. Probably sn01D~ ~_ID~ News .... w.-. nla ehaacIDC te mew Ia esen- HIt; much eoItJIr .. Clatral &lid 1OGtIa,...... ,. .. I I 0 lei II c , , y • • N • • • P II P • r.


WASHINOTON, 1)(>c. 29 (AP) -Gov. Clyde L. Herr)] 1', Iowa. ,Ilelllltor.elect, left lor Iowa. todllY after belog noJrled by the 800lal /IIlCurlty board or approv. al of his IItato's lInemployment " Insuranco law. T~e Iowa. execu· Ilvo brought a COpy of tho la.w A Whopper, ... Manslaugh~er GERMAN WARSHIP HOVERING NEAR SPANISH COAST to WlUlhlngton J.o prells for a.p. II $28,000 Will pl'oval bofol'& tbe Dec, 81 dead. Case Still In line. ** *'" ** ** ** '===~===~~~~~=~==~ Go for Boy, M(}sqltito Swaiwwing a Mule Wins Liw'" Title Hands 0.£ Jury TO MAKE PROBE Fo,. Miohigan Woman Says Friend IN PLANE CRASH IllCAOO, Dee. 29 (AP)-A gargantuan mosquito that Jury . Retires at 1 :30 snapped up a mule was villain of the prevarication that won the Claim Truee Made By DvnUANK, Cal., Du. :fI (/\ I') After 10.Hour Debate -.w inquiry to detennilla medal aud title of the world's champion liar for 1936 for Mrs. Oflicials Helped To Gale Bal'llilouse of i"owlel"vi\lc, Mich. Falls to Decide .. hetlrer nogllg~'lIL-e WIUI lnvolv· Settle Tacoma Case ed III Sunday nlght'll tra.lIsPl/rt O. C. Hulett, pr'csident 01' the Burlingtoll , Wi.·. • Liars' club, plane (lr&8h was IIlJnOWlced which arranges the annual contest, announced the award tonight. A JO·hou,· debutc on th" folu ot IOth.y by ('ocone.- JoTailk Nance, Mrs. Bal'Jlbouse's story concel'lled the biggest mosquito in 21·ycQI'·0Id Oliver Seerlng. 011 tl'lal TA MA, Wash., 0 (' . 29 wblle pack and dnlt 1~1I ! Mlchlgan, where s he said they had in the J ohnson county distrIct court (AP)- friend of th Dr. W. carrioo the bodies of 1Z vliCtlnl8 the "bIggest mosquItoes In the on manslaugh tel' chal'ges, enCIed In W. Matt II family reveal d to out or secluiled RIce Callyon. world." She told how Its diet sta.rt· nigh n gotiations ror tbe re III calling a.l InQu t lor lIext Pontiff Dozes a. deadlock whell the jury of nine ed with baby chicks. but advanced turn of kidnaped harlf.'8 Matt· week, Coroner Nance 811ld: ". to g"OWl\ ducks, turkeys. calves men and three women retired at believe It I the usual procedure Res tless Iy.; I S (u\<1 even a couple of milk co",s. 1:80 lhls morning. Locked In a room son, 10, arc "definitely under 10 Jsnd pa88el\lere at Bakers· "B"t now It's dcaQ," lIn·s. Barn- since 3:30 yestcnlay a.Cternoon. the way" aud payment of th" lleld In case of storm over the I house rclated. "Last ,wec k It swOOp' jury called the ba.lliff tor a mid· Teba.chapl ridge." The south. ' g p'll'n $2 ,000 ran om will lik Iy bt> Sufferm U Icd down, opened Its mouth and night sna.ek and retired. bound nlted Airline plane made within 12 hollJ'll. ~ snapped up our old mule. When I "It will be at least noon teday and crashed into the callyoll8le1e, 20 saw that mosquito's mouth close, I possibly later berore they reach a The poke man rc(US('d t" miles north. 800II after Pilot Doctors. Seek Effective Ithought to myself, 'Tbere gQeS a. venllct," unoftlclal observors who allow hi name to be u d. Edwin Eo WOIll had lL8.ked for ' R t· darned good mule.' But old Maude had been waiting at the courthouso H said the "tro " Ud a radio bea.m to guide him SedalIve to e !eve I lashed out with both hind feet be' German baWeelllp &dmiJ'aJ IcIleer declared. llY del)(lTtm nt of Ju tlCI) nta ill rough torm clou. Illto Vololl J fOI'o the mosquito could Pope's Severe Pain 8Wa. Il0,~, ~Iother Paces Ji100r The German battleship Admiral cheer is the most powerful in the nllzi fleet liovcrillg n('Ilt' air terlllhtal here. and bl'Oke Its neck!'1 /lea.rchlng (or th bOy stolen rrooR As the j uron detoa.ted last ulght the Spanit:!h coast to force surrender of passengers and cargo or the German freight l' Palo , Roman Links ot San Franc)sco hls home Sund y nIght bad opt'n ,I VATICAN CITY. Dec. 30 (Wild· the elderly mother of the youthful released yesterday by socialist BHboa. 'rhe nazi warship are expected to search hips of any or (See LIARS, page 3) th way for n gotlallonll betwe!'n nesday) (AP)-Pope PI us XI early Seerlng pa.eed the floor in front of all nations heading for Bilboa if the cargo, which Spain asserts was munitions, i not I' turn d WISCONSIN A.LMUNI tho famtly and the abductor. this morning was reliably staled the grand jury room. WltI"l her to Germany. BACK GLENN FRANK to be dozing restlessly after a night F... R Di'scusses were both of Seerlng's sisters and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . .. • • • • , . . J«fuses Flllaneial AJtI In which Il gloomier note wppeared one of hIs lhree brothers. Dr. lIraltllOn. father of Ch rIM. WIUI r~pOn.ed ready to pay til MAD! 'ON, Wi ., oec. 29 (API In Vatican reports Of his condItion. I Seerhur Is the driver of a car Dr, AmanU Milani. the pontiff's which July 12 collided Madan with $2 ,(100 1'I\.IlIIom d ll'Iand "In hI "'" - anlver~lty or WIS()onsln Aim f or Future wny" n.ftcr r tuelng ~nl ot offer. chief physician, spenl the nigbt In a Car ddven by Dr. Pa.ul Hogan France, Britain Will Again Ask alu"'nl ~Iallon directors or tllJJUl('11lI ald. Tho tlllJllly trl nd unanimously adopted a. resolu· thc papal apartments, r"equcntll' of Tlt'fln. As a resu It of the collision checking' the condItion of his pa· to Abolish Mrs. Hogan and Margaret Dunbar, MId Dr. Matt 011 lacked any IU II tlon today &liking for a. "full and Will Seek ~ waN tlent. a. rpassenger in Seertng's ca.r, were amount In h whl'n harl lair statemenf of tho charges" I. Nazis to Ban Volunteers to Spain stolen but had 1)1. 1011100 It Blne The I)hra.se describing his holl· Child Lahor, Raise both Insi:Al.ntly killed. against Presld lIt 01 nil Frank • Sunday. nelll!' condition as "very satlsfa.c· State wltn!llls68 Monday charged • • • • • • • • • • tn the move to dl5oulll8 him. with Wages, Cut Hours The family I'rlr nd·. IIla.l llI"nt lory." almost dally 81I1e., th e pope that Seering WUB intoxicated at tho "anlpl opportunity" for Frank HERE IT IS followed hy only a few hou ... assur. Wall st,·lcken. tli ..... l>rJellred. to IIC r . tinie of the aoeldent. They also saId to d rend himseJr. The resolu· nJaee!l by: WASUINGTON. Dec. 29 (AP)- he was on tho wronll' side of the Refusal Means Seeks to Alter ance from anOlhel' Qlokrmnan that tlon, rulopted at a closed se8810n President Roosevelt made p laln.roa.d DU he r-Alled the crest of D "none of u CIInnectcd with the cu "Prolongallon ot the pore's 1)1'''''' h _ """ a 20 Per Cent of Chop 20 cxl)('Qls lUI> Il,·vl·I"PIlI ntll oC MY altOndPd by U or tho board ent state cannot ('ontrllmlc Imp,·ove· tOday that some new move by t I"e 11111 o'n Willch tllo coll"'"'lon oceurre".... mcmb rs, w8.8 Ule first oUlclal federal government to abolish ch Id ho.'s No Emotion Aid to Madrid Suey is Hog Meat Neutrality law kind ton hI." m nt to his g neral condIUon"- labor, shorten hours conaldered too action laken by th" alumni III sleeplcssness resulting rrom terriClc Seel·lm;" 'Who has been held In Dul'lng th day, numlTUul or! I'll the controvers,. Ilaina In the left leg and weakenIng long a1ld raIse ce'rtaln wages 18 the county jail Hlnce Dec. 3 unable .Fear Hitler May Desire WASHINOTON', Dec. 29 (AP)- F.R. Hop to Prohibit of C8.lIh pourt'd Into til Mllttaon , of rcsistan<:-e. definitely In the offing. to meet his bond • • howed no erno. ,- .Pan 01 the myslery abOut 'What home. At a prCSl! conference, Mr. Roo· 1'011 at 'Imy ' time during the tw , Separate 'Deal' With gocs Into chop suey WIl8 cleared up Export of Airplanes Orandpar~nl l\rake Oflfr Sook Efrecth'e Sellatl".