transport in these cities, we learn cont’d from p. 1 CLASSIC AUSSIE TEXTS even more. BY FRANK ANSTEY, MP. Cleary, a former hierarch in the Na- Liberal Federal MP John Alexander tional Party, added: The Kingdom Of Shylock and The has talked of a “magic bullet” to Money Power explained the rise of solve Sydney’s growing pains by “At the end of the day Australia finance capital in the early 20th turning it into a “megacity” stretch- needs a population strategy.” Century. What is money? How is it ing from Newcastle to Nowra — all created by private banks? What linked by high-speed rail. Alexan- This scheme serves a population was the nationalist alternative? der said: which has not arrived in the country Frank Anstey was a leading nation- yet— new colonists! alist of his day and his school of “When you take in Nowra, Goul- thought exists still—with us! burn, Southern Highlands, Wollon- Force behind it Nick Cleary , collaborator gong, the Central Coast, Newcastle who wants to get rich Nationalist Ideological, Historical and Maitland (with Sydney), it’s The forces behind CLARA show it to and Legal Archive: like a 10-city city.” be a private planning agent for glob- www.alphalink.com.au/~radnat alism and Chinese imperialism. ____________________________ Alexander has taken a swipe at his own government for having “no The working group for the venture is ALEX NORWICK - real plan” on how to “properly” ac- stellar, and has included RMIT’s Pro- commodate Australia’s migrant in- MAJOR PAMPHLETS fessor Ralph Horne and Dr Martin take.” He sees the immigration is- Hook; AECOM’s Joe Langley; GE Aus- sue as inextricably linked to his Electronic versions of Alex Norwick tralia head of strategy and growth push for a national plan of settle- pamphlets can be found at Suzana Ristevski, GE global growth ment. This means recolonisation. and operations head Martin Kennedy; Nationalist Ideological, Historical DLA Piper Australia partner John Gal- John Alexander—feeling very We might now better appreciate all and Legal Archive: lagher; principal of SGS Economics Asian in his electorate the noise being made in Victoria www.alphalink.com.au/~radnat and Planning Dr Marcus Spiller; sen- during the recent State election ____________________________ ior research scientist CSIRO Land Marginalization to cleansing about the ‘fast train’ to Shepparton and Water Flagship Dr Neil Lazarow; (a China city will be nearby) and to ALLAN R. JONES professor of public policy and director The process to achieve the marginali- Bendigo (a refugee dump) and Bal- of CSIRO’s National Outlook Dr Steve zation of Australians in various towns larat and Geelong. All these cities National Credit theorist and com- Hatfield-Dodds; and commercial di- and suburbs and areas, while the new will spin around the Melbourne hub mentator on banking and foreign rector of CSIRO’s Land and Water motors of globalization take the new which will also have a mass Chi- economic takeover: Flagship Scott Keyworth. hot spots — is the result of the China nese population likely in a redevel- cities project and related sub-plots. oped Port Melbourne. https://www.facebook.com/ Then collaborator Andrew Robb who allan.jones.9674 fronts for Chinese interests is also Fake agendas like Agenda 2030 en- NSW Nationals leader John Bari- ____________________________ connected. sure special facilities for the global laro, said in 2017 that “part of the growth precincts and various State funds the state received from the JIM SALEAM - MAJOR Wheels within hubs planning laws create new CBDs in sale of the Snowy Hydro scheme Sydney and Melbourne that rest upon WORKS AND ARTICLES will go towards identifying a new The eight-cities-plan would be a their status separate from the Aussie rail corridor for a fast train line be- spine that would bind the eastern suburbs around them. As our social Jim Saleam has contributed to the tween Sydney and Canberra.” seaboard to China. But Sydney and well-being fades, the new colonists academic analysis of Australian na- Melbourne are the essential prizes. push us aside. This is cleansing and tionalist and patriotic politics and Again, empire building via rail lines! So in the plans to improve (sic) the we intend to resist! as an activist who has helped to define it in the struggle. Neither Left Nor Right! A Third Position! His work can be located at: Nationalist Ideological, Historical AUSTRALIAN Nationalism has al- Nativism meant Australia would and Legal Archive: ways been a Third Position in poli- create an identity founded upon a www.alphalink.com.au/~radnat tics. European ethnic and cultural base, but with a blend of European back- - and in a documents site, which That means it sits neither to the grounds and with a cultural expres- contains much of his older journal- Left, nor to the Right. sion all our own, native to our soil. ism and analysis: Many people mistakenly consider Labourism meant a social ethic and http://ausfirst.alphalink.com.au our nationalism to be ‘right-wing’, programme that would build a ____________________________ or even an ‘extreme right-wing’ po- Workingman’s Paradise where all Jack Lang - nationalist who fought sition. The media often uses that could earn property by honest la- for people against finance capital labelling. bour and reach a standard of living that could support a progressive sides. How could it be? For Australian nationalists, the Left and enlightened community. was historically represented by The Left and the Right have always Marxism and its variants. However, Literary radical-nationalism meant sought to involve Australia in the af- over time, it morphed into various the cultural-political statements of fairs of great powers and foreign forms of aggressive globalism and the Australian ethos put to verse ideological contest. hyper social-liberalism. In which- and prose and philosophy. It had ever mode we cite it, nationalism shown that the New Man in Austra- On the contrary, for us, a Third Posi- neither sought to seize all property lia could be worthy of the freedom tion is a system of thinking which and govern a totalitarian economic- and opportunity granted. puts a people and its values, includ- political order, nor to break down ing its cultural ethos, and its general the natural barriers between peo- These three elements in a dynamic community wellbeing, beyond eco- About Audacity ple, be it race, or nationality, or fusion inspired a Vision Splendid for nomic reductionism and foreign alli- Established 1977. gender, or spiritual position. our Continent Nation, a new coun- ances. Re-established 2007. try in the South Pacific, independ- For Australian nationalists, the ent and free. This was the Promise Yes, time moves on. The broken re- The Bulletin of the 21st Century Right was historically articulated by of the early Australia which was lost mains of the Left and the Right are the conservative movements and after the Second World War in sub- the psychic play-tools of a globalist That which failed to destroy us, parties and spoke for the wealthy urbanism and consumerism and via system. They have resonance in that only made us stronger. class. However, it too has evolved the ultimate betrayal - the overturn people affiliate “Left’ or ‘Right’, and into the free market libertarian con- of ‘White Australia’ in 1966. This think they fight each other, while in Subscription: Audacity will be cept, with or without ‘traditional’ Australian creed was already nei- truth they agree about just about moral and family ideas attached. ther Left nor Right. everything globalism requires for published seasonally. $10 for 4 Howsoever, it was defined and is them to be system-loyal. In an odd issues. Cheques / money orders defined today, nationalists never When these historical reference way, there are but now two posi- payable Australia First Party. acceded to the control of Australia points were taken up again by the tions— globalism on the one side and by the bunyip elite, nor did they modern nationalist movement as it another based upon the idea of Iden- Our logo is the Janus head im- endorse the notion that a free mar- emerged from the 1970s an oppor- tity. Nonetheless, as a political tool, posed upon the Southern Cross. ket can provide for all national and tunity to rebirth then modernize the the fight is also fought with popular This Roman god looked back- social and other needs. original principles, was possible. conceptions so Left and Right still wards and forwards, binding stand as useful tools against which a past, present and future Australian nationalism grew out of So the failures of the old Left and new position can articulate itself. The three inter-related forces that Right were reviewed. The Third Po- Third Position is the modern Austra- Audacity, printed and authorised emerged in the late nineteenth cen- sition would not be an arbitrary lian nationalist movement. tury. We speak of nativism, labour- synthesis of the Left and Right, by J. Saleam 725 Princes High- ism and literary radical-nationalism. supposedly ‘taking the best’ of both (Edited from notes left by Alex Norwick) way, Tempe, 2044 Neo-liberalism Is An Economic Failure (Part One) (by Graphite) Neoliberalism, Globalization, Free people to spend more money on because it makes the economy lar- Markets, Economic Rationalism or housing Shares & consumer goods. In ger. China’s and India’s economies Neoconservatism are possibly the the U.S.A. Workers real pay has not are larger than Australia’s but on a stupidest idea the World has ever increased since the 1970's. Australia GDP/population basis we are miles seen, so stupid that it has to is now going the same way.
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