Beltrami Island State Forest
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MINNESOTA Warroad ONTARIO Lake of the Woods 17 10 Enstrom 11 WMA Lost Lake of the Woods 2 Prosper River WMA 35 Willow 11 11 South Shore 5 11 WMA Prosper State ROSEAU CO Lake WMA Salol 12 12 Cr. Forest of 2 Mandus Cedar Bend Cr. Zippel Bay 11 LAKE OF THE WOODS CO the WMA Swift State Park Pine & Curry Islands SNA 12 Woods 13 17 Zippel 4 West East 34 Four Mile Bay East 8 8 WMA Branch 140 WMA 2 20 124 12 12 12 Br. State 9 5 Br. 12 8 8 2 Warroad 11 Forest 12 4 Hackett 129 Whites Warroad 2 141 Corner Roosevelt 13 River 172 Cr. 2 2 17 Graceton Bog C A N A D A 2 Clear Graceton Bog NW F.R. Bdry. Tomato WMA 5 River Tangnes F.R. Creek WMA 2 WMA Blueberry Hill Williams 132 Road Rd. Campground Roosevelt - Norris F.R. 13 River Ruschs Williams Graceton Bog For. Corner Tangnes Cole F.R. Forest Road Wabanica Krull Cr. Rainy For. 9 126 Area with 2 73 Limitations Wobbles 11 126 126 Bear Clear River 14 WMA Bednar Creek Road Staging Area Ditch 10 F.R. Graceton 6 Road Bednar Carp Pit Sportsmens Area Hooper Cr. WMA Forest Forest River Forest Road Rd. 13 Perry Pit Thompson Schwartz Road 172 Forest Road River 13 R. Bemis Hill F. Cecils For. Winter Landing Carps Rd. 39 Krull For. Rd. Road Pencer Pitt Baudette 20 138 Bemis Hill Root Lake Campground Luxemberg Road Winter 11 F.R. Peatland SNA Tofte For. Rd. Road Mud Winter Road 2 4 35 Lake Lake 14 9 Forest Peatland 6 138 Six Mile Grade Forest River 3 1 128 Trapper Luxemberg Lk. Petes 3 72 Former River F.R. Spooner Post Office Blacks Winter Road Noyes F.R. WMA Site SNA Mortenson ThompsonPalsburg Parkway 3 For. Rd. 3 3 Fork Winner Rd. Road Forest Dicks For. 4 Creek West River 4 River Rd. Highwood Forest For. E. Area with Limitations Road For. Hayes Roosevelt - Norris Forest Road Lake 1 5 WMA Nelson Aichele 19 W. Highwood Norris Peppermint Hayes Lake Red Lake WMA Nelson of the State Park Headquarters Historic CCC For. Camp HQ Forest Rd. Area with Norris Camp Limitations Peatland SNA 1181 Woods Road Road Baudette 19 Elkwood Winner Cemetery Creek State Carp Hansen Norris Browns Faunce Silo Axel Olsons Lake Corner Road Campground Faunce Gravel Skime WMA Winner 1182 Pit Swamp Cemetery Forest Road Neheim F.R. Cox - Coyour North Road Faunce Fire Tower Forest Memorial Airfield Forest Former Forest WMA Winner Faunce Stotts F.R. Stotts Butterfield Morehouse Townsite Hogsback Campground - Santa Loop OBrien Forest Beaver Fork Dam Beaver Dam 1 Neheim R. F. Cemetery Road E. Hogsback F. R. Fourtown - Grygla ATV Trail Anna 18 Cemetery Penturen Forest Pitt Grade Forest Road Skime Wildewood 9 Post Penturen Rd. For. WMA Marys Office Summer Cemetery F. R. Road Road Site 18 Elkwood F. R. 18 F. R. Parkway McAdams Penturen Mulligan Church & Stoney Skime 1118 Roseau Cemetery Lake Canning F. R. Corners River Dicks Peatland ROSEAU CO 1184 87 SNA Forest BELTRAMI CO Lost Road Lake Rd. 72 Thief Mulligan Lake For. 16 Mulligan Spina Road Roseau Lake Lake Gustafsons 134 Peatland Camp SNA 146 Lake Con - Con ATV Trail SNA Lundeen Bridge Forest 1 River 54 Wapiti WMA Morehouse Forest Road North Road