- 1..- d .. t hi' ., SOCIA.LlST TROOPS ...,velt ec.red t .. a IIOmet nil' must "~y trJa.t. yesterilay 11& County At· . B .. h G Itod.W !,y Secretary Vollu.c. TA MA, IUI"., Dec. U (AP)-- ,1 Phy8lclans 8,,1<1 they ~1I11 were b 1 t d th kl f hll ..,. rltis overnment h! e {0110 0 en e wor nil' 0 c - torney E. A. -Idwln gllNe his filial . ... . One ot the reasons 0 gave Dr To Socialist Spain A el8.llllified advert! m nt In th" hopeful of Clndln,.; Illl effective hi" -r KILL 5,000 01 FOE dren. COl'b long OUl'S and ncreas" piea, Seerlng turned loward his . U Idlng that a large retall 8tore eattle Tim" arouJed '))e()ulallon sedaUve to relieve the llolv Father's h I I ' U" I,A""EI·m B l'AlCK'''l' tI.' , t OBe wage rates wh ch he con~ de... mother who WIUI nearly hysterical I ."...... "... organization WIUI a. "mee.t packer" WA~IIINO'J'ON. D ~u (AP}-- tonight of an attemPt to contact pain. but wllhout Interfering with . ~(AI1RlD, Dec. !t (/\P)-So· ~ b II Roosevelt a.dmlnlstra.tlon the feeble action or his heart. to be down to a starvation level. a8 the' stata's attm'ney built up pl8 PARIS, DIle, 29 (AP)-France and> 8UOjCCt to 0. rederal law W8.11 that .th kidnaper of 10·y r.old Chari II rla~ troop" klUed 5,000 tasd t The president dlseUllsed bls alm .. case aglllnst her .8011. Brltu.ln will make a secolld repro- It mll.ll 400 to .00 pound 01 ChOLl 8 WII ng Into aclton todny to plug a. MattlIOn whll he bOy', grandpat'o troops anel drove blW'k enemy DeSpite Pius' critiCal Ulness ex· (which were a'mong tbe objectives "e"te-'a.y Se'erlna 'Woo Huey clally. SUP In Itll neutrality law and pre· ntll orfl'red to .urr nder their tenslve pI-opa.ratlolls wOt'e nearing "-. '" D - called to "entatioll to Berlin Ir Ch!lJ1cellol1 10l'et!8, aided by four baUaJ101I8 compleLlon for 811.lIlng of lhe " r the old NRA Invalidated by the the stll.llel to te8tlfy 10 his 01"'1 Hiller evades IllIswer to the pending W'nllaeo Ilald "20 per centum of vent II. prullol!Cd shiPment ot Amert­ slll8.l1 home a.nd ILII that remalnll of 01 GIlMll3lI 8OIdler8, In • IIOUth· supreme Court) at SOIDe length, but defense ._. I such chop suey" W118 cotnp&nlsh government. rctum oC lb Ir abducted IT1Llldson. leD8& junta announced today. of PhUadelphla as papal legate to steps he contempla.ted. (See SliJERINO, Pa.ge 6) foreign orrlce circles &lId tonight. President ROO8CV It The adv rllB ment read: • hllUllg ot the eurrent battl" the International Eucharistic con· He Mid he did not know whethe~ Asked )yhllt Fronce would do If Dr. A. H. Wood To ,tew I glslaUon whl~\I "QUid give ";r.fabel: Please &1ve UII your ad· front from forti ned Madrid to grelill at Manila.. the gonl~ could be reached without •• suc!} reprcaenl8,tlon proved barrCn. him dlscreUonary power to prolllbit drCllfl, Ann." the strong' fascl turitory of Cardinal Dougherty will sail from II. constitutional amendment, but Missmg Department one oWelal saJd: Te lify in Murder fl uch exports to natlon8 suCf ring {)(roy HnowledKe of Ad Cor(loba m1ulte(J In iIfleislve Naples about Jan, ]0. accompanied expressed absolute certa.lnty that ISH ir L "b'lrst of 0.11 we expect GermallY Trial at Ottumwa Internal ~trlte. AuthOrlt1 a denied ILII knowled gain for Ihe 8OC.Ial1 0111 by high prelates ot the vallean, : federal actlon would be required. tore e e8S eaps lu accept. (The present n"ulrullty law pro· of the ad or the J.)OlIIIlbllity It mlgh~ di8patcoo. fraln Andujar, In archbishops and bishops, a.nd the IThis seemed to set at rest any I To Death From Hotel Would Ba.l.&tl~e Aid O'l"rUMWA, Dec. 29 (AP)- vldes for embargo 011 arms shIp. m n conl&Ct 'W&I being &It&bUlb d .I!len pravinee. F&8CIs~ en· rCC

Many P,-ivate I),utie. Scheduled lor Tomorrow Member. Wiu Celebrate Night; 1ligh Sc1"9ol and CoUege Students To LocaJ and Natiorwl Shur'p in oci(d potlight With Their Parents Founder', Day

And now plan ar b(l\ng ;;;;;ied for private patties which Members of Ihe 10", CIIJ' ehap_ ",,11 make New Y 61"S kve and the wee homs of New Year's ter of Radassab will eel~brat.e both day a very gay pm'io in Iowa City. Both bigh school people local and naUonal rounder'. day of and eoU ge tud nts ill share Ulis social spotlight tomorrow the organlzation at .. meeUnl thla evening with their p ('nts, afternoon at the bom. of I4ra. lIer­ ID&II Worton, 4:& S. Ollbert atreet.. W~M man Olvl\ Mrs. A . Abramaohn, who la Cred­ Buff t UPIHlf / Harriett Merritt Ited wIth bating tounded the local A dozen gUeI!l8 will ring lhe n&\ll group 11 year. ar:o and ""Ito wa.tI yror In at th(' home of Prot. and Fetes 11 Friends It. rlrst preeldent, wlU ~ honOred Mr8. Harold E, We man, 818 N. Parties Honor PERSONALS Expect 250 To at tOday'. gatherlnr:. .LInn strecl. Prof 8801' and Mrll. At Afternoon Tea The Story of 1936 The alt~rnoon'. program will In­ Wessman will be hosta at. a buffet clude 'Mrs. Aaron Bravenpan, ""ho A"lene Finch, 411 8 . Dubuque supper at 1 P.m. tomorrow. Kathryn Schuy Attend Cabaret will ft8d I\. paper on Hen nella A mld·vacatlon get·together took Street, lett Monday to spend . a * * •• ** ** ** place yesterday a.ttern.oon when week In cedar Rapids at tlte A. E. Szold, DB.tlonal founder, Mrs. J . Fresh Personalities Uncovered by Film World Goldber-g, who ...ill tell of tbe hili. "Guo,," Purt.1' at lIn"rlett Men'ltt entertained 11 Chllge home. Honoree Will Leooe Flks Lodge Prepares tory Of the Iowa CIty elnb, &nd Boller RIl!.IJd~IlC8 Crlends at a tea at her home, 318 (The yeu dra"'llng to a elOlle brought hlstorY·DlAldng developments Harriott and Id Ivln Ctuer, wltQ A n umber or YOUng lleople will E, JefCerson street. Soon With Parents Mr. and Mrs. Willard Irish, 411 For New Year's In ohnOll& every field. A serle!! of 1% arUcles, or which this I the will alnl. arrive in costume at the home at Those at the pa.rty were Florence S. Duhuque st"eet, leCt yesterday To Live in DeWitt IIeVlDlth, 8ul1llllarlzes these tlevelOllfll ntll--\)rhll{S you tile cOluplele Eve Celebration Re!re.hm n .. and decoratiolUl wIll Dr. and Mrs. 