This is an important document. Please keep it safe for future reference. 2 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options


This document explains the funds that are available for the following pension plans: Buy Out Plan (BOP) Company Pension Plan (CPP) Company Sponsored Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme (CSAVC) Directors Pension Plan (DPP) Executive Investment Retirement Plan (EIRP) Executive Pension Plan (EPP) Pension Savings Plan (FSAVC) Pension Investment Plan (PIP) Personal Investment Pension Plan (PIPP) Personal Pension 2000 (PP2000) Personal Pension Scheme No.1 (PP No.1) Self Employed Plan (SEP) Stakeholder Pension Plan (SHP) Trustee Investment Plan (TIP)

These refer to both Individual and Group versions where applicable. We have separate fund documents for our Portfolio Plus range of products. Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 3


WHAT IS AN ? sold, together with the sale costs. Selling prices are When you invest in your pension plan you can put generally lower than buying prices. your money into one, or more, investment funds. The difference between the values determined by Each fund is divided into a number of units. Each each method of calculation is known as the ‘spread’. time you make a payment into your plan, we buy The amount of the spread usually depends upon you some of these units in your chosen fund, or the assets the fund invests in. The costs associated funds. Alternatively, rather than selecting funds, you with buying or selling assets, such as stockbroker can invest in one of our lifestyle profiles, which are commissions, surveyor’s fees and stamp duty/taxes, explained on page 25. will vary by asset type, country and company size. We offer a range of funds managed by different The ‘spread’ is not a fixed amount and varies companies. We manage depending on market conditions, taxes and costs. some of the funds; other investment management Funds that invest in commercial property, certain companies manage the rest. In this document we refer corporate bonds, smaller companies or emerging to the funds managed by us as internal funds, and markets tend to have a larger dealing spread than, for those not managed by us as external funds. example, funds such as the UK Equity . A significant change in the amount of money going WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I INVEST IN AN into or out of the fund on a particular day may lead to EXTERNAL FUND? a change in the method of calculation for that day’s valuation. This could result in a significant change in When you invest in an external fund, we buy you the unit price. units in a Legal & General fund that invests in the corresponding ‘authorised fund’. You don’t hold units The current spreads applicable to the unit-linked directly in the authorised fund. Authorised funds are funds we manage are included in the Fund information explained in the What is an authorised fund? section starting on page 10. section. Further details about how we value unit-linked funds Please bear in mind that we don’t have any influence and calculate unit prices are contained in our A guide over how external fund managers manage their funds. to how we manage our unit-linked funds, which is available on request from your adviser or from us. HOW IS MY INVESTMENT VALUED? External funds For investments in our With Profits Fund When calculating the unit price for our version of If you’re invested in our With Profits Fund, the the fund, we use the latest price supplied by the unit price is £1. The value of your investment will external fund manager. We have no control over the normally grow when bonuses and any amounts we’ve method of calculation they use. previously committed to paying are added to your External fund managers sometimes adjust the plan. valuation of their fund to cover exceptional costs that may arise when people buy or sell units in their Further details about how we value your with profits authorised fund. We can’t predict when an external investment are contained in our A guide to how we fund manager will make such a charge. If and when it manage your unitised with profits investment which happens, we make a deduction when calculating the is available on request from your adviser or from us. unit price. Further information on authorised funds The guide is available online at can be found below. with-profits/guides Further details about managing and valuing external For investments in our unit-linked funds funds are contained in the Member’s Policy Booklet If you’re invested in one of our unit-linked funds, it’s or Member’s Booklet. the unit price that determines how many units you buy and how much they’re worth when you sell them. WHAT IS AN AUTHORISED FUND? Internal funds There are three types of authorised fund: Each day we calculate a unit price. We use the general • A . principle that if investments into the fund are greater • An Investment Company with Variable Capital, than withdrawals, we need to buy assets. The unit more commonly known as an Open-Ended price then takes account of the prices at which assets Investment Company (OEIC). in the fund might be bought and the costs of buying those assets. Buying prices are generally higher than • A reinsured fund. selling prices. If withdrawals from the fund are greater than investments, we need to sell assets. The unit price then takes account of the prices at which assets might be 4 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

About unit trusts There are four main types of asset and each has its The fund manager sets up a trust and appoints an own characteristics: independent financial institution, such as a bank, to • Equities act as the trustee. The trustee is entrusted to • Fixed interest securities look after the assets that the fund invests in and to monitor the fund manager, on behalf of the • Commercial property beneficiaries.The beneficiaries of a unit trust are the • Cash people who invest in it. It’s generally a good idea to invest in a number of different assets within an asset type so you don’t About OEICs rely on the performance of one individual asset. This An OEIC is like a company, but not in the traditional strategy, called ‘diversification’, is basically what sense as it’s simply an arrangement for investment. funds offer as they spread your investment across The fund manager is usually the director of the lots of assets. company and investors receive shares in the Many funds also invest in more than one type of company. An OEIC has an independent depositary, asset to create even more diversification. Investing usually a financial institution like a bank, who is in a mix of funds is another good way to spread entrusted with the safekeeping of the assets the fund your investment. invests in. A depositary is similar to the trustee of a unit trust. WHAT ARE EQUITIES? OEICs usually offer a number of different investment choices by using ‘sub funds’ that have different Equities (also known as ‘shares’) are a share in a investment aims. Because an OEIC has a number of company that allows the owner of those shares to sub funds, it may become necessary in exceptional participate in any financial success achieved by circumstances for the liabilities of one sub fund to that company. be met by all the other sub funds in the OEIC. Whilst Equities can achieve growth in two ways: this could affect the performance of your fund, you’d never be personally responsible for any debts of • Through increases in share prices. The share price the OEIC and would not be required to make further reflects the underlying value of the company. payments after investing. • Through dividends, which are regular payments made to shareholders generally based on the About reinsured funds company’s annual profits. An insured fund is provided by a life insurance Investing in equities is considered by many investment company and is only available to their customers. experts to be one of the best ways to achieve A reinsured fund is where Legal & General Assurance long ‑term growth. However, over the short term, the Society Limited (LGAS) enters into a contract with value of funds investing in equities can go up and another life insurance company to enable our down a lot. Company share prices can also change customers access to their insured fund. They then dramatically in response to the activities and financial invest our customers’ money in their fund, managed performance of individual companies, as well as by their investment managers, alongside that of their being influenced by general market and economic own customers. The other life insurance company conditions. may be an external company or Legal and General Assurance Pensions Management Limited (PMC), which is another company within the Legal & General WHAT ARE FIXED INTEREST SECURITIES? Group. Fixed interest securities are more commonly known In the unlikely event that PMC or the external fund as ‘bonds’. They are essentially a loan, usually to a provider was to become insolvent, LGAS will attempt company, or sometimes a government. to recover the full value of any investments held with The company or government pays regular interest them. Any shortfall will be covered by LGAS. on the loan and pays back the original capital in full at a set date in the future. Your return from a fund investing in fixed interest securities comes from the WHAT ARE INVESTMENT ASSETS? interest the company or government pays and the Assets are what your fund invests in. They have market value of the securities. a significant effect on the performance of your The value of a fund investing in fixed interest investment. It’s therefore important you understand securities goes up and down. It tends to go up the differences between the main types of assets. and down less than the value of funds investing in equities, although the potential returns are often lower. The value of bonds is particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates. As a rule, the value is more likely to fall when interest rates are rising.

Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 5

If a fund buys a bond in a company that performs The value of derivatives may vary more than poorly, there is a risk that company will not be able an investment in shares, fixed interest securities to pay back the loan or the interest owed. Some or property. companies offer more risky bonds paying high If one of the parties in a derivative contract suffers interest rates, known as ‘high-yield bonds’, where the financial difficulty, they may not be able to make risk of non-payment is higher. some of the payments they owe. This can affect the Government bonds generally carry less risk than value of a fund invested in derivatives. company bonds, but as a result often pay less interest.

WHAT ABOUT SPECIALIST INVESTMENT WHAT IS COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? FUNDS? An investment in commercial property usually means In addition to the risks and characteristics of the that you’re buying a share in the ownership of a individual asset types, specialist investments have number of buildings. These buildings might be office other features that are unique to where they invest. blocks, shopping units, retail warehouses, industrial They usually invest in a particular market, country or units or leisure centres. region. They allow you to exploit the characteristics Commercial property investments can provide of a particular type of investment and tend to aim growth in two ways: for high performance compared with more balanced funds. They are likely to be more risky than funds • Through rises in the value of the property. holding a very wide spread of assets. • Through rent paid by the tenants of the buildings. Property valuations are based on a valuer’s opinion WHAT ABOUT OVERSEAS INVESTMENTS? rather than fact, so they may be revised up or down from time to time. This can affect the value of a fund Overseas investments allow you to take advantage of invested in commercial property. the growth potential of markets outside the UK. Commercial properties can sometimes be difficult to Currency changes can affect the value of overseas buy and sell quickly. It may be necessary for the fund investments. This is because the value of funds manager to postpone meeting customer requests to holding overseas investments is converted from local withdraw money from a property fund until they can currency into British pounds (sterling) so the value sell some of the buildings the fund invests in. can fall if the pound strengthens against the local currency.

WHAT IS A CASH INVESTMENT? WHAT ARE LIFESTYLE PROFILES? Some funds keep a proportion of your money in cash. This is useful as it adds flexibility to your asset mix An option to choosing a fund, and aids stability. or funds, is to choose a lifestyle profile. Please see page 25 for more information about lifestyle profiles. The growth potential for cash is low, so if your fund does include some cash element, it tends to account for only a small percentage of the total fund. Cash generally offers the lowest risk of all asset types, but also the lowest potential returns.

What are derivatives? Derivatives are not a separate asset class but are contracts usually giving a commitment or right to buy or sell assets on specified conditions, for example on a set date in the future and at a set price. The value of a derivative contract can vary. Some derivatives can have large changes in their value over a short period of time, while others may be more stable. The value of some types of derivative can even move in the opposite direction to a particular market. Derivatives can generally be used with the aim of enhancing the overall investment returns of a fund by taking on an increased risk, or they can be used with the aim of reducing the amount of risk a fund is exposed to. 6 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options


The information provided for each fund is as accurate and current as we can make it. For external funds we rely on the information provided by the companies managing them. The information in this document is correct as at September 2019. Not all the funds are available for all pension plans. At the start of each section we have listed the pension plans that the funds are available for. There is also a Quick Reference guide starting on page 36 that shows this information in an easy to read table.

