Birds of Shenango S Su F W S Su F W S Su F W American Wigeon u . o . Least Sandpiper r r c . Eastern Kingbird* * u u u . Seasonal Occurrences American Black Duck u . u . White-rumped Sandpiper . . o . SHRIKES Mallard** a c a c Baird's Sandpiper . . u . Northern Shrike r . . .

Blue-winged Teal u . u . Pectoral Sandpiper . . c . VIREOS Spring (Sp) March- May Northern Shoveler u . r . Dunlin r . r . White-eyed Vireo* u u u . Summer (S) June-July Northern Pintail u . . . Stilt Sandpiper . . u . Yellow-throated Vireo* u u u . Fall (F) August-November Green-winged Teal u . u . Buff-breasted Sandpiper . . o . Blue-headed Vireo u . u . Winter (W) December-February Canvasback r . . . Short-billed Dowitcher . . u . Warbling Vireo** u u u . Redhead r . . . Long-billed Dowitcher . . r . Philadelphia Vireo . . r . Key to Abundance Codes: Ring-necked Duck c . . r Common Snipe . . u . Red-eyed Vireo ** c c c . A= abundant- numerous in large numbers throughout the site. Greater Scaup r . r . American Woodcock* u . . . JAYS and CROWS C= common- should be seen or heard in suitable habitat. Lesser Scaup c . c . Wilson’s Phalarope . . x . Blue Jay ** c c c c U= uncommon- usually present in small numbers in suitable Surf Scoter r . . . Red-necked Phalarope . . x . American Crow * c c c c habitat but not always seen or heard, may be secretive. Long-tailed Duck . . . r GULLS and TERNS LARKS O=occasional- reported only a few times during the season. Bufflehead c . c c Franklin's Gull . . x . Horned Lark r . . . R=rare- within species’ normal range or irruptive, but not seen Common Goldeneye . . . r Bonaparte's Gull u . u . MARTINS and SWALLOWS annually. Hooded Merganser ** c . u . Ring-billed Gull a c a c Purple Martin** u u u . X= accidental, vagrant, out of species’ normal range, may Common Merganser* c . c . Herring Gull u . u u Tree Swallow** c c a . include only one sighting. Red-breasted Merganser c . o r Great Black-backed Gull r . . . Northern Rough-winged Swallow** u u u . i=- irruptive, numbers vary from year to year Ruddy Duck u . u . Caspian Tern u . u . Bank Swallow* u u u . *= possibly/probable and ** = confirmed nesting species for KITES, HAWKS, and EAGLES Common Tern o . o . Cliff Swallow** c c c . Shenango Lake and the Big Bend area of the Shenango River. Osprey** u u u . Forster’s Tern o . o . Barn Swallow** c c a . This checklist was compiled from sightings recorded in the past Bald Eagle** u u u u Black Tern r . r . CHICKADEES and TITMICE few years on SAP trips as well as from sightings posted on the Northern Harrier . . o o DOVES and PIGEONS Black-capped Chickadee** c c c c PA Birds listserv, some listed in PA Birds, and a few Sharp-shinned Hawk o . o . Rock Dove o o o o Tufted Titmouse** c c c c documented older sightings of interest. Most data is from the Cooper's Hawk** o o o . Mourning Dove** c c c c NUTHATCHES fall when Shenango is heavily birded as a shorebirding hotspot Northern Goshawk . . r . CUCKOOS Red-breasted Nuthatch . . r/i . and here we have a good idea of the Abundance Codes for the Red-shouldered Hawk* o o o . Black-billed Cuckoo . . o . White-breasted Nuthatch* * c c c c shorebirds. For the moment, abundance codes of other species Broad-winged Hawk* o . o . Yellow-billed Cuckoo . . r . CREEPERS are somewhat lacking and more projected and, and may be Red-tailed Hawk** c c c c TYPICAL OWLS Brown Creeper o . o . modified as more data is obtained both in the fall and FALCONS Eastern Screech Owl* u . u u WRENS throughout the year. Information on abundance has also been American Kestral o o o o Great horned Owl* . . . r Carolina Wren** u u u . obtained from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Shenango Merlin . . r . Barred Owl* r . . . House Wren** c c c . Lake. Peregrine Falcon . . r . NIGHTHAWKS and NIGHTJARS Winter Wren o . o . S Su