• President’s visit to Scariff a success €2 • Scariff Harbour Festival celebrates its 10th birthday • Scariff Show • Tidy Towns update • The Scariff Connection with an Olympic Gold Medal Scariff CommunityCommunity CounciCouncill

Issue 171 July-August 2012 SCARIFF NEWS

www.scariff.ie Contacts Table of Contents Editorial Harry O’Meara 3 Editorial ([email protected]) 4 President Michael D. Higgins visits Christina Grisewood Scariff Martin Hartigan 4 New Afterschool Club in Scariff Advertising Joan Crotty ([email protected]) National School Layout Sandra Design & Print 4 Scariff Harbour Festival celebrates its Printing Sandra Design & Print 10th birthday in style 4 Finding St. Anthony Contributions welcome 6 The Bent Family Fund Contributions to Scariff News are encour- 7 President’s visit to Scariff a success aged. Comments, opinions, readers’ letters, 15 Always a Good Time to EmployAbility articles on any aspect of community life, lo- 17 Scariff’s World Champion cal events, poems, stories, photos, drawings, 20 Children´s Corner publicity, buy & sell... If you want to share it 21 The Scariff Connection with an or shout about it, this is the place for you. The Olympic Gold Medal deadline for contributions is strictly the third 23 Scariff Harbour Festival Friday of the fi rst month e.g. Sept-Oct, 3rd Friday of September. 27 Fundraising for Cancer Research 29 Scariff Show Views expressed in articles in Scariff News are those of the authors and do not 30 East Clare Women´s Meet & Train Group necessarily refl ect those of the editorial team or 32 Children’s Events of Scariff Community Council 32 Other Events 33 Tidy Towns update Advertising rates 34 Community Council Subscriptions If you would like to advertise in Scariff News, for 2012 contact Joan Crotty or any other member of the 36 Photo Album editorial team. 39 U14 Girls CELTIC Small ad. € 5 41 Handball Club Double small ad. € 10 Double Féile win Colour box ad. € 25 42 Services Full page colour ad. € 50 47 Useful info Double page business feature € 90 Community Council collection procedures The Community Council is a representative body which works to improve many aspects of the par- ish for everyone. To do this, it relies on voluntary contributions from households in the parish. The Scariff News is available recommended contribution is €5 per household as a PDF fi le on the Scariff per month or €60 per household per year. If you are website: www.scariff.ie not already contributing and would like to start, contact any member of the Community Council, and they will assist you in getting set up.

Cover photo: President Michael D. Higgins and his wife, Sabina, who visited Scariff on Thursday 14th June 2012, and a collection of people from the local community. Photo by Marie O’Leary EDITORIAL

It’s that time of year again when we are looking forward to the August bank holiday weekend and the Scariff Harbour Festival. It’s hard to believe that this is the tenth year of the festival: we have come a long way since that fi rst weekend in 2003. The festival highlights all that is good about Scariff and what is has to offer visitors and locals alike. It demonstrates a strong sense of community and co-operation and the fundamental prin- ciples of ensuring it is accessible to all people and promoting the link to Northern Ireland (set up through our association with Waterways Ireland) remain strong. Indeed it is an appropriate time to once again thank Waterways Ireland for its stalwart support of the festival from day one - it simply would not be possible to put on the current weekend’s programme without it. The budget for the festival weekend approaches €50,000 and the committee has tried to keep the majority of activities and events free where possible. In return it asks anyone who comes to the festival to buy a wrist band for €5 to support what is widely regarded as one of the best run and most entertaining festivals in the Mid-West region. See the full programme for the festival further on in this edition of Scariff News. The Community Council recently hosted a preview of its newly revamped website, www.scariff.ie, to an impressed audience in the Teagasc offi ce in Scariff. The website con- tains a raft of new features including an app for smartphones that will continually feed the latest news as it happens. The website has been designed by Mark O’Leary of Irish Web HQ and gives a modern and fresh look to Scariff with direct links to all forms of social media in- cluding Facebook and Twitter. The aim of the Community Council is to make this a website for all the community and already we have received lots of enquiries from clubs, societies and businesses who want to be a part of this new venture. We are offering all organisations in Scariff and the surrounding areas a page on the website. This is an ideal opportunity for small enterprises/clubs/societies, who wouldn’t have the resources to create their own website, to get their own unique page(s) on www.scariff.ie and promote themselves to a very wide audience. There is no charge whatsoever to be a part of the website. If you would like to learn more about the new site or have a page on it contact any member of the Community Council. The new website will go live before the August bank holiday weekend and will be demonstrated at the Scariff Harbour Festival. Finally the Community Council would like to say a big “well done” to everyone who has participated in the clean up of Scariff that has taken place over the last two months. The results are amazing and all the hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed: the positive comments and reactions are still fl owing!

Harry O’Meara Chairman Scariff Community Council


President Michael D. Higgins Scariff Harbour Festival cele- visits Scariff brates its 10th birthday in style President Michael D. Higgins visited Some great musical acts have been Scariff on Thursday 14th June to mark booked to celebrate the 10th year of the the 25th year birthday celebrations of Scariff Harbour Festival. The Walls and the East Clare Community Co-op. Sev- singer Jack L will headline the festival eral weeks of hard work and organisa- on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th August tion by many different groups and indi- respectively. Along with Friends in Low viduals within the community paid off Place - the Ultimate Garth Brooks Ex- handsomely as the President and his perience on Friday 3rd August, this year wife Sabina were treated to a terrifi c re- sees a new concert being held in the ception in the Community Garden. The Harbour at 6pm on Saturday 4th Au- miserable wet weather couldn‘t damp- gust. East Clare native Kate Purcell will en the enthusiasm of all those gath- host an eclectic group of musicians ered to meet the President. See further and singers by the waterside in the re- on in this edition of Scariff News for a laxed environs of the Scariff Harbour. full report and pictures of the visit. To kick off the festival, renowned singer Sean Keane will grace the church for an intimate concert on Thursday 2nd Au- New Afterschool Club in gust. Tickets (at €20) are now on sale Scariff National School at O’Meara’s Pharmacy (061 921028) A new afterschool Club will be avail- and Rodgers Bar & Off Licence (061 able in Scariff NS in the new school year 921012). The full programme for the for Junior and Senior Infants from 1.40 festival can be found as a pull-out sup- to 2.40 each day. The afterschool club plement in the centre of this edition of will be on Scariff NS premises and will Scariff News. be managed by the staff from Leapfrog Creche and Montessori. A very excit- Finding St. Anthony ing and varied programme of activity He was lost and now he is found. These is planned for the children at a cost of words from the Gospel story of the lost €1.50 per day. This new club will be of sheep could equally be said of St. An- particular interest to parents who have thony in Scariff. siblings of infants in older classes and On his arrival in the Parish, Fr. Bren- also to children travelling to school by dan Quinlivan noticed that St. Anthony bus. Further information can be got by was at the back of the Church and out contacting Sarah Ryan in Leapfrog on of the way. He mentioned this to me, 061 640644. knowing that I have involvement with

4 SCARIFF NEWS NEWS IN BRIEF devotion to St. Anthony in Shannon and What started in Scariff from 11th to 13th with the Franciscan fraternity through- of June this year was just a beginning. out the country. We both agreed that In the autumn it is hoped to build on he should be moved out of his corner this devotion by having the weekly No- and placed in a prominent position in vena to St. Anthony each Tuesday. Fol- the Church. Fr. Brendan went one step lowing on from the Friary in and Mary Immaculate Church in Shannon, Scariff will then become the third cen- tre in the Diocese to have the tradition of honouring the man who constantly fi nds what is lost.

Tom Ryan PP, Shannon

Patricia Nugent and Fr. Tom Ryan further and acquired a new candelabra, the eco friendly type, for St. Anthony. St. Anthony is one of the most popu- lar of saints with a great reputation of fi nding what is lost. It seems that for years he himself was lost in Scariff judging by the numbers who turned out for the three days of prayer leading to his feast day on 13th June. I had the privilege of leading these days of prayer in the Sacred Heart Church, Scariff. They were truly electric, Patsy O'Brien, Florence Bugler, Fr. Tom Ryan and with overfl owing congregations each Anne Barrett. evening, lovely singing and prayers. All photos by Marie O'Leary. On St. Anthony’s Feast Day we had the blessing of children and lilies which is part of the tradition of the feast. People and children came, not just from Scariff but from all the surrounding Parishes for the Celebration.


