PONCY Family Report

Research Objective: The research goal is to research the surname line of Jean Mathieu Bonaventure PONCY (RIN: 1) and extend the information back four generations.1 Background Information: The client provided the following information for the start of the report:

 Jean Matieu Bonaventure PONCY married Françoise Marie Marguerite ALABERT (RIN: 2) 23 June 1885 in Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, .  Jean Mathieu Bonaventure PONCY was the son of Mathieu PONCY (RIN: 3) and Anne HORTE (RIN: 4).  Jean Mathieu Bonaventure PONCY was born about (abt.) 1862. The birth place is unknown but could potentially be in Prades. 1st Generation – Mathieu PONCY & Anne HORTE The research for this project began by confirming the known information. Having the date for the marriage of Jean Mathie Bonaventure PONCY and Marie Marguerite ALABERT, the research began in the civil registration marriage records. After 1792, all citizens in France were required to register any birth, marriage, or death with the commune (municipality) government. Many of these records can be found online through the different department archives. The records from the department Pyrénées-Orientales were accessed online for free. Finding the marriage is important because it would confirm information about the parents, birth place, and ages of the groom and bride. The marriage was located by searching image by image, and was found on image 217 on the exact date provided by the client. Following is a transcription and translation of the portion discussing the groom’s information: Acte de marriage de Poncy Jean Mathieu Bonaventure, maçon, né a Ria, domicilié a Prades, fils majeur des maries Poncy Mathieu jornalie et Horte Anne, domicilies á Prades…il a de produit 1º l’acto de naissance du future du trois Juillet mil huit cent soixante duex…2 Act of marriage of Poncy Jean Mathieu Bonaventure, mason, born in Ria, living in Prades, older [meaning of age] son of the married Poncy Mathieu, day laborer and Horte

1 RIN is the abbreviation of Record Identification Number. 2 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1883-1885, 1885, p. 38, 112, Poncy- Alabert; archives.cg66.fr accessed 28 April 2015; Image 217 of 278, Doc. #1. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

Anne, living in Prades…he produced 1º the act of birth of the future [groom] of 3 July 1862. This marriage record provides a mountain of information regarding Jean. Usually a marriage will only give information regarding the age of the groom and bride while this one provided the exact birth dates. The information found confirms what was already known about Jean. In 1886, Prades held a local census, called Recensement de la population.3 The information in these records and time periods varied from town to town. The 1886 census asked for the following information:

 Surname  Given Name  Age  Nationality  Profession  Position in the household In 1886, the family of Mathieu PONCY and Anne HORTE was found living in Prades. The following table shows that Mathieu and Anne still had three children living at home.4

Surname Given Name Age Nationality Profession Position in household Poncy Mathieu 50 French Mason Head Horte Anne 49 French [Blank] Wife Poncy Joseph 17 French [Blank] Child Poncy Therese 9 French [Blank] Child Poncy Joseph 7 French [Blank] Child

This census helped start the construction of the family. The information appears to be for the Mathieu and Anne, parents of Jean. Jean was not with the family because he was married the previous year. The next step was to locate the birth of Jean and the other children located in the 1886 cenus. With an exact birthdate and location, it was a fairly simple process. The most difficult part was identifying the town of Ria. After searching through the website there was only one town that started with Ria; Ria-Sirach. It was important to identify its location in reference to Prades to help determine the probability of it being the birth town for Jean. Below is the Carte de Cassini giving the location of the closest towns to Prades. This map is useful because it shows old cities, mountain ranges, and river locations. By viewing the geography of the area it is possible to

3 Translation: Population Census. 4 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Recensement 1886, p. 66, Famille du Mathieu Poncy; archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/rechercheTheme accessed 5 May 2015; Image 34 of 62, Doc #2. ICAPGen Report Sample 3 better understand the migration pattern of the people in the area. All towns discussed in this report have been circled in red.

Image 1: “Carte de Cassini,” GenCom, accessed August 20, 2016, http://www.gencom.org/France/Cassini.aspx?CARTE=20&LOCAL=NS&ID2=OiFZAkFkWSMrKkRIAFoJBUgAA1JSH QFPZmViOS03NzQ0LTcwYzItYmZiYWQ0M2M9REk%3d

As seen in the map the city of Ria is just down the river from Prades and across the river from Sirach. These two towns were probably combined into one commune. The search started by looking in the Table Décennales (10-year index). Part of keeping the civil registration was to create these 10-year indexes. These indexes were made for births, marriages, and deaths. They are not available for every decade nor in every town, but when available a necessary resource to search. Ria-Sirach has these indexes starting in 1802 through 1883. By using these indexes, the following birth records were located: 1. Jean Mathieu Bonaventure PONCY, born (b.) 3 July 1862, RIN: 15 2. Joseph Michel François PONCY, b. 14 August 1864, RIN: 86 3. Marie Françoise Elisabeth PONCY, b. 17 September 1866, RIN: 97

5 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1883-1885, 1885, p. 38, 112, Poncy- Alabert; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 28 April 2015; Image 217 of 278, Doc #3. 6 Ria-Sirach, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1863-1867, 1864, p. 19, 57, Joseph Michel François; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 5 May 2015; Image 45 of 246, Doc #4. 7 Ria-Sirach, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1863-1867, 1866, p. 12, 65, Marie Françoise Elisabeth Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 8 May 2015; Image 165 of 246, Doc #5. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

