transport in these cities, we learn cont’d from p. 1 CLASSIC AUSSIE TEXTS even more. BY FRANK ANSTEY, MP.

Cleary, a former hierarch in the Na- Liberal Federal MP John Alexander tional Party, added: The Kingdom Of Shylock and The has talked of a “magic bullet” to Money Power explained the rise of solve Sydney’s growing pains by “At the end of the day Australia finance capital in the early 20th turning it into a “megacity” stretch- needs a population strategy.” Century. What is money? How is it ing from Newcastle to Nowra — all created by private banks? What linked by high-speed rail. Alexan- This scheme serves a population was the nationalist alternative? der said: which has not arrived in the country Frank Anstey was a leading nation-

yet— new colonists! alist of his day and his school of “When you take in Nowra, Goul- thought exists still—with us! burn, Southern Highlands, Wollon- Force behind it gong, the Central Coast, Newcastle Nick Cleary , collaborator who wants to get rich Nationalist Ideological, Historical and Maitland (with Sydney), it’s The forces behind CLARA show it to and Legal Archive: like a 10-city city.” be a private planning agent for glob-

alism and Chinese imperialism. ______Alexander has taken a swipe at his

own government for having “no The working group for the venture is ALEX NORWICK - real plan” on how to “properly” ac- stellar, and has included RMIT’s Pro- commodate Australia’s migrant in- MAJOR PAMPHLETS fessor Ralph Horne and Dr Martin take.” He sees the immigration is- Hook; AECOM’s Joe Langley; GE Aus- sue as inextricably linked to his Electronic versions of Alex Norwick tralia head of strategy and growth push for a national plan of settle- pamphlets can be found at Suzana Ristevski, GE global growth ment. This means recolonisation. and operations head Martin Kennedy; Nationalist Ideological, Historical DLA Piper Australia partner John Gal- John Alexander—feeling very We might now better appreciate all and Legal Archive: lagher; principal of SGS Economics Asian in his electorate the noise being made in Victoria and Planning Dr Marcus Spiller; sen- during the recent State election ______ior research scientist CSIRO Land Marginalization to cleansing about the ‘fast train’ to Shepparton and Water Flagship Dr Neil Lazarow; (a China city will be nearby) and to ALLAN R. JONES professor of public policy and director The process to achieve the marginali- Bendigo (a refugee dump) and Bal- of CSIRO’s National Outlook Dr Steve zation of Australians in various towns larat and Geelong. All these cities National Credit theorist and com- Hatfield-Dodds; and commercial di- and suburbs and areas, while the new will spin around the Melbourne hub mentator on banking and foreign rector of CSIRO’s Land and Water motors of globalization take the new which will also have a mass Chi- economic takeover: Flagship Scott Keyworth. hot spots — is the result of the China nese population likely in a redevel- cities project and related sub-plots. oped Port Melbourne. Then collaborator Andrew Robb who allan.jones.9674 fronts for Chinese interests is also Fake agendas like Agenda 2030 en- NSW Nationals leader John Bari- ______connected. sure special facilities for the global laro, said in 2017 that “part of the growth precincts and various State funds the state received from the - MAJOR Wheels within hubs planning laws create new CBDs in sale of the Snowy Hydro scheme Sydney and Melbourne that rest upon WORKS AND ARTICLES will go towards identifying a new The eight-cities-plan would be a their status separate from the Aussie rail corridor for a fast train line be- spine that would bind the eastern suburbs around them. As our social Jim Saleam has contributed to the tween Sydney and Canberra.” seaboard to China. But Sydney and well-being fades, the new colonists academic analysis of Australian na-

Melbourne are the essential prizes. push us aside. This is cleansing and tionalist and patriotic politics and Again, empire building via rail lines! So in the plans to improve (sic) the we intend to resist! as an activist who has helped to define it in the struggle.

Neither Left Nor Right! A Third Position! His work can be located at:

Nationalist Ideological, Historical has al- Nativism meant Australia would and Legal Archive: ways been a Third Position in poli- create an identity founded upon a tics. European ethnic and cultural base, but with a blend of European back- - and in a documents site, which That means it sits neither to the grounds and with a cultural expres- contains much of his older journal- Left, nor to the Right. sion all our own, native to our soil. ism and analysis:

Many people mistakenly consider Labourism meant a social ethic and our nationalism to be ‘right-wing’, programme that would build a ______or even an ‘extreme right-wing’ po- Workingman’s Paradise where all Jack Lang - nationalist who fought sition. The media often uses that could earn property by honest la- for people against finance capital labelling. bour and reach a standard of living that could support a progressive sides. How could it be? For Australian nationalists, the Left and enlightened community. was historically represented by The Left and the Right have always Marxism and its variants. However, Literary radical-nationalism meant sought to involve Australia in the af- over time, it morphed into various the cultural-political statements of fairs of great powers and foreign forms of aggressive globalism and the Australian ethos put to verse ideological contest. hyper social-liberalism. In which- and prose and philosophy. It had ever mode we cite it, nationalism shown that the New Man in Austra- On the contrary, for us, a Third Posi- neither sought to seize all property lia could be worthy of the freedom tion is a system of thinking which and govern a totalitarian economic- and opportunity granted. puts a people and its values, includ- political order, nor to break down ing its cultural ethos, and its general the natural barriers between peo- These three elements in a dynamic community wellbeing, beyond eco- About Audacity ple, be it race, or nationality, or fusion inspired a Vision Splendid for nomic reductionism and foreign alli- Established 1977. gender, or spiritual position. our Continent Nation, a new coun- ances. Re-established 2007. try in the South Pacific, independ- For Australian nationalists, the ent and free. This was the Promise Yes, time moves on. The broken re- The Bulletin of the 21st Century Right was historically articulated by of the early Australia which was lost mains of the Left and the Right are the conservative movements and after the Second World War in sub- the psychic play-tools of a globalist That which failed to destroy us, parties and spoke for the wealthy urbanism and consumerism and via system. They have resonance in that only made us stronger. class. However, it too has evolved the ultimate betrayal - the overturn people affiliate “Left’ or ‘Right’, and into the free market libertarian con- of ‘White Australia’ in 1966. This think they fight each other, while in Subscription: Audacity will be cept, with or without ‘traditional’ Australian creed was already nei- truth they agree about just about moral and family ideas attached. ther Left nor Right. everything globalism requires for published seasonally. $10 for 4 Howsoever, it was defined and is them to be system-loyal. In an odd issues. Cheques / money orders defined today, nationalists never When these historical reference way, there are but now two posi- payable . acceded to the control of Australia points were taken up again by the tions— globalism on the one side and by the bunyip elite, nor did they modern nationalist movement as it another based upon the idea of Iden- Our logo is the Janus head im- endorse the notion that a free mar- emerged from the 1970s an oppor- tity. Nonetheless, as a political tool, posed upon the Southern Cross. ket can provide for all national and tunity to rebirth then modernize the the fight is also fought with popular This Roman god looked back- social and other needs. original principles, was possible. conceptions so Left and Right still wards and forwards, binding