The Bent Family Fund I would like to take this opportunity on thank everyone himself. I would like behalf of my family and Mick’s family, to say a special thank you to all those to thank everybody who supported us who took part in the organisation of during Mick’s fi ght with cancer. Mick The Bent Family Fund and also to all the was so overwhelmed by the level of people who gave so generously. Mick

kindness and generosity shown to him- was deeply touched by everyone’s self and his family by the local Commu- kindness and we feel very honoured to nity but never got the opportunity to be part of such a caring Community. thank everyone. He was very proud to have served the Community as a mem- Thank you all again, ber of the Fire Brigade for 7 years. He was very grateful to everybody who Debbie Bent visited him in hospital and always be- lieved he would be back in Scariff to


President’s visit to Scariff ty Council, Tidy Towns, the Harbour Fes- a success tival, the St Patrick´s Day parade, Scariff Show, the Rugby, Soccer and Camogie President Michael D. Higgins and his wife Clubs, Youth Groups, the Fire Brigade, Sabina were invited to celebrate the 25th the GAA or Community Choirs. Quite a anniversary of East Clare Community Co- list to start off with (and our apologies op, in what is also the International Year if anyone was overlooked)! of the Co-operative. They accepted the Then there were the local school- invitation in mid-April and preparations children to involve in some meaning- for the visit started immediately, not ful way. A creative writing competition only to enhance the Community Garden on the theme of “My Community” was space but also to involve as many peo- opened to all schools in East Clare – ple as possible in the community. Tuamgraney, Scariff and Lakyle NS en-

President Michael D. and Sabina Higgins As co-operation was the theme, tered. Three independent judges were members of the Community Co-op chosen from outside Scariff, and they decided to invite, as a priority, the un- picked Sarah Scanlon and Molly Power, sung heroes of Scariff, those who give both from Scariff, and Cait Keenan from up their time to create community, Whitegate for their writing. The three whether that is through the Communi- girls either starred in Eoin O’Hagan’s


COVER STORY commemorative DVD or read their trailer load at a time, as the garden’s ac- poem to the President on the day. The cess is an issue for large trucks. A huge judges were impressed that many of pile of stones and rubble, as if by magic, the children knew all about the effort was transformed into an attractive that goes into building and creating stone stairway under the tutoring eye community, and each had their own of Bob Wilson to join the new barn to heroes, from hurling trainers to Tidy the vegetable garden. VEC tutor Nata- Towns committees, from parish priests lie El Baba worked around the clock and sacristans to cleaners and coun- with community art students to cre-

The committee of the East Clare Community Co-op with President Higgins and his wife Sabina. cillors, all of whom put in an effort to ate a new “Flower of Life” mosaic based make the community better. on sacred geometry, beautiful glass- The Community Garden presented painted windows and signs, and hand- perplexing challenges in making itself crocheted covers for the President’s inviting to visitors and accessible to and Sabina’s chairs. CLDC Horticulture wheelchair users. Paths were planned students landscaped the new circular and laid. Screens were woven from wil- patio scented garden area, now called low to cover the practical but unsightly “the Poet’s circle” . rainwater harvesting tanks. About 30 A third VEC Community music group tonnes of gravel had to be spread, a (Paul Brown’s ensemble) practised


An Garda Siochana are all smiles as they help to co-ordinate the President's visit.

Bernie Cunningham and Denny Scanlan at the President's visit in the Community Garden.

All photos by Marie O'Leary

10 SCARIFF NEWS COVER STORY for the welcoming song “You are my Jim Collins introduced the President. Sunshine” for the President. Singing, He delivered an inspiring and uplifting weaving, sighing, weeding, wheeling, speech that gave a shot in the arm to fi guring, painting and planting were all those involved in creating commu- all seen and heard in the Garden in the nity and that will resonate with many weeks leading up to the visit, and the for a time to come. Founding member preparations themselves were as much of the Co-op and poet Arthur Watson a testament to co-operation and com- responded to the President’s speech, munity as the day itself. People from all drawing parallels with the recession backgrounds and of all ages mucked of 25 years ago, when the Co-op was in, with no boss and few resources, to founded, and the same conditions that make the day memorable and special. exist again today. Sarah Scanlon and Outside of the Community Garden, Molly Power presented the gifts. One Scariff streets and by-roads were also was a 25-year commemorative booklet getting a face-lift and everywhere you with a beautiful hand-made cover cre- looked there was a ladder and paint ated by gifted local artist Sadbh O’Neill nearby and even the long-abandoned and which editor Ruth Marshall lov- cinema and hotel got a lick! Scariff was ingly and painstakingly put together. buzzing with life, and with its freshly The other basket, presented to Sabina, painted walls and colourful fl owers has was full of local artisanal produce and never looked so well. The benefi ts will crafts. Denise Glass, Terry, Cliodna, Emer last for a while to come. and Seamus lit up with fi ne traditional The big day arrived: probably the tunes and on the day music was heard windiest and wettest of the “summer” in every corner of the Garden. The Pres- so far! Johnny O’Brien’s choir sang “This ident commented in closing his speech Little Light of Mine” with Scariff Na- about the music from this area feeding tional School children, as Leah Bell lit a the soul and who could disagree with candle in the centre of the Garden to so many talented singers and musi- remember all those who are with us in cians living in East Clare? spirit, and Catherine Patience’s choral East Clare Co-op has been many group sang a Chinese proverb put to things over the years, and has seen music while a currant bush was planted many enterprises, social initiatives and in the children’s area of the garden. Cait environmental groups take root. Many Keenen read her poem about commu- success stories have started here and nity to the President and Sabina after then moved out when they were ready the offi cial photographs were taken. to be independent. This is possible due John Damsell, Chair of the Co-op, wel- to our long-standing lease with land- comed the President offi cially and MC lord James O’Brien, which has enabled

SCARIFF NEWS 11 Therap Complementary c y ti C & s l i i l n Sports Therapies

i o c available


S Please phone for appointment: cariff 061 640980

Michelle McNamara ITEC, CIBTAC,CIDESCO, MIFA, MIFR COVER STORY us to offer space at reasonable rates. Gionata Spazzi in September. A Fetac There is no manager, so everybody at 5 horticulture course will run again the Co-op works things out on an equal in September. The 3rd Annual Harvest basis and every idea is given equal im- Food Festival will take place in autumn portance, the only constraints being as we link the Garden to local produce costs or time. in our ongoing efforts to see a Commu- It is a very different way of working nity Kitchen and a culture of sustain- from what most people are used to, as ably produced local food created in there is always a chief with more say East Clare by budding culinary artists and more responsibility but true co- and entrepreneurs. The STEP (Scariff operation means listening to another’s Training and Enterprise Project) is on- perspective, to try and see where they going as we seek suitable and afford- are coming from and trying not to let able kitchen premises. our judgements of people get in the Scariff Community Garden is a re- way of working out solutions together. source for all and everyone is welcome. It was a real pat on the back to hear If you haven’t been yet, drop in, you may President Higgins acknowledge the ef- fi nd a pleasant surprise. The Garden will fort and the morale of working out this develop with community support and inclusiveness into a reality. input and it is up to all in Scariff to de- At present the Co-op management, cide about the future of this resource, volunteers and staff are running a sec- whether we keep working at develop- ond-hand clothes shop, a community ing it or let it go weedy and neglected. café and bookshop, a Family Support The next 25 years are in your hands. It Agency funded psychotherapist, coun- was great to get the recognition of the selling and Family Support Service President of Ireland for a day, but more and Scariff Community Garden. Three important to share and treasure our re- gardens have joined into one, thanks sources as one community. The impact to Mary Henchy, Peggy O’Dowd and of this visit will be felt for a long time to James O’Brien, to create Scariff Com- come with the help of all of you. munity Garden. We now have a space To see Eoin O’Hagan’s Commemora- to put on music/shows and we will tive DVD, log onto “You Tube” and key be involved in this year’s Scariff Har- in “Waiting for the President”. For more bour Festival. Other events include information on any services, room composting workshops, food growing hire or upcoming events see www. workshops, a forest garden course and eastclarecoop.com or email east- a watercolour-painting course in Au- [email protected] or phone 061 gust with Italian Painter Franco Spazzi, 921 536. and foraging for wild mushrooms with



Always a Good Time to of work experience placements initially. EmployAbility In this way Christopher could update his CV, demonstrate his capabilities and There is good news on the jobs front enhance his skills set. Following this as local candidates who have an ill- Lorraine, his employment facilitator, ap- ness, injury or disability continue to proached Centra in Scariff, as she was take up employment with the sup- familiar with the business and knew port of EmployAbility Clare (formerly Christopher was a suitable candidate.