4. Jean Joseph PONCÉ, b. 28 October 1872, RIN: 108 5. Marguerite Marthe Marie PONCY, b. 23 March 1874, RIN: 119 6. Thérese Marie Joséphine PONCY, b. 1 February 1877, RIN: 610 One problem found with these records is a 6-year gap in the births of Marie Françoise Elisabeth and Jean Joseph. Most children are born every 2-3 years. This problem is discussed below. All of these records list that Mathieu PONCY as the father. The difference in the records mostly appears in the mother’s name and in spellings of surnames. The name of the mother appears as Anne, Marie, Marianne, and Marie Anne. Even with the differences in the name the rest of the information appears to match what was already known about the family. It is common for a child to have the name Marie added on to the name. Also, Marianne and Marie Anne are two variations on the same name. The registrar writing the record would write the name as it sounded. This also explains the differences in the surnames PONCY and PONCÉ. The mother’s surname also had some inventive variations. The following variations were noted: HORTE, HORTH, and ORTHE. All of these spellings sound the same when they are spoken aloud, indicating that they are all variations on the same surname. With all of these children found, there was at least one child missing. Due to the simplicity of searching through the 10-year indexes, research returned to Prades to search through the indexes there. While searching through the records a Joseph PONCY, b. 10 May 1879, (RIN: 7) was located.11 The information in this record matched all of the information found in the other birth records as well as the census. While searching through the 10-year indexes another interesting discovery was made, the marriage of a Martin Michel Joseph PONCY (RIN: 12). This record showed that Martin married Françoise Marguerite Marie SOBRA (RIN: 13) on 25 November 1891 in Prades. The record also stated that he was born on 3 September 1869 in Conat. He was the legitimate son of Mathieu PONCY and Anne HORTE.12 This information shows that he could be another son in the family. His birth fits into a 6-year gap found in the children born in Ria-Sirach. In order to confirm this child, the search moved to Conat. The birth record was found on the exact date mentioned in the marriage record. The birth record states that he is the son of Mathieu PONCY and Anne

8 Ria-Sirach, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1868-1872, 1872, p. 13v, 46, Jean Joseph Poncé; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 8 May 2015; Image 195 of 244, Doc #6. 9 Ria-Sirach, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1873-1882, 1874, p. 4, 19, Marguerite Marthe Marie; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 8 May 2015; Image 42 of 363, Doc #7. 10 Ria-Sirach, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1873-1882, 1877, p. 4, 12, Thérese Marie Joséphine Poncy; archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/recherecheTheme accessed 8 May 2015; Image 117 of 363, Doc #8. 11 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, Frances, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1873-1879, 1879, p. 14, 51, Joseph Poncy; archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/recherecheTheme accessed 12 June 2015; Image 221 of 290, Doc #18. 12 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1889-1892, 1891, p. 19, 21, Martin Poncy & Françoise Sobra; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 29 May 2015; Image 217 of 336, Doc #12. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

HORTE.13 Being that the information in both of these records match the family and that his birth fits the 6-year gap, it is probable that this child is a member of this family. After finding the final child, the search continued by looking for the marriage of Mathieu PONCY and Marie Anne HORTE. The 10-year indexes in Ria-Sirach, Prades, and Conat reveal that this couple was not married in any of those towns. From the lack of information found in the 10- year indexes a search through the census records of Prades was conducted. In the 1906 Prades census, Mathieu and Anna claimed that they were both born in Conat. Mathieu claimed he was born in 1834 and Anna claimed she was born in 1835.14 The 10-year birth indexes were then searched in Conat and the births of a Mathieu Thomas PONCI and Marie Bonaventure HORTE were found. The births were searched with the hope that the margin might contain a note of a marriage. Birth records usually only give information about the birth and parents of the child; however, sometimes information about a death or marriage may be mentioned in the margin. Mathieu was born 4 October 1835. The declarant claimed he was the legitimate son of Joseph PONÇE and Grassi RESPAUD.15 This was the only Mathieu PONCY born in the correct time period. It is probable that this is the correct Mathieu; however, his marriage is needed to ensure that he didn’t marry a different wife. The birth of Marie Bonaventure HORTE did not give any extra information regarding her marriage either. The birth claimed that she was born 26 Dec 1842 to Paul HORTE and Anne MARGAILL.16 This is the only Marie HORTE born in the time period. One problem with this is that she has a completely different given name. Bonaventure is not usually substituted for Anne. Another problem is the lack of a marriage record for this couple in Conat. It is customary for the couple to get married in the town of the bride, meaning that the marriage of Mathieu and this Marie Bonaventure should occur in Conat. In an effort to potentially find a clue to where the marriage could have occurred, a search through the Geneanet.org database was conducted. Geneanet.org is a collection of public family trees. This site is particularly useful when searching in France as most of the trees are focused on France. Through searching this site, a family tree was found that declared that Mathieu Thomas PONCY married Marie Anne Bonaventure HORTE in Betlans (a small village in the municipality of Conat) on 16 June 1861. It also claims that Marie Anne Bonaventure HORTE was born 21 September 1838 in .17 This tree contradicts the information that was