stand as useful tools against which a past, present and future Australian nationalism grew out of So the failures of the old Left and new position can articulate itself. The three inter-related forces that Right were reviewed. The Third Po- Third Position is the modern Austra- Audacity, printed and authorised emerged in the late nineteenth cen- sition would not be an arbitrary lian nationalist movement. tury. We speak of nativism, labour- synthesis of the Left and Right, by J. Saleam 725 Princes High- ism and literary radical-nationalism. supposedly ‘taking the best’ of both (Edited from notes left by Alex Norwick) way, Tempe, 2044 Neo-liberalism Is An Economic Failure (Part One) (by Graphite)

Neoliberalism, Globalization, Free people to spend more money on because it makes the economy lar- Markets, Economic Rationalism or housing Shares & consumer goods. In ger. China’s and India’s economies Neoconservatism are possibly the the U.S.A. Workers real pay has not are larger than Australia’s but on a stupidest idea the World has ever increased since the 1970's. Australia GDP/population basis we are miles seen, so stupid that it has to is now going the same way. ahead. Wooden in the book change its name every few years or "Australian Immigration - A Survey so. These ideas have dragging the Industrial output seems to reflect the of the Issues" admitted that post World's economy to a near halt, deeper situation in the economy and war immigration, did nothing for the only to be propped up by £170 tril- for working people. From 1990 to working person in Australia. lion of debt, (government and pri- 2010 the value of manufacturing in vate). Australia has halved and still heading Immigrants do not often directly south. take jobs, but they certainly put They are based on neoclassical eco- downward pressure on wages and nomic theory that has been shown Tied in with this is the lack of partici- conditions, especially when over to have failings, dating back to pation in the workforce. Australian one third of the working population Even the World Bank realize that 1926. Bureau of Statistics show that at the don't have a job. population growth is an impedi- moment there are 5 men who do not ment to the well being of countries. The free market will bring about "a have a job for every 1 man who is Malthus in 1798 established the They have a program to educate new Golden age" has been the de- receiving the dole, compared to when concept of the Malthusian Trap. He girls that is shown to be the best luded cry for some decades, but there was full employment in 1969. At said wealth was tied to the area of way to slow the birthrate. now many countries are trying to the moment the workforce participa- cultivated land, and as population do backdoor protectionism. tion rate is 64.8 % and in 1969 it was increases wealth decreased. The Industrial / Agricultural Policy 96 %. The situation for women is Industrial revolution prevented this Selling off government instrumen- about the same if not worse. This is a prediction occurring. The worst thing about Australia's talities was to deliver better ser- disaster for the working people of industrial agricultural policy is that vices at cheaper prices. The oppo- Australia. Karl Marx restated the problem of there is none! site has happened. How can you overpopulation but in slightly differ- have competition with one set of Interest rates are at an all time low ent terms. He put it that if a popu- Over the last 4 decades we have wires for telephone or electricity or which is an indication that business lation increase this pushes down the seen industrial output fall dramati- pipes for water going to your prop- activity (or inactivity) is worse than amount of pay the factory owners cally, many farmer go to the wall or erty. A government instrumentality during the Great Depression. are prepared to offer. A supply & suicide, “leaving it to the free mar- could have done better if they were demand situation. ket”. With that we have seen jobs properly funded. How come I see and endless flow of go overseas and the decline in the Mercedes + BMW going up + down It seems that the current high im- workforce participation rate. This Selling off government instrumen- the road with the occasional Ferrari, migration rates are being used to all happened as the tariffs & assis- talities was to free up government or Maserati and with a Rolls-Royce crush the working people of Austra- tance where reduced. money. The lie is that money is cre- thrown in for good measure. lia. ated endogenously (within the sys- From 1820 to 1940 the U.S.A. had tem) out of thin air. Then on the other hand I see people There is now evidence that a reduc- highly protectionist policies and sleeping rough, under bridges in tents tion in population is beneficial to a was the most protectionist country Another hallmark of neoliberalism is and in public shelters! Wilkinson & country as a whole. in the world at times. the abandonment of the manufac- Picket have an explanation for this in turing and farming industries in their world wide study into inequity in After the bubonic plagues that hit Robert Walpole the first British preference for finance. The three the first world, they have Australia at Europe in the Middle Ages the ren- Prime Minister (1721 to 1742) countries that has the most impres- the 4th most unequal country studied, aissance was triggered by the re- made a similar policy for the U.K. sive economic growth in recent behind the U.S.A, Portugal and the duction in population. This possibly led the industrial times, China Germany and South U.K. This is despite having vast de- revolution. In more recent times Korea have had a lot of backing posits of natural wealth all over coun- Reducing population made the the South Korean government with from the government for their try. poorer richer & the wealth went very interventionist policies gave manufacturing industries. throughout society. This is opposite them a G.D.P/pop growth 3.4 times Modern Money Theory to the trickle down effect. It is said greater than Australia between Intellectuals like Noam Chomsky that the same thing happened after 1980 + 2016. That is despite Aus- and Joseph Stiglitz are very much A group of Post Keynesian economists the first world war through the loss tralia having a massive amount of against neoliberalism. Stiglitz who have developed Modern Money The- of population. Minerals. was responsible for putting it in ory (M.M.T.) to counter Neoliberalism. place initially has a 6 hour mono- They look at the greatest scam of our The richest countries on a GDP/pop Steve Keen says that there is a logue on YouTube pointing out the time the creation of money. In our basis are countries of very small group from Harvard University that failings of globalization. He said F.I.A.T. monetary system private population, Luxembourg, Switzer- looks at the diversity in economies that he hoped it would unite the banks + Central Banks do create land, Qatar, the Scandinavian Coun- around the world, and has found world. It has but against globalisa- money endogenously (within the sys- tries, Ireland, Singapore and that diversity in the economy not tion. tem) out of thin air + at zero interest Brunei. specialisation is an indicator of fu- rate. In