NAAC Re-accreditation Self-Study Report,2015 NAAC Re-accreditation Self-Study Report,2015 VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Barisha, Kolkata 700008, West Bengal Affiliated to University of Calcutta and Accredited by NAAC, B++, 2004, Cycle 1 SELF STUDY REPORT In respect of SECOND CYCLE RE-ACCREDITATION Submitted to NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL P.O. Box no.: 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560072 NAAC Re-accreditation Self-Study Report,2015 VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, BARISHA, KOLKATA-8 Established 1961 Assessed and Accredited by NAAC in B++ Grade in 2004 2445-5044/2445-7575/
[email protected] To The Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) P.O. Box no: 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore- 560072, India Sub: Uploading SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 of Vivekananda College for Women, Barisha, District: South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, Kolkata: 700008 for Second Cycle Re- Accreditation 2015 in our official website Sir, In compliance of our LOI requirements, we are glad to upload our SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 in our official website for Second Cycle Re- Accreditation showcasing the key aspects of the functioning of our college during the post- accreditation period (2004-2014), accompanied by enclosures as listed on the Contents page. I ardently look forward to hear from you on your decision for peer team inspection in our college. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Dr. Soma Bhattacharya Principal Vivekananda College for Women, Barisha, Kolkata-700008, Dist: South 24 Paraganas West Bengal NAAC Re-accreditation Self-Study Report,2015 CONTENTS Items Page No. A and B .Preface and Executive Summary and SWOC 1-11 Analysis C.