Hamilton Rapid Farm 1185 Rapid Carp Faunce Cemetery Gladens WMA Camp 1 Bridge River Dike Road Forest WMA Br. Thief West River Bankton Bankton Lake North North WMA Red Rapid N. Moose Forest Branch West Bankton Bankton Moose River Forest Cemetery Road East Townsite 706 Gashs Moose River Corner Gates Corner 77 McDonagh Forest Road Road Corner Creek 6 Road Forest Lake Rako Pitt Grade WMA Moose Oaks Corner Rapid Konigsons Rulien Corner Schuh Bridge Bridge Pepin 77 River Bridge Forest Creek 54 Parkway Rapid Wapiti River River Branch Peets WMA South 77 Grygla Bridge Troy WMA Chases WMA Creek 72 WMA 701 Dicks BELTRAMI COBELTRAMI Peets Homestead Rako Schilling Townsite Dam Miller LAKE OF THE WOODS CO Lake of the Woods Beltrami Boundary Island For. St. 701 State Forest LAKE OF THE WOODS CO Thief Road BELTRAMI CO Fourtown - Grygla River ATV Trail 55 44 Moose River Dike Rapid River Forest Muskrat 703 Falls Corner Linder Mertzs 44 1116 Corner See the other side 54 BELTRAMI CO Benville WMA MARSHALL CO for a vegetation Red Lake WMA Peatlands and cover type map SNA-East 702 Former Malcolm Red Lake Peatlands SNA - West Townsite of the 702 Red Lake WMA Grygla 89 Fourtown 1112 - Grygla ATV Trail Carmel Four 89 Tow n Big Bog 700 705 Gun Steenerson Whet WMA Red Lake Peatlands State 700 Dog 700 WMA 89 SNA - West Recreation WMA WMA Saw Wolf 1115 Area Espelie Trail WMA Fireweed Willow Run 707 WMA Trail (North Unit) 54 Con - Con ATV Trail WMA 72 Thorhult 2 42 42 Thorhult 42 Thorhult WMA Carmelee Lee Sem WMA WMA 1113 Hamre WMA Blanchard Waskish MARSHALL CO 89 PENNINGTON CO Red Lake Indian Reservation 64 64 Reiner Big Bog State WMA 5 Ruschs Recreation Area Bemis Hill Area Warroad Corner South Unit Tangnes For. Rd. 28 1149 63 01 2 1152 1153 BELTRAMI COBELTRAMI SCALE IN MILES 126 Harkers 1 Clear River Upper Red Lake 100 1 126 Area with Staging Area Limitations Wobbles Forest Road Road Field 1151 Beach 1143 Rd. Forest Red Agassiz LEGEND Bear River Bednar For. Lake 1132 13 R.Bemis Hill F. Creek Perry Bernards State WMA Pit Thompson Forest 89 State Highways Rd. Schwartz Forest 13 Road 44 Bemis Hill For. Orchard Trail County Roads 1139 Pasture Campground Calf Smith 111 1135 Road Township Roads 1144 20 138 Winner Root & State Forest System Roads (open to all 23 Blacks Forest motorized vehicles unless signed closed to ATVs) Luxemberg Stacey Peatland SNA F Road .R. Minimum Maintenance State Forest Roads Tofte Roosevelt Stanton Carp Pit Sportsmans Area (open to all motorized vehicles - highway licensed 1137 Mud vehicles travel at your own risk) 9 1131 Lake 138 Hills Forest Cr. 012 ATV/OHM Trails only 128 17 Lake (open to class I and class II ATVs) Hammer Luxemberg Lake F. R. SCALE IN MILES Former River Post Office Site Hunter Walking Trails 1133 Tomato Mortenson Thompson Palsburg Forest Road Hiking, Biking & Horseback Trails Road Grover Blueberry Hill Campground Creek Snowmobile Trails 1127 Snow Road Roosevelt - Norris Forest Road 11 Forest Forest Road Williams Forest 4 River Dicks Parkway Forest Road Highwood DNR Office Campground Forest East of Road Hayes Road Parking Horse Camp WMA Forest Highwood Cole 