'V. F. Boller, 1016 E. WhItmore, Berty Lampe, 1>11Idred for' Davenporl "utere they will visit story or 1938.) be In blue ~ whit. Mrs. Ol~n College street, wh('n their daughter and Helen Fitzgerald, Mo.rgaret Mr. I"lsh's father, Dr. J. P . Irish. llJlfman at WCIl&"O will be an out joins with h r two triende, Sh Irley Olsen, Isabelle Smith, Gretchen Kathryn Schuy, who with ller By nUBBARD KEAVY Nearly 125 couples aNI expected at town gUe&t.. BIiggs and Cathryn McCleery, to Kuever, Helen Yaklsh, Ma.ry Par· ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Schuy, VIsiting lIlelr pa:rents, Mr. and HOLLYWOOD HolI)'wOOd had came Ray Bolger, lo dance In "The to a.llend the annual New Year', ServIng on the committee are entertAIn at a New Year's eve den, Bonnie Me.e Jones and Mar- 331 S. JO!tn!tOn street. will leave l\lrs. C. F. Whitmore, 424~fa Clark an excellent year-It tound a acore O"eat ZlegfeJd," and he got a con· eve cabaret and bridge party r:h'elf Mrs. Joseph Bra" nnAn, eba.lrman, "goon" t)tl.l'ly. DecoratIons will be garet Mlllel·. street, ((re FloNlnce Whitmore of of new personalities. t,·act. by the Jowa. City Elks lodge 590 MI88 WDltmore Ie working In sOOn tor DeWllt to live. has been Mrs. Hennan Lubin and lot .... Na. designed In purple. BridgepOrt., Conn.. and otto Whit­ TIle old lament tha.t there 18 lIa l'revloUIJ OOt, tro.ct Brldgel)Ort, Conn., MISs Smith has honored several farewell parties tomorrow night at 8:80 at the club than BernateJn. Guests :l.t the party wIll be Mar­ at more at Pensaco Ia, F1a.., both, ot no t raJ nlng ground left for the A prevlously·made etage con· &a,oet Moans or North Liberty, Ruth been employed at Ma.ndel brothers this week. whom will leave Sa.turday, and movies - because stock companies tract will keep 111m Crom making ,home tor lodge members and their House, Alice Jean Bates, Jane Rob­ In Chicago and ibOth MISlJ Merritt Last night Ethel and Annette Dorothy W11ltmore at Cedar Rapids, and vaudeville are something of the another Wm until NU'ly in 1937. wives, Kenneth Reed. To bins, Ida Helen Olin, Frances },{apee, and Miss Jones are teachers In Kaspar entertained at 6:30 at a who will be here until Tuesda.y. past-Is otten heard. But Hollywood vacationing here. lhe New York A bridge party wUl .t4rt at 1:10 Mltcbell, S. D. Others In the grou'll stilI finds stars. The stage con· Theatc-r guttd's Cale Sondergaard Carolyn Trowbridge, Robert Neff, handkerchief showe,' and theater for all who have made reeervatlOtt. Entertain Friend. John Mooney, Jobn Donahey, Phlllp are a'ltendh::g tho Unlvcrslty at trlbuted at least half of the year's W'IIB drafted fOr the role of Faltb party. After the theater, the hom. Leaving tomo"row for a. vlslt In with M. A. Ruaeell, and Ra7 A1ler­ DeYoe, Leo Ruppert. Ja.mes Barron. Iowa. shining material, while the others In "Anthony Adverse." The movies On Ninth Birthday son's 12-pl_ recordlD6 orehe8tra Ed McCloy, Howard Fountain, Mil· c8llea and their guests returned to Boooe are Dorothy Hughes, 318 came trom the radio or were de· are retaining her. ,[rom 11lnnell.poll.. HinD., will pl&, ford Barnes, Jack Hinman and Sid· the Kaspa.r home, 329 S. Clinton Brown street, and Mr. a.nd Mrs. veloped by the movies, The night clubs al80 contributed Kenneth Reeds, lIOn at M.r. and Higleys Enterunn ca,nllle LeVols, 427 Iowa avenue. for danolng trom , p.b'\. u ntU 1 ney Miller. street, for refresbments. The stage, IIln w~ekll' visIt wltb Dr. Liars-.. lite housegucst of ber Kappa. Ko.\lpa. Geraldine SpraU., Margaret Mur­ st.nge experience wben be played cd him 1n Hollywood. -.8 woma.n 11u on advanlago over Oc. s nd MrS. Hamsa. GlUllmjl. 80rot'lty sister, Helen Mac­ a. bIt In "Girls' Dormltory." In hIs Plant Cell _~ phy, Milrgaret G,ooser, Lois Mc­ (Continued from Page 1) second tum, he played the leadIng From lila slai,"C, too, came Dorlll cldcntal women. Sho is slender amI , Ewen, 315 FaJrvlew avenue. She IlfTW:etul. Fat womell are not ad. GinnIs and Marga.ret Klnoedel were and eta.rrlng role. The picture was No)an, seen 80 far only Irl the pic' Included in the courtesy. has been he"e since Monday and ' mlr d In Ch1na. lub to A 1&8Wer Roll \Wound up In second place with a will l'eturn home tomorrow. "Lloyds ot London:' "Olrls' Dol" tU"e, "'fhe Man I Marry:' No chlld­ 'Electric Eve' mltol'Y" also Introduced the gil'l ren came to cballenge Ule positions • With Events 011936 :==~~~~~~-::::::::::::::~71 'fitory ot capItalizIng on tog In bls wtth tile double name, Simone of Miss Temple and Master Bar­ eloot.rlo londay fOI' a. visit untlt Of Experiments On Ing & promlaln. lead Cor furth r duh will answer roll call wIth hl'­ James Stewnl't (from tile IlllIo grown·up (as she dla tn "Sing, The fog got 80 thick, he wrote, after New Year's day with Prot. and 'study ot th e100trlcal and other portsnt events of 1930 wh II tM.( l'oday'l theaters) played bIt roles, nolably Haby, SIns"). althougH she Is ollly Coast of Florida tbat he "sprayed It witb black Ink, Mrs. Robbln8, 1U49 Woodlawn. properties oC living 1111, meet tomorrow at 2:30 In Munn', that ot tile weakling brother In 14 years old. She learned In movie Qnd then chopped It up and 80ld grill. Boste81! "Rose Marte." Then he played a theater' "unit" ahow8. The eXPeriments or Prot. Oordon lioI!t.e8Bes wfll be Mrs. Beulah \t around .the n,elghborhood 101' lead In "Next Time We Love," and Marsh of the zooloJ)' department. I ,-_-_____--,,,,...,....,....,..- ...... I Dancers to Hear Ohebock, Mrs. C' E. NICholson and Binll eoal." hI) was on the way. From the stage 'romorl'ow: Women 1\.0 prove that a livIng plant cell Mrs. Joseph J L Wilson. A tast thinking lecturer brought Electric Organ At men tlon tor Maxwell Rachlin at 00'\ bfARIE'rTA, Ga. (AP)-;l\Iansfl.eld est" winter well.ther. CI ty party when h Is orchestra plaYs re_reh acUvlUee tor tho Carnegie of fo,ll. 1\Irs. W, F. Boller UkIl8 CLARKSBURG, W. Yo.. (AP)- Lallmer views IDany chowlng to­ Institution of Wasblngton this (3) JEF ..' ..~ nso 'S l\lANUAL • Forest FIre Throws Water tor the Order at DeMolay dance It )lW'ti'Julariy lor p6aChes. summer at the TortUgu8 laboratory Wh<'n congret'8 getll down to However, It was 60 oold, Raorerl! quit w~rk for tho day and That'll why collen8tltullon IIno Th()01as Jef· 1 egg The Bun was shining In the eyeS 'the worst signs of the depression's DePuty Sherlft Arthur Orlfflth A non·chewer hlm8eIC, Latllll .... 'S constantly generate very weo.k eleo­ came across the dump car on a collection IUUl ibeen acquired l.Jy trlc currents. TIle plants TCsponded water, one teupoon prepared terson'" Manual. 'rhe other lwo are 1>f11k or water. ,ot Harold Travis at Big River, effects. mlUltard, one t&b188POOn }'Inepr, Carro 'Where it had been .tandlng pOP'plng this question to ev~ .. yltvHcable." The rullng8 at tho .p6a.ker of the hou8e or of the chalr'l11lU1 of the r comlnltt of th whol Ill'e to the rules of the house what the decl­ Sl01\8 or tho COU,·tl a" to the stat­ ut e~. Th~ house l'UJfHiB aggre. 11'9 te more Ulan 10,000, 1lIIi1 cover nearly every IIltul1tlon that may IIrl6e, 'l'ho pI'e,ltllng ortlrnr In the SClI' ale trequently submltll a. question On new rwell to tho enlll'e Benate, :nut U,e hou RJ)eIlker seldom IlIRkee a. canV&88 oe the whole body tor thai DU,·J)O!j. A mCJnbol' llIay appeal /''0111 th IIIlCUkcr'.. declalon, !but that r rely ~l\lppe!ll. TomorroW: How JJa.W8 A" Born. Wife Preserven