13 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1889-1892, 1891, p. 19, 21, Martin Poncy & Françoise Sobra; archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/recherecheTheme accessed 29 May 2015; Image 217 of 336, Doc #15. 14 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Recensement 1906, p. 106, Famille du Mathieu Poncy; archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/recherecheTheme accessed 11 June 2015; Image 56 of 70, Doc #17. 15 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1835, 26, Mathieu Thomas Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 13 June 2015; Image 331 of 609, Doc #19. 16 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1842, p. 6, 37, Marie Bonaventure Horte; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 13 June 2015; Image 428 of 609, Doc #20. 17 "Guy CAUNEILLE's Family Tree", database, Guy CAUNEILLE, Geneanet.org (www.geneanet.org : accessed 20 August 2016), Mathieu Thomas PONCY; undocumented and unnamed family tree submitted by Guy CAUNEILLE. ICAPGen Report Sample 3 already discovered about the marriage occurring in Conat. It does however confirm that the aforementioned Mathieu Thomas PONCY could be the right one. In order to confirm this information, the researched shifted to the town of Souanyas. Souanyas is located about 14 mi (22.6 km) from Conat. In the 10-year marriage indexes a marriage for a Mathieu PONCY and Anne HORTE was located. In this marriage Mathieu claims that he was born in Conat on 4 October 1835; Anne claims that she was born in Souanyas on 17 May 1837. They were married 23 June 1861.18 This information does not match the records found in the family tree; however, the information does agree with the birth of Mathieu that was located earlier. The birthdate given for Marie does not match the census record but it is closer to the census record than the birth of the Marie in Conat. Conclusions: The following conclusions were made regarding the first generation:

 Jean Mathieu Bonaventure PONCY is the son of Mathieu Thomas PONCY and Marie Anne HORTE.  Mathieu Thomas PONCY married Anne HORTE in Souanyas on 23 June 1861.  Mathieu Thomas PONCY and Marie Anne HORTE had 8 children between the years 1862 and 1879 in three different towns: Ria-Sirach, Conat, and Prades.  Mathieu Thomas PONCY was born 4 October 1835 in Conat and is the son of Joseph PONCY (RIN: 16) and Grassi RESPAUD (RIN: 17). 2nd Generation – Sebastian Joseph PONCI (RIN: 16) & Marie Gráce RESPAUD (RIN: 17) In order to continue researching, the search returned to Conat. For this generation the 10-year indexes were key in identifying the members of this family. As previously mentioned, the birth of Mathieu Thomas PONCY gave information regarding his parents. The record states the following: …a presente un enfan[t] de sexe masculin ne se jour d’hui [4 Oct 1835] a une heure de matin de lui declarant [Joseph Ponçe] et de Grasse Respaud [?] espouse…19 …has presented a male infant born today [4 Oct 1835] at one hour in the morning of the declarant [Joseph Ponçe] and of Grasse Respaud [his] wife… As the record states the parents are Joseph PONÇE (an alternate spelling of PONCY) and Grasse RESPAUD. A search through the 10-year indexes revealed four other children of Joseph PONCY and Grasse RESPAUD. All of the information in the birth records agree that Joseph PONCY (the alternate spelling PONCI was also found) and Grasse RESPAUD (alternate spellings included

18 Souanyas, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1802-1883, 1861, p. 1v, 5, Mathieu Poncy & Anne Horte; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 29 June 2015; Image 227 of 355, Doc #21. 19 Conat, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1835, 26, Mathieu Thomas Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 13 June 2015; Image 331 of 609, Doc #19. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

Grace RESPAUT). Joseph’s occupation was that of a tailor and both he and his wife were residents of Conat. All of the children for Joseph and Grace found in the birth records were: 1. Mathieu Thomas PONCI, b. 4 October 1835, RIN: 320 2. Martin Joseph PONCI, b. 23 February 1842, RIN: 1821 3. Miquel Jérome PONCI, b. 31 May 1844, RIN: 1922 4. Joseph Mathieu Bertaumyeux PONCY, b. 16 May 1849, RIN: 2023 5. Marie Rose Rançoise PONCY, b. 29 January 1854, RIN: 2324 After listing all of the children together there were a couple of gaps found in the birth records. There is a seven-year gap between the oldest two children, a five-year gap between Miquel and Joseph, and another five-year gap between Joseph and Marie. Most couples have children every 2-3 years. In an effort to resolve this issue, the search moved from Conat to Souanyas to Ria-Sirach to Villefranche-de-Conflent to Nohedes to Prades. These towns are all within close proximity to Conat and have ties to the family; however, no other children were located in these towns. The searches were conducted through 10-year indexes, which facilitated the process. A search through the marriages and deaths of those indexes also did not yield any other potential children. An explanation of these gaps could be that Grace had a hard time getting pregnant or that she had miscarriages through the years in the gaps. This could explain why there are no records of the children since miscarriages did not have to be reported. It also makes sense because in all of the births found they are residing in Conat. Due to time constraints there were a few towns that were not searched that would fall within a close radius to Conat. These could be searched at a later date, see the Future Research Suggestions section for more information. In an effort to continue finding information on the surname line, the marriage for Joseph and Grace was located. A Sebastian Joseph PONCI, occupation of tailor, married a Marie Grasse RESPAUD on 24 September 1834 in Conat. In the marriage, Sebastian Joseph claims that he was born 18 January 1811 in Villefranche-de-Conflent. His parents were Michel PONCI (RIN: 21) and Françoise CICART (RIN: 22). They are both deceased. The record also states that his parents are deceased and that Michel died 25 October 1820 and Françoise died 6 March 1824. 25 This