a March 2014 statement on ture success. But deficient Australia The main reason why Australia has YouTube release by the Bank of Eng- All the first world countries have low is on a par with Jamaica and Zim- not experienced a sharp down turn land confirmed this. birth rates, if high birth rates & in- babwe! is because we have increased the creases in population was necessary amount of private to 180% of M.M.T. do not want the private banks for wealth, the rich & poor countries Education G.D.P.. Professor Steve Keen says to have the ability to create money. would be the other way around. that this level of debt is breaking This should fall to the reserve bank of Australia is not an uneducated point for an economy, and the in- Australia. In the near future the world is going country and spending increasing terest on the debt takes surplus to experience an explosion in Ro- amounts of money will not create money out of the economy which When loans are repaid money disap- botics taking many jobs, from pick- Jobs or wealth, but slowing im- causes it to flat line. pears back into the system, this is ing fruit & Vegetables to preforming ports and increasing exports assur- why we do not have incredible infla- highly skilled surgery & medical di- edly will. G.D.P and Measuring the Econ- tion. The main thrust of M.M.T. is agnosis, so the fact that we persist omy that the government should create with high immigration is an excep- Distribution of educational re- enough money to get us out of our tionally cruel weapon to use against sources will help the disadvantaged current economic hole. the working people of Australia. more, but the advantaged groups We constantly hear about G.D.P. would not too happy about that. Growth but what is G.D.P. and When we where on the "Gold Stan- China & India have very large Business will have to invest in G.D.P. growth? Gross Domestic dard" the amount of money in the economies but there are still hun- training of their workforce more Product is measurement of the size economy was directly related to the dreds of millions people living in and value their skills. of a country's economy. It multi- amount of Gold held by the Reserve poverty. China has put a large effort plies the amount of money in the Bank of Australia. When the govern- to keep their population growth Taxation economy by the amount of times it ment wanted to spend more money down and they are rewarded by a circulates (Velocity). When the they had to issue Bonds by getting a dramatic increase in G.D.P./pop + I hate paying tax as much as the economy slows down or inflation Loan. This took money away from G.D.P growth. next person but having low tax drops the reserve bank lowers in- business wanting to expand their rates just means the rich pays less terest rates. This usually increases companies (pushing up interest tax and the working people either the amount of money the banks rates). Under a F.I.A.T economy this The Middle Class can protect them- pay for services or miss out com- lend which is one of the few ways no longer happens. selves from competition for jobs pletely. Taxation is the main way that the government control the from the majority of migrants who the Australian government makes amount of money in the economy. Immigration do do not have good English skills us a more equal country to live in. which limits their ability for employ- Up until now this has encouraged Neoliberalism wants more population ment of better paying jobs. Con’t p.5 Cory (the Tory) Bernardi: A conservative deception?

Our friends in the Australian Protec- to join with Pauline Hanson?” Why tionist Party published this article start his own party? now reproduced verbatim and with permission. To answer this question, one must begin to understand the subtle but THE Australian Protectionist Party important differences in the broader has been asked recently by a num- Australian Right. Bernardi may be ber of sources what we think of against the Left, but he is still part Cory Bernardi and his new of the Right Wing Establishment, “Australian Conservatives” party, and he is being promoted for a rea- and whether we would hypotheti- son. cally look at joining forces with them, as a number of other micro- In some ways, Bernardi has a lot parties have been considering do- going for him. He’s slick, articulate, ing. socially conservative, and, unlike so many of Australia’s opportunistic Our response is an emphatic NO — sell-out politicians (who simply and, for the benefit of readers and swing with whichever way the wind supporters, this article explains blows), Bernardi is a man with genu- Cory Bernardi: was a Liberal, is a Liberal and playing the satellite role. why. ine political convictions. This may be to his credit, but therein lies the trap A careful reading over of the listed for patriotic-minded Australians. For by too much government spending, “Australian Conservatives” weren’t policies on the Australian Conserva- all the things Bernardi gets right, and the solutions are to slash gov- “racist” — if they had a high-profile tives website reveals very much there’s plenty he gets wrong. ernment spending (and services) Kenyan on board. what we expected from Bernardi: A and manically privatise state-owned commitment to free trade, “market Be in no doubt, Cory Bernardi did assets, to pay off the debt to the What a shame. In recent times, we’ve forces”, lower taxes and regula- not start his “Australian Conserva- bankers who created that debt- seen the development in Australia of tions, opposition to tariffs, an “ethic tives” merely to siphon votes away money in the first place, and then a new narrative favoured by the An- of reciprocity” in our “foreign in- from the Liberal Party to his political charged bank interest on top. drew Bolts, Cory Bernardis, the Mur- vestment and free trade agree- Left. He also had every intention of doch press, and numerous voices on ments”, and recognising our “Judeo siphoning votes away from Pauline Bernardi has had a long association the Christian Right. By going really -Christian” heritage. There is also Hanson and other patriotic voices on with fellow South Australian Bob hard against Islam, they could per- unequivocal support for the nuclear his Right, bringing them back under Day, who was also once a candidate haps strengthen a declining Christian- power industry in Australia, whilst the broader Tory umbrella. Bernardi for the Liberal Party in SA. Day, like ity, whilst also shoring up support for universities “must be made finan- is therefore potentially a seductive Bernardi, is a committed free New Right economics, and other Neo- cially accountable for the educa- deception to many Right-leaning, trader, and was the long-time sec- Conservative agendas. Of course, tional outcomes they provide”, conservative, or traditionalist Aus- retary of the anti-trade union H. R. they knew the general Australian whilst providing “increased choice tralian voters, and it warrants ex- Nicholls Society, as well as being a public was becoming more protection- and competition in the higher edu- posing his agenda. board member of the Centre for In- ist-inclined, especially in light of the cation market”. There is no mention Bernardi has a substantial history dependent Studies — a libertarian rapidly-growing Chinese presence in of Australian universities giving pri- and voting record in the parliament, Australian think tank — also com- Australia’s corporate, mining, agricul- ority to actually training Austra- and has outlined his political views mitted to free markets and free tural and real estate markets. But An- lians. in his book “The Conservative Revo- trade. drew Bolt has never talked much lution”. about Chinese economic imperialism. Bernardi has a few powerful friends Day also became the head honcho That would expose who would even- in the Australian media. Rupert Bernardi is a declared Christian, but of Family First, a Christian-based tually become Australia’s masters, if Murdoch’s News Corp-owned Sky besides this, his politics are basically Liberal Party satellite, in its South we leave everything up to the eco- News channel seems to be full of that of an economic “dry”, free- Australian base. Day was the FFP’s nomic rationalists’ precious “free them. Sky was recently described trader, neo-conservative, and of the lead senate candidate in 2013, and markets”. by a critic as having been “Foxified” “New Right” (not to be confused was elected to the federal senate as — a reference to the obvious neo- with the increasingly-used American a SA senator, on the back of a com- In the last few decades, the West has conservative bias on Murdoch’s US term “Alternative Right”). Bernardi plex set of preference deals, after seen the rise of secularism, whilst Fox News channel. One of Ber- would appear to represent little himself polling 3.8% of the SA vote. Cultural Marxist-inspired “political nardi’s Sky News supporters is the more than the Right End of the Lib- The benefited not correctness” has effectively replaced highly-influential neo-conservative eral Party, rebranded as “Australian just from the Liberal Party, but also a declining Christianity as the domi- journalist Andrew Bolt (who’s ap- Conservatives”. from preference deals that were ar- nant new dogmatism setting much of parently a good friend to his own ranged by “the preference whis- the moral agenda in the West. And employer Murdoch). Bolt plays a Reflecting these economic rationalist perer” Glenn Druery. Media reports organised Christianity has adapted to pretty useful role in the Culture views, Bernardi voted in the Senate later said that Druery was actually these changes in various ways. Often War, infuriating Lefties with his an- in favour of Australia’s Free Trade being paid by the FFP and other it’s meant that PC values have pro- thropogenic global warming skepti- deal with China (ChAFTA), and he groups to arrange preference deals foundly influenced the Churches. cism, his highlighting of Sudanese raised no public objection to Austra- to favour them. And apparently it crime in Melbourne, exposing radi- lia’s involvement in the Trans Pacific was legal. With Christianity substantially in de- cal feminism and Aboriginal favour- Partnership (TPP). Bernardi has also cline amongst Westerners in Austra- itism, and his exposure of the been notably quiet about mass Asian Day held on to his SA senate seat lia, bringing in Christians from the looney Left’s many hypocrisies and immigration to Australia, as he has by the skin of his teeth at the 2016 Middle East, Africa, or Asia is often increasing desperation to shut down been about the Chinese buying up federal election, despite FFP’s vote seen as a good way to fill up the conservative dissent. vast amounts of Australian assets. dropping to 2.9%. But Liberal Party churches again, whilst providing or- preferences saw him get across the ganised Christianity with a stronger But Bolt, like so many other media The creed of the economic rational- line. However, doubts emerged economic and political base. Hence figures, is very selective about what ist/New Right basically puts Austra- about Day’s personal financial situa- many church leaders have now hap- he highlights, and is remarkably lia’s short-term profits and economic tion, and in November 2016 Day pily embraced “ethnic diversity”, and silent on some issues. And of late, growth before long-term security handed in his resignation as a Sena- the notion of “racism” as being a new Bolt, with his newspaper columns and sovereignty considerations. It’s tor, as he could have been deemed form of “sin”. and TV show “The Bolt Report”, has a creed that puts an irrational blind bankrupt or insolvent. been milking concern about Islamic faith in “the hidden hand” of “free The rise of Islamic-inspired terrorism terrorism for every bit he can get markets” to always deliver the best Family First’s automatic replace- in the West has also changed Chris- out of it, to the point that, after a outcomes for humanity. “The mar- ment for Day (unelected by SA vot- tian politics — especially for the more while, an astute observer might be- ket” is perceived to the best regula- ers) was Kenyan-born and raised traditionalist viewpoint in the come suspicious. tor of a society. Lucy Gichuhi, a lawyer who had re- Churches. Portraying Islam as a great cently gotten through her maiden threat to Christianity, is a good way Besides giving a frequent voice to But the New Right believe new jobs speech to the Senate in stuttered to galvanise Christians politically, his mate Bernardi (and a few other will always magically appear, and if English. Following her speech, An- whilst effectively embracing “Diversity regular News Corp-approved com- they don’t, it’s too bad for society’s drew Bolt effectively cheered on -minus-Islam”. mentators), Bolt has also many “losers” anyway. Australia’s first black African sena- times interviewed Pauline Hanson, tor on his TV show. But when Ber- The Jewish-controlled and funded Q who is seemingly always very keen Of course, these “economic rational- nardi’s Australian Conservatives Society and its political arm, The Aus- to get her face on television, no ists” offer no real alternatives to the moved in and merged with Family tralian Liberty Alliance, has a some- matter the quality of her content. orthodox debt-finance system that First, Gichuhi refused to be part of what similar agenda — ferociously has enshackled the entire world to a Cory’s team. This probably disap- and relentlessly attacking Islam, in And with all this mutual concern form of debt-slavery. But most of pointed Bernardi, as he had one the hope that they can galvanise sup- about Islamic-inspired terrorism, them would rather not upset the less senator than he was hoping for, port for their own agendas amongst some people may be asking ques- world’s banking and corporate pow- and it might have been a good way an unsuspecting and otherwise indif- tions like “Why didn’t Bernardi seek ers. Instead, to them, debt is caused to show the masses that his new ferent Australian public. And at the

same time, imply they’re not run to the very survival of traditional once said we would “never ever” have “racist” either (again “diversity- Australia. And being too focused on a GST. minus-Islam”). Islam might be seen as a good way to keep the masses distracted from Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives Bernardi, the Q Society, and the our growing Asianisation, as our and other voices on Australia’s Right Christian-based Rise Up Australia short-sighted politicians create for may understand that Western civilisa- Party (with their Sri-Lankan-born Australia an increased economic de- tion has a unique and special value, leader Danny Nalliah) all talk about pendence on China, and Chinese in- but do they fully understand that defending “Judeo-Christian values”. terests continue to buy up vast Western civilisation is not merely a Despite its common usage, some- amounts of assets in Australia. product of ideas, values, technology, thing being truly “Judeo-Christian” environment, history, and the influ- is about as credible as “tall dwarf- Bernardi’s proposal to “cut immigra- ence of Christianity, but is also criti- sim” — the two are in reality some- tion in half” simply doesn’t go any- cally, very much a product of the col- thing quite different to each other. where near far enough in addressing lective gene pools of the people who Rinehart backs Cory