Hon Sarah Courtney MP
PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA TRANSCRIPT LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ESTIMATES COMMITTEE A Hon. Sarah Courtney MP Wednesday 25 November 2020 MEMBERS Hon Ruth Forrest MLC (Chair) Hon Mike Gaffney MLC (Deputy Chair) Hon Sarah Lovell MLC Hon Dr Bastian Seidel MLC Hon Rob Valentine MLC Hon Meg Webb MLC WITNESSES IN ATTENDANCE Hon. Sarah Courtney MP, Minister for Health; Minister for Strategic Growth; Minister for Women; Minister for Small Business, Hospitality and Events Ms Kathrine Morgan-Wicks, Secretary, Department of Health Mr Craig Jeffery, Chief Financial Officer Professor Tony Lawler, Chief Medical Officer Mr Ross Smith, Deputy Secretary, Policy, Purchasing, Performance and Reform Mr Dale Webster, Deputy Secretary, Community, Mental Health and Wellbeing Ms Renee Anderson, Chief People Officer, Human Resources, Department of Health Mr Matthew Eastham, Chief Executive, Ambulance Tasmania Shane Gregory, Deputy Secretary, Infrastructure, Department of Health Kim Evans, Secretary, Department of State Growth Brett Stewart, A/General Manager Business and Trade Tasmania PUBLIC The Committee met at 9.01 a.m. DIVISION 5 Department of Health CHAIR (Ms Forrest) - Good morning, minister, and thank you for coming. Welcome to Estimates Committee A hearings. If you would like to introduce your team at the table and any new members you bring forward during the hearings, that would be great. I invite you to make a short opening statement after you have done that. We will go through the output groups as listed in the Budget Papers and have a break for morning tea, hopefully around 11 a.m., depending on where we fall with output groups. When we get to Admitted Services, if you are happy to take questions on 90.7, the COVID-19 elective surgery uplift, that might be helpful because it is linked to Admitted Services.
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