Christopher Tonna at work, photo by Lorraine Hughes

Clare Supported Employment Service). Centra owners Ger and Trish Rodgers Tuamgraney native Christopher Tonna were interested and agreed that Chris- was keen to fi nd work so he registered topher would begin by undertaking a with EmployAbility Clare for support to work trial in September 2011. Christo- secure employment as he has a mild pher explains “I got an opportunity to learning disability. The service support- work with the busy stock delivery team ed Christopher to undertake a number on Tuesdays and Thursdays and re-

SCARIFF NEWS 15 PEOPLE OF SCARIFF stocked within the shop itself on other Lorraine Hughes, East Clare employment days. I got hands-on experience of what facilitator on 086 6031588 or Karen Kelle- was involved in this specifi c role and I her at the Ennis offi ce on 065 6844007. got a really good sense of the job. I have For further information on the service log to admit I liked working there from day onto www.employabilityclare.ie one!” Within six weeks it was obvious to all involved that Christopher was a great success in the role. On Monday 31st Oc- tober 2011 Christopher offi cially be- Roskam Farm Enterprises came an employee of Centra. “Following the months trial we were delighted to Ltd offer Christopher full time employment. Farm & Plant machinery His duties now include on/off shelf mer- Sales & Hire chandising, deliveries, back store opera- tions and he also helps with customer Diggers(3-6-12 T), Dumpers, service,” explains Trish Rodgers. “We Dump Trailers & Tractor are delighted with Christopher who is With or without driver punctual, hardworking and extremely conscientious. He has a very pleasant personality and is very good at interact- All kind of ground work carried ing with both colleagues and custom- out. ers. We would feel that it is a partnership Bio Cycle Units supplied & that has worked really well for both par- installed ties,” continues Trish. Septic Tank upgrades EmployAbility Clare has been sup- porting people with an illness, injury Stone, Sand, Slig or disability to secure employment in & Railway Sleepers for sale for over a decade. The service, which is funded by the Depart- ment of Social Protection, is committed Contact: Jan Roskam to meeting the recruitment needs of lo- [email protected] cal employers. In some cases businesses 087 6992336 – 061 921458 may be eligible to avail of a subsidy of €5.30 per hour, known as the Wage Sub- sidy Scheme, to assist them with wage costs when they employ a candidate through the service. To fi nd out how the service can assist your company contact


Scariff’s World Champion make a cast long enough to be a win- “Give a man a fi sh and he can feed his ning one. family for a day. Give a man a fi shing rod Entering the World Championship and he can become World Champion” held in Norway in August 2010 brought There are many sports played, prac- all of the elements together for Ruairi. ticed and excelled at in Ireland but I He qualifi ed in fi ve events and won doubt that the people of Scariff know three second places and the overall that a World Champion lives amongst World Championship. He was also giv- us. Yes, you read it right and it’s true. We en an additional award for qualifying have a World Champion Fly Caster and for all of the fi ve fi nals, as the condi- his name is Ruairi Costello. Ruairi lives tions were particularly tough for com- on the family farm in Ballycorban on petitors that weekend and what he the Scariff to Clonusker road. achieved was extra special. You are probably wondering what October 2011 brought Ruairi to the exactly is the sport and how you be- Japanese Open in Tokyo and it was here come a World Champion Fly Caster? A that he made his longest ever cast of 52 fl ycaster uses the same rods that are metres (170 ft 7 3/4 ins). This is a mag- used to fi sh for trout or salmon. The nifi cent achievement as he used a nor- competitor has several attempts to cast mal 9ft 6wt Fly Rod as is used on Lough his/her fl y the furthest (The fl y is actu- Derg. I can cast a fl y when conditions are ally some wool on the end of the line right, about 30 or 40 feet, so when Ruairi instead of a hook), and this is how the can cast one nearly 5 times further..... the fl ycasting competition is won. mind boggles !! Along with his longest Ruairi was taught to fi sh by his fa- cast in Tokyo he also brought home 2 ther Rodgie when he was a child, and gold and 4 silver medals. both of them still spend a lot of time on Quite a haul and something to brag fi shing for the wild brown about but that’s not what Ruairi would trout that inhabit the River Shannon’s do. He is a quiet and unassuming biggest lake. young man who goes about his work To cast a fl y at all is a major challenge and his sport without much ado. Whilst to many fi shermen/women and I would he is quiet about what he does, he still include myself in these numbers. But, caught the eye of a Scottish Fishing to be able to cast a fl y a long distance Tackle Manufacturer called Carron Jet- is something else altogether! It takes a stream, who for the last few years have lot of practice, time and technique and been sponsoring Ruairi. This takes the all of these elements come together fi nancial pressure off as they have paid on the day of competition, joining with all of his costs and expenses, in addi- a little luck and the weather Gods to tion to custom building his rods, reels

SCARIFF NEWS 17 PEOPLE OF SCARIFF and lines. Whilst doing this interview and this he does on a pond at the back Ruairi showed me one of the rods that of the family home. It’s private and he Carron Jetstream provided him with; it is can practice his cast without being dis- a three piece Salmon rod for Spey Cast- turbed, for the hours and hours that are ing and is worth over €1500. Ruairi ex- required. To become a champion takes

World champion Ruairi Costelloe plained how the grip is custom made for a lot of skill and strength as you physi- his hands and this (like any other piece cally and mentally have to be in top of sporting equipment) may give him a shape to compete at such a high level. fraction of an edge in competition. In April of this year Ruairi went to San Francisco in California to compete “The more I practice, the luckier I get” . in “Spey O Rama”. This competition is Payne Stewart only open to the top 30 fl ycasters in the world so you have to be really at peak As I wrote earlier, practice and dedi- fi tness and skill level. Ruairi had a bad cation is what gives you the ability to viral infection for the 2 weeks prior to compete at a high level. Ruairi, before the competition in the USA. Because a competition needs to hone his skills he had been sick it also meant that he

18 SCARIFF NEWS PEOPLE OF SCARIFF hadn’t been able to practice. In “Spey O was the biggest fi sh he had caught? He Rama” you get no warm up and have said that they were both in the same only 6 minutes to do 12 casts, the lon- place: When fi shing under Golden Gate gest 4 of which are counted for scor- Bridge in San Francisco, he caught a 38 ing purposes. Even though he wasn’t pound King Salmon. Talk about catch 100 percent fi t, Ruairi still managed to of the day ! come 3rd in this champion of champi- You may have seen Ruairi getting a spe- ons event. It seems that San Francisco cial presentation at the St. Patrick’s Day may be his favourite event as he has Parade in Scariff this year from Michael had some amazing results in previ- McNamara TD. This was in recognition ous years; 2nd of all that he in 2009, 3rd in has achieved 2010 and 2012 over the last and 5th in 2011. few years as a Ruairi enters sportsman at the World Salt- the top of his water Casting game. It is even Competition at a possibility the C.L.A Game that Fly Casting Fair in England may become regularly and accepted as an won the World Olympic sport title twice in in the near fu- Ruairi in action in Japan 2009 and 2010. Spectacularly impres- ture. sive as he is casting against the best of So, the next time you see Ruairi going the best in that competition too. to work with his father you can say to Ruairi could be a full time highly-paid yourself: “There goes Scariff’s World professional in the USA if he desired, but Champion”! Congratulations to you he said that he would rather live and Ruairi. I am sure your family are very work at home in Scariff with his father proud of you and so is Scariff, the home Rodgie, mother Lena and his other fam- town of OUR World Champion. ily members. He gets to travel and see some spectacular places to compete Eoin O’Hagan and fi sh in, all over the world and meets many amazing sportsmen and women, but then comes home to Scariff. I asked Ruairi what was his favourite place that he had fi shed in and what


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The Scariff Connection with From a very young age, Fanny had an Olympic Gold Medal demonstrated a keen interest and abil- ity as a swimmer and this at a time in At the Olympics in Stockholm in 1912 Australia when swimming in public a young girl representing Australia by ladies was distinctly frowned upon. took her place in the fi nal of the 100 Any woman who did so was in dan- metres freestyle event, the only swim- ger of being socially ostracised. It was ming event in which ladies could com- considered that swimming “coarsened pete. Back home in Sydney there was females”. But times were changing and an expectation that this phenomenon Fanny was at the forefront in the strug- would be the fi rst lady to gle for equal treatment. win a gold medal swim- In 1906 she won ming for Australia. Now her fi rst Australian title that particular Olympics and over the next few should in this centenary years she dominated year have a particular the swimming scene resonance for Scariff in her country. By 1910 people and especially for she held every woman’s the community of Cap- world record from 100 pabane because in that metres to the mile. De- year Fanny Durack laid spite her achievements claim to the inclusion and outstanding abil- in the World Swimming ity the Olympic Selec- Hall of Fame. tion Committee for the Fanny born in Sydney Australian team would in 1889 was a daughter not select Fanny for the of Mary Mason of Sheaun Stockholm Olympics of House, Cappabane and Thomas Durack 1912. This was not surprising given that of Clounty, Mountshannon, both of there was still a very defi nite male bias whom had emigrated to Australia in in the committee. However, there was the late 19th century. Thomas was the clear public support for the inclusion fi rst to emigrate and he worked up of Fanny and a subscription list was country for a number of years before opened to help defray the expenses. returning to Sydney where he bought a The response from the public was so hotel. Mary arrived in the city at the age successful that the selection commit- of 16 and got employment in the hotel. tee relented, so Fanny Durack and her Three years later she married Thomas, good friend and fellow swimmer Mina and Fanny was one of their daughters. Wylie were added to the team. As one

