Wauseon, Ohio 1 9
COMPILED BY MISS HELEN KLINE MR. M. P. WHITENIGHT MRS. HENRY STOLL PUBLISHED BY GILSON LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY Wauseon, Ohio 1 9 6 0 Starting with only a few note, concerning the Kline family, this genealogy became so large it has been necessary to shorten the records of each family, We hope you will use the Addenda to record the exact dates of your loved ones. It will be deemed a favor if you will send me any corrections or information on relatives we have been unable to trace. Mrs. Henry Stoll 315 W. Jackson St. Fostoria, Ohio Copyright, 1960, by Mrs. Henry Stoll All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. "One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth forever." ECCLESIASTES 1-4 It has been a privilege and a pleasure to be associated with so many friendly people. Only with your cordial co-operation, your interest and encouragement could the records of so many families be given in this genealogy. We express our thanks and sincere appreciation. Many of you have copied Bible records, loaned pictures, made a trip to a neighboring cemetery, contacted relatives to secure more information and other acts of loving-kindness. It would be difficult to name all the relatives who have been of great assistance, but it would be unjust not to mention such tireless co-workers as Miss Carolyn Mosher of Hornell, N. Y., Mrs. Paul E. Rote, Millville, Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fausey, Orangeville, Pennsylvania, Mr. M. P. Whitenight, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania and Miss Helen Kline, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania who have compiled certain chapters of these records.
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