It’s an oxymoron. But defending the demographic crisis that white created and sustained Western civili- “Judeo-Christian values” reflects a European-based Australia faces. But sation? ______new narrative of The-Rest-Of-The- the ascent of Bernardi’s new party World vs Islam, and that often and its merging with Family First un- And do they understand that the “Racism declared sin”, United seeks a solidarity with Christians der a new Tory umbrella, may well plethora of unique European or Euro- Church of Christ worldwide, no matter what the produce something of a “sorting out” pean-based cultures are not merely “Cory Bernardi”, Wikipedia ethno-cultural background of those process in Australia’s broader patri- recent products of a consumerist and Christians. This new “Counter- otic movement — to determine just materialistic age, but are instead ______Jihad” may also seek a solidarity who is inclined to nationalism, and thoroughly rooted in many, many with anyone around the world per- who are basically Tories? hundreds, if not thousands, of years NEO-LIBERALISM Con’t from p 3 ceived to be in conflict with Islam — It is all very well to champion famil- of European struggle? And do they the new bogeyman, remember? iar conservative sentiments, but, in understand the fundamental reality See Wilkinson & Pickett on the Again, regardless of ethno-cultural a rapidly changing socio-economic that race is central to the identity, shortcomings of living in an unequal (or political) background. This has and technological environment Aus- and the social and national cohesion country. even seen (in some situations) Aus- tralian politics requires politicians to of a people? tralian patriot groups effectively think outside the square on finance The Neoliberal argument for low “cheer on” the Chinese Communist and economics. Otherwise we And does Bernardi understand Austra- taxation (on the rich) will cause Party as it brutally cracks down on merely remain trapped and beholden lia’s own experience; that, as part of them not to put their spare money Muslim Uyghur separatists in to outdated values, ideas and failed the Anglosphere, our true roots as a back into business. There has been China’s western provinces. systems, like orthodox debt-finance people didn’t really begin in 1788 or no statistics over the last 40 years and believing that the “hidden hand” 1901, but are really a profound ex- to show that low tax is beneficial. The “Counter-Jihad” seems to insist of “the market” will always deliver tension of the much deeper and his- on some kind of new “global cru- the best social outcomes. torically rooted Anglo-Celtic-European Business output has been very poor sade against radical Islam”, but ig- experience? over this time. Stupidly enough al- nores the vast complexities and his- It’s also all very well to champion though low taxation hasn't worked, tories of localised conflicts and poli- Tory-style “free enterprise”, and the It’s important for patriotic-minded they are still calling for tax cuts, tics throughout the world. Australia old Protestant values of “hard Australians to see through the Ber- maybe it will work out this time! is not responsible for what happens work” (whilst bemoaning perceived nardi deception. His politics are Tory, in Nigeria, the Philippines, South spongers); however, we are living in not Nationalist. The racially conscious Australia has a private debt of Sudan, Palestine, or Western China, an age of rapid robotisation and Nationalist path may not be the easi- 180% of G.D.P. which has kept our and what happens there shouldn’t automation that requires an open- est or most marketable road, but head above water, but now it is really be seen as our problem. And ness to “Third Way” economics, and from an ideological perspective, it is strangling the economy trying to the vast majority of the highly di- new and different ways of thinking. absolutely the path that’s based on pay it off. verse radical Islamist groups For example, Jeremy Thorpe, an truth! The Australian Protectionist around the world are primarily con- economist from Price Waterhouse Party will continue to offer a secular Conclusion cerned with their own backyards, Coopers, recently suggested that (not Christian-based) Nationalist and getting their fellow heathen “over the next 20 years approxi- voice, and policies, ideas, and values For 40 years we have heard that Muslims to follow the one true Mus- mately 44 per cent of Australia’s that will hopefully build a political low tax, Small Government and low lim path. It should be well under- jobs, that’s more than 5 million jobs, force that can sway and influence labor costs will be our road to eco- stood that the vast majority of the are at risk of being disrupted by public opinion, and act as a pivot to nomic salvation, but low tax, small victims of Islamic terrorism technology, whether that’s digitisa- help to swing the political spectrum in government and low labor costs throughout the world are fellow tion or automation.” From what Australia in a Nationalist/Protectionist sound like a Third World country + Muslims, and certainly not Western- we’ve seen of Bernardi and his Aus- (not Tory) direction. that is where we are headed. ers, Christians or Jews. This is not tralian Conservatives, it may be very ______to downplay the seemingly perpet- doubtful that they fully comprehend References: ual Islamic terrorism threat now or offer much in this regard! In- Dirty Tricks Department present in the West. Nowadays, it stead, it seems to be a familiar eco- “‘Let us choose wisely’: Australia’s doesn’t really take much courage or nomic-growth-above-all-else men- newest senator Lucy Gichuhi wants Pursues Australia First common sense to be concerned tality so typical of the mainstream change”, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 (Contributed) about Islam and its impact upon Tory mindset. However, many Aus- June 2017 (Amy Remeikis) Western society. Perhaps more ac- tralians today do not understand the “Family First takeover: Cory Bernardi A so-called journalist who has spe- curately, Islam-wariness could history of the Liberal Party, and the looks for more mergers after ‘great cialised in fake news tales of Aus- nowadays be described as a pretty once bitter internal divide that ex- day for conservatives’”, Sydney Morn- tralian nationalists and other patri- easy bandwagon, with many voices isted between economic “wets” and ing Herald, 27 April 2017 (Matthew otic people, has suggested a con- from Australia’s Right joining what’s “dries”. The sad truth is that the Knott) nection existed between Australia effectively become a Right Wing economic “dries” won that internal “Minor parties pay consultant to engi- First Party and an alleged neo-nazi pile-on. battle, and a slavish adherence to neer preference swap deals”, The prosecuted two years ago over an “economic rationalism” and “free Australian, 4 September 2013 arson offence and other offences. Of course it was the forward- trade” have now become the norm “Police called in as votes deal turns thinking Australian Protectionist within the Liberal Party. sour”, The Australian, 24 August 2013 The fake news item said that the Party that first championed an end “Senate voting inquiry prompted by offender was schooled by an Aus- to all Muslim immigration and Aus- This mindset has seen vast social Glenn Druery’s election tactics could tralia First Party member, we pre- tralia withdrawing from the out- and economic changes to Australia. put end to preference trading”, ABC sume - to also commit the arson dated UN Refugee Convention ever We have seen vast public assets pri- News, 1 April 2014, (Dylan Welch) offence? since we first began in 2007. And vatised, and we