THE FUND INFORMATION HEADINGS EXPLAINED The information for each fund, except the With Profits Fund which works differently to our unit-linked funds, is set out as shown in the example below:


Fund aim: To achieve long-term capital growth.

Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 29 Spread: 0.1%

Additional expenses: 0.4%


Fund aim: To achieve long-term capital growth.

EFAMC: 0.85% pa Fund specific risks: 12, 14, 15, 19

Underlying fund type: OEIC

Fund aim This is a general description of what the fund aims to achieve, as stated by the company managing the fund. There is no guarantee the fund manager will achieve the aim, and it is not a statement of what will actually happen. It’s important to consider that what you’ll get back from a fund may not match your expectation, particularly in the short term. EFAMC (external funds only) For external funds there will be an External Funds Annual Management Charge (EFAMC). The EFAMC percentage is shown with each fund description. However, under Stakeholder Pension Plans your total Annual Management Charge will not exceed the Government’s maximum permitted charge for Stakeholder pensions at any given time. Please see your Member’s Policy Booklet or Member’s Booklet for further information. Fund specific risks In addition to the general risks of investing in a particular product, each fund carries some risks specific to the type(s) of assets it invests in. We make regular assessments of all the funds we offer and then decide which risks apply to each fund. Our assessment takes account of: • The fund’s aim. • The assets the fund invests in. • The fund manager’s own opinion of the risks that apply to their fund. To find out what the fund specific risk numbers applied to each fund mean, please go to the Fund specific risk definitions section starting on page 8 of this guide. Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 7

Underlying fund type (external funds only) For external funds this tells you if the fund is invested in a unit trust, a sub fund of an OEIC or a reinsured fund as explained in the What is an authorised fund? section on page 3. For funds managed by Legal & General the underlying fund type is not included, as they’re not directly invested in unit trusts, OEICs or reinsured funds. Spread (internal funds only) This is the difference between the value of the units calculated assuming that more money is going into the fund than going out, and the value based on more money going out of the fund than going in. These figures are based on the latest information we have available on 1 March 2019. The spread may change from time to time. We can provide you with the spread applying to a fund at any time on request. Further information on ‘spread’ is available in the How is my investment valued? section on page 3. Additional expenses (internal funds only) This covers various other expenses, including the cost of holding and administering assets. The additional expenses are likely to vary, for example the day-to-day costs of administering the fund’s assets can change. We review the additional expenses regularly, at least once a year, and as a result may increase or reduce them. These figures are correct as at July 2020. Additional expenses do not apply to the funds on our Stakeholder Pension Plan, all Personal Pension 2000 plans set up on or after 6 April 2001 and all Trustee Investment Plans set up after June 2002.

Putting the fund risks into context Some funds have many fund specific risks. This does not necessarily mean that investing in that fund is riskier than choosing one with fewer fund specific risks. A fund often has more fund specific risks because it invests in a wider variety of assets. What is important is the percentage of the fund that is exposed to each risk. A significant exposure to one risk can lead to a fund rising and falling in value more than one with a low exposure to several risks. For example: • Fund A invests 20% in overseas equities, 30% in UK equities and 50% in fixed interest securities. It has six fund specific risks. • Fund B invests 100% in overseas equities. It only has three fund specific risks. Fund B has fewer fund specific risks but because all of the investment is exposed to the equities and exchange rate risks, it is likely to be a higher risk fund than Fund A, where the investment is divided between a spread of risks. Investing in a fund with a mix of assets can reduce the impact of each fund specific risk. Alternatively, you can create an investment portfolio that invests in a mix of funds.

REMEMBER, IF YOU’RE UNSURE ABOUT ANYTHING, PLEASE ASK. We’ve made this document as simple to use as possible. However, some of the information is quite technical, so if there’s anything you don’t understand, or if you have a question about any of the funds, please speak to an adviser. 8 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options FUND SPECIFIC RISK DEFINITIONS Listed below are all of the fund specific risks that unable to pay back some or all of the interest, original capital or could potentially apply to the funds. You’ll note that other payments that they owe. If this happens, the value of your there are some numbers missing from the list. This is fund may fall. because we use standard descriptions for a number of 19. Smaller companies different products and some of those numbers do not The fund invests in smaller companies. Investments in smaller apply to the funds available to the pension products companies tend to be riskier than investments in larger covered within this document. companies because they can: To find out which risks apply to a fund you need to • be harder to buy and sell; cross-reference the numbers in the fund specific risks section of the fund information with the • go up and down in value more often, and by larger amounts, corresponding numbered definitions below. especially in the short term. 12. Currency changes 20. Concentration of investments The fund may have investments valued in currencies that Most funds have lots of individual investments, so don’t rely are not sterling (British pounds). upon the performance of just a few. The whole of this fund, or a large part of it, has relatively few individual investments. This • If the value of these currencies falls compared to means that a fall in the value of an individual investment can sterling, this may mean the value of your investment have a major impact on the overall performance of the fund. and the income paid to you will go down. 21. Emerging markets • If arrangements are made to protect the fund against This fund invests in countries where investment markets currencies’ movements (known as ‘hedging’) and the are not as well developed as those in the UK. This means currencies rise compared to sterling, your fund will not that investments are generally riskier than those in the UK benefit from those gains. because they: 13. Equities (company shares) Investments in company shares tend to be riskier than for • may not be as well regulated; many other types of investment. This is because the value • may be more difficult to buy and sell; of shares goes up and down, more often and by a larger • may have less reliable arrangements for the safekeeping of amount than for many other investment types, especially investments; or in the short term. • may be more exposed to political and taxation 14. Fixed interest securities uncertainties. Investment returns on fixed interest securities – corporate The value of the fund can go up and down more often and and government bonds, and other types of debt - are by larger amounts than funds that invest in developed particularly sensitive to trends in interest rate movements countries, especially in the short term. and inflation. Their values are likely to fall when interest rates rise. Such falls may be more pronounced in a low 22. Market sector interest rate environment and longer dated fixed interest Most of the fund invests in companies from a particular securities will fall by more than short dated fixed interest market sector. Investing like this can be riskier than investing securities. across many market sectors. This is because the value of the fund can go up and down in value more often and by larger 15. Risk of issuer becoming less secure amounts than funds that are spread more widely, especially in The financial strength of a company or government issuing the short term. a fixed interest security (such as a bond or other types of debt) determines their ability to make some or all of the 23. Commercial property payments they are committed to. If their financial strength Property can be difficult to buy or sell. This could mean: weakens, the chances of them not making payments • Cash builds up waiting to be invested, so the fund will increases, which could reduce the value of your investment. underperform when property returns are greater than the 16. High-yield bonds interest earned; and/or The fund invests in higher yielding bonds (known as • Property may have to be sold for less than expected. ‘sub‑investment grade’ bonds). Compared to lower If an exceptional amount of withdrawals are requested, the yielding bonds (known as ‘investment grade’ bonds) there fund manager may be forced to sell properties quickly. This is a greater risk that the fund will not receive back, either could mean that properties are sold for less than expected, on time or at all, some or all of the amount invested or which would reduce the value of your investment. interest that is due to be paid. If the size of the fund falls significantly, the fund may 17. Derivatives have to invest in fewer properties and the value of an This fund may undertake derivative transactions as part individual property could have a major impact on the overall of efficient portfolio management (EPM) or for investment performance of the fund. purposes. Using derivatives in this way could give lower returns, or cause the value of your investment to fall even Rental growth is not guaranteed and unpaid rent could affect though the market is rising. the performance of your investment. 18. Derivative counterparty risk The fund may undertake development of properties where the The fund may have derivative contracts with companies full benefit of any increases in the value of the property or the such as banks or other financial institutions. If these income earned from it are not received until completion. While companies experience financial difficulty, they may be any development is taking place, the fund is at risk from delays Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 9

in receiving the benefit of any improvements, and happens, the value of your fund may fall and in extreme additional costs. Developments may not achieve the circumstances this may also force a delay in buying and selling your predicted increase in the value of the property or rent. investment in the fund, which may mean you have to wait for your money to be invested or returned. The value of property is generally a matter of valuer’s opinion rather than fact and the true value of a property The fund can only delay paying out if it is in the interests of all may not be recognised until the property is sold. investors. 24. Deposit 33. Exchange Traded Funds The fund has money on deposit with companies such as Exchange Traded Funds generally try to match the performance banks or other financial institutions. If any of these suffer of a share index, such as the FTSE 100, or to track the price of financial difficulty, they may be unable to pay back some commodities such as oil or gold. Exchange Traded Funds can use a or all of the interest, original amount invested or other number of different techniques to achieve their goals (including the payments they owe. If this happens the value of your fund use of derivatives) and as a consequence can be more complex than may fall. traditional funds. The value of this investment may go up and down more often and by larger amounts, particularly in the short term. 27. Socially Responsible or Religious Investments The standards used for this fund mean that it cannot 34. Targeted Absolute Return Funds invest in some companies’ shares, corporate bonds or in The fund is a Targeted Absolute Return Fund. This type of fund tries certain market sectors. For example tobacco or mining. to increase the value of your investment over a period of time, in Because this fund limits the companies it may invest in, it both rising and falling markets. may be riskier than funds that don’t have such restrictions. There is no guarantee of returns. The fund’s value may go down as 28. Money market well as up. You may not get back the money you invested. The fund invests in money market securities which Targeted Absolute Return Funds use a range of different types of may be issued by governments, companies, banks and investment strategies, some of which can be high risk, and may use other financial institutions. If any of these issuers suffer derivatives. As a consequence these funds can be more complex financial difficulty they may be unable to pay back some than traditional funds. It is possible that the value of these funds or all of the interest, the original amount invested or other could go down when the market is rising, or may not rise as quickly. payments they owe. The value of money market securities Each Targeted Absolute Return Fund is designed to produce a may fall due to changes in interest rates, inflation, specific outcome, so care should be taken when comparing them creditworthiness, wider credit events or extensions to the with other funds. anticipated term of investments. If this happens the value of your fund may fall. 35. lending The fund manager may lend stock to other parties and it is usual for 29. Delayed repayment the borrower to provide collateral. If the borrower fails to return the This fund is able to delay paying out, which may mean borrowed stock, the collateral may not be enough to cover the value that you have to wait to get your money. A delay may of the stock, resulting in a reduction in the fund value. happen when market conditions mean it is difficult for the fund manager to cash in investments to pay out to 36. Inflation-linked bonds investors. The fund invests in inflation-linked bonds, which are particularly sensitive to changes in inflation rates. Their values are likely to fall For example, a fund with investments in commercial when inflation rates fall. properties may find they may take time to sell. Whilst waiting to complete on the sale of properties, the fund 37. Emerging markets currencies manager may suspend making payments to investors The fund holds investments valued in currencies of developing who want to cash in. countries. The exchange rate between these currencies and sterling (British pounds) may experience greater fluctuations than might be The fund can only delay paying out if it is in the interests the case with currencies of developed countries. If the value of these of all investors. currencies falls compared to sterling, this may mean the value of 30. Few bond issuers your investment and the income paid to you will go down. The fund invests almost exclusively in fixed interest 38. PMC reinsurance risk bonds from a single or small number of issuers, such This fund is accessed through a reinsurance agreement as companies or governments. If any of these issuers between Legal & General Assurance Society Limited (LGAS) experience financial difficulty, they may be unable to pay and Legal and General Assurance Pensions Management back some or all of the interest, the original investment or Limited (PMC). In the unlikely event that PMC was to become other payments that they owe. If this happens, the value of insolvent, LGAS will attempt to recover the full value of any your fund may fall. investments held with PMC. Any shortfall will be covered by 31. Liquidity LGAS. This fund has investments that, rather than being traded 39. External fund reinsurance risk on a stock exchange, are traded through agents, brokers This fund is accessed through a reinsurance agreement or investment banks matching buyers and sellers. between Legal & General Assurance Society Limited (LGAS) This makes the investments less easy to buy and sell and the external fund provider. In the unlikely event that the than those that are traded on an exchange and on any external fund provider was to become insolvent, LGAS will particular day there may not be a buyer or a seller for the attempt to recover the full value of any investments held with investments. the external fund provider. Any shortfall will be covered by In times of market uncertainty or if an exceptional LGAS. amount of withdrawals are requested it may become less easy for your fund to sell investments. If this 10 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options