F W PHEASANTS, GROUSE, and TURKEYS Common Nighthawk . . r . KINGLETS and GNATCATCHERS LOONS Ring-necked Pheasant u u o o Whip-poor-will r . . . Golden-crowned Kinglet u . u r Common Loon o . o . Ruffed Grouse** u u u u SWIFTS Ruby-crowned Kinglet u . u . GREBES Wild Turkey** c c c c Chimney Swift* c c c . Blue-gray Gnatcatcher** c u o . Pied-billed Grebe o . o . RAILS and COOTS HUMMINGBIRDS THRUSHES Horned Grebe u . u . Virginia Rail . r . . Ruby-throated Hummingbird* u u u . Eastern Bluebird** c c c c Eared Grebe x . . . American Coot u . u . KINGFISHERS Swainson's Thrush . . o . CORMORANTS PLOVERS Belted Kingfisher* u u u . Hermit Thrush o . o . Double-crested Cormorant c c c . Black-bellied Plover . . u . WOODPECKERS Wood Thrush** c c u . BITTERNS, HERONS and EGRETS American Golden-Plover . . u . Red-headed Woodpecker** u u u u American Robin** a a a u Great Blue Heron c a c u Semipalmated Plover . . u . Red-bellied Woodpecker** u u u u Gray Catbird** c c c . Great Egret . . o . Killdeer** c c a . Yellow-bellied Sapsucker . . . r MOCKINGBIRDS and THRASHERS Green Heron u u u . SANDPIPERS, PHALAROPES, and ALLIES Downy Woodpecker* * c c c c Northern Mockingbird r . r . Black-crowned Night Heron . . r . American Avocet . . x . Hairy Woodpecker** u u u u Brown Thrasher** u u u . IBIS Greater Yellowlegs . . c . Northern Flicker** u u u r European Starling** c c c c Glossy Ibis . . x . Lesser Yellowlegs . . c . Pileated Woodpecker** o o o o PIPITS NEW WORLD VULTURES Solitary Sandpiper r . c . FLYCATCHERS American Pipit . . u . Turkey Vulture* c c c . Willet . . x . Olive-sided Flycatcher r . . . WAXWINGS GEESE,SWANS and DUCKS Spotted Sandpiper* . . c . Eastern Wood-Pewee** c c c . Cedar Waxwing* u u c u Snow Goose r . . r Whimbrel . . x . Yellow-bellied Flycatcher x . r . WOOD WARBLERS Canada Goose** a a a a Ruddy Turnstone r . r . Acadian Flycatcher** u u u . Blue-winged Warbler** u u u . Mute Swan . . r . Red Knot . . x . Willow Flycatcher* * . u . . Tennessee Warbler u . u . Trumpeter Swan (reintroduced) o o o . Sanderling . . u . Least Flycatcher** u . . . Orange-crowned Warbler . . r . Tundra Swan r . o . Semipalmated Sandpiper . . c . Eastern Phoebe** c c c . Nashville Warbler u . u . Wood Duck** c c c . Western Sandpiper . . r . Great Crested Flycatcher* * u u u . Northern Parula o . . . Gadwall r . . . S Su F W S Su F W Contributing Birders Yellow Warbler** c c c . WEAVER FINCHES Checklist Chestnut-sided Warbler * u u u . House Sparrow** c c c c Magnolia Warbler u . u . Nancy Baker, Harriet Bauer, Kenneth Behrens, Gene of the Cape May Warbler . . r . Shenango Lake, PA- An Important Bird Butcher, Suzanne Butcher, Greg Cook, Barb Dean, Mike Black-throated Blue Warbler u . u . Birds Area and Shorebird Hotspot Fialkovich, Ted Floyd, Carol Guba, Kathie Goodblood, Yellow-rumped Warbler c . c . Rita Hawrot, Paul Hess, Margaret Higbee, Roger Of Black-throated Green Warbler o . u . Blackburnian Warbler o . o . Higbee, Deuane Hoffman, Joyce Hoffmann, Dory Reservoir located in Mercer Jacobs, Glenda Kemm, Shirley McCarl, Carol Shenango Yellow-throated Warbler* u . . . County, PA and Trumbull County, OH is part of the Pine Warbler . . r . McCullough, Mark McConaughy, Fred McCullough, River Lake, Palm Warbler o . o . flood control system operated by the Pittsburgh District Marty McKay, Dave Rieger, Mary Jane Seipler, Jerry Bay-breasted Warbler . . o . Corps of Engineers of the Beaver and Upper Stanley, Randy Stringer, Russ States, Mark Swansiger, PA Blackpoll Warbler . . o . Rivers. It was authorized by the Flood Control Act of Sandee Swansiger, Chuck Tague, Joan Tague, Eli and the Cerulean Warbler* u . . . 1938 and began full operation in February 1967. The Troyer, Harvey Troyer, Jerry Troyer, Melvin Troyer, Big Bend Area Black-and-white Warbler* u . u . concrete gravity dam located on the Shenango River near Neil Troyer, Jim Valimont, Linda Wagner, Tom American Redstart** u u u . Sharpsville, PA., is about 33 miles above the confluence Ovenbird u . . . Wescott, Gene Wilhelm, Rick Wiltrout, David Wilton. near New Castle, PA. of the Shenango River with the An Important Bird Area Northern Waterthrush r . r . to form the Beaver River. Louisiana Waterthrush** u . . . Bartramian Audubon Society of the