20 Ibid. 21 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1842, p. 1v, 5, Martin Joseph Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 June 2015; Image 408 of 609, Doc #23. 22 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1844, p. 3v, 19, Miquel Jérome Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 June 2015; Image 463 of 609, Doc #24. 23 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1849, p. 2v, 14, Joseph Mathieu Bertaumyeux; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 June 2015; Image 551 of 609, Doc #25. 24 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1853-1862, 1854, p. 1v, 7, Marie Rose Françoise Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 1 July 2015; Image 14 of 152, Doc #27. 25 Conat, Pyrénées-OrientaleConat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1852, 1834, p. 4, 18, Sebastian Joseph Ponci & Marie Frassi Respaud; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 June 2015; Image 320 of 609, Doc #26. ICAPGen Report Sample 3 record pushed the family tree back one more generation by giving the parents’ names and information. This ended the research for the second generation. Conclusions: The following conclusions were made in regard to the second generation:

 Mathieu Thomas PONCY is the son of Sebastian Joseph PONCI and Marie Grace RESPAUD.  Sebastian Joseph PONCI and Marie Grace RESPAUD were married 24 September 1834 in Conat.  Sebastian Joseph and Marie Grace had 5 children between 1835 and 1854 in Conat.  Sebastian Joseph was born in Villefranche-de-Conflent on 18 January 1811 to Michel PONCI and Françoise CICART.  Michel PONCI died 25 October 1820 and Françoise SICART died 6 March 1824. They both died in Villefranche-de-Conflent. 3rd Generation – Michel PONCI (RIN: 21) & Françoise CICART (RIN: 22) The search for this generation started in Villefranche-de-Conflent. Like the other towns, Villefranche-de-Conflent has 10-year indexes. The births, marriages, and deaths were searched. This generation added a degree of difficulty when reading the dates. In 1792, the National Convention of France instituted civil registration. During this period, they also created the Republican Calendar. The calendar consisted of twelve months with thirty days each. Each month had three weeks of ten days. At the end of the year the calendar had five complementary days. The first year this was used was 1792, which was called An I (Year 1). This calendar was in use throughout France until it was “repealed by Napoleon in 1806.” 26 There are many different websites that will convert the dates. In this report all dates will be given in both formats for reference. By using the 10-year index in Villefranche-de-Conflent, nine children for Michel and Françoise were found. The following table gives information of the records and children found:

Marriage Date and Name Birth date Death Date Spouse Marie PONSI (RIN: 23 August 1826, Jean

28) Pairé27

26 Alistair Horne, La Belle France: A Short History (New York: Knopf, 2004), 197-200. 27 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1826, p. 9v, 31, Jean Pairé & Marie Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 6 July 2015; Image 250 of 455, Doc #30. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

Jérome Izidore Jean 9 Nivôse X (30 30 January 1826, 26 June 186830 PONCY (RIN: 26) December 1801)28 Marie Rose Drape29 Michel Jacques Pau 11 Nivôse XII (2 18 Nivôse XII (9

PONCI (RIN: 32) January 1804)31 January 1804)32 Elisabet Therese 1 Ventôse XIII (20 17 January 1831, Marianne Marguerite February 1805)33 Pierre Ponsalle34 PONSI (RIN: 30) Marie Margueritte 6 March 180635 Anne PONCI (RIN: 35) Marie Anne Julie Françoise PONCY 14 August 180836 (RIN: 36) Sebastian Joseph 17 January 181137 PONCI (RIN: 16) Madelaine Marie 10 December 181338 PONCI (RIN: 33) Marie Catherine Anne PONCY (RIN: 27 Mar 181639 1 October 181940 34)

28 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1826, p. 1v, 3, Jérome Isidore Poncy & Marie Rose Drape; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 6 July 2015; Image 242 of 455, Doc #29. 29 Ibid. 30 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1868-1872, 1868, p. 13, 31, Jerome Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 9 July 2015; Image 15 of 249, Doc #33. 31 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1804, p. 5, Michel Jaques Pau Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 27 July 2015; Image 151 of 264, Doc #38. 32 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1804, p. 5v, Jaques Paul Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 27 July 2015; Image 152 of 264, Doc #40. 33 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1805, p. 5, Elisabet Therese Marianne Margerite Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 27 July 2015; Image 175 of 264, Doc #39. 34 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1831, p. 1v, 3, Pierre Ponsalle & Elisabeth Therese Marie Anna Marguerite Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 6 July 2015; Image 397 of 455, Doc # 31. 35 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1806, p. 7, Marie Margueritte Anne Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 31 July 2015; Image 194 of 264, Doc #46. 36 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1808, p. 9v, Marie Anne Julie Françoise Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 31 July 2015; Image 236 of 264, Doc #47. 37 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1803-1812, 1811, p. 7v, Sebastian Joseph Ponsich; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 212 of 267, Doc #41. 38 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1813, p. 18, Madelaine Marie Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 20 of 455, Doc #42. 39 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1816, p. 4v, Marie Catherine Anne Poncÿ; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 67 of 455, Doc #43. 40 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1819, p. 9v, 31, Marie Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 120 of 455, Doc #44. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