Qaullftower II very atlracUve cooked whole, t.lld aerved at the lAble wl~ .c!te.!.le a!. ~tt.r !!~ r- - SPORTS Th Daily Iowan II II NATIONAL LO~A L ,.. * * 8TATIII WORLD WIDID * * * ======~======~.======~~======~~~~~~~======~~ TIle AIaocIated Prey IOWA. 0!'!"'i. IOWA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1936 Ollnlral Preu ASfl()ClaUon City High Defeats Monticello, 29 to 19 NEW YEAR'S Little Hawks Washington Pitt 11' s Taper for Rose Bowl Tilt Eastern Stal' \ Easily Outplay ...... At Pen I F 01' EVE ..?...... · · . · . . . · · .. how at 1) O'clock Rival Coache W t rn l' .am Monti Cagers Come to regular !) o'clock show and st.ay over free of Al Miller, Bora Lead Prime Squad.: ( :Oadl K.·rr llians 0 cbnrge rot· new midnight Visitors to VietOl'Y For Cont t Spf'clal Pa rlll 14 show. • Or' UU""), el1t In Rough Contest No H.\. VItANt·HWO. n .. ,· 29 (.~1') The box scor By Haines, Starcevich Iowa City FG.F'I'.PF.1'T'. Lead Washington; ~ I '~N.tl~tll ~1;1I'>I whl' will 1,llttll' :\fcCun , t (c) .. __.•. ~ . 2 2 f. ulI,II'" m'NI·w,·.1 "n IIm' .. ¥ }lI ,'C' New Hora, f ~ ""_""""'''''''' J' 3 ~, Golberg a Standout yPar· ... ,Iav III Ih,. IlUIII~ fir ..sHlrlty "BIII'gl'r, r ._...... _ ..... 0 0 2 II 1"'gUII tll,,"I'11I1;" \Iff In 1,I)l('\II·I' ("ton IIt1 ,,''''Ht'S III UdllttJIII1 til UI,r"IIMlw Ul'rg is a speedy , aJl(] Daniell is all AII ·American tal:kle. lIu>;ldes through a HUrt .. 8810n Iwre. ItIllnp\lVpl"~ lLgaln~t tl1f' forWllrtb I'm An [ndian!" '1'01 A Is ...._ ...... _. fi 9 II ]:' J oel, ChallgeS Pl[I.I1 s "xIll~'I"rJ Cl'lJlIl th .. ulh"1 _lilt·. Score by periods: ('hanging hiM plans, Jock AU!Lwr· Marquette"s Golden Avalancl e A It hI/ugh tI'A ,~'gt 1"U1"tH HilI' ()r TARTING Iow1l- City ...... _ .. 10 G 3 10-29 Ha,vke e Five Re umc Cag land, Pittflbul'gh'H big chief. de<.>lded tllll " ...... t !'nd" or 1111 thll' Yul"'~ Itm't.leello _ .... _ .. _. 4 G 6 4-19 to movp th" squad to Pasadena late aU · \nlt·r1.·" Larry i("liq - (·oo..cll tomorl"Ow, nnd usp thl' Rose Bowl lowed h In ]em nt W alh K"IT 1,1 1It1 1'(' ·lal ).Ill. 8 "llIY~ Ito,j I, ,." F.,·I III) hili,. "\\'" kilt>' By NEWMAN TOO m Drill for Malqu tt ~ Indjana for Ii final workout 'I'hurStluy. " f,"' Doily Iowan SPOl'l s Wrltf'r Pr"sJl4-'Cts or a duel of ('m('kPr' I("III'Y will 1" , tl .. , ,",t lio l'1~ f'riul Battle D etwt'f'1l lIull' l, tI 11111" 011 till' flt·llI . ~(ln~"'" 1.1 ON'l'lCEl.LO, D c. 29 (SjJeclnl jack ball carrie,' l oom~ lUI the S d d Net f'S(,1l , day or lhe glllll" dl'pw near Phelul1 ee e BUll," 11, Buivill . ('en qllelltl) \II' IILt('nrl It. """ tit" to 'fhe Dully Iowan) City high's 1"1 IYIl" "r plays 119 ror "") IIl1wr teplH'ns, Minor:League may SLUI'L Il iJlU'l,C1eld of Chuck rs L d Ull and I'omlng lTawklets l'el1uwPII N('wlun ,tl '1 ulilt("'Ml'k, .llmmy ' tars eo )f . kit'S Clear th II' holluay cl1Jl1pail;-n last nigh t Dre 1 t Quint Johnston Ilt left hlllr lind Merle by troundng It fllvOl'l'1l Monticcllo Pitcher May Mllipr at full, nit of M'hom a .. e 1 ' T 'l'I'X., ]) \'. 2!1 ('\1'!- high R{'hool Leulll by a 29 to ]9 Reore. 'I'h,· TTAWkl'yl' stn1"lIng IIneUI) rp· SOphOITIOl'PR. unci thl' N'(J'I1.b1e veteran n ourney Slow drizzling- rain I'('/lla('I',1 h .. l/;ht lpr. "'~n"pl"n 10"11",,1, ,'""It'r lI~n· .1Imm)· C.'aln at the right Mlf JI"sl. . I f' 'I I, t (kl" 11.11<1 WJI h Al 111 Iller, l'eternl1 campulgn· tUl'nM to the home conrt for a. Steal Show snn~hh1f' or Ih,. last two Ilors 'UI '·IIIll. rn"gl ,.(. a' Prl'pllre.d to (l!W1 p gild HI',·n.1 NI. pr, Ipndlng lilt' way, the 1,lttle IItrpnUou8 ofren~h'p ~p~Rlon after III 'rhls wOllld mean Ihnl hp would NI!:W OHI,I·],\NH. J),'l'. 2!1 (A j- lIflll'ljIlPltp's goolrlpn llvnl~nrlw .Ip. W"rl' ~ln"I"rl "lit Illl.lI'ks s howP(j themselves to b<> n day's JOU"npy to D"II ~lolll"lI. wher CD! INNATI. DIl(!. 29 (APj-The be pr paTl'd In rush 1n Ills rtre Threl' s~I'tIl'd ~turs hi Ity till' fa,:"r. pHI tnrollA'h n I... il·( IIrl1i II_Iny III I.'ro", tilt. '1'1"1' ,'n rllmp ("amp IIUI)""ior IPnln In ali u ])a.rtments t1H'y demonstrnted seorillif playll Cur hnffllng speed hall that made Jol'nny \Vagon tn1t;"!ltlf' 01 Byron Hllln"s, gd pd Bryan :If. Itllls)) «mnt IIf AI· pr"II;"'(llion 1"11' IIwil' N.·\\" r. I' . \\" ... <1 11m "urfJ Nt 11 hlH rr,,· sl!u1' of play to lI'iuml)h In a soml'wh!l.l lhl' pOllchlng school. van J)pl' M~('" thl' st"lkpout Hell· No wogrosId, Elm/,I' Logg and I<'r:ih )Ulltll n1ll\"l'd Inl" th,' Hl'lIlifinu.is ,,( ""Y hall I 11'1111 '1""11" l'I"'isHulI ill I,,~ 11I,"or~ DI·,· "'kinK pial'" 1"'I",,,,,n l'O.gge,} und rough on test. 'I'h" """t string, with nrpl'9 Ilt "'lllon vr lIH' mln01' leaJrllcs lust \Ya.qkOWIIZ, 0,' 1"AVI' Cain In to com· thl' Sugar Howl t .. nnb tll'Il"lmn~nt Ihe Cotton Howl. ,\I"xlI Ilt,l'IlIIh"h "r j)"nVl'I' .llld .:111111'1'. wh(i In nine bas· (,pntt·r. RIPphetlS unu Oaddl!j at (01' •. puson ma g v , , Huskies encoullt~I'ed h~lIvy gnlng. ('"a~h I~l'ank .:Ilun~1 to· at~,J hIM .. 1I"l tn.. : 11 .. rlghl gU:lnl It-IllIS' lllldll'lnte,' fIl",,·tM restlvols. Inl 1,,·twP'·II Illli (·"IIk,.1 III "f \\'hlie ,,1II11·tpr·final IIIUll"ilPS \\ 'n' She even ,alks B '],ho 22,YNI.j"·.,ld 1l'l1hlaulll of the WI'l'/! Ill.. hl",oo~l gloollnd galnprR WI'llIht""", i:t ft·\\" hOWl! (:111111 (,!, HOlltht'fll orel'ij of both teams hy a wide RenA at lI'e gUlU'd "n~ls, ,,0IlC ·n tl'LL( . .,r or tJu' .\llIwUlIkt\lt HIUI nil run off In Ih.· t"!llll" Sllllll', thl' I'IHII· and lings )Illtrgln. lk>Hltll'~ MIJIl'r, only two of Clncilllll1ti R"tlH' Dlll"lWIII, N. C., this y~u l ·. Ihp fOrllll'l' uVe,"Og'ing 3.92 IInskl .. " IIlrl'lIIly 1I[,vin, \0:111 ,."IoIM. ('ulif"r"la rIll' thlt ,·Pl1t .. ,· 1I<',th. Chine e­ I'd 1111 )lolI"hlng II" Iheil' pll'ut Illay~. hull t('IU I I.... uf Hllilta ct'IlIU II uti ll\" vlHltlng leum'oS 1111'11 were ahle Il,,>;eltall r'lI'm, wu" "'11ll d loony iJy yal'dR per Iry alld cain 4 l'urll" lin~1 with Alice, 1001 "Jg into the> 8e'OI'lng column. As ,,In.l" ('onllnlll'd, AI Bohhy r... evpn. fUl' It ('omhlnl'(1 yarllu~~ of 1,0lllHlllna HU.to·. "111'"'lI-IlIS III till' UOPI'S IInl" ~tcll'" '''He men wPI'e t il(' Rta,' ro,'wOI'ds 11bcl'd \'un YssCluyk. <;POl'ting Newll, tho lJw!1·1.J< .... 