Photo: Fanny Durack (left) and Mina Wylie, source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanny_Durack

SCARIFF NEWS 21 FROM THE ARCHIVES media commentator wrote “two girls dicitis and so she never got an oppor- and their supporters had battered tunity to win a second Olympic medal. down prejudice and prudery to be- Until 1932 Fanny was the only Austra- come Australia’s pioneers in women’s lian woman to win an Olympic gold in international sport”. a swimming event. Interestingly, at Stockholm the Aus- In the period between 1912 and tralian men´s team did not perform 1918 she broke 12 world records in the well at all and so it was left to the two 100 yards, 100 metres and in the mile. A young ladies to salvage the nation’s reporter of the day described her as “de- honour. They proceeded to do so in termined and self-willed, who had long style. Fanny had developed the Austra- dark hair and a fi gure that showed no lian crawl and it simply whitewashed symptom of ropes of athletic muscles”. the opposition. For example in one of She retired from competitive swim- her heats she knocked 7 seconds off ming in 1921 and in the same year mar- the world record in the100 metres free- ried Bernard Gately, a horse trainer, but style. None of the other competitors she did fi nd the time to coach young could stay with her and with Fanny tak- children. Fanny died of cancer in March ing the gold and her best friend Mina 1956, and in 1967 her name was includ- Wiley winning silver, the two girls truly ed in the International Swimming Hall of arrived on the world stage. Before re- Fame, in Fort Lauderdale in Florida – the turning as heroes to Australia the girls ultimate accolade from her peers. Her competed across the continent of Eu- Olympic gold medal is to be seen in the rope winning fi rst and second in every National Library of Australia in Canberra. single event in which they took part. So every family has a story to tell but We know from postcards which she this one story of a young lady whose sent to her aunt that she intended to blood is rooted in Cappabane and come to Scariff and Cappabane but her Mountshannon is worth telling and re- sister Kathleen who was travelling with membering especially as we celebrate her got sick when they were in London the centenary of her great victory in and doctors advised that they return Stockholm one hundred years ago! to Sydney. That Ireland trip was post- poned but in fact she never did get to by John S. Kelly visit her mother and father’s birthplace. References World War 1 put paid to the 1916 Mason Family Papers (per Martin Mason), Sheaun, Olympics but further honour beck- Cappabane, Scariff Clare Champion Oct 3rd 1964 oned at the 1920 Olympics. However, Fanny Durack - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia a week before she was due to sail she Biography, Sarah Fanny Durack – Australian came down with an attack of appen- Dictionary.

22 SCARIFF NEWS 2–5 August 2012 Scariff, Co. Clare Thursday 2 August 8 pm Sean Keane Sacred Heart Church Born into a renowned musical family from Caherlistrane in Co. Galway, Sean Keane has estab- lished himself as one of Ireland’s great voices, with a repertoire that encompasses traditional Irish folk music, pop, blues and country. Tickets €20. Limited space, early booking advised. Tickets on sale at O’Meara’s Pharmacy (061 921 028) or Rodgers Off-Licence (061 921 012). Friday 3 August 4.30–7 pm Harbour Funtime Scariff Harbour Activities and entertainment for the whole family against the stunning backdrop of Scariff Harbour, including comedy act Ladder 13, Youth Graffiti Wall, face painting and barbecue. Introduction to the Queen of the Waterways contestants. Music by The Fake McCoys. 6 pm Festival Opening Ceremony in association with Waterways Ireland Scariff Harbour Official opening of the festival by former Ireland and British & Irish Lions rugby player Trevor Ringland MBE. Trevor is also a member of the British-Irish Association and founder member of the pro Union Group Re-Union. He is currently involved in cross-community work as Chair of Sport4Change. 8 pm Ar Dheis Folk Group Fair Green Local musician Brian Corry (on tin whistle, fiddle, flute and vocals), teams up with Patrick Browne, Josh O’Loughlin and Flor Ryan to create a lively blend of traditional music and song. Festival wristband required. 9.30 pm Friends in Low Places – The Ultimate Garth Brooks Experience Fair Green The show which has wowed Garth Brooks fans across Ireland is fronted by well-known country singer Trevor Smyth. Expect to hear all the greatest hits of American country-music legend Garth Brooks, including classics such as ‘If Tomorrow Never Comes’ and ‘Unanswered Prayers’. Festival wristband required. 10 pm Moonlight Walk Raheen Wood Experience the magic and wonder of the woods at night, accompanied by expert guide Joe Lillis. Bring a torch/headtorch, raingear and comfortable footwear. Festival wristband required. Saturday 4 August 11 am−5 pm Waterways Ireland Building Open House Scariff Harbour Continuous film showing. Display of artwork produced by local young people. 10–11 am All Star Rugby Training Session with Trevor Ringland Scariff Rugby Club Trevor will be teaching new skills and sharing his experiences as a professional rugby player. Ages 8 to 15. No previous rugby experience necessary. All levels welcome. Coffee shop and refreshments. Festival wristband required. 11–12 pm A Game of 3 Halves Scariff Rugby Club Developed in Northern Ireland as a means to bring young people from different commu- nities together to learn and play different sports, A Game of 3 Halves combines rugby, soc- cer and, in this instance, hurling. Trevor Ringland will referee alongside top-class coaches from each discipline. Spectators welcome. Coffee shop and refreshments. 12−4 pm Family Fun Day GAA Park Mega arena of fun with human table football, giant slides, inflatable disco and demolition balls. Fun races, wobbly wheelbarrows and much more. Entry fee €5 per person (children under 2 free). Children’s entry fee includes a voucher for a Supermac’s meal (redeemable in the GAA Park only). Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Not covered by festival wristband. 12–6 pm Street Arts and Crafts Fair Fair Green Craft workers, artists, organic growers and food stalls display their wares in this open-air street market. 12–6 pm Traditional Skills Workshops Fair Green Watch and take part in displays of traditional skills, in conjunction with the Scariff-based Centre for Environmental Living and Training (CELT). Workshops run by experienced tu- tors: Mike Hendersen – Wooden Whistle Carving/Flower Sticks; Mark Wilson – Copper Leaves (pendants, keyrings); Stuart Fernie – Rustic Faces; Kes Clarke – Lavender Hearts; Mia Foley – Felt Craft (bees, ladybirds, etc.). Festival wristband required. 12.30–2 pm Mixed Tag Rugby Blitz Scariff Rugby Club Ten to a team, with a minimum of two ladies per team. Entry fee €50 per team. To register a team, contact Gearoid Devaney on 086 7827709. 1–5 pm Horse and Wagon Tours Market House See Scariff the old-fashioned way in a wagon pulled by two beautiful Clydesdales. Depar- tures every half hour. Festival wristband required. 1–6 pm Community Garden Fair Community Garden Drum circle. Organic mime/theatre production. Open acoustic jazz-blues session. Music, food and traditional family-friendly fair games (also on Sunday). Festival wristband required. 1−2.30 pm Creative Fun Scariff Library Arts and Crafts with Natalie El Baba, courtesy of Clare VEC. Suitable for 10–13 year olds. Festival wristband required. 2–4 pm Raheen Oak Wood Walk Tuamgraney Andrew St Ledger, a native woodland heritage specialist with CELT and the Woodland league, leads a guided walk in the ancient oak woodland of Raheen, the remains of a once mighty oak forest called the Great Forest of Aughty. Meet at 1.45 pm opposite Tuamgraney Heritage Centre. Children welcome. Wear raingear and suitable footwear. Festival wristband required. 3−4 pm Edna O’Brien Lecture Series with Carlo Gebler Scariff Library Dublin-born Carlo Gebler is the son of writers Edna O’Brien and Ernest Gebler. He is author of several novels, including his most recent, ‘The Dead Eight’, and a memoir ‘Father & I’. He is also a playwright and film-maker and has been Writer in Residence at Maghaberry Prison in Northern Ireland. Festival wristband required. 4–6 pm Mime/Theatre Workshop Community Garden Workshop with multimedia mime artist Astrid Adler. Cost €10 per person. Pre-booking advised through the Co-op at (061) 921536 or [email protected]. 6 pm Roots by the River Scariff Harbour Bringing together blends of Folk, Irish traditional, American Roots and Bluegrass, enjoy an evening of music by the river with Thrillogy, an exciting new group from County Clare consisting of three individual solo artists, Kate Purcell, Denise Glass and Yuki Nishioka; Seamus Bugler and Clíodhna Donnellan; and American Folk & Roots group The Burn Sisters, who hail from upstate New York. Bring a picnic. Festival wristband required. 6.30 pm Festival Hurling Match GAA Park U15 hurling match between visiting side St John’s Gaelic Athletics Club, Belfast, and Scariff/. 8 pm Birdthistle Fair Green Hailing from and formed in early 2010, Birdthistle create a mood that is rootsy with a distinctive edge. An up-and-coming band not to be missed. Festival wrist- band required. 10 pm The Walls Fair Green With their recently released album Stop the Lights garnering rave reviews, The Walls (for- merly the Stunning), fronted by brothers Steve and Joe Wall, promise to thrill and delight with a string of classic and new hits from this legendary Irish band. Festival wristband required. Sunday 5 August 10–5 pm Waterways Ireland Boat Tours Scariff Harbour Hourly tours by waterbus of the Scariff River and Lough Derg (departures on the hour; last boat leaves 5 pm). Festival wristband required. 10 am–4 pm Waterways Ireland Cross-Border Young Anglers’ Competition Duceys Pier Young anglers (12–18 years) from both sides of the border compete for the David Ervine Perpetual Trophy. Presentation of trophy by Martin Dennany on the Fair Green at 5.45 pm. Enquiries (061) 921 851. Festival wristband required. 10 am Outdoor Mass at Mass Rock Cappabane Festival mass at the historic site where mass was celebrated in secret during the period of repression of Catholic worship in the 17th century. All welcome. Weather dependent 11 am Scenic walk in association with East Clare Way Market House Guided two-hour walk on the East Clare Way with spectacular views of Lough Derg and the East Clare countryside. Registration at the Market House from 10 am. Festival wrist- band required. 11 am−5 pm Waterways Ireland Open House Scariff Harbour Continuous film showing. Display of artwork produced by local young people. Sunday 5 August (contd) 12–5 pm Busking Competition Fair Green Open to all. Cash prizes. 12–6 pm Animal Magic Riverside Park See birds of prey, including hawks, golden eagles and owls, and reptiles of all sorts up close and personal. Festival wristband required. 12–6 pm Street Arts and Crafts Fair & Traditional Skills Workshops Fair Green As on Saturday 1–5 pm Waterways Ireland Riverside Adventure Activities Riverside Park Canoeing and kayaking on the river with expert instruction, water balls, land zorbs, climbing wall, pony rides and more. Festival wristband required. 1–5 pm Horse and Wagon Tours Market House See Scariff the old-fashioned way in a wagon pulled by two beautiful Clydesdales. De- partures every half hour. Festival wristband required. 2–4 pm Children’s Art Workshops Fair Green Interactive art workshops with artists Julie Douglas and Kieran Whitelaw, offering children the chance to get hands-on experience in various artistic disciplines. Festival wristband required. 2 & 4 pm Sorcaluba Market Square Formed in 2008 by Francesca Castellano, Michaela Heyer and Linda Cullen, this trio of aerialists displays a variety of styles on trapeze, tissue and hoop to create a circus spectacle that won’t easily be forgotten. 40-minute performances. Festival wristband required. 4.45 pm Irish Dancing Fair Green Pupils of the Anne Burke and Dunphy Allen Schools of Irish Dance perform. 6 pm Queen of the Waterways Finale Fair Green The contestants in the inaugural Queen of the Waterways pageant grace the main stage, where TV personality Ciana Campbell will introduce and interview them. Win- ner crowned after Jack L’s performance. 7.30 pm Jack L Fair Green One of Ireland’s most entertaining showmen, Kildare-born Jack L is a constant delight with his energetic and creatively crafted performances. Songs including “Georgie Boy”, “Sum- mer Wind” and “Tremendous” showcase a truly unique voice and talent. Festival wristband required. 9.30 pm Taylor’s Cross Céilí Band Fair Green Open-air céilí with this four piece band from Sliabh Luachra, led by accordionist Donie Nolan. Set dancers of all levels can take to the floor. Festival wristband required.