have now virtually “Bob Day”, Wikipedia these remain our policies today. We lost our once mighty car industry, Australian Conservatives MPs Backed Fake news is fake news. And it also champion expanding voluntary and many other manufacturing jobs by Liberals in Bid to Block Bank Tax”, could be that this case of fake news resettlement packages currently to have disappeared offshore due to Australian Conservatives, 3 July 2017 is an indicator of a deeper truth. asylum seekers to include Muslims the both the Liberal and Labor par- “Rise of the machines: How artificial and to other culturally incompatible ties’ dogmatic belief in the value of intelligence will reshape our lives”, A few months ago, participants in a immigrant types. “free trade”. ABC News, 3 July 2017 (Carrington neo-nazi circle met at a Sydney ho- Clarke) tel to ‘discuss’ (and ’target) Austra- But being concerned about Islam is The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Goods and services tax (Australia)”, lia First Party and a group called frequently a populist distraction, has also become an accepted part of Wikipedia ‘Lads Society’. Both bodies are also and Bernardi knows it. Whilst he the norm in Australian politics, de- “Cory Bernardi voted moderately for a obsessions with the so-called jour- focuses on easy targets like spite apparently once fierce opposi- Free Trade Agreement with China”, nalist. It is likely the neo-nazis “burkhas”, the terrorism threat, and tion from the Labor Party to it being They Vote For You share subterranean ‘connections’ Halal certification, Australia is being introduced. Yet with the powerful “Australia’s News Channel And What with the ‘journalist’. That is how the rapidly Asianised (not so much International Monetary Fund making It Learned From Fox News”, dirty tricks game works! Islamised), as the latest 2016 Cen- it very clear that they wanted a GST “BuzzFeed News, 10 July 2017 sus figures starkly reveal. for Australia, it seems that for now, “Yassmin, have you met Lucy?”, Her- we are stuck with one, and the ald Sun, 22 June 2017 (Andrew Bolt) It is election year and Australian The Australian Protectionist Party mainstream media have made very “Australian Conservatives will cut im- nationalism grows stronger and our has always regarded Asianisation sure any voices of dissent are not migration in half and ensure that im- party also grows stronger. A media and the Asian demographic threat heard. Of course, former Liberal migration serves in Australia’s best counter campaign, backed by a as the primary concern in the long- Party Prime Minister John Howard interests” street campaign, is on the cards! The Trans-Pacific Partnership – why we should not be in it Garth Bury

Australia, along with ten other coun- that adversely affects those compa- tries has entered a free trade agree- nies. A number of people, including ment, known originally as the Trans- Sally McManus of the ACTU have al- Pacific Partnership (TPP), or as it is ready expressed concern about this now called the Comprehensive and provision. Progressive Agreement for Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP-11). Other Stuart Rosewarne from the Univer- countries in this agreement include sity of Sydney described ISDS as Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malay- “quite scary because it effectively sia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Sin- allows a foreign-owned company to gapore and Vietnam. have almost any Australian law, in- cluding enhanced labour laws that The deal was signed on 8 March are considered to impose additional 2018 in Chile. The United States de- or onerous obligations on a com- cided not to join the TPP. The agree- pany’s employment practices to be ment is supposed to open markets set aside”. for goods and services by way of free trade and facilitate foreign in- Dr Patricia Ranald of the Australian vestment. Fair Trade and Investment Network Masses of cheap Asian labour—Aussies cannot compete said she did not think the ISDS As with previous free trade agree- should be included in the TPP as it citizen. They should be radically re- ments we should expect to export “gives special legal rights to global Living standards are also declining vised or abandoned. more goods, enjoy more jobs and corporations that already have enor- relative to the rest of the world. As ______see a rise in living standards. How- mous market power”. measured by gross domestic product ever Australia has already entered (GDP) per capita we once had the Sources: into a number of other free trade There is some controversy about highest living standards in the world agreements, the results being than whether Australian companies can but by 2016 we were rated 17th ac- John Dagge, “Australia Home Free many industries, like the car indus- take action under ISDS provisions of cording to the World Bank and in with TPP”, Daily Telegraph, 25 Janu- try for example, have virtually the TPP. 2017 we were rated 18th by the In- ary 2018 closed their operations in this coun- ternational Monetary Fund. To make Anna Patty, “TPP Deal May Expose try, we now have unemployment Australia has entered six other free things worse Australia has a foreign Legal Risks”, Sydney Morning Herald, rates that would have been thought trade agreements that include ISDS debt of over a trillion dollars. 5 March 2018 disastrous fifty years ago, and rela- provisions. These agreements in- Australian Government, Department tive to the rest of the world, our liv- clude those with China, Korea, Chile, Unemployment rates do not appear of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ing standards are going backwards. Singapore and Thailand. The Austra- to have gone down due to free trade “Investor-State Dispute Settlement”, lian Government claims that ISDS and in fact may have gone up. In Downloaded from the Internet May Worse still these agreements often does not affect our sovereignty and March 2018 for instance the unem- 2018 contain clauses that interfere with does not prevent them from chang- ployment rate was 5.6% and doubt- Wikipedia, “Investor-State Dispute Australia’s sovereignty and the way ing policies, regulating in the public less would look worse if we included Settlement”, Downloaded from the the country is run. interest, regulating for the environ- the underemployed. Back in the Internet May 2018 ment, or maintaining the Pharma- 1960s when we had a highly pro- Currently employers who wish to ceutical Benefits Scheme or health tected manufacturing sector and vir- trade-statistics/Pages/australias- bring in temporary migrant workers system. How this might pan out in tually no free trade the unemploy- trade-balance.aspx Downloaded 14 are expected to first undertake la- the long term can only be guessed ment rate once got up to 3.2% but May 2018 bour market testing to check that no at. Who for instance will decide what for most of the time was below 2.0%, Australian is available to do the work is “in the public interest”? Australia a figure that appears impossible wikiList_of_countries_GDP_(PPP) the migrant is being brought in to has already had one case against it nowadays. _per_capita Downloaded 19 March do. Under the TPP-11 this require- under ISDS when Philip Morris 2018 ment is waived for six member brought action over the plain pack- In summary the promises of free Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) countries, namely Mexico, Chile, Ja- aging of tobacco. Basically the gov- trade agreements have not been de- Website, Downloaded 16 May 2018 pan, Canada, Malaysia and Vietnam. ernment won this case but it livered for most Australians. Living Ibid. dragged on for years at an undis- standards continue to fall behind Barrie Dyster & David Meredith, Another matter of concern is that closed cost to the taxpayer. Some those of other nations, we have lost “Australia in the International Econ- the TPP contains what is called In- Australian-based companies have more jobs than we gained, our bal- omy”, Cambridge University Press, vestor-State Dispute Settlement also taken action against foreign ance of trade figures indicate we im- Melbourne, 1990 p.235 (ISDS) under which foreign compa- countries. port much more than we export, and Prepared by Australia First Hawkes- nies investing in Australia can sue our foreign debt continues to grow. bury our government if it does something Overseas experience shows that Worse still these agreements are a australiafirsthawkesbury 17 May that adversely affects those compa- losing an ISDS case can be very ex- danger to our sovereignty and give 2018. nies. A number of people, including pensive for governments. In one foreign corporations considerable Sally McManus of the ACTU have al- case Canada tried to ban the export power over the ordinary Australian ready expressed concern about this of toxic PCB waste but was sued by ______provision. the company S.D. Myers under the North American Free Trade Agree- participation was denounced by Ma- Stuart Rosewarne from the Univer- ment for $20 million. In 2012 the Yellow Vests' Protest cron’s ministers of state. sity of Sydney described ISDS as International Centre for Settlement “quite scary because it effectively of Investment Disputes (ICSID) tri- Movement In France France has a deep tradition of mass allows a foreign-owned company to bunal awarded $1.8 billion, plus Shakes Globalist protest and civil uprising. The global- have almost any Australian law, in- costs and interest, amounting to a ists were thrown by this popular up- cluding enhanced labour laws that total of $2.4 billion to Occidental Pe- Macron surge. Whatever the long term re- are considered to impose additional troleum when it sued the govern- (Contributed) sponses may be, it is expected Ma- or onerous obligations on a com- ment of Ecuador in 2012. cron's presidency (like the govern- pany’s employment practices to be The globalist President of France, ance of many European countries) set aside”. The Liberal government proclaims Emmanuel Macron, was shaken and will lurch from crisis to crisis under jobs and growth and presumably forced into many concessions by the mass pressure. Macron's commit- Dr Patricia Ranald of the Australian free trade agreements should en- 'Yellow Vests' protest movement in ment to high immigration was noted Fair Trade and Investment Network hance this, but facts and figures are November—January. by the Yellow Vests and other forces said she did not think the ISDS not encouraging. We have been en- who have linked Macron's globalist should be included in the TPP as it economics to the migration-attack tering free trade agreements for The protest movement was popular, “gives special legal rights to global upon the French. Indeed, Macron has decades but our trade balances tend supported by the mass of the French corporations that already have enor- suggested immigration should be in- to be more in the red than in the and used the processes of rolling mous market power”. demonstrations and civil uprising to creased! black. Yet it free trade is held to as a contest the regime. ‘religious truth’. There is some controversy about Although it did not prosper, the Aus- whether Australian companies can The Yellow Vests have opposed fuel tralian Transport Shutdown of 2008 Recently demand for our resources take action under ISDS provisions of prices, low pensions, bureaucracy and had a similar impulse. It opposed fuel has been good for our trading fig- the TPP. waste - and immigration. prices, road taxes, over-regulation ures but from March 2014 until and visa labour. Another matter of concern is that March 2018 our trade figures were The three community based and ac- the TPP contains what is called In- in deficit for 33 months and in the tivist French nationalist organisa- Popular protests may erupt on any vestor-State Dispute Settlement black for only 16 months. In other tions, French Nationalist Party, number of issues and be vectors for (ISDS) under which foreign compa- words we had negative trade figures French Dissidence and Social Bastion, wider programmes to gain traction. nies investing in Australia can sue twice as often as we had positive joined the protests and threw all their Australia is also entering a new pe- our government if it does something ones. resources into building them. Their riod of instability. would also be the ‘Working Man’s Obituary - Alex Norwick, A Partisan Of Our Paradise’, where a high standard of living and a free social order could arise on the wealthiest Nationalist Cause. of Continents. He argued that to get these things, a cultural and political ALEX Norwick, one of the standard Certainly, he critiqued the bank- revolution was necessary to overturn bearers of the Australian nationalist ruptcy of Marxism and the organi- the corrupt elite, an event cause, died on September 11 2018. sations that pushed it, but he had only ever likely in a crisis of the cur- no time either for the conservatives rent order and that to achieve all Australia First Party has received and their commitment to free mar- this it was necessary to prepare for many condolence messages from ket capitalism - and crucially, he the day that just perhaps, we could its members and from activists and recognised that they and not the seize the hour. leaders of other nationalist groups. Left, were in charge of the state. When in 1975, he saw the entire Throughout the long years, Alex as a Alex Norwick’s story in Australian ‘Right’, from the most timid of con- bush philosopher, kept his sense of nationalism began as a migrant’s stitutionalists and the most noisy of humour. He brought levity to a situa- tale. Indeed, his life shows the ‘anti communists’ (particularly the tion where - and we recognise it too other side of the argument put by migrant ones) and through to the clearly - Australia is being dismem- those who deny Australian identity - pseudo ‘fascists’ rally to Malcolm bered and its people disinherited and or to the rancour of those who sim- Fraser (who very quickly made it we have not managed to avert the ply denigrate it at every turn. clear that capitalism was interna- catastrophe. Even so, he laughed at tionalist and Australia open to im- the odds and maintained the iron His family origins reflected the up- migration from Asia and ‘refugees’), Alex Norwick: January 19 principle that resistance alone offers heavals of the twentieth century Alex knew it was time for a new 1958 — September 11 2018 the promise of success. He invoked and a part of Australia’s experience movement. He cast about for new that name of Henry Lawson when he of immigration after 1945. friends. -establishment of Australia First wove tales of a better Australia to en- Party saw him step forward as one courage that resistance until victory. Alex’s mother was born about 1922 From late 1976, Alex Norwick of its main ideologists. in Murmansk in the then Soviet Un- played a consistent and evolving In the last few years, Alex lived on ion. In the 1930s, her father com- role in the affairs of the new nation- Alex Norwick’s vital legacy has a his property in central-western New mitted some ‘offence’ to the system alist movement. Thereafter, he few facets. Alex insisted upon a South Wales. From there he kept up and he was deported to the Gulag played every role: writer, speaker, central thesis: that Australia was a an energetic correspondence, while never to be seen again while she organizer, electoral candidate and Nation unto itself, an identity. It continuing to write for all Australia was punished also by party-officer. At that early time, he certainly was a ‘European’ nation by First publications. Ultimately, he was forced labour on a collective farm worked with E.F. Azzopardi, Frank race, but its cultural forms were felled by a heart attack made fatal by near Smolensk. It was there in Salter, Jim Saleam and others in native to the soil and they may other assorted complications. 