vol. 12 | no. 2 | august 2015 | issn 1479–2443 Articles 265–293 Transnational Projects of Empire in France, c.1815–c.1870 DAVID TODD 295–323 Alfred Fouillée between Science and Spiritualism LARRY S. McGRATH 325–352 Historicism, Socialism and Liberalism after the Defeat: on the Political Thought of Yasin Al-Hafiz SAMER FRANGIE 353–381 Geopolitics and Empire: Visions of Regional World Order in the 1940s OR ROSENBOIM 383–415 Photographic Diplomacy in the Postwar World: UNESCO and the Conception of Photography as a Universal Language, 1946–1956 TOM ALLBESON Essay 417–442 Fearful Symmetry: The Unhistorical Self of Whiteness Studies 12 vol. NEAL DOLAN Review Essays 443–451 The Early Modern Machine: Divine, Sentimental, Romantic JESSICA RISKIN | no. 2 no. 453–473 Berkeley, Ireland and Eighteenth-Century Intellectual History JAMES LIVESEY 475–484 The Cannibalized Career of Liberalism in Colonial India | NEILESH BOSE 2015 august 485–496 Culture, Psyche and State Power ANDREW ZIMMERMAN 497–509 The Order of Things: Sympathies and Collaborations in 1930s France and the Vichy Regime ANNALISA ZOX-WEAVER 511–521 Civil Disobedience, Politics and Violence RICHARD H. KING Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 27 Sep 2021 at 18:50:32, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1479244315000220 114792443_12-2.indd4792443_12-2.indd 1 66/22/15/22/15 33:41:41 PPMM modern intellectual history Editors Instructions for contributors 4. offprints Charles Capper, Boston University, USA MIH serves as a focal point and forum for No paper offprints are provided, but the correspon- Email
[email protected] scholarship in intellectual history and its related ding author will be sent the pdf of the published fields, from the period of 1650 to the present.