Festival Wristbands Scariff Harbour Festival wristbands will be on sale throughout the weekend at a one-off cost of € 5. The wristband entitles the wearer to access to all events and activities over the weekend, other than the Sean Keane concert (tickets € 20) and the Family Fun Day (separate entry fee € 5). Please help us to maintain the quality, variety and accessibility of the festival by buying a wristband. Purchase of a wristband automati- cally enters you for a raffle with great prizes.

Programme events may be subject to change. For more information, call (061) 921 028/087 230 8974, visit www.scariff.ie or call to the information stand on the Fair Green over the festival weekend. WHAT´S ON

Fundraising for Cancer Research working hard since to get the campaign A group of individuals in East Clare up and running. A committee is now in have come together to run “Strictly place which includes, Maureen Madden, Come Dancing East Clare” in an effort and Tuamgraney, John O’Brien, to fundraise for Cancer Research. Funds Broadford, Mary Hayes, , Jeane raised will be dispersed as follows: Moloney, Flagmount/Killenena, Joan · 50%: Children’s Cancer Research Broderick, Mountshannon and White- Appeal, Our Lady’s Children’s gate, Kate Lynch, Kilkisheen, Kilumrray Hospital, Crumlin and O’Callaghan’s Mills, Margaret Bane, · 50%: Mid Western Cancer Foundation Ogonnelloe and Brid Hayes, . On Friday August 31st at the West Coun- Christina and Martina are delighted ty Hotel, Ennis the “Strictly Come Danc- that Pauline Treacy/Mcaul and Sean ing” event will take place with 13 dance O’Brien have agreed to dance for Scar- couples competing against each other. iff. The full list of dancers for each area There will be a dance couple from Bo- is as follows: dyke, Broadford, Feakle, Flagmount/ Bodyke Aideen & Liam Wiley Killanena, Kilkishen, Kilmurray, Mount- Broadford Elaine Mulqueen, Seamus Mason shannon, O’Callaghan’s Mills, Ogonnel- Feakle Aine Hayes, Mike Tuohy loe, Scariff, Tulla, Tuamgraney, Whitegate. Flagmount / Laura Flaherty, Alan McNamara Christina McKenna and Martina Killanena Minogue came up with this fundrais- Kilkishen Evelyn McMahon, Mary O’Neill ing idea 2 months ago and have been Kilmurray Claire Bannon, Christy Carey Mount- Anna Geoghegan, Terry Cronin shannon Ogonnelloe Anna & Alvaro Ramirez O’Callaghan’s Elaine Farrell, Michael Baker Mills Scariff Pauline Treacy/Mcaul, Sean O’Brien Tulla Bernie Torpey , Gerry O’Loughlin Tuamgraney Louise Hayes, Shay O’Neil Whitegate Rachel Worrell, Kyle Brogan A professional choreographer has been employed by the group to pro- vide Salsa and Zumba classes to the From L to R: Pauline McCaul, Sean O'Brien and 13 dance couples over a 9 week period Christina McKenna at Scariff Community College Hall. The


“Contractors of East Clare” are being in- worthy fundraising initiative by voting vited to help sponsor the costs that will for your local dance couple by either us- be incurred in running this event. ing the Voting Cards you will fi nd locally Voting Cards will be available at a or registering your interest on www. number of locations in each area. The mycharity.ie . Visit us on Facebook: committee ask you to support this very Strictly Come Dancing East Clare.

Organising committee of Strictly Come Dancing charity event Back Row L to R: Grainne Harrington, Feakle, John O’Brien, Broadford, Maureen Madden, Tuamgraney/Bodyke, Martina Minogue, Kate Lynch, Kilkisheen, Kilmurry, O’Callaghan’s Mills, Joan Broderick, Whitegate Front Row L to R: Jeane Moloney, Flagmount/Killanena, Brid Hayes, Tulla, Mary Hayes, Feakle, Christina McK- enna, Scariff, Margaret Bane, Ogonnelloe.