1 wl'pldy. 771 yards for the 1WO. l':ew YI·ar·. tlllv 1; .. ltli1'O" ,·la"I". (",W", BOWl .. ffidal~ hul,n,t Ihe J Ull the outstanding mlno, Ie'.ll!ue Pitt's hull"nge to Ihe ·Washing. (1I-IIlt,,1 1,,1' till hlllllf' on wi,tl'l) ""1" .... In would "111'1111 it~I'lf wltlll" th,. o lh" JowJt ·ltlll.n!!, Capt. Paul Mc· how l'~ (.1 pluyel' or J93G. ha ,""tttl'd (1,,1<1". Cune und tIny K e ith Hom, who ton Ol1uek tips In yOung MIlr'l 11 lI["xt two da)'s tu allow ,h·.y rootlll~' 'I'he Huwks HlIow',1 lI1ure 11('11 and I h'l t th a III .. Id h Hr'Hlt'llos I'ml'll('p .. ...·o ,'et\ Hlx anu ftve POI1It!! respec· t wn.s tel r~ ,'"a" (> ma!Ta· n, I{'rg. 10·YOOI··0 801) omore f,"' thl' hl'rald .. <1 l'UI<-'III~ ,Iuel 1,," lively. tll",' Oil'. 1I10re a<1"11I lk'lll.hanullng zinc hud lI10ilp !l1I"h Ill' aWIU-d . It ~tal', Bobhy IAl Huc, vpteran half, Cow-'h 1",wl"'n('" (l:11<"kj Hllaw an,t IWI"'n S:ld &lug-h or T1'''"~ I ·ltd•. Allp:lr(lIt l\Iusje."S ,than th('y hav" "II rur thl~ ~e<'lgon. "pcognlzetl van Ilpl' ~lel'I' uhcnd of II carlllbll' hi ()('kf· I', Ih,·('(> cra.l,"'I·1I1 off Wlll'kout Ht Ilatun 11111111111 much ('frort In wOI'knul ... dier bonus and hm it 10 be a lmost even, both teams regis· Ing tJ1<'ll1 . Ihe brlilluncy o[ the Iowa. [at· Durham showell 19 ylctories ~ IRolI"~. 113 11 ' h ""nlli ra l )~d YOUNG lel'lng six mllritcrs to mnke th hUlf· uttonk m.lk s the odds IL liltlp lesf! agall10St six defeats. H .. h~ld Dur. B ..~ld '>I UWl1t. tl/P "(><·,h·u /lta,· "f G·R·E·WI Tn tWI> muddy gamPR O. Ihe lIlIst lime talul Rtuntl 16 to 10 in favor lI"'ulno.- t tile 1Tnwkeyn's nomlng ou" bam's OIJPOn~nts to nn I'arnt'il run LT1JVI'LE,J.J. J. DUKES the tcnnlH ("uml)~titlfln, Frnnklll 1 ., 0 C C " I ~NI,on. B.lugh was ha/H ICIl1))lp,1 I ... · or Ihe vl~ltOrs. . PRACTICE FOR Purkf'r, the ynul11;-st r (I'()OI l.a:w· p,"lse o( lhl' ROg-gy hall. He fo 1t.1l A ,ornarlmlJle [PO-turll of the !Ir~i. ,,~ t" e C'h I n 1 rt·ncPvllJp. N .J .. ,\Mh",· JI"ndrix .'('ginning to "" n. little I ss 0 U. munug I" Ill' "" ""R81.'11 11' III ('01111111'1" a pasll lIgninsl HUlIth. 11:J.Jr "coring f"om the standPOint of t .... I J '1 t Lak~I:llId, 1 ~lu.. wh.. 11'011 th wol'l"Y to Ct¥.lch " 'Illiams. Both 8 ru",e( von )I't·" "~r to repol.' ORANGE' BOWl . "r I',·n Ml'lhqdlll( In 111(>11' I!lUlI hl.l1t.' Ih;; lI Il I\,pl'~l t y dtu tpam Illy In t1w C 1"37 I I I 8u""u' BOWL tOlll'lIl1.mem II Y"1lr Qgfl. , De llI''''' anl1 Wulsh Itre malting It 0" " Sl)l'lIg tram ng 011 llC ft· o( > ))11l111lg" JIll" QUl,"IH'·,. foo lhllJI squad started orr Hut CUHlUl"\f.-d al 1t,I)o\l IJn~ ]I:tl'l wlnnel·s. [Jis Hlx fil'Ht half 'I.Iutrkel8 One sel'dl'u p .... rurllwl. John ,h-. ""11""'. Wlllillms Is u.lIle tu 8ulJ.~tltute thE'm, hUlll lust ~ea!«)n. with u. light workout beneath u ~omblned with r,'ee thrawe by Me· 11Inrmid or (·hlca"". It( P''('t.a<'l .. u 1"1"1,1'1 Ntll tr~e1y UJld keep ttli'm All goi ng u.L warm 1,'lol'ida sun toou.y In prel'fll"ll' ("'t'Pl d()~l' tu lht Cune und Hom to give the Hawk· Pl'lnreton 1I111\,PI~Rlty lll"ufl'j{sor, WUaI top speNl while t hey R,'e In there. lion for th e Orangp Howl game wltll 20,UOO murk 'Ultl ufflt-lIt1s )l1· .. lIl<'t"'l leIs theh' leud. R PI ,1Imlnaleti III 11 l'io~ .. ly (uul(ht 'l'hls m01'nlllg thl' HuwkR w ill lun· State Npw ypur's duy. n la"t 1111111111' niMh If II", ~lIn 1'1" Xu 'fhlrd Cunto egent an 1I1IAAIs.~lp\l1 111~(,p-MI't lTILll('h w1th lluxhy, who I(la with W'ushlngtol1 junIor cOil ge A lIttl& con('prn/'d OVI'/' thp "hangp appeul .... ""IL~ira l I'tkll" In lhp thtrd qUarL,,,' the local .IL ' flnul ylctol'y !!Corti of 29 to ] 9. 10 Tl I ~V I ,} r{f ,y II I LI.f>. ('nl., D ~l'. 2U ·hn.ll1'eltm' .E. I r. IAndltr)l (llN('uKM nms M' I NES (AP)Raro1d 1fll­ (wuy Ii,~ ".,lIr·!:c , ," ·~tar "Uti", h"1" • 1Ia l1cll cn.pped by thu s mall court ,l{l'lhr, . (i\ pi- ned halrpd Dono Itl Hut' tile Houth. 23 vlclol"), over Drnlce ttnlverslty I)un p f,·w tlnYH 1I1~ """rlalol~ ~ IO I1R of the current Hcason to van. em ('aUfornla 1111dwl nt r tennis Lawrenl'S J"I'luuy r""," Wil._I" " g-. her last night. Utah took th I ad to Jll'llr flallt'y. fU"n"'I' ,wI'I'lIll'"rI Ir'~...... ,., ... ".". qUl s lr the big Monticello oultit. Be· ct1c, whose leadprshl., .... 'rY""'" AFTERNOON NOISEMAKERS un Ht .gulJ.rd and fonYllrd, respectively, of the American Olympic commit· ClJ:DAR FALLS (Al'l-sl;:teen . ,tl," "., 26c h.. 1 • ~1Ir.r In te hilS bern ahl1 l'ply'rit Idzer1 In Jowr~ Alatll 'L'Nlchcrs coll ege mlsk t~ ~VENING 'J'lh ·!:tI$IIIILyCd Iho lJt>st CO"m, wtth Ed n, .... ~.., of • Includes Stille Sales Tax RIII111[) some 'Iuurtel·s. drow Vl'rllal !Jou' ban plnye"R Cllt short t heir holiday ~,. '('111<: S(, JU ~ ~ - ~ illil enter, leadlllir the lI10nll 8cOr· "".'0'" .I.~ ..I ' ~n g with H('ven mlLri( erS, 1Illlllc(l QU t8 fl"Om thl" National Culleglut vO-catlon", Monday i f) rl't urll (Or thl!> Klilltl Thll t old III vurlte or )' Otlr~ with n '111(' V(·rtr·H ,1'001 Iwlt lJu skelij ..lid thrce freO Alhlotlc IIsaoc/uliuII lollay. ~ lr8L uf H~ Ve, \ twO·U.·dlly ilrlt1s In I" UKI cltllglltlllt new star. Ahrow8. pr:<'pu ru.t10n fOr lilA NMt}l Dakota. s hllll' 111 IIlWR • 'It!, fir I \ ReAervOr! Win a lso garnered eight murkcrs ofter game 11 rij JUIl. 1. AL JOLSO~ vall"1 '111 .. pl'ellmlnory game, lh Cll), 1~l1 uklngIO ul' personal foule. 'I'wo nlshts aftcr lhe PnnlMrs and Ihlgh l'eservp8 praotically dUI)lIca t cd l'overt Lead!! I'Ioorlnl pin y th North C ntl'o l con ference The o:IIOml)lonH tl1P y play IL l"f'lUrll gllml\ ImEI than "THE THIN MAN ' 1.he f~at of th. varsity matl'R by ('O"I,,'t led tho scoring for the SYBIL JASON Moral, H • wllh arlnndl uL (l'·lnncH. '.rhll (lQt'ualing Lhe Monticello r serves. lcam Clr ombil\,od Llttlo Hawk IICC· in ~11l1 ~ "anthe' I's won tho flrHl gu me, 22 to Of Marcull 29 LII 18. The gume proved to 1Jo ond lIt.r.llIl(el·S tIJ1d lIophomore8, "eg~ Ik!O I ( IS. rQlrly even for tha first hair, !Jul IHt ' ('lu K" nine ~Int" before going "Sin~ing Kid'" knOt·J. the IIIlcond lialf the 1011'1\. CIUan,; Otli. or Lito galll 011 (0111' of n!lea. .players "r l,ol'Ung WPI" Ocorge \n JUI·OJ. began \.0 drive througlj. for bllllket H~sl(1 II the~e U"'ell hIgh Bcorerll, OUiuly. a t.'Ol·1l 0 Pellel'HO Il , Qeorgo NEW YEAR'S hOI '1 iifter bll,!lket to make tho ,batlle Ii. WII Uuckley ond 10& McOlnnls Miner, N Ol' man Munuhlp, Wllllu", Also EVE HOW 11 01 .rout. I pluy d lit !ldy ball .t th two guard RimA, J1Jd Trefzg r , Mli lt-olm MeLel. BUCK JON~ WIth PA U L LUkAS ~, r " Arlo ROlerS, gam& captain. WDJ! posta. 'llnd Ilnll Qlenn 801 11hll.. forwards; ""Tli - 1I0R. " {ll<;'r vo It HE!fERv.ml in MADGE EVANS lort I \)11' outata.ndlnl man on the floor, ]'or the Monti reserves, Redman, So!J Curtis, Roy Mfll'Un IUld JOfl ~ERrp;NTINI~ HELEN VIN80N />lit: 'rs ' 0 WI two pla.ylnr ...tel1lU noor It.IM al1d and forward, looked the 'l'erze. rcnt r8; Darrell Block , John ~ "FOR THe copwln MAY RoalON bloOd \rerlaterlnr 4Ilrht pOln", HI. rllll- best, II1l>klng thr bask la and lWo ny Lee, KolUl McCI1))1.'. R Illll ll Yat SERVICE" DAVID JACK !lOLT .. U jDIIlI' Platll ~t to~ard, JI~ luckley, Ifr lhrowD for all elal\l poInt total. cha.k and orlffln EnOrq, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 80, 19M ---- • 'Sol Runlored No. 1 Choice for Syracuse Coaching Position IowaM tor NCAA Fights THIMBLE THE.4TER ST.4RRlNG POPEYE ~w, pOPPE\, POli, May uce (1 Post-Season LOOI< so BLUE - TQI.\R ~ MrLl PROiE(.\< Vie Ran ' 01 Grid Contests YA-I SEl WE. WILL n y noR CAVAGNARO Coaches Plull No (;hang NJlJW YORK. Dec. 29 (AP}-Extra In FOI Rtf I Pa. H ourrlrul I' football ga.me,s Of the Jutt'rierf'uc('I Rille I)OHt SP!l8on "bowl" and all sta.r moti'ur·prorl'88lontl.1 variety were vl/l'OI'nuAly opposed today by the flY AI ..." Agi. SlAt annual conv nUOA of the Na- Inll'l/I (01' ... I'h /III'" In 111<' (ur\l:1I1'11 lIonal COI!~lI'lal e Athletic ll88ocla,. JlIl IIIIPrrl'relll" ('111, "MI>I'~lolly 1/1111. wllh Ihl' 1I1t'0 or I{'(IIII III III' tlma· ,!'he convention approved the !ale lie eh I1ICI r or onl 1111, 1"'11\4111<'., Iltzlffi out ulm"l I "oI1WIHdy ltldlly, or rodln hl'OOdcaslllll!' rights of I.tJ fur UM till' 1II",1rlln I'""tl~,1i (ooUJal! 8'llm 8. 0. matteI' which

11110 pl'omlnence within the ~------______-: ___ ..!... ______Coachu 1l~"lJdfttlulI I~ ",,,"·,·rl\l·d. (lalO Anel' Ilf'l"Imm ·11111' thr<'lu<1t Ih lusl tClv yellrs when weslern unlver· flro, hulr uf Ih.l(' I wo I.II'y alllluol inoptlnl. 1I"1"IlLulol tll IIltl"k oratorical II111PII sold llleir games to com mer· Ihrusl. orr lLU'klt, alld vh'wlng mo· rlol sponRors and the move was token up .In the east by YIIJe last Champion New York Giants Purcha'se Albany Ball .Club tlon Jllrture .lYhlt'Ill·!', I hI' IIl1lJol'lty "r collcg~ (·o:trlWR nWllp It I'lear they [011. (II·or no rhang.· III tI'" I'xlHllnl; API)I'ove BroadcMt Iowa State Cagers Ozzie' All Stars KPOkuk gl(Tpgnllon. but th hovlI ruk , pv n II1(Hll(h nll'")' f.·,· I tilt­ '''lw~v er, th convention's approv· Travis Jackson Gophers Produce 206 Coa(~hes "PI' tiN'(] (rom ~11t'1,. h~? .Irlll IW·I·pl· .. ln Iin/l h)' &,1'11111'011 .. frldals al of footOOIl bl'oadcasts ended Tn Readine s For Defeat Hillsboro H(,I 1111 1I1al It shmlld lJt'. 111('1'.. II J' commended lhat lhe Strong Utah Team Quintet, 47 to 31 , " Ri':tl /Spn lltll"nl co:tche.J 01 college teams "and all May Run Club For Colleges Throu~hout Land trlc.klt'r nI nouoc· "1~lnlll¥ lln[Or6H' H 11!·\"t'lullllh·nts pllt~r8 aSSOCiated with the Co nduct AMP.S, D~c. 211- WltI, ; h E' 111 LUi U no, De '. 29 (R~la l to rn&tomll'l'1I ...·o uk! pia,. ou ul' tin ;.ttl UHIl 14.1 1,11j\ th~ i~!i'H' tlJ) . rI.'olieg.. f/POt'IRi shOU ld b 11"'8tl'Il Ined amr JII.INNEAPOLIS (AP)-Unlvel'Slty Is 1I0W "oachlng tlt lila Unlvpt'llity 'Ph" Dully l owlfn/-O?1.I~ RIr,llll04111 "xhlltillofl In wltll til ull lll~ rlUUj' I HI)lotTiI\\' • I do 11 "U trom makJn8' public statements con· Unlv~nllty or Utah gome looming International League or Mlnnes()[a coaching meU1Od.8 alh or AtlzOIlU; ",lItl" Q org~ MYI'Um. I.oodoll I \It III ]..Otlt/Oll, tOo Ot.>e. 30. m!'lI1b~I'~ Llw .lnd think Ih(T" I~ ItI',l' (j',,1 cnlhll'llt lalnln &, rore<.'lUIt~ or probable reo of 1&Wa. State pea,· to \Ut va set same sort at reo· hlA troltl'll of luurlng IJQj\k,'t· Outfit to Be Moveil (IU ort .. rl ('It, fllle] Earl • ro.rtJlleau' IIllht, for rhangillK till' 1'l'c."llt H,I" tI till· suits," coll ege basketball sqll!ld are under· \ll'd hecause 2013 rot'mer Mlnnesota • llel /I cl\gerll l'IlC'kl'd lIll u. tl~cl~lv, .7 going RtI'pnIlOllS wOI·IIOUts iJll8 III 1)l1S8 1I11"r[ II'U""," u'·clal".t LUll Sllbsldization To Jersey City mell are hlU'ldllnll' nthletlcs In halrtmck 011 lhu J921 I 'am that to 31 vlcto.·y 'lV r I\. th/)f(lughl) out. wj'"I, IIndPl' I hp dlreet Ion of Coseh JJilk o[ ('olulllbla, elml nllall ur thP '1'1'" !lllghelll'S ot sub~ldI7AtlOII, l'e' schools oC mor than one. halt the c10sP v"rd Glb"on I lIcs. MyrullI 18 a thletic dlrt-ctol' ll.t 'I'll during ~he all.(lny sell!llon but all "n ~, 1,\ ~~, n and Do hilUM 81M\' ror ulon unlfuflll ~oa.ch In Minnesota, w hile 1UO oth· ror rh l' pvenlng, Pilina liP 35 \IOIIIt8 new j)8II8ln/f alld klcltlng It \l'llll lh JlCnae or the convention went Into Ihe bascball farm busl· and JC1hnsou ru+ gUIl I'ds, lind Thomp· CuSto vus Adolphus coli te, C... n!ilb''''ut 10H·I'''..... tatlufl lit ers are coaching III outllide BUlteR. hNwel'1I Ihem. net aa InnovaUona, lilY 99 per cellt rul, Lit II~ i1ctdftl I IJ I~I collpg"l1 handl thl; problems ness III 0. big Wt:Ly illy plo"lng a deal son t:Lt oentl"·. 11 Is ex.p41Ct ed tllllt I She .pupils ot th late Dr. ll. Lo . pelel', Mlnl', whl! Mat'lltteau• Ia.t r Monduy nlghl the A II·SIIlJ'tI lOSt a. pt th coli toot ball play 1"11 today whereby tllPY look over the Albany Ihls ll lieu!' wilt ])p lIsed the Oel"n;,;- Rpnpnl~ 1-"''' lh"tll~ lv es. ~lnSl. Williams, In charII' ot Mlnn 80ta, Itn all·AIIIPI·Icu. hulti.l!l It, \II bIlc](fi Id lhJ'l/llng 27·19 gam to Ull' ( t wellr 113.1In .1l1c1 pant. OIl til neld, John L. Griffith ot Chicago, whO club of Ihe Intenla tl onal league westel'l1 Im'ndel·s. Drills bave been twice dally tOI' l'ootbalL up to 1921, ar promln nt conch Il.l prin~pton university, Willi rcel~cled pl'es}denl of the and moved It to Jerooy CIty. lhe CyclonE' cagl'l's wllll floor work, In welllel'n conrerenc football. N.C.A.A, expl'Ull for.noons: Afternoon ses. methOds to Ole W)11Iam8' llllWda.rd: Ill'" lenn Sl;'lLld and Wll1la.m Bevlln LelrlE Dlegltlmately BubBldlzed \n plete. OWner Joe cambria. ot lhe aions haw leal ured team organlza. Bentle Blermn, head coach; Dr. at Tula.n .. unlv<'l'slly, New 01'1 ails; all' e. 011" collegea than was true 25 or Albany club Infol'llwd Fran II tlon. George HauseI'. line coach; ALbel'L filIon Bruhn, Amherst colll;'ge; phil fill y.ara ago." Shaugnessy, PI'ealdent ot the Inter· The TJtoh l,'1lll1P l.. ihe tlnal one P. Boston, end coach, a nd Sig llal'. BengHtOIl, Unlvel'sllY {J[ llttSoul'i; WI I] r Re lll ~ lltlllloll nation a.! league, that tIle Giant of 1930 fOL' the ycloll"" Ilnd prp. I'ls reserve coach. 