Connecticut Warbler . . r . Three Rivers Birding Club National Audubon Society Common Yellowthroat* * c c c . Shenango River Lake in , including the Big Hooded Warbler** u u u . Bend area along the Shenango River, is one of 74 sites Todd Bird Club Audubon Pennsylvania Wilson's Warbler o . o . selected in Pennsylvania by the scientific advisors of the Bartramian Audubon Society Canada Warbler . r . Ornithologic Records Committee as an Important Bird US Army Corps of Engineers, Shenango Lake and Yellow-breasted Chat * r r . . Area (IBA). Previously this area had also been Charles Brudowsky, Park Ranger A Special Areas Project TANAGERS designated a SAP (Special Areas Project) of the Richard Egger, Park Ranger Scarlet Tanager* u u u . of the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology. The IBA concept TOWHEES, SPARROWS and ALLIES Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology Eastern Towhee** c c c . was first developed in Europe in 1985 by BirdLife Marty McKay, Mercer County Compiler, PA Birds American Tree Sparrow c . c c International and is a pivotal part of a dynamic worldwide effort to identify and protect outstanding Chipping Sparrow** c c c . Work in progress- Field Sparrow** c c c r habitats for birds and all wildlife. The compilation of this checklist is an ever going work in Vesper Sparrow r . . . progress as new sightings are made and additional abundance Savannah Sparrow . . o . Pennsylvania through the auspices of the National data becomes available. If you have any comments, Fox Sparrow r . . . Audubon Society and the Pennsylvania Audubon Society corrections, or suggestions, please direct them to Suzanne Song Sparrow** c c c r was the first state to develop and implement the IBA Butcher, 11 Norwick Dr., Youngstown, OH 44505, Lincoln's Sparrow . . o . program. It is now under the direction of Rob Blye, [email protected]. All additions, and probable or confirmed Swamp Sparrow* u u u r breeding codes, would be most appreciated. White-throated Sparrow u . c u Important Bird Area Coordinator, and Steve Hoffman, White-crowned Sparrow u . u . Director of Bird Conservation of the Pennsylvania Dark-eyed Junco c . c c Audubon Society. This IBA adopted CARDINALS, GROSBEAK, and ALLIES by the Northern Cardinal ** c c c c In addition to the data collection protocol for the SAP Rose-breasted Grosbeak** c c c . Surveys, the Louisiana Waterthrush Survey of the IBA Bartramian Audubon Society Blue Grosbeak x . x . program is also being conducted at the site. Indigo Bunting** c c c . Box 315 Buff-breasted Sandpiper 8-23-93, photo Mike Fialkovich

Bobolink . u u . Slippery Rock, PA 16057 BLACKBIRDS and ORIOLES During some years, the receding water levels in late July Red-winged Blackbird* * c c c r and early August through September at Shenango River Eastern Meadowlark . u . . Lake create ever expanding mudflats affording Observer______ Rusty Blackbird o . o . opportunities for seeing large varieties and good Common Grackle* c c c . numbers of shorebirds passing through our area on their Date______ Brown-headed Cowbird** c c u . southerly fall migration. Orchard Oriole . . . . When this happens. no where in Baltimore Oriole** u u u . rev. 3/30/03 srb FINCHES and ALLIES south of Lake Erie can such impressive numbers and Purple Finch o o o . variety of shorebirds be found. House Finch** c c c c American Goldfinch* c c c c