Scariff Show some of the leading dairy and beef Preparations are well underway for the herds in the country on display. 68th Annual Scariff Show, which will be Scariff Show is fortunate to always held on Saturday 1st September in the have been able to count on the support Showgrounds Scariff. of business and people in the commu- With numerous exciting and enter- nity for the last 68 years. Scariff Show taining events promised, including a attributes its longevity to the fact that it range of horse classes, the highlight be- is rooted in the community and all the ing the Yearling Filly All-Ireland Champi- committee work is done on a voluntary onship jointly sponsored by Horse Sport basis from all people in surrounding Ireland & Scariff Show, Show/Working parishes, as is all the additional help we Hunter pony classes, Connemara, show- get from young and old the week prior jumping, Sportsman classes, a sheep to the show and during the event. section and a dog section. But the Scar- Scariff Show schedule is now being iff Show is not just an event for farmers fi nalised and will be available to down- and horse breeders. There are contests load from our website by the end of July. for the best in home baking, arts and Work will then begin to layout the show crafts, roots and vegetables, fl owers and grounds to cater for the competitions amateur photography and numerous and exhibitions taking place. All en- children’s competitions including the quiries about the show please contact ever-popular bonny baby competition. Show Secretary, Joanne Allen on 087 This year’s show sees the reintroduc- 3667711 or visit our website tion of Cattle classes, with exhibits from www.scariffshow.com


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Children’s Events library on Saturday 4th August. See Scariff Public Library will be holding www.scariff.ie under the Scariff Har- a week of children’s activities from bour Festival section for more details. Monday 23rd July – Friday 27th July in- (A Scariff Harbour Festival event). cluding artist-led workshops, a Horrible Scariff Public Library will be holding Histories quiz, a talk for children on the two events to celebrate Heritage Week birds of Lough Derg by Jamie Durrant 2012. Clare Roots Society will give a of Birdwatch Ireland and RTE’s Elev8 talk entitled ‘Genealogy for Begin- and a fairies tea party. All events are ners’ on Wednesday 22nd August at free of charge but booking is required 3-4pm and a second talk, ‘Starting for some events. Telephone Scariff Pub- your family tree’, on Thursday 23rd Au- lic Library on 061 922893 for informa- gust at 7-8pm. Both events are free of tion and booking. charge and all are welcome. Children’s Summer Reading Chal- Exhibitions lenge Shannon Camera Club will hold a pho- Every year hundreds of children all over tographic exhibition in ‘The Gallery’ at the county take part in Clare County Scariff public library from 9th July to 4th Library’s biggest reading event for August.’ children, the Summer Reading Chal- lenge. Every year there’s a different theme, and this year it’s called Story Lab. The aim of the challenge is to get Sandra children to read six books from their li- Design brary during the summer holidays. Go to your local public library during the Print summer holidays – the sooner you go the longer your child will have to read six books. Staff will enrol your child and give them a membership pack. It is open to any child and is completely free. Sandra Schwitalla Storytime and colouring for children Derrylisane Menlough aged 3-6 takes place every Wednesday Ballinasloe in the library at 3.30pm Co. Galway · Ireland Other Events [email protected] Fon +353-061/74 80 33 Scariff Public Library is delighted to Mobil 086/41 00 00 8 welcome author Carlo Gebler to the


Tidy Towns update people quickly caught the fever and The new Tidy Towns Committee was started painting. Almost every house- set up following a meeting in Teagasc hold and business in the town ordered on 2nd April. At this meeting it was sug- either fl ower boxes or hanging baskets. gested that Scariff needed a facelift to Special thanks must go to Martina and make us feel good about ourselves. A her staff in In Season for making them small group volunteered that night and available so promptly. they approached others and meetings By the end of Week 5 everything was were arranged for Wednesday morn- in order for the arrival of President Hig- ings at 11am in the Market House. Mi- gins. The Tidy Towns inspection takes chelle McNamara, Bernie Cunningham, place anytime during the month of Shirley Costelloe, Michael Rodgers, June. Since litter (or the absence of it) Darren McNamara, Danny Dillon, Ann plays a big part in the appearance of Culloo, Loretta Brody, Joe McGrath and any town we have decided to embark Harry O’Meara attended these meet- on a litter picking campaign every ings. Areas were targeted, photographs Monday evening 6.30pm – 7pm for the were taken and a plan of action drawn summer months. Please come and help up. It was decided to set Saturday or indeed help by not dropping litter mornings 9am- 1pm as our clean up on the streets and footpaths in the fi rst days and to target one area at a time. place! Day 1 – Scariff Bridge to Tony O Of course we entered the Tidy Towns Brien’s corner. Competition and of course we wanted Day 2 – Fossabeg to GAA fi eld Scariff looking well for the Presidential Day 3 – Riverside Park &Playground visit but we realised while we were do- Day 4 – Feakle Rd & Mart area ing the tidy up that this project is much Day 5 – Mountshannon Rd and more about taking pride in our town, fi nishing painting. making it look good and saying to visi- The response has been phenomenal. tors and tourists –“Come spend some We cannot overstate the encourage- time with us”. ment we felt from seeing 20 to 30 peo- Many thanks to all who took part in ple out helping on that very fi rst day the tidy up or helped in any way. Lets and up to 50 people in the Riverside keep it up! Park. We took a break each day at 11 am and we thank The Co-op Café, The GAA, Mary Rodgers and Clare Corry for providing the venues and refresh- ments. The feeling of camaraderie and achievement was palpable. Towns-


Community Council Subscrip- Parish Finance Committee and tions for 2012 Clare County Council) • Purchase of a ride-on lawnmow- A big thank you to those who have er and trailer for grass cutting in paid the Scariff Community Council new Graveyard Moynoe, Riverside subscription of 60 for 2012. This year, € Park, Fossabeg and Finsa proper- everybody who has paid their sub- ties (a contribution is received from scription prior to 31 July will be entered Finsa towards this), as well as the into a draw to WIN a fabulous prize of additional costs associated with a voucher for two nights B&B at a ho- undertaking grass cutting tel of your choice (Terms and Condi- • Flowers, shrubs for fl ower beds tions apply). and boxes in the town The annual subscription is a very im- • Printing of Scariff News portant source of revenue for the Com- • Insurance in respect of Riverside munity Council to fulfi l our objectives. Park, including playground In the past year, our main items of ex- • General repairs and maintenance. penditure were: In addition to our usual work, for 2012, • Re-construction of the wall oppo- we are also working with the tidy towns site Sacred Heart Church, Scariff committee to improve the look and (with a contribution from the feel of Scariff, we are developing a new

Riona Grogan's Opticians Grogans' Pharmacy and Opticians Scariff Medical Centre Ballina, Killaloe (061) 376118 Scariff (061) 921123 Free Eye Examinations for Medical Card Holders or if you pay full PRSI. Eye Examinations for Kids, Teenagers and Students €20. Kids 2 for 1 €85 ... Teenagers 2 for 1 €125. €99 Nike kids Flexon frames & PNX lenses 1 yr guarantee ... unbreakable! €69 Complete Glasses ... great choice. Sale €99 Complete Glasses. Huge discount on designer frames. Contact Lenses available for teenagers for outdoor activities and sports. New contact lens prices €105 for 90 pairs of Ciba Vision Dailies. Eyezone.ie

34 SCARIFF NEWS COMMUNITY COUNCIL REPORT and exciting website to replace the ex- Council: Alan Sparling, Harry O’Meara, isting www.scariff.ie and we would like Joan Crotty, John Keehan, Liam Ryan, to further enhance the Riverside Park. Martin Hartigan, Martina O’Brien, Mi- Payment can be posted to Scariff chael Waterstone, Niamh Wiley, Patricia Community Council, Market House, Nugent and Trish Rodgers. Scariff or dropped in to O’Meara’s Phar- Thank you for your continuing sup- macy. Payment can also be given to port and participation in the activities any of the members of the Community of Scariff Community Council.


Photo of 6th Class Scariff National School 2012. It was their last day in primary school. Photo by Marie O'Leary

"At the recent Matching Grant ceremony held in Intel headquarters, Leixlip, Co. Kildare were, from L to R: Phil Hogan Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Harry O'Meara and Martin Hartigan representing Scariff Community Council, and Eamonn Sinnott General Manager Intel Ireland"


"Scariff soccer fans travel to Poland " for Euro 2012

Conor Mc, Karina Mason, Joe Dillon, Trina Moloney & Barry McNamara in Sopot

Barry McNamara, Joe Dillon & Eric Mulvihill before Spanish game

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at the very start of it all. We are look- ing forward to fi nishing up this season with some good wins though under our belt, and hopefully the girls will enjoy all the matches. Thanks again to the parents for bringing the girls to training and away matches, I know it’s hard this time of year. Team picture will be in next edition of Scariff News.