1941 that the German authorities creating the first of the Australian evolve further and it was to this seized her and deported her to the nationalist organisations. A line of ethos and idea that all ‘whites’ Australia First Party benefits substan- Reich as a factory slave. Alex’s fa- descent began through a number of should ultimately assimilate. Alex tially from Alex’s Estate. ther was born in Poland of chiefly organisations and when he died, also looked into Australia’s past to Polish heritage, but a distant Aus- Alex was regarded as one of the the Vision Splendid which emerged One voice goes silent? No, his voice is trian side had a coat of arms. Alex leaders of Australia First Party. in the late nineteenth century - of a not quelled, because his words inspire found his ‘aristocratic lineage’ - new country, independent and as- and because our struggle amusing. The war saw his father on Alex’s commitment to a politics that sertive in the South Seas, which continues! Alex Norwick: present! every side, but he was in a German represented a Third Position took ______camp in 1945 when the Americans him on fresh pathways. In the liberated him. His mother and fa- 1980s, he corresponded with many Bill Shorten Wants 4000 ther met in the post-war chaos and European nationalists who also set eventually moved to France, where out upon that path and while he More Refugees And Alex was born near Metz in 1958. insisted on a specific Australian Promises The U.N. $500 In 1962 the family, which included road for our movement, he under- a number of siblings, came to Aus- stood there were interlinkages and Million Of Your ‘Hard- tralia. he built on that. He made some Earned’ Tax Dollars friends in that firmament who are Although Alex remembered France still friends of ours in Europe today Australia is one mouthful away from Bill Shorten makes his point: and could even speak a few French - and who lead movements trying exploding like the fat man Mr Creo- he isn’t here for you! words, he grew up in Sydney’s to rescue the old-Continent from sote in Monty Python’s classic film – western suburbs to a different globalisation, refugee-invasion, ’The Meaning of Life’. complete strangers who hate us and drum. He would say to us that the multiculturalism. just want what’s ours. confusing cultural patterns of his Just another wafer, said the maitre ______parents and their friends, and even In 1986-1987, he took the chance d, just another little wafer, or in a veritable household language (a and travelled to Gaddafi’s Libya for this case, just another 4000 refu- Pollution Of The 'Great Ar- conferences at which many differ- mixture of Russian, Polish, German, gees to pump into our bloated, con- tesian Basin' - A Result Of French and English spoken simulta- ent nationalists from various coun- gested, choking and unrecognisable neously) was a bit much, so orient- tries including non-European ones, cities and you are finished eating Mining? ing towards the new country of- talked of an anti imperialist struggle for the day. But those who’ve seen (Contributed) fered a feeling of freedom. Indeed, against the power of the interna- the film can remember what hap- as he said, the heavy brooding over tionalists, such that a world of free pens next and it’s a fine analogy for Because many Aborigines in the New the Soviet terror, the war and the nations and peoples would succeed Australia’s unsustainable migration South Wales town of Walgett had great losses to all�, burdened his them. Therefore, it was simple, af- program which Shorten promises to chronic health problems anyway - an- family into supporting the ‘Liberal ter the break-up of the Eastern expand and expand and expand. other serious problem came to be Party conservatives’� and being bloc, for Alex to be one of the first noted. Simply, water from the Great lost in an unreal history that the nationalists in any country to pro- Not only does he want to admit all Artesian Basin is 'polluted' with ex- right-wingers’� encouraged for po- claim that the struggle against the the fake refugees who are just part cessive salt. This pollution could litical support. New World Order was the rule of of the new globalist-capitalist dis- hardly be a 'natural' thing, as it has the day and that it could - and soon bursement of human labour he not existed historically. Alex opined there was something showed it did - involve being free of wants to take $500 million from all old ideological moulds in order to else for him. By the early 1970s as Australians and give it to the U.N. The destruction of Australia's outback get people opposed to the globalis- a teenager, Alex was considering to spend on refugees. by the mining corporations in search ing regime in our country and to the virtue of an Australian national- of globalising-dollars is proceeding see as friends anyone elsewhere ism whereby a new country could All his election disclaimers about apace. In particular, coal seam gas who was trying to do the same. strike out on its own and with a maintaining a policy of turning back mining has become a blight on the social-economic order to suit. He the boats masks Labor's agenda for land. Towns, farms, people are being Alex wrote under various pen began to read deeply into Austra- an “orderly pathway” for fakeugees cut down. Even major areas that names and sometimes anony- lian literature and political history waiting in Indonesia to settle here. have been essential to Australia's mously. His written work had a real and once blundered into the office This while ending offshore detention progress, such as Sunraysia and Riv- influence on nationalists at every of Jack Lang’s ‘The Century’ in Au- and transfers, meaning all those erina and Mallee, may find themselves burn, just to catch a glimpse of turn and his pamphlets remain in currently being resettled in the NZ victims. ˜the big fella’ who would become print and will always be so. Younger or the U.S. will be brought here to an idol to the new nationalism. Alex people continue to find his work to enrich our lives and probably end Australian nationalists take the view corresponded with a welter of politi- help set their paths. His expertise in up working at our airports frisking that our country's resources are the cal groups and attended various matters of history and politics was us peasants as we go through the property of the Nation for the future meetings so as to get their temper always welcome as counsel and the metal detector gates. of the Nation and if the extraction of and assess who was who in a mi- breadth of his knowledge of value some wealth is too dangerous to the nority zoo. It was at this time Alex to all in many discussions. The in- As for the nice gift to the UN, it health of the Nation, then it should realised that ideologically he was formal works-hopping of the former makes sense that a Labor govern- not be pursued. The Great Artesian ‘neither Left, nor Right’ and appre- Sydney Forum in the years 2001 - ment committed to non-citizens Basin is a reserve that if used wisely ciated there was a Third Position in 2012, re-birthed him as an articula- would see it as our national duty to can sustain towns and agriculture. politics. tor of Australian nationalism. The re grab what we make and give it to