All of these records give the parents’ information as Michel PONCY (alternate spellings include PONSI, PONCI, & PONSICH) and Françoise SICART (SICARTE). In a couple of the records the mother’s surname was given as ROIG. With the fact that the rest of the information matched what was already known about the family, it was probably just a clerical error. It is possible that the clerk or person giving the information confused the surname with the surname of Michel’s mother. Her information is explained in further detail below. All of the above records also mention that the family was living in the village of Betlloc. This village had its own parish; however, it was not large enough for it to become a commune. The village is situated between Villefranche-de-Conflent and Conat (see image 1 above). This village belonged to the commune of Villefranche-de-Conflent but the residents would sometimes register events in the commune of Conat. This required that both towns be consistently searched for missing events. The index also referenced the death dates of Michel PONCY and Françoise SICART. Both deaths matched the information found in the records of the 2nd generation above. In hopes that the death record of Michel would give his parent’s names the original was searched. Unfortunately, the record found does not give the names of the parents. It does however list that his wife is Françoise SICART.41 The 10-year index did not give marriage information for the couple. The reason for this is because the index starts in 1802. In order to search the records before this date the records had to be searched page by page. This meant that the researcher had to view at each entry while looking for the family. The records are not separated according to type. All births, marriages, and deaths appear in the records in the order that they were created. This allowed the researcher to search for all record types at the same time instead of searching through different books. The search in Villefranche-de-Conflent did not yield any results in trying to locate the births of any other children or the marriage of Michel and Françoise. This caused another radial search to be conducted. The cities of Conat, Nohedes, and Prades were searched. Conat and Nohedes did not yield any results; however, the page by page search in Prades did yield results. The aforementioned search added one child to the family as well as finding the birth of a known child and the marriage of Michel and Françoise. The birth record was found for Jerome Izidore Jean PONSI (RIN: 26). The information matches the information found in the above table. It does differ from Jerome’s marriage record which indicates that he was born in Betlloc when he was actually born in Prades.42 Because the birthdate and parent’s names match it is probable that this is the correct family.

41 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1820, p. 10, 44, Michel Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 6 July 2015; Image 134 of 455, Doc #45. 42 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1826, p. 1v, 3, Jérome Isidore Poncy & Marie Rose Drape; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 6 July 2015; Image 242 of 455, Doc#29. Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, ICAPGen Report Sample 3

The search also found the death of a Catherine PONCY (RIN: 39). This new child’s parents match the family. They were living in Betlloc. She died on 1 Germinal VII (21 March 1799) at the age of 7 days old.43 This means that Catherine was calculated to have been born on 24 Ventôse VII (14 March 1799). A problem arose when trying to locate the birth record. No birth record was found in Prades, Conat, Nohedes, or Villefranche-de-Conflent. It is possible that the birth was never registered since the death occurred so close to the birth or she potentially could have been registered in another town. Another valuable find in Prades was the marriage of Michel PONCI and Françoise SICART. The marriage record gives the following information:

 Marriage date: 2 Messidor VI (20 June 1798)  Groom: Michel PONCI, 30-years old son of Antoine PONCI (RIN: 37), living in Nohedes, and Françoise BOTINYA (RIN: 38), already deceased.  Bride: Françoise SICART, 20-years old daughter of Michel SICART, already deceased, and Catherine MALLOL, living in Prades.44 The marriage record again gives the names of the parents. The downside to this is that there is no indication as to the birthplace of the couple. It is possible that they are from the towns that their parents are living but they could be from any of the previously mentioned towns, since those towns are within close proximity of Prades (see image 1). One final problem noticed in the family of Michel and Françoise was the missing birth record of Marie PONCI (RIN: 28). According to her marriage she should have been born in 1801 but there was no Marie PONCI in any of the mentioned towns born close to this period. A death of a Marie PONCI was located in Conat. She was the daughter of Michel PONCY and Françoise SICART and widow of Jean PAYRE. She was 68-years old.45 This means that she would have been born in 1798. The death record also claims that she was born in Conat not Betlloc as indicated by the marriage. With this conflict of information, it is important to pay attention to who provided the information. In the death record the death information was reported by two people who appear to be unrelated to Marie or her husband, while the information in marriage record was provided by Marie. Even though both sets of information are secondary, the

Registres de Naissance 1793-An X, 1801, p. 9, Jerome Izidore Jean Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 26 August 2015; Image 376 of 406, Doc #48. 43 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1798-1800, 1799, p. 37v, Catherine Poncy; archives.cg66.fr accessed 26 August 2015; Image 334 of 494, Doc #50. 44 Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1793-1801, 1798, p. 68v, Michel Ponci & Françoise Sicart; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 26 August 2015; Image 114 of 267, Doc #49. 45 Conat, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1863-1892, 1866, p. 3v, 21, Marie Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 2 July 2015; Image 47 of 406, Doc #28. ICAPGen Report Sample 3 information provided by Marie is the most reliable as it is close to the actual event and it is given by the person in the event.46 After finding the information a search for the birth of Marie was conducted; unfortunately, the search yielded no results. This search included using the surname of the mother. The search was conducted in this way because of the parent’s marriage in 1798. It is possible that Marie was born as an illegitimate child and then later legitimized. No record was found to prove this theory. Page by page searches were made in the towns of Conat, Villefranche-de-Conflent, Nohedes, and Prades. Due to the lack of a birth record the family was reviewed and there were five children who had a variation of the name Marie. The below table indicates the names of these children, their birth years, and the research conclusions to the possibility of Marie being one of these five.

Name Birth Research Conclusion Year Elisabeth Therese Marie 180547 Married to Pierre PONSALLE. The Marie mentioned Anna Marguerite PONSI above is married to Jean PAIRÉ at the time of her death.48 Marie Margueritte Anne 180649 This Marie has the wrong birth year but she is still PONCI marrying age in 1826. She would have been 20 years old. No marriage or death record was found. Marie Anne Julie Françoise 180850 Again she has the wrong birth year but is a little PONCY young to have married in 1826. She would have been 18 years old. No marriage or death record was found. Madelaine Marie PONCI 181351 Wrong birth year and unable to marry in 1826. She would have been 13 years old. No marriage or death record was found.

46 Secondary information is information provided by someone who was not present at the time of the event. Even though Marie was the child being born she could not remember the event so she had to be told where and when she was born. This makes her a secondary source to the information whereas her parents would be considered as a primary source. 47 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1805, p. 5, Elisabet Therese Marianne Margerite Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 27 July 2015; Image 175 of 264, Doc #39. 48 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1831, p. 1v, 3, Pierre Ponsalle & Elisabeth Therese Marie Anna Marguerite Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/recherecheTheme accessed 6 July 2015; Image 397 of 455, Doc #31. 49 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1806, p. 7, Marie Margueritte Anne Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 31 July 2015; Image 194 of 264, Doc #46. 50 Villefrance-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1800-1809, 1808, p. 9v, Marie Anne Julie Françoise Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 31 July 2015; Image 236 of 264, Doc #47. 51 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1813, p. 18, Madelaine Marie Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 20 of 455, Doc #42. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

Marie Catherine Anne 181652 She died in 1819 meaning that she cannot be the PONCY right Marie.53

There are only two of these five children that could be the correct Marie. Unfortunately, none of them are a close fit. In order to help solve this problem a search into the children of Marie PONCY and Jean PAIRÉ could be conducted. In the births of their children the registrar might list another name for Marie that could identify the correct Marie. The other possibility is that the birth could have occurred in a town that has not been searched yet (i.e. Ria-Sirach, etc.). If a marriage or death for Marie Margueritte Anne or Marie Anne Julie Françoise was found the records would help distinguish between the possibility of which might be Marie or that Marie is another daughter. A page by page search was already conducted for these records in Villefranche-de-Conflent, Prades, Nohedes, Conat, and Ria-Sirach, nothing was found. More research into these two possibilities is needed. Due to the lack of evidence the researcher has concluded that Marie is a tenth child. With more research and evidence this conclusion would change to match what was found. See the Future Research Suggestions section below for more information. This concludes the research into the third generation. Conclusions: The following conclusions were made for the Michel PONCY (RIN: 21) and Françoise CICART (RIN: 22) family:

 Sebastian Joseph PONCI is the son of Michel PONCY and Françoise CICART.  Michel PONCY and Françoise CICART (also spelled SICART) were married 20 June 1798 in Prades.  Michel and Françoise had 10 children between 1798 and 1816. All but one of these children were born in Villefranche-de-Conflent, Catherine (RIN: 39) was born in Prades.  Michel is the son of Jean Jaques Antoine PONCY and Françoise BOTINYA and was born abt. 1768, potentially in Nohedes. 4th Generation – Jean Jacques Antoine PONCY (RIN: 37) & Françoise ROIG (RIN: 38) To begin researching this family the search started in the Catholic Church records of Nohedes. There are no indexes so the records had to be searched page by page. The baptisms, marriages, and deaths are combined for each year. They are organized chronologically. The following table

52 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1816, p. 4v, Marie Catherine Anne Poncÿ; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 67 of 455, Doc #43. 53 Villefranche-de-Conflent, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1813-1832, 1819, p. 9v, 31, Marie Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 30 July 2015; Image 120 of 455, Doc #44. ICAPGen Report Sample 3 shows all of the records found in Nohedes. All of the baptisms included birthdates and baptism dates.

Marriage Date and Name Birth/Baptism date Death Date Spouse Jean Sauveur PONSI 19/20 July 175154 (RIN: 49) 18/19 November Luc PONSI (RIN: 50) 175355 Catherine PONSI 21/22 March 175556 (RIN: 46) Margueritte Anne 12/12 December 8 January 1788,

PONSY (RIN: 47) 175657 Michel PONCY58 Jean Baptiste PONCY 9/10 January 175959 (RIN: 48) Paul Seauveur PUNCY 12 June 1792, Anne 26/28 July 176060 (RIN: 45) Marie ROIGT61 PUNCY (RIN: 57) 22 February 176162 Seauveur Estinne 25/26 December

PUNCY (RIN: 43) 176263 Michel Antoine 31 March/2 April Joseph PUNCY (RIN: 176564 21)