U14 GIRLS MOUNTSHANNON CELTIC Our 4th season playing girls league soc- cer with CSSL got under way late April. Our team consists of some U13 players from last year, and some new recruits. Training in on Thursday nights and our matches are played on Monday nights. We have seven clubs in U14 this season, with Shannon Town as a newcomer to the league. They have proved to be handy enough, but we still got the better of them in a home game. We have 5 home game and 5 away games to play yet, so we are still



TUAMGRANEY HANDBALL The boys won their matches and were CLUB DOUBLE FEILE WIN through to the fi nals, then great excite- ment when the boys beat Féile Handball was held in City West in the fi nal, and absolute delight when and DCU Dublin this week. Tuamgraney the girls beat Kilkishen in their fi nal. handball club entered a boys and a girls The have made club history, as doubles teams. We traveled to it’s the fi rst Féile Handball Dublin early on Thursday win. Well done to the morning, and the girls boys and girls. played three match- Another win for es in DCU and won, the handball al- and the boys had ley recently was one game in City in the U15 All Ire- West, which they land Community won. Games, where Fio- We all booked na Hayes, Clodagh into the City West Nash, Amy Barrett, for the night and af- Katie Minogue, Aoife ter a lovely meal, we Doyle won yet another headed off bowling, title for the club. which was great fun. Sun- day was a day packed with Féile Teams matches, mostly for the boys, the girls Boys Team: Cian Minogue, Oran Treacy, only had one match in DCU and won, Kieran Hickey, Sean Pearl, Ian Murray so we headed back to City West where Girls Team: Clodagh Nash, Fiona Hayes, the fi nals were taking place. Amy Barrett, Ciara Doyle

photos by Marie Barrett


An Cupàn Caifè, The Restaurant, Mount- Boat Hire and Holy Island Ferry – shannon. Fine dining in a cosy atmo- Contact Gerard Madden (061) 921615/ sphere. Bring your own Wine – no cork- 086 8749710, email: eastclareheritage@ age charge. Open Wednesday to Sunday eircom.net. nightly 6pm – 9pm. Sunday Lunches Building Energy Rating (BER) Certifi - 1pm to 5pm. Closed for November. Phone: cate. From 1st January 2009, all proper- 087-2943620. Email: [email protected] ties offered either for sale or rent now Web:www.ancupan.ie require a BER Certifi cate. This must be Auctioneering – Kevin Bane & Sons provided to the prospective buyer or I.P.A.V. auctioneers, valuers and prop- tenant. For a Certifi cate, together with erty consultants since 1962. Selling an Advisory Report on how to improve or buying all types of property? We the energy rating on your property, con- can help. Visit www.banesofscariff. tact your local independent registered com. Tel. (061) 921077 or 087 2593291. assessor Mervyn Howitt at mhowitt@ Email: [email protected]. eircom.net or by phone on 087 2726030. Banes Gift and Furniture Shop, Burke Electrical services, Scariff. Scariff – Greeting cards, glassware, Registered Electrical Contractor. Gate china, gifts for all occasions. Toys and automation, Saorview and free sat in- stationery. Photocopying and fax stallation. Tel. Adrian 087 4164249 or service. Tel: (061) 921077. Ger 087 9967734. Bank of Ireland - All your banking re- Clareville House, Tuamgraney, Scariff. quirements catered for. ATM, Travel Failte Ireland Approved 4 Star. Bed & made easy Access, Visa, American Ex- Breakfast 2011. AA Ireland 4 Star rated press & Mastercard. Order foreign cur- 2011. Luxury accommodation, all bed- rency & travellers cheques. Invest your savings wisely: ask for a free consultation rooms ensuite with hospitality tray, t.v., with our Insurance & Investment consel- hairdryer, trousers press, complimen- lor. Open Mon 10am-5pm; Tues, Thurs tary bottled water, magazines, and free and Fri 10am-4pm and Wed 10.30am- internet access. Guests Lounge with all 4pm. Closed everyday between 12.30- Satelite T.V. Channells available and inter- 1.30pm. Tel. 061 921015 esting Library. Extensive Breakfast Menu with Vegetarians and Special Diets ca- B/B & Self Catering, Scariff – Avail- tered for. Renowned for excellent qualty able all year, including Christmas Day. food. Private Parking. Facilities for Fish- Luxury accommodation – all rooms en- ermen, Golfers & Walkers. In House Taxi suite with TV and modern facilities, in- Service. All major credit cards accepted. cluding Internet access. Call/fax Marie Proprietor Teresa Browne, phone 061 on (061) 640888/924154. Mobile: 086 922925 or 087 6867548 anytime. email 8920322. Email: [email protected]. [email protected] or view

42 SCARIFF NEWS NNEWEW Beauty & Healthy Equipment Family Farming Finances Food SERVICES

websites www.clarevillehouse.net or machines, dryers, electric heaters, www.clarewalkingtours.ie Described by vacuum cleaners, small appliances. many as ‘A Home Away from Home’ Call Nard Slabbers at (061) 927439 or Declan Kelly Electrical Services – 087 8291940. Registered electrical contractor. Eve’s Beauty Salon – Market Square, Tel. (061) 921732 or 087 4104150. Scariff (beside Centra). Covering all Derg Credit Union – Call to us for all of aspects of Beauty * Tanning * Nails * Body. Open Tues–Sat 9.30 am–6 pm. your borrowing requirements. Competi- Late opening Thurs & Fri till 8 pm. tive rates and excellent returns on sav- Call (061) 640 066 or 087 6228150. ings. All foreign currency requirements catered for, including foreign currency Genevieve’s Hair Studio – is now lo- drafts. “Membership has its advantages”. cated in Market Square, Scariff. Unisex Tel. (061) 921383 Fax (061) 921777. Salon catering for all ages. Modern, Email: [email protected]. spacious hair salon with a friendly at- mosphere. Great hairdressing at un- Derg Electronic Solutions, Mount- beatable prices. Open Mon - Thurs 10 shannon – Suppliers of agricultural and am - 5.30pm, Fri 9.30am - 6 pm and pet electric fences; insulators, electric wire rope and tape; voltage testers, re- sat 9.30 am to 5pm. Tel 061 640649. pairs to most types of electric fences; Looking forward to seeing you. industrial and agricultural electronic Gerry Quinn Car Sales, Mountshannon design and repair; computer repairs, Road, Scariff – Finance arranged, all cars upgrades and advice. Contact Tom guaranteed, serviced and valeted. Open Allen Tel. (061) 921687 or 086 3854545. Mon to Sat 9.30 am to 6 pm. Contact Email [email protected]. Web- Gerry at 087 6000100 or (061) 922004. site: www.derg-esolutions.com. Gleesons Wise Buy Shop – For all your DJ Alan – Functions, Parties, 21st’s, shopping requirements. Fresh bake- Weddings. All musical tastes ca- out bread daily. Video rental. School tered for. Playing the hits you want. requisites. B&B also available. For good Tel. 087 6106764 or (061) 921785. value, shop at Gleesons. East Clare Bouncy Castles, Tulla – For The Grainey – Now available Fair the very best in entertainment. Ideal for Trade gifts from around the world, in birthdays, christenings, etc. Fun for any addition to farmhouse cheese, locally occasion. Tel. Marie 087 6176673. grown organic vegetables, homemade East Clare Repair – IN DESPAIR CALL bread, organic wines and lots more. EAST CLARE REPAIR! Professional Tel. (061) 921265. repair service for all domestic ap- Hogan Computer Services – Com- pliances – fridge freezers washing puter and offi ce equipment. Com- puter maintenance & repairs. Network

NEW Holiday Home Party Beauty & Healthy Equipment Family Farming Fina SCARIFF NEWS 43 SERVICES installations. Software and support. tancy needs. Tel. (061) 921021 or (061) Sage & Tas Books accounting and 379230 (after 6 pm) Fax (061) 921021. payroll systems. Internet Café. Full Loughnane & Co. Solicitors – For all colour digital printing: business cards, your legal requirements – conveyances, compliment slips, posters, tickets, invi- buying/selling property; wills, admin- tations and fl yers. Document fi nishing. Open Mon to Sat 9.30 am–6 pm. Phone istration of estates; court work, litiga- (061) 922044 Fax (061) 922047. Email: tion, injury claims, etc. Tel. (061) 921117 [email protected]. Fax (061) 921500. Imagine! Hair Salon - Ballyminogue, Meehan Moroney Solicitors, Market Scariff. Tel 061 922785. Tues, Wed, Thurs Square, Scariff & 1 Michael Street, Lim- 9am-5pm. Late opening Fri 9am-7pm, erick – Specialising in: conveyancing Sat 8.30am-4.30pm. Call to Trish Collins (private & commercial); probate; litiga- (Manager) for Free Consultation. tion; family law; personal injury; dis- trict court work; debt collection; com- In Season, Market Square, Scariff. Flo- pany law. Scariff offi ce opening hours rist & Gift shop, Flowers and fl ower ar- Wed–Fri 9 am–5.30 pm. Tel. (061)312992. rangements for every occasion (birth- days, anniversaries, weddings, funerals Email [email protected]. etc), horticultural advice, outdoor & in- Michael Corry Plant Hire, Scariff – For door plants, baskets, candles and much site excavation, landscaping, shrubber- more. Opening hours: Monday - Satur- ies, lawns, kerbing and patios. Please day 10am to 6pm. Call Martina on (061) call (087) 6149682 or (061) 921621. 640 841 or (087) 418 9593. Out of shop M+T Contractors – Free quotations for hours call (061) 924 338. new homes, home extensions inc. all Jakko’s Bar, Bridge Street, Scariff – aspects of home/house repairs includ- Traditional Irish Pub. Proprietor Eamon ing garage/roofi ng etc. Also all aspects and Marie Molony. Tel. (061) 921066. of farm buildings & commercial build- ings. For information please contact Pat Joey Kavanagh, Scariff – Top class @ (061) 921112 or 087 9590921 or Matt meats, delicatessen. No order too small @ (061) 921432. or too big. Deep freeze specialist. Prime O’Meara’s Pharmacy, Market Square, baby beef, pork & lamb. All our beef is Scariff – Prescriptions and medical locally produced. Home and mild cured advice. 24 Hour Photo Processing, in- bacon. Roast stuffed chicken and fresh stant digital kiosk and passport photos. chicken. Pizzas made to order. Home- Tel. (061) 921 028. made coleslaw and all Bar-B-Q food. Tel. Rodgers Pig Farm, Pork & Bacon (061) 921698. Direct, Whitegate, Co Clare. We sell full JJ. Ryan & Co. Accountants, The pigs, half pigs or 20kgs boxes of pork Square, Scariff – For all your accoun-

44 SCARIFF NEWS NNEWEW Beauty & Healthy Equipment Family Farming Finances Food SERVICES

& bacon i.e. rashers, sausages, chops, that special occasion. Translations from hams bacon etc. All this meat is Irish, all world languages. Tel. (061) 921121 has 100% traceability and is cured the Fax (061) 921693. Email: info@eteams. old fashioned way. Contact: Mike 086 ie Web: www.eteams.ie. 8326988 or Elaine 087 9883698 Yoga Weekends & Weekly Yoga Rodgers & Son, Main Street, Scar- Classes – The East Clare Yoga Cen- iff – Traditional Irish music every tre, Tuamgraney, is a family-run rural Friday night and live music every retreat centre which offers Iyengar Saturday night. It’s the place to be! yoga weekend workshops with visit- Tel. (061) 921012. ing guest teachers and weekly classes Ryan’s Bar, Scariff – Monday night with resident teacher Susanne Stur- Ryan’s Bar Scariff – Monday night 45 ton. For a brochure call (061) 640923, card game in the bar, Set Dancing in email [email protected] or visit lounge 9pm; Tuesday night Crock of www.eastclareyoga.com. Gold and Spin the Wheel; Wednes- day Seanós dancing lessons (Juniors 3.30pm and Adults 8pm); Saturday night live music in the bar. Lounge available for meetings or parties, ca- tering also available. Tel: (061) 921167. Answers to parties and functions; Saturday night Childrens Corner: (Page 20) live music and continental disco, free Hidden Countries admission; Sunday relax in cosy atmo- 1. Canada sphere. Tel. (061) 921167. 2. India S.V.S. Animal Health Shop, Feakle 3. Spain Road – Quality products for all crea- 4. China tures great and small. Tel. (061) 921226. 5. Germany Teach Uí Bhriain, Tuamgraney, wel- comes you to “The Island’” restaurant. What Am I? A la carte menu 6 to 10 pm Wednes- A bar of soap day to Sunday. Full bar menu served 7 days till 9.30 pm. Breakfast from 9 am Mind the Monday to Saturday. Tel. (061) 921249. Gap! ROW Telecottage, Bridge House, Main Street, Scariff – We offer a complete range of printing and offi ce services. We spe- cialise in high-quality full colour print- ing. Personalised cards designed for

NEW Holiday Home Party Beauty & Healthy Equipment Family Farming Fina SCARIFF NEWS 45 Scariff Recycling Centre & Transfer Station Opening Hours Telephone: 061 921735 • Monday 2.00pm to 6.00pm • Tuesday 9.00am to 1.00pm • Wednesday Closed • Thursday 2.00pm to 6.00pm • Friday 2.00pm to 8.00pm • Saturday 12.00 noon to 6.00pm • Sunday Closed Charges for Recyclables • Car, or car-based van or 4 wheel drive or equivalent - €5 • Car, or car-based van or 4 wheel drive and small trailer (max. 1.2 cu.m/42cu.ft.)* - €9 • light van - €12 • All other vehicles and vehicle/trailer combinations - €25 • These charges are inclusive of V.A.T. at 13.5% *small trailer is defined as less than 1.8m/6 ft. long and less than 0.6m/2 ft high.

Recyclables include The following items are accepted Glass jars / bottles, aluminium cans, food cans, free of charge for householders plastic bottles, heavy duty cardboard, newspapers, Waste electricial and electronic equipment magazines, tetrapak cartons, waste engine oil, scrap (WEEE) such as fridges, cookers, computers metal, oil filters, Cooking oil, Timber, Hard plastic. etc., fluorescent tubes, waste batteries, textiles. For further information on waste disposal charges please log on to www.clarecoco.ie or contact (065)-6821616 USEFUL INFO

EMERGENCIES Scariff Medical Centre Normal hours Tel: 061 921 123 ShannonDoc Out of hours Tel: 1850 212 999 Defi brillator Emergency mobile no. 086 251 88 51 Dentist Tel: 061 640 926 Pharmacy Tel: 061 921 028 Lough Derg Search & Rescue Tel: 087 8140819 (24 hrs) GARDA STATION Open 7 days a week Tel: 061 921 002 10 am–1 pm OTHER BUSINESSES POST OFFICE Monday–Friday 9 am–1 pm & 2–5 pm Tel: 061 921 001 Saturday 9 am–1 pm LIBRARY Monday 10 am–1 pm & 2–5.30 pm Tuesday & Thursday 10 am–8 pm Wednesday & Friday 10 am–5.30 pm Saturday 10 am–2 pm ECAT BUS SERVICE Scariff–Ennis Mon–Fri dep. Ennis 1.30, 17.30 dep. Scariff 7.40, 8.45, 12.10, 15.20 Sat dep. Scariff 9.30 dep. Ennis 16.30 SCARIFF NEWS EMAIL [email protected] Clare Accessible Transport [CAT] BUS SERVICE Easy to use, friendly and very affordable fares. Free Travel Pass holders and Under 5’s travel Free. Scariff to Ennis [Dunnes/ General Hospital/ Bus/Rail station] Mon-Fri dep. Scariff Square 08.30, 12.00 and 15.20 Sat dep. Scariff Square 09.30, 13.15 Ennis [Dunnes/ General Hospital/ Bus/Rail station] to Scariff Mon-Fri dep. Ennis 10.20, 13.25, 17.30 Sat dep. Ennis 12.30, 16.30 For bookings, and other route info, please call 061 924 375, 0890 687 287 Offi ce hours Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm. CHURCHES MASS Daily (Monday to Friday) 9 am Scariff Saturday 8.00 pm Sunday 12 pm Clonusker Sunday 9 am Tel: 061 921 051 (Fr. Quinlivan) CHURCH OF IRELAND Tuamgraney Fourth Sunday of month 9.30 am Mountshannon First three Sundays of month 9.30 am QUAKER MEETINGS First Tuesday of of every month 8 pm Tuamgraney Raheen Wood School Tel: 086 8516697 CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Thursdays 9.15 am Tel. 061 640 967 Tuamgraney Sundays (monthly) 10.30 am Scariff Community Council presents ScariffScariff 10K10K SSunday 2nd September 2012 at 2pm

Magnificentviewsof LoughDergenroute

-All Runners and Walkers wwelcome- Registration fee 10

Closing date for registration 24th August 2012 (late registration fee €15)

Registration Forms can be obtained by any of the following: Post: Online: Tel: Drop In To: Scariff 10K, [email protected] 0 087-9459412 O’Meara’s Market Square, or Pharmacy or Scariff www .runireland.com Centra