L&A County Archives
Jfieunox nub f\.bbiugtou dlouutlZ ~useum 97 Thomas St. E., Postal Bag 1000, Napanee, Ontario K7 R 3S9 PRIVATE PAPERS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTYArchives MUSEUM Index prepar ed by Jennifer Bunting under a Canadian Council of Archives Backlog Reduction Grant, CountyJanuary, 1988 L&A In the former County jail, built 1864, Opened as a Museum 1976 Private Papers - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS Art 3 Architecture 5 Adams Scrapbook 6 Arnott Papers 6 Beattie Dental Clinic 8 Baughn Music Collection 10 Connolly Collection 10 Colville Colection 11 Crossman Donation 12 Daly Papers 13 Daly Music Collection 14 Eadie Collection 15 Edmison Collection 20 Fairfield Papers 22 Fennel Papers 23 Fraser Papers 25 Fowler-Howard Papers 30 Goodfellow Donation 31 Gutzeit Bequest Archives 32 Huffman Deeds 34 Langford Scrapbook 34 Madden Donation 34 Miller Donation 35 Parks Papers 35 Paul Papers 38 Perry Papers 39 Ponton Trial 48 Scott CollectionCounty 48 Stickney Papers 50 Thoms Papers 51 Timmerman Collection 53 Turner Papers 54 VankoughnetL&A Collection 56 Vosper Scrapbook 56 Wartman Pape rs 57 Woods Collection 57 Small groups of papers 59-75 Vanalstine Collection 76 Burleigh Papers 78 Appendices Index to Finding Aide Private Papers - 3 - ART Artists of the County An expanding collection of documentation concerning artists with connection to Lennox & Addington County. I n 1987, files were as follows: Arts Survey: Dawson, Rod, writer Dorosh, Hildegard, painter in watercolour Gorman, LeRoy, writer and poet Storey, Marg, painter Webster, Geoffrey, photographer Cowel l , Marie Daly-Pepper, Kathleen MacDonald, Manly MacMullen, William Madsen, Soren and Susan Archives Philoxians, The Some Artists of the County (Exhibition) 1985 Brooks, Ruth Goodwin, Judith Cain, Wendy Madsen, Soren DeRose, Tim Madsen, Susan Firth, Shirley Miller, Shirley Saw r on, WalterCounty St.
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