The following pages provide: • details of the pension plans the funds are available for, • a brief introduction to each fund manager, • the individual aim of each fund, • the fund specific risks applicable to that fund, • the underlying fund type and EFAMC where applicable, and • the spread where applicable. Please go to the Fund specific risk definitions section on page 8 of this guide if you haven’t done so already, as you need to cross-reference the fund specific risk numbers.


The following funds are available to all pension plans:

Legal & General Group The Legal & General Group, established in 1836, is one of the UK’s leading companies. As at 30 June 2018, the total value of assets across the group was £984.8 billion, including derivative assets. We also had over 9.5 million customers in the UK for our life assurance, pensions, investments and general insurance plans.


Fund aim: To maintain capital and to provide a return in line with money market rates. The fund will generally invest in short term deposits, certificates of deposit, government bonds (predominantly UK) issued in pounds sterling and Repos. Repos are an agreement between two parties to sell or buy an asset and later reverse the trade at an agreed date and price. If the interest earned by the fund’s assets is lower than the fund’s charges and any additional expenses, the unit price will fall.

Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 17, 24, 28, 29 Spread: 0.00% Additional expenses: 0.01%


Fund aim: The fund will invest mainly in UK and overseas shares. The fund will also invest in fixed interest securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds and cash. The assets held within the fund are passively managed.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 29 Spread: 0.35% Additional expenses: 0.09%


Fund aim: To offer potential for good long-term growth by investing in a cautious and diversified portfolio of mainly shares, fixed interest securities and property. Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 29, 31 Spread: 0.80% Additional expenses: 0.09% Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 11


Fund aim: To maximise returns by investing in a broad mix of mainly UK shares.

Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 19, 29 Spread: 0.86% Additional expenses: 0.02%


Fund aim: To track the return of the FTSE 350 Index (after adjustment for charges and tax), not including companies who don’t comply with a range of ethical and environmental guidelines. In order to accurately track this modified index the fund will invest in a representative sample of holdings.

Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 27, 29 Spread: 0.62% Additional expenses: 0.04%


Fund aim: To provide the potential for long-term growth by investing in European shares, other than those of the UK. Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29 Spread: 0.39% Additional expenses: 0.07%


Fund aim: To track the return of the FTSE World Europe ex-UK Index (after adjustment for charges and tax) by investing in European shares. In order to accurately track this index the fund will invest in a representative sample of holdings.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 29 Spread: 0.26% Additional expenses: 0.08%


Fund aim: To provide the potential for long-term growth by investing in Far Eastern shares.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 21, 29 Spread: 0.61% Additional expenses: 0.04%


Fund aim: To maximise returns by investing in UK Government and other readily marketable fixed interest securities. The fund may also include stocks of overseas governments and companies.

Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 29, 30 Spread: 0.07% Additional expenses: 0.01%


Fund aim: To maximise returns by investing mainly in index-linked securities issued predominantly by the UK Government.

Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 17, 20, 29, 30, 36 Spread: 0.13% Additional expenses: 0.01%


Fund aim: To secure long-term capital growth from a widespread portfolio of international securities. Occasionally shares of UK companies, a large proportion of whose profits arise from overseas earnings, may be included.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 29 Spread: 0.33% Additional expenses: 0.06% 12 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options


Fund aim: To seek steady long-term growth, whilst at the same time safeguarding the fund against excessive risks. It invests mainly in UK and international shares, but also has some exposure to fixed interest securities, UK commercial property and cash, thereby offering a more diversified investment than a pure equity fund.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 23, 29 Spread: 0.60% Additional expenses: 0.06%


Fund aim: To provide the potential for long-term growth by investing in North American shares.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 29 Spread: 0.11% Additional expenses: 0.06%


Fund aim: To get the best return from a portfolio of first class freehold and leasehold interests in commercial and industrial property. This includes industrial warehouse buildings, shopping units and office blocks. It is also permitted to invest up to 15% in other external property funds in order to take advantage of investment opportunities in niche or specialist sections.

Fund specific risks: 23, 29, 31 Spread: 1.05% Additional expenses: 0.64%


Fund aim: To track the return of the FTSE All-Share Index (after adjustment for charges and tax) by investing in UK shares. In order to accurately track this index the fund will invest in a representative sample of holdings.

Fund specific risks: 13, 29 Spread: 0.66% Additional expenses: 0.01%


Fund aim: To provide the potential for long-term growth by investing in a concentrated portfolio of UK and European shares. The fund will invest in companies considered to be undervalued due to their special situation, such as recovery action, management change, refinancing activity or undervalued strategic assets.

Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 20, 29 Spread: 0.66% Additional expenses: 0.05%


Fund aim: To provide the potential for long‑term growth by investing in a portfolio predominately of UK shares, consisting mainly of smaller companies. The fund primarily invests in companies which comprise the lowest 10% (by capitalisation) of the UK stock market.

Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 19, 29 Spread: 2.01% Additional expenses: 0.06%


Fund aim: To track the return of the FTSE USA Index (after adjustment for charges and tax) by investing in US shares. In order to accurately track this index the fund will invest in a representative sample of holdings.

Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 19, 29 Spread: 0.26% Additional expenses: 0.05% Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 13

The following funds are only available for the following pension plans: Personal Pension 2000 plans Stakeholder Pension Plans Trustee Investment Plans that started after November 1999


Fund aim: To capture the returns of the UK and overseas stock markets as represented by the FTSE All-Share Index for the UK and the FTSE All-World ex UK Index for overseas stock markets. The fund will be split approximately 70% to the FTSE All-Share Index and 30% to the FTSE All-World ex UK Index. In order to accurately track these indices the fund will invest in a representative sample of holdings.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29 Spread: 0.55% Additional expenses: 0.07%


Fund aim: To capture the returns of the UK and overseas stock markets by investing 60% in our UK Equity Index Fund and 40% in our overseas equity index funds. The overseas shares are split 14% North America, 14% Europe (excluding UK), 6% Japan and 6% Asia Pacific (excluding Japan).

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29 Spread: 0.51% Additional expenses: 0.05%

The following funds are only available for the following pension plans: Personal Pension 2000 plans that started on or after 6 April 2001 Stakeholder Pension Plans


Fund aim: To capture the returns of the UK and overseas stock markets as represented by the FTSE All-Share Index in the UK and appropriate subdivisions of the FTSE World Index overseas, with the fund split between the UK (50%) and overseas (50%). The overseas exposure of 50% is divided 17.5% in Europe (excluding UK), 17.5% in North America, 8.75% in Japan and 6.25% in Asia Pacific (excluding Japan).

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29 Spread: 0.47%


Fund aim: To track the return of the FTSE Actuaries UK Conventional Gilts Over 15 Years Index (after adjustment for charges and tax) to within +/- 0.25% each year for two years in three by investing in UK Index-Linked Government Securities. In order to accurately track this index the fund will invest in a representative sample of holdings.

Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 20, 29, 30 Spread: 0.07%

Legal & General (PMC) Multi-Asset Fund

Fund aim: To provide long-term investment growth through exposure to a diversified range of asset classes. The diversified nature of the fund means that the fund is expected to have less exposure than an equity-only fund to adverse equity market conditions. However, the fund may perform less strongly than an equity-only fund in benign or positive market conditions.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 29, 35, 37, 38 Spread: 0.44% 14 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

The following two funds are only available for individual Stakeholder Pension Plans. They are not available for pension plans set up by your employer, even if you have since left that employer.


Fund aim: To provide diversified exposure to assets that reflect the broad characteristics of investments underlying a typical traditional level annuity product.

Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 29, 38 Spread: 0.55%


Fund aim: To track the performance of the FTSE World (excluding UK) Index (including re-invested income) to within +/- 0.50% each year for two years out of three.

Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 29, 35, 38 Spread: 0.18%

If you’re investing in any of our index-tracking funds, you should note the following information about the stock market indices these funds track: All rights in the FTSE All-Share Index, FTSE 350 Index, FTSE USA Index, FTSE World Europe ex UK Index, FTSE Actuaries UK Conventional Gilts Over 15 Years Index, FTSE World (excluding UK) Index, FTSE All-World ex UK Index (the ‘Indices’) vest in FTSE International Limited (‘FTSE’). ‘FTSE®’ is a trade mark of the Group companies and is used by FTSE under licence. The Legal & General UK Equity Index Fund, Legal & General Ethical Fund, Legal & General US Equity Index Fund, Legal & General European Equity Index Fund, Legal & General Global Equity 70:30 Index Fund, Legal & General Over 15 Year Gilts Index Fund, Legal & General Global Equity Fixed Weights 50:50 Index Fund and Legal & General (PMC) World (Ex-UK) Equity Index Fund (the ‘funds’) have been developed solely by Legal & General. The Indices are calculated by FTSE or its agent. FTSE and its licensors are not connected to and do not sponsor, advise, recommend, endorse or promote the funds and do not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of (a) the use of, reliance on or any error in the Indices or (b) investment in or operation of the funds. FTSE makes no claim, prediction, warranty or representation either as to the results to be obtained from the funds or the suitability of the Indices for the purpose to which they are being put by Legal & General. Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 15

The following fund is only available for the following pension plans: Buy Out Plans Company Pension Plans Company Sponsored Additional Voluntary Contribution Schemes Directors Pension Plans Executive Pension Plans Pension Investment Plans Personal Pension 2000 plans Personal Pension Scheme No.1 plans Pension Savings Plans Self Employed Plans Trustee Investment Plans that started before November 1999


The With Profits Fund works differently from all our Market value reduction other investment funds. When you pay contributions, We may reduce the value of your with profits investment we pool your money with our other with profits by applying a market value reduction if you: investors in the With Profits Fund. The With Profits Fund invests across assets such as UK and overseas • transfer to another pension arrangement; shares, fixed interest securities and commercial • switch into another investment choice; property. By investing in a number of different • access your pension pot before your selected types of assets you don’t rely on the performance of retirement date. one individual asset type. This can help reduce the impact of any one type of asset experiencing poor For more information on market value reduction, please performance. go to The total return on your with profits investment Availability is made up of your basic plan benefits together We allow investments into existing with profits pension with your annual bonuses, any final bonus and any plans. However, if you’re within five years of your other amounts we’ve promised to pay you, such as selected retirement date, you can’t: contractual additions. • pay any single contributions or any transfer values We aim to add an annual bonus each year. Each into with profits; or annual bonus increases the guaranteed amount • switch your existing pension pot and/or any ongoing we’ll pay at certain points, such as your selected contributions into with profits. retirement date. It’s important to note you cannot invest or remain in our We may also pay a final bonus when you leave With Profits Fund after your selected retirement date. with profits. The amount of final bonus we pay depends on the value of your units and how much we Further information on with profits need to add to this to achieve a fair payout. Existing You can request a copy of our A guide to how we investors in with profits may be entitled to other manage your unitised with profits investment from your contractual additions. You can find details of these in adviser or from us. your plan document. A more detailed description of with profits is contained Smoothing in a document called Principles and Practices of Financial A key feature of with profits is ‘smoothing’. Management (PPFM) which is available on request. Both Smoothing aims to even out some of the documents are available online at short-term ups and downs that may be experienced with-profits/guides when investing directly in the stock market or other investments. For more information on smoothing, please go to guides 16 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options


The following funds are only available for the following pension plans: Personal Pension 2000 plans that started on or after 6 April 2001 Stakeholder Pension Plans Trustee Investment Plans that started after June 2002

Aberdeen Standard Investments Life and Pensions Aberdeen plc is one of the world’s largest investment companies, created in 2017 from the merger of Standard Life plc and Aberdeen Asset Management PLC. Operating under the brand Aberdeen Standard Investments, the investment arm manages £505.1 billion of assets (as at 31 December 2018), making it the largest active manager in the UK and one of the largest in Europe. It has a significant global presence and the scale and expertise to help clients meet their investment goals. As a leading global asset manager, Aberdeen Standard Investments is dedicated to creating long-term value for their clients. The investment needs of their clients are at the heart of what they do. They offer a comprehensive range of investment solutions, as well as the very highest level of service and support.


Fund aim: To provide exposure to an actively managed portfolio of overseas equities.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29 Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund


Fund aim: To achieve long-term returns from a diversified portfolio of assets.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 29 Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund


Fund aim: To provide exposure to an actively managed portfolio of UK equities.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 13, 29, 39 Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund


Fund aim: To provide exposure to an actively managed portfolio of UK and overseas equities.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29, 39

Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 17

J.P. Morgan Asset Management JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited is the investment adviser to JPMorgan Fund ICVC and the ACD. The firm is part of a group of companies operating under the brand name of J.P. Morgan Asset Management, and ultimately owned by JPMorgan Chase & Co. globally for J.P. Morgan Asset Management as at 30 September 2018 were USD 2.1 trillion.


Fund aim: A pooled life fund for pension schemes investing primarily in global equities and bonds, which may include emerging markets and smaller companies on an ancillary basis, through other JPM funds. The fund will have a bias towards the UK. The fund may also hold derivatives and property. The fund seeks to achieve excess returns through fund selection. The fund is well diversified and under normal circumstances, is fully invested, with direct cash holdings kept to a minimum.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 29, 37 Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund


Fund aim: A pooled life fund for pension schemes investing primarily in global equities and global property securities through other JPM funds. The fund seeks to achieve excess return through fund selection, as well as regional and country allocation. The fund may invest in funds which use derivatives for investment purposes. It may also use derivatives for efficient portfolio management or reduction of investment risk. The fund is well diversified and under normal circumstances is fully invested, with cash holdings kept to a minimum.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 21, 29

Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund


Fund aim: A pooled life fund for pension schemes investing primarily in UK equities, which may include smaller companies on an ancillary basis, either directly or through other funds. The fund seeks to achieve excess return through style analysis and stock selection. The fund is well diversified and, under normal circumstances, is fully invested in UK listed securities, with cash holdings kept to minimum. EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 13, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: Reinsured fund 18 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

Man Fund Management UK Limited Founded in 1995, GLG is a leading global investment manager offering a comprehensive range of alternative, traditional long-only and hybrid investment products and services to a broad range of clients. Today, GLG manages assets on behalf of public sector entities, foundations, sovereign wealth funds, financial institutions and high net worth individuals. In 2010 GLG was acquired by Man. Throughout its history, GLG has focused on delivering investment returns to its clients. It has a team of 102 dedicated investment professionals, managing assets of USD 34 billion as at 31 March 2019 in more than 30 strategies across equity, emerging markets, credit, convertible bond and thematic strategies.


Fund aim: To seek long-term capital growth through investing principally in a range of investment funds which are operated, managed or advised by Man Fund Management UK Limited or any of its associates. It may also invest in exchange traded funds (index-tracking funds that can be traded on exchanges like a share).

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 29, 34, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To achieve above average long-term capital growth through investing, directly or indirectly, primarily in quoted securities comprised of equities and equity linked securities (securities whose returns are determined by the performance of the underlying equities) of companies listed on European Stock Exchanges.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 20, 29

Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To seek long-term capital growth through investing principally in a range of investment funds which are operated, managed or advised by Man Fund Management UK Limited or any of its associates. It may also invest in exchange traded funds.

EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 29, 34, 35

Underlying fund type: OEIC Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 19

Newton (BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited) BNY Mellon Investment Management’s goal is to build and manage investments strategies that meet the ever- changing needs of their clients. BNY Mellon Investment Management’s model offers the best of both worlds: specialist expertise from their forward-thinking eight investment firms, offering solutions across every major asset class, backed by the strength, scale and proven financial stewardship of BNY Mellon. They have USD1.8 trillion assets under management, eight investment firms, and are the seventh largest Asset Manager (as at 31 March 2019). BNY Mellon Investment Management provides a robust corporate foundation, together with worldwide resources and administrative support that allows their investment firms the freedom to concentrate on what they do best - deliver specialist and focused investments to clients. From mainstream equities to private debt markets; alternatives to the world of fixed income – each of their investment firms has its own unique investment philosophy, proprietary process and is a recognised leader in its field. Their structure encourages an entrepreneurial, focused approach to investment. This creates an environment in which each firm can perform and build on its individual experience and strengths in the development of new products. BNY Mellon Investment Management puts clients at the centre of everything they do, offering a wide range of strategies designed to meet investors’ varying objectives. Their best of both worlds approach - specialisation wedded to scale - provides their clients with access to a comprehensive range of investment capabilities, covering every major global asset class. BNY Mellon Investment Management partner with clients to deliver bespoke investment and wealth management strategies and solutions to meet their individual needs. Drawing on their investment firms’ expertise and investment insights, they collaborate with clients to tailor their best ideas and resources to meet their goals. They translate creativity, independence, insight, and trust into solutions and opportunities. With extensive experience in anticipating and responding to the investment and financial needs of the world’s governments, pension plan sponsors, corporations, foundations, endowments, advisers, intermediaries, individuals and families, and family offices, BNY Mellon Investment Management is seen by its clients as navigator, curator – a safe pair of hands.


Fund aim: To achieve capital growth from a portfolio of international securities. EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To achieve a balance between capital growth and income predominantly from a portfolio of UK and international securities. EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To achieve capital growth and income from a portfolio of predominantly UK securities. EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 18, 19, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To generate distributions over an annual period together with long-term capital growth. EFAMC: 0.15% Fund specific risks: 13, 17, 18, 19, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC 20 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

The following funds are only available for the following pension plans: Personal Pension 2000 plans that started on or after 6 April 2001

Allianz Global Investors GmbH is committed to helping their clients achieve their investment goals by protecting and enhancing their wealth. Active is the most important word in their vocabulary. Active is how they create and share value with clients. They believe in solving, not selling, and in adding value beyond pure economic gain. They invest for the long term, employing their innovative investment expertise and global resources. Their goal is to ensure a superior experience for their clients, wherever they are based and whatever their investment needs. They partner with clients across all major asset classes and regions, managing assets on their behalf worth £476 billion as at 30 September 2018. Allianz Global Investors is one of the world’s leading active asset managers, operating across 25 locations in 18 countries, and with specialized in-house research teams around the globe. In addition to in-depth analysis across economic and industrial sectors, their GrassrootsSM Research offers insight that extends far beyond fundamental analysis. As at 30 September 2018 they employ 2,915 employees around the world and have over 730 investment professionals.