1176 19 Winner the West Williams Picnic Area Group Camp Hayes Lake Krull State Park 1164 Rest Rooms Camper Cabin 1165 Forest 2 Area with 1175 Blacks Norris Camp Swimming Sliding Hill Limitations Peatland SNA Boat Ramp Shooting Range 19 Woods Elkwood Creek 1177 Winner Cemetery Hansen 1174 Carry-in Access Fire Tower Silo Winner Forest Carp Pit Sportsmans Area 1173 Cemetery Road Axel Olsons Road Fishing Pier Shelter Corner North Bednar 1170 State Former Historic Site Wayside Rest Winner Townsite Butterfield Forest Road 1169 Morehouse Carp Pit 1172 Public Land in Neheim F.R. Carps Forest 1180 Forest Beaver Road Loop Beltrami Island Tribal Land Fork Dam Forest Stotts F.R. Neheim Fourtown - Grygla ATV Trail 18 State Forest Cemetery 1179 Krull Forest Road Penturen Penturen Forest Road Post Private Land in 9 Marys Summer State Scientific Road Office Beltrami Island Site F. R. Mulligan & Natural Areas 18 Lake State Forest Road Elkwood F. R. Peatland McAdams SNA Land outside of State Wildlife Penturen Skime 1118 Roseau River Church & Winter Beltrami Island Management Cemetery Red State Forest Area Land ROSEAU CO 2 BELTRAMI CO Road Other State Park Land Winter State Forests Lake Lake Road Six Mile Grade Lake Area with Areas of Limitation Limitations (See text side for more information) Road Peatland SNA WMA Winter Road Con - Con ATV Trail North Forest River 3 012 34 Wapiti WMA 54 SCALE IN MILES Morehouse Forest Road Parkway North Moose Nelson Forest Road River Dike Dicks About the Forest Snowmobile Trails Size: 669,000 acres Year Created: 1931 firewood alert! SMOKEY SAYS~ Beltrami Many miles of grants-in-aid snowmobile trails including It is illegal to bring firewood into a the Beltrami Island State Forest Trails - sections 1,2 & 3, Forest Landscape: Much of this forest area was once Other Recreational Opportunities in state park or state forest unless it is: an island in glacial Lake Agassiz. The shorelines of this ancient Lake of the Woods Trails, Fourtown Trails, and Pelan Trails Island glacial lake created several low sandy ridges that extend in a the Beltrami Island area: purchased from the DNR crisscross the area. general northwest-southeast direction in the forest. The ridges purchased from an approved vendor Alcohol, nighttime driving, and high speeds today are covered with pine and are surrounded by large areas Zippel Bay State Park: Located on the shore of Lake are the main causes of snowmobile fatalities. State Forest of low flatlands and peat bogs. kiln-dried, unstained, unpainted of the Woods, the park features a long sandy beach. It also has dimensional lumber free of metal Conservation officers remind snowmobilers: facilities for fishing including a boat ramp, boat harbor, docks, or other foreign objects. Operating a snowmobile while intoxicated A guide to recreational opportunities Management Activities: Timber harvesting, reforestation, picnic areas, and fish cleaning facilities. There are 57 campsites in Minnesota state forests wildlife habitat improvement, and recreational management and trails for hiking, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling.