vol. 12 | no. 1 | april 2015 | issn 1479–2443 Articles 1–32 Secularization: The Birth of a Modern Combat Concept IAN HUNTER 33–64 Automatic Islam: Divine Anarchy and the Machines of God ZAHEER KAZMI 65–93 Sherwood Eddy, the Missionary Enterprise, and the Rise of Christian Internationalism in 1920s America MICHAEL G. THOMPSON Essay 95–120 Malcolm’s Leviathan: Hobbes’s “Thing” JEFFREY COLLINS Forum: Elie Halévy, French Liberalism, and the Politics of the Third Republic 121–126 Introduction K. STEVEN VINCENT 12 vol. 127–150 Elie Halévy and Philosophical Radicalism LUDOVIC FROBERT 151–171 A Practical Turn: Elie Halévy’s Embrace of Politics and History JOEL REVILL | no. 1 no. 173–196 Elie Halévy on England and the English K. STEVEN VINCENT 197–218 The Receptions of Elie Halévy’s La Formation du radicalisme | philosophique in England and France april 2015 GREG CONTI AND CHERYL WELCH Review Essays 219–233 A Republic of Cuckoo Clocks: Switzerland and the History of Liberty ISAAC NAKHIMOVSKY 235–252 Beyond the Other Shore: German Intellectuals in the United States JOSHUA DERMAN 253–263 The Triumph of the Negro Intellectual EDWARD J. BLUM Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 17:14:59, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1479244315000013 114792443_12-1.indd4792443_12-1.indd 1 22/25/15/25/15 44:28:28 PPMM modern intellectual history Editors Instructions for contributors 4. offprints Charles Capper, Boston University, USA MIH serves as a focal point and forum for No paper offprints are provided, but the correspon- Email
[email protected] scholarship in intellectual history and its related ding author will be sent the pdf of the published fields, from the period of 1650 to the present.