Fund aim: To maximise total return primarily through investment directly in debt securities or by gaining exposure indirectly through the use of derivatives. The fund will invest internationally although at least 80% of its assets shall be invested in sterling denominated (or hedged back to sterling) debt securities.

EFAMC: 0.85% Fund specific risks: 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 29, 31, 35, 36, 37

Underlying fund type: OEIC

Investec Fund Managers Limited Asset Management was founded in South Africa in 1991, where they were a small start-up asset manager offering domestic strategies in an emerging market. Over twenty-five years of growth later they’re an international business managing approximately $133.7 billion (as at 31 December 2018) for clients based all over the world. They provide investment products and services to institutions, advisory clients and individuals. Their clients include pension funds, central banks, sovereign wealth funds, insurers, foundations, financial advisers and individual investors.


Fund aim: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in the shares of US companies or companies which carry out a large proportion of their business activities in the US. The fund focuses investment on companies deemed by the Investment Manager to be of high quality, that is, companies which have provided sustainably high levels of return on invested capital and free cash flow (a company’s cash earnings after its capital expenditures have been accounted for), typically those associated with strong brands or franchises. The fund may invest in other assets such as cash, money market instruments (tradable securities where money can be invested for short periods), other funds (which may be managed by the Investment Manager, other companies in the same group as the Investment Manager or a third party) and derivatives (financial contracts whose value is linked to the price of an underlying asset). Derivatives may be used for investment purposes (that is, in order to achieve the fund’s investment objectives) or for efficient portfolio management purposes, for example, with the aim of either managing the fund risks or reducing the costs of managing the fund. EFAMC: 0.85% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29 Underlying fund type: OEIC Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 21


Fund aim: To provide income and long-term capital growth. The fund seeks to invest conservatively around the world in a diverse range of shares of companies (up to 60% of the fund’s value at any time) and bonds (contracts to repay borrowed money which typically pay interest at fixed times). The fund may invest in other assets such as cash, money market instruments (tradable securities where money can be invested for short periods), other funds (which may be managed by the Investment Manager, other companies in the same group as the Investment Manager or a third party) and derivatives (financial contracts whose value is linked to the price of an underlying asset). Derivatives may be used for investment purposes (for example, in order to achieve the fund’s investment objectives) or for efficient portfolio management purposes, for example, with the aim of either managing the fund risks or reducing the costs of managing the fund. EFAMC: 0.75% Fund specific risks: 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 29 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To provide long-term capital growth. The fund invests around the world in the shares of companies involved in the exploration, production or distribution of oil, gas and other energy sources, including renewables. The fund may also invest in the shares of companies that service the energy industry. The fund may invest in other assets such as cash, money market instruments (tradable securities where money can be invested for short periods), other funds (which may be managed by the Investment Manager, other companies in the same group as the Investment Manager or a third party) and derivatives (financial contracts whose value is linked to the price of an underlying asset). Derivatives may be used for investment purposes (for example, in order to achieve the fund’s investment objectives) or for efficient portfolio management purposes, for example, with the aim of either managing the fund risks or reducing the costs of managing the fund. EFAMC: 0.85% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 22, 29 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To provide long-term capital growth. The fund invests around the world primarily in the shares of companies believed to offer above average opportunities for capital gains. For example, companies that are deemed by the Investment Manager to be of high quality (demonstrating strong management and cash flows), offer good value (meaning they are undervalued within the market), and expected to benefit from increases in profit expectations and investor demand. Opportunities may also be sought for investments in companies which are expected to see their profits benefit over time from operational and structural improvements. The fund may invest in other assets such as cash, money market instruments (tradable securities where money can be invested for short periods), other funds (which may be managed by the Investment Manager, other companies in the same group as the Investment Manager or a third party) and derivatives (financial contracts whose value is linked to the price of an underlying asset). Derivatives may be used for investment purposes (for example, in order to achieve the fund’s investment objectives) or for efficient portfolio management purposes, for example, with the aim of either managing the fund risks or reducing the costs of managing the fund. EFAMC: 0.95% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 21, 29, 37 Underlying fund type: OEIC 22 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

Janus Henderson Investors Investors are proud to offer a highly diversified range of products, harnessing the intellectual capital of some of the industry’s most innovative and formative thinkers. Their expertise encompasses the major asset classes, they have investment teams situated around the world, and they serve individual and institutional investors globally. They have £274.2 billion in assets under management as at 31 March 2019, more than 2000 employees and offices in 27 cities worldwide. Headquartered in London, they are an independent asset manager that is dual-listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Australian Securities Exchange.


Fund aim: To seek long-term capital growth principally through investment in the securities of European companies excluding the UK. EFAMC: 1.00% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To achieve an income in excess of that of the MSCI World Index with the potential for long-term capital growth. EFAMC: 0.90% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 17, 18, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To achieve a high and stable level of income. The fund will invest principally in sterling-denominated fixed interest securities including preference shares, concentrating on investment grade corporate bonds. EFAMC: 0.75% Fund specific risks: 14, 15, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: Unit trust


Fund aim: To seek capital growth through a relatively concentrated portfolio principally investing in the securities of UK companies. EFAMC: 1.10% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 19, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 23

Newton (BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited) BNY Mellon Investment Management’s goal is to build and manage investments strategies that meet the ever- changing needs of their clients. BNY Mellon Investment Management’s model offers the best of both worlds: specialist expertise from their forward-thinking eight investment firms, offering solutions across every major asset class, backed by the strength, scale and proven financial stewardship of BNY Mellon. They have USD1.8 trillion assets under management, eight investment firms, and are the seventh largest Asset Manager (as at 31 March 2019). BNY Mellon Investment Management provides a robust corporate foundation, together with worldwide resources and administrative support that allows their investment firms the freedom to concentrate on what they do best - deliver specialist and focused investments to clients. From mainstream equities to private debt markets; alternatives to the world of fixed income – each of their investment firms has its own unique investment philosophy, proprietary process and is a recognised leader in its field. Their structure encourages an entrepreneurial, focused approach to investment. This creates an environment in which each firm can perform and build on its individual experience and strengths in the development of new products. BNY Mellon Investment Management puts clients at the centre of everything they do, offering a wide range of strategies designed to meet investors’ varying objectives. Their best of both worlds approach - specialisation wedded to scale - provides their clients with access to a comprehensive range of investment capabilities, covering every major global asset class. BNY Mellon Investment Management partner with clients to deliver bespoke investment and wealth management strategies and solutions to meet their individual needs. Drawing on their investment firms’ expertise and investment insights, they collaborate with clients to tailor their best ideas and resources to meet their goals. They translate creativity, independence, insight, and trust into solutions and opportunities. With extensive experience in anticipating and responding to the investment and financial needs of the world’s governments, pension plan sponsors, corporations, foundations, endowments, advisers, intermediaries, individuals and families, and family offices, BNY Mellon Investment Management is seen by its clients as navigator, curator – a safe pair of hands.


Fund aim: To maximise the total return from income and capital growth in the world bond markets through investment predominantly in Government and other public securities. EFAMC: 0.40% Fund specific risks: 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC


Fund aim: To achieve capital growth and income from a portfolio of UK and international securities. EFAMC: 0.40% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 29, 35 Underlying fund type: OEIC 24 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

Schroder Investment Management Limited At , asset management is their business and their goals are completely aligned with those of their clients - the creation of long-term value to assist them in meeting their future financial requirements. They have responsibility for £421.4 billion (EUR 469.5 billion/USD 536.7 billion) as at 1 March 2019 on behalf of institutional and retail investors, financial institutions and high net worth clients from around the world, invested across equities, fixed income, multi-asset, private assets and alternatives. They employ over 4,800 talented people worldwide operating from 30 different countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East, close to the markets in which they invest and close to their clients. Schroders has developed under stable ownership for over 200 years and long-term thinking governs their approach to investing, building client relationships and growing their business.


Fund aim: To provide capital growth by investing in equity and equity related securities of Japanese companies. The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in equity and equity related securities of Japanese companies. Investments are made based on Japan’s economic strengths, such as its manufacturing industry (in particular on those parts of it that are demonstrating an ability to exploit newly emerging technology) and on sectors benefiting from structural change in the economy. The fund may also invest in collective investment schemes, warrants and money market instruments, and hold cash. The fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the fund more efficiently. EFAMC: 0.90% Fund specific risks: 12, 13, 22, 29 Underlying fund type: Unit trust


Fund aim: To provide capital growth in excess of the FTSE All Share Total Return Index (net of fees) over the market cycle (typically three to five years) by investing in equity and equity related securities of UK companies. EFAMC: 0.95% Fund specific risks: 13, 20, 29 Underlying fund type: Unit trust


Fund aim: To provide long-term capital growth by investing in equity and equity related securities of companies listed in the FTSE 250 Index. The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in equity and equity related securities of UK companies listed in the FTSE 250 Ex-Investment Companies Index. The Investment Manager believes that these investments can potentially offer faster rates of profit and dividend growth and higher long-term returns than their larger counterparts. The fund may also invest in former components of, or expected entrants into, that index if the Investment Manager believes it may be advantageous to do so. The fund may also invest in collective investment schemes, warrants and money market instruments, and hold cash. The fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the fund more efficiently. EFAMC: 1.10% Fund specific risks: 13, 19, 29 Underlying fund type: Unit trust


Fund aim: To provide capital growth by investing in equity and equity related securities of small-sized UK companies. The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in equity and equity related securities of small-sized UK companies. These are companies that are incorporated, headquartered or have their principal business activities in the UK and, at the time of purchase, are similar in size to those comprising the bottom 10% by market capitalisation of the UK equities market. The small cap universe is an extensive, diverse and constantly changing area of the UK market. Smaller companies offer investors exposure to some niche growth areas that, often, cannot be accessed through large companies. They also tend to grow more rapidly than larger firms. The fund may also invest in other equity and equity related securities, collective investment schemes, fixed income securities, warrants and money market instruments, and hold cash. The fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the fund more efficiently. EFAMC: 1.05% Fund specific risks: 13, 19, 29 Underlying fund type: Unit trust Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 25


W hAT is the AIM OF A LIFESTYLE PROFILE? Advantages A lifestyle profile is an investment option that • All the funds are chosen for you and switch aims to reduce the amount of investment risk your automatically. pension pot is exposed to as you get nearer to your • Your pension pot is not switched in one go. selected retirement date. This reduces the risk of you moving your whole How does a Lifestyle Profile work? investment when financial markets are low. At a set time before your selected retirement date, • At your selected retirement date the value of your we start an automatic switching process, gradually pension pot is invested in fund(s) that are generally moving your pension pot from an initial fund into considered to be lower risk. This reduces, although other fund(s) chosen by us, which we consider to be doesn’t remove, the potential to lose a significant lower risk. amount due to a market crash in the period leading up to your selected retirement date. The fund(s) you’ll be invested in will depend on the lifestyle profile you’re in and the term, in years or Disadvantages months, to your selected retirement date, as shown • They are less flexible as you can’t choose which in the tables on the following pages. funds to invest in or when to change your investment. You are limited to the choices set by the Fund switches continue automatically during the profile. switching period until you reach your selected retirement date, move out of the lifestyle profile or • There may be another fund(s) more suitable for access all of your pension pot. your needs, particularly if you want to stay invested after your selected retirement date. WhERE IS A LIFESTYLE PROFILE INVESTED? • The fund(s) the lifestyle profile moves into has less A lifestyle profile will initially invest in a fund that potential for growth than the initial fund so you may is typically made up of a mix of assets, including miss out on growth as you approach your selected equities, to provide the potential for long-term retirement date. growth. During the switching period, we gradually • The funds switch on set dates regardless of fund move your pension pot into funds that we consider performance or market conditions. to be less risky. This aims to reduce the amount of investment risk your pension pot is exposed to as WHICH PROFILES CAN I CHOOSE FROM? you approach your selected retirement date, but it The table on page 36 shows which lifestyle profiles are also reduces the potential for growth. available for the pension plan you hold. It’s important to remember that the value of your pension pot in a lifestyle profile can go down as Our full range of lifestyle profiles is listed over the well as up, including during the final few years following pages showing which funds they invest in and before your selected retirement date. the applicable switching period and frequency. If you select a lifestyle profile, you cannot invest in another You can find out more about investment risk on lifestyle profile or any other fund(s) at the same time. pages 3, 4 and 5. You can stop and start a lifestyle profile whenever you want and switch into an alternative fund(s). WHO IS A LIFESTYLE PROFILE SUITABLE FOR? Our lifestyle profiles were traditionally designed for For full details of the individual funds that the lifestyle customers looking to take their maximum tax-free profiles use, please see the Fund information section cash at their selected retirement date and use their starting on page 10. remaining pension pot to buy a guaranteed income CAN I CHANGE MY SELECTED RETIREMENT for life (known as an annuity). DATE? If you do not intend to use your pension pot to You may, with the agreement of Legal & General, bring buy an annuity at your selected retirement date, forward or extend your selected retirement date. If choosing a lifestyle profile may not be right for you do, and you’re in the switching period, the fund you. If you expect to stay invested in your plan, a proportions will re-adjust automatically to the new different fund(s) might be more suitable for your selected retirement date, as set by your lifestyle profile. needs. If the new selected retirement date is far enough in the There are advantages and disadvantages of a future to take your plan out of the switching period, then lifestyle profile. These will depend on how and you will be fully invested in the initial fund. when you want to access your pension pot, your attitude to risk and how involved you want to be in the initial selection and reviewing of the funds your pension pot invests in. 26 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

The following profiles are available for all UK EQUITY INDEX LIFESTYLE PROFILE pension plans, except Trustee Investment Plans. Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your selected retirement date

Years to your UK Equity Index Fixed Cash PROFILES WITH A 10 YEAR SWITCHING PERIOD selected Fund % Interest Fund % retirement date Fund % Yearly switching profile – These profiles start switching 10 years before your selected retirement date, and then on each anniversary of that date. More than 10 100 0.00 0.00 9 – 10 90 7.50 2.50 8 – 9 80 15.00 5.00 CAUTIOUS MANAGED LIFESTYLE PROFILE 7 – 8 70 22.50 7.50 Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your 6 – 7 60 30.00 10.00 selected retirement date 5 – 6 50 37.50 12.50 4 – 5 40 45.00 15.00 Years to your Distribution Fixed Cash selected Fund % Interest Fund % 3 – 4 30 52.50 17.50 retirement date Fund % 2 – 3 20 60.00 20.00 1 – 2 10 67.50 22.50 More than 10 100 0.00 0.00 Less than 1 0 75.00 25.00 9 – 10 90 7.50 2.50 8 – 9 80 15.00 5.00 7 – 8 70 22.50 7.50 6 – 7 60 30.00 10.00 5 – 6 50 37.50 12.50 4 – 5 40 45.00 15.00 3 – 4 30 52.50 17.50 2 – 3 20 60.00 20.00 1 – 2 10 67.50 22.50 Less than 1 0 75.00 25.00

MANAGED LIFESTYLE PROFILE Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your selected retirement date

Years to your Managed Fixed Cash selected Fund % Interest Fund % retirement date Fund %

More than 10 100 0.00 0.00 9 – 10 90 7.50 2.50 8 – 9 80 15.00 5.00 7 – 8 70 22.50 7.50 6 – 7 60 30.00 10.00 5 – 6 50 37.50 12.50 4 – 5 40 45.00 15.00 3 – 4 30 52.50 17.50 2 – 3 20 60.00 20.00 1 – 2 10 67.50 22.50 Less than 1 0 75.00 25.00 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 27

PROFILE WITH A THREE YEAR SWITCHING PERIOD Monthly switching profile – This profile starts switching three years before your selected retirement date, and then every month after that.

CONSENSUS THREE YEAR LIFESTYLE PROFILE Mix of funds during the three years prior to your selected retirement date

Months to Consensus Fixed Cash your selected Fund % Interest Fund % retirement date Fund %

More than 36 100.00 0.00 0.00 36 97.23 2.08 0.69 35 94.44 4.17 1.39 34 91.67 6.25 2.08 33 88.89 8.33 2.78 32 86.11 10.42 3.47 31 83.33 12.50 4.17 30 80.56 14.58 4.86 29 77.77 16.67 5.56 28 75.00 18.75 6.25 27 72.23 20.83 6.94 26 69.44 22.92 7.64 25 66.67 25.00 8.33 24 63.89 27.08 9.03 23 61.11 29.17 9.72 22 58.33 31.25 10.42 21 55.56 33.33 11. 11 20 52.77 35.42 11.81 19 50.00 37.50 12.50 18 47.23 39.58 13.19 17 44.44 41.67 13.89 16 41.67 43.75 14.58 15 38.89 45.83 15.28 14 36.11 47.92 15.97 13 33.33 50.00 16.67 12 30.56 52.08 17.36 11 27.77 54.17 18.06 10 25.00 56.25 18.75 9 22.23 58.33 19.44 8 19.44 60.42 20.14 7 16.67 62.50 20.83 6 13.89 64.58 21.53 5 11. 11 66.67 22.22 4 8.33 68.75 22.92 3 5.56 70.83 23.61 2 2.77 72.92 24.31 1 0.00 75.00 25.00 28 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

The following profiles are only available for the MONTHLY UK EQUITY INDEX following pension plans: LIFESTYLE PROFILE (continued) Personal Pension 2000 plans Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your Stakeholder Pension Plans selected retirement date

Months to UK Equity Index Fixed Cash PROFILES WITH A 10 YEAR SWITCHING PERIOD your selected Fund % Interest Fund % retirement date Fund % Monthly switching profile – This profile starts switching 10 years before your selected retirement date, and then every month after that. 87 71.67 21.25 7.08 86 70.83 21.88 7.29 85 70.00 22.50 7.50 MONTHLY UK EQUITY INDEX 84 69.17 23.13 7.70 LIFESTYLE PROFILE 83 68.33 23.75 7.92 Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your 82 67.50 24.38 8.12 selected retirement date 81 66.67 25.00 8.33 80 65.83 25.63 8.54 79 65.00 26.25 8.75 Months to UK Equity Index Fixed Cash your selected Fund % Interest Fund % 78 64.17 26.88 8.95 retirement date Fund % 77 63.33 27.50 9.17 76 62.50 28.13 9.37 More than 120 100.00 0.00 0.00 75 61.67 28.75 9.58 120 99.17 0.63 0.20 74 60.83 29.38 9.79 119 98.33 1.25 0.42 73 60.00 30.00 10.00 118 97.50 1.88 0.62 72 59.17 30.63 10.20 117 96.67 2.50 0.83 71 58.33 31.25 10.42 116 95.83 3.13 1.04 70 57.50 31.88 10.62 115 95.00 3.75 1.25 69 56.67 32.50 10.83 114 94.17 4.38 1.45 68 55.83 33.13 11.04 113 93.33 5.00 1.67 67 55.00 33.75 11.25 112 92.50 5.63 1.87 66 54.17 34.38 11.45 111 91.67 6.25 2.08 65 53.33 35.00 11.67 110 90.83 6.88 2.29 64 52.50 35.63 11.87 109 90.00 7.50 2.50 63 51.67 36.25 12.08 108 89.17 8.13 2.70 62 50.83 36.88 12.29 107 88.33 8.75 2.92 61 50.00 37.50 12.50 106 87.50 9.38 3.12 60 49.17 38.13 12.70 105 86.67 10.00 3.33 59 48.33 38.75 12.92 104 85.83 10.63 3.54 58 47.50 39.38 13.12 103 85.00 11.25 3.75 57 46.67 40.00 13.33 102 84.17 11.88 3.95 56 45.83 40.63 13.54 101 83.33 12.50 4.17 55 45.00 41.25 13.75 100 82.50 13.13 4.37 54 44.17 41.88 13.95 99 81.67 13.75 4.58 53 43.33 42.50 14.17 98 80.83 14.38 4.79 52 42.50 43.13 14.37 97 80.00 15.00 5.00 51 41.67 43.75 14.58 96 79.17 15.63 5.20 50 40.83 44.38 14.79 95 78.33 16.25 5.42 49 40.00 45.00 15.00 94 77.50 16.88 5.62 48 39.17 45.63 15.20 93 76.67 17.50 5.83 47 38.33 46.25 15.42 92 75.83 18.13 6.04 46 37.50 46.88 15.62 91 75.00 18.75 6.25 45 36.67 47.50 15.83 90 74.17 19.38 6.45 44 35.83 48.13 16.04 89 73.33 20.00 6.67 43 35.00 48.75 16.25 88 72.50 20.63 6.87 42 34.17 49.38 16.45 41 33.33 50.00 16.67 40 32.50 50.63 16.87 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 29

PROFILES WITH A FIVE YEAR SWITCHING PERIOD MONTHLY UK EQUITY INDEX LIFESTYLE PROFILE (continued) Yearly switching profile – This profile starts switching five years before your selected retirement date, and then on Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your each anniversary of that date. selected retirement date

Months to UK Equity Index Fixed Cash GLOBAL EQUITY 70:30 INDEX/FIXED INTEREST your selected Fund % Interest Fund % retirement date Fund % LIFESTYLE PROFILE Mix of funds during the five years prior to your selected retirement date 39 31.67 51.25 17.08 38 30.83 51.88 17.29 37 30.00 52.50 17.50 Years to your Global Equity 70:30 Fixed Interest 36 29.17 53.13 17.70 selected retirement Index Fund % Fund % 35 28.33 53.75 17.92 date 34 27.50 54.38 18.12 33 26.67 55.00 18.33 More than 5 100 0 32 25.83 55.63 18.54 4 – 5 80 20 31 25.00 56.25 18.75 3 – 4 60 40 30 24.17 56.88 18.95 2 – 3 40 60 29 23.33 57.50 19.17 1 – 2 20 80 28 22.50 58.13 19.37 Less than 1 0 100 27 21.67 58.75 19.58 26 20.83 59.38 19.79 Quarterly switching profiles – The following profiles start 25 20.00 60.00 20.00 switching five years before your selected retirement date, and then every three months after that. 24 19.17 60.63 20.20 23 18.33 61.25 20.42 GLOBAL EQUITY 70:30 INDEX 22 17.50 61.88 20.62 LIFESTYLE PROFILE 21 16.67 62.50 20.83 Mix of funds during the five years prior to your 20 15.83 63.13 21.04 selected retirement date 19 15.00 63.75 21.25 18 14.17 64.38 21.45 17 13.33 65.00 21.67 Months to Global Equity Fixed Cash 16 12.50 65.63 21.87 your selected 70:30 Index Interest Fund % 15 11.67 66.25 22.08 retirement date Fund % Fund % 14 10.83 66.88 22.29 13 10.00 67.50 22.50 More than 60 100 0.00 0.00 12 9.17 68.13 22.70 60 95 3.75 1.25 11 8.33 68.75 22.92 57 90 7.50 2.50 10 7.50 69.38 23.12 54 85 11.25 3.75 9 6.67 70.00 23.33 51 80 15.00 5.00 8 5.83 70.63 23.54 48 75 18.75 6.25 7 5.00 71.25 23.75 45 70 22.50 7.50 6 4.17 71.88 23.95 42 65 26.25 8.75 5 3.33 72.50 24.17 39 60 30.00 10.00 4 2.50 73.13 24.37 36 55 33.75 11.25 3 1.67 73.75 24.58 33 50 37.50 12.50 2 0.83 74.38 24.79 30 45 41.25 13.75 1 0.00 75.00 25.00 27 40 45.00 15.00 0 0.00 75.00 25.00 24 35 48.75 16.25 21 30 52.50 17.50 18 25 56.25 18.75 15 20 60.00 20.00 12 15 63.75 21.25 9 10 67.50 22.50 6 5 71.25 23.75 3 0 75.00 25.00 30 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

GLOBAL EQUITY 70:30 INDEX/INDEX-LINKED GLOBAL EQUITY FIXED WEIGHTS 60:40 INDEX GILT LIFESTYLE PROFILE LIFESTYLE PROFILE Mix of funds during the five years prior to your Mix of funds during the five years prior to your selected retirement date selected retirement date

Months to Global Equity Index- Cash Months to Global Equity Fixed Cash your selected 70:30 Index Linked Fund % your selected Fixed Weights Interest Fund % retirement date Fund % Gilt Fund retirement date 60:40 Index Fund % % Fund %

More than 60 100 0.00 0.00 More than 60 100 0.00 0.00 60 95 3.75 1.25 60 95 3.75 1.25 57 90 7.50 2.50 57 90 7.50 2.50 54 85 11.25 3.75 54 85 11.25 3.75 51 80 15.00 5.00 51 80 15.00 5.00 48 75 18.75 6.25 48 75 18.75 6.25 45 70 22.50 7.50 45 70 22.50 7.50 42 65 26.25 8.75 42 65 26.25 8.75 39 60 30.00 10.00 39 60 30.00 10.00 36 55 33.75 11.25 36 55 33.75 11.25 33 50 37.50 12.50 33 50 37.50 12.50 30 45 41.25 13.75 30 45 41.25 13.75 27 40 45.00 15.00 27 40 45.00 15.00 24 35 48.75 16.25 24 35 48.75 16.25 21 30 52.50 17.50 21 30 52.50 17.50 18 25 56.25 18.75 18 25 56.25 18.75 15 20 60.00 20.00 15 20 60.00 20.00 12 15 63.75 21.25 12 15 63.75 21.25 9 10 67.50 22.50 9 10 67.50 22.50 6 5 71.25 23.75 6 5 71.25 23.75 3 0 75.00 25.00 3 0 75.00 25.00 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 31

Monthly switching profile – This profile starts switching five years before your selected retirement date, and then every month after that.

CONSENSUS FIVE YEAR LIFESTYLE PROFILE CONSENSUS FIVE YEAR LIFESTYLE PROFILE Mix of funds during the five years prior to your (continued) selected retirement date Mix of funds during the five years prior to your selected retirement date

Months to Consensus Fixed Cash Months to Consensus Fixed Cash your selected Fund % Interest Fund % your selected Fund % Interest Fund % retirement date Fund % retirement date Fund %

More than 60 100.00 0.00 0.00 19 30.00 52.50 17.50 60 98.33 1.25 0.42 18 28.33 53.75 17.92 59 96.66 2.50 0.84 17 26.66 55.00 18.34 58 95.00 3.75 1.25 16 25.00 56.25 18.75 57 93.33 5.00 1.67 15 23.33 57.50 19.17 56 91.66 6.25 2.09 14 21.66 58.75 19.59 55 90.00 7.50 2.50 13 20.00 60.00 20.00 54 88.33 8.75 2.92 12 18.33 61.25 20.42 53 86.66 10.00 3.34 11 16.66 62.50 20.84 52 85.00 11.25 3.75 10 15.00 63.75 21.25 51 83.33 12.50 4.17 9 13.33 65.00 21.67 50 81.66 13.75 4.59 8 11.66 66.25 22.09 49 80.00 15.00 5.00 7 10.00 67.50 22.50 48 78.33 16.25 5.42 6 8.33 68.75 22.92 47 76.66 17.50 5.84 5 6.66 70.00 23.34 46 75.00 18.75 6.25 4 5.00 71.25 23.75 45 73.33 20.00 6.67 3 3.33 72.50 24.17 44 71.66 21.25 7.09 2 1.66 73.75 24.59 43 70.00 22.50 7.50 1 0.00 75.00 25.00 42 68.33 23.75 7.92 41 66.66 25.00 8.34 40 65.00 26.25 8.75 39 63.33 27.50 9.17 38 61.66 28.75 9.59 37 60.00 30.00 10.00 36 58.33 31.25 10.42 35 56.66 32.50 10.84 34 55.00 33.75 11.25 33 53.33 35.00 11.67 32 51.66 36.25 12.09 31 50.00 37.50 12.50 30 48.33 38.75 12.92 29 46.66 40.00 13.34 28 45.00 41.25 13.75 27 43.33 42.50 14.17 26 41.66 43.75 14.59 25 40.00 45.00 15.00 24 38.33 46.25 15.42 23 36.66 47.50 15.84 22 35.00 48.75 16.25 21 33.33 50.00 16.67 20 31.66 51.25 17.09 32 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

Monthly switching profile – This profile starts switching The following profiles are only available for the 10 years before your selected retirement date, and then following pension plans: every month after that. Personal Pension 2000 plans that started on or after 6 April 2001 Stakeholder Pension Plans M uLTI-Asset Lifestyle PROFILE Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your selected retirement date PROFILES WITH A 10 YEAR SWITCHING PERIOD Yearly switching profile – This profile starts switching 10 years before your selected retirement date, and then on each anniversary of that date. Months to (PMC) Multi-Asset Over 15 Year Cash your selected Fund % Gilts Index Fund % retirement date Fund % GLOBAL EQUITY FIXED WEIGHTS 50:50 INDEX/OVER 15 YEAR GILTS More than 120 100.00 0.00 0.00 LIFESTYLE PROFILE 120 99.17 0.63 0.20 Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your 119 98.33 1.25 0.42 selected retirement date 118 97.50 1.88 0.62 117 96.67 2.50 0.83 Years to your Global Equity Over 15 Cash selected Fixed Weights Year Gilts Fund % 116 95.83 3.13 1.04 retirement date 50:50 Index Fund % 115 95.00 3.75 1.25 Fund % 114 94.17 4.38 1.45 More than 10 100 0 0 113 93.33 5.00 1.67 9 – 10 90 10 0 112 92.50 5.63 1.87 8 – 9 80 20 0 111 91.67 6.25 2.08 7 – 8 70 30 0 110 90.83 6.88 2.29 6 – 7 60 40 0 109 90.00 7.50 2.50 5 – 6 50 50 0 108 89.17 8.13 2.70 4 – 5 40 60 0 107 88.33 8.75 2.92 3 – 4 30 64 6 106 87.50 9.38 3.12 2 – 3 20 68 12 105 86.67 10.00 3.33 1 – 2 10 72 18 104 85.83 10.63 3.54 Less than 1 0 75 25 103 85.00 11.25 3.75 102 84.17 11.88 3.95 101 83.33 12.50 4.17 100 82.50 13.13 4.37 99 81.67 13.75 4.58 98 80.83 14.38 4.79 97 80.00 15.00 5.00 96 79.17 15.63 5.20 95 78.33 16.25 5.42 94 77.50 16.88 5.62 93 76.67 17.50 5.83 92 75.83 18.13 6.04 91 75.00 18.75 6.25 90 74.17 19.38 6.45 89 73.33 20.00 6.67 88 72.50 20.63 6.87 87 71.67 21.25 7.08 86 70.83 21.88 7.29 85 70.00 22.50 7.50 84 69.17 23.13 7.70 83 68.33 23.75 7.92 82 67.50 24.38 8.12 81 66.67 25.00 8.33 80 65.83 25.63 8.54 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 33

M uLTI-Asset Lifestyle PROFILE M uLTI-Asset Lifestyle PROFILE (continued) (continued) Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your Mix of funds during the 10 years prior to your selected retirement date selected retirement date

Months to (PMC) Multi-Asset Over 15 Year Cash Months to (PMC) Multi-Asset Over 15 Year Cash your selected Fund % Gilts Index Fund % your selected Fund % Gilts Index Fund % retirement date Fund% retirement date Fund %

79 65.00 26.25 8.75 39 31.67 51.25 17.08 78 64.17 26.88 8.95 38 30.83 51.88 17.29 77 63.33 27.50 9.17 37 30.00 52.50 17.50 76 62.50 28.13 9.37 36 29.17 53.13 17.70 75 61.67 28.75 9.58 35 28.33 53.75 17.92 74 60.83 29.38 9.79 34 27.50 54.38 18.12 73 60.00 30.00 10.00 33 26.67 55.00 18.33 72 59.17 30.63 10.20 32 25.83 55.63 18.54 71 58.33 31.25 10.42 31 25.00 56.25 18.75 70 57.50 31.88 10.62 30 24.17 56.88 18.95 69 56.67 32.50 10.83 29 23.33 57.50 19.17 68 55.83 33.13 11.04 28 22.50 58.13 19.37 67 55.00 33.75 11.25 27 21.67 58.75 19.58 66 54.17 34.38 11.45 26 20.83 59.38 19.79 65 53.33 35.00 11.67 25 20.00 60.00 20.00 64 52.50 35.63 11.87 24 19.17 60.63 20.20 63 51.67 36.25 12.08 23 18.33 61.25 20.42 62 50.83 36.88 12.29 22 17.50 61.88 20.62 61 50.00 37.50 12.50 21 16.67 62.50 20.83 60 49.17 38.13 12.70 20 15.83 63.13 21.04 59 48.33 38.75 12.92 19 15.00 63.75 21.25 58 47.50 39.38 13.12 18 14.17 64.38 21.45 57 46.67 40.00 13.33 17 13.33 65.00 21.67 56 45.83 40.63 13.54 16 12.50 65.63 21.87 55 45.00 41.25 13.75 15 11.67 66.25 22.08 54 44.17 41.88 13.95 14 10.83 66.88 22.29 53 43.33 42.50 14.17 13 10.00 67.50 22.50 52 42.50 43.13 14.37 12 9.17 68.13 22.70 51 41.67 43.75 14.58 11 8.33 68.75 22.92 50 40.83 44.38 14.79 10 7.50 69.38 23.12 49 40.00 45.00 15.00 9 6.67 70.00 23.33 48 39.17 45.63 15.20 8 5.83 70.63 23.54 47 38.33 46.25 15.42 7 5.00 71.25 23.75 46 37.50 46.88 15.62 6 4.17 71.88 23.95 45 36.67 47.50 15.83 5 3.33 72.50 24.17 44 35.83 48.13 16.04 4 2.50 73.13 24.37 43 35.00 48.75 16.25 3 1.67 73.75 24.58 42 34.17 49.38 16.45 2 0.83 74.38 24.79 41 33.33 50.00 16.67 1 0.00 75.00 25.00 40 32.50 50.63 16.87 0 0.00 75.00 25.00 34 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options

PROFILES WITH A FIVE YEAR SWITCHING PERIOD Monthly switching profile – This profile starts switching five years before your selected retirement date, and then Quarterly switching profile– This profile starts switching every month after that. five years before your selected retirement date, and then every three months after that.

GLOBAL EQUITY FIXED WEIGHTS 50:50 INDEX/INDEX-LINKED GILT LIFESTYLE PROFILE GLOBAL EQUITY FIXED WEIGHTS 50:50 INDEX/ Mix of funds during the five years prior to your FIXED INTEREST LIFESTYLE PROFILE selected retirement date Mix of funds during the five years prior to your selected retirement date Months to Global Equity Index- Cash your selected Fixed Weights Linked Fund % retirement date 50:50 Index Gilt Fund Months to Global Equity Fixed Cash Fund % % your selected Fixed Weights Interest Fund % retirement date 50:50 Index Fund % More than 60 100.00 0.00 0.00 Fund % 60 98.33 1.25 0.42 More than 60 100 0.00 0.00 59 96.66 2.50 0.84 60 95 3.75 1.25 58 95.00 3.75 1.25 57 90 7.50 2.50 57 93.33 5.00 1.67 54 85 11.25 3.75 56 91.66 6.25 2.09 51 80 15.00 5.00 55 90.00 7.50 2.50 48 75 18.75 6.25 54 88.33 8.75 2.92 45 70 22.50 7.50 53 86.66 10.00 3.34 42 65 26.25 8.75 52 85.00 11.25 3.75 39 60 30.00 10.00 51 83.33 12.50 4.17 36 55 33.75 11.25 50 81.66 13.75 4.59 33 50 37.50 12.50 49 80.00 15.00 5.00 30 45 41.25 13.75 48 78.33 16.25 5.42 27 40 45.00 15.00 47 76.66 17.50 5.84 24 35 48.75 16.25 46 75.00 18.75 6.25 21 30 52.50 17.50 45 73.33 20.00 6.67 18 25 56.25 18.75 44 71.66 21.25 7.09 15 20 60.00 20.00 43 70.00 22.50 7.50 12 15 63.75 21.25 42 68.33 23.75 7.92 9 10 67.50 22.50 41 66.66 25.00 8.34 6 5 71.25 23.75 40 65.00 26.25 8.75 3 0 75.00 25.00 39 63.33 27.50 9.17 0 0 75.00 25.00 38 61.66 28.75 9.59 37 60.00 30.00 10.00 36 58.33 31.25 10.42 35 56.66 32.50 10.84 34 55.00 33.75 11.25 33 53.33 35.00 11.67 32 51.66 36.25 12.09 31 50.00 37.50 12.50 30 48.33 38.75 12.92 29 46.66 40.00 13.34 28 45.00 41.25 13.75 27 43.33 42.50 14.17 26 41.66 43.75 14.59 25 40.00 45.00 15.00 24 38.33 46.25 15.42 23 36.66 47.50 15.84 22 35.00 48.75 16.25 21 33.33 50.00 16.67 20 31.66 51.25 17.09 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 35

GLOBAL EQUITY FIXED WEIGHTS 50:50 INDEX/INDEX-LINKED GILT LIFESTYLE PROFILE (continued) Mix of funds during the five years prior to your selected retirement date

Months to Global Equity Index- Cash your selected Fixed Weights Linked Fund % retirement date 50:50 Index Gilt Fund Fund % %

19 30.00 52.50 17.50 18 28.33 53.75 17.92 17 26.66 55.00 18.34 16 25.00 56.25 18.75 15 23.33 57.50 19.17 14 21.66 58.75 19.59 13 20.00 60.00 20.00 12 18.33 61.25 20.42 11 16.66 62.50 20.84 10 15.00 63.75 21.25 9 13.33 65.00 21.67 8 11.66 66.25 22.09 7 10.00 67.50 22.50 6 8.33 68.75 22.92 5 6.66 70.00 23.34 4 5.00 71.25 23.75 3 3.33 72.50 24.17 2 1.66 73.75 24.59 1 0.00 75.00 25.00 36 Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options


FUND SHP PP2000 PP2000 starting PP No.1/FSAVC/ PIPP/EIRP TIP TIP starting on or after SEP/BOP/CPP/ (starting (starting before 6 6 April 2001 PIP/EPP/DPP/ before after April 2001 CSAVC Nov 1999) Nov 1999)

Cash Fund        Consensus Fund        Distribution Fund        Equity Fund        Ethical Fund        European Fund        European Equity Index Fund        Far Eastern Fund        Fixed Interest Fund        Global Equity 70:30 Index Fund        Global Equity Fixed Weights 50:50 Index Fund        Global Equity Fixed Weights 60:40 Index Fund        Index-Linked Gilt Fund        International Fund        Managed Fund        (PMC) Multi-Asset Fund        North American Fund        Over 15 Year Gilts Index Fund        (PMC) Pre-Retirement Fund        Property Fund        UK Equity Index Fund        UK Recovery Fund        UK Smaller Companies Fund        US Equity Index Fund        (PMC) World (Ex-UK) Equity Index Fund        With Profits Fund       


Cautious Managed        Consensus Three Year        Consensus Five Year        Global Equity 70:30 Index        Global Equity 70:30 Index/Fixed Interest        Global Equity 70:30 Index/ Index-Linked Gilt        Global Equity Fixed Weights 60:40 Index        Global Equity Fixed Weights 50:50 Index/Fixed Interest        Global Equity Fixed Weights 50:50 Index/Index-Linked Gilt        Global Equity Fixed Weights 50:50 Index/Over 15 Year Gilts        Managed        Monthly UK Equity Index        Multi-Asset        UK Equity Index        Individual AND GROUP pensionS – Investment options 37

EXTERNALLY MANAGED FUNDS Please note that you can only invest in external funds on the products listed below.

FUND SHP PP2000 TIP starting after starting on or after June 2002 6 April 2001


ASI Life Global (ex UK) Equity Fund      ASI Life Multi-Asset Fund      ASI Life UK Equity Fund    ASI Life UK and Global (50/50) Equity Fund   


Strategic Bond Fund   


American Franchise Fund    Cautious Managed Fund      Global Energy Fund      Global Strategic Equity Fund     


European Growth Fund      Global Equity Income Fund    Sterling Bond Fund      UK Alpha Fund    J.P. MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT

Life Balanced Fund    Life Diversified Equity Fund    Life UK Specialist Equity Fund   


Balanced Managed Fund    GLG Continental European Growth Fund     Stockmarket Managed Fund   


BNY Mellon Global Equity Fund    BNY Mellon International Bond Fund    BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced Fund    BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth Fund    BNY Mellon UK Equity Fund    BNY Mellon UK Income Fund   


Tokyo Fund      UK Alpha Plus Fund      UK Mid 250 Fund      UK Smaller Companies Fund   

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