'l','d ('0". Old Ellice, Gnphc\, lackl In 1918, la, C'Il'v~nger, chairman tlf t:L speclnl finished las~ In 1936. LA ll'A YJo}1'TJo}, Ind., Dl'e. 2n-The cOIl101lltl'O ll.ppolnlcd ll. yel1.l' ago to "Jackson hasn't lIeen offlcinlly I·l'llllla.tion or Pl1rLlU," ij quintets IlS thl'('''' fl'fJlll 11I111 0ls uud Ilvp rron\ \lIvI'Mltg;Jtl" "lnrluencE'g advel' to notified of the ol'l:el'," said yOUJIl!' (III: Central College Five "polnt-a·mlnut" ",ell" or basket· Inwlt 1I1Il' III' r"r Iho or.~nlng the b,*,l Interests or IntercoJleglale !;tonehs.m, "but the job Is his It he ball has ~l1r(l'red not u. whit rrom Ranked' as 'Dark l'oUIlII blJ,lll~H III th~ ~"co",1 Il\lnol.•• 81'01'l," bl'ld that post· season rool· want& It. And I Imll.glne he'll be lhe pcrCol'IIlIUICe of Ih current VUe ball ",..un"s ha.vc no pal't In athletic delighted wit h the chance now I hat deren(lIng fomllll1Allotl Wlllch l13s Hor e' of Tourney Iowa. llll'nnmCnt Ilt AUQ'lIstalla eol· I~g" .lUll . ~, Ih(l Flylllg Dulclllnl'n "because /luch games his majol' league cnreel' scems 10 t:LVI'I'tl8P(1 RII~hl Iy live" 44 poln ts a or sound edllcallollal ends, ,\:I over." gallic In l'ilalklng up six su'alght 'ROCT, 18LAl-W, 111. (A Pl-Whfn Ct'ntrat colleg '. p"nu. la., will I>~ Pl'Omolions HI'l'ely trade Jersey City will tl'aln Ilexl spring vlclol'leR 111 thl> p,'p-confpl'l'ncl' eight college basketball tealll!!- l'egul'de.1 Ill! th" .. tllll·ldlor~Il" I'ntl'y -collegiate toolllaU tOl' In C ulfllOr\, M Iss. A Itho1lgb lhe schl' llolI~''''nn 11(,1'" !laVA 0/ tho meet. , 'I'I\(' ('rl111bOIl ('Ial.l 1)11 tl'l,,"!!n , Iowa \\'}Ulh' t'l,a I"&.; t ... 1 UJlII' ('ummercilu IIUI'J}OM'S." Giants have 011 but completed their rackl'd up " lotal or 265 1101nt8 In Eleven out or the 16 l'IlnyN's who "n1.,kt \Ill • )tt'11 IlliJHls nhuUl lh '\IlIRleur· I'l'o Games 1987 ~Jll'ing tmining exhlblt.lon n RPx t Pt or 1'1lgngPtlwnis with rlIPh' have appeared In games I!O [a.r thIs c"nf"I'l'nte I·IHlll1plollS In 1!'3~·3G. lJUtNHltt 'Jr u. J!1i1"t.' lif'furf Ih{'~' pVf.I'r With regards to amateul'·protes· schedule, S~oneha", said 0. {elY 'n"1 b"cnlclng nttack, while the op' seaRon have broken lnto the 1)OInt will hrlng a \'~Irrnn Ipnm t,) lhe eU 1I1i t hfl rit'til II nil HR tl t'on8P~ 81unal IlII·star games, lila committee games wilh thl' Jel'~ey C,lY farm pool lion haN been held to 17l column, with J well Young {(nil 'l'rlh(' "r \'1I{ln~ toul'llaml'nl. TIll' GOl.1> W"''T1::~ TL)~Ne:1> 'TO A qUtolH'l\ tnk. thl~ tllUl)- way OUt In t!Illd "we Illlve no Quarrel wl~h pro· would be StLndwlche(l In. polnLq, IUl average of 28 ]·2 pel' Johnny Sines, vet ran junior fOI" ('en trill I !lIn, couc\lPd hy Len 'Vln. 8ttILI.IANT GREeN .....Rt..Y "taklllg I.alritne .I'.'d.loos." II.' ["98lonru football, but at the same game, 10 give Purdue an average wards, h a.dln1l' tb f)8,I'!id1' willI GI Lt,t', Cl'll w!'11 h,· togg<'d "danll'el'Ous" ,.o~y 1,,\11,,(\ "oft\('lals urI' unly time \\'s bellcve Intercollegiate vlcto,·y margin or over ]G points. and 48 poi nts, respectively. hy allY file tllnl tI\1' Dul('hn\Cn m(·el. L,lt tI,,,t' lh' troulJlt ." {ootbull shoul(l be entirely divol'ced ('():J('hlng :-'lltIl(~u .... ,1'Om It ll.nd should ho.ve no jl/ll't [(tOjP(U'L Iud . ·(, Ut1u'r~r('put"l8 with It, and thnt Jnst]tuUons which t'll'<. uwtPtl hi rt'''ol.lf'c t to ,·vtr, t ho y the well being or Intercolleg· DIAL DIAJ.;-' I hOkeul', III "ou('hln&, 1"'1' .)fI1l I. 'J'h~ toothttll at heart should PI''''' The cl or ,,,'UIIIN,, 1\I("l'lIIalt"lI hal tI venl th II' conches and otber memo 4191 4,191 _ t ~ Il u~ 111111. 001'/1 Iowan Want Ads Bring Result IIIIII)w III ,It, ""11 •. ",... ot theIr staft trom participat­ l'ttl"_l Ing In lIuch gwnes." Sports "yrlu'lt,: ""11 tUlIlld,·t! r{'. -oll'm, nOl a l. un an amateur basls." NEW YORK , Dec. 29 (AP)-Punts THESIS REQUlREMIDNTS ,rlnud IA Bol4 tnt below. IUW:I, :-'Ii. 1 I'holer tor helld Personnel 'or 1937 and Intercepted ,pusses from the Approved Bond Papers Sttldent Rental Purchase (Special Prlos for Ream Boxel) ""olh:lll l'UW'h tu ~ul'('''''ll V Rulea commlttee'll personnel for gll.9houae huddles of tho nation's Plan 1I11ru.un. )!'red , 'hOIW, " or Ar. 1937 Included: 0 High Grade Carbon Paper football masler minds: Typewriters to Renl- III'n<"'\ II nll II, ,\I"\l Im"K or Foolball: Chairman, Walter Oke· Every coach will sob on YOUI' ROYAL Illll_ III.,.. IIpr \lilt IJU thll .. II. aon, Ll'hlgll; secretary, W. S. Lang· should er and confldc that h is Is the WILLIAMS TYPEWRITER SHOP rlbl Ihb fot' the fool ball lob. tord, New York City; Am06 Alonzo ha.rde&t jo\) In football, but a quick JpWA SUPPLY 122 Iowa ave. (near Iowan) \llrhh;an' 1)0 ;"Ite I' "lilly IlUb· Slngg, oU ge City or I'acillc, Ilte poll of masler minds today ga.ve The store wIth the Red Sip 1I"11t'1I 1'&porl .. "r pI' 11l1nll' ~hlike uP , member. th ~ doubtf\ll honor to Clark Sht:Lugh· lIurry l{l)lk(' prubllLly will continuo Assocla.ted footOOIl: Cha.l rmaJl, nessy of the University of Chicago. HAULING hK hl',"1 (·(lU(·h . t"I'hlln,. If. yusl, Burnham M. Dell, Prlnc Ion; Thom· Shaughnessy, flgul'e his pals of PRIVATE SCHOOLS I h" Ilt hlt'l ", ,111'1'1'1 Ill'. 0 n,1 Klpllr nB Denl, Darlmouth; Robert Dunn, the gridiron. has less mo.terllli than LONO DISTA..NCII &lit ...... hlm>..!f hor, Iltl VI I'IV , ullhoUKh Hwart11mol'c; Douglas Stewart, any big time coach lbecause a foot· DANCING SCHOOL - BALLROOM baullo • • Furniture movecl. __

I,,'h,"hnl! Ih f I"'. Ihlilly "f rlll·th~1' hall player mU.t be 0. slar stadenl tango, lAp. Dial 6767. Burkley awl abtp," til. ('U~~ 'lun Uasketball to get Into Chicago at a ll and be· hotel. Professor Houghton. THOMPSON j TR4.Nsra 00.. T .. ~ru; 1'0 '''lillie Ba~ket1lall: hall'man, t... W. St. cause til Big Ten is coll ege foOL· Dial .... 'f"x"~ : " lUrK' fh'hl of p"H~lbllitl II John, Ohio SlAte: OSwald Tower, ball's toUgheBt league. COAL 11.111" ~'lItva",,..,1 III tI.h .cal ' II tor Andover ucad my ; James A. Nal· B~I ' nle I3lct1l1an of M InnesolA lind JIlaImua tbup ... lpeoJal .. t.na rata of wordl la th. ad. The Dumber aDd letter III a r", In .IUf'k ch .. vitclll' tUJ Simughncssy started their coaching "U('.,.· Or "mlth. J1(' 110W Ilt N - KJ(Jhuth, YnlOj A, Eo ElleJ'9, Unl· Use per columD la~ J5.CIO per DIODtb. ..ovln.-saa.... 1 \C8~Y Is fIlI./t . YN, Shaughnessy gets "I'or .Dt," "LoIt," OD .. th. hMlHka, .lI',\ r,'rmJol'I~ III T"xu!t vl!J'slty 01 Wnsl1lngton; Ed Kenn dy, aU Jballar at MelD­ Cla.. ltled advertialq III _ • ,.a wW lie ,... rrtil'bt more money than Bierman. aN ..... toWItt4 la DIlmMr [LUll \1 'I'hrl,oll h"rn!1 01 Il may Columbia; Neils Thrope, Minnesota; .aDI .... tIM total IIIbe4 the toUowllll momlJlf. 8ton1fa The hlglte&t pllld: cOllCh, It WIlH (·on. Iller 1ll"kltl" Ii \lInn from I'·s..~ T~rcd Cady, .soul hern Cnllfornla; C. Crou CounU7 lfalllllw ~~ne l'lllly ngl'ellfl, IH Slip Madigan W!lllAMS ('nnalll(,110I1M r('nk", IIII('h Il" Hlull' 1;:. ["orsyth, high school federo.· 01&1 1411 or Ill. Mot'Y'B beea lise he gets a LOANS CLEANING AND PRESSING ('It,·t·ry, ('Oal'h lit All'" rI il" (T,'x.) tloll. share ot the gl\.lO (·eceillts. LOll Poweref'uU hl l"l1 8('\1001. 'rrnck LIlt! of COlumbia also gcts a 101 'rl·!tck 1I11i! rll'ld: ClmJrm n, Ken· COAl... LOST AND FOUND NOl'lh C'UI'''III111 H'illl," III IIII! All· or dough . The llverage coaoh's pay. Quick Loans pn­ ,It-runn ,·ppnrl'~1 h. WIJJI ""Iunfllng II til \'1I1I!OII, NOl'Ulwesl rn; R. A. LOST: LIGHT TORTOISE SHELL g uess ,lh,e ootU! hes, Is 0 "oUJld $5,000 W~oll., PI&IIIOD4II, BI~ GUllI!, Pill" whll" ('1'1' "d~ otll;111 10 t Pelzer, Ql'lh arollna, and IL W . Let's Start TIIf> glWlscs, phone 4&03. Rewud. I'rr annually. Motore, TYp~"r1~.. Boure 11- rl'n(,WUI or hili (·\>Itlrllcl. And r@ol\ It uKhee, Unlvel'llity ot Colorado, olle Hunk Anc1el'80n, w.ho Isn't q.llite Furnace Lump ...... $8.00 1 1.114 '-' DalIF. LOS'l': RIli!:N'1' LA.vNPRT. R-.b\e. ntal nOI It ~Iak. Amb I'It ,warm d Ill! changes In the Michigan cOll.(l hlng reached 0. new hlll h 10.81 fILII at years, wei ght 1600. Well broke. WANTED TO BUY APARTMENTS AND FLATS .m. Htatt bul became 110 angry with the Syrll.CURo. A ft e,' one dereat. 1\1 1'8. Vic Call at 404 S. DUbuque. Of r J ~obll from th ~tllrt and MEN'S FOR R EN T : APARTMENT, PLUMBING-ROOFING IOtUmcd up hIs adV retll'Y with It newaptlper8 for poppln/f the stOry Hunson, wife of lhe SYl'8clIse couch, SKATESSHA.RPENED room. Dla.t S62 •• wo fisted atlllck which brou/flil that he may change his mInd ILnd ll'ccel ved 1G telephon cn lls (rom clothlnl, ehf)u, e,lo. Shoe repair­ WAN'Mi)D - P.LUMBINO AND bloOd. frOIll Ja Db.' no e 11.' early k pp liarI'), Klpu ... hea4 coach !ana 'Who told bel' wha t a. bum SKATES SHAJPENElD. WILLLuI Ing, K1IJImel, Dial BIOi . Zl W, Bur- FOR R E N T : FIR S T C LAS 8 b~. Larew Co. !21 Ill. W ...... UnBton. _ • ____ . ___ .. apartment. Dial or 11181, .. to. ~ round. &ll)'W&)'. ,~I_'-'-' co&cb bar bWlbaid wu. , 1.. Novotny. ,. S, ClIuwn meet, enG lbi'ton. Pho_ "71, ,jAGE SIX' THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA OJTY WEDNESDA:, DEOEMBER 30, 1936 •

III Rites for Dr. Ellis Will Ta~e Place Tomorrow Dane- Company Chou/leur, Have 2 Delay Action ...... , . . Day. lor Liceme, ,i · · · · · · · · · .. Bid Accepted Free From Examl On Franchise Pastor Dies in Hospital degl'en ttt I he III rr 1:I0hoo\ at Theol. After Dlines8 Of Ogy, IlI\d his D.O. dell ree at ])envcr \ NXI petN lUlU(lI\ On the appll ca. \lnlvel·~lty . To Resurface 48 Miles Toda, Mil ialDOI'1'OW wtll .. the IUili dan fM' "ohnllOlI eou n. .tlo" of tho Iowa Oil)' lJght alld , Several Weeks '01', 1~1l18 beClLl ne a member of the Of Johnson County J\1ethodlst church al Mendon, Ohio, ty chaurteurl to obWn lloellM pow~r company tor a franohlse to F'ullel'al sel'vlce for Dr. Rylvester III 1889 [Ll1d recelvod his !Irsl PIll!­ Roads lor 825,819 fot' US1 without &akl... tbe or L cle trio linca on blglnva.ya I, G E ldon E Llis, 66, resldellt IHlstor ot lOI'ltV" lhut or !:It, PuuI's churCh at 111111 161 casl and nOI·th or here was 1 lhe .1i'1rs MethOdist )'!lllacopnl 00trl~ e ...n1 ....loft8. U ftO U"I'lwal'o, Ohio, In April, 1892. lIO Tho Dane Coal company of Iowa et.... have tIeen NIUO,.. from IIo8tpunec] by the J oh nson county chu" ch of 10Wu. Olty alld »'''101' from 1u;~I~ll'd lIlo palMI'. 'Or. William F. City lIubmltted the low bid of $25,- their 1936 Ueenae., bOltl'd Ot ~upervlSo r8 yesterday. 1912 lJ lOla, wO! be M 2 1> . m. lo­ Uldham. [01' two years, was preal­ 819,06 for tbe resurfacIng of 48,79 Arter tornol'1'ow ~I C'haUrtedrll 'rhls 18 tho second time that ac­ ~IO!It people I know make a leI" mO,·I'OIV · Itt the ,Mothodlat oburch. tl~lll of tho Epworth lougue ror miles of county socondary roads ",III "e requlrtd to Uke NIII tion On the application ha.e been l'11kl ertort 1I0t to bave l1ahcrbotb testified that Seel'lng laHt two years. Above Iterm. live mOI'e lJeCore I die. , . I be. driver, a chef In a hamburger HlUe ot the l'OO.d ns related by Dr. was not Intoxicated at the time Of During the holidays, Miss Ruppert, Heve ill large tantliles ' , . I'm an shop and a ,vaileI' , , , For the last iloga 1\, the accident. Thl) Maher family who rccelved. her B.A, and M.A, de. ollly child mysell. It's bad. Don't two years he has had his garbase DelJie~ Oharge took Seerlnll to the hospital after ;grecs rront the nlverslty or Iowa, 'cver be an only child , . ." I as· route, purcbased from an elderly Seerl nil' alIKJ testified that be did the accident. Is visiting h~r parents at 619 N, Iowa State Bank &Trust Co. ~Il l' cd him 1 wouldn't be-If I could man, and had lived In. Iowa City .. , HOt lell Dr. Hogan 01' Aloort HOS'f.l.n 1. 111~ str 'I t.. Dr. M. J. Magnuasen, In Ierne al help It . ' , "Yes, I've had '" lot of bard Jr" al any Ume that ha had been Corner Wll8hington and Clinton treets the Unlvcrslty hospitaL who exam· luck," be told 1Ue. "But I don't "drinking a little." He denied that 'rho ohl ~e t form .or German\" wrlL-1 Ined Seerlng after the crash, salel 'l'hen last. week 1 sa", him let it get me down. ThIng always he had beC/1 "dl'lnlntertalllnlcllt Ill'ogral1\ with Com· breakfast tomorrow ..• ,·.we ErneHt L. Bright In charge, At Ihe cloed ot the ev~nlng each ,'ccelved a sa k or frult and TIllnk of the wealth 01 iruomlatiol1 before you vel' day! Wbat' new in cereal? Wllat's the mode jn priuted dress goods? What's the latest wrinkle in IUlcher. appliances? The allswe1'8 to these and hundred of other qUe8tion ar hi you.. linger.tip -J jusl lor lurning the pages.

How mucl.. is meaus to Le able to make up your mind be. lore you start out to buy! How many. steps aud ruiuut you're, aved. How well you'r~ able 10 budget your expendIlures - apportion your 1I10lley before you bert" ...

YOtt no longer need to parade from hop to hOI) - coun. ler to counter - looking ••• looking ••• Today you read the adverti8emenbl and Jet the thlnl8 you want and need march belore your eyes lor eompa.ri80n and seleetlon.

Read the adverri"nllenlll daily. Keep In ,tep .oit" the progrelllive parade 01 merc/urradile un IIae printed pale. It pay.r

Principals and tilt! lI\lene or the forthcoming royal wedding IJetweell Crown PrillCetlll Juliaua of the Notll cl'IIlUcls, first· in-line to the throno held by her mother, QUCCI1 WiUlclmiull, ond a ero nard Sur Lippe.Bletiterfeld, German prince, ar 8hown above. 'rile wedding i8 to take place Jan. 7. 'fhe official "bridal fortnight" holiday already has started in town8 and vilJagee through. ~ut th~ N,etherlandJ,