54 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1687-1756, 1751 p. 2v, Jean Sauveur Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 22 December 2015; image 111 of 150, Doc #61. 55 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1687-1756, 1753 p. 3v, Luc Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 22 December 2015; image 124 of 150, Doc #60. 56 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1737-1792, 1755 p. 1, Catherine Ponsi; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 21 December 2015; image 100 of 232, Doc #59. 57 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1737-1792, 1756 p. 6, Margueritte Anne Ponsy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 21 December 2015; image 116 of 232, Doc #58. 58 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1737-1792, 1788 p. 1, Michel Poncy & Margueritte Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 23 April 2016; image 203 of 232, Doc #63. 59 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1759 p. 1, Jean Baptiste Poncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 21 December 2015; image 19 of 337, Doc #57. 60 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1760 p. 3v, Paul Seauveur Puncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 12 December 2015; image 32 of 337, Doc #51. 61 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1737-1792, 1792 p. 2v, Paul Poncy & Anne Marie Roigt; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 23 April 2016; image 229 of 232, Doc #64. 62 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1761 p. 3, Puncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 12 December 2015; image 32 of 337, Doc #52. 63 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1762 p. 8, Seauveur Estinne Puncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 12 December 2015; image 58 of 337, Doc #56. 64 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1765 p. 1v, Michel Antoine Joseph Puncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 12 December 2015; image 80 of 337, Doc #54. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

Marguerite Marie Anne Marie PUNCY 2/3 April 176765 11 December 178266 (RIN: 41) Jean Sauveur PUNCY 11/12 May 176967 (RIN: 40)

All of these records contained almost the exact same information. In all of the records the mother was listed as either Françoise or François ROIG (variation ROIGT). The surname of the mother differed from what was found in the marriage of Michel PONCY. In that marriage the mother was Françoise BOTINYA.68 The civil registrar in the marriage probably gave the wrong surname of Michel’s mother or Michel gave the wrong information. While searching through the parish records there was no indication of an Antoine PONCY having children with a Françoise BOTINYA. The only Antoine PONCY (or variation thereof) had a wife named Françoise ROIG. With all of the other documents confirming this surname it is probable that the civil registration record was wrong. Another discrepancy appeared when reviewing the name of the father. In every record he was referred to as Antoine; however, the name before Antoine always varied between Jean and Jacques. Jean was the most common name, as it appeared in 6 baptism records, 1 marriage record, and 1 death record. Jacques appeared in 4 baptism records and 1 marriage record. The researcher concluded that the these were the same parents because the mother’s name never changed. Jean Antoine and Jacques Antoine were probably the same person. Further evidence of this was the marriage record. Image 2 shows an excerpt of the marriage between Jean Jacques Antoine PONCI and Françoise ROIG. In the margin the groom is named as “Jean Antoine PONCI” but in the document he is “Jacques Antoine PONCI.”69 This marriage confirmed that Jean Antoine and Jacques Antoine are the same person.

65 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1767 p. 3, Marguerite Marie Anne Marie Puncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 12 December 2015; image 100 of 337, Doc #55. 66 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1757-1792, 1782, Marianne Ponci; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 25 June 2016; image 259 of 337, Doc #67. 67 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1737-1792, 1769 p. 3, Jean Sauveur Puncy; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 12 December 2015; image 132 of 232, Doc #56. 68 Prades, Naissance, Mariage, Décès 1793-1801, 1798, p. 68v, Michel Ponci & Françoise Sicart; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 26 August 2015; Image 114 of 267, Doc #49. 69 San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1687-1756, 1749, Jean Jacques Antoine Ponci & Françoise Roig; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 22 December 2015; image 99 of 150, Doc #62. ICAPGen Report Sample 3

Image 2: San Martin, Nohedes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, Registres de Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures 1687- 1756, 1749, Jean Jacques Antoine Ponci & Françoise Roig; archives.cg66.fr, accessed 22 December 2015; image 99 of 150, Doc #62, emphasis added.

This marriage also gave the names of Jean Jacques Antoine’s parent’s as Luc PONCI and Marie. The parents of Françoise were Jean Antoine ROIG and Catherine. The information in this record did not give any surnames for the mothers. Also, there was no age given for the groom or bride in the record. The age of 20 was approximated for the couple.70 The final problem that arose with this family was the lack of a birth for the infant PUNCY (RIN: 57) who died in 1761. The original theory was that this death belonged to Paul Seauveur PUNCY (RIN: 45). This theory was laid to rest when the marriage of Paul PUNCY and Anne Marie ROIGT was located. The record was examined more closely but no other identifying information was found. Below is a transcription and translation of the record: Le vingt et trois febrier mille sept cents soixante un; nous sous signes pretor vicaire de l’eglise parroissiale de Saint Martin du lieu de Nohedes avons enseveli un enfant qui mourat le vingt et duex du dit mois et un fils legitime, et naturel de Jean Antoin Puncÿ et et de Françoise son epouse du lieu de Nohedes ont ete temoins Bartelemi Trenÿo, et Jean Roitg du lieu de Nohedes qui ont di ne se avoir signer en foÿ de ce [Signatures]71 On the 23 of February of 1761, before us the signers and praetor vicar of the parish church of Saint Martin in the place of Nohedes have buried an infant that died the 22 of said month and a legitimate and natural son of Jean Antoine Puncÿ and and [this word was repeated] of Françoise his wife of the place of Nohedes [meaning they resided there] the witnesses were Barthelemi Trenÿo and Jean Roitg of the place of Nohedes and they have signed it in faith [Signatures]. This record shed no light on the information about the infant. The researcher concluded that the infant mentioned was either a stillborn or a miscarriage. No baptism record was found. The only town that was searched was Nohedes as this was the only town that the family was having

70Ibid. 71 San Martin, Nohedes, Baptemes, Mariages, Sepultures, 1757-1792, 1761, p. 3, Puncy; archives.cg66.fr accessed 12 December 2015, image # 45 of 337, Doc #52. ICAPGen Report Sample 3 children. It is unlikely that a baptism would be found in another town (i.e. Conat, Ria-Sirach, or Villefranche-de-Conflent). Throughout this generation there was found variations on the spellings of surnames. It is important to mention that words and names were spelled how they sounded. This means that the spelling of words and names would change, even in the same document. The variations found on the surname PONCY were PONCI, PUNCY, and PONSI. The variations found on the surname of ROIG included ROITG, ROIGT, and ROITX. Six of the children did not have any marriage or death records found in Nohedes. It is possible that they were married in another town and died there as well. Check the Future Research Suggestions section for more information to continue with this research. This concluded research for the fourth generation. Conclusions The following conclusions were made for the family of Jean Jacques Antoine PONCY (RIN: 37) and Françoise ROIG (RIN: 38):

 Michel Antoine Joseph PUNCY was born 31 March 1765 in Nohedes to Jean Antoine PUNCY and Françoise ROITG.  Jean Jacques Antoine PONCI and Françoise ROIG were married 19 June 1749 in Nohedes. They had 11 children all born in Nohedes.  The infant PUNCY was not baptized.  Jean Antoine PONCI and Jacques Antoine PONCI are the same person. Jean Jacques Antoine PONCI is the son of Luc PONCI and Marie. Final Remarks This report covers four generations of the PONCY family. Of these generations all of the families were exhaustively searched throughout the towns of Prades, Villefranche-de-Conflent, Conat, Nohedes, and Ria-Sirach. The conclusions drawn from each generation were made using analysis of the following record types: Recensements (censuses), Civil Registration, and Catholic Church Parish Records. No other record types were available online. There are more records that could be searched onsite that could glean more information about the family. The following section are recommendations for research. As always there is more research to be done. Future Research Suggestions (Sometimes the direct links do not work so you will have to use Google to find the websites given in the links below.) 1. Search for a better explanation of the gaps in the Sebastian Joseph PONCY and Marie Gráce RESPAUD family. There could potentially be missing children. This family seemed to move around so the Civil Registration records of , , , and . It is recommended to search them in that order as that is the order of the cities from

ICAPGen Report Sample 3

the Marie Gráce’s hometown to the town of Conat. Research can be done online from the Department website located at: http://archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/rechercheTheme. 2. Search for children of the Marie PONCY and Jean PAIRÉ family in Conat and surrounding towns. Start with the Tables Décennales 1802-1822 in Conat. This will make finding the children much quicker. The benefit to searching these records is that it can help you better identify Marie PONCY. It is possible that she has a second name meaning that she has 8 siblings instead of 9. Again these records are available online. They can be accessed through the Department website: http://archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/rechercheTheme/requeteConstructor/1/4/A/0/0 3. Search for the marriages and deaths of Marie Margueritte Anne PONCY and Marie Anne Julie Françoise PONCY in Olette, Jujols, Serdinya, and Codalet. This was also help solve the problem of Marie PONCY (RIN: 28). By finding other marriages or death records this could help prove whether or not there are four or five sisters with the name Marie. This search should take place using the Tables Décennales from these towns. They are available online at the department website. Use the link in suggestion 1 to access the documents. 4. Search for the marriages and deaths of Jean Sauveur PONSI, Luc PONSI, Catherine PONSI, Jean Baptiste PONCY, Seauveur Estinne PUNCY, and Jean Sauveur PUNCY in Conat, Villefranche-de-Conflent, Ria-Sirach, and Prades. This research can help you find more information about the family and lead you to further discoveries about towns to which the family could have moved. The towns listed above are all of the towns in which the family has already had a presence. It might also be beneficial to check the towns under the first suggestion. This research will most likely take place using both Catholic Church Parish and Civil Registration records. This will be a rigorous search as most of these records were not indexed during this time period. A page-by-page search is needed to find these records. 5. Continue to climb up the PONCY family tree. This would continue to add generations to your family tree and expand it even larger. The next step in the research is to search for the baptism of Jean Jacques Antoine PONCI. He was likely born in the city of Nohedes around 1729. This would also be a rigorous search that requires a page-by-page search of the Catholic Church Records. It is suggested that you start by researching in Bapteme, Mariage, et Sepultures (BMS) of 1660-1718. If his baptism is not located in that collection try the 1687-1756 collection. There has been some record damage and destruction causing them to be difficult to read. Many times there are duplicate images of differing quality that may help a person in reading the documents. These are available through the Department website: http://archives.cg66.fr/mdr/index.php/rechercheTheme/requeteConstructor/1/4/A/0/0 6. A final effort could also be pursued onsite in , France. In the Archives Departementales [Department Archive]. In this archive you can find the Notarial Records. These records include land records and wills. These records can help identify ICAPGen Report Sample 3

the names of other children in each family as well as confirm the identity the parents. They are difficult to search but very beneficial when identifying family and cultural information. These records can only be accessed onsite. Addendums

 Pedigree chart, Family Group Sheets, Research Log, and copies of the documents found in the research.

ICAPGen Report Sample 3