral every Saturday: St. Joseph’s:- 6822166; Cloughleigh: 6840715; Friary: 6828751 after 6.30pm Mass 12 to 1pm & also before and after 6.30pm Mass St Joseph’s Saturday After 11am Mass Ennis Parish Web Site: Parish Office open Mon to Fri 9.30-1pm & 2-5pm Sat 10.30-12noon Facebook: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) 2nd October 2016 We come to know and trust God through our faith In our Gospel Reading, Jesus goes on, needing to talk Perhaps most of all then today, as we try to join with about the servant who's done everything he's been the disciples and say, "Increase our faith," we must do told to do. He lives according to the rules, and he what Paul says to Timothy: "Each of us, hands were observes all the least even of the commandments, but laid on us, water was poured over us, so that God's life it's always in a form of obeying rules, of doing what could come to fulfilment within us." Paul says, and you're supposed to do; it's not really faith.