FALSE PROPHETIC WORD REGARDING THE COMING FEDERAL ELECTION 2007 – RELEASED 11 TH AUGUST 2007 BY DANNY NALLIAH Dear Family in Christ, a few weeks ago while I was seeking the Lord in prayer, He told me that I must meet personally with the Honourable Prime Minister John Howard and the Honourable Federal Treasurer . In obedience to the voice of the Lord, I set out to arrange a personal meeting with both national government leaders. The Lord spoke clearly to me about how Prophet Samuel in the Word of God was sent to anoint David as the future King of Israel. When David’s father Jesse presented all his sons (except David) to the Prophet of God, Samuel could not find the Lord’s leading to anoint any of these sons, so he asked Jesse if he had any other sons and he brought his youngest son David to be anointed by the Prophet as the future King of Israel. Although this was controversial, Prophet Samuel had to obey the voice of God! (not man’s political correctness) The Lord told me to spend some personal time with Prime Minister John Howard and to prophetically prepare Federal Treasurer Peter Costello as the future Prime Minister of Australia. (I don’t know the exact timing, but I was obedient to the voice of God). I thank the Lord that I just had a one to one meeting with Peter Costello on Thursday 9 th August and John Howard on Friday 10 th August. The Lord had given me a clear prophetic Word for both of them and I thank Him I was able to deliver His Word in addition to praying with both of these Federal Government Leaders. Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to share the details of these private encounters, but I will boldly declare that Prime Minister John Howard will be re-elected in the November election (if the Body of Christ unites in prayer and action) and pass the leadership onto Peter Costello sometime after. [ False prophets usually provide themselves with a way out if their false prophecy fails. If it doesn’t happen, it’s all YOUR fault, not mine !!} I know this prophetic declaration is very controversial, but at this critical crossroad in our nation’s destiny, it’s not time to tickle the ears of man, but to please the Father in Heaven, by boldly proclaiming His Authoritative Word of Righteousness, Justice, and Truth to the Church and Nation! Both of these national political leaders demonstrated sincere humility, honesty and openness with me and the Lord. I thanked Prime Minister John Howard for calling the nation to pray for rain and we discussed about calling a Christian Thanksgiving Service in Federal Parliament to thank the Lord for sending the rain in response to the nationwide call to prayer. This was well received by the PM and he expressed his willingness to personally attend. Please pray for the Lord to lead us as we continue to prepare for this historic Christian Thanksgiving Service in Federal Parliament! Truly, I give all the praise, honor, and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for what he has done, is doing, and will continue to do by His Holy Spirit! (Media Embargo – For Christian Community Only) Ps. Danny Nalliah Catch the Fire Ministries.

29/11/07 ELECTION 2007 - DID I GET IT WRONG ? BY PASTOR DANNY Dear Family in Christ, I am just back in my office after 5 days of ministry in Western Australia. Sorry for the delay in bringing out this email. We at Catch the Fire Ministries congratulate Prime Minister elect and the Labor party for winning the election. We will pray for the elected government, as instructed in the Word of God (1 Timothy 2:1-4). I would like to thank every one who took the time to write me emails, letters and send messages to the office of Catch the Fire Ministries. Due to the high volume of emails we continue to receive, we're unable to personally respond to each one, but hope that this message will help you in better understanding the results of the Election 2007. Of course, I'm well aware that there will always be some people who will not agree with whatever I say, and I uphold your right to do so. However, the Lord has developed broad shoulders in me to cop quite a bit of flak. If I couldn't stand tall through the fiery storm of accusation, criticism and persecution, I would not be able to do what I have been doing for the advancement of the Kingdom of God across our nation of Australia. "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in Heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:10-12) Personally, the weekend of the election was one of the worst weekends in my life. On Saturday 24th November, as I was just about to minister at a combined churches service in Albany, Western Australia, I received the shocking news from my wife that John Howard had lost the election. She also told me that upon receiving a telephone call from , she heard that her father was rushed to the hospital with heart failure. Since I was away from my home at the time, it was really difficult for us as a family. As Bible believing Christians who struggle not against flesh and blood, but wrestle against principalities and powers of spiritual darkness (Ephesians 6:10-20), we all know that our adversary Satan waits for the opportune time to attack. "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering." (1 Peter 5:8-9) Immediately I said, "Lord, what's happening?? How can I even rise up and preach Your Word?" But praise Almighty God, as we prayed together for my father-in-law, the Spirit of the Lord strengthened me to rise up and preach the Word of God. That night he miraculously recovered and is now doing very well. Glory to God! After ministering to the people of God on Saturday night, I struggled to fall asleep in my motel room in Albany, Western Australia, as I was all alone, in tears and feeling very sad for most of the night. I kept asking the Lord, "DID I GET IT WRONG???" Around 5 am on Sunday morning, I begin to hear the voice of God say, “Why are you so downcast, rise up and fight. The word you received was from Me. Did not I confirm it through many of My servants? I promised My children, through my servant Moses, that they would enter the promise land when they left Egypt. However, they rebelled against Me and My servant, consequently spending 40 years wandering in the wilderness. During this time My servant Moses went through much ridicule and mocking from My own people, with many saying that they should have stayed back in Egypt.” (Read Numbers 14:1-5) At this point I said, “Lord, why is it when the Body of Christ comes together to pray for rain, You answer our prayers so quickly?” The words from the Lord came to me, “For My people are united when they pray for rain.” At this moment I felt so prompted to read the prophetic word from the Lord regarding the election that I released on 11th August 2007. As I begin reading the prophetic word from the Lord, I was greatly stirred in my spirit to read the following words that I had stated, “I will boldly declare that PM John Howard will be re-elected in the Nov election – ‘IF THE BODY OF CHRIST UNITES IN PRAYER AND ACTION.’ Again I heard the voice of the Lord, “For My people were not united in prayer and action for this election. If they were, they would have experienced spiritual revival under My freedom reigning in this nation, but now My people have chosen another way. They have not voted for My will, but for self gain and personal change.” ( self-gain!?!? The outgoing Government promised more pork- barrelling than Labor ever did! This is the typical trail of a religious spirit – when its false direction gets cornered by plainly failed outcomes, it goes and dumps condemnation on the People of God…. It’s all THEIR fault, not mine! Of course Nalliah isn’t going to own up and admit he got it wrong. Why?? Because he really DID hear that predictive word from the spirit realm. He didn’t make it up; he simply failed to recognise the source , probably because of his self-proclaimed, self-elevated, self- deceived status as one of God’s “prophets ”). At the beginning of the court case 5 years ago, some Christian brothers told me, “You will never win this case, just apologize and settle it.” Then when I lost the case in Tribunal, they were quick to criticize me, “Did we not tell you? At least now apologize and settle it.” I told them, “We only lost this present battle, but we will win the war in the Name of Jesus.” 5 years later the court case ended successfully with the Supreme Court clearing us of any wrong doing. We praise the Lord for this tremendous victory for His people and the Kingdom of God, in protecting Australia’s Judeo- Christian heritage, maintaining freedom of speech and proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Victoria and across our nation. Now, many of my former critics say, “We thank God you stood your ground and did not back off.” I believe we as the Body of Christ in Australia have just lost a spiritual battle (Election 2007), but we will definitely win the spiritual war in the Name of Jesus! In the Bible, the Israelites (Old Covenant People of God) wandered in the wilderness for 40 years due to disobeying the voice of the Lord God through His prophetic servant Moses, and consequently their generation did not enter the promise land flowing with milk and honey that the Lord had prepared for them. “In spite of this, you did not trust in the Lord your God, who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way to go.” (Deuteronomy 1:32-33) Did Moses, the prophetic servant of the Lord, hear accurately from Almighty God? YES! Did the children of God (Israelites) disobey the word and voice of the Lord God?- YES! ( What kind of sloppy exegetical / hermeneutical process is this? Taking something that applied to the only covenant nation God ever dealt with, one which ceased to function in that rôle at Calvary, and apply it to a political entity in the 21 st C? Australians are not the People of God! So, we are not going “back to Egypt”; he is badly mixing his metaphors here ). I do not know how long it will take for the Church in Australia to see God's prophetic promises fulfilled for this Great South Land, but we must persist in united prayer and corporate repentance, rising up and fighting in the Spirit, as we continue to boldly proclaim the will and Word of God. Over the past few days I have received many telephone calls from many Pastors and Believers in Christ from across the country. They told me, “Pastor Danny, you have warned the people of God (Body of Christ) very clearly of the dangers we will face as the Church in Australia. You have done your part.” (Read Ezekiel 3) I feel that a weight has lifted off my shoulders as I have obeyed what the Lord instructed me to do regarding the Election 2007. The level of disunity in the Body of Christ was very clear to me closing in on election day. I received emails and messages from many professing Christians who were voting for Labor and the Greens. I just could not understand how they could do that, as their vote could be a vote to change existing laws to give greater rights to same sex-couples, legalise Abortion on demand (up to birth), introduce Federal Vilification Laws (eliminating Freedom of Speech), stop Prayer in Parliament, force Christian schools to employ homosexual teachers under Anti-Discrimination Laws, and the list goes on and on. Just for your information, the Labor Government refused to preference the (who employed some non-Christian candidates in NSW, including a local young man in my suburb who paraded his penis while drunk on the Internet), and did all its preferences with the Greens. Now both Labor and the Greens are in bed together. DID YOU VOTE THEM IN???? I hope and pray that we will not take our nation back to Egypt. At this point I want to caution you, prayerfully watch out for Christian Leaders who support unscriptural, ungodly, and evil legislations as mentioned above, by stating, “We cannot stop them so let’s counter propose by giving them 20-30% of what they ask, giving it a different category or name.” Then these so called Christian Leaders will gloat, “Oh we got a win.” No, you did not! You just willingly approved a part of what is evil in the site of an Almighty, Righteous and Holy God. The ‘USER and SEEKER FRIENDLY’ church will continue to tell people what they like to hear rather than what they need to hear. (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5) It’s not about how much prosperity and success we experience on earth by compromising the WORD of God. It is about standing your ground for the Righteousness, Justice and Truth of the WORD of God. Just because 100 Bishops come together to legalise Homosexual Priests, does not change or alter the WORD of God. His WORD stands forever and ever. (Read Hebrews 4:12-13) I urge all Bible-believing Christians to watch out and unceasingly pray against the enemy’s strategies, for in the days ahead there will be many wolves in sheep’s clothing, deceiving many in the church. They are from within the church and could even be some very prominent Christian Leaders. (Read 2 Peter Ch. 2) I do not look for my reputation amongst man, but from Almighty God, and will continue to prayerfully seek our Heavenly Father's perfect will for our nation of Australia. (Read Matthew 6:33) ( The video of Nalliah on Youtube shows it all; he’s another failed Toronto Blessing / kundalini user whose eisagetical approach to Scripture makes most of his beat-up-on-anyone-who doesn’t-support-me not worthy of a reasoned response. He needs a good dose of Fee’s How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth ). In His Grace, Mercy, and Love, ( good heavens! I’d hate to see him write something in judgment !). Ps. Danny Nalliah response from Philip Powell Danny Nalliah of course did get it absolutely wrong. He couldn't have been more wrong and now he's hedging and dodging and thus showing his true colours further. He should admit his mistake and repent of all this nonsensical claim that God speaks to him. As we said previously and again in our recent e-mailer which goes to some 8,000 addresses world-wide no man who honours a homosexual paedophile as if he were someone great, as Danny Nalliah did, will ever hear anything from God. Danny Nalliah and those who follow him MUST stop and take stock before it's too late. Danny's appeals to God working miracles in or for him does not alter the fact that he is a false prophet and should be unequivocally marked as such. All honourable Christians respect Mr Nalliah's stand over the Islamic Council dispute, alongside Daniel Scot but that does not give him carte blanche to carry our his personal ego trip in respect of leadership in Australia. To claim as he does that God heard prayer about the rain from the ecumenical group that met at Canberra is also false. The rain was NOT the result of prayer but a further token of God's judgment upon those who presume upon Him and His intervention. In fact there was more judgement than blessing in that rain as witness the floods and storms that were associated with the rain that Mr Nalliah claims was an answer to prayer. What utter nonsense. It is high time all Christians woke up and stopped playing self gratifying Church based games. Thank God that several Christian organisations are now awake and thank God for at least one political figure viz Gordon Moyes stating the truth about the stupid so called anointing of Peter Costello as the next Prime Minister by Danny Nalliah. What a joke. Maybe what Danny did and then publicised actually contributed to the demise of the previous government. I was surprised that John Howard and Peter Costello gave Danny Nalliah audience and I wrote to them both expressing my concern. Both of their offices responded to my communications. John Howard was forced to distance himself from Danny Nalliah over the anti-Semitic charge levelled against him. As Christians we should now pray for Kevin Rudd as the foremost political leader in our country and we should stop playing the partisan "king maker". The only time it is justifiable to be partisan in respect of politics as Christians is when there are clear implications of good and evil, right and wrong. May God make us all wise with the wisdom that comes down from above. The stupid action of well meaning Christians could ultimately undermine the freedom that we enjoy in Australia. Please do not let that happen. This email is a response to someone who wrote to me as follows. For privacy reasons I have deleted his name. We may well canvass these sentiments further